Today's Astrology Forecast | Thursday, May 14, 2020 - what are we holding onto, what is holding us down, clearing the field, going further in, Jupiter stations retrograde

Our Aquarius Moon trined Venus (retrograde in Gemini now) at 5:20AM EDT - this makes for a pleasant early morning, then she starts moving toward her square with the Sun - this month's Third Quarter Square. She will go void at 10:03AM EDT off that square and be void until 9:24PM EDT when she moves into Pisces.

The square is Taurus/Aquarius. This will be about your natal house themes or the collective themes of "mine" vs "the group's" or security/stability vs liberation/the future. The Sun in Taurus has had us focused on our money, our resources, our values. The Aquarius Moon is nurtured through doing it differently or what is best for the group. Squares are tension/frustration - areas of dissatisfaction that can no longer be ignored. The Sun asks - what is still worth holding onto? What do we value now? The Aquarius Moon asks - what are we holding onto that is holding us down? What needs to be shaken up?

This is also the day Jupiter (joining Pluto, Saturn and Venus in this backwards dance) stations retrograde in Capricorn. Now we have both our benefic planets moving backward! What does this tell us? We missed something! There is something back there we need to attend to before we can move forward! Maybe a space to be cleared, so fresh gold can be mined. A retrograde Jupiter goes deep instead of wide. We are going back over our faith/our beliefs/the big picture.

With both Saturn and Jupiter retrograde we are becoming older and wiser.

We can stop looking for a way out because we are all going further in.

Even though Jupiter is still sandwiched between Pluto and Saturn, the good news for his retrograde chart - remember the way we start, the chart in play at the beginning, matters - is a nice smooth trine to that Taurus Sun. 

The Venus and Saturn retro charts looked a bit more dicey, but Jupiter's chart shows confidence/hope/faith/luck. 

Jupiter will be retrograde until September 12th and amazingly he will also trine the Sun (the Virgo Sun - health!) on the day of his station direct. We have been wondering if Jupiter is expanding this tense situation we find ourselves in or making it better - this cycle would indicate he brings the "better".

Some things to keep in mind now - Mars is in Pisces. We are going to need more rest. More music. More God/the infinite. More imagination. More art. Know some things are likely to drift off-course. Let them drift. Pisces is the last sign, so finish what needs finishing. Mars is gearing up for his home sign of Aries (the first sign!) and once he gets there on June 27th, he will be there for the entire rest of the year! So rest/drift while you can.

We are totally supported right now for what we need to do next. Not so much for what we will be doing in six months or a year because we really haven't even started building the road to take us there yet. But what we should do next - we know. And we know because it is that unfinished thing.

Mars in Pisces and all these retrograde planets and a waning Moon ask - what needs to be re-vised/how can we finish this up?

And, of course, keep in mind that North Node (like our guiding star forward) in Gemini now. We don't have to have all the answers. Stay curious. Ask questions. Let other people have their own opinions/ideas. We need to re-learn the art of conversation. We need someone who is like a sister/brother, more than we need an expert (know-it-all) right now. The experts can't be trusted and this is not because they are lying or wrong necessarily, but just because they are looking through this very narrow lens of their expertise. They don't know what they don't know. We don't either.

Jupiter retrograde can bring a pause to Jupiter ruled expansion - so things like travel, publishing, religion, weddings, legal issues, politics will require re-views and re-visions.

Have a nice day everyone - keep in mind that void Moon from 10AM EDT to approx 9:30PM EDT - time gets stretchy, we can get alot done, but stick to practiced routine or we might find ourselves having to do it all over again later ...

xo all

photo by the amazing Natalia Drepina

Today's Astrology Forecast | Wednesday, May 13, 2020 - that chapter where we re-work our relationships, resources, values and ideas about beauty starts now, a more intuitive approach to action, no pushing

The Moon is in forward-leaning and freedom-seeking Aquarius - her only aspect today, a square at 1:51AM EDT with Aquarius ruler Uranus (disruption, the unexpected). This was an hour after Mars left Aquarius for dreamy/idealistic Pisces (Mars in Pisces is the peaceful warrior and I'm pretty sure also the reason for the expression "steaming mad", go figure).

