Today's Astrology Forecast | December 3, 2019 - third time's the charm, three strikes you're out, endings/beginnings, committing our hearts and resources and wallets, being strategic, following our passions

It's all good news for our Pisces Moon today as she sextiles Jupiter at 2:25AM EST (our dreams getting grounded in Jupiter's new earthy terrain), sextiles a retrograde Uranus at 8:43AM EST (change is good, creative opportunities with resources), trines Mars at 9:50PM EST (going deep, merging, moving forward) and finally sextiles Venus at 10:26PM EST (opportunities with love/money through imagination, connection, compassion).

We also have Mercury (yes, still in Scorpio and covering his retrograde degrees for the third time) sextiling Pluto at 21 degrees Capricorn. Truth. Powerful conversations and ideas. We had this on October 19th and November 9th, so another third time's the charm/or three strikes you are out kind of thing. Good for communications with authority/steeping into our own power via important words. This could also be about another kind of Mercurian situation - a sibling issue, local community issue or transportation issue. Mercury in Scorpio is already answering to Pluto, so whatever we have been digging through gets intensified now.

At the same time Venus sextiles Mars - the girls and the boys can play nice in the sandbox. Opportunistic connections. What we want and what we have to do to get what we want are working together now.

Keep in mind Venus had to cross the South Node to get to Mars - so RELEASING old relationships/resources/financial commitments could be part of the picture here.

If we can access that Mars in Scorpio - what we are really passionate about - what we really want to be doing right now? who we really want to be doing it with? - we can move mountains through right action (and powerful language - the Mercury/Pluto sextile).

We have to see the truth though (maybe what is finished?) - THEN we have the power to attract what we want/need into our life through words and initiative. Know if we are experiencing an ending now/getting a no - it is undeniable there is something BETTER coming when we release this "thing we used to love's" stranglehold on us. If something is over - let it go. The NEW is right around the corner. 

Pallas is conjunct the Sun (at 10 degrees Sagittarius) shining a light on important patterns and strategies. The Sagittarius Sun fuels us with optimism and a look at the grand vision/greener pastures. Pallas can provide the wisdom to help us get there.

The Moon is waxing (growing) and unencumbered today. Socialize, make business contacts, get things out into the world. Take action. Speak your truth.

There is really NOTHING STOPPING US TODAY other than ourselves ie we aren't being truthful by refusing to see the obvious or refusing to release something that is over.

xo all

photo by the talented Tooga

Today's Astrology Forecast | December 2, 2019 - all day void moon, fated endings and meetings from the past, acting on our passions, authentic action flows smoothly, Jupiter helps to lighten up our Cappy load, the harder we work the luckier we get

Today's Aquarius Moon goes void at 7:27AM EST off a square to Mercury (in Scorpio) - tension between our head and our heart/inner stress. She will be void until 2:11AM tomorrow when she moves into spiritual and imaginative Pisces.

Mars (also in Scorpio and traveling the degrees Mercury walked during his recent retrograde) trines the North Node in Cancer. Actions taken now toward a more authentic future move things smoothly into place - and in fact with Venus sitting at the South Node (an ending or commitment around love/money/our values/self-esteem - what we once wanted/loved) - we can know our best path forward by what IS happening with the least amount of effort.

With Mars in intense and powerful Scorpio - it will be what we are most passionate about/where our authentic power lies - that is calling us home (back to ourselves).

With Venus conjunct the South Node (past) in Capricorn - we could be dealing with an ending or maybe something from the past (someone/something we once loved - even in a previous life or something an ancestor loved) is green-lighted through our responsible commitment - keep in mind Mars trine the North Node at the same time.

Remember releasing the negative South Node (Capricorn) while developing the POSITIVE gets us to that North Node future/gold. In this case - releasing fears, coldness, being all-business, ambitious to the point of losing our heart, workaholism - while developing responsibility, dependability, taking care of business, playing by the rules - gets us to a space that is more authentic and comfortable. Allowing ourselves to be vulnerable - keep in mind that crab who must get naked for a while while outgrowing/molting his shell - might be scary, but it is the only way that offers real security/safety/a feeling of home and a place in the world now.

The big news today is Jupiter's move from his home sign of Sagittarius into Capricorn.

I wrote about it HERE.

The harder we work the luckier we get. This is in general of course and isn't to say we want to be beating our head (I just typo'd heart, so not our hearts either!) against the wall or working 24/7. We want to be working toward goals we are passionate about. Jupiter will bring the belief in ourselves and what we are doing - that makes us lucky so we connect with what we need to make things happen - we just have to bring the muscle and put the time in. 

