the astrology of the Full Moon in Aries | October 17th, 2024 - the one that's going to hurt, the gods speak through thunder and demand the world be brought back into balance, changes of fortune, keeping the faith

Here we are, "out of Eclipse season/but, not out of Eclipse season" with the Moon in Aries set to oppose the Sun in Libra at 24 degrees on Thursday, October 17th. 2024 at 7:26AM EDT - to give us our annual Full Moon in Aries. 

This Moon could have been a Lunar Eclipse (in Aries with the North Node in Aries), but the Moon is just too far from its nodes. Instead, life/God/the Gods smartly and generously gave us a Pisces Lunar Eclipse almost exactly a month ago to the day - we talked about it - HERE. That was the last Full Moon conjunct Neptune in Pisces we will ever see in our lifetimes. The future (North Node into Pisces next year) was pulled into the present. It was a powerful opportunity for release.

So here we are one month later with the Moon conjunct wounded healer Chiron and EXACTLY conjunct Eris and Fortuna. The Sun's own conjunction with JUNO (the contract/partner, the marriage, what we will do to stay in partnership with power, the revenge against the third party, the revenge that's best served cold

and Zeus (the King of the Gods, Juno's husband) is EXACT, too. Both square Mars - ruler of this lunation - making his first (of three) passes through Cancer. AND, form a Grand Cardinal Cross with Pluto at the end of Capricorn. Forming a square pattern the Full Moon's chart says, we are, yes, boxed in and getting hit from all sides. 

There is no easy way out of this one. Mars will carry this energy into his first opposition with Pluto in early November. I would expect emotional disagreements with consequences. Situations will conspire to show us where we stand within partnerships. Some relationships and contracts will end or reach a RESULT. This is peak energy. Happening in Aries, cardinal fire and the 'first' sign - something is starting, too. 

Let's unpack the chart!

The Moon, at 24 degrees Aries opposes the Sun at 24 degrees Libra. The Moon is EXACTLY conjunct dwarf planet Eris and asteroid Fortuna. The Sun is EXACTLY conjunct dwarf planet Juno and asteroid Zeus. The Moon is conjunct Chiron (separating). The Moon/Sun square Mars (separating) and square Pluto (applying) forming a Grand Cardinal Cross. 

The Full Moon opposes the Sun - this is "me" (Aries) vs "we or us or you" (Libra). 

The Moon is conjunct Eris, the Goddess of discord whose toss of the apple gets the lion's share (unjustly) of the blame for the Trojan War which we can actually lie at the feet of a scheming Zeus who asked Paris to choose - Zeus is also involved in this Full Moon. 

Eris is the 10th largest planet in our solar system and most people have never heard of her (echoing her mythology of not being 'invited to the party'). She is this space in our chart where we can get caught up in conflict and can only regain control by seeing and dealing with the aspect of the situation that was previously hidden/invisible to us. She can be a whistleblower, sometimes even a terrorist. She is also a space where we tend to either blame or accept blame when it should be more equitably spread among the different parties (ie Zeus in the apple tossing). Eris is about shifting our understanding of cause and effect - asking us to look DEEPER. Eris has been in Aries, the sign of war, for over a hundred years. We were all born with Eris in Aries and, most likely, so were our parents. 

Asteroid Fortuna is also exactly conjunct this Full Moon. Fortuna, daughter of Zeus, is the Roman Goddess of luck - good or bad. She could be said to represent something like 'what goes around comes around'. 24 Aries is the degree of Israel's natal Fortuna (25 Aries is the degree of the United States natal Fortuna, so this Full Moon is conjunct the U.S. Fortuna, too). Israel has this Full Moon EXACT on their DC - other people, open enemies - and their natal Fortuna - what goes around comes around - AND the North Node of Fate is conjunct their natal Eris ...

With Fortuna here - echoing the fated and fixed nature of that Grand Cardinal Cross, we are simply, in a way, being served what we have ordered - keeping in mind, these stories have very long arcs that sometimes, and maybe even often, encompass our past lives and ancestor's lives, so sometimes things can look unjust or out of balance when they are actually bringing things back into balance. 

We always, though, have the ability in the 'here and now' to choose our response and set up a better, if we do not like what we are being served, plate to be served at the wheel's next spin.  

The Full Moon is conjunct Chiron. There is a light on and we are feeling a painful wound, a vulnerability or weakness - whatever is happening probably WON'T FEEL FAIR. We could be feeling like a scapegoat or outsider. We will be feeling extra sensitive and TRIGGERED, and keep in mind so will everyone else, and with Eris here, our reaction to whatever is happening can be instinctive. Maybe with the Moon's conjunction with Chiron there is an opportunity to feel or accept the Eris wound of 'blame'. With Fortuna here there may be an opportunity to accept the situation we find ourselves in - to trust the karma of whatever is happening.