By the time we wake up, we are in this new energy. A kick-started/rebellious Moon with the need not to be tied down and a future-focused/rebellious Mars - tossed into the ocean to cool off.

The last time Mars was in Pisces (here's your wake-up call little fishes!) was in November 2018, so it's been awhile.

Mars is our masculine energy - he (as us) wants to go out and make things happen. Pisces in where we allow things to happen; we go with the flow. With Mars in Pisces, there is just no way to "force things" - stuff will go or it won't.

Mars (our actions) will be working through our emotional intuition now.
We'll need to use our inner guidance and work with divine timing.

Our natal Pisces house - is shaken awake and its theme (where is Pisces in your natal chart?) is activated. We are used to just going with the flow here, so Mars moving in could be just the kick in the a** we need to get moving.

Keep in mind Mars is still Mars even though he is wearing a toga and smoking something still illegal in most of the country. He (as us) can still get things done!

The key to working with Mars in Pisces is to continue to initiate, continue to take action, continue to move forward, but to avoid pushing.

And we will know we are pushing because whatever we are trying to do won't be working.
Mars in Pisces is also a kind of perfect storm for self-sabotage, so stay moving and AWAKE. 

Venus stationed retrograde about an hour after the Moon squared Uranus - yes, all today's action was happening while we slept (EDT).

She is doing her back and forth through the dualistic sign of Gemini. We are connected back to a time eight years ago and also to a time eight years ahead. She is determined we decide (by bringing our values, resources and self-esteem into the mix), but also clouding things up through her square to foggy Neptune - and Mars, is answering to Neptune now, so that square gets even more powerful.

In Gemini, information is king and information will be anything but clear right now!

We talked about this Venus retrograde cycle HERE. We are going back over our values, our money, our self-esteem. We are looking at our choices/decisions. People from the past can come back into our life - usually for a brief time - as can people from past lives. Old resources/passion projects. Here Venus will influence our choices - what we want/what we don't want and our Gemini house theme is influenced by the beneficial Venus (although she is less powerful during the second part of this three-part dance, the part we are in NOW, when she is moving backward).

Relationships/passion projects/situations involving beauty or women can get held up now. It's a time for re-assessing what we need/want. 

In Gemini, we will collectively notice what we are saying/thinking and if our conversations and the information we are absorbing/spouting best reflects our values.

This collective time-out is teaching us that you and I really, really matter. What each of us does impacts everyone else on a very real 3D level. We can literally keep each other alive.

(and it is also teaching us the polarity of this - and how we don't have control over the things we think we do)

The cosmos is conspiring (have I said Jupiter stations retrograde tomorrow, so that's three planets in one week!) to slow down any attempted return to 'business-as-normal'. Saturn/Pluto scorched that old landscape. Even if we could go back, and we can't, we aren't the same people - it wouldn't taste the same right now. We have been downloaded with a thirst for something else. So, we move forward (move through the fear) by moving backward. Back to old ideas, conversations, work, our community, our childhood friends (siblings, etc), our childhood likes and dislikes.

Knowing this storyline isn't really about a disease, although it is playing out through a dis-ease. We are really working through a very old story about POWER.

Everything will seem it is trying to stop us now and at the same time everything will seem that it is not letting us rest.

With the North Node in Gemini, information is power and so is our ability to believe in the possibility of multiple things at the same time. Getting entrenched in our own beliefs/thinking we KNOW is so last week. We don't know. Let other people have their own ideas. We don't need to control anyone else's thinking to stay safe (that Uranus in Taurus answering to Venus in Gemini answering to Mercury, ruler of the North Node bullshit) and thinking that we do is going to split us into TWO.

Stay curious. Ask questions. We need to stay open to connecting. 
With the North Node in Gemini, the solution won't be one big thing, but lots of small things. the problems have grown so complex, we can see this now.

We will need ALL OF US - yes, even the people we don't agree with because we don't need to agree! What we need is for everyone (and every facet of ourselves) to have a voice.

