Lunar Eclipse Full Moon in Capricorn July 4th-5th, 2020 - a revelation, feeling like we're headed in the wrong direction, re-working it, letting go of old expectations, relationship imbalances, positive thinking, following the rules, doing the right thing, final endings

On the night of July 4th/morning of July 5th at 12:44AM EDT, the Capricorn Moon opposes the Cancer Sun - giving us this month's Full Moon, happening so close to the Moon's nodes makes this one a Lunar Eclipse.

So, we have a Full Moon Lunar Eclipse in Capricorn at 13 degrees. This will be the last Eclipse on the Cancer/Capricorn axis (we have had 9 now!) for the next 18 years.

Full Moons bring energy to a "peak"; to a culmination, maybe to an ending. Eclipses eclipse something out. We get a cosmic reset, much like a computer being turned off and back on and the program that uploads at restart is a little bit (or quite a lot) different than the one we ran on before.

Eclipses change us, and we, (vibrating differently), change our circumstances by attracting or repelling what our new self lines up with.

If you have planets or points on or near 13 degrees Capricorn/Cancer (and through square the other two cardinal signs - Aries and Libra) the area of your life impacted will look very, very different over the next six months (or the area of life ruled by the ruler of that sign/point).

So, we have the moon (where we've been, what we know, feminine energy, being) and the sun (where we are trying to go/be, masculine energy, doing) as far apart in the sky as they can be from our earthly perspective during a full moon.

The Moon, ruler of Cancer, is in her detriment in Capricorn answering to Saturn. Saturn is retrograde and just this week has moved back into his home sign of Capricorn.

Saturn rules structure/authority. During his retrograde we are going back and retooling and shoring up the physical structures in our life (including our bodies - especially skin, bones, teeth, knees). Our responsibilities - what stays/what goes. Saturn rules time, which won't be rushed now.

Saturn's retrograde offers us the time to "re-make" the structure of something before it is too late. Before the cement sets. It's a time to reconsider rules and obligations.

In Capricorn, this is going to take us back over recently covered ground dealing with the theme of our Capricorn house and collectively our career, authority, our goals, our father, rules - you get the idea. For some it will be a time to slow down and get a better handle of what is and isn't working. Someone from our past, especially work-related, could re-appear. An old responsibility could be back on our plate. Pay attention to any situations that shift gears THIS WEEK because this will be the ground we are re-working through September when Saturn will station direct.

Let's unpack the chart!

The Moon at 13 degrees Capricorn is opposing the Sun at 13 degrees Cancer. The Sun is exactly conjunct Vesta (and the United State natal Sun). Saturn, ruler of this lunation (being the ruler of Capricorn) is retrograde and has just moved back into his home sign. The Moon is sextiling Ceres (12 degrees Pisces) and trining Uranus (who has just reached 10 degrees Taurus, the second decan, for the first time in our lifetimes).

Saturn, sits at the 29th degree of his own sign, heading backwards. The 29th degree is a critical degree and moving backward could give us the feeling we are trapped/headed in the wrong direction. Just when we wanted to be done ... we aren't. 

The Sun, not uber comfortable in Cancer (the Moon's sign) sits with Vesta - a light on what we hold sacred. Home/family/safety. Keep in mind Vesta is combust here - too close to the Sun, at the time of the Eclipse. Maybe we can't see/feel what is most important. But then for an instant (and in some ways this 'instant' can last for the next six months) - the Sun gets blocked by the Earth's shadow - the Eclipse! - and we can see what is hidden/what we have been too close to see. What is most important to us here/what we would stay up all night to hold onto/protect. Something important, with its roots in the past, is revealed. 

The Moon is sextile (opportunity) Ceres in Pisces. The Sun trines.

In mythology, Ceres (Demeter) mourned the loss of her daughter Persephone, who had been taken by Pluto, until Pluto agreed to return Persephone to her mother (the land of the living) for half the year - thus creating the seasons. Ceres rules not only mothering, food, but season of life issues (maybe a listen to the Byrds - Turn, Turn is in order) and sometimes situations very much outside our control.

