Venus Square Pluto | Mercury Sextile Pluto - wanting what we can't have, wanting what someone else has, wanting more, deep thinking, honest communications, what our yearnings are trying to show us

shhh by theluckynine
See the weekly forecast HERE

Today, we have Venus (strong in Libra) squaring (tension) Pluto (in Capricorn) at 17 degrees with Mercury (in Scorpio) sextiling (opportunity) Pluto. If you have been watching the beautiful waxing Moon, it probably won't surprise you that we also have the first quarter Moon (in Aquarius).

Pluto squares are about power, passion, control and truth.

Maybe we don't have something we want and with Venus we will be feeling the space that sits empty/maybe stagnant with our longing - there could be manipulation, obsession, compulsion, power plays involved here.

These are the emotional reactions that tell us something deeper is going on - within us. We have squashed something down that we don't want to look at and now it is rearing its head in misshapen ways. Likely coming out through relationship issues, financial issues or issues involving women (or beauty/aging). Calling out for attention. Calling out for communication.

Maybe we want more than is even possible from a situation/person. Maybe we are comparing ourselves to other people. Maybe our ambitions with something are not in line with divine timing.

Whatever this is, the opportunity (sextile) lies with today's Plutonian contact with Mercury (communication, conversation, local environment, siblings, transportation, information, thoughts). Something from that Mercurian word salad, most-likely the "communication, thinking" themes present the real opportunity for growth here.

This isn't so much about getting what we want as it is about looking at why we really want it. Venus has been a big player in 2017, none of this is really new news. It could be a fresh situation though. Maybe not.

Think through what is happening. Think about what you are feeling. When have you felt this way before? What is this current situation really stirring up? What are you really afraid of? Maybe this kind of thinking process is enough. Maybe this thinking needs to shared/communicated with another person, though not necessarily the person you are dealing with (if that is what is happening).

Maybe a mentor or authority figure (maybe an actual Capricorn person).

Maybe after working it through ourselves mentally, an honest/open discourse within the relationship/other people involved will allow us to figure out what is really going on. The energy may not be quite ripe for a solution, but maybe the tension (the square) can be diluted enough that we can all sleep at night.

Today's energy could push yesterday's optimism into the "punch drunk" territory. Keep this in mind. 

We also have the first quarter square Moon (in Aquarius). Whatever started at last week's New Moon - and something ALWAYS starts, the reason we set our intentions is to have some input - hits an obstacle.

With Aquarius we could need to consider outside points of view or maybe what we are doing isn't meeting with the approval of others. If we are feeling defensive or defiant - take a breath. This might require some flexibility and Aquarius is fixed air - not wanting to bend. Can we bend without breaking? Without losing control? Not because we are doing anything wrong, but because maybe there is a better way we can't see through the dense Aquarian "know-it-all" energy.

And yet we need to follow our heart here. This isn't about tossing away our authenticity, but let's stay flexible. We can't bend so much we snap in two like a twig, but we can't remain so stiff we will surely break anyway. The first quarter Moon is the time of adjustment. So adjust.

The Aquarius Moon every month is good energy to work with people via the internet and attend to independent online work.

xo all

Sun Conjunct Jupiter | do you feel lucky, hidden resources coming to light, if more isn't better, staying positive, when you change the way you look at things the things you look at change, taking action, doing something new

by raetselleben

The Sun meets up with expansive Jupiter at 3 degrees Scorpio today.

See the weekly forecast HERE where we explore the "lucky" aspect of this transit. We all kick off a new Jupiter cycle and if you have a birthday this week you will be exploring this Sun/Jupiter energy all year! You lucky duck you!

A light (the Sun) shines on a Scorpion theme (or the theme of our natal Scorpio house) and it expands in a Jupiterian way. Something is growing here. Likely our optimism about a particular situation. With the Sun exposing Jupiter, ruler of our beliefs - we have the chance to change/expand our world-view to improve a situation.

This is all happening in Scorpio and Scorpio rules the taboo. The stuff we have pushed down deep and don't really want to look at. Certainly the stuff we don't talk about in polite society; sex, death, taxes. In Scorpio, we merge - ourselves and our resources with other people.

Maybe, something in the shadows is brought into the light now. The Jupiterian energy creates expansion and - although it doesn't offer a notarized guarantee of a positive outcome - due to the power of positive thinking, usually things will turn out well in the long run. 