Keep this in mind now.

xo all

photo by the amazing livingloudphoto

Yesterday we had the Air National Guard of New Jersey fly over the beaches in salute of the front-line corona virus workers. People piled into their cars and came from miles around (the traffic jam out of town afterwards was something like the 4th of July) to sit on the hoods of their cars - beaches/boardwalks closed, parking lots roped off - and scatter ourselves, appropriately distanced, among fresh signs that read GOVERNOR'S ORDERS STAY HOME, KEEP OFF THE GRASS, PARKING ALONG THE SIDE OF THE ROAD PROHIBITED. We had no idea exactly where these jets would fly or if we would see them, but we just kind of gathered without gathering - yes, on the grass and along the sides of the roads. Hundreds of people. Hundreds of cars. People started talking to each other. Hubs always attracts women of a certain age and he was quickly in a deep conversation about how this situation just really stinks for the kids. There were many, many older people. The jets thundered over head. The flyover lasted maybe 30 seconds, but even the jaded/and fast moving Jersey folks didn't complain about the wasted hours. It was nice to see people remove their masks, which are required here, and breathe in that fresh ocean air even if we couldn't actually see the water (personally I don't wear a mask outdoors, it defeats the point of getting outside, although I had a scarf I can pull up if I needed to). We all kind of looked around afterward before dispersing. It was clear to me and maybe to alot of other people. That we were going to be OK. This 'living our life' thing won't be stopped and our instinct to caretake life is much more complex than simply making sure that life is long ...

Today's Astrology Forecast | Monday, May 11, 2020 - the chickens and dust-bunnies coming home to roost, the ultimate re-structuring project begins, what are we re-working, a mandate to innovate

The Moon is in sober Capricorn today answering to a retrograde Saturn.  

We are nurtured through taking responsibility, doing the work, having work in the world and money in the bank, being practicalBig girl/boy pants ON.

The Cappy Moon sextiles Neptune at 6:04PM EDT (making the dream real, opportunities through knuckling down and working on art/music imaginative or spiritual projects) and then trines the Sun at 8:23PM EDT giving us this month's Waning Trine.

The trine - Cappy/Taurus - sets up a smooth energetic flow between our resources/values/money and our goals and ambitions. Practical actions to build/stabilize something real and lasting.

And from the weekly post for MONDAY:

"Mercury, at the very end of Taurus squares Mars at the very end of Aquarius - the potential is here for tension/disagreements around our resources, money, values. We could also be pushed (Mars) to make a decision (Mercury).

Mercury/Mars always makes me think of car accidents so DRIVE SAFELY.

Then Mercury (communication, ideas, local life and travel, transportation, sibling issues) flies into Gemini, for a very fast visit home. Here is where the chickens, ie decisions we have been procrastinating, come home to roost. Mercury will be in Gemini until May 28th.

Increased choices, conversations and ideas will start to flow.

We won't put everything to use, Gemini can be all-over-the-place, so some stuff will just move in and out, but the change in momentum will be noticeable. Of course, we have three planets starting to move backward this week, too, so there will probably be some back and forth.

Keep in mind with Gemini there are more questions than answers and the information might be somewhat unreliable. But easy, adaptable conversations, suitable for the moment, can pull everything forward now. Fresh information and conversations will come in and expand whatever we are dealing with. Gemini (the twins) is the sign of duality - of black and white, of feminine and masculine, of truth and lies. Nothing will be totally one way or the other or quite what is seems now. This can be stimulating if we've grown weary of Taurus's scrutiny and demand for truth."

At about midnight last night EDT, Saturn stationed retrograde at 1 degree Aquarius. He will get all the way back to 25 degrees Capricorn before stationing direct the end of September.

Maybe think of a retrograde as if we are pressing the wrinkles out of a shirt. We move the iron forward, then we slow down a bit and move backward being careful not to iron in any new creases. Then we make one final pass forward more forcefully before we move on. This is kind of how it goes.

Right now we are starting the backward swivel part where we try to avoid ironing in any new creases.

Saturn stations retrograde in Aquarius, so we are going back over our natal Aquarius house theme, and collectively, back to our friendships, groups, causes, the goals that bring us into connection with other people, online situations.

Generally the best use of Saturn retrogrades is going back over structural issues. 

Re-considering our commitments. Re-thinking our responsibilities. Re-assessing our goals and ambitions. Re-defining our boundaries. Re-valuing our time. Re-structuring our projects. 

Sometimes what is in our way moves out of our way and sometimes we get to see what is holding us up because it isn't holding us up anymore. 

Dad is on vacation folks.

