Today's Astrology Forecast | Monday, November 23, 2020 - are we awake or are we still dreaming? bring an umbrella and maybe a box of tissues, and your paintbrush bring that, too - a very Pisces kind of day




If you got through Sunday without a rip-roaring row you get a gold star! Or through this weekend without something breaking down? Or breaking off? Maybe right in your hand? Pat yourself on the shoulder. Use both hands - give yourself a real pounding. 


Now it's time for a few deep breaths. Like, quite a few deep breaths. Like we'll turn ourselves into a Macy's Thanksgiving Day Parade balloon - is that a thing this year?!- (if it is, I'll be Lucy) with all the oxygen we will be sucking in. 


Then let's pull on our boots. The ground is muddy. And we walk from here.


I will get the weekly up tonight, but let's take a look at MONDAY, so we (and I guess I mean me here) don't fall behind.


The Moon is in Pisces. She trines Mercury at 8:37AM EST, meets Neptune at 10:31AM EST, sextiles Pluto at 8:17PM EST and sextiles Jupiter at 11:46PM EST. All smooth aspects - good for creativity, compassion, meditation. The past can feel more real then the present.

At the same time Mercury (at 18 degrees Scorpio) trines Neptune in Pisces. 


Neptune is going to station direct at the end of this week. Since the end of February we have had almost nonstop (there were a few weeks in between Mercury and Ceres) retrogrades through Pisces. So confusion about our confusion. Lack of boundaries. The spreading of contagions (thought viruses and actual viruses). 


So now, just before Neptune stations direct, Mercury in the middle of his/her journey through intense Scorpio moves into a smooth trine with Neptune. Are we further down the rabbit-hole or can we see/hear/say what we are seeing/hearing/saying? Has Mercury dug up enough TRUTH for us to question our illusions? Not that the call to fantasy is anywhere near over (Neptune in Pisces for another five years), but once Neptune stations direct at the end of the week, life will be quite a bit less confusing.

At the same time, the Sun in 'the bigger, the better' Sag squares Ceres in Pisces. My God, more Pisces! Rain, water issues, lack of boundaries, tears? What can we expect of all this today?


The Sun in Sag will expand possibilities but a square to anything in Pisces is reason enough to slow down for a second look, to keep our feet on the ground/our boat tied to the dock. Sag/Pisces can create a kind of hyper idealism, so be cautious with big promises. With Sag's ruler Jupiter in sober Capricorn - things can also look worse than they actually are. Keep all this in mind today.


Ceres in Pisces accentuates/inflates the themes of both nurturing and loss/seasons of life. In Pisces, the final sign, the empty nest really is empty. The loss (whatever is out of our control) still hurts, but if Ceres isn't smother/mothering here, this can at least be gentle/gradual. But now, the Sun's square can bring something more immediate. A bright spotlight on something. Our attention via frustration/tension on what is outside our control/what is maybe ending. 


At the same time Venus is trining Ceres, so the solution lies in Scorpio (does the solution ever lie anywhere else?). Going deep. Balancing the books. Merging. Purging. Committing to something we've been half-assing. Not being afraid to look under the bed.

xo all

photo by the talented Crocodililachrymae

Today's Astrology Forecast | Sunday, November 22, 2020 - inspiration meets innovation, a break in our routine, moving ahead without the facts, stopped in our tracks, cruising for a bruising



The Moon is floating through Pisces now - she trined Venus while we slept (EST) and sextiles a retrograde Uranus (change is good) at 2:10PM EST. 

Mercury (at 15 degrees Scorpio) inconjuncts Mars in Aries. 


The ground tilled for an argument/impulsive or angry words that might cut/hurt. Our ideas/thoughts and the actions we need to/want to take forming a 'rock and a hard place'.  Both needing to give a little bit. Our thinking might be skewed - in Scorpio, too fixed/obsessive. Our actions too selfish maybe. Mars has been sitting at 15 degrees Aries for so long already, almost waiting for Mercury to catch up, maybe the argument just stewing within him. Maybe the passion. Then Mercury comes in with the TRUTH he's dug up in Scorpio (intimate, financial, life/death), but Mars doesn't want to hear about it. He just wants to MOVE (he won't get off 15 degrees until the 24th). Or maybe there's nothing he can do about it - feet drying in cement as he is. So just plowing ahead without the facts isn't going to work.


