today's astrology forecast | wednesday, November 30th, 2022 - time to rethink or revise something home and family related, a week to let go and let God

 During Tuesday's almost all day void Moon - did you notice how stretchy time was? I swear we lived twenty minutes that lasted...

weekly astrology forecast | November 28th - December 4th, 2022 | time to wake up

   Let's dive right in!  MONDAY - Mars trines Saturn, Venus inconjunct UranusTUESDAY - Mercury opposes Mars and sextiles...

new moon in sagittarius | november 23, 2022 - renewal of faith, hope and optimism, a fiery fresh start, after a demanding month, that takes us to the winter solstice

On Wednesday, November 23, 2022, the Sagittarius Moon meets the Sagittarius Sun at 5:57PM EST. New Moons are the ideal time...

weekly astrology forecast | November 21st to 27th, 2022 - bluer skies and greener pastures, the rainbow after the storm, new moon in packed sagittarius and a fiery fresh start

Scorpio season officially ends along with these tense T-Squares to Saturn and the Nodes - breathe a sigh of relief! The Sun,...

today's astrology forecast | wednesday, november 16, 2022 - the need to stand out or support someone who is, big words, the potential for good news, venus comes up for air

  The Moon has been in Leo since yesterday.  We are nurtured through and our attention can turn to our collective...

weekly astrology forecast | november 14 to 20, 2022 - rewards, good news, luck with love and money plus that draining and confusing Mars/neptune square is back

  We move into this week with that Taurus Lunar Eclipse in our rearview mirror. Sort of - keep in mind its ramifications/fallout...

today's astrology forecast | Thursday, November 10th, 2022 - blocks and rocks and loving your flock

  The Moon is in Gemini now - we are nurtured through ideas/learning, conversations, variety, versatility, humor/logic,...

eclipse shake-ups and changes ... finding our way to what is most valuable, the winding road to prosperity and peace and love

   This has been an intense couple weeks. It's all been building toward today as the emotional baggage of the last...

today's astrology forecast | monday, November 7th, 2022 - the final testing week begins

 The Moon moved into Taurus at 12:15 AM EST. The sign of her exaltation. The sign of tomorrow's Eclipse. Could you feel it?Venus...

Full Moon Lunar Eclipse in taurus | Tuesday, November 8, 2022 - a change of fate, major timeline shift

On Tuesday morning at 6:02AM EST, the Taurus Moon opposes the Scorpio Sun at 16 degrees, giving us this month's Full Moon, our annual...

being the observer and not the absorber, then from water to fire, tomorrow's necessary changes and action, saturday is not a day to be too comfortable ..

 The Moon is finishing up in Pisces today. Hopefully you took yesterday's respite/healing. Maybe allowed that connection to...

the importance of what is happening right now in Aquarius ... cosmic second chances and course corrections, do your Saturn!

  We are in the Eclipse spin cycle - moving EXACTLY (since last night until tomorrow morning) through the midpoint of the...