Astrology Forecast for Creatives | Week of December 19th - NOT quite time to decide, productive escape plus it could be a Merry , ie everybody gets along just fine, Christmas

where the wild roses grow by krowka7

Let's dive right in.

When we wake up Monday morning the skies are quite different than when we went to sleep. A new story is taking shape for all of us! Mars has moved into watery Pisces and Mercury has stationed retrograde in Capricorn. Whatever story kicks off now (and yes, it could already be in motion) will play out through the end of January.

When Mercury retrogrades we focus on the "re's" - we rethink, redo, re-imagine, rework, reconnect, release, relax (my wish for all of you this holiday season!). People and situations from the past can come back for another look. Our mind turns in toward itself. This is why it is so easy to misplace things, say the wrong thing, send the wrong email, etc - the stuff we can normally do without thinking, well we can't do that stuff very well when Mercury is retrograde.

Mercury's normal speed is very fast, so when he slows down we feel it. Breathe!

Expect that people will take their time getting back to you, that things will be delayed, that you will get to the movies at the wrong time or the electricity will go out and the show will be canceled. We are not meant to fly through life at 90 miles an hour when Mercury is retrograde - this is the one third of the year we are supposed to be looking backward and flying 90 miles an hour looking backward only works if you are a bumble bee.

For the rest of us our cars brake down, our computers zonk out and our systems go haywire which requires us to SLOW DOWN. With the holidays approaching, it's a good excuse to kick back!

With this retrograde happening in serious Capricorn, we will be personally focused on our natal Capricorn house themes as well as the universal themes ruled by Capricorn - government, business, authority, career, reputation, tradition, structure.

With Mars in Pisces actions could be indecisive, wishy-washy, escapist, healing, secretive, artistic - you get the drift (literally!). Pisces isn't Mars favorite place - it's kind of like putting a lit match into a glass of water - you get a whole lot of smoke and sizzle, but not much else. The good news is Mars in Pisces is excellent energy for compassionate and healing activities and for creating imaginative or other worldly (spiritual, religious) art.

Mars in Pisces gives us permission (not that we need any!) to binge watch Netflix (I've heard good things about "The OA" already), read five books in five days, daydream and run off to the ocean!

Escape is totally practical and productive now - just be sure not to overdo it in unhealthy ways.

Pisces Suns get more powerful (and maybe easier to anger or irritate) and our Pisces natal houses get more active (and maybe easier to anger or irritate) with Mars hanging out here!

Mercury's station is conjunct Pluto - the planet of karma and transformation. Also the ruler of all the taboo stuff we don't want to look at. So now we'll have to. This feels like an important decision is needed, but we really need the next few weeks to review things first. So, let's review things first.

Mercury will be retrograde until he/she stations direct on January 8th, but will not really be covering new ground until January 27th. Mars will be in Pisces until January 28th. I wouldn't start anything important, if you do not have to, until after these dates.

On Monday and Tuesday - the Moon is in Virgo - great energy for detailed work and for service to others to provide us with emotional support. Clean the house. Clean up your eating. Get organized. Good days for paperwork and to care for pets.

On Wednesday, the Sun moves into Capricorn marking the Winter Solstice. Now a light is really bring thrown on our foundations; the stuff that is holding us up. What do we do because we have always done it this way or because our father/culture did? What do we put up with to feel safe and secure? What needs to stay? What needs to go?

We are all burning Capricorn fuel now - so show up, do the work (even if no one knows you are doing it), think long-term and rock-solid.

The Moon is in balanced and other-oriented Libra and aspecting both Mars and Neptune (in Pisces). We will need to adjust to other people with whatever Piscean stuff we are dealing with - art, healing, secrets, addiction, escapism, spirituality, hospitals, prisons, the stuff, places and people that have been "put away".

On Thursday, the Moon goes void at 2:30pm so get things done early. There are aspects to Jupiter (in Libra) now that should lighten the load a bit.

Great energy to be with friends and partners and we have this for the next few days!

