Today's Astrology Forecast | Tuesday, June 9, 2020 - roll with any unexpected changes, seeing the benefit in any crisis, giving both the wise old general and the smart newbie their due, nourished through change and being ourselves

Our Moon moved into Aquarius last night wanting to focus on groups, causes, friendships, internet situations, change, liberation, the goals that bring us into connection with other people, being ourselves - we get a little more detached from our feelings/are able to take a step back and see emotional situations from a little more distance.

This a good day to do something DIFFERENT.

Interact with different people. Think about different ways to make money/use our resources.

The Moon will square Uranus at 1:29PM EDT bringing something unexpected/disruptive (maybe involving money, women, our values, resources, self-esteem, purchases), but it should all settle down smoothly/quickly, or maybe we'll see the benefit in the change/crisis turned opportunity here - as she moves on to a nice trine to a retrograde Venus at 3:14PM EDT. 

If we have something we don't want to do today, we really won't want to do it now! The Aquarius Moon can help us disconnect from the things we are not really that attracted to and that trine to Venus help us move toward what we are.

In the meantime, Pallas, recently retrograded back into Capricorn is inconjunct the North Node in Gemini at 29 degrees. Old strategies, ways of seeing the world are not going to work right now. They don't allow us to 'do our Gemini' - stay small/flexible, talk, think, listen, have a lively conversation, do the multiple things at the same time Gemini demands of us. The old rules and limits need to be adjusted. AND the new words/thinking needs to take into consideration the old rules/limits. A give and take is required to get anywhere, and, yes, no one is going to feel like they get exactly what they want, but this should be small and flexible adjustments, not some big thing.

Don't toss the baby out with the bathwater (babies don't like that so much and you'll probably toss your back out, too).

With Pallas here, we can think like a general, plan two moves ahead, but Cappy can also get us too focused on what isn't working or the dragons around the next bend (which may or may not even be there by the time we get there). The Gemini North Node just wants to move and explore different things - focused on the facts as we know them, yes, but not so deeply focused that we take too long for the small, fast moves and lane changes Gemini is requiring of us.

We are coming down from that Full Moon in Sag square Neptune/Mars so we may have thought something was going to be better/bigger than it was.

Just make the small adjustments between the old/safe and the variety. Give Saturn, ruler of Capricorn (the old devil) his due, as the reality checks happen, but keep an eye/attention on those new opportunities - that variety - that we need to stay sane and involved as we move through this time.

Does that make sense?

xo all

photo by the talented Rose Onyxis

Weekly Astrology Forecast | Week of June 8th thru June 14th - in between the eclipses, adjusting, reaching higher, rethinking decisions & information, spiritual warriors, dissolving ambitions, some long void moons, get some extra rest

In 2012, when my life was totally falling apart I got back into astrology (after a long absence) - more or less, because I wanted to "know what was going to happen". Maybe we all want to see what's coming/what's next. Hanging our heads out the window like a dog in a speeding car. 

(or is that just me?)

Of course, astrology, being the language of archetypes and patterns has always worked best in reverse. It's not a crystal ball. And I'm no Madame Marie. Of course, "knowing what's going to happen" is highly overrated and so pre-2012 anyway. 

Now we study the charts (ie the flight patterns), but seem to most often fly by the seat of our pants telling ourselves there is a "reason for everything".

Even though the one thing I do know for sure (I think) is that it's not so much there is a reason for everything as there is a use for everything.

And there seems to be some crazy paradox at work here where we are called to acknowledge how little we are in control and simultaneously required to get a grip ...

So, where are we?

We are in between eclipses. Really almost ANYTHING CAN HAPPEN. Venus is retrograde as well as half the other planets. Relationships are tricky. Uber Gemini. Uber Neptune. So, the need for information/decisions, relationship/finance issues, but also the awareness, if we are smart and paying attention, and I know you are - that not all the information will be true and not all the decisions we make are going to be sticky. 

Hang on loosely. Here we go.

MONDAY - Venus square Ceres
THURSDAY- Sun square Neptune, Venus sextile Chiron
SATURDAY - Mars conjunct Neptune, Quarter Square Moon
SUNDAY - Sun inconjunct Pluto, Sun semi-square Uranus

MONDAY - Venus (backtracking through Gemini) squares Ceres (in Pisces).

