Full Moon in Libra | Sunday, March 28, 2021 - our need for other people, relationship eye-openers, a crossroads, resolving very old battles, wise decisions and a need for long-term planning



On March 28th, 2021 at 2:48PM EDT, the Libra Moon moves into her exact opposition to the Aries Sun giving us this month's Full Moon - our annual Full Moon in Libra. 

Full Moons are always a time of PEAK energy. There is a culmination, a completion. Something comes TO LIGHT. In general during a Libra Moon we might notice the ways our life/relationships have moved out of balance. Who/what we are attracted to now. Who/what we are withdrawing from or is withdrawing from us.

Back in 2019 we had TWO Full Moons in Libra - one at the Spring Equinox and then another one four weeks later. Two Full Moons in the same sign in the same year is unusual. Coming in the relationship focused sign of Libra with the "we vs me" polarity of the Libra/Aries axis - something here was really wanting our attention. From our older/wiser/"what the flying frig is going on here" vantage point two years later - we can see it was uber important that we got really, really clear on who (and what) we wanted to be with on this next leg of our journey. 


Because on the one hand, we were going to be stuck in the house with them ... for weeks/months in 2020 and 2021. And on the other hand, we were moving toward the kind of challenges that would be best met hand-in-freshly-washed-hand with the right person/people. By that second Full Moon we knew who had our back. We knew who we were on the same page with. 


We can't say we weren't warned. 

Move ahead to the Full Moon in Libra of 2020 - now Venus (ruler of Libra) was in Gemini, prepping for last year's long and tricky Venus retrograde. The Moon was just past her conjunction to Juno and opposing Eris. Relationships were getting complicated. The partnership/the contract - whatever we had going on in a committed way with another person - was moving away from the warm and fuzzies and toward a collision with some outside strife. This was also the day Mars was squaring Uranus, so I am sure plenty of straws were breaking plenty of camels' backs/tipping points were reached/there might have been sudden BREAKS.

THIS YEAR, as the Libra Moon moves into her fullness opposing the Aries Sun, we have Venus, conjunct that Sun along with hurting/healing Chiron. 

So, the ruler of the Full Moon (Venus, ruler of Libra) is opposing the Moon! And Venus's annual meeting with the Sun is happening DURING her Full Moon and conjunct Chiron (who is also having his annual meeting the Sun during this Full Moon)!

Libra rules our partnerships and our collective seventh house of other people/commitments/alliances - so there is likely a need now to watch for projections. We are responsible and in charge of our own feelings/our own needs. Something that could "come to light" now is how we project expectations on other people based on our own desires and then they fail to live up to our imagined plans for them and we get hurt/disappointed/angry. These are really feelings we are having with ourselves, but the other person gets to be our mirror here. We are the mirror for other people, too.

Libra also rules fairness and justice. The reason Libras can sometimes seem so indecisive is because they can see both sides of an issue - so maybe that is what is illuminated now - another point of view. Too much certainty assures we are shown the very things that will make us question ourselves/and others. Although, Full Moons are about endings, happening in the cardinal sign of Libra (cardinal signs usher in the new seasons) - there is a beginning here, too.

OK, let's dial into this particular Full Moon. 

Let's unpack the chart! 


The Moon is at 8 degrees Libra opposing the Sun, Venus (Libra's ruler) and Chiron ALL at 8 degrees Aries. The Moon is inconjunct Uranus at 8 degrees Taurus and semi-sextile Vesta at 8 degrees Virgo, also both EXACT - and what's up with all these eight's? 


Eight is a number of power/transformation. 

Hexagram 8 in the iChing is called - "seeking union", which feels perfect for a Libra Full Moon, so let's start with that. 

In the iChing "seeking union" begins with divination/inner questioning - we start at our source. It is important to know where we are coming from because when we know the source/who we are - we can flow out in any direction and meet up with the right choices and connections. We are born with this kind of innate navigation system, but over time our GPS gets hacked/glitches up/needs updating.

