RED ALERT | Mars Conjunct Mercury at the Eclipse degree - fighting words, the courage to speak, part lll

Inner lion by DorottyaS

To recap - the Solar Eclipse on August 21st set up a powerful event chart when the Sun and Moon met up at 28 degrees Leo. The chart's influence could extend for months.

The faster moving planets, and in particular Mars - the planet of action and aggression - can act as "triggers" for Eclipse events as they hit these degrees.

Today we have Mercury (retrograde and about to change direct on Tuesday - we've seen how powerful Mercury stations are with world events) and Mars meeting up at the Solar Eclipse degree of 28 degrees Leo.

Even without this meeting happening at such a powerful degree (kind of like fighting on a minefield) Mars and Mercury together are tricky energies to manage AND we still have that trine to "anything-can-happen" revolutionary Uranus in play.

The best use of this energy - we have the courage (Mars) to say (Mercury) what needs to be said. Fresh ideas (Mercury/Uranus) allow us to initiate (Mars) something we can be proud of (Leo). Passionate (Mars) language/thinking (Mercury) changes (Uranus) the situation. Unexpected (Uranus) news (Mercury) encourages generous/optimistic (Leo) action (Mars).

The most challenging use of this energy - our words (Mercury) result in a rip-roaring fight (Mars). Our speech (Mercury) could be harsh or self-centered (Mars). We could blurt out exactly the wrong thing at exactly the wrong time (Uranus). We could have an accident. Unexpected (Uranus) news (Mercury) starts a war (Mars).

In Leo, things could get very dramatic and VERY LOUD.

I am not going to advise to avoid challenging conversations or run and hide (the North Node is in Leo, courage is required now) because Eclipse events carry a large degree of fate with them - the argument may need to happen. The bad news may need to come out. On the other hand, we can use our astrology knowledge to prevent a nuclear meltdown. Keep a calm head. Choose your words carefully. Mars wants to go, go, go. Take a moment and think things through.

And drive safely.

xo all

RED Alert | part ll ... connecting our desire for change with our actions

Discover your destination by m-topolska

Today we have Mars moving through the eclipse degree of 28 Leo. He is trining (brakes off) Uranus in Aries and within one degree of a retrograde Mercury who he'll meet tomorrow. Mercury will be at 28 degrees Leo on Tuesday as he stations direct. And the day after Mercury stations we have a Full Moon in Pisces conjunct Neptune. Whew!

Today's most exact aspect is Mars trining Uranus. We talked about this a bit yesterday.

With our warrior planet Mars in brave and confident Leo (at the powerful Eclipse degree of change, change, change!) and connecting by trine (releasing roadblocks and smooth transitions) to revolutionary Uranus in independent Aries (answering to Aries' ruler Mars) this is excellent energy to

1. truly express who we are - I am imagining women all over the world sitting in hair salons saying "cut it all off" or "dye these babies purple" - this aspect doesn't say we are going to like the outcome, just that we will feel the push to "go for it".

2. release outdated roles and outgrown restrictions

Anything that feels even remotely like a cage or collar is going to feel way too small

3. make some kind of radical move, do (Mars) something different or differently (Uranus)

Now, the Moon goes void today at 12:30PM EDT until about 4PM and it's a Saturday and a holiday weekend here in the United States, so I am not sure what we can do productively with this today.

I know someone who just quit a new job she worked hard to get after one little thing went wrong yesterday - not such a good use of this radical energy. People prone to radical moves or people whose "go-to"emotion is anger anyway could really muck this up. But we all could, so stay frosty. 

This is "shortcut" energy. Uranus can get us from here to there very quickly. And we have the courage and the strength to put something into action here. Something that tastes like authenticity. Something that tastes like freedom.

Now, Mercury is still retrograde, so this isn't about leaping off tall buildings and this is also excellent energy to get into a rip roaring argument or ACCIDENT. Keep this in mind, too.

Again this will be about our eclipse Leo houses. Do you know where 28 degrees Leo is in your natal chart? Check that house and your Sun, Rising signs.

ARIES (Leo 5th house of creativity, children, romance, fun) - the trine with Uranus connects your desire for change or to take a risk with your actions. With a retrograde Mercury you will want to take a second look or have second thoughts or maybe you get a second chance at something going on with those 5th house themes. Mercury's delays and Mars fiery clashes are intended to focus you on your most HEARTFELT path forward. Events connect to the August 21st Full Moon Solar Eclipse.

TAURUS (Leo 4th house - home, family, mother, real estate, renovation, home business, roots) - the trine with Uranus connects your desire for change with your actions. With a retrograde Mercury you will want to take a second look or have second thoughts or maybe you get a second chance at something going on with those 4th house themes. Mercury's delays and Mars fiery passions are intended to focus you on your most HEARTFELT path forward. Events connect to the August 21st Full Moon Solar Eclipse.

GEMINI (Leo 3rd house - communications, conversations, teaching, writing, siblings, transportation, local community) the trine with Uranus connects your desire for change with your actions. With a retrograde Mercury you will want to take a second look or have second thoughts or maybe you get a second chance at something going on with those 3rd house themes. Mercury's delays and Mars fiery passions are intended to focus you on your most HEARTFELT path forward. Events connect to the August 21st Full Moon Solar Eclipse.

