weekly astrology forecast | february 27th - March 5th, 2023 - big love or money, taking a chance, important decisions and turning points, official words and limits, don't open that can of worms unless you are going fishing

This is a BIG week for decisions, information, turning points. This week pulls us right into MARCH, a month of BIG shifts and changes. 

Let's dive right in!

MONDAY - First Quarter Moon (Gemini), Venus conjunct Vesta 

THURSDAY - Venus conjunct Jupiter, Mercury conjuncts Saturn, Mercury enters Pisces

FRIDAY - Venus conjunct Chiron

SUNDAY - Mercury sextile the North Node (Sun sextile Uranus Monday)

MONDAY - the Gemini Moon squares the Pisces Sun at 8 degrees. 

The First Quarter Moon is tension/frustration with last week's New Moon story. The Pisces Sun is unfocused/floating us here and there. The Gemini Moon comes in and demands communication, information, details. The energy pushes us to speak, to choose, to DECIDE. Fence sitting is not a good idea now. The Moon in Gemini is answering to Mercury approaching sober Saturn at the very end of Aquarius. 

If you feel like time is running out, it kind of is.

At the same time Venus - what we want/how we attract what we want - EXALTED in Pisces, catches up with Vesta - our sacred focus - at 8 degrees. This is helping with that first quarter square through a supportive and opportunistic sextile. 

Venus/Vesta will focus us on what we want/need. Pushes us to choose WHAT MAKES US HAPPY - and Venus is applying to her conjunction with expansive/lucky Jupiter, so there is some kind of STRETCH involved here. Vesta in Pisces doesn't have any boundaries/limits, so that is the kind of thinking we will have/need with this. Don't sell yourself short. This isn't a 'settling' kind of energy. 

THURSDAY - there is alot going on and this stuff is applying and separating all week, so in play all week. Venus meets Jupiter at 12 degrees Aries, Mercury meets Saturn at 29 degrees Aquarius, then Mercury dives into Pisces (the sign of his fall as the ruler of Pisces' polarity sign of Virgo). 

Venus has her annual pow-wow with Jupiter - this year in Aries, so the new start is fiery/fresh. This is BIG love. BIG money. BIG self-esteem. There is probably something we are WANTING. Venus rules our relationships, money, resources, values, beauty, women and self-esteem. Jupiter expands whatever it touches/this is kind of echoing the Venus/Vesta from earlier in the week. We want MORE. This is opportunistic/lucky. Buy a lottery ticket. Take a chance. Do something new.

With a smart Mercury meeting a serious (although maybe somewhat desperate) Saturn at the same time - and Venus headed toward healing/hurting Chiron - there is going to be sobriety here, too. 

Official words/contracts. Decisions. Information. Communication with authority. Commitments. 

With Mercury's almost immediate dive into illusive Pisces - the answers/next words/aftermath won't be immediate/might drift off course. There can be a period of time that we need to re-group/use intuitive information or private conversations after Mercury/Saturn's limit/restriction/"no". 

FRIDAY - now, Venus meets Chiron in Aries. This is fears about not having what we want/need, fears around not being able to take care of ourselves or be ourselves. Money fear. Relationship fear. Fears around our resources and values. Something is highlighting a fear/vulnerability BUT, because remember, Venus is barely separating from her conjunction to Jupiter, THERE IS SOMETHING GOOD HERE, TOO. A gift/opportunity. 

So, we are likely this week, confronting, in some way - a limit/what we can't have, AND there are opportunities within any disappointment. New hopes. New desires. A way to come out of this in a better position. Taking the bad with the good comes to mind. This is Aries, so we don't need to have all the answers. We simply can't let our fears run the show. We have to be BRAVE. 

SUNDAY - Mercury, in Pisces will sextile the North Node and trine the South Node (and Monday the Sun will sextile Uranus, so we will factor that into our thinking with this)

The trine to the South Node can make it easy to fall into bad habits - addiction, alcohol, giving up, self-sacrificing/martyring, self-sabotage, losing ourselves in a fantasy/Netflix marathon or some overly-complicated situation where we've been before. 

The sextile to the North Node will require a bit more effort, but bring better results over time. Focus on the new growth/what you are planting/have planted. Get outside the drama. Simplify something. Do what makes the most sense/cents. 

We know that the next day, the Sun in Pisces will sextile Uranus in Taurus, so that's in play now, too. A kind of quiet liberation. Freedom/change feels more comfortable as the Sun in Pisces' gentle light shines on it. Changes flow. Something falls into place.

I hope something here is helpful! 

A few important weeks ahead that usher in BIG shifts and changes. Big picture post next then we'll dive back into March!

xo all

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