This speaks of tension/frustration between what we want and the stuff that is out of our control. Some things just can't be had right now. Also too much nurturing is going to feel smothering not loving - keep this in mind. These are mutable energies. Adjust. We will be back here in mid-July once Venus is direct.

THURSDAY - The Sun in Gemini (20 degrees) squares Neptune in Pisces.

This is a potentially draining aspect. Our energy/vitality can be low now. We might need extra sleep/rest. Water - to drink, soak in, sweat out.

Our thinking/words or another person's words could be unrealistic or misconstrued. There could be tension/frustration between the fine print/details and the fuzzy/feel good dream. Between what's most likely true (because nothing is really certain right now) and what we want to be true. Disappointment is possible. Rose-colored glasses. Deception.

At the same time we have Venus (also in Gemini) sextiling (opportunity) hurting/healing Chiron in independent and fiery Aries.

Maybe we are coming to an understanding with someone or something. Maybe we are able to see the beauty in something when we couldn't see it before. Maybe we can see the difficulty to overcome, but have the sense, too, that we can overcome it (be brave!). This is healing by making peace within a relationship or with a woman or with our bank account or with our face/hips/hair. Healing by making it fair. Talk is good now, although maybe not so cheap.

SATURDAY - Now, we're at the Quarter Square Moon already - Sun in Gemini, Moon in Pisces.

This is the pressure point in between last week's Lunar Eclipse and next week's Solar Eclipse. Maybe we are rethinking information/decisions. Things will not be so cut and dried/black and white now. Questions will just produce more questions. There won't be just one way forward/one answer that will fix everything. With Pisces, sometimes we have to just let go and trust bigger hands than ours are steering this ship.

This is also the day Mars, making his way through foggy Pisces, catches up with Pisces ruler Neptune.

Mars (from Sagittarius) squared Neptune back at the end of January. Something here might connect back to then.

Maybe we are taking action on our dreams. Men (Mars) could be transcending (Neptune) what it means to be masculine - this is the potential for some spiritual warrior high vibe stuff to be happening.  

We might need to turn the other cheek/fall on our sword. 

Sometimes when Mars meets Neptune our actions just kind of dissolve into nothing.

Or we might kind of float into a situation that is dis-empowering. We are diluted by foggy thinking, indecision, our escapist tendencies. We could be self-sabotaging, self-sacrificing. The victim. With Mars in Pisces we can't push, but the Sun's in fast moving Gemini, so we can't move like a slug either.

What house does Pisces rule in your natal chart? What is the 'theme' of that house?

Keep in mind this is a space where your boat is not so tightly anchored to the dock anyway/where it has always paid for you to go with the flow. Now here comes fiery Mars (although he feels a bit exhausted to me) to help you reach for higher ground. Tippy toes. Fingers toward the skies.

Mars may be tired (and a little wet), but he's always got his spark.

And a spark will get us farther than no spark.

SUNDAY - The Sun in Gemini is semi-squaring Uranus and inconjunct Pluto.

So, we are alerted to some potential future problem as we move the conversation/our ideas (for some people this could be about a local community or sibling or transportation situation) toward something new and maybe liberating and at the same time we have this rock and hard place with a retrograde Pluto - so trouble with authority/power. Maybe someone else is trying to manipulate/put us in our place through information/words. Maybe our choices/decisions are blocked by someone/something more powerful. Pluto always creates the feeling of life and death, so this could be stressful. Try to keep a lid on any words/conversations that might be too far out there and could kick you in the ass later. Be willing to adjust. For now, we might have to pick the least worst thing.

The Moons are looking pretty good this week, but we have some long voids because the planets are all bunched together now. Keep in mind this post is written for the days when things are most exact, but we can feel them as they are building and unwinding, too.

A heads up for the long voids - Monday 2:06PM EDT to 8:54PM EDT, Wednesday 10:35AM EDT until 5:32AM EDT the next day, Saturday 8:45AM EDT to 5:03PM EDT.

xo all

photo by the amazing anyaanti 

I learned tonight the Minneapolis City Council will vote to de-fund and dismantle the police department. 

I learned this through a CNN headline, which may or may not be actually accurate, and I haven't had time to read the article and then read between the lines within the article to find out. It's so exciting/though totally alarming that I almost don't want to read the article to find out it's not true. 

When I heard "de-fund the police" I thought it meant "cut funding" (and maybe it does), so at first I was like what the actual f*ck - this can't be right. No police? How would this work? What would this look like? We police ourselves? 