Thinking about these 8's in terms of starting with our source (notice the number 8 has no obvious starting point once it is fully formed, but in order to make one we have to start somewhere) is repeated by Libra's ruler Venus (the Moon is answering to her) being in independent Aries (the first sign of self) during this lunation  AND we can see how we've all been tossed back at ourselves (inner work) during the pandemic.

We start with ourselves. Our own natural affinities. This "seeking union"/connection thing is instinctive, but not intended to be just smooth sailing without any stress. On the other hand too much stress can be an indicator we have formed the wrong relationships/unions - probably formed out of fear/struggling - or maybe they were right for us at one time, but then we stayed connected to people and situations that had run their course. Eventually we cannot support a relationship if it means ignoring our own nature/our own source. 

If we cut off our source we will either die on the vine (8 being the number of death, too, via Scorpio and the 8th house) or maybe latch onto something living, like a vampire might do, and cling to that.

Ultimately we are going to have to know not only where we are coming from, but we will have to decide where we are going (Mars on the North Node). With all these 8's and with Venus in Aries (the first sign) - we will start with the idea of knowing who we are/where we stand as being something central to this Full Moon's energetic.


The ways we are connected to ourselves/our source, the extent to which we are able to receive love/love ourselves will be illuminated now and all the spaces this is lacking might be more sorely felt

The Full Moon trines Saturn and the Mars/North Node conjunction forming a Grand Air Trine. Grand trines are great gifts. The energy forms a powerful closed loop. This is your natal Libra, Aquarius and Gemini houses. We've talked about the Mars/North Node this week - making future focused choices/having conversations/getting information (sometimes uncomfortable, this could have been an argument/accident) and taking action - that sets our course. Now, Saturn in Aquarius pulls in some added structure, authority, responsibility, groups. Here is a smooth flow with our relationships, conversations, plans, ideas, the future. Saturn indicates this is about sticking to a long-term plan. Rome wasn't built in a day and whatever is started now won't be either. The trine to Saturn can indicate positive interactions with authority/older people. Things become more stable. That Mars/North Node choice/decision/move forward will have some built in limits/restrictions, but at the same time they are strengthening our RELATIONSHIP(S)


(and this building thing is likely to be happening on some rather rocky ground that has been tilled via a release, loss, forgiveness, compassion, sacrifice, a visible need to be more gentle with ourselves or someone else).


The Full Moon is semi-sextile Vesta (that old PROBLEM we need to fix or forget), inconjunct Uranus - in Taurus, so answering to Venus, too - and the Moon (in Scorpio by then) is going to oppose Uranus on Tuesday. The inconjunct is Taurus/Libra - both Venus ruled, both inclined toward making the world more beautiful/more profitable. Libra needs to partner, but also wants that partner at an equal distance doing equal kinds of things. Libra, being an air sign, doesn't want to be closed in. This equal distance thing would make Taurus crazy, being fixed earth. Taurus doesn't do 'partner' in the traditional sense/will do things independent of someone else, but can be inseparably attached to one or more people as in connected at the hip. Moon/Uranus aspects tend to create anxiety because they trigger our ancient/innate terror of life's unpredictability (evicted from the womb as we all were). This one is Venusian - our relationships, our money/resources, our values, self-esteem. A way through this inconjunct could be Uranus's sextile with Pallas (in Pisces) which forms a Yod pointed at the Full Moon. Pallas/Uranus - smart decisions/patterns interpreted or applied to unexpected events. This has already happened, so hopefully you have made some smart moves/plans! In Pisces, this is also about showing compassion, expressing grief, making a sacrifice, forgiving, dreaming, releasing, softening.

Ultimately this Moon will be somewhat uncomfortable because from Libra she is opposing the Moon's ruler, Venus (in Aries). 