Sextiles are smooth/supportive. Ceres in limitless Pisces likes the Moon in Cappy's practical nature. Cappy makes Pisces feel more secure and Pisces provides Cappy with warmth, compassion, emotion. The theme of Ceres in Pisces is often something around "letting go of what is no longer ours". The Cappy Moon (Capricorn being the sign of winter) helps us do that.

Ceres nurturing is unconditional in Pisces - we can release our grip/our expectations.

The Moon squares Chiron (in Aries) and although this is in our rear-view mirror, Chiron is still sitting on the degree they connected (preparing for his retrograde station in about a week). We can still feel this. An old and tender wound/vulnerability exposed by crisis. Have we really moved on?

The Moon (high in that 10th house in a chart cast for Washington D.C. celebrating the United States birthday) squares the Part of Fortune in Libra. Those goals/ambitions/successes coming at the price of relationships, partnerships, agreements. Coming at the cost of fairness/justice/balance. Coming at the cost of cooperation. A need to lean toward other people. Toward fairness. Toward justice. Toward partnership. Working together. Playing nicely in the same sandbox. Chiron exactly opposed Juno - painful partnership imbalances.

Juno, over and over again in these Moon charts, at the empty leg that would balance things out. Most of us probably want to be and have a partner who not only helps with the daily routine and domestic order, but also has their own life/independence from us. This is a balancing act, but has maybe been out of balance for too long for some relationships.

Are we doing too much/too little?

One chapter in the story of 2020 could be headed something like - "how to heal the woundings of intimate relationships" with subtitles such as "toss them in a sinking ship and see what happens", "is the relationship balanced enough to keep the boat afloat?!". Keep in mind Juno's tendency to look the other way to keep things status quo and Libra's ability to do the same thing.

Maybe she stays the missing leg until we work that out.

Libra rules our collective 7th house - where our power is given away or projected. At a Capricorn Full Moon, it might be time to ask- "who's got the power?".

The Moon is conjunct fixed star Ascella, said to have the qualities of Jupiter/Mercury so mostly FORTUNATE - the ancients speak of good fortune, lasting happiness, valuable gifts, love of women, also burning and poison (yikes). Jupiter/Mercury makes me think of big ideas/open mindedness. Positive thinking. Also glossing over the details. Misinterpreting information by focusing only on what we want to see. Thinking our thinking is more important than it is. But mostly BIG IDEAS.

What else is happening?

Jupiter has backed off Pluto a bit and sits with Pallas - our smarty-pants warrior Goddess of strategy (as opposed to her more forceful brother Mars). They are, all three of them, retrograde, so we are going back over our actions/game-plans. Re-vising. Re-doing. In Capricorn - maybe old limits/rules come back. There are wise solutions to expanding situations. Jupiter/Pluto gets three passes this year (ALL of them with Pallas) because we NEED three passes.

Keep in mind this is Saturn's Full Moon, ruler of Capricorn (and he will oppose the New Moon in two weeks). He's back in his home sign, for most of the rest of the year now. Rules are going to be obeyed. Responsibilities lived up to. Big girl/boy pants ON.

Venus is direct, but still walking her retrograde shadow degrees - so she is stronger than she was, but still divided in Gemini and working her way through old wants/desires. Mercury is still retrograde (in Cancer) - so we are re-viewing, re-thinking, re-miniscing, maybe about a home/family/mother/real estate situation. Uranus has reached 10 degrees Taurus - we haven't been here since 1937 and Amelia Earnhardt vanished over the Pacific Ocean.

Remember always that North Node in Gemini - our best way through this. Facts. Details. Multiple ideas. Conversations. Staying flexible. Letting go of those Sag beliefs that we are right/know more. Talking to other people about the things we can agree on. Yes, even if that means the weather. Go there. We have to start somewhere rebuilding our connections. Think small. Think local. Think versatile.

Keep in mind that Mars is in Aries wanting action, but angry action with Saturn back in Capricorn isn't going to work. We are going to have to follow our passions though.

At its heart this is a Capricorn Full Moon - we are balancing the public with the private, stepping into our responsibilities, dealing with situations/issues around security/safety.


Since this Full Moon is happening in Capricorn, let's take a look at what Saturn is doing by sign - now and over the next few months.

The house Saturn is returning to in your chart is in its final chapter (through December) and this Lunar Eclipse Full Moon will super-charge whatever is ending, reaching a result or a turning point! 

Also take a look at the polarity sign reading (opposite sign - add/subtract 6 houses) for some insight into what the Sun/Vesta is spotlighting for you right now and where that opposition/contrast is coming from!

Please remember "by sign" is kind of a guideline. We are all under the energetic of the Aries themes - because Aries rising, Aries in his natural 1st house - in a whole sign house system (which I don't use for personal charts, but I must use for these kind of mundane forecasts) is a collective theme.

Sometimes we find the theme of our Sun sign - regardless of house - at play and other times our Rising sign (sign on the cusp of our first house) theme fits better. Of course, just because you are a Taurus rising, doesn't always mean you have Cancer ruling your 3rd house, etc, so if you know the actual house check that first and you might have to feel your way through this.

ARIES (Capricorn 10th house) - The house Saturn has returned to can experience an ending, result or pivot point now. Saturn has returned to your 10th house of career/public image and says it is time to take this stuff seriously - yes, I know you already take this stuff seriously Aries! But, now you will be required to step up to the plate, step into your responsibility, change what isn't working to see results - this is the home stretch, the last few months - what are you going to do with this? Any slacking off/shortcuts will come back to bite you in the butt. If you are dragging around a dead career Saturn will see to it that it gets a nice funeral. If you haven't built a brand new career in the last couple years, what are you waiting for. Yes, you might have to build it from the ground up. Over the last three months, Saturn gave you a sneak peak of your next chapter (which starts in December) of his journey through your 11th house of friendships, groups and the internet. It will soon be time to take this stuff seriously. Some friendships will end and others will become more committed. Your relationship to the "group" may require you to step into added responsibility and pressure.

TAURUS (Capricorn 9th house) - The house Saturn has returned to can experience an ending, result or pivot point now. Saturn has returned to your 9th house of travel, higher education, foreign people/places, legal issues, publishing, weddings, the media, your big picture beliefs - says it is time to take this stuff seriously/finish something up. Sober and dedicated efforts made in any of these directions will pay off over time. A half-assed attempt at anything here will land you on it. For your sake I hope it's bouncy. Over the last three months, Saturn gave you a sneak peak of your next chapter (which starts in December) of his journey through your 10th house of your career/public life - it will soon be time to take this stuff seriously. You will be required to step up to the plate, step into your responsibility, change what isn't working to see results - there will be rewards over the next two to three years for the hard work you put into this area of life. Any slacking off/shortcuts will come back to bite you in the butt. If you are dragging around a dead career Saturn will see to it that it gets a nice funeral. A brand new career is possible. You might have to build it from the ground up.

GEMINI (Capricorn 8th house) - The house Saturn has returned to can experience an ending, result or pivot point now. Saturn has returned to your 8th house of other people's resources, sex, death, intimacy, debts, taxes, loans, inheritance, spouse's income says it is time to take this stuff seriously/finish something up! What is mine? What is theirs? What is ours? Over the last two years these issues have become more clearly defined. I am not going to sugar-coat this, this is and was a tough transit. A relationship could end or maybe the intimacy just kind of fades to black for a bit. Now stuff has been known to "rise from the ashes" in the 8th house, but it is going to take work. And that is OK. The 8th house is your natural Capricorn house - the space you have always had to work - so now you have Saturn to give you a wall to push against. The wall is your friend. Over the last three months, Saturn gave you a sneak peak of your next chapter (which starts in December) of his journey through your 9th house of your big-picture beliefs, travel, higher education, foreign people/places, legal issues, publishing, weddings, the media, politics - it will soon be time to take this stuff seriously. Sober and dedicated efforts made in any of these directions will pay off over time. A half-assed attempt at anything here will land you on it. For your sake I hope it's bouncy.