(would I get to carry a concealed weapon and arrest anyone who looks kind of rapey? I should toss in here I don't actually live in Minneapolis)

And even though I know the BIG ideas right now are not totally likely to happen (they could do it with small steps though over the next 18 months) with a Sagittarius Lunar Eclipse answering to a debilitated Jupiter and all this Neptune, I am still pretty excited. 

Because this is the first thing I've heard since "time ran out" in January, and I have no idea if this is brilliant or totally insane at this point because I think my brain is still quarantined from the rest of me, that hasn't been about 'getting back to normal' - finally something BRAND NEW. 

Because the world actually is BRAND FREAKING NEW and I suspect this whole slow down is divinely timed, so we don't screw this New World up in record time. 

Dismantling/de-funding of the local "police state" by a city council vote? In a major city like Minneapolis? 

They are calling it a transformative new model of public safety. This could be the greatest first experiment of the Age of Aquarius to replace the crumbling patriarchy.

Fly or fall - it could be brilliant. 

Saturday Night Mystery | the astrology of the death of George Floyd - his connection to the United States chart and Rodney King, control, anger, more reasons to rise from the sweaty sheets of our death bed

The mutable T-Square energy of the Lunar Eclipse Full Moon in Sagittarius - that we talked about HERE - squaring that Mars in Pisces (with Saturn retrograde in Aquarius) at the very heart of this event requires us to keep moving. 

Boxing with shadows/struggling to manage our lives in the midst of profound unknowns and uncertainties. No choice but to feel our way through this thing with equal shots intuition and courage.

Through the process of the last few months - the virus, the waiting/distancing, the anger that follows the waiting, the army that follows the anger (iChing cycles) - and it's now, through understanding THIS EVENT, our anger/sadness, another way to understand our connection/disconnection with other, another way to understand/acknowledge OUR WILL TO LIVE.

George's death is a zeitgeist moment - a collective reckoning. 

In the midst of such senseless violence it is important for us to not only be thinking about the questions of race/the power we give away to authority, etc, that this brings up for all of us, but collective healing will also come through our ability to re-think/re-work any violence we have done to ourselves.

To release any destructive myths we are carrying.

There may be a very long list of "don't let the door hit ya's on the way out" we need to make - to ideas, people, places, things we did/didn't do, alliances, groups, fictional must-haves and obsolete goals/commitments. Love starts here.

For now, let's unpack the chart. 

George Floyd died on the streets on Minneapolis, Minnesota on the evening of May 25, 2020. The life choked out of him by police officers who had been called to the scene over George's alleged attempt to use a fake $20 bill at a local convenience store. His death was officially recorded at 9:25PM CDT, but we know from the video and from EMT transcripts that report how long they attempted to revive him, that his actual death was quite some time before this. I've backed up the time to 8:46PM CDT - to better represent his actual time of death and synchronistically speak for the 8 minutes and 46 seconds his neck was held down (which I didn't realize until after this chart was cast).

Let's unpack the chart.

The signifiers for George in this type of chart are the ascendent and the Moon.

The Moon is in the 8th house of death in the sign of Cancer, her home sign. Cancer is the sign of the mother and George was heard to call out for his mother as he died.

Sagittarius is rising on that first house cusp, making the ruler of the Ascendant, Jupiter. Jupiter is in the 2nd house in Capricorn, caged in by Pluto and Saturn - surrounded by power, death, authority and control.

Jupiter is in Capricorn, weak in the sign of his fall, answering to Saturn in Aquarius in that same 2nd house. Saturn (authority) controlling the people/public (Aquarius). Saturn (as well as the 4th house cusp) can also show where the "bones/body" ends up and here in the 3rd house we know George was transported away in a vehicle (we can also see he had passed away by the time he was put into the vehicle) and taken somewhere locally. Saturn also rules the 'knees'.

Aquarius's modern ruler is chaotic and rebellious Uranus, seen here at 8 degrees Taurus (the exact degree of George's natal Ascendant and also the exact natal Ascendant degree of Rodney King!). Jupiter is applying to an inconjunct with Uranus, showing not only the "out-of-the-blue" nature of George's death, but the chaos/rebellion this chart is unleashing.

The ruler of the first in the second is often seen in kidnapping charts, showing the victim is "in the possession" of someone else, in this case authority/those in control/the police. This also speaks of (remember the second house rules our resources, what we own, our money) the situation involving money; the counterfeit $20 bill. The second house also rules the throat.