The activities of our Aquarius house (and by the beginning of July tend to slow down a bit so we have the time to establish a stronger foundation. Wherever Saturn goes, so does our time and commitment. When planets are retrograde, more of the work becomes internal.

And from the weekly post for MONDAY:

"What happens for us personally depends on our natal chart and our relationship with Saturn. If we have planets/points between around 25 degrees Capricorn and 1 degree Aquarius (and maybe we can add a couple degrees on either side of this) we will feel his retrograde strongest. This can also apply to planets/points in the other fixed to cardinal signs as he squares and opposes them. If we were born with Saturn retrograde, and so the need to face up to certain responsibilities in this lifetime we have previously avoided, we will feel his retrogrades more intensely, too.

For everyone else and for all of us collectively Saturn's station will either:

1. ease restrictions/limits/traditions (daddy on vacation) or 2. create delays/pull back support (again, daddy's on vacation). It just depends on which kind of "daddy" we have via our natal chart!

Saturn retrogrades give us a second chance to get it right. He will station direct at the end of September and it's report card time."

Given the fact Saturn (authority/restrictions) moved into Aquarius (groups/the people) as many people were locked-down, some of that should begin to ease up now - the external pressure to comply will start to ease, but since we know this is only a retrograde and we are headed back to toward January's hot-spot, we want to continue our safe practices even as we begin to re-emerge from our cocoon.

Going back to the same old, same old isn't going to work. Life is requiring us to innovate.

So, today look into the dark corners and see what the hell is in there. Maybe physically clean your house - sometimes it takes a physical action to stimulate a metaphysical one.

Tonight/tomorrow is the time to choose. Our choices are very, very narrow. And maybe this is what we need, and it is what we need, because it is what we have. We know what we have to do because it is the thing we have been procrastinating doing/deciding.

xo all

photo by the amazing thefirebomb

Weekly Astrology Forecast for Creatives | May 17th - May 23, 2020 - backing up, changing directions, new ideas, new conversations, a light shines on our power and those gold nuggets we missed

I don't want to say another big week, but this is another BIG week!

MONDAY - Saturn stations retrograde (late Sunday night EDT) until the end of September, Mercury squares Mars, Mercury into Gemini TUESDAY - Mercury trines Saturn, Mars trines the North Node
WEDNESDAY - Venus stations retrograde until end of June, Mars into Pisces
THURSDAY - Jupiter stations retrograde until mid-September
FRIDAY - Sun trines Pluto, Mercury sextiles Chiron
SUNDAY - Sun trines Jupiter

This is the week of three retrogrades and two planets changing signs!

With so much of life upside down right now, is all this "backing up" going to turn everything right side up? Yes, we can certainly expect some of that!

Let's unpack the week and we'll color it in with some dailies.

MONDAY - Mercury, at the very end of Taurus squares Mars at the very end of Aquarius - the potential is here for tension/disagreements around our resources, money, values. We could also be pushed (Mars) to make a decision (Mercury).

Then Mercury (communication, ideas, local life and travel, transportation, sibling issues) flies into Gemini, for a very fast visit home.

Increased choices, conversations and ideas will start to flow.

We won't put everything to use, Gemini can be all-over-the-place until he gets settled in, so some stuff will just move in and out, but the change in momentum will be noticeable. Of course, we have three planets starting to move backward this week, too, so there will probably be some back and forth.

Keep in mind with Gemini there are more questions than answers and the information might be somewhat unreliable. But easy, adaptable conversations, suitable for the moment, can pull everything forward now. Fresh information and conversations will come in and expand whatever we are dealing with. Gemini (the twins) is the sign of duality - of black and white, of feminine and masculine, of truth and lies. Nothing will be totally one way or the other or quite what is seems now. This can be stimulating if we've grown weary of Taurus's scrutiny and demand for truth.

Saturn stations retrograde until the end of September. We talked about this the other day:

"What happens for us personally depends on our natal chart and our relationship with Saturn. If we have planets/points between 22 degrees Capricorn and 1 degree Aquarius (and maybe we can add a couple degrees on either side of this) we will feel his retrograde strongest. This can also apply to planets/points in the other fixed to cardinal signs as he squares and opposes them. If we were born with Saturn retrograde, and so the need to face up to certain responsibilities in this lifetime we have previously avoided, we will feel his retrogrades more intensely, too.