For a great many people, Jupiter in Capricorn - working to grow something - is alot more comfortable than Jupiter in Sagittarius - jumping in and having faith it will all work out. Goals are our friend now.

To find your own gold you might be thinking about - what house does Capricorn rule in your natal chart? What is the theme of that house? What is the status of your natal Jupiter? What planets/points will Jupiter in Capricorn be contacting in your natal chart over the next year? Note - Capricorn opposes Cancer, squares Libra and Aries, trines (brakes off) Virgo and Taurus, etc.

Collectively, this transit - Jupiter through Capricorn - will be about our careers and public life.

xo all

photo by the talented tanja moss

Weekly Astrology Forecast | Week of December 2, 2019 - fated situations, our luck changes, limits create focus and focus erases limits, serious conversations, our passion pulls us forward

SUNDAY - Waxing sextile with Aquarius Moon/Sagittarius Sun
MONDAY - Venus conjunct South Node, Mars trines North Node, Jupiter into Capricorn
TUESDAY - Mercury sextile Pluto, Venus sextile Mars
SATURDAY - Mercury leaves his retrograde shadow
SUNDAY - Sun square Neptune, Venus sextile Neptune, Jupiter square Chiron

December looks like a mini-me version of the entirety of 2020, so let's unpack the first week!

On SUNDAY, the Aquarius Moon moves through her monthly waxing sextile with the Sagittarius Sun. Here is opportunity (sextile) through growth and forward movement. Fueled by faith and optimism we move into the future/greater liberation/an increased ability to just be ourselves. This is also Jupiter's last day in Sagittarius!

On MONDAY, we have an important shift we are all likely to feel as Jupiter transits ALWAYS bring change and opportunity-

Jupiter leaves his home sign of Sagittarius - sniffle! - to join Saturn and Pluto and the South Node (and Venus for now) in sober Capricorn (a place he isn't very comfortable) for the first time since 2007 - what did you have going on in your life at the end of 2007 and into 2008 that was stabilizing and may still be active in your life in some way now? You may find some similarities in life-themes now as things shift.

Jupiter will be in Capricorn until December 2020.

In Saturnian territory, adventure-loving (and sometimes careless) Jupiter will become more limited, more sober, more ambitious. Our expansion/our abundance/our luck comes through our ability to get serious and focus in on one particular thing now. 

What also happens is that our Capricorn house - struggling under the weight of the impending Saturn/Pluto meet-up and challenging stuff already on our radar - can LIGHTEN UP or maybe the limits/restrictions might expand in some way.

In general it will be hard to know and will depend a great deal on the state of our natal Jupiter. 

For the most part, being in Saturn's house changes Jupiter - and Jupiter being in Saturn's house (Capricorn) changes Saturn's house. Think about the way a fun-loving nephew becomes more serious when visiting a cold-sober grandpa, but also the way the atmosphere in grandpa's house can lighten up with a visit from the fun-loving nephew.

It might feel like some doors are closing - because Sagittarius casts a wide net - but only so we can get focused in on the one door that is open. We can't move in just any direction anymore - although with Jupiter square Neptune (dissolving opportunities) for most of the year, we really didn't get the Jupiterian opportunities we otherwise might have, BUT we can, through attending to responsibilities/taking ourselves seriously/hard work EXPAND something in a more Capricorny way - built over time, more solid/practical, reality based.

So, the thing we dreamed up in 2019 will be the thing we get to build in 2020. By the time we get to the end of 2020 and Jupiter moves into Aquarius (at the same time Saturn does!) - we will have a solid foundation under whatever it is we will be working with for the next 12 years.

Collectively this will be about our careers/work in the world AND more importantly our natal chart Capricorn house theme. Jupiter can help ease any challenges in this house (Saturn/Pluto) and also expand - through increased optimism/wisdom - what will benefit by expansion.

Jupiter can and does expand things we don't want to expand (our waistline when in the first house for example), but I think with Saturn (and Pluto) in Cappy, too, excesses should get shut down quickly.

Taking things too far will probably not be an option any longer.

Yes, being in Capricorn can create some kind of delay or road block or just a splash of cold water for Jupiter - but, keep in mind there are advantages to limits, too!