The Sag Ascendant also describes the victim here - textbook Sag physicality (not a Sag Sun sign) is a person who is kind of larger than life, with a well-proportioned body, might be tall, might be overweight, strong, brown hair or possibly bald, brown complexion, oval face, high forehead, handsome, well-spoken.

Jupiter (George in this chart) is exactly conjunct the U.S. birth chart's Pluto - set for the July 4, 1776 Declaration of Independence signing (which, keep in mind, was in the early days of the American Revolution) and affirmed "all men are created equal". Pluto will be back here in February 2022, so this event - George's murder and its aftermath - is setting up a timeline marker that will be activated and involved at that uber powerful conjunction in 2022.

This is not an event that will just fade away. For America - this is a very big deal.

If we move over to the opposite side of our chart - to the Descendant we will find our open enemy/perpetrator. The sign ruling the 7th is Gemini and we find the Sun here conjunct the Descendant. The Sun represents ruler-ship, the people in power, the police. There are four planets/points in Gemini representing the multiple perpetrators and Gemini, itself, showing more than one person is responsible/involved with what is happening.

Gemini is ruled by Mercury shown here in the 7th house, so strong in his home sign. Stronger than our victim since Jupiter is in Cappy, the sign of his fall.

Mercury also rules Virgo, shown here on the cusp of the 10th house. So we have the ruler of the 10th house of authority (also the public attention this will garner) in the 7th house of the perpetrators. We now have three indicators the perpetrators are authority/the police. When you have three separate indicators in a chart saying the same thing - it can always be taken as a fact.

The Gemini Descendant also describes the perpetrator's physicality - Gemini physicality is quick, a quick tongue, chameleon, a youthful appearance, well-set body, slim, long hands and arms, piercing eyes, a local person or someone working within a community.

With that Sun on the Descendant - the perpetrator can be shown to be bigger/brighter than the actual person/people involved - in this case this is about the police/authority. There is a person/people here, yes, and they are responsible for their own actions, but there is something larger playing out. A larger system having responsibility. With the Sun here (Leo's ruler), the people involved (perpetrators) are kind of playing a role. Following orders. Following the leader. To me, this aspect makes it clear this isn't just a few bad apples, although they could be a few bad apples - this is a systemic problem.  And the Sun is squaring that unfocused Mars in suffocating Pisces. Self-sabotaging/karmic actions on the part of the perpetrators.

There are about 100,000 asteroids and about 5,000 of them have been named.

When we place asteroid "George" (the only George with just the one word name) in the event chart - he shows up in George's first house (the house of his physical self) conjunct the "cork out of the bottle" centaur Pholus and when we place asteroid "Derek" in the event chart (there are three of them all with various last names) - two show up in the 8th house of death, one EXACTLY opposing Jupiter (George's planet ie ruler of the first house) and the third Derek asteroid is EXACTLY on the IC of the chart (4th house cusp) - the end of the matter. Derek representing officer Derek Chauvin.

We could keep looking, but since we know what happened here it might be more enlightening to look at how this event chart and George Floyd's birth chart compares to the U.S. chart and, maybe not surprisingly, to the charts of Rodney King.

Let's look at the U.S. chart first.

Remember the two planetary signifiers for George in the event chart are Jupiter (ruler of the 1st house/the Ascendant) and the Moon.

At the time of George Floyd's death, Jupiter, was precisely where Pluto was when the United States Declaration of Independence was signed -

the document that declares "all men are created equal" -

this chart has been shown over and over again to be activated when important events happen in the United States. Pluto rules power, transformation, death/birth.

Both charts also have Sagittarius, Jupiter's sign, rising on the horizon.

Bringing optimism, hope, courage, confidence.

The Moon in George's chart (George), is almost exactly (and maybe exactly because we can't know the precise time he died) conjunct the Sun, in the U.S. chart.

Zeitgeist moment indeed!

We also have the Ceres/Mars conjunction during George's death (Ceres in with Mars exactly in the top chart, I forgot to add her before printing) precisely where Ceres was in the U.S. birth chart at 8 degrees Pisces. Remember Ceres was at the January Pluto/Saturn palaver in Cappy when 'time ran out' and now she meets Mars at precisely this time in Pisces.

Ceres is going to station retrograde and cross this degree two more times over the next few months. Ceres is about things outside our control, grief, season of life issues (changes outside our control), mothers, Mother Earth. I think one day astrologers will name Ceres the ruler of Taurus - this would make Ceres the ruler of George's natal chart.

We have Mercury in George's chart conjunct the U.S. natal Mars, showing important news of a violent act. And we have the U.S. natal Mercury exactly conjunct Pluto in George's chart - news of death/transformation. The media's role is HUGE here - and this is not just about the videotaping, but about the way the story is framed within the different network/news outlets' paradigms.

George's Venus (his natal ruling planet being a Taurus rising, he is also a Libra Sun) is conjunct the U.S. Mars (anger, passion, violence). Both charts have Chiron in Aries. Uranus in George's chart is exactly inconjunct the U.S. Uranus, and transiting Uranus, at 8 degrees Taurus, at the time of George's death is exactly conjunct George's natal ascendant at 8 degrees Taurus! Uranus rules the future and groups and causes and chaos and disorder and liberation.

The number 8 (the number of power and associated with the Strength card in tarot) appears multiple times. We have Mars and Ceres at 8 degrees Pisces, Uranus at 8 degrees Taurus, Chiron at 8 degrees Aries and Asteroid George at 8 degrees Capricorn (which is the degree of the South Node at the time of January's big 'time runs out' pow-wow and the degree of outsider Eris in the U.S. birth chart).

George's birth chart has Mars on his ascendant and a Sun/Uranus conjunction - and these are the big aspects in Trump's natal chart (Trump also has the North Node on his conjunction).

More interesting astro-significance is George's astrological connection to Rodney King.

Like George, Rodney was born with an 8 degree Taurus Ascendant. George's natal Chiron (very old/deep wounding) in the center of King's troubling Aries stellium in his 12th house. The L.A. riots happened with Saturn in Aquarius and Mars in Pisces (just as we have now). King's North Node is conjunct the Sun/Venus in this week's Eclipse chart. King passed away during the last Venus/Gemini retrograde - the summer of 2012 (from a drowning unconnected to his police beating - have I said this man had a crazy intense 12th house). And George, of course, has died during this Venus in Gemini retrograde which connects us back to the summer of 2012.Also, at the time of the Rodney King beating Sagittarius was rising at 12 degrees and Saturn was at 2 degrees Aquarius. At the time of the George Floyd's 'official' death at 9:25PM - Sagittarius was rising at 14 degrees and Saturn was at 1 degree Aquarius - for the first time since the 1991 King beating.

There are also differences in the charts that indicate much, much more will come from this event (in terms of positive change) than we had happen in the early 90's. At the time of the King beating, Saturn was opposed Pluto, and it took us until this event when Saturn is joined with Pluto and starting a new cycle to get the real and lasting change.

How we respond (and not react) to chaos in 2020, will probably determine what we are dealing with in 2021 when Saturn and Uranus start squaring each other (authority/rebellion).

Our blindfolds are being removed, slowly (Neptune is still providing the fog, ie anesthesia, maybe we would all run stark raving mad without it) as we see/feel our way through what our old paradigms have tried to keep hidden.

Back tomorrow with the weekly.

xo all

Full Moon Lunar Eclipse in Sagittarius | Friday, June 5, 2020 - a zeitgeist moment, the crisis is obvious, the gift maybe less so, but there it is, make certain to see it

On Friday, June 5th, 2020 at 3:13PM EDT, the Sagittarius Moon will oppose the Gemini Sun - giving us this month's Full Moon - a Lunar Eclipse in Sagittarius.

This is the first of THREE Eclipses we have over the next four weeks - destined to change everything AGAIN!

Full Moons bring things to light, to a culmination or a conclusion and happening close enough to the Moon's nodes to create an eclipse gives this result a broader and longer lasting impact.

This Eclipse is pushing us to identity the beliefs we carry that are no longer working/no longer supported by facts or our intuition. Let them go. Think about - what kind of person would I be if I let go of this belief or that belief. Is this really true? Is this really true for me? And we might not call these 'our beliefs', we call this stuff 'what is'. But what if it isn't? 

The Gemini Sun allows us to see the other side of everything - we only need to open our eyes. Wider.

Or maybe the space we carry an inflated hope needs a cosmic adjustment because what we really need now (the Virgo empty leg of this T-Square) is some grounded practicality

(also to keep up good health and hygienic practices because Virgo/Pisces rules our health and Hygiea is hanging out with the North Node and Vesta).