Maybe an opportunity or resource we hadn't previously considered comes to our attention now.

We could find we have more power than we thought we did or more additional outside help

(possibly even via a Santa Claus figure - Jupiter - or a father figure - the Sun).

This is excellent energy to get something started. Do you know the theme of your natal Scorpio house? There is a natural fresh start offered there, but any area of life can benefit from a kick-off that carries this powerhouse combination.

The fly in the ointment with Sun/Jupiter in Scorpio is that problems can get magnified and grow now, too. Expansion sounds good in theory, but much depends on what is expanding! And more isn't always better. Remember the jam study.

The good news for us - bad news for the fly - is the very fact this situation has our attention and energy NOW tells us there are opportunities ripe for development in here somewhere.  

Cast a wider net. Stay positive.

There could be a connection with information from the October 18th Mercury/Jupiter conjunction. Something there gains traction here.

It's important to remember Jupiter is a planet made up entirely of gases. We could take something too far over-the-top now. That's what this energy is pushing us to do - to take a chance, to go for it.

The Moon is in stable Capricorn today, but by tomorrow will be in anything-can-happen Aquarius and we could be moving far outside our comfort zones especially in regard to money and relationship situations. Keep in mind we are flying in a hot air balloon.

By Saturday/Sunday our Jupiterian optimism could be as deflated as the balloon which has now landed. I hesitate to even write this, since I am sure some readers with strong Virgo or Saturn placements will see this as a stop sign. It isn't.

The balloon has given us a wonderful view of possibilities. These are real things. 

Every move we make, every chance we take, shifts our current timeline (and yes, I'll be watching you*).

By next week we will have a better view of where this all stands. The Sun will have "enlightened" us, Jupiter will have expanded the situation and we will be ready to take action.

Please don't take this as a call to sit back and wait until next week.

Life doesn't work this way. What we do today impacts next week. And the weeks after that. We can only connect the dots looking backward, never forward (who said that? Steve Jobs I think). We can't see how everything is falling into place until later.

The North Node is still in brave and heart-centered Leo - move toward what your heart wants.

The Moon is in Capricorn. Let's get to work - our potential for success is greatly increased now. And let's buy a lottery ticket, too, because you never know ....

xo all

* although now that I think about the Police lyrics they may not fit terrible well - still a good song though.

And speaking of police, Olive's barking yesterday afternoon alerted me to a 'police situation' in my own backyard - well, front yard. A storm was kicking up and I usually ignore Olive's barking during storms since she gets stressed and uber-determined to alert me to anything that moves out there, even something like a blowing piece of paper. She barks at the window and then runs toward me. Back and forth. Again and again. And again.

For some reason I got up and went to the window to see what intruder ie lost receipt she was barking at this time.

There was a line of about 10 policemen dressed in black riot gear sneaking along my neighbor's fence (across the street). Their movements were in unison almost like a marching band, but instead of oboes and tubas they were carrying guns and shields. It was gut wrenching for a moment there.

I should mention I live in a very quiet, very small town and this particular house is right next to the town hall which contains the state police barracks!

The police proceeded to break in my neighbor's front door and charge into the house. Of course, I went upstairs for a better view and pulled over a chair, cursing myself for having sold George's old binoculars at the yard sale (every single time I sell something I haven't used in 15 years I need it. what the hell is that?).

Anyhoo, they proceed to, I assume, since I can't see what is happening inside the house, this particular neighbor always has their blinds closed - tear the place apart for a few hours.

The police finally leave. I can't tell if any of my neighbors leave with them because the action had moved to the side of the house out of my view.

The front door opens and I can see the outline of someone inside the house. They look like they are fiddling with the broken lock, etc (I should say I wasn't sitting and watching all morning, but I did seem to be looking at all the right times!). Suddenly a GIANT cross drops from over top of the front door and hangs there on a rope. Like a two foot tall cross. On a door that has never even held a holiday wreath.

I am thinking this is either a prayer to the Gods to leave them in peace or a signal to someone that the place isn't safe to enter, the way red crosses on doors would alert outsiders that sick people were in a house and not to come in. It's very ... odd.

I don't know these neighbors. And there is a wide assortment of them in different ages. The women all seem to go to work (or they go somewhere fairly regularly, sometimes with children buckled into carseats). The men all seem to walk uptown for cigarettes and coffee and then slink back into the house. They were friendly enough during the Memorial Day Parade when they gave Sully the candy they collected from the marchers who tossed toward their side of the street.

