Mercury Squares Uranus | a change of plans?

enjoy the silence by Catliv Mercury (communication, information) in Capricorn squares Uranus (the unexpected, change) in Aries....

Astrology Forecast for Creatives | Week of January 30th - news, ideas and important conversations

mirrors by unisexbluess Lots of news this week, so let's jump right into it! On Monday (exact yesterday), Mercury (news, communications)...

Venus Square Saturn, New Moon in Aquarius, Mars into Aries | cold water splashed in our face

new beginning by anne wipf So, have we learned something over the last few days? Venus hooking up with Chiron and running into...

the upcoming retrogrades of Venus and Jupiter | what do we really want

The Bee by Natalia Drepina Normally I don't pay much attention to Jupiter retrogrades, unless he is backing over planets or points...

Mercury Sextile Neptune | when a picture is worth a thousand words

Semidarkness by Natalia Drepina With Mercury, our words and language, (in all-business, just get 'er done Capricorn) sextiling...

Astrology Forecast for Creatives | Week of January 23rd - wrap it up, get extra rest, new cycles at the end of the week

Synchronization by Alexan dru Crisan On Monday, Mercury (in Capricorn) sextiles Neptune (in Pisces) so Mercury ruled conversations,...

new world ... part II

Elle voulait voir (she wanted to see) by Leona Snow Part I is HERE Let's finish up this look at the inauguration chart by comparing...

new world .....

new world by ceecore I try not to talk politics here, but thought it would be interesting to look at the new administration's...

Venus Sextile Pluto | passionate about the things we love

Ashlin I by surabhiguptaphotoart Venus in Pisces sextiles (opportunities) Pluto in Capricorn today. Venus ruled women, art, money...

Mars Square Saturn, Sun into Aquarius | giving that situation some space

Snow queen by thefirebomb Today is a busy day in the skies. Mars - our initiative, our energy, our action, our anger - ...

Astrology Forecast for Creatives | Week of January 16th - cloudy skies and a thorny crown

Crown by Natalia Drepina The word inauguration comes from the Latin "inaugurationem" meaning to install under good omens (auger...

FULL MOON in Cancer | January 12th - pulled in different directions

Self medicating by Katy Twist Today's Full Moon in Cancer is BIG. The monthly Full Moon is always a time of Sun opposite Moon...

Mars Sextile Pluto | the courage to go for it

You and my winter by TanjaMoss Today is a good day to tackle something we have been procrastinating or have been afraid would...

Sun Square Uranus | lead up to this week's Full Moon - tradition gets shaken up ....

her hands by Natalis Drepina With the Sun, in Capricorn so answering to Saturn (and I should say influenced by and not 'answering...

Astrology Forecast for Creatives | Week of January 9th - changes in the weather and the leather

the weather maker by bloodymarie Mercury (communication, information) is moving forward. Actually all the planets are moving...

Astrology Forecast for Creatives | 2017 - the end of the road ... (part II)

no, you won't see inside by duenan Tomorrow Mercury stations direct (keep that finger through the candle analogy in mind now)....

Astrology Forecast for Creatives | 2017 - the end of the road ... (part I)

no cars go? by L-N-E I wrote a post back in 2014 saying that we needed to get where we were going, build what we needed to build,...

Aies Moon | resistance, urgency

porcelain by L-N-E Today's Aries Moon (first quarter square) is opposing Jupiter, squaring Pluto and the Sun and conjuncting...

Venus into Pisces | I water you and you water me and we grow together ....

Gasp by Greta Tu Venus enters Pisces until February 3rd. Venus loves Pisces. After the last few weeks in Aquarius where she was...