Today's Astrology Forecast | Wednesday, February 5, 2020 - getting comfortable with disorder, new information, new ideas about money and resources, absorbing inspiration and innovation, thinking ahead

Our Gemini Moon goes void off a square to Venus at 9:19AM EST. She will be void until 2:03PM EST when she comes home to Cancer - for the next couple days we will be nurtured through home, family, mom/mothering, real estate, our safety/security, country, renovation, home business, family business and taking care of our physical selves.

In Cancer, the Moon will sextile Uranus at 7:16PM EST and then move into a trine with Mercury (who is also sextiling Uranus) at 8:59PM EST.

Mercury (at 2 degrees Pisces now) sextiles Uranus in Taurus.

This is her/his first of three sextiles due to Mercury's upcoming retrograde - remember we are walking the first pass now, so the information/communications, etc, coming in now are VERY IMPORTANT. Mercury will sextile Uranus again on February 28th (while retrograde) and finally on March 22nd moving direct.

Pay attention to what is happening in your life (maybe especially around new ideas/communications regarding money, your resources, your values) because we will be going back and forth over this. Here's where knowing our natal chart will help us - what is the theme of our Pisces natal house? What is the theme of our Taurus natal house?

These themes are working together now to pull us forward. This can also be very literal/mundane - an Aquarius person and a Pisces person or an Aquarius person (or strong Uranus) and a Cancer person, etc.

The Moon in Cancer sextiling Uranus is all about us learning to be comfortable when things are unstable. The Sun in Aquarius is ruled by Uranus, so this sextile is even more impactful. Cancer/Aquarius is not uber compatible because one energy wants to attach and one energy wants to detach. So having this kind of powerful, and HARMONIOUS, connection now is something to pay attention to. 

What are you feeling? What are you thinking?

Mercury in Pisces is literally absorbing information and ideas, and touching Uranus, the planet of our higher mind and the group consciousness, this is some powerful stuff if we can move with the flow of this and not get too jammed up by our need to stay the same (or know what is going to happen) in order for us to feel safe.

Give yourself a break. And give other people a break, too. 

This is good energy to talk about/write about/think about our original ideas, especially in regard to those Cancer or Taurus themes - the home stuff mentioned early on and our Taurean money, resources, values, self-esteem - and most especially if these areas have been challenging because here is some FRESH ENERGY/CHANGE to shake things up.

February is going to be challenging, especially once we get into the middle of the month (and yes, I am doing a monthly) - we are going to need a soft space and some structure to hold onto, loosely, as we move through it.

xo all

With Trump, being Uranus, it looks like good news for him today. Especially now that the Senate vote has been changed, so it is not happening during the void Moon (the impeachment trial did start under a Void Moon, so the 'nothing coming of it' results shouldn't be too unexpected). I think too many astrologers are caught up in his personal chart challenges and not giving enough importance to the zeitgeist of the moment with him. Just keep in mind, Mercury is walking degrees he will walk again, so things here will not be as 'over' as they seem either ... also I would wager, with those crazy Iowa caucus snafus and strange "62%" reporting during last night's Neptune/Mercury lies and confusion (not to mention the fantastical State of the Union address) that those results are not quite what they appear either. I wouldn't be surprised if the 62%, although probably true numbers, were selectively chosen to bring a certain result to the public's attention (using the counties that help the more conservative/corporate friendly Dem). With Mercury about to station retrograde in illusive Pisces - it's going to be a long and winding road!

More in the weekly HERE

photo by the amazing sollenafotagraphie

Today's Astrology Forecast | Tuesday, February 4, 2020 - off the beaten path, keeping conversations light and forward leaning, misled by fantasy, facts vs beliefs, expanding our territory together

Our busy and communicative Gemini Moon trines the Aquarius Sun at 11:20AM EST - conversations, communications, short distance travel, siblings - issues here move smoothly forward. We are accepting of 'outside the box' people and situations/more open minded. Keep things light. Add humor. Apply beginner's mind (what if you don't know what you think you do know). Don't expect any deep dives through the truth or any emotional revelations, but if we keep communications and information light and quick, things should run smoother. Situations involving information/ideas/paperwork/errands within our local community (our New Moon agenda) can move forward today.

Gemini/Aquarius can take us off the beaten path.

The Moon moves into a square with Neptune at 2:50PM EST making information/communication less than reliable. There could be confusion/illusion.  Facts obscured and drifting. Fantasy vs reality.  

Double check everything you hear tonight. 

Finally, just after midnight EST the Moon moves into an opposition with Mars (in Sagittarius). The Gemini Moon wants to keep things moving - keep it light and local. Mars in Sag wants to go bigger/broader - isn't so interested in the details or those pesky facts, just knows what it knows. A clash of beliefs is possible now. A disagreement over the facts. The energies are ripe for a quick argument.

Also today we have Mars (in Sag) sextiling Juno (in Libra) at 21 degrees, creating opportunities through partnerships. If we are going bigger (expanding our territory, expanding our beliefs) we had best be doing it TOGETHER now.

xo all

See more in the weekly HERE

photo by the talented 1Maija

Astrology Forecast for Creatives | Week of February 3, 2020 - paying attention, our thinking changes, time to listen, real deal opportunities, an ending, good news, paying attention, did I say that already, yes I did and I see you are paying attention!