I have been googling 'drug bust farmingdale nj' but so far nothing. Maybe the drug bust was a bust.

There seems to be fewer cars over there. Of course, hubs has been suspicious of them since they moved in and now feels vindicated. His suspicions were mostly due to his thinking that 1. there are just too many of them and 2. one of the bedroom window's lights is too bright and on all the time. That nothing good/legal could be happening in a bedroom that well-lit.

I am not so sure. I tend to think most of the time it's the hidden stuff we have to watch out for. Except I can't anymore because I sold those damn binoculars!

At least I have my 18 pound guard dog to alert me when my neighbors get arrested ... or a slip of paper drifts into our yard. And hubs to keep an eye out for bright lights and suspicious groups of people. Now I just need to hunt up a new pair of binoculars ... probably at someone else's garage sale.

Mercury trine Neptune | instinctual decisions, healing conversations, sensitivity, creativity, compassion, connection, fantasy, facts are slippery, softening our words, silence is golden, body language

Us by goodmuiscgoodpeople

Today we have Mercury (in Scorpio) trining (brakes off) Neptune (in Pisces) at 11 degrees.

Our greatest ease comes through connecting these two energies.

Maybe we make decisions (Mercury) using our intuition/imagination (Pisces) - I wouldn't make any BIG decisions with today's energy though - since the truth could be slippery. Maybe something we hear or read or say (Mercury) is healing/connecting (Pisces). Maybe the answers (Mercury) come through meditation and prayer (Pisces). Maybe our thinking (Mercury) is creative (Pisces). Maybe it is time to speak (Mercury) our dreams (Neptune) out loud.

If we are talking about or learning about (Mercury) Piscean/Neptunian subject matter - healing, spirituality, art, poetry, music, photography, addiction issues, escapist tendencies, etc - our mind won't be focused on the details, but we will be able to feel the bigger picture here.

Maybe without focusing on the dots, the dots can finally be connected. 

Our senses, especially if not fogged up with sugar (at least in my case), are heightened now. We know what people are really saying no matter what words they are using and other people will be picking up on the subtle, often unconscious, clues we are putting out.

So, if someone says to us today, "why are you so angry?" and at first we think they are nuts and we are not angry. Well, maybe we will stop - we have the benefit of astrology! - and go a little deeper (scan our body for tension, feel their words instead of immediately discounting them). They could be picking up on something we are not wanting to look at/talk about. On the other hand with Mercury trine Neptune - they could actually be nuts. It will be hard to tell. :)

Silence could speak louder than words now. Really listen.

Mercury and Neptune are sextiling Juno (in Capricorn).  

So, today's communication is likely to offer the greatest opportunities (sextile) within partnerships (Juno ruled) - both personal and business (Capricorn).

Contracts and commitments can be talked about in a way that is connecting rather than alienating now. Both parties can feel heard. Our dreams can merge together. Scorpian secrets and taboo subject matter (Mercury is in Scorpio, don't forget) can be discussed.

There is alot of water involved so emotions could run high. The sextile to Capricorn should stabilize the whole thing though and the energies involved should help soothe the situation.

Mars is in Libra - nobody really wants to fight now anyway.

We truly are all in this together.

Remember, see the weekly forecast HERE, that the Sagittarius Moon goes void from 12:44PM EDT to 8:12PM EDT and then moves into Capricorn. You know the drill with that one.

xo all

Sun into Scorpio | what makes your heart beat so hard in your chest that you fear it will explode like a ripe watermelon tossed off the back of a moving truck - do more of THAT

.everything else by corollary

See the weekly forecast HERE.

Late, last night the Sun moved from Libra into deep and murky Scorpio (and my Scorpio friend tells me she wants me to find words other than deep and murky, but really what other words are there - ha!).

With Jupiter recently ingressed into Scorpio, too, the Sun and Jupiter will be traveling close together (exact on Thursday) for the next few days.

Through November 2018 - Jupiter in Scorpio - what we do in the dark/what we carry in the shadows expands. During the Sun in Scorpio season (through November 21st) a light is thrown on this stuff. Likely through a greater intimacy with someone else/other people. And also through a greater intimacy with ourselves.

Trust issues and control issues bubble up. Mars is in Libra as of yesterday shifting our energy toward shared experiences.