Aries is not Venus's favorite place AND she is conjunct the Sun and Chiron. So, our Moon (as us) can feel out-manned here. The Libra Moon wants unity/fairness. Venus in Aries is willing to fight for what she wants. There has likely been some situation that involved some kind of challenge, struggle, argument, competition. With Chiron here - we are healing very old woundings around ANGER, what we had to do to survive, there could be a need to stand up for ourselves and take care of ourselves in a way that doesn't run the other party over or leave us with tire marks on our shirt. The Sun with Venus and Chiron at a Libra Full Moon is a HUGE relationship/partnership/open enemies story-line (starting and ending). Mars at the North Node - a turning point or movement forward. A conflict - that Mercury/Mars that is waning now - drives the last and first chapters. Our needs. Their needs. Keep in mind, our ESSENTIAL NEED to remain connected to our source - the 8's! Mercury is moving toward his/her meeting with Neptune on Monday - these are very old chapters we are re-enacting with modern twists. There could be confusion, even lies, but also connection and idealism. By the end of the first week of April, things should be much clearer. 

Bottom line - the Full Moon spotlights a CONFLICT. There are relationship (and financial) EPIPHANIES now. We have reached a fork in the road and must choose a new path. We have access to compassionate WISDOM. The path we choose (or are pushed/pulled toward) will have built in limits/responsibilities, but will be healing/balancing for OUR RELATIONSHIPS. LOVE can be re-awakened (including self-love). This Full Moon is excellent energy for RESOLVING VERY OLD BATTLE wounds.

And keep in mind all those 8's and the iChing's hexagram 8, "seeking union"  and how knowing who we are allows our energy to flow out from us in ANY direction and meet the right choices and connections! 


Don't forget to get out and walk in the Full Moon if you can. Her energy is very potent now whether we can see her or not.

xo all

Today's Astrology Forecast | Friday, March 26, 2021 - green light GO (remove/adjust to pebble then run with it), words now set out course



The Moon is in Virgo now - we are nourished/nurtured by organization, planning, being of service, routine, the creation of boundaries through the acquisition of knowledge and skills (being a part of something larger without losing ourselves). First, she inconjuncts the Aries Sun, then trines Uranus at 2:16PM EDT - change is good, here we are being more comfortable with the strange/unusual. She'll square Mars at 10:16PM EDT - and keep in mind, Virgo's ruler Mercury has been in square to Mars all week, so now Mars in Gemini is being hit from Pisces AND Virgo. So maybe just as the Pisces square is unwinding - that argument put to bed, feeling compassion/forgiveness - it gets re-energized through something related to Virgo (our Virgo natal house). Avoid reactivating an old argument (this might be a necessary part of a process, but maybe not) - get some exercise, take a cold shower, make something.

The BIG NEWS today and we'll talk about this more in the Full Moon post - the Sun meets Venus (Cazimi!) at 5 degrees Aries AND Mars meets the North Node at 13 degrees Gemini. 


And here's the crazy thing about this - last summer when Venus had her 40 days/40 night retrograde through Gemini - she met the Sun at 13 degrees on June 3rd. THAT meeting was the beginning of something and now here, as she meets the Sun again, at the Sun's superior conjunction, there is a development/conclusion/result (happening at 5 Aries) WHILE Mars is re-activating that 13 degrees Gemini where the Venus/Sun all started!! Amazing. Fated. We will talk about this more in the Full Moon post.

Taurus/Libras, especially the rising peeps, could find themselves in the spotlight. For all of us, here is a red hot spotlight on our love, values, relationships, self-esteem, beauty. With Virgo in Aries, our ability to receive love/love ourselves is made visible to us. There can be PROGRESS now with love/relationships/old anger issues/money. 

At the same time Venus is hanging with the Sun, Mars is reactivating that powerful 13 degrees Gemini (Venus Star Point from last June) - our actions moving us forward/conversation/news pulling us forward. 



What we want for ourselves/what we are starting/maybe what we have had to fight for or fight our way toward (and this can somehow be connected to two things or two ways forward) - HERE is where movement is happening.

The fly in the ointment is today's Sun/Moon Waxing Inconjunct - the Virgo/Aries. With this weekend's Libra Full Moon approaching - here is this month's final challenge before that. The Moon puts our attention on a problem. Something needs fixing/tweaking. Some t's must be crossed and i's dotted. Maybe someone/something needs our assistance/skills. Remember we had Vesta bringing this to our attention earlier and she's retrograde, so this is probably something old that we have been avoiding/trying for too long to perfect/fix. 