On Friday, the Moon moves into Scorpio. This is great energy to be intimate with others and deal with Scorpio ruled matters - other people's money, loans, taxes, reproduction, sex, taboo stuff. With the Moon working so nicely with Mars and the Sun (both in Pisces) - it's also good energy for dealing with authority figures, business, government, men, healing, art, addiction, fantasy, secrets, etc (see Wednesday's Piscean laundry list).

On Christmas Eve and Christmas Day (first day of Hannukah) - Saturn (in Sagittarius) trines (brakes off) Uranus (still retrograde in Aries). Making changes to something we already have in place is favored here. Everything old is new again.

(take care with fire, candles and driving)

With Uranus there could be some real Christmas Eve/Christmas surprises!  

This is great energy for the old and the new to come together for the holidays.

It's also great energy for whatever we thought we had to put up with or whatever we thought wasn't going to work out to suddenly work out after all.

With Saturn still squaring Chiron we could be dealing with some added responsibility, father issues or authority stuff that could be draining or hurtful - this is fading now. We could also be dealing with Sagittarius themes - legal, politics, wedding, foreign, travel, education, media, publicity.

The Moon is void all day on Christmas. Expect glitches.

Also on Christmas Day we have Venus (in Aquarius) trining (brakes off) Jupiter (in Libra). This is good energy for us to get along with people who are different from us - for our relationships to be fair and balanced! There is the potential for everyone around our Christmas tree to get along this year and for people spending the holidays alone to feel perfectly fine about it!

xo all - back in a couple days

Mercury Retrograde | secret information, slowing down, destabilizing

empire by jaimel barra

Mercury stations retrograde on Monday at 15 degrees Capricorn. Right on top of Pluto. Whatever sludge Pluto dregs up be prepared to think/talk about it for a while. Capricorn rules our security - our bottom line, our structure, authority, rules. In the collective she reigns over the government, business, systems and whoever reigns over us.

Pluto is about transformation and karma. He rules over the stuff we try not to think about. And now we'll have to.

The next three weeks will be very intense (and this energy really lasts until the end of January when Mercury starts covering new ground). I hope everyone has wrapped up the majority of things they need to get done this month because from here on in things could be a bit less stable. Things will also slow down. We will probably need more rest and more sleep.

Do the usual Mercury retrograde things - back up your files this weekend, recheck all correspondence for the next few weeks, cross your t's and dot your i's, realize that what you say to someone could stir something in them you did not intend to stir up (that Pluto conjunction) and we'll pay attention to what is stirred up in us, pay your bills, keep things organized, lighten your schedule if possible, don't make any large purchases, keep your receipts and know the store's return policies. Do the "re"s as they come up. Whatever comes back around now is here for us to rethink/rework, it's not necessarily here to stay. If it stays past the end of January, it will be around for awhile (yes, the same can probably be said of the U.S. President elect!).

When a planet stations he/she is very powerful. I like to use the finger through a flame analogy - you can easily move your finger quickly through a flame without burning your finger, but if you stop mid-flame (like Mercury is doing now), the heat is much more intense and you burn your finger. Mercury really won't move much for the next week or so and even after that he will be retracing his steps, appearing to move backward through the sky. Prepare for projects and life to slow down and move backward a bit.

Mercury is traveling through the t-square housing Jupiter, Pluto and Uranus. The Pluto/Uranus square I was writing about a couple years ago is re-triggered now. This is the big transit shaking everything up.

In the U.S., Monday is also the day the electors cast their votes. And Mars (initiative, anger, war) changes signs. You might remember Mars last changed signs on election day when he moved into Aquarius in the middle of the day and helped to upend the results. Now he heads into Pisces (the sign of foggy 'whatever happens, happens' results). What all of this means to the elector voting process is anybody's guess!

Of course we also have the Russian hacking story that broke when Saturn (the ruler of Capricorn) conjuncted the Sun. This annual conjunction typically brings something about our bottom line (Saturn) to light (the Sun). The retrograde will almost certainly be walking us through this story. Pluto (secrets) and Mercury (information) will challenge us to see the truth here.

We also have a North Carolina governor signing legislation, before he leaves office, that guts the powers of his successor. What a mess.