Scorpio is about passion. What are we passionate about? What makes us excited? What makes us so angry we see red? What makes our heart thump so hard in our chest that we fear explosion?

I have a Scorpio friend, yes, the same one solidly opposed to "dark and murky" who told me she is most passionate about time alone with a good book. 

Well, maybe this is a time for her to admit this need to herself openly - schedule a good chunk of weekly time to read (rather than a few minutes here and there while waiting in the car for her kids), schedule time to research for good books, leisurely visit the library, join a book club, etc. 

She could think about the subject matter she is most passionate about - in her case, European history. How can she take her passion with that deeper? How can she use her passion to deepen her connection with other people?

Since Neptune square Saturn - the major transit of 2016 - it has been hard to know what is true. It has actually always been hard/impossible to know what is true (because we are all looking out through different eyes and seeing different things), but since last year everyone has pretty much been awake to this.

It has created a great deal of instability and discomfort for all of us and in particular for people who need things to be black and white.

People who need to be right. People who need to be good. People who need to be in control. Where is Capricorn in your natal chart? Where is Virgo? Where is Saturn? We all carry this energy to a greater or lesser extent.

And, of course, we can only be right when we label someone else as wrong and we can only be good when we label someone else as bad. Without scapegoats we would actually have to own our own crap. And no matter how many New Age books tell us otherwise we will never really be in control during our days on Planet Earth.

There are probably other realities for that.

The more I look at astrology charts and the more I talk to people about them, the clearer it becomes that our road maps (natal charts) and the subsequent transits over the course of our lives to those road maps are more relevant and more nuanced than we could ever imagine. Our beliefs, the way we see the world (our natal chart) become our reality, our way of connecting with the world, and then the world reacts/responds to us.

Maybe the biggest question we all face right now is how to live our own truth, even when that truth is not supported by other people and even when that truth does not support other people. Ouch. What is it we want that we don't want to look at/own up to?

And just as important - how can we hold a space for other people to live their truth even when we do not agree with them? Even when it hurts us. More ouch.

Modern life is not for sissies.

We are living in the days between the Age of Pisces (religion, patriarchy) and the Age of Aquarius (science, equality).  

We can see far enough ahead now to understand that we could get this science/equality thing very wrong, very fast, if we are not careful.

If we lose our heart (Leo). If we lose our connection to our passion (Scorpio).  If we lose our connection to each other (Neptune). It is Pisces that rules our eternal connection, spirituality, love. Aquarius rules disconnection and chaos. What do we really need to carry with us because there is only so much room on the ark.

xo all

Astrology Forecast for Creatives | Week of October 23rd - do you feel lucky?, hidden resources coming to light, pulling back the curtain, taboos, obsessing about what we don't have or can't control

respire by edlyytam

I didn't get the chance to write a post for SUNDAY but we have a couple energetic shifts today!

Late tonight the Sun moves into deep, dark Scorpio kicking off Scorpio season (although you might have been feeling this since Jupiter got here last week) and earlier today Mars moved into diplomatic Libra.

Mars isn't such a happy camper in Libra. Libra is the sign opposite the sign Mars rules (Aries) and Mars is considered in his detriment in Libra. Libra is all about balance and cooperation and fairness and Mars doesn't care about any of these things. He wants what he wants and goes about getting it in the most expedient fashion ... except now he can't. Because he is answering to Libra's ruler, Venus and she does care about those things.

The good news with this transit is we will be quick to confront imbalances and injustice. We can be very persuasive. The fly in the ointment with this is we could be too intent on having other people live by our rules. Mars in Libra can be domineering and dysfunctional and on the flipside we don't want to lose our identity (Mars) to someone else (Libra). We, particularly Martian ruled Aries and Scorpios, could be a bit less assertive and less energetic over the next few weeks. Give yourself a break.

In Libra, Mars expresses himself (anger, initiative, passion, action) through other people. Our actions create reactions. And other people's actions create a reaction in us. The reactions will be how we all move forward. It's all a bit passive aggressive. The grenades we throw will be immediately tossed back at us. Ball's in our court ... again. Duck and cover.

It will be easy to get mad at the wrong person now. Or people could be mad at us when they are really angry about something/someone else.

Keep this in mind. Mars will be in Libra until December 9th.

On MONDAY, the Moon will be in optimistic Sagittarius. We could be focused on Sagittarius themes - higher education, travel, foreign issues, legal issues, politics, media, publishing, our beliefs, religion or weddings. The Moon connects with both Venus (women, love, money, self-esteem, values) and Neptune (imagination, dreams, escape, things/people put away, addiction, spirituality, compassion) making this a good day for meditation, philanthropic and creative work.

On TUESDAY, Mercury (in Scorpio) trines (brakes off) Neptune (in Pisces). This is our mental processes and our imagination working together. If we can dream it we can begin it - remember the Moon is waxing - that's energy to get things started (just not during today's Void Moon!). This is some of the energy at play when Donald Trump announced his run for the Presidency. What can we do with it? This would be a good time to announce (Mercury) our dream (Neptune). State it out loud. Write it down. We could have a good idea today or a terribly impractical one, but it is good energy for idea making either way.

Conversations could have a mystical or other-worldly energy to them as we can connect more easily with other people. Taboo subjects and the stuff behind the curtain will be talked about. The Moon goes Void from 12:46PM EDT to 8:13PM EDT, so a BIG chunk of the workday  - don't start anything new during this time or put anything out there that you want 'something to come of'. At dinnertime the Moon moves into Capricorn. Maybe take the afternoon off and get to work after the kids go to bed.

On WEDNESDAY, the Capricorn Moon has us focused and ready to get to work. We are structured today and able to plan ahead and use our time wisely. People will be very goal-oriented. This is a good time for dealing with authority figures and for stepping into our own authority. The Moon will sextile (opportunity) both dreamy Neptune and communicative Mercury today, so the opportunities come through talking and connecting with people now.

On THURSDAY, we have what some astrologers call THE LUCKIEST DAY OF THE YEAR as the Sun meets up with Jupiter. Happening in Scorpio this year, and since Jupiter in Scorpio focused us on a Hollywood sex scandal, there will probably be more stories like this coming to light now.

Whatever came to light/started/changed in our personal lives around October 18th when Mercury met up with Jupiter will gain momentum now, too. 

Jupiter rules the truth and the truth will not be contained - even as it becomes more and more obviously subjective. We won't be contained either. We will want wide open spaces today. The places where we are penned in could feel particularly tight as we outgrow existing boundaries. People will be feeling loud and proud. Be optimistic. We attract what we put out. This is a good day for business - reach out for opportunities. We will all be feeling expansive - so will the people we are reaching toward. Hidden resources could come to light now. Don't overspend because Jupiter can get carried away, but buy a lottery ticket (one!). Make the call. Send the email. Take a chance.

What the hell. Are you feelin' lucky?

On FRIDAY, Venus (in Libra) squares Pluto (in Capricorn). Squares are about crisis - this will be about power, control, obsession, money, women, love, our values or self-esteem. Pluto will make sure we are feeling/obsessing over/trying to control the situation. The answer to the crisis can be found within Pluto's sextile (opportunity) with Mercury (in Scorpio). Take a closer look at the facts. And then look again. Get out the magnifiers - yes, the 2.5 pair you only wear when no one is looking. With Scorpio we have to look beneath the surface to what is really happening, even toward what isn't happening or isn't being said. Clear your head. Talk it through. It could be that life or death situation isn't nearly as dire as we thought it was and that thing we think we can't live without is actually not all that after all. Just sayin'.

xo all - back with the dailies!!

New Moon in Libra Opposite Uranus | freedom to be yourself within your relationships, need for space, meeting someone unusual, existing balances are disrupted

Time against Sunset by hellolikegoodbye

The Sun and Moon meet up this afternoon, 3:12 PM EDT, at 26 degrees Libra. They will be exactly opposing Uranus at 26 degrees Aries.

This is powerful fresh start energy focused on our relationships (and the polarity themes of your natal Aries and Libra houses) - how do we remain true to ourselves, and express our authenticity and independence, within new and existing partnerships.

A new person could come into our lives (likely under unusual circumstances or the person will be unusual in some way) or a current relationship could get a fresh start.

This is a Libra New Moon ruled by Venus - it is not so much about breaking relationships bonds (although it could be) as it is about breaking stifling stereotypes and limits.

Whatever space within ourselves we have been squashing to please someone else is about to make an appearance and things that have been squashed don't always look so pretty. Venus likes to keep things pretty and it is her Moon, but Uranus is pushing another agenda. And it's one where we get to be ourselves within our relationships (Libra has great say here, too). This doesn't mean all by ourselves in the corner!

