Full Moon in Virgo | swimming with the fishies, splashed in the face, a reality check, healing, the whole enchilada, a bite of the enchilada, an empty plate but then maybe you find ten bucks in your pocket to buy an enchilada

The Sea Nymph by xBassxHarmingx The Full Moon in Virgo is at 7:51PM EST on Thursday, March 1st. The Moon is opposing the Sun...

Astrology Forecast for Creatives | Week of February 26th - mental tension, healing, intuition, culminations, Full Moon, challenges at the beginning of the week then things lighten up

I and you are one soul by Tanja Moss This week is all about Pisces energy! Yes, again. This is the last week we will have so...

Weekend Astrology Forecast for Creatives | plus the Parkland shooting, the eclipse, Trump and the legacy of Marjory Stoneman Douglas

Come see inside my bones by Natalia Drepina FRIDAY just looks like a complete mess. The Moon (in versatile, communicative Gemini)...

Venus Conjunct Neptune | swept off our feet

Us by goodmusicgoodpeople We wake up this morning with Venus (love, money, women, beauty, our values and self-esteem) conjunct...

Mars Trine the North Node | the strength to keep going, where there is a will there is a way, fighting for what we believe in, what we seek is seeking us

Medieval War XI by deex-helios Today we have Mars (in Sagittarius) trining (brakes off) the North Node (in Leo) at 14 degrees. This...

Astrology Forecast for Creatives | Week of February 19th - slow down, allowing instead of controlling, being instead of doing, love and light, waves of sadness, release, building an ark, water is everywhere but let's keep our feet on solid ground anyway, the end of the year

Dawning of a New Day by RaphaelleM On Sunday, the Sun moves into Pisces joining Mercury, Venus, Chiron and Neptune and officially...