Mercury conjunct Pluto | Friday, February 10th, 2023 - secrets come out, the truth comes up, words are powerful, commitments are the real-deal, endings are permanent

This has been applying for a few days and now reaches exactness. 

Mercury catches up with Pluto at 28 degrees Capricorn. 


Mercury has been back and forth through Capricorn since December 6th. Now, just as he/she is about to leave the sign of our goals, careers, responsibilities, authority, winter, business, government, our reputations and public life - after re-vamping some of this for each of us (plus revising/reworking our natal Cappy house theme) he finally meets up with the planet of death/transformation himself - powerful Pluto. 

This speaks of POWERFUL CONVERSATIONS, intensity of thoughts/ideas. Secrets coming out. The TRUTH coming up. We are going DEEP!

This closing aspect to Mercury's thorough travels through Capricorn could indicate big transformations and closing chapters with our goals, careers and public reputations.


If we do some word salads with Mercury and Pluto we will see some possibilities - life and death news, talking about merged money, talking about sex, talking about intimacy, secrets coming out/up to be talked about, manipulating/controlling people with words, pushing our ideas onto other people, occult/hidden knowledge, paranoid thinking, compulsive thoughts, talking/thinking about death/taxes/inheritances/insurance, transformative conversations, psychotherapy, writing a mystery, reading a mystery, solving a mystery, talking about taboo subjects, thinking about death, making powerful plans/strategies, something taboo brought into our daily life, POWERFUL WORDS. Mercurian people becoming more powerful, more intense, more obsessive. Plutonian people becoming more Mercurian (ie flexible, changeable, lightening up although in sober Cappy thing will only get so light). You get the idea. 


This conjunction will increase our FOCUS. Maybe there is a specific idea/information that needs our attention. In Capricorn - this could be about the signing on the dotted line of an official document. This might be about speaking our TRUTH. Using our grown-up, authoritative voice here. We will want our language, and everyone else's, to be PRECISE.

Pluto rules Scorpio and all the stuff we push down and don't want to deal with. When Mercury meets Pluto our FEARS can come up to be thought about/talked about. 

If you are committing to something now, and remember this has been in play for a few days, you are REALLY COMMITTING to it. Like, as if your life depends on it, because in some ways it does.


There will be no half-assing whatever this in. 


Endings now are permanent. 


Mercury and Pluto start a new story - their final story together in Capricorn for about 250 years. Now, that's really something to think about.


xo all

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