MONDAY - Mercury into Pisces, Venus sextile Saturn
WEDNESDAY - Venus square Galactic Center, Mercury sextile Uranus
FRIDAY - Venus into Aries, Ceres squares Uranus
SATURDAY - Mercury trine North Node
SUNDAY - Full Moon in Leo, Venus conjunct Chiron

Another powerful week with multiple inner planets changing signs - this will impact us personally as well as collectively - and a big Full Moon,

plus something to keep in mind - Mercury starts walking the degrees he/she will walk back and forth over during her upcoming retrograde - so the news and conversations, the stuff that is playing out NOW (for some Mercury will highlight sibling, local community, transportation, computer/communication situations) will be an indicator of what we will be dealing with for many weeks.

This week is the first pass, and sometimes the first pass only looks important in hindsight. With most of this retrograde happening in illusive Pisces, our best play may be to stay flexible, connected and compassionate. Know everything isn't as it appears to be, but trust that "Pisces magic" has our back now.

Also, we have three indicators this week of important messages coming through so WE NEED TO BE PAYING ATTENTION.

Whenever I am looking at a chart and especially a natal chart and I see something once, well it may or may not mean anything important. If I see it twice, I take note and if it shows up three times (multiple aspects indicating something similar) then I know I am seeing something important.

On MONDAY - Venus sextiles Saturn - this is in play through the beginning of the week. There could be a real deal opportunity here - something solid and lasting. Good for dealing with authority, making a commitment, stepping into our own authority, working with a mentor/someone older, etc. This is an opportunistic connection between our Cappy house and our Pisces house. Keep in mind Venus - ruler of money, love, our values and self-esteem - is EXALTED in Pisces.

The dream is real. The love is real. The money is real.

Look for the open door.

On the same day Mercury leaves airy Aquarius for watery Pisces - now the Sun is all alone in Aquarius - boy that was fast, wasn't it! Mercury, ruler of Pisces polarity sign of Virgo is in her/his detriment in Pisces.

At the same time Mercury is moving into Pisces, the Moon is moving into Gemini (ruled by Mercury) and this means Mercury and the Moon are squaring each other as they shift.

Our thinking changes. Dots get connected. Our intuition strengthens.

But at the same time our boundaries are down.

This makes me think of the corona-virus so we may get news of this spreading (with Mercury, ruler of health via Virgo going back and forth through "no boundaries" Pisces, over the next couple months we could see more of this spreading) - BUT remember what we talked about during the eclipses and what happened then being a foreshadowing of our next six months - stuff seeming very alarming, very fast and then petering out, so we will have to see. Mercury rules Gemini as well as Virgo and ideas and information can spread with Mercury in Pisces, too, not just germs!

Keep in mind Virgo's Mercury likes things clear and concise - she wants B to follow A and is sure things would move more efficiently if everyone would just dot their i's and cross their t's. Pisces (ruled by Neptune and ruler of our collective 12th house) is the space where rules/boundaries are more fluid. B might follow A. But just as easily A could drift right on past B.

It is the space of imagination, universal love, our dreams, spirituality, our connection to each other through the ethereal realms and our emotions, the ways we escape, the things we do last, the things we put away, addictions, delusions, hospitals, prisons, addicts, victims, saviors, martyrs.

You can see how fast-moving Mercury could be a bit out-of-whack here.

So maybe our thinking slows down a bit. Our words drift off course. We started to say this and then we are saying that. The words that were so clear and crisp in airy Aquarius, don't come as easily because maybe we start feeling their impact on the other person now. Or maybe we start feeling like one of those old anti-drug commercials but instead of eggs - it is our brain frying on the sidewalk. 

Details might be fuzzy. Our thinking might be, too.

With Pisces ruler of the last house of the zodiac maybe a conversation comes to an end now. Our natal Pisces house - what house has Pisces on the cusp in your natal chart? - a space we are naturally inclined to more dreamy, Piscean ways - suddenly WAKES UP.

Our attention goes there. 

This is wonderful energy for artists, poets, musicians, meditation, spirituality, healing. With Mercury (ruler of Gemini) in this universal space our words can cast even more powerful S-P-E-L-L-S - keep this in mind.

As our cognitive thinking slows down, our intuition speeds up. With Mercury in Pisces - it's time to LISTEN.

Due to her upcoming retrograde Mercury will be in Pisces until April 11th.

With the Moon in Gemini early this week we will be busy. Errands. Things to do. Decisions to be made. New choices/new information.

On WEDNESDAY - Mercury, who has had a couple days to get his feet wet in Pisces by now, will sextile (opportunity) Uranus in Taurus. We could get unexpected (good) news. Conversations will be forward/future leaning. We are thinking outside the box. Having flashes of genius. Wake up calls and unexpected solutions/understanding are possible now. Good surprises are possible.

At the same time, Venus, at the very end of Pisces, is squaring the Galactic Center (black hole at the center of our Galaxy,. seat of creation) - we will have to see/feel how this plays out for us, but I would suspect, coming at the same time as the Mercury/Uranus - we could be dealing with something that puts our back against the wall to give us something to push against if we are needing to move in a new direction.

It's time, and fast approaching PAST time, to be focusing on what we have gained rather than what we have lost.

The Moon is in Cancer now - moving our focus to home, family, real estate, home business, family business, mother - and making nice with Mercury in Pisces and Uranus in Taurus.

On THURSDAY - we have a fast moving emotional water trine. Then the Moon moves into opposition with the Capricorn planets, so there could also be a 'no' with something today or on Friday. Maybe a roadblock or an ending.

On FRIDAY - Venus moves from Pisces (where she has been exalted) into Aries, where she is considered in her detriment (since she rules Aries polarity sign of Libra). Now we have two of our three inner planets in their detriment.

Aries Suns and ascendants (first house Aries) become more attractive - both able to attract what they want and easier on the eye. Everyone's Aries house becomes more attractive, too.

In Aries, Venus functions best when she puts herself first. With Venus in Aries, we will need to take into consideration "what's best for me?".  

We attract what we want by going after it! By being brave. By having a beginner's mind. Through men and masculine energy.

In Aries, Venus is a WARRIOR (and love might be a battlefield ... cue Pat Benatar).

Something to keep in mind as we give ourselves permission to go after what we want (always that fly in the ointment) is the impulsive nature of Aries. If Venus was always in Aries our relationships would last 15 minutes and the things we bought/valued would very quickly fall out of favor and we'd be on to the next thing. Maybe not such a good long-haul energetic, but as a transit, ie transitory, Venus in Aries can get on with the business of getting us what we want in a very effective manner. Just keep in mind some of what Venus in Aries accumulates will not be so long-lasting.

Venus will be in Aries until March 4th.

Ceres (in Aquarius) squares Uranus (in Taurus). It can be hard to fit in/hard to feel boxed in. A Ceres situation - cycle of life, nurturing, etc or something having to do with our Aquarius natal house theme - could get a shake-up. For the collective this could be some kind of planetary wake up call.

On SATURDAY - Mercury trines the North Node (in Cancer). Here is news/information/a conversation that points us toward our future - a more authentic future. PAY ATTENTION. This is building all week and at play in Sunday's Full Moon. Keep your ears and eyes open for a message/messenger. With Mercury in Pisces, this could be intuitive information. We can understand and glide forward easily. No pushing will be needed.

On SUNDAY, we have Venus conjunct Chiron (loving ourselves wounds, warts and all) as the Aquarius Sun opposes the Leo Moon at 20 degrees giving us this month's Full Moon in Leo.

We'll talk about this one in its own post later in the week!


As always keep in mind the bigger picture - Saturn is past Pluto. We are past the death. And past the place in the game where we always died before. Permanent endings. No going back.

Some early Cappy placements still have this to play out as Mars crosses the South Node over the next couple weeks

and we all will be triggered as Mars hits Pluto and the degree of last month's Pluto/Saturn conjunction in March. 

In the meantime this is a big information week - SO PAY ATTENTION.

xo all - will get up the monthly after the Full Moon post!

photo by the talented Elif Karakoc

Today's Astrology Forecast | Friday, January 31, 2020 - opportunities through talks, meetings and communication, long void moon, expect the unexpected tonight and tomorrow morning, birthing our future

The Moon in Aries squares Pluto and Saturn in the early morning hours EST (power plays, safety concerns, tension/frustration with goals and authority, on the upside maybe we are pushed toward courageous action)

and then goes void at 10:10AM EST off a sextile (opportunity) with Mercury.

If you have something to communicate that requires courage/confidence or independent/rational thought this would be good energy. The Moon will be void until 7:28PM EST when she moves into Taurus (the sign of her exaltation). She will hook up with 'expect-the-unexpected' Uranus at 1:09AM EST.

Ceres moves into Aquarius today.

Due to her upcoming retrograde (in Pisces and Aquarius) she won't leave Aquarius for good until early November, so we (through Ceres) get a good long visit here. Ceres rules the planet, maternal issues, childhood issues, security issues. Ceres rules the seasons and carries the energy of "impermanence" - nature's promise of security through the death and rebirth cycle/the seasons of our life. Ceres in our natal chart indicates a space/theme of our life where much will lie outside our control. In Aquarius, nurturing becomes more even-handed and all-welcoming, but also more detached. Mom is not so much offering milk and cookies as rational advice and, well, maybe cookies, we all like cookies, but you get the idea.

Challenging cycle of life issues may get easier to deal with as we allow ourselves a little emotional, and maybe physical, distance from the situation. We could find nurturing coming through our groups/causes/the internet/technology. Ceres rules food and today's move into future-focused Aquarius could be a good time for a fresh eating plan.

Ceres long 2020 journey through Aquarius is helping us birth (Ceres) our future (Aquarius). Good for tech advances that benefit the planