Today's Astrology Forecast | August 31, 2019 - triggered by words, the dangers of unsolicited advice, sitting with the information, some things aren't fixable, chill out

The Moon in Virgo's final aspect was a trine to Pluto at 4:46AM EDT (nice, solid manifestation energy). The Moon will be Void all...

New Moon in Virgo | August 30, 2019 - a practical magic, one foot in front of the other, surprises, do it differently this time, make a move, seal the deal, prioritize health, that back burner thing we have been waiting on is moved to the front burner, time for a detox

On Friday, August 30th at 6:37AM EDT the Virgo Moon meets the Virgo Sun at 6 degrees giving us this month's New Moon. September...

Today's Astrology Forecast | August 29, 2019 - another long void moon, out of sorts, a light is shone on something different, finshing up what we've resisted, one step at a time, words matter, details matter, what's the matter?

The balsamic Moon, now at the end of fiery Leo, went void at 8:07PM EDT last night and stays void until tonight when she moves...

Today's Astrology Forecast | August 27, 2019 - long void moon, practiced and practical work, expect some do-overs, when faith is healing, getting our ducks in a row, change is good

The Moon in Cancer went void off an opposition to Pluto at 4:55AM EDT. In her home sign of Cancer, she continues to perform,...

Today's Astrology Forecast | August 26, 2019 - small moves that create big changes, innovating with love and money, attracted to something else, hitting the wall again, the plot thickens

The Moon is in her home sign of Cancer today - we are nurtured through home, family, mom and apple pie. By 4:37AM EDT she will...

Astrology Forecast for Creatives | Week of August 26, 2019 - change is good, new ways to make money, new love, changing the conversation, sudden insights, new solutions, something stabilizes, a new way forward

Here's some of the aspects for the week ahead: MONDAY - Venus trines Uranus WEDNESDAY - Mars trines Uranus THURSDAY - Mercury...

Today's Astrology Forecast | August 24, 2019 - doing things together, taking care of the stuff we care about, starting that new diet/health routine, coming together through service, love is a verb

The Moon is in busy and communicative Gemini now. We are nurtured through information, through humor, through words, teaching...

Today's Astrology Forecast | August 22, 2019 - coming out of the closet, commitments, what our heart needs, let's stop blaming/regretting the past or what we don't have, choices, decisions, iron your shirt, showing up ready or not

The Moon continues her journey through Taurus (a space she LOVES) - she will trine Saturn at 4:57AM EDT (our resources and goals...

Today's Astrology Forecast | August 21, 2019 - wanting what makes the most sense/cents, an afternoon shocker, optimistic thinking, good news, always that fly in the ointment

The Moon is in Taurus now - the sign of her exaltation. We are nurtured through security and comfort for the next couple days....

Today's Astrology Forecast | August 20, 2019 - if at first we don't succeed ....

Our Aries Moon squares powerful Pluto early this morning EDT (anger, power plays, tension or frustration with authority, focused...

Today's Astrology Forecast | August 19, 2019 - showy displays of connection, two hands are better than one, nourished by action, beginner's luck, that brick wall, seeing the way forward

The Moon moved into fiery Aries last night, so now we are emotionally nurtured through what we are starting, our actions, physical...

Astrology Forecast for Creatives | week of August 19, 2019 - VIRGO!, coming back to Earth, get to work, get healthy, get organized, it doesn't have to be perfect but it does have to be done well, no corner cutting, one step at a time

SUNDAY - Mars into Virgo WEDNESDAY - Venus into Virgo, Mercury trine Jupiter, Mercury inconjunct Saturn FRIDAY -Sun into Virgo SATURDAY...

Today's Astrology Forecast | August 16, 2019 - shocking words, disruptive information, a silver lining, dissolving tension, just shrugging the whole thing off, talk to new people, read new information, write down your ideas for later

The Moon moved into Pisces at 11:49PM EDT last night making us especially imaginative, intuitive and sensitive for the next couple...

Full Moon in Aquarius | August 15, 2019 - focus on what matters, expect the unexpected, help from the ancestors, words that change things, releasing our death-grip on the old world so a new one can be born, pregnant with possibilities

On THURSDAY, August 15th at 8:29AM EDT - the Aquarius Moon will oppose the Leo Sun, giving us this year's Full Moon in Aquarius. Aquarius...

Venus Star Point | Venus meets the Sun - fresh starts with love and money, knowing what we really value, seeing how our self-esteem is connected to our hearts and wallets, letting go of that dead thing and following our inner spark, vision boards and starting a manifesting practice

On Thursday, August 14th, Venus (love, money, our resources, our values, women, beauty and self esteem, also the themes of...

Today's Astrology Forecast | August 13, 2019 - the seasons of our life, moving forward, encouraging words, the time for a course correction if we aren't liking where we are headed, smart moves

Yesterday got away from me - weekly coming tonight! For today, the Moon is void until 11:35AM EDT when she moves into humanitarian...

Today's Astrology Forecast | August 12, 2019 - get to work, what have we manifested, pregnant with creative potential, an intense night

Today's Moon is in ambitious Capricorn (work, career, responsibilities), Mercury is freshly minted back in Leo (children, romance,...

Today's Astrology Forecast | August 11, 2019 - changing direction, moving forward, creative ideas, bold words, mining for missed gold, learning more, expanding our reach, some changes put on hold

Today we have a MAJOR re-alignment of energies. Uranus (in Taurus) stations retrograde (through January 2020), Jupiter stations...