We might be experiencing big events/decisions involving the theme of our natal Sagittarius house or the collective Sag themes of - foreigners (who/what we see as foreign), ethics, religion, the big picture, politics, legal issues, publishing, philosophy, travel, education, things like weddings ie the way we connect to wider social energies, the way we gain mastery over our own amoral/immoral impulses, what it takes to go beyond (think of the space launch, too, this week), what constitutes JUSTICE.

People with planets/points in the mutable signs between 13-17 degrees will likely feel this energy strongest. And people with aspects in their natal that are reflected in this chart.

That square to Mars brings tension/frustration - in Pisces, maybe needing to make a choice/a move/take some kind of action and not being clear on what to do (or maybe being exhausted, anesthetized, disillusioned). Pisces allows us to release old wounds, to self-forgive, to learn from our mistakes, to accept the awkward unfinished business of other people who are not always as we wish they would be, but simply as they are.

Angry/fiery/passionate Mars, comes into this gentle space every couple years, like "where the f*ck am I?", but he (as we) is halfway through now and needs to learn/use what he finds here because have I said already, HE IS ABOUT TO COME HOME TO ARIES FOR THE REST OF THE YEAR. Sorry to shout, but we need to move like spiritual warriors through these days because actual warriors will be/could be needed later.

Fresh off Venus's inferior conjunction with the Sun, something has come to light. What have we seen? What have we heard? When was the last time words made us feel beautiful? Made us feel loved? What have our words/thoughts cost us? What does it take to do the 'right thing'? Does it take courage or knowing what the right thing is?

Most ethical conflicts have imperfect solutions ...

Jupiter, ruling this lunation from his retrograde perch, in his fall, sandwiched between Pluto and Saturn/Pallas - hard to find that lucky penny, our blessings have become our handicap/Achilles' heel.

It will be hard to get what we want here. The good news though is that Sag is the great teacher/we can learn our way through this and Gemini is fast on her feet.

With Mercury out of bounds (for just a few more days) and walking degrees we will walk two more times - our thinking can be radical/out of the box or out of the norm for us, but also subject to later revisions. Keep this in mind.

For some there will be delusions and lies/bubbles burst, and, for others, a rare moment of Zeitgeist TRUTH.


Either way with Mercury squaring Chiron - uncomfortable words/information that triggers some of our oldest, deepest woundings and beliefs.

The status quo is shaken up. We reach a turning point. It's all getting so damn personal!

Lunar Eclipse Full Moons happen on the Moon's South Node - the Moon is full but its light is blocked by the earth's shadow. So although things are still concluding and 'coming to light', stuff is hidden, too. Nothing is exactly as it seems.

Eclipses are cosmic course corrections.

Things get eclipsed out or out of our way.

Like a computer, we get a re-set. Fresh downloads. A de-frag.

Eclipse events do not happen exactly on the date of the eclipse. The eclipse sets up an event chart - a kind of marker in the heavens and as planets/points interact with that point - via transit THAT is when events happen. And somehow with an eclipse prior events factor in, too. I have seen events happen almost exactly a week or month (or even two months) before or after the eclipse. Then the changes brought about by the 'eclipsing' unfold over the next six months or so.

Lunar eclipses often bring endings (sometimes a female energy leaves - collectively this is about George Floyd - a Taurus rising, Libra Sun, Venusian man. We will talk about his charts on Saturday. And Breonna Taylor a beautiful Gemini Sun, Sag Moon with her North Node of destiny conjunct this Eclipse point).

Let's unpack the chart (or did we do that already?)

The Moon, at 15 degrees Sagittarius opposes the Sun at 15 degrees Gemini.

Both are squaring Mars (at exactly 15 degrees Pisces and sandwiched between Ceres and Neptune). The Sun is conjunct Venus and she has just backed out of her own square to Mars and meeting with the Sun (both still in play, but in the very recent past). Jupiter, the ruler of Sagittarius and so ruler of this lunation is retrograde and sandwiched between Pluto and Saturn/Pallas.

So, the Moon and Sun form an exact and challenging mutable T-Square with Mars in Pisces as the focal point (who is himself sandwiched between Ceres and Neptune). Remember the squares are active aspects, the planet's themselves are wrestling with each other. And those planets standing next to each other - Mars, Ceres, Neptune - they are not getting all cuddly, breaking social distance guidelines and merging into one thing. They are separate energies doing their own thing in Pisces. And those "own things" becomes one thing - if that makes any sense. And I hope it does.