The Sun is conjunct both Juno and Zeus (Zeus is the Roman's version of Jupiter) - their complicated story pulled into this Full Moon's. Opposing the fiery Aries Moon this might speak of conflicts and disagreements within relationships and contracts. 

An important relationship or contract or behavior to keep the peace or keep our place at the table can END. 

Mars, the ruler of this lunation is at the powerful degree of 22 Cancer (this opposes the 2020 degree of 'time runs out' when Pluto met Saturn and Ceres and Mercury and the Sun in Capricorn), but this is a very UNCOMFORTABLE space for Mars. He, as we, will be back here, due to his upcoming retrograde, on JANUARY 22, 2025 and, again, on MARCH 27, 2025 - so whatever is going on now will likely connect to these dates. 

At the same time, Venus in Scorpio makes an opportunistic sextile to powerful Pluto - HONESTY AND INTIMACY IS POWER, getting to the bottom of things is transformative - and then she moves into the bluer skies of Sagittarius. This is a good sign of better days coming from whatever is going on now. 

AND the Moon is making a sextile - creative opportunity - with expansive and benevolent Jupiter, the ruler of Sagittarius, and the Sun is trining Jupiter. 


Jupiter is retrograde, so this is tied into events from the past and pulls in old luck, old faith, old kings. OLD OPPORTUNITIES can come back around through the events of this Full Moon. 

So, to recap - the Full Moon sits with Eris, Fortuna and, of course, Chiron. We have Eris bringing the thunder, shaking up the world - bringing to light the real causes of chaos and disorder. Whatever is released here/whatever reaches a peak or culminates or ends apeaks of old crisis/old pain (Chiron). IT HURTS. It might always hurt. Chiron speaks of very old wounds and the opportunity to HEAL - and learn to live with what can't be healed. Fortuna speaks of fortune - good or bad. What has gone around has and will come around. 

The Sun opposes the Moon and sits with Juno and Zeus. Pulls in complicated relationships and contracts. Pulls in through Juno here, themes of vengeance and revenge on third parties AND our relationship with power and the things we will do to keep it. The Full Moon's sextile to Jupiter (the real king here, although he is backpedaling/pulling back) as Venus sextiles Pluto and moves into Sagittarius tells us the way through this Full Moon. Honesty. Getting to the bottom of things. Dealing with the sludge at the bottom of the tank/the past that will not stay buried - you get the idea. Nerves of steel to do what must be done and then FAITH that things will all work out when you do. Optimism. We are reaching back to the luck that is behind us/the old king/the missed opportunities. 

I will pull all this into world events in the next post, but for us personally, know this energy is a bit of a POWDER KEG. Venus has to get through Scorpio to get to Sagittarius and we do, too. And, the ruler of Sagittarius is RETROGRADE so we can only get what we already have/what is already behind us. The benefits of the good work we have already done. If our cupboards are bare, our cupboards are bare. 

For those following whatever is happening with the Menendez brothers case in California - this Full Moon EXACTLY opposes Erik's Mars in Libra 

(so, the Sun, Juno and Zeus sit on his Mars here - it feels like him and his parents - the Sun, is Erik, Zeus is the powerful father who did what he pleased, Juno is his partner hanging onto her position even at the cost of her own children

and his Mars in Libra (murder of the partners) sextiles his Mercury (news/information) in Sag (ruled by that retrograde Jupiter/old legal situations) and trines his North Node in Aquarius (liberation/the future

and this Full Moon is EXACT on his brother Lyle's North Node of Fate and squares the mid-point of his Sun/Mercury at the top of his chart! 

And with Chiron conjunct the Moon in the sign of our masculine wounding. With Eris having dug up the real cause/effect. AND with Fortuna here - what goes around comes around. It is amazing how much this Full Moon's archetypes reflect their story. I think they are going to get re-sentenced and re-leased. I think we can learn much about this Full Moon and the world's current state of affairs by diving into their story. I might have to write a post. This Moon is strongest for the next two weeks and in play for six months.

This Full Moon is complicated. Looks dicey with the square to such an uncomfortable Mars. The overall emphasis continues to be on imbalances within partnerships. We will be challenged to keep a cool head and, at the same time, not accept the blame for something that is more complicated than that. Know that whatever this Full Moon brings, fortune/karma has spoken. There are real reasons to have faith in better days and outcomes and that this is all playing out just as it must to bring things back into balance. Venus getting into a fire sign will help with motivation and energy if we have felt its lack, but keep in mind there is still Scorpio season ahead of us :)

We will talk more about the collective story of this Full Moon and the next New Moon in the next post about the U.S. election. 

This Full Moon is conjunct Kamala Harris's natal Full Moon - a very challenging and 'make it or break it' time for her ... karma playing out for her bigtime.  

xo all


Debra D said...

old kings coming back around sounds like Trump

Catherine Ivins said...

yes, but Kamala could have been, and I think was, an old 'king' too