CANCER (Capricorn 7th house) - The house Saturn has returned to can experience an ending, result or pivot point now. Saturn has returned to your 7th house of partnerships and says it is time to take this stuff seriously/finish something up here. Relationships started over the last couple years could have brought you additional responsibilities. Business partnerships will require firm rules of duty and obligation and firm boundaries. Existing relationships will become more clearly defined as parties become more self-sufficient and self-governing. If you are relying on someone else for something you should be doing for yourself or carrying for yourself, that kind of dependency will end. Committed relationships could strengthen and casual relationships could commit. Anything less than that will fade to black. Over the last three months, Saturn gave you a sneak peak of your next chapter (which starts in December) of his journey through your 8th house of other people's resources, sex, death, intimacy, debts, taxes, loans, inheritance, spouse's income says it is time to take this stuff seriously. What is mine? What is theirs? What is ours? Starting again at the end of the year and over the next two and a half to three years these issues will become more clearly defined.

LEO (Capricorn 6th house) - The house Saturn has returned to can experience an ending, result or pivot point now. Saturn has returned to your 6th house of health and your day-to-day routine says it is time to take this stuff seriously/fix something here once and for all. What you eat, how you move your body, what you do everyday, any health issues will require your committed focus. Here is a final few months to "get your act together". Tend to medical issues as they crop up. Take care of yourself. There could be changes in your daily routine due to increased responsibilities/work load. Over the last three months, Saturn gave you a sneak peak of your next chapter (which starts in December) of his journey through your 7th house of partnerships. Next year it will be time to take this stuff seriously. Relationships started over the next couple years could bring you additional responsibilities. Business partnerships will require firm rules of duty and obligation and firm boundaries. Existing relationships will become more clearly defined as parties become more self-sufficient and self-governing. If you are relying on someone else for something you should be doing for yourself or carrying for yourself, that kind of dependency will end. Committed relationships could strengthen and casual relationships could commit. Anything less than that will fade to black.

VIRGO (Capricorn 5th house) - The house Saturn has returned to can experience an ending, result or pivot point now. Saturn has returned to your 5th house of children, creative projects, FUN and romance and says it is time to take this stuff seriously. What does your heart want? Do you have a creative project that needs to get finished up? A situation with children that needs some serious attention? A romantic entanglement? Something here is reaching a peak and finishing this up won't come easy - you are going to have to work for it and plan for it, but Saturn assures that much can be accomplished here if you step into your responsibility. Saturn is 'exiting stage left' your 4th house of home and family so pressure here will start to ease up. Over the last three months, Saturn gave you a sneak peak of your next chapter (which starts in December) of his journey through your 6th house of your health and your day-to-day routine and says it is time to take this stuff seriously. What you eat, how you move your body, what you do everyday, any health issues will require your committed focus. This is an excellent transit (the next two-three years) to "get your act together". Tend to medical issues as they crop up. Take care of yourself. There could be changes in your daily routine due to increased responsibilities/work load.

LIBRA (Capricorn 4th house) - The house Saturn has returned to can experience an ending, result or pivot point now. Saturn has returned to your 4th house of home and family and says it is time to take this stuff seriously/finish something up here. The cracks in your foundation will be mended must be mended or the whole place will be torn down. Additional responsibilities within the home or for family members continues for a while longer Libra. Home businesses will require additional time commitments and hard work to succeed. Family situations will worsen if neglected. If you move homes during this transit the move is likely to be long-lasting and bring stability. Be sure any home renovations are done with quality products and responsible vendors. Over the last three months, Saturn gave you a sneak peak of your next chapter (which starts in December) of his journey through your 5th house of children, creative projects, FUN and romance say the upcoming years will be the time to take this stuff seriously. What does your heart want? Well, you are soon to find out dear Libra. This stuff won't come easy - you are going to have to work for it and plan for it, but Saturn assures that much can be accomplished here if you step into your responsibility.