Or that's the scene that is set for us. We can't win, but we might not have to lose either. Inconjuncts require adjustments on both sides. Inconjuncts are annoying.


Let's keep in mind the smooth lunar aspects - that trine to Venus (in Scorpio now, so more intense) - knowing our worth/what should be merged/purged, just watch your benjamins now. Money can move in and then out just as quickly. And there's that sextile (opportunity) with a retrograde Uranus - doing what we've done before, but doing it differently this time. Or bringing change to an old situation. Here is the pleasant surprise/chance encounter.


Inspiration meets innovation.

The Sun has moved into Sag yesterday and although it's a heavier than usual Sagittarius season ahead of us - with ruler Jupiter still in his detriment in Capricorn and the South Node in Sag - we should be able to sense the wider landscape even now/glimpse the blue skies. 

xo all

photo by the amazing emptyredhead

Today's Astrology Forecast | Friday, November 20, 2020 - taking action, especially independent action, will feel better than over-thinking/over-analyzing, long void Moon ahead - plan to chill out


The Moon, in Aquarius now so nurtured through ideas/groups/common goals/technology, squares a retrograde Uranus at 5:41AM EST, squares Mercury at 3:15PM EST, and goes void at 7:48PM EST off a sextile to Mars. She moves into watery Pisces at 11:06PM TOMORROW. So, void tonight and most of the day and night tomorrow - keep this in mind. A break from tech then can be particularly regenerating.

The squares to Uranus and Mercury can make us antsy today. Maybe apt to saying things we might regret later. Overthinking situations. Scorpio wants to focus/merge. Aquarius wants to think ahead/detach. Uranus in Taurus pulls in changes/disruptions with our resources/values/self-esteem.

The best aspect today is that sextile to Mars.


Action will feel good. Independent or innovative action will feel even better. 


Mulling things over/overthinking/thinking too far ahead will not feel so good. So, what needs to be done regardless? Mars is kind of sitting in place until November 24th. We are moving forward and getting our ducks in a row all at the same time. 


This is the last day of Venus in her home sign. Tomorrow she will replace the Sun in Scorpio as the Sun moves into Sagittarius. Collectively, they'll be no more energies in cordial Libra. Keep this in mind.

Tonight/tomorrow's long void Moon would be a good time to relax. Chill out. Nothing will come of anything during a void Moon anyway, and we have two planets changing signs, so keep your actions routine - it's not the time to launch anything. It is an excellent time to be creative. 


Time gets stretchy. 

xo all - we'll look ahead to the Eclipses this weekend, so stay tuned ...

photo by the talented misspaperclip

Today's Astrology Forecast | Thursday, November 19, 2020 - going deep and then taking responsibility for what we find there


The Moon continues her journey through sober Capricorn meeting up with all the Cappy planets. She conjuncts Pluto at 2:58AM EST, Jupiter at 4:42AM EST and finally Saturn at 10:51AM EST. At 11:15AM EST she squares Venus and then goes void off an intense and opportunistic sextile with the Scorpio Sun at 11:29AM EST. 


That's alot before lunch, so we'd better pace ourselves! She will be void until 3:25PM EST when she moves into lighter/higher Aquarius. 

Today's Waxing Sextile - Capricorn/Scorpio - asks us to integrate/harmonize the events of last week's New Moon in Scorpio.  


This Scorpian situation - the loss, death, financial, intimate story-line the dark Moon has asked us to walk with/move through/deal with gets some earthy traction through solid/stabilizing Capricorn. 