Mars can't be all Mars-y out fighting and taking no prisoners in Pisces drifting waters. He (as we, as our actions) has to feel his way through this Eclipse. And attempt to avoid the Mars/Pisces debilitating crap like being - self-sacrificing, self-sabotaging, exhausted, lazy, addicted, nostalgic, no fun at parties/too much fun at parties - you get the idea. And sandwiched between Ceres and Neptune just adds to his headaches - maybe draining his will/courage. Ceres amplifies the feeling/anxiety of what we can't control and Neptune has no need to control anything. So even if Mars in Pisces/Neptune reaches for the higher ground/wants to transcend reality, it will not be easy.

The T-Square to Mars assures us that action is needed, but it will be hard to know what action to take. Things are confusing. Wrong action can be undermining. But, we are so freaking triggered. So freaking pissed/or sad. The frustration/tension may even trigger the ending/result. Full Moons are oppositions, so it could be someone else's - weakness, bullsh*t, inability to take action - that forces our hand. Has someone been lying to us? Have we been lying to ourselves?

Venus is a major player here. Retrograde in polarizing Gemini, conjunct the Sun, opposing the Moon and squaring Mars, Neptune and Ceres. What we want and what we have to do to get what we want are maybe not in sync. Getting along and what we have to do to get along are maybe not in sync. We are misfiring all over the place.

The Sun and Venus in opposing Gemini. What do we know that we are grateful to know, that we are lucky to know, that we don't want to know, that we are heartbroken from knowing?

Gemini rules our lungs; our ability to move air, to breath. We watch people struggle to breathe through a contagious virus, through triggering masks, we watch a man murdered as authority (in the guise of another man) clamps down on his throat, protester's breaths stolen with tear-gas, shopkeeper's breaths stolen by vandalism, hundreds of thousands of people marching with shirts and masks that read "I can't breathe". Can life make this any freaking clearer to us? Let's take a deep breath before we say it. Let's take another while we listen.

Rebellion and control - this will go on for a couple years.

I have done a chart for Saturday night on the murder of George Floyd and his connection with this time/this eclipse, the USA chart, the police officer who killed him, Rodney King - it's all stunning. What has been built on the backs of other people will not survive the collapse of the crumbling patriarchy.

Keep in mind this is the first of three eclipses over the next four weeks. The next one - near the summer solstice (when we head back to Cancer/Capricorn!!) - looks the most gnarly.

The other two Eclipses, Sag/Gemini, speak of setting aside our current beliefs - have you found yourself changing 'sides', flipping back and forth and all over the place - that's probably right where you want to be.

We see everything through the personal lens of our own theories/beliefs. We kind of believe what we do and then look around (unconsciously usually) for what supports our ideas and beliefs and that's what we notice and the problem here - especially during times like these when we need to be seeing new things and thinking/communicating in new ways - is our perspective limits what we can actually see.

So more information will come to light now and throughout this summer. Old beliefs/thinking/even facts will shift/dissolve. The time as we move in and out of these eclipses is kind of like being in our washing machine spin cycle. It's not the time to take out the wash unless we want a soggy mess. Stuff isn't finished.

We have to let the machine (the set of eclipses) do its work.

There is a lot of theoretical movement. People want to make big moves/to use this moment most wisely or to get the most power. But keep in mind this is Gemini season and the North Node is in Gemini, too, for the next 18 months - there won't be one big solution, there will be as many solutions as there are people. And every single one of them will be needed. And where we place our attention our commitments will multiply - so keep this in mind.

It is hard, maybe not even possible, to know what is real or where the smart choice is found. Listen to your heart/your intuition and be brave.

And keep in mind it is always the times when the astrology shows it will be hard to think straight - that are the times when straight thinking is not so much needed as our guts/intuition. 

If big events are not pushing you personally into a corner - simply locate the bottom line and take a step. Maybe that can work one way or the other. We are not lost. We are right here. Life is unfolding precisely as it should be and the piece of creation (as reflected in our birth chart/road map) that we have agreed to carry and evolve is unfolding precisely and perfectly also.

Think of it this way - lightning has already struck, and more than once.

BREATHE DEEPLY and slowly.

See if this deep slow breath is able to help you to be the most deeply yourself.

Because that is what is needed from us now. The thing we have been running from for lifetimes.

For us to be most deeply ourselves.

xo all

Ok, so I have to pop back in here and say, that square to Mars y'all - please stay safe.