The Sun and Moon are conjunct asteroid Karma. Fresh starts and new beginnings have extra significance. Whatever is happening now probably has extra significance.

So, we've got this New Moon in beatific and balanced Libra wanting something new and balanced for us and this aspect to Uranus adding something jolting, surprising and dare I say liberating into the mix.

New developments could hit quickly, maybe from totally out of the blue and likely disrupt existing balances.

This opposition can also represent an actual person or group or system with Uranian qualities (think : genius, rebel, criminal) or maybe someone we are dealing with through the internet since Uranus rules that space, who is literally standing in our way.

This is wild-card energy. It could spark an uncharted direction for us or create abrupt change.

It could push/pull/drop kick us toward greater freedom. It could even empower us with a "cause".

Ruts can be escaped. Think about what would need to happen in your own life to create these kind of changes and then expect ... something else to happen. Ack!

You will feel this energy strongest if you have any planets or points in cardinal signs (Aries, Cancer, Libra, Capricorn) near 26 degrees.

We have had Uranus in Aries for the last few years determined to wake us up individually. With this energy exactly touching the balance-seeking Libra New Moon energy today - maybe we can be waking up in tandem with other people now!

So we kick off whatever change is kicking off THEN we move toward finding balance. Fast starts require imbalance - think about the way runners standing at the starting line are all LEANING FORWARD. There is a reason they do that, but if they didn't MOVE and just continued to hold that position they would eventually fall on their faces, right?

Don't think too far ahead. Can we just open ourselves to new connections without worrying where all this is leading? Uranus says, "yes, try that for a change".

Here's a rundown by sign. If you know your natal Libra house check that - check your Sun and Rising sign and we could all resonate a bit with Aries since the theme is universal.

As always use what helps and toss the rest. Don't take my word for it since I am not looking at your individual chart and can't be guaranteed to know what I am talking about anyway. Your life is your own - especially with Uranus opposing the Sun and Moon.

ARIES (Libra 7th house) - a new relationship could be unexpected, an existing relationship could be shaken by unexpected circumstances. Mars is moving into this space on Sunday making this even more of a focus but giving you the energy to deal with it. This house is ruled by Libra you will likely need to cooperate.

TAURUS (Libra 6th house) - a new work obligation, co-worker, change in routine or change with your health could be unexpected or something within these existing themes is shaken by unexpected (or previously hidden) circumstances. Mars is moving into this space on Sunday making this even more of a focus but giving you the energy to deal with it. This house is ruled by Virgo you will likely need to cross your t's and dot your i's and focus on the details. 

GEMINI (Libra 5th house) - a new romance, children's issues, pregnancy or creative project could be unexpected or something within these existing themes is shaken by unexpected circumstances. Mars is moving into this space on Sunday making this even more of a focus but giving you the energy to deal with it. This house is ruled by Leo encouraging your need for play, creativity and credit. Be brave.

CANCER (Libra 4th house) - a new development within your home, family or change within your career that impacts your home and family life could be unexpected. Mars is moving into this space on Sunday making this even more of a focus but giving you the energy to deal with it. This house is ruled by Cancer so a focus on where and how you live, who you live with and how you balance this with your public/professional life is likely.

LEO (Libra 3rd house) - a new conversation, communication or information that comes in could be unexpected or require you to make a fast/unexpected decision. Your own decisions and words could shake-up other people. There could also be unexpected events within your local neighborhood or in the life of a sibling. Mars is moving into this space on Sunday making this area of life even more of a focus but giving you the energy to deal with it. This house is ruled by Gemini so an ability to do more than one thing at a time, talk, teach, learn and keep things moving comes with the territory.

VIRGO (Libra 2nd house) - a new development with the money you earn, your existing resources, your values or self-esteem could be unexpected (good or bad) or events involving other people's money - spouse's income, loans, debts, taxes, inheritance - could impact your own income, values or self-esteem. Mars is moving into this space on Sunday making this area of life even more of a focus but giving you the energy to deal with it. This house is ruled by Taurus so steady, practical use of existing resources is helpful.

LIBRA (Libra 1st house) - this kicks off a brand new chapter for you in regard to your appearance, brand, public identity or style of living - events could be unexpected or the speed of events could catch you off guard. Mars is moving into this space on Sunday making this area of life even more of a focus but giving you the energy to deal with it. This house is ruled by Aries so action, initiative, courage and passion will move this forward. You might have to do the heavy lifting yourself.