If we swim out of those dark Scorpian waters we can reach a shoreline. We can find some grounding. Just do the thing that is right there to do. Stand up. The opportunity (sextile) comes through combining the deep/intense with the sober/practical. Big girl pants on now is the key to this situation. Standing in our power. Taking responsibility. Being realistic. What would a Capricorn/grown-up/your grandmother do? 


Do some of that. 


At the same time - and keep in mind the Moon (in Cappy) is squaring Venus today - Venus squares Saturn (ruler of Cappy, strong in his home sign). Here's her final Cappy square (she has already squared Jupiter and Pluto) with both Venus and Saturn direct and in their home signs. 


Keep in mind what is happening this year because Venus (relationships/resources/justice/fairness/feminine) is a very BIG part of the 2020 storyline.


Venus is strong in Libra. When I wrote the weekly back on Sunday I wrote my usual Venus/Saturn - the wall/the no, feeling unloved/unwanted/old, and that might be true/trueish, but what else is true is we can't discount the strength of Venus in her home sign! There's still that Saturnian pressure, especially within our relationships, but we've got the divine Goddess in all her power, too!


While Saturn has spent 2020 holding court in Cappy - with a whole lot of energies answering to him. Venus (our love, relationships, money, resources, women) finally gets into her home sign after a hell of a year and she finds herself having to deal with this outer authority crap. No way around this. No way out. Financial crisis. Relationship imbalance. What's the girl to do? Well, alot actually. Venus (as us) is our divine Goddess energy and she is strong and stable in her home sign of Libra. She (as us) is fair, powerful, just, can attract what she needs - CATCHES MORE FLIES WITH HONEY - the most natural of feminine skills can be put to good use here.


Maybe we shouldn't be so fast to agree she is less powerful than Saturn - this keeps us stuck in the old game where we are agreeing something/someone else is more powerful/needed/stronger than we are! 

Keep in mind where we are. We are past the point in the game where we always died before. It is normal to be afraid/unsure, but we are going to have to 'feel the fear and do it anyway'. We don't have to get this exactly right. One right step will lead to the next. And then to the next. Life is no longer about 'what is going to happen' - it is about 'what we are going to do' - the happen part has happened. 

Stay in your power. Stay in your integrity. Saturn is weeks away from leaving Cappy for Aquarius and won't be back for 29 years. He co-rules Aquarius, so is looking forward to this new leg of his journey. Believe me, he (authority) is as sick of these rules/limits/kings as everyone else. Aquarius is co-ruled by Uranus and Uranus is in Taurus and will be during Saturn's entire transit of Aquarius and Uranus is answering to VENUS. These two energies are old friends, not enemies. It's a good thing we are only getting so far right now although we can't see that yet. Jupiter/Pluto is still in play until the 24th and that's when Mars finally gets off that 15th degree of Aries - this is powerful/transformational energy and we have access to this for all these days for a reason. 

For today we have that Scorpio/Capricorn sextile - go deep and then take responsibility for what you find there.

xo all


photo by the talented livingloudphoto

Today's astrology Forecast | Tuesday, November 17th, 2020 - the last word, news we should have seen coming, breakthroughs, breakdowns, red-tape, measure twice because this would be the "cut once" part



The Moon is void until 11:35AM EST when she moves into Capricorn.


Her only aspect today was a late night sextile with Venus (in Libra) while she was still in Sagittarius at 2:54AM EST. This is kind of a repeating aspect of yesterday's Venus/Jupiter. Then the square - frustration/tension - now, here's the sextile - opportunity. 


What do we have faith in now?

Mercury (in Scorpio) opposes Uranus (in Taurus). Buckle up. Here is news that shakes things up. Maybe also clears the air. This is the third time we are moving through this aspect - so some issue should be wrapping up. If we have been biting our tongue about something and now decide to speak up - I hope you have measured twice because this would be the "cut once" part.