For everyone else and for all of us collectively Saturn's station will either:

1. ease restrictions/limits/traditions (daddy on vacation

or 2. create delays/pull back support (again, daddy's on vacation). It just depends on which kind of "daddy" we have via our natal chart! 

Saturn retrogrades give us a second chance to get it right. 
He will station direct at the end of September and it's report card time."

Saturn retrograde in Aquarius also likely indicates authority changing the way information is delivered to the people.

TUESDAY - Mercury trines Saturn (retrograde in Aquarius). His/her trine to Saturn could provide stabilizing information or information about authority/limits/rules. Conversations around how to provide greater stability to the group/for our future.

We want to be careful (and purposeful) with our language now. Deliberate, thoughtful and sober words create the most impact.

When Mercury aspects Saturn our spoken/written words, and maybe most especially the things we tell ourselves about what is possible, create iron-clad contracts. Only make promises you know you can keep now because you will be held accountable. If you say you are going to do something, you are actually going to have to do it or it is going to come back and bite you in the ass.

Avoid gossip. With Saturn being the king of karma and all that, it has a way of coming back around. Communications and conversations with authority figures are helpful now. ANSWERS COME IN. Pay attention to what you are hearing. Be sure you are understanding what is being said and that you are being understood. This is great energy to work toward developing mastery of a subject. Just the right words/ideas/information could drop into our lap. Trines can't be forced. This stuff will just happen.  

This is also the day Mars (at the end of Aquarius) trines the North Node (in Gemini).

Our future focused actions (maybe involving groups or tech) will just naturally move things forward. Maybe we are taking action on the information Mercury's move into Gemini has brought us! Again this doesn't have to be forced - our actions will just naturally move things in the best/right direction.

WEDNESDAY - Venus stations retrograde through June 25th.

We will be re-evaluating what and who we love. Old loves from the past can come back for some cosmic clean-up. Circumstances transpire to change our values/self-esteem. We are reconnecting with the spring of 2012, are we ready for that?

We talked about this in detail HERE

On the same day, Mars leaves Aquarius for watery Pisces.

This is excellent for creative/imaginative work, healing, spirituality, meditation, music, art. What we do to get what we want becomes less direct. We go over here and then start to drift over there or the ramifications of our actions are harder to control. We can't force stuff to happen with Mars in Pisces - it will be like directing water.

We need to be strategic (and we can because we have Pallas still in Aquarius) think of the way irrigation systems work or dams.

THURSDAY - Jupiter stations retrograde through September 13th.

Take a breath. Stuff that just keeps growing and growing is NOT sustainable. With Jupiter in Capricorn this year - there aren't the kind of endless opportunities we had last year (although some were kind of delusional), but Jupiter always delivers something. His placement in Cappy has brought us luck - things could have been much worse without him. Retrograde, our growth gets focused on one particular area. We go deep instead of wide.

Even though he is locked down in Scrooge's house, Jupiter is still intent on giving EVERYONE an open door/lucky break - this is where (over the next few weeks) an opportunity can come back around. Clearly something has been taken as far as it can go collectively in our Cappy houses and we need to go back over it. So, let's go back to this scorched territory and see what we missed the first time through. We will be going deep instead of wide with this. There is some gold here somewhere!

FRIDAY - the Sun (in stable Taurus) trines Pluto (retrograde in Capricorn).

This energy is dynamic and powerful. We could reap the rewards of our past hard work now or our attention could be brought to a Plutonian theme with a connection to the past - a life/death issue, sex, loans, taxes, merged resources, intimacy, third party situations, inheritances, reproduction, power dynamics, transformation. This is good energy to stabilize what needs stabilizing and to use our power wisely and opportunistically to empower what we value now.

Mercury sextiles Chiron - news/information/local community or sibling situations create opportunities for healing very old, very deep wounds. Decisions. Choices. Maybe putting something into words makes us feel less vulnerable. 

SUNDAY - the Sun trines Jupiter (retrograde in Capricorn).

This is considered one of the luckiest days of the year. This is enthusiasm/confidence/luck. Financial gain. Business opportunities.

Back with the dailies and the final part of the Venus retro series!

xo all

photo by the talented vlue