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Apis Mellifera by zazielona |
Let's jump right into it.
SUNDAY - Chiron stations direct, Mercury trines Chiron
TUESDAY - Mercury inconjunct Uranus
WEDNESDAY - Mercury re-enters Sagittarius
SUNDAY - Venus sextile Saturn
Chiron stations direct on SUNDAY after five months retrograde. A painful situation (a very old and very deep pain) is being put in our rearview mirror and the trine (brakes off) with communicative Mercury speaks of information/communications that are healing and helpful. A time for compassion (remember Mars is still on course to meet Chiron later this month), painful endings, forgiveness, intimate conversations. Remember that North Node in Cancer - our vulnerability is our strength now, it is not our weakness.
We start the week on MONDAY with the Moon in goal oriented and industrious Capricorn. This feels like a Monday morning. Get to work early. Then get to work.
At 3:38PM EST, the Moon sextiles (opportunity) Mercury, at the end of his long journey through deep Scorpio. This is good energy for putting our feelings into words, being able to tell what other people are thinking/feeling, good for chitchat, commerce, conversations with women and the public. With Mercury having just trined hurting/healing Chiron, maybe it is contact with the serious "all-business" Capricorn Moon today that will provide some sage wisdom/inner knowing/stability.
The energy then makes a swift right turn, because about an hour later, at 4:27PM EST, the Moon goes void off a square to unpredictable Uranus. Unexpected situations can be emotional. Things can change in the blink of an eye. Freedom beckons us. We are drawn to innovation. People are moody.
With the Moon's move over the South Node (in Capricorn) just before that square - there can be releases, endings, limits dissolved just before that Uranus energy that urges they be crossed.
The Moon enters Aquarius at 6:39PM EST. Our focus might naturally turn to our natal Aquarian house theme or the Aquarius general themes of - our friends, our causes, our groups, the goals that bring us into connection with other people, the future, the internet, group projects, trying new things, unusual anythings, technology - for the next couple days.
On TUESDAY, Mercury (at 28 degrees Scorpio) inconjuncts Uranus (retrograde at 28 degrees Aries). We had this same aspect on December 2nd when Mercury was still moving retrograde, so it could connect back to then. Inconjuncts are the rock and the hard place.
This is surprising (maybe revealing) and uncomfortable information.
News we don't want to use. This could also play out with unexpected and uncomfortable situations involving siblings, pets, your local environment, your computer or transportation (all Mercurian subjects). How this plays out for you will depend on the themes of your natal Scorpio/Aries houses.
EXAMPLE for Libra/Libra Rising (Mercury 2nd house - your money, values, resources, self-esteem, Uranus 7th house - partners, partnerships) - maybe news from/through a partner shakes up your bottom line or creates a situation where you have to stand up for your values/self-esteem. Maybe the news hit back around December 2nd and now you are dealing with the fallout, in a more pro-active way, since Mercury is direct this time. Inconjuncts are tough because there aren't any really good answers. We just have to deal with it.
(The 2nd house and the 7th house are not so naturally friendly. We have to get to the 8th house - where we merge more deeply with others before we put our self esteem/money on the line with another person. Lending money to friends - usually not a good idea. You get the picture.)
The Moon is in stubborn, detached Aquarius and squares Venus (6PM EST), no impulsive moves with love/finances please, and then moves into a opportunistic sextile with Jupiter at 9:33PM EST.
That's when we get a significant energetic shift - whatever is weighing on us is moving on and we should, too.
On WEDNESDAY, Mercury re-enters Sagittarius. Mercury - the ruler of our minds, thinking, communication, the process and physical means of getting things from point A to point B, our local environment, our siblings, our pets, our transportation - comes up, again, from the depths of Scorpio and moves back into the "sky's-the-limit" space of Sagittarius.
The scope of information available to us broadens. All the little details we have been immersed in during Mercury's transit through Scorpio fade from view a bit.
It's like we have applied a wide angle lens to our camera. There is more to see (know) but less to specifically look at. Keep in mind Mercury is walking degrees he/she walked before.
We first hit this degree back on October 31st. Then we dove back into Scorpio - into the details, the nitty gritty, the intimacy of things, the bottom line numbers - and here we are, if we did our work - OLDER AND WISER this time.
Stuff that was delayed back then will begin to pick up steam again.
But this time our cards, and everyone else's, are on the table. We know what we didn't know then. We are full steam ahead (just no pushing!).
People will be thinking and talking BIG. Making BIG plans. Using BIG persuasive, language. It's a good time to sell your "whatever it is", but also a good time to be sold a bill of goods. Words and information could mislead us as our focus moves away from those pesky details and onto the larger landscape.
Sag's mutable energy is rather boundless and stretchy. This can be a good thing. Sometimes a very good thing. But it can also have its drawbacks. The fly in the ointment - always a fly in there even as the weather grows frosty. Damn flies.
The Moon goes void at 5:19PM EST off a sextile to Uranus - here is where that unexpected or unusual whatever it is can pay off. Unusual friends, independent moves, doing something different - can all pay off tonight.
At 8:38PM, the Moon moves into dreamy and imaginative Pisces - allowing our focus to shift to Piscean themes (and the theme of our Pisces natal house) for the next couple days - art, music, our imagination, what is hidden or put away or done behind the scenes, secrets, the ethereal realms, hospitals, spirituality, addiction, healing, dreams, endings, how we end things, what we do last.
The Moon is going to make a gazillion aspects from her Piscean perch and I will write about that - AND THE REST OF THE WEEK - in a later post.
Keep in mind that opportunistic (this is a repeat aspect, too) sextile on SUNDAY - which we can feel anytime late in the week and it will carry us into next week - between Venus (our love, money, relationships, self-esteem, resources, values) and Saturn (structure, our goals, time, yada, yada).
Whatever this is will take work and commitment - it could also provide a nice reward for work/commitment previously accomplished - and will be worth it.
xo all
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