today's astrology forecast | Thursday, March 30th, 2023 - long void moon, the changes with love and money and resources this week are a cosmic course correction, lean into something new with its roots in something old, what is keeping you up at night?


weekly astrology forecast | March 27th to April 2nd, 2023 - good news, big ideas, big arguments, love and money surprises, an emotionally stabilizing grand water trine, a definite go for it week with a couple caveats to the 'go for it' thing


Pluto into Aquarius | 2023 - 2044 - fear of the future, the power of technology, the power of socialism, the power of friendship, the dangers of group think, overhauls happening overnight, the end of knowing what's next, life after work and ambition


the meaning of the astrology of the New Moon in Aries | March 21, 2023 - ain't no turning back now ....

If you are here, alive on this planet right now, and I assume you are if you are reading this, although some days I wonder about...

weekly astrology forecast | march 20th - 26th, 2023 - New Moon in Aries at the EQUINOX, Pluto into Aquarius, Mars finally leaves Gemini, Venus takes her power back, the future is here!


weekly astrology forecast | March 13th - 19th, 2023 - dreams and reality colliding and working together, cue an exploding head emoji or two


weekly astrology forecast | march 6th -12th, 2023 - busy week, full moon in virgo, saturn into pisces, endings and beginnings

I hope everyone had a nice weekend. This week is BIG . Next week is BIG. The next week is BIG. Alot is in flux. By Wednesday,...

Full Moon in Virgo | March 7th, 2023 - the Moon of butchers and bakers and candle stick makers, fixing what is fixable, leaning into the surprises and new priorities, a need to put something in order before the new year


today's astrology forecast | Friday, march 3, 2023 - accessing and healing embodied trauma by being brave enough to love and grow