We talked about this is the weekly:


Mercury in Scorpio opposes Uranus in Taurus at 8 degrees. Surprising news/information. Abrupt/unsettling conversations/announcements/decisions. This can also be a breakthrough/breakdown. Liberation. Due to Mercury's recent retrograde - we are still walking old degrees and not quite out of the woods here - this is their THIRD opposition. Third time's the charm/three strikes we're out. We had the first on October 7th and the second (retrograde - where we were going back over whatever came out near the 7th) on October 19th. This is the #unexpected, #notunexpected news/information coming out. This will have its feet in our Scorpio house theme or the collective themes of - other people's resources, other people's values, intimacy, other people's money, spouse's income, merged resources, loans, debts, taxes, inheritance, sex, reproduction.  

Sometimes Uranus aspects hit early (plus this is in play for a couple days before and after), so this might have already happened. Any contact between our lower mind (Mercury) and our higher mind (Uranus) is an opportune time for mental breakthroughs - also breakdowns and over-thinking, so keep this in mind, too.

If news is delivered now, it will likely be intense/un-moving. 


This is Mercury, so drive safely. Check your oil. Back up your files. 


The Moon is in steady-Eddie Capricorn, flying unaspected, so sort of by the seat of her pants (and a Cappy Moon's 'seat-of-her-pants' is still pretty damn realistic and useful) - stay practical/common-sense. Embrace whatever hoops are required of you. Take the next step even if you feel you are drowning in red tape. 


Tomorrow is a better day!

xo all

photo by the amazing ankazhuravleva

Weekly Astrology Forecast for Creatives | Week of November 16 - November 23, 2020 - relationship challenges, one more surprise, consequences for going too far, reality checks



It's forward ho folks - note although Mars is direct now, it will take him a few days to get back up to speed. If you have anything near the middle of the cardinal signs (Aries, Cancer, Libra, Cappy) - you will probably feel the push/pull of this the most!


We have Venus (home in Libra for just a few more days) hitting those last minute squares with the Cappy pile-up - reality checks - and opposing fiery Eris (me vs we) before diving (headfirst or maybe she will need to be dragged) into intimate Scorpio. Mercury will oppose anything-can-happen/future focused Uranus bringing one final bit of shocking news (!) and the Sun leaves Scorpio for the wider skies of Sagittarius. Keep in mind as Venus squares first Jupiter and then Saturn that something might appear better than it actually is for a bit leading to dashed hopes/a reality check/consequences later. 


Stay grounded. Do the right thing. Although direct now, Mars will be at the same degree until November 24th. Don't take too big a bite just yet.

MONDAY - Venus squares Jupiter and opposes Eris

TUESDAY - Mercury opposes Uranus (3rd time)

THURSDAY - Venus squares Saturn, Sun sextiles Saturn

SUNDAY - Sun into Sagittarius, Venus into Scorpio


On MONDAY - Venus in Libra squares Jupiter (in Cappy) and opposes Eris (in Aries) at 26 degrees.  If you have anything near 26 degrees in the cardinal signs (Aries, Cancer, Libra, Capricorn) - you will probably feel this strongest. 

Venus/Jupiter contacts are usually positive - even the frustrating square. But we can take something too far/expand too quickly/spend too much/want too much. With Venus set to hit restrictive Saturn after she gets past Jupiter (here's our lonely Thanksgivings in the U.S. folks) - something (relationship/career?) might seem to expand and then pull back. Overdoing might have consequences later. Stay grounded. Have hope. Have faith. But, keep one eye on that road block up ahead. Don't bet the farm. Don't overspend. Don't over-promise or depend too much on anyone else's.


Her opposition to fiery Eris - Goddess of Discord - at the same time speaks of the need to bring everyone to the table (even if the table is virtual and the faces on the screen stuffing themselves with cranberry sauce). Aries/Libra is a me vs we aspect. With an opposition from the firey "me" - we could be seeing someone else as selfish now. Keeping in mind the 'mirroring' structure of our relationships, there could be some important final lessons in Venus's last days in her home sign.