It will be weeks before it is sorted out. And whatever happens, it won't be pretty. Until we figure out we need both mommy (the Democrats) and daddy (the Republicans) energy to work together we will keep teeter tottering back and forth, like a country on an out of control seesaw. Maybe we will get to self-governance before that happens. Oy.

In some way we are all like that North Carolina governor trying to hold onto our power, so sure we are right - we are lugging around something that is dead and gone, but our minds haven't quite figured that out yet.

There is a theme during this retrograde about us growing the hell up and facing whatever the hell we do not want to face here. Maybe what we want to do and what we need to do have parted company somewhere along our journey. For people who always do what they want, I imagine there are chickens coming home to roost. And the same can be said of people who always do what they have to do and have lost touch with what they actually want. Jupiter in Libra for the next eight months will show us the ways our relationships are out of balance and unfair. The energy other people are carrying for us gets handed back to us here.

Anyhoo, I will write more about this in the weekly.

I also wanted to touch on some energy potential ahead that could spell trouble. I've been back and forth with myself for a few weeks about whether to write about this - I am just an armchair astrologer after all. But once you see something it is hard to unsee it and I've decided to just put it out there ...

Uranus stations direct on December 29th (finger in the flame again). We will start to feel this energy around Christmas (but maybe as early as Monday's Mercury retrograde station on Pluto and we can certainly feel the unsettledness of life right now). It will carry through the first week or so of January.

There are some aspects here that connect to the U.S. chart that governs this period (Libran ingress chart from Autumn equinox) that have a similar signature to the events of September 11th. Now, I'm not saying something like this is going to happen - it could be related to the Russian hacking story, etc, upending things here. But there is also a connection to Mars (violence, angry young man) and Neptune (unclear thinking, medication, religious fervor) that we have seen before when people get hurt.

What can we do? Well maybe not much about any specific situation that might arise. But we can make sure our house is well stocked (food, medication, pet food) in case this has something to do with the grid going down (Uranus rules technology) and I wouldn't be in large crowds during this time period if I could help it (maybe take a pass if you get an invitation to go watch the ball drop in Times Square this year, etc).

We can reach out to family we disagree with this holiday season and really listen this time. We really do all want the same things.

Dialing down our personal narratives dials the collective narrative down, too. 

There is less need for something to happen within the collective that brings us all together if we have already done this ourselves ....

Stay safe. Schedule light. This could just be Trump (very strong Uranus energy and now he's stepped into the U.S. chart) moving ahead with something or upending something, maybe on the advice of an angry young man or channeling his own, who knows. Whatever it is, with Uranus, we won't see it coming.

xo all

Full Moon in Gemini | tangled up ...

the violence behind by julie-de-waroquier

Today's Full Moon at 22 degrees Gemini is uber complicated. A spotlight is being thrown on a lot of information now. Almost too much to process. With Gemini, truth is shifty and it is hard to tell fact from fiction. We will see what we believe rather than believe what we see. 

Speak clearly now. This is not a time for babble or childish gossip. Let's not say one thing when we really mean something else - even habits like saying "this isn't bad" when we mean something is good dilute our energy. Just say, "this is good!".

This Full Moon could bring us to a decision point with something we have been thinking about for a while - a conversation or communication with someone now could help us decide and even strengthen our resolve to take action.

Full Moons are always potentially stressful because we have the Sun (this month in Sagittarius) opposing the Moon (this month in Sagittarius's polarity sign of Gemini). Oppositions are exactly what they sound like. Yes, you can imagine a boxing ring, some sweaty towels and bandages.

The Moon is opposed to Saturn, too. Remember we talked last week about the Sun and Saturn hanging out together. So, we not only have the Sun opposing the Moon, we have stern Saturn in the Sun's corner, too. We also have all three of them squaring Chiron (in Pisces) and Chiron aspecting Jupiter (in Libra) who is opposing Uranus (in Aries).

All together they create a beautiful Mystic Rectangle (doesn't that sound lovely? well, sometimes yes and sometimes no).

And Mercury, Gemini's ruling planet, is preparing to go retrograde and walking ground we will be covering again. Nothing feels easy here.