SCORPIO (Capricorn 3rd house) - The house Saturn has returned to can experience an ending, result or pivot point now. Saturn has returned to your 3rd house of communication, writing, speaking, the local community, siblings, transportation says it is time to take this stuff seriously. Thoughts become things now so think about what you are thinking about. Words need to be more deliberately used. If you have had trouble communicating the last couple years - that will start to wrap up as you work to make better use of your thinking/language. This is it Scorpio, just a few more months of focus here - time runs out even for you! Relationships within your local community or with siblings should be taken seriously. You could be required to step up or into your own authority in some way. Learning, teaching, writing will bring rewards but require hard work. Official documents have been or might be signed. Verbal and written commitments should be taken very seriously because they will be built to last. Over the last three months, Saturn gave you a sneak peak of your next chapter (which starts in December) of his journey through your 4th house of home and family says it is time to take this stuff seriously. The cracks in your foundation will be mended over the next three years or the whole place will be torn down. You will need to take better care of your physical body (I am a Scorpio rising and have fractured two bones and had a tooth issue over the last few weeks). Additional responsibilities within the home or for family members is likely. Home businesses will require additional time commitments and hard work to succeed. Family situations will worsen if neglected. If you move homes during this transit the move is likely to be long-lasting and bring stability. Be sure any home renovations are done with quality products and responsible vendors.

SAGITTARIUS (Capricorn 2nd house) - The house Saturn has returned to can experience an ending, result or pivot point now. Saturn has returned to your 2nd house of finances, self-esteem and personal resources saying it is time to take this stuff seriously - here's the final push. Start a budget. Do it now. Know where your money is coming from and where it is going. Streamline. Trim the fat. Saturn will firm up your financial foundation by requiring you to be responsible and disciplined with your resources. Over the last three months, Saturn gave you a sneak peak of your next chapter (which starts in December) of his journey through your 3rd house of communication, writing, speaking, the local community, siblings, transportation when it will be time to take this stuff seriously. Thoughts become things now so think about what you are thinking about. Words need to be more deliberately used. Relationships within your local community or with siblings become more sober. You could be required to step up or into your own authority in some way. Learning, teaching, writing will bring rewards but require hard work. Official documents will be signed. Verbal and written commitments should be taken very seriously because they will be built to last.

CAPRICORN (Capricorn 1st house) - The house Saturn has returned to can experience an ending, result or pivot point now. Saturn has returned to your 1st house of yourself dear Capricorn. You are used to Capricorn/Saturnian energy because you have marinated in it since birth. Unlike the other signs when Saturn comes to call - you are ready for him! His move back into your first house could require you to step into a new responsibility and deal with added pressure and authority. I know, I am sorry Cappy! Your entire persona could change over the next few months if it hasn't already over the last couple years! You will be ambitious. Well, OK, more ambitious. Is that possible Capricorn? There's that mountain. Here you are. But it's a different mountain than the one you would have chosen a couple years ago, isn't it Cappy? Over the last three months, Saturn gave you a sneak peak of your next chapter (which starts in December) of his journey through your finances, self-esteem and personal resources and will soon let you know it will be time to take this stuff seriously. Start a budget. Do it soon. Know where your money is coming from and where it is going. Streamline. Trim the fat. Saturn will firm up your financial foundation by requiring you to be responsible and disciplined with your resources.

AQUARIUS (Capricorn 12th house) - The house Saturn has returned to can experience an ending, result or pivot point now. Saturn has returned to your 12th house of what is happening behind the scenes and what is hidden from view says it is time to take this stuff seriously. Make the time to be alone. Make the time to meditate. Do charity work. Something has been and will be pulled out of the cosmic closet and worked through during Saturn's stay here. Something major has ended to free up the time/space. Over the last three months, Saturn gave you a sneak peak of your next chapter (which starts in December) of his journey through your 1st house of yourself dear Aqua! You are used to Capricorn/Saturnian energy because you have semi-marinated in it since birth. Unlike the other signs when Saturn comes to call - you are ready for him! His move into your first house could require you to step into a new responsibility and deal with added pressure and authority. Your entire persona could change over the next couple years. You will be ambitious. Well, OK, more ambitious. There's that mountain. Here you are. And it's a different mountain than you would have chosen a couple years ago. Enjoy the view, because I know you are going to reach the top.

PISCES (Capricorn 11th house) - The house Saturn has returned to can experience an ending, result or pivot point now. Saturn has returned to your 11th house of friendships, groups and the internet saying it is time to take this stuff seriously/finish something up here. Some friendships will end and others will become more committed. Your relationship to the "group" has probably required you to step into added responsibility and pressure. Over the last three months, Saturn gave you a sneak peak of your next chapter (which starts in December) of his journey through your 12th house of what is happening behind the scenes and what is hidden from view and will let you know it is time to take this stuff seriously. You will probably need more time alone starting next year. Time to meditate/pray/heal. Maybe do charity work. Something will be pulled out of the cosmic closet and worked through during Saturn's stay here. Something major will end to free up the time/space as you prepare for Saturn's move into your own sign in a couple years!

xo all

I usually advise to 'get out and walk in Full Moons', but Eclipses are so unpredictable/powerful (and we might learn something from our ancestors who hid from them) that I will just say ... it's up to you. As for me, it will not be just my fractured foot (and rib - ugh!) keeping me from prowling around after dark.

Today's astrology forecast | Wednesday, July 1, 2020 - daddy comes home ... with one final mission

The Moon continues her journey through intense Scorpio today, touching all those retrograde big-boys as she goes. Trining (brakes off) a retrograde Neptune at 6:01am EDT, sextiling a retrograde Jupiter at 11:05AM EDT, sextiling a retrograde Pluto at 11:19AM EDT and finally going void for JUST ONE MINUTE off a sextile to a retrograde Saturn at 9:20PM EDT (who, you guessed it, will be back in his home sign of Saturn by that time).

Great for solitary work and getting things accomplished. A smooth day.

I wonder if that brief one minute void will allow us to really feel the Moon's move into boisterous/self-righteous and spirit-lifting (booyah!) Sagittarius at 9:21PM EDT? We shall see ...

Mercury (at 9 degrees Cancer) slips into his square to Chiron (at 9 degrees Aries). In Cancer, Mercury is answering to that intense Scorpio Moon (making good aspects to the outer planets but in her fall) and, in Aries, Chiron is answering to as fiery Mars in his home sign. Maybe a family conversation/disagreement triggers an old emotional wound. Maybe it becomes necessary for us to speak up/stand up about something.

The key with Chiron in Aries, and it will be easier to do this now that Mars is in Aries, is to have COURAGE. This is a repeating aspect, but on June 5th, when we had this the first time, Mars was kind of wallowing in Pisces. We are older, wiser and stronger now. No longer a victim. If something needs to be said or confronted - and we don't need to go all ninja warrior on this - here is the energetic set-up to do it. It will be more uncomfortable to just stay silent or sit something out - and I know Mercury in Cancer wants his/her words to be soothing, but with Mercury answering to the Moon and the Moon in Scorpio, and that Scorpio Moon making oodles of supportive aspects to the "structural planets" AND our hopes and dreams - we can go deeper than we are usually comfortable going. Just don't expect it not to hurt.

The BIG NEWS today is Saturn retrograde's return to Capricorn for a final clean-up in aisle six (and seven and eight and, well, the rest of the aisles, too). He will be back here until mid-December when he moves back into Aquarius and meets Jupiter.

With Saturn retrograde in his home sign (so now we have Mars, Neptune and Saturn all in their own signs) we could be stepping back into an old responsibility. Old limits. Old rules. This is NOT  a permanent situation - we are getting another chance at doing this RIGHT/getting it finished it up/getting our ducks in a row, before it is OVER. In some cases before the rug gets pulled. In other cases, where we are already sliding around on the bare floors and looking at bare walls, to make adjustments/re-visions before the paint dries.

Reality check time. 

For those in the midst of 2019/2020's collective HUMBLING, there is something to be FINISHED before Saturn returns to Aquarius in December, not to be back home to Cappy for 28 years.

