BIZ Astrology for Wednesday, August 20th - maybe stay home and water the plants, best hookey day of the week

sugar and bean print co - follow your heart print

We have a new Moon in 5 days, so we are headed into the Balsamic Moon period of the month - HERE is my post on Create and Thrive about that. This is a rest period - so start wrapping things up now.

The Moon moves into sensitive, emotional Cancer this morning - her home base. The Sun is still in his home base of Leo. We have a Moon trine with Neptune later today, so any Cancer tendency for emotional overwhelm followed by withdrawal will not be supported (the withdrawal part anyway). Those emotions are going to come out, probably as tears, lots of water energy today. This is a good thing, I promise. Even with this Moon at the end of her cycle, in her favorite sign of Cancer we will have the emotional strength we need now.

Production and good solid action is still favored with this current Mars/Saturn conjunction so if "hookey" has become more the norm than it should be for anyone lately - you can totally get stuff done today.

We are about to head into Virgo work, work, work season (which yes, feels just like back to school - from the kids' point of view, not the parents!) and will have some tense aspects this weekend.

The tension ramped up when Mars went into Scorpio in July. This is playing out in the world as lines being drawn by everyone over what we will and will not accept. So we have governments telling citizens what they won't accept and citizens telling governments. We have police telling the military and the military telling the police. We have one country telling another country.

(This shows up in small ways too - we just got a 'parking on the grass' violation notice from our town on hubs truck window - for parking next to our driveway - the way we have been doing it for 20 years. Of course we are drawing our own line back through noncompliance - this could end badly for us, maybe not life in prison with no chance of parole kind of badly, but more like a couple weeks in county with a roommate named Ginger who really, really likes my hair - although anyone liking my hair these days would be a good thing, so I guess this will be a win-win either way)

We have lines being drawn in the sand and with Mars the warrior in dark, murky Scorpio bringing up everything that is hidden (until mid-September) and the square between outer planets Uranus and Pluto which began in 2012 - no one wants lines imposed on them - this is all about freedom vs. oppression. We have Uranus and Pluto squaring off again mid December and the last exact aspect is March 2015 - by the end of next March we will see what we are rebuilding.

For today - stuff having to do with property, renovations, real estate, family, relocation, parents is favored for most of us. So business meetings regarding property or real estate are win/win. In the best case this is a good day to stay close to home and nurture who and what needs our loving care - and that includes ourselves. Go with our heart today.

TIP FOR HEARTFELT ACTION  - I believe the most powerful business technique we can nurture is a quiet mind.

I know from my own life when I am unbalanced and "trust my gut" I come from a place of fear (think : knots in your stomach, things we can't stomach, eyes bigger than our stomach) - I always attract exactly the crap I am trying to avoid.

When I am actively quieting my mind on a regular basis and "trust my heart" I come from a place of love (think : heartfelt, heartful, know by heart, change of heart, close to your heart) - things always go smoother. There is a total guarantee of happily ever after with this because this kind of happiness is not circumstance dependent.

I have decided forecasts by sign will probably put me in a strait jacket right now - since as soon as I write one thing I think of 10 more things I want to say about it .... short and sweet is not my writing style - actually I have never been called short (maybe short on patience) or sweet (although they have been found in my desk) either ....

xo all

BIZ Astrology for Tuesday, August 19th - saying YES to Mickey Mouse

itty bitty book co - play more print

I had some unexpected company yesterday and never got the weekly posts I wanted to write done, so will do another general daily post for today and shoot for tomorrow for the outlooks by sign.

Today we've still got the Sun in Leo and the Moon in Gemini - some really good, playful energy here. Lots of ideas and conversations going on. A Gemini Moon does not want to make choices - she chooses everything so although she will not help us make a decision, her position with Pluto today can give us a clearer picture of the spaces we can release.

Later the Moon is Void so it will be easier for our thoughts to come together without too much emotional unbalance. Keep the ideas coming, our whole soul is supporting our intentions now. We don't have to know what we want, we just have to know how we want to feel and all of us have had enough contrast in our lives to know that.

We just had Jupiter and Venus make a big conjunction. We've got Venus square Vesta so we are fundamentally ready to make a big change now.  It is time to understand what doors are opening - everyone has multiple opportunities with this energy.

Yesterday I wrote about putting off decisions if we can now, for situations that are fuzzy - this still applies. It is OK to green light (or red light) stuff we have clarity on. If we are grounded enough to see clearly what is and isn't working, we always have support for choosing our own happiness.

Venus is going to square Mars and Saturn over the next week - so some restriction and doubt could come in for us, possibly some creative blocks and hurdles for makers and artists. Any tendencies we already have in our emotional make up to speedball from joy to despair in 2.2 seconds will show up for us to get a handle on. Our emotions are here to give us clarity on what will really make us happy. We can't stuff them unless we want them to show up later as dis-ease or dysfunction.

We need to keep our bodies moving now to shift this energy out. Get outdoors and walk.

We still have Neptune opposing Mercury - so we could continue to be a bit unfocused. If we are able to focus on what makes us happy - the stuff our heart wants - with all the mixed cosmic weather, we will pass this test.

Life wants to give us Disneyland, why are we settling for a trip to Pittsburgh?

(no offense to Pittsburgh, but I need Mickey)

BIZ Astrology for Monday, August 18th - decisions, decisions and kindness always counts

bad decisions make great stories bracelet - recycled cork
This morning we have Venus joined with Jupiter and this is a great conjunction leftover from last night - feels breezy like summer ENJOY IT for as long as you can.

We also have practical, hard working Saturn quintile clear headed Mercury for some clear thinking that can get stuff moving.

Later in the day Mercury opposes dreamy Neptune moving us away from focus into a less clearly defined state of mind. By now we are all used to living with a certain amount of uncertainty, right?!

Creative people who can channel the mind's wanderings into imaginative production will have the upper hand now.

We are living through some challenging times. We have Mars conjunct Saturn then later in the day our Moon quincunxes Pluto and Mars. Most people are working hard and some have been under some harsh aspects for a long time. Be respectful of this. If this is you, be kind to yourself and give yourself a break - if this is someone else in your life give them a break.

Everyone has been pulled from their pot, roots dangling - I don't know anyone who can stay grounded for more than a few hours. It's not you. It's the way things are now. Don't fight it - just move through it.

Many people are challenged by decisions now.

Sometimes when we can't make a decision there is a buried issue we do not want to face, something we need to deal with first. Sometimes we are waiting for others to - pass their judgement (so time and energy is wasted preparing to have to support our decision to others) or give their approval (our choosing to explain ourselves allows others to mind our business instead of their own and we should not be wanting to teach anyone that).

In most instances though, it is simply a matter of timing; all parts of the picture have not come into view and a decision made now would be premature.

Decision making is challenging when the ground is shifting like this anyway and we have Neptune (the planet of imagination and illusion) in Pisces (the sign of imagination and illusion) hitting lots of places in people's charts she has never been in our lifetimes.

Neptune is an outer planet so her real goal is big picture planetary changes - in our personal life she shows up to ask us, "what part of my life needs more intuition and less logic?" and its polarity "where am I most vulnerable to mistaking fears and dreams for reality?".

We all face some Neptune aided doubts and delusions now, so if you are undecided and it is possible for you to step back for a bit and put a decision on hold until next week at least, do so.

Tomorrow, or tonight,  I am going to post a little forecast for each sign for the week, if you know the time you were born and can find your rising sign the forecast could be most accurate (you can use your sun sign, too). xo all