CANCER (Leo 2nd house - money, values, personal resources, self-esteem) the trine with Uranus connects your desire for change with your actions. With a retrograde Mercury you will want to take a second look or have second thoughts or maybe you get a second chance at something going on with those 2nd house themes. Mercury's delays and Mars fiery passions are intended to focus you on your most HEARTFELT path forward. Events connect to the August 21st Full Moon Solar Eclipse.

LEO (Leo 1st house - self, physical body, your life) the trine with Uranus connects your desire for change with your action, pushing you along a path you have probably been thinking about for a long time. Courage and risk-taking is required here. With a retrograde Mercury you will want to take a second look or have second thoughts or maybe you get a second chance at something going on with those 1st house themes. Maybe you relook at some old info and decide it could be possible now or finally decide to give something one more chance - this is YOUR life changing eclipse, it will be up to you to ask for what you want to make it work. Mercury's delays and Mars fiery passions are intended to focus you on your most HEARTFELT path forward. Events connect to the August 21st Full Moon Solar Eclipse.

VIRGO (Leo 12th house - behind the scenes, escape, addiction, imagination, spirituality, intuition, delusion) the trine with Uranus connects your desire for change with your actions, this is likely about moving something private forward through help from background sources, your own gut feelings, etc. With this stuff happening in your 12th house whatever is meant to happen will happen, you won't have to push for it. Breaking away from self-sabotaging bad habits and the psychological stuff holding you back is happening at a deep level. Look inside. With a retrograde Mercury you will want to take a second look or have second thoughts or maybe you get a second chance at something going on with something private. Mercury's delays and Mars fiery passions are intended to focus you on your most HEARTFELT path forward. Events connect to the August 21st Full Moon Solar Eclipse.

LIBRA (Leo 11th house - friends, hopes and dreams, internet, groups) the trine with Uranus connects your desire for change with your actions. With a retrograde Mercury you will want to take a second look or have second thoughts or maybe you get a second chance at something going on with those 11th house themes. Mercury's delays and Mars fiery passions are intended to focus you on your most HEARTFELT path forward. Events connect to the August 21st Full Moon Solar Eclipse.

SCORPIO (Leo 10th house - career, public life, authority) the trine with Uranus connects your desire for change with your actions. With a retrograde Mercury you will want to take a second look or have second thoughts or maybe you get a second chance at something going on with those 10th house themes. Mercury's delays and Mars fiery passions are intended to focus you on your most HEARTFELT path forward. Events connect to the August 21st Full Moon Solar Eclipse.

SAGITTARIUS (Leo 9th house - travel, foreign, higher education, legal issues, politics, humanitarian/social causes, the big picture) the trine with Uranus connects your desire for change with your actions. With a retrograde Mercury you will want to take a second look or have second thoughts or maybe you get a second chance at something going on with those 9th house themes. Mercury's delays and Mars fiery passions are intended to focus you on your most HEARTFELT path forward. Events connect to the August 21st Full Moon Solar Eclipse.

CAPRICORN (Leo 8th house - other people's values and resources - spouse's income, taxes, loans, debts, inheritance, intimacy, finances, sex, reproduction) the trine with Uranus connects your desire for change with your actions. With a retrograde Mercury you will want to take a second look or have second thoughts or maybe you get a second chance at something going on with those 8th house themes. Mercury's delays and Mars fiery passions are intended to focus you on your most HEARTFELT path forward. Events connect to the August 21st Full Moon Solar Eclipse.

AQUARIUS (Leo 7th house - partnership) the trine with Uranus connects your desire for change with your actions. With a retrograde Mercury you will want to take a second look or have second thoughts or maybe you get a second chance at something going on with those 7th house themes. Mercury's delays and Mars fiery passions are intended to focus you on your most HEARTFELT path forward. Events connect to the August 21st Full Moon Solar Eclipse.

PISCES (Leo 6th house - work, health, day-to-day activities, pets) the trine with Uranus connects your desire for change with your actions. With a retrograde Mercury you will want to take a second look or have second thoughts or maybe you get a second chance at something going on with those 6th house themes. Mercury's delays and Mars fiery passions are intended to focus you on your most HEARTFELT path forward. Events connect to the August 21st Full Moon Solar Eclipse.

Tomorrow, Mars meets Mercury. Passionate words could really move us forward. This is also the rip-roaring fight, have an accident energy - so use caution. Mercury and Mars will be close enough for the next couple weeks to feel this one.

I will post next week's forecast on Monday morning and we'll look at Mercury's station and that Pisces Full Moon. The eclipse energy isn't something that will be 'going away' anytime soon. It's a process. It will take us through next February's Eclipse at 27 degrees Aquarius.

Remember we have the North Node in Leo. We are creating our path forward. In whatever areas we have taken a backseat we are being pushed behind the wheel. We might drive the car right off the cliff that first spin around the block (my advice is to stick to parking lots for a while longer), but who knows, maybe that free fall is where we finally find our voice.

xo all