Maybe we've lost a job. Maybe we are feeling older (keep in mind we are as young as we will ever be). Maybe the good health we took for granted is failing - Saturn rules not only old age, but our bones, teeth and knees (as he brings us to ours). Maybe we are feeling the squeeze/weight of expired contracts we have literally been dragging around for lifetimes. Maybe some of those "10,000 hour" skills we have always counted on, or thought we could, are slipping away or other people's need for them is gone. Maybe we've lost resources/money we thought we could count on. Maybe we've lost a parent. A support system. A plan for the future. Maybe we have a really big freaking mess to clean up. Supported by this weekend's final monster of a Capricorn Eclipse on America's birthday - this is a reminder of this last chapter. A confirmation of what is ending. This is us, moving through our fears. And with Pluto joining Saturn, this stuff is no joke.

Whatever this is for us personally, we can SEE what this is collectively (with the collapse of things we collectively count on, which is really not a collapse but a reality check). This is the part of the unwinding of the patriarchy that everyone clamoring for the 'fall of the patriarchy' needs to be slapped in the face with. Not because we don't want to unwind the patriarchy - it is happening ready or not - but because anyone who thought they would skate through this unaffected probably haven't been. Or won't be.

Saturn's return to Capricorn is NOT bad news.

In Capricorn he strengthens our resolve (and our backbone). Big girl/boy pants on.

We can step into our authority more easily.

Do what needs to be done.

Remember he is only the authority outside of us, if we are avoiding our own.

xo all

photo by the amazing sollenafotografie

Today's Astrology Forecast | Tuesday, June 30, 2020 - second chances, questioning our beliefs, stepping into our power, getting to the root of a home/family situation, winners gotta win

We talked about some of the possibilities for Tuesday/Wednesday in the weekly HERE

There is alot going on. Let's flesh it all out a bit by adding in the Moon. The Moon is in Scorpio now - we are nurtured through intimacy, intense experiences, getting to the bottom of things, truth, solving puzzles, merged money, empowerment issues, powerful (maybe spooky) women.

She will trine the Sun at 10:19AM giving us this month's Waxing Trine - Scorpio/Cancer. The waxing trine - brakes off - is building on last week's Eclipse in Cancer and finishes up with the Eclipse in Capricorn at the end of this week.

(Keep in mind information/a conversation/whatever comes to light now - because the Sun is meeting Mercury and squaring Chiron - can be painful - keep moving through this! It is OK to be vulnerable/ it's helpful, but we don't want to be wallowing. We aren't victims here.)

Scorpio/Cancer is emotional intensity.

Getting to the root of a family/home/security situation. Psychological insight. Maybe understanding or feeling a need for power. In water signs, we are feeling all the feels here.

The Scorpio Moon moves on to oppose Uranus (in Taurus) at 11:21AM EDT. This can lead to breakthroughs/breakdowns/break-ups. Unexpected stuff. Changes. Keep in mind, a retrograde Mercury is sextiling (opportunity) Uranus for the second time. New ideas. Fresh conversations. Re-think it. A second chance (and this is supported by Jupiter/Pluto) at something serious.

Their money/our money. Their resources/our resources. Their values/our values.

Try again. Say it AGAIN.

Just a few minutes later, the Moon will trine (brakes off) Mercury retrograde.

So, the Moon is supporting everything else that is happening (kind of repeating everything written for TUESDAY in the weekly and giving us the Jupiter/Pluto intensity through the Scorpio Moon). The old/new information/conversation/idea (for some this will be about a sibling, transportation, tech or local community issues) is smoothly integrated.

Pay attention to what is said - and with Scorpio involved - what is not said!

Reconnect. Revive an old idea.

And, of course, we are in the energy of Jupiter/Pluto (for most of the year really but very strong right now). Expansion of power. This isn't the Saturn/Pluto that stopped time. This is our other Pluto transit. The three-peating one. And this is the re-peat part where do the "re's" - re-vise, re-do, re-think.

We are questioning/re-imagining Jupiter - and Jupiterian people/situations (Sags, our beliefs, religion, the media, publishing, politics, legal issues, travel, education, weddings)

We are questioning/re-imagining Pluto - and Pluto people/situations (Scorpios, intimacy, finances, divorce, life/death, third party situations, reproduction, power, control).

And, of course, happening in Capricorn this pulls in all the Cappy situations we discussed in the weekly, which again is HERE.

