Astrology Forecast for Creatives | Week of November 29th - getting honest with ourselves | itching for a fight

How To Listen Tilt your head slightly to one side and lift your eyebrows expectantly. Ask questions. Delve into the subject at hand...

feeling sorry for yourself?

insecurities 2 by xxprettywhenucry Asteroid Chiron (wounded healer) stationed direct today in Pisces. This could intensify our...

sometimes we hear the music that is always there ....

"Sometimes it's okay. Sometimes it's not one desperate act after another. Sometimes we hear the music that is always there. As the...

FULL MOON in Gemini | taste as much as you can ....

"Taste as much of this as you can. Swallow what you need and spit out the rest." - Taizan Maezumi thanks by kariiissa With the...

the light of late November ....

Praise Song Praise the light of late November, the thin sunlight that goes deep in the bones. Praise the crows chattering in the...

Astrology Forecast for Creatives | Week of November 23rd - Neptune Saturn Square | Full Moon Gemini | NOTE If you are hosting Thanksgiving dinner, think about lots of wine (or wait maybe no wine!) and plastic knives and forks, yes, things could get that dicey!

just a dream by Amr Elshamy OK,this week we have the first of the exact squares between Saturn in Sagittarius and Neptune in...

it all matters ....

echo of small things by karezoid "It all matters. That someone turns out the lamp, picks up the windblown wrapper, says hello...

.... we are still going, you and I

a hopeful transmission by c a martin "If you're reading this, if there's air in your lungs on this November day, then there is...

... our default setting

"Just as many machines reset themselves to their original settings after a power outage, human beings reset themselves to ...

Saturn in Sagittarius Square Neptune in Pisces for Creatives | the Dreams vs Reality Transit - Part III

OK to recap from Part I and Part II now that Saturn has moved into Sagittarius (and this started loosely when he stuck his head...

getting comfortable with what is foreign

Foreign is never comfortable. The work of Candance Pert and others tells us that we are literally craving, in our very cells, what...

Astrology Forecast for Creatives | Week of November 16th - New Pisces Karma Cycle | Going With the Flow |

magical art - the secret garden by emla Monday's ambitious Capricorn Moon can have us powering through our duties and responsibilities...

NEW MOON in Scorpio 11/11 - This Time PLEASE, PLEASE Actually Write the Damn Intention List!

new birth by jojoesart Wednesday's New Moon at 19 degrees Scorpio has multiple excellent, positive aspects. This moment in time...

Astrology Forecast for Creatives | Week of November 9th - FRESH starts, OPPORTUNITIES, multiple brakes OFF

oprisco photography This is a week of fresh starts and opportunities. There may be some blockage in our personal chart (ie...

Astrological Influences - The Big Picture for Creatives Now | Part II

Part I of this overview is HERE. We talked about the 'outer planets' - this is the collective energy at play.   Now Saturn...

Astrological Influences - The Big Picture for Creatives Now | Part I

I thought I should take a step back from the weekly astrology posts to post about the big picture a bit. We are living through...

Astrology Forecast for Creatives | Week of November 2nd - going deep .... plus did I mention that new cycle of working from our hearts, well here we go ....

  November is going to be BIG. We are midway through autumn now and well into Scorpio season (even though it's still Virgo,...