With that bright green light GO - there is one fly in the ointment, something Virgoan, that needs to be taken care of FIRST. 

Inconjuncts are rocks and hard places that require adjustment. There is no perfect solution. This is Aries cardinal fire vs Virgo's mutable earth. Aries has no patience for the tedious details that Virgo is mired in. Virgo sees Aries as going off half-cocked/unprepared. The key is to use that practical Virgo to curb Aries impulsivity (somewhat, some impulsivity might be needed now - it's Aries season) without tossing dirt on the fire. And use Aries passion to curb Virgo's perfectionism/immersion in the pieces - without avoiding those tedious details/the problem that needs to be addressed/without scorching the earth.

This rock and hard place doesn't have to be some big thing. Here's the pebble that only leads us to the rock if we pretend we don't feel the pebble. We need to get that pebble out of our shoe!

Keep in mind the big picture message - the direction we are being pushed/pulled into now is THE RIGHT DIRECTION.


Venus is showing us what we want now/what we love and value now. There might be alot of financial stuff going on. A conversation/idea/information that comes in now can set our course. 

We'll talk more about this in the Full Moon post, but today is a good day for some kind of action/the stuff that comes to light to be mostly a good thing. It won't be long before the retrogrades will start and then Eclipse season - HERE is a time we are still mostly in control of what we can do, so HERE is the time to do it. 


It doesn't have to be some big thing, small is BIG.

(efforts later will require multiple stops and starts and sudden curveballs, why not take action now and avoid some of this stuff!)

xo all

artwork by the talented Valentina Remenar

Today's astrology forecast | Thursday, March 25, 2021 - all day void moon, a crossroads, challenged by our beliefs, sticking to the facts, nurturing the new, loving ourselves



The Moon in Leo goes void at 9:27AM EDT off an opposition to Jupiter. Our need to shine/have fun at odds with the group/group expansion/collective enthusiasm. Maybe some "me" vs "we". Expect some wonk, but challenges will tend toward "nothing comes of it" since the void Moon isn't interacting with any other bodies until tomorrow afternoon's trine to Uranus. That opposition to Jupiter will be felt though. This is a long void/all day - she doesn't get into practical Virgo until 11:26PM EDT. 


This is also the day Mercury, in intuitive/dreamy Pisces squares the Nodes (Gemini/Sag) at 13 degrees. This is a crossroads. A choice. 


A decision needs to be made, and with Mercury in foggy Pisces (and ruling the North Node) this might not be so easy. Lean into that Gemini - the facts/the local/your Gemini house theme. With Gemini, there might be more than one answer/more than one conversation/idea and with Mercury in Pisces we are using our intuition/collective intuition. We can't be in lalaland with any of this though. Facts trump hope here. Jupiter ruling the South Node (the past, where we are now) and challenging the Leo Moon today, is intending for us to feel what our Leo heart needs/wants (through the opposition). And keep in mind - and we'll talk about this in the Full Moon in Libra post next - Venus (in Aries) is moving toward the Sun - our ability to receive love/open our heart, love ourselves is spotlighted.

Hard aspects ask us to look for smoother/easier aspects as a way through -and today we have an opportunistic sextile from Mars in Gemini (12 degrees) to Ceres (in Aries). The opportunity comes through that Ceres/Aries - the nurturing of the NEW. The nurturing of the physical self. Mars in Gemini wants to move - quickly and sometimes in multiple directions at once - through action/words and this sextile is a FLASHING LIGHT pointing at our Aries house. Actions/conversations HERE are what is needed/our way through this.

With Mercury squaring the South Node we are unhooking ourselves from old beliefs/expectations. In Pisces, Mercury uses compassion/forgiveness/the soft dissolve. Whatever didn't work out, it's time to make a decision that points in a new direction. It's time for a new conversation that probably won't be totally comfortable.

xo all


artwork by the talented akramness

Today's Astrology Forecast | Wednesday, March 24th, 2021 - a need to roar without bringing down the house



The Moon is in Leo now - we are nourished through our creations/creativity, attention, pride, generosity. She has alot going on today. She trined the Sun at 12:53AM EDT, squares Uranus at 9:45AM EDT, opposes Saturn at 1:38PM EDT and finally sextiles Mars at 4:08PM EDT, so other than that trine, a bunch of challenging aspects and then an opportunity through action/words. 