We ARE NOT standing still while we do this.

Mars is in Aries, there is no standing still. The skies offer courage/confidence. The Moon is waxing (growing). 2020 is halfway over now. This is the last day of Saturn in Aquarius until the end of the year.

What do you want to do with the rest of 2020 - not all of this is in our hands, but some of it is!

In a year focused on small moves (that Gemini North Node) this is the energy to make a BIGGER one.

This isn't a leap off a tall building, there is too much retrograde energy for that, but a brave and confident STRETCH!!

We can have deep emotional insights today. Where is your POWER? What do you need? Reach for it. Reach further. Reach AGAIN. 

(not in a grabby way like a demented octopus, but it's yours - STRETCH )

xo all

photo by the talented Jaime Ibarra

Today's Astrology Forecast | Monday, June 29, 2020 - relationship tension, seeking balance and fairness, long Void Moon, Jupiter/Pluto the re-fining of power part where we might get eaten

This is going to be an important (should we say wild?) week for many people.

We start the day with the Moon in partnership and balanced/beauty focused Libra making some tense aspects early in the day (EDT) - she squares a retrograde Pluto at 8:55AM and then goes void off a square to a retrograde Jupiter at 9:02AM (with Jupiter and Pluto backing into the same space late tonight). The Moon is void until she dives into Scorpio at 6:48PM EDT. She squares a retrograde Saturn at 7:01PM EDT. Old roadblocks. Authority, power issues. But mostly the almost all-day Void Moon rules the show. Use it for production/process (ie things we do all the time, so we don't have to do things over again when the Moon is direct, which can happen with new things). Time can get stretchy. Expect some twists and turns. This would not be the day to start something you want something 'to come of'.

As if this wasn't enough potential for tension/frustration within relationships - the Sun (in Cancer) is squaring Juno (in Libra). Relationship imbalances/power struggles will be felt. If one partners feels all Cancer-comfortable (cared for and safe) and the other doesn't - this is no longer going to work. If one partner is 'mothering' the other partner - this is no longer going to work. If one partner is acting like a big baby - this is no longer going to work. And by 'no longer going to work' what I mean in Libra is that pink paint cannot be tossed over a partnership/contract problem and it called cotton candy. Because the amusement parks - those are closed, too.

In the meantime, the drumbeats in the background will be late tonight/tomorrow's (EDT at 1:48AM) exact meeting of Pluto and Jupiter (24 degrees Capricorn), in play all week and all year - the second of three we have throughout 2020.

This is the one with both planets retrograde. 

Collectively Capricorn rules structure/security in the world, the underpinnings of society, our careers, authority, responsibilities, goals, ambitions, your boss/your father, bureaucracy, the process of putting our 10,000 hours into something and getting good at it. The ladders we climb, fall from and lean against the wrong buildings.

We are making our own luck (Jupiter) with this one through intense (Pluto) efforts - the kind of efforts that are 'like our life depends on it' and sometimes it might. Push too hard and take things too far though and there could be a reckoning with an equally strong opposition force. So think - confidence/energy/stepping into our own authority. Some things can expand and others can meet the demolition ball. We have to trust life here. Have faith. This energy is good for SECOND CHANCES with goals/ambitions.

How are your plans for world domination going? Or are those someone else's plans? This is powerful energy and there are forces in the world who think the world is a better place when we (the masses) can be controlled. When those with the power get to keep it. The North Node is in Gemini - ask more questions, listen, look for facts. Real facts, not media manipulated information. And this isn't about conspiracy theories. With Jupiter/Pluto there ARE actual conspiracies!

Keep in mind we are still in the Eclipse spin cycle with the final Eclipse this weekend. Mercury is retrograde. Venus is direct, but still covering old ground. Mars is full steam ahead in his home sign of Aries. Most of the outer planets are retrograde (minus Uranus).

This is a "re-doing, re-viewing" time, but Mars is clamoring for some new action.

And new action there will be!

More about Jupiter/Pluto in the weekly HERE and through a wider lens HERE and in a bunch of other posts.

xo all

photo by the amazing sollenafotografie