SCORPIO (Libra 12th house) - a new development behind the scenes, secrets kept or revealed or an unexpected event regarding a background issue, possible influenced by a 6th house health or work issue comes to light although some information may still be unavailable. This is time to plan and ready yourself for change, but maybe wait a bit before acting on what you know if you can, since you don't have all the info/energy you need. Mars is moving into this space on Sunday making this area of life even more of a focus but giving you the energy to deal with it. This house is ruled by Pisces so imagination, prayer, spirituality and creativity will help - addiction, drifting off course and lies will just create more fuzziness.

SAGITTARIUS (Libra 11th house) - something new with friends/groups, your social life could be unexpected or other people's reaction to something you "put out there" could be surprising (good or bad). Mars is moving into this space on Sunday making this area of life even more of a focus but giving you the energy to deal with it. This house is ruled by Aquarius so staying true to yourself, trying something new and unique, while remaining detached from outcomes within your social activities should help.

CAPRICORN (Libra 10th house) - a new development within your career could be unexpected and out of the blue or a home/family issue could hit unexpectedly that impacts your career. Mars is moving into this space on Sunday making this area of life even more of a focus but giving you the energy to deal with it. This house is ruled by Capricorn making you more ambitious, goal-oriented and able to exercise patience (time is on your side) with whatever this is you are dealing with.

AQUARIUS (Libra 9th house) - a new development regarding higher education, foreign matters, legal issues, travel, media, publishing, a wedding could be unexpected. Mars is moving into this space on Sunday making this area of life even more of a focus but giving you the energy to deal with it. This house is ruled by Sagittarius so optimism, honesty and generosity pushes this situation forward. Avoid carelessness and impatience.

PISCES (Libra 8th house) - a new development with your shared resources or other people's money or intimacy is unexpected. Power struggles or a power shift within your relationships is possible now as these changes kick off. Mars is moving into this space on Sunday making this area of life even more of a focus but giving you the energy to deal with it. This house is ruled by Scorpio so having the courage to go deep and really look at and work with these complex issues will move this forward. Avoid control issues and manipulation.

Get grounded - we have moved from an earth sign into air so this is important - always make affirmations from a  positive place (positive meaning certain).

It is a good idea, since the New Moon is literally a blank sheet, to work in a clean, uncluttered space and maybe right after a bath or shower. Alone is probably best. Doing this with someone else, even when you appear to have the same agenda, could dilute your own personal best outcome (which is the only thing you have any power with here).

I find affirmations are most effective if I speak less on New Moon days so my words will hold more weight when I need them to. I usually burn a white candle to help me focus and thin the veils between me and me. It also helps to channel ancestral energy a bit since I am always thinking as I move my story forward, their story moves forward with me.

Write your affirmations down by hand in cursive, we want the letters all connecting and flowing together. Speak the words out loud. 

I used to write my affirmations on strips of paper and put them into a bowl of rice so I could mix them around every now and then with my fingers if things got stagnant. Last year I decided to burn them. I have written them on rocks and buried them.

This month I'm going to write my affirmations

(astrologer Jan Spiller recommends writing 10, but I have found myself stretching to do that or writing the same things every month which feels silly, so I have worked my way down to 3 which feels like a powerful number to me)

on my chalkboard while burning a white candle - when the candle burns out, all by itself - don't burn your house down - I erase the words first and then clean the blackboard with water.

Some people store them until the corresponding Full Moon (in this case during Aries season) and burn them then. Do what feels right.

I don't think it's terribly important what we do with our writings as long as we are not pulling them out and checking on them all the time. Setting intentions is like baking a cake - checking on how things are going just slows things down.

We are not handing a honey do list to the universe! We are lining up with the universal energies of creation here.

And I wouldn't be sharing them with other people, which also feels like it dilutes the process or pulls them into our story. I was writing them on my blog for a few months, as examples for people, and that definitely wasn't helpful.

Then - and this is the important part - release your attention from your words knowing your intention is known. 

Know these things are already yours.

xo all

The Moon goes void after the New Moon so wait until at least 9:41PM EDT tonight to do your intentions or until you see a sliver of Moon in the sky (can be tricky with weather). The Moon will be in alignment with fortuitous Jupiter for the next couple days, so get this done!