The trine to the Sun is this month's Waxing Trine - Leo/Aries, so encouraging courage/bravado/initiative/passion. This is like 'here we are on our own center stage showing the world what we have to offer', unafraid of the tomatoes. The Moon's follow-up aspects - that square with Uranus (watch your wallet!) and opposition to Saturn (not a day to be taking on 'the man') look like some tomatoes might be flying though. That Uranus/Saturn - some rebellion/freedom/individuality that gets shut down. We are only going to get so far with these aspects. We can't skip work and go to the beach and not get caught.


The Leo Moon needs to roar, but if we are prideful/overbearing, bringing too much mama-drama, we will likely regret it. Hand slapped. Go stand in the corner until you can apologize.

On the other hand, and we always get at least two, there is that 'all's well that end's well, sextile to Mars at the end of all this clatter. Another day where we could live this week's (fight and make-up/clear the air thing we have going on) energy all rolled into one day. The tomatoes go into the sauce and onto the dough and, look we have some pepperoni in the fridge (does anyone actually have pepperoni in their fridge?) and we all have pizza.

Do your Leo, the Moon will require we stand out/up in some way/have some fun/be creative - but just don't take it too far - you can drive your flashy car, but you can't drive it to Vegas or speed past a police man. There could be some unexpected twists and turns, the need to not overspend/over-value, the need to work within limits (can't just play all day), not be a bragger and adhere to our social/collective responsibilities.


The sextile with Mars tonight - Leo/Gemini - good for standing out in a good way. Our words find the right ear. Our creativity the right avenue. There are multiple ways through this, we can see that now.

xo all

artwork by the talented fdasuarez

Today's Astrology Forecast | Tuesday, March 23rd, 2021 - get it done early, no dark alleys, stay flexible, no pushing, what you are fighting about won't really be what you are fighting about

The Moon, home in Cancer, goes void at 11:26AM EDT off an opposition to Pluto. She is void most of the day until she moves into fiery Leo at 5:36PM EDT. The void is best for routine work around your home or office, for purging/de-cluttering/elimination. 

Just before midnight EDT, Mercury (in Pisces) reaches her/his exact square with Mars (in Gemini). This has been in play since the Gemini Moon did the same thing last Friday and will be in play for a couple more days as they separate. 

The energy is ripe for arguments/accidents. 


Drive safely. No dark alleys. And I should say, some of this energy, and maybe most, may have already played out, this would be most potent while applying (I think I lived this entire week yesterday). 


Mars in Gemini will want to go/move/say it - spit it out. Mars will be antsy. We will say to ourselves, "I am not going to say anything/not going to fight/get mad" and then there we are blurting it all out. Mercury in Pisces will want to drift/take his time. We will say to ourselves, "I will rise above this" and then there we will be sulking/crying/feeling every single time (even those we can't remember) we have felt this way before. Conversations/getting to the facts might require patience/compassion. A square to Mars probably means there is something we NEED TO GET AROUND/GET THROUGH. A square to Mercury probably means there is something we NEED TO KNOW, SAY, HEAR that isn't going to be comfortable. 


The astrology tells us there is something we must move through here to get to that FORWARD MOVEMENT FEELING/pot of gold at the end of the week. The more we push this off, the more anxiety we will have to deal with. Once the conversation is had, the action taken, the decision made - we will start to feel better. Forgiveness/compassion/connection. This doesn't mean we push and shove though - this isn't going to work with Mercury in Pisces. We need to talk/move, but we have to allow this situation to unfold as it will to some extent. 


With a square to Pisces jumping in just twists an ankle. If life seems to pull us off course now - just go with the flow of that. 


The key to any mutable square is our ability to roll with things/stay flexible. And keep in mind both our North Node, our collective way forward (in Gemini) is in a mutable sign and the ruler of our North Node (in Pisces) is in a mutable sign. Flexibility/versatility is key. With Pisces, we can connect through compassion/forgiveness - letting go of the need for perfection/the need to fix something that isn't totally fixable. This doesn't mean stopping. What can be done? With Gemini, deal with the facts, but keep communications light. It won't take deep conversation/analysis to get things moving/back on track. 


