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feathers by Dabadus |
Our productive Virgo Moon goes void at 11:27AM EST off an opposition to a watered down Mars in Pisces. Bring an umbrella. And a box of tissues. Take an extra Vitamin C. Focus on the details. Another good morning/early afternoon for solitary work.
At 3:23PM EST, she moves into balanced and social Libra for the next couple days.
The Moon's change of signs is followed by Venus's (Libra's ruler) move into sextile (opportunity) with Pluto (power/transformation).
Venus is in Scorpio (Pluto's sign) giving this sextile (sextiles are opportunities, but are sometimes easy to miss) some extra oomph.
Love gets intense. Our likes/dislikes more passionately felt. Relationships can feel overwhelming (in a good way mostly). We are obsessed with whatever it is we are wanting.
All kinds of encounters are more powerful (potentially lucrative and transformational) under this influence. This afternoon would be a good time to be out and about. Good for deep interactions. Sex. IVF. Making bank with your passion. Other people's money. Gold diggers. Beauty is power. Flirting works.
The power of love to transform.
There are power players working together from your Scorpio and Capricorn houses - what are the themes of those houses for you?
At the same time Venus is opposing Juno (marriage/contracts/commitments) in stable (stable for now, since Uranus has backed into Aries - there will be more rock and roll here in March and then for the next few years!) Taurus and Pluto is squaring Pallas (strategy) in diplomatic Libra.
Relationship transformation? Power struggles? Contract revisions? Passive-aggressive behavior around love or money? A strong urge to spend money? A strong urge to merge ... something?
All too complicated to untangle this rainy Friday morning.
And doesn't the week between holidays always leave us a little bit lost?
And all the while, as we read our Christmas books, drink our leftover Christmas hot cocoa, nurse our colds and fevers, return our unwanted gifts - Mars (in Pisces - our wounded masculine, our spiritual warrior) is making his way toward Chiron ....
xo all
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