On TUESDAY - Mercury in Scorpio opposes Uranus in Taurus at 8 degrees. Surprising news/information. Abrupt/unsettling conversations/announcements/decisions. This can also be a breakthrough/breakdown. Liberation. Due to Mercury's recent retrograde - we are still walking old degrees and not quite out of the woods here - this is their THIRD opposition. Third time's the charm/three strikes we're out. We had the first on October 7th and the second (retrograde - where we were going back over whatever came out near the 7th) on October 19th. This is the #unexpected, #notunexpected news/information coming out. This will have its feet in our Scorpio house theme or the collective themes of - other people's resources, other people's values, intimacy, other people's money, spouse's income, merged resources, loans, debts, taxes, inheritance, sex, reproduction.


On THURSDAY - Venus in Libra squares Saturn in Cappy at 27 degrees while the Sun in Scorpio sextiles Saturn. With the square to Saturn, maybe the answer is no. Or we say no. Or we say yes, but there are consequences/limits/conditions. Here's those consequences we talked about earlier.

The Sun's sextile to Saturn is opportunity. But it can feel heavy because of the square and also because, well, it's Scorpio/Capricorn. There are responsibilities here. A certain depth that needs to be plumbed. Something to be merged/purged before any payoff can be received later. With Venus squaring Saturn and restricting what we get, the solar sextile speaks of whatever this is being somehow manageable/necessary. We have to kind of acknowledge what we cannot have right now. The reality of a situation can't be ignored. We come back down to Earth. Big girl pants on. 


On SUNDAY - when TWO personal planets change signs on the same day we are sure to feel it. Venus leaves her home sign of Libra for the deeper/more intimate sign of Scorpio just as the Sun leaves Scorpio for the wider horizons of Sagittarius. 

Venus themes - women, love, money, our values and self-esteem - become more intense.

Scorpio Suns and Ascendants (Scorpio on the cusp of the first house of your natal chart) become more attractive - making them both easier on the eye and it easier for them to attract what they want.

For all of us, our Scorpio houses get more attractive, too ... and more complicated. Although the theme of whatever house is ruled by Scorpio in our natal chart is naturally complicated!

Honesty is recommended for the next few weeks because we will all be feeling our way through everyone's bullshit. While Venus is in Scorpio (through December 15th) we are charged with figuring out what we really want and why we want it. Much of this work will be done unconsciously.

Does the other person/situation make us stronger or more vulnerable?

We could be merging our resources (ruled by Venus) with other people's resources (ruled by Scorpio) - this could take the form of relationship commitments, sex, reproduction, mortgages, financing, cooperative ventures. Things along these lines that we might not normally consider we could be attracted to for the next month.

These attractions could easily lapse into obsessions, so stay frosty.

We could fill hours looking at expensive houses on the internet or other people on Tinder. If something begins to feel like, "we must get this NOW" we will know we have slipped over the edge. It will be time to ask ourselves what we are really looking for. With Venus (and let's not forget Mercury) visiting our Scorpio house the answers will be available to us if we seek them ... and maybe even if we don't.


The Sun moves into "bigger is better" Sagittarius.

Our beliefs, faith, travel, places outside our comfort zones, foreign issues or people, education, anything we are taking to a higher level, politics, religion, legal issues, weddings, the media and marketing - this is Sagittarius territory, Jupiter territory. Our Sagittarius house theme will also get a great big fiery spotlight. What we believe becomes much more important than what we know now. Just keep in mind not everything is as real as it seems with Sagittarius - there is a reason much of the season belongs to Santa Claus! 

With Jupiter (Sag ruler) in his detriment in Capricorn this year, and currently sandwiched between Pluto and Saturn (hang in there Sags, this squeeze is almost over) and with Jupiter ruling the South Node - his move into Sag might not feel as good as it has in other years, but -


bolder/expansive future potentials will become more and more visible as the Sun continues his journey through Sagittarius (until December 21st - "the day the world starts back up"). 


Hang in there.

xo all


back with some dailies and we will see what is going on with covid and start looking ahead to Eclipse season (first Eclipse next week) and what we might expect!

photo by the amazing LidiaVives