And, keep in mind with Pisces, we are dealing with 12th house stuff - the stuff that is behind us. And the Nodes of Fate are triggered all week. The argument/the accident/the antsy move/words that DON'T WANT TO WAIT - whatever the tension/frustration is, this is somehow needing to happen now. Needing to be dealt with. The argument about the sticky coffee spoon won't really be about a sticky coffee spoon. The argument WILL MATTER. The way the argument ends WILL MATTER most.


Don't push, let the answers come in their own time. 

Think about - why would life be pushing you to GO (you have to get around that rock or you will be eaten by ZOMBIES or your boss or the IRS) AND giving you slippery roads/foggy skies/squishy brakes at the same time? And you have a hangover, have I said that? And the zombies are those fast bastards in the Korean and UK films, not the meandering American zombies. What would be the point? What would you be learning? Maybe your answer - which might not be my answer or anyone's else's answer - maybe your answer tells you something about what you need to know.

xo all

photo by the talented TheNightSheDied

Weekly Astrology Forecast | March 22nd - march 29th, 2021 - crossroads, tense conversations, fated transitions, healing very old woundings, the cracks are where the light comes in, but first something is probably gonna crack



Early Saturday morning EDT, the Sun crossed into Aries - a cardinal sign, initiating a NEW SEASON. In Aries, this is the START of the Astrological Year - we are that new growth breaking through the dry winter soil. Out of the ethereal waters of Pisces, we get back to the business of being human. This year's activation, already potent, forms an opportunistic sextile with, the still red hot, degree of 0 Aquarius where Jupiter met Saturn back in December and restarted the new world. So, HERE at the Aries Ingress, first day of Spring (in northern hemisphere), first day of the Astrological Year - is when we really start to feel the opportunity of this "new world".


Here is a LIGHT shining on the new. We are fueled by fire/our initiative now - able to be braver when we need to be. On Sunday, Venus followed the Sun across the Aries point and into Aries (the sign of her detriment, since she rules Aries polarity sign of Libra). Now what we want/our values/our new ideas about women and beauty and relationships and money catches up with our fresh start Sun - not only is a light shining on the new, but now we WANT something NEW, too!


It is through this lens of NEW we start this pivotal and important week!

MONDAY - Mercury conjuncts Hekate and then opposes Vesta - Mercury at 8 degrees Pisces meets Hekate and then opposes Vesta (retrograde) at 9 degrees

TUESDAY - Mercury squares Mars - Mercury at 11 degrees Pisces squares Mars at 11 degrees Gemini

THURSDAY - Mercury squares the Nodes - Mercury at 13 degrees Pisces squares the North and South Nodes at 13 degrees Gemini

FRIDAY - Sun conjuncts Venus, Mars conjuncts North Node - Sun at 5 degrees Aries meets Venus, Mars at 15 degrees Gemini meets the North Node

SUNDAY - Full Moon in Libra, Venus conjuncts Chiron - Venus at 8 degrees Aries meets Chiron, the Libra Moon opposes the Aries Sun at 8 degrees = Full Moon in Libra


Now, with all this talk of NEW, we have to keep in mind, Mercury (our conscious mind/information) is still drifting through Pisces - the sign of endings. Pisces rules what is behind us/in the past (and with the nodal activations this week we are dealing with old, even past-life/ancestral turning points), what we can't see clearly, secrets, lies, our self-sabotaging escape tendencies, our intuition, so there is still something back here - we are going to have to deal with THIS WEEK.


With Mercury/Mars both interacting with the Nodes there are FATED conversations (likely tense, maybe passionate or even angry), FATED turning points/choices, FATED words, FATED actions, FATED transitions and new beginnings. 

Despite the fresh Aries energy of the new season, Mercury (our words, thinking, conversations, sometimes sibling, local community or transportation situations, situations that show up in pairs), mired in the past, is running the show.