When I first started making jewelry I worked exclusively with cork and people would ask me "how do you think of all these things to do with cork?" and I would say, "well, that's because it's all I do think about"- which isn't actually true of course I would also think about my daughter .. and my dog ... and sometimes nutella, but you get the idea. Creativity needs limits. If I say to you "make something", you'd be all over the place. If I said to you "make something out of a Cheerio's box", you'd come up with something amazing (yes, amazing, I have total faith in you).

Limits can create focus and focus can ERASE limits. That's Jupiter in Capricorn.

Happening at the same time, Venus conjuncts the South Node (maybe releasing what we used to love, old resources, what we used to get our self-esteem through, old values, etc - this aspect could also bring attractions from the past back onto our radar) and Mars trines the North Node (brakes off) - our actions creating opportunities that pull us forward and offer greater authenticity and a feeling of safety and comfort. With Mars in reflective and powerful Scorpio - the deeper we go, the deeper we'll go.

With multiple inner planets interacting with the South and North Nodes (our fate) - there is magic and synchronicity happening, so pay attention and keep moving.

The greater our commitment/passion for what we are going after and the more it points us in a more authentic direction (what feels like home) - the greater our chances of success now. 

On TUESDAY - Mercury sextiles Pluto and Venus sextiles Mars.

Doors open. Talks with authority/intimate conversations/financial communications can go smoothly. Mercury's aspect to Pluto is a repeating aspect - so like last week's sextile to Saturn, third time can be the charm here. Ask again. Say it again. Listen again. Venus sextiling Mars is great for socializing and romance. the boys and the girls are getting along. What we want is working together with what we need to do to get what we want. Again being committed and passionate gets the best results.

We will talk about the rest of the week in a couple days. We have five major aspects and a powerful planet changing signs in just the first couple days!

Heads up the Moon is void all day Monday - 7:27AM EST to midnight, so not the day to kick off anything brand new or send anything out into the world we need something to come of.

This is a mega-important month kicking off with Jupiter's move into the hot zone and culminating with the Sun crossing the South Node - bye-bye Capricorn karma!

Lots of stuff in the middle, too, including a big Solar Eclipse (with positive and supportive aspects for growth and change) on Christmas night.

Back daily with the Moons and a forward looking full December post in case December's workload gets me sidetracked!

xo all

photo by the talented Irina Joanne

Today's Astrology Forecast | November 29, 2019 - words are sticky, walking our talk, commitments, avoiding regret or guilt trips, responsibilities, practical accomplishments, nurturing, loving through any grief

Today is all about our serious Capricorn Moon.

Cappy Moons can sometimes make us feel like there is no soft place to fall, like mama has gone to work and the kids are home alone. We are just expected to man-it-up. We are nurtured by doing the right thing, being responsible, taking care of business.

Next month's Cappy Moon will be an eclipse on Christmas night!

The Moon is uber busy now and we probably will be, too - sextiling Neptune while we slept (all times EST) - putting a solid foundation under our dreams - sextiling Mercury at 3:39PM - walking our talk, commitments, intense conversations, signing on the dotted line, dealing with sibling issues/local community/transportation issues - Mercury is in the final degrees of his shadow period, walking this ground for the third time (how much clearer do we expect things to get?).

Then the Moon hooks up with Saturn (4:16 PM) - reality, authority issues, stepping into responsibilities, this can feel heavy - and finally goes void off her hook-up with Pluto (10:56 PM) - the final/final, the death/transformation, power.

So take yourself seriously today.  

Keep in mind - words are sticky. Say what you mean and talk about what you DO want and not what you don't. Don't allow your words/thoughts to box yourself in.

Avoid looking back. No wallowing/regret. No guilt trips. Look AHEAD. The future is so bright it would hurt our eyes if we could see it all - maybe that's why we can't.

Venus conjuncts Ceres (in Sagittarius) so nurturing stimulates love/love overcomes grief. Cycle of life issues can be handled more harmoniously/diplomatically/lovingly now. We are expanding, stretching ourselves, moving into new territory/new beliefs together.

Jupiter is now at the final degree of his home sign - actually conjunct with an asteroid named "Truth". What do we believe now? What do we have faith in now? This is the home stretch for something. He will be in Capricorn by Monday - whatever is being solidified now is going to stick and expand.

There is positive, forward motion. Maybe it's time to set into order what feels disorganized or chaotic. The Capricorn Moon is growing. Nothing easy happens in Capricorn, but the stuff we build gets built to last.

xo all

photo by the amazing aufzehengehen