This Moon is about choices and endings. With Saturn, our choices will have boundaries - which is actually the good news, because we can maybe see the way forward more easily (usually with Gemini it is hard to choose because there are so many options on the table). With Chiron, whatever is happening can be painful, but there is something of deep value being born now, too ....

Let's look through the signs - check your Sun sign for collective wisdom, but if you know your natal Gemini house you might find that more accurate :

Astrology Forecast for Creatives | Week of December 12th - get that shopping done!

hey jude by dorguska

This is the last week we have a direct Mercury before the holidays, so get that shopping/shipping done! And since Mercury is already walking degrees he will cover two additional times - make sure to double check orders and sizes and hold onto your receipts.

On Monday, the Moon (in Gemini) squares Neptune and then on Wednesday Neptune and Saturn finally move out of orb of the Saturn/Neptune square we have been dealing with since September 2015.

We may not feel this - dreams vs. reality, not being able to tell fact from fiction (or real news from fake news?) - energy improve quickly, because with Neptune things tend to dissolve or fade slowly over time and the U.S. chart is still influenced strongly by Neptune through 2017. And we still have Neptune strong in Pisces (until 2025) and hanging with the South Node.

We have had to face the reality that some dreams need to be left behind so we can move forward. And we will all look back at this period and find it hard to believe the stuff we were believing ...

We haven't had to deal with this energy since the Salem witch trials in the 1600's

(we can see the witch hunts and scapegoating in the collective and also in our own lives over the past 15 months as well as our tendency as a collective and individually to get caught up in stuff that isn't real or true - we will be dealing with the repercussions for a long time).

There will still be some strangler situations with this energy next summer when Saturn goes retrograde, but we have so much happening next summer we might not notice!

Whatever comes up this week that relates to Neptune (imagination, escape, addiction, illusion, healing, spirituality, things/people/situations put away) just needs to come up.

With the Sun connecting with Uranus this would also be a good time for something Sagittarian related (or connected to your Sagittarius natal house theme) to pop or shake things up - media, wedding, politics, travel, foreign, education, legal.

Maybe whatever came to light or firmed up last week when Saturn met the Sun changes on us somehow or gives us a surprise or shock.

(in the collective we had the news that the CIA is confirming Russia interfered in the election, so we know this story is not over)

On Tuesday/Wednesday, we have the Full Moon in Gemini. I'm going to do a Full Moon post on Tuesday. It's a big one.

On Wednesday the Moon is in Cancer so we are focusing on home and family.

The rest of the week I will pop in with as we move along! Next weekend the Moon will be in fun loving Leo - an excellent time for that holiday party!

Midnight Monday is the end of my holiday free shipping in my Etsy shops - Polarity and Uncorked. If you have your eye on anything this is the time to nab it.

xo all - back Tuesday with the Full Moon post and I have the post about the next few weeks and into next year almost complete!

Saturn conjunct the Sun | report card time

let it snow by Natalia Ciobanu

The Sun and Saturn are sitting at exactly 18 degrees Sagittarius.

Once a year these big guys meet up and we get to see clearly what is really happening in our world and in the collective. Report cards are handed out now. A light (the Sun) is shown on reality (Saturn).

(Sagittarius rules politics and the story broke yesterday in the U.S. that the C.I.A. has confirmed Russia interfered in the U.S. election to help get Trump elected by hacking Clinton's campaign manager's emails. In the time of Saturn/Neptune dreams vs reality, I would take this as truth. It matters. If we receive any personal truth bombs now - I would trust those, too.)

If things are not going well, if stuff is falling apart, if we are beating our head against the wall - these are all signs we need to change direction. Now. We have strong support from Uranus for leap taking, turnarounds and pivots.

(NOTE - this doesn't guarantee a successful landing, Uranus only guarantees support to get us somewhere else)

If things are going well, if we have achieved something, there will be rewards now for a job well done. 

With Saturn (hard work, commitment, time, responsibility) so close to the Sun (our life force) there will be limits to whatever we are dealing with. On the other hand, with this all happening in Sagittarius sextiling Jupiter and Jupiter ruling Sagittarius - that limit could very well be the sky.

