Today's Astrology Forecast | August 7, 2019 - turning our attention to what we want to expand, confidence, focus, playing by the rules, seeing the gold, seeing what lies between us and the gold, moving forward

The Moon is in powerful Scorpio. She squares Venus at 10:01AM EDT and then the Sun at 1:30PM EDT. This could be tension/frustration around joint resources, someone not feeling seen/heard, who's got the upper hand/the bigger thingamajig.

Half-assed measures won't cut it.

The rest of the lunar day fares much smoother as the Scorpio Moon sextiles a retrograde Saturn at 2:01PM EDT (good for working with authority, handling responsibilities), then trines Neptune at 7:15PM EDT (escape, peace, spirituality, dreaming, healing) and finally sextiles Pluto at 12:52AM EDT.

The big news today is we have the Sun trining Jupiter while inconjunct Saturn. Sun trine Jupiter is very shiny. Confidence, optimism - this is what gives Jupiter his "lucky" reputation. Jupiter is going to station direct on this same degree on Sunday.

The Sun will have moved on, but a super-charged Jupiter will be just getting started!

Turn your attention to what you would like to EXPAND.

There is an opportunity in here somewhere. More gold to be mined. We could be in the middle of the gold mine right now or just beginning to sense its presence OUT THERE. Grab opportunities that come along now with both hands.

The fly in the ointment here (obstacle) is the Sun's inconjunct (rock and a hard place) with sober Saturn. There is an old responsibility that must be lived up to or put to bed, an old limit we need to work with, some kind of shackle we need to figure our way around or credentials we need to obtain before we can claim our bounty.

With the Sun in Leo maybe this is a stop sign to our EGO. Authority/the rules/the guy with the bigger thingamajig saying "not so fast" buddy.

If this is our inner authority ("you are not ready! you are not good enough!") we can hear it out, adjust what needs adjusting and keep moving forward.

Remember the Scorpio Moon is sextiling (opportunity) Saturn!

So we know this limit/stop sign is needed somehow. It can stabilize a situation that has leaned too far in one direction. Maybe it creates focus. Shows us what we need to do next.

This is a day to move ahead with whatever is requiring our confidence and focus (we will have access to BOTH!).

And buy a lottery ticket! Then buy another one tomorrow.

xo all

photo by the talented Natalia Drepina

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