He/she starts the week with a conjunction to Hekate 


- the Goddess of the Crossroads, a way-shower and translator of the energy between the conscious and unconscious worlds. She is about a time of transition/those forks in the road and although having her here can’t help us see how it will all turn out, she does help us put away the old/the things that don’t belong with us anymore. She often shows up when we don't know where we are going and helps us to not fixate so much on the not knowing/the changes. Having seen it all and knowing the stuff behind us that we have consciously forgotten, she helps us onto the right path - not the easiest/smoothest path necessarily, but somehow the one that is MOST RIGHT - and helps us attract the right people.


When I realized asteroid Hekate was conjunct Mercury, who is not only uber-active this week, but rules Mars (our actions) AND the North Node (our best path forward), I was #surprised, #notsurprised. 


Because astrology is amazing. Always.


We talked about her HERE - and now, with Mercury in Pisces, we again stand at a crossroad faced with very old choices (even past-life/ancestral) - the road ahead of us splits - which road are we on THIS TIME? Mercury in Pisces is requiring us, by making the facts fuzzy, to use our intuition/allow things to fall where they fall in a sense.


Hekate is with us/in us, joined with Mercury - we can ask her to help guide our choices. She can see our past and which road ahead is somehow most right.


After moving past Hekate, Mercury's immediate opposition to Vesta (retrograde in Virgo) speaks of the need to stop avoiding what isn't perfect/the problem/the mistake. With Vesta retrograde, this isn't a new situation, we have been haunted by this before. Virgo/Pisces - fix it or forget it. This is a pivotal week, how is this Virgo focus not helpful? 

Then Mercury (as us) squares first Mars, followed by the North/South Nodes - here is challenging information, the need for a conversation, actions we have been avoiding, a need to work our way through verbal tension/even the need for an argument (but maybe with Gemini, we can keep things light and avoid the fighting part!), maybe still the need to release some kind of delusion/fantasy. This is tension/frustration. A problem we need to get past. With Mercury in illusive Pisces we probably won't have the full story/all the facts. These nodal aspects tell us this stuff is fated - WE HAVE BEEN HERE BEFORE (or our ancestors have). 

Whatever we are agreeing to now, signing up for, saying/thinking/doing/fighting about - make no mistake - IT MATTERS. We are setting our course WITH OUR WORDS. They are our weapons AND our wands. Choose wisely. Lean toward smart Gemini - your Gemini house theme, the facts of the situation, what is local/light, maybe smaller/closer/quicker. More on the Nodes this year HERE.


Keep in mind the nature of Mercury/Mars and with Mars in Gemini - everything can seem to be happening twice or we could have two situations we are dealing with. Information might need to be balanced with our urge for action. WE MIGHT HAVE TO STOP AND TAKE A BREATH. If something comes up and can be pushed off until the end of the week - that might be easier. It might not be possible though. It feels like things are moving fast. Mercury/Mars squares can mean arguments/accidents. Expect some snafus with tech/transportation/your community/sibling situations. Drive safely. Stay frosty. Slow your roll as needed.


If we jump into something too quickly here, we could make a mistake, but also if we sit on our ass and try to avoid the unavoidable, so it's tricky - we are in between Eclipses now and a wrong move on our part will probably need to be ironed out - and 'ironed out' might be a little more gentle than how this could play out - when we get into the next set of Eclipses in late May through mid-June. Otherwise Eclipse season will build on what is chosen now, with some likely twists and turns ahead.


By the end of the week, the energy is SHIFTING - Mars meets the North Node in Gemini at the same time the Sun is meeting Venus in Aries. Here is where our actions/words are moving us forward - what have we chosen/decided/said/heard/learned? 


News/information/a conversation sets us on our course. 


We close the week with a BIG Full Moon in Libra (our relationships!) with ruler Venus, challenged in Aries, but conjunct the Sun AND Chiron. 


Here is where the light comes in through those cracks and we get some much needed healing on these very old woundings.

We will talk about this in a BIG post.

This is a pivotal week as we ride the waves between Eclipse seasons. Stay flexible.

Back with some dailies!

xo all


artwork by the talented Amelia Leonards