If our relationships are stifling or non-supportive we will feel it. This could be a time when we need to be strong for someone else. With everything happening in Sagittarius there is a higher purpose to whatever we are dealing with.

The good news, if things are not going well, is changes made now easily create different timelines. A new semester always starts after report cards are given out. We all get a fresh start. We don't get a do-over though - that report card is on its way home to Dad. Doing the same thing we did before will not work.

Doing something new gives the energies at play something to work with! Our muses grow tired of seeing us bang our heads against the wall, too. They whisper to us to go outside and rake the fallen leaves (stretched muscles create the space for us to stretch ourselves in new ways) while we stare transfixed at our computer screen.

I was born during one of these Saturn/Sun conjunctions (I have these planets within 1 degree in my Aquarius house) so can't really feel this energy clearly because I am always feeling it - it's background noise. It's like carrying a stern father around in my pocket - I think most people will be glad to set him down in a few days!

This is a good time to care for the basic structures of our life - the stuff that supports us.

We are living in a time of disintegrating safety nets (just like our ancestors did!), but there are things we can do to give ourselves a steadier ground to walk on. It could be as simple as cleaning our house and putting in place sustainable systems to keep it clean. The same could be said about our money. What astrological house holds 18 degrees Sagittarius in our natal chart? This area of life is being brought to our attention now.

The Jupiter, Saturn, Uranus transits happening now - are huge. I can't remember a time when so much powerful energy was coming together like this. There is destiny here. Some interesting babies will be making an appearance.

I still have that big post to write about the energies ahead. There is so much happening now and about to happen. Lots of twists and turns. Besides Saturn sitting with the Sun in Sagittarius sextiling Jupiter we've got a trine with Uranus and a square to Chiron. There is almost too much to talk about.

We are approaching a Full Moon in Gemini - if we think we have everything figured out, we can be assured we don't.

I'll be back this weekend to write about that. xo all

Venus into Aquarius | valuing the new and unusual

girl with tattoo oil onlinen by xxaihxx
Venus moved into quirky Aquarius yesterday where she will hang out until January 3rd.

Aquarius Suns and Risings (1st house Aquarius) get more attractive now - both easy on the eye and able to attract what they want. Everyone's natal Aquarius house becomes more attractive, too.

Things, people and situations out of the ordinary will catch our eye. Instead of being attracted to the sameness we find in others, we will find ourselves more drawn to those who are different from us.

In Aquarius, social Venus becomes more detached. She values her space and so is able to allow other people theirs, too. If we begin some kind of relationship now - business or personal - know this need for freedom and individuation will be one of the cornerstones it is built on.

We could take a big step back from anything that feels smothering now.

Last year we had this transit in March, and having Venus in this area of the heavens during the holidays may leave some people feeling more isolated or alienated. It's all fine to be on the outside when we choose to be (Aquarian energy is always two steps ahead after all), but if we feel misunderstood or unappreciated or like we just don't fit in, it's no fun to watch everyone else singing Jingle Bells and getting drunk together on the spiked eggnog. We won't want to follow the crowd, but we don't need to be the bitter Christmas elf pouting in the corner either. Let's use this energy to see the unusual beauty in ourselves and other people. Yes, we might be off dairy, but the eggnog won't kill us and it's mostly Jack Daniel's anyway.

Since Venus rules love, money, women, beauty and our values - all of these areas get a shot of something new and different now. Aquarius is a fixed sign and changes (especially changes that are future or humanitarian oriented) made now have a way of sticking. With Mars in Aquarius, too, (until December 19th) these areas (and the areas ruled by your Aquarius house) are ripe for change and innovation.

xo all

Today Mercury is trining (brakes off) the North Node at 9 degrees Virgo. Some people will get important news or information. Conversations and communications (interactions with siblings, computers, transportation) could matter now. Pay attention. Mercury is walking the degrees he will re-walk two more times over the next few weeks so things that come up now can come back around again. Let's do our best to handle things now, so we aren't dealing with information misadventures later.

Hopefully back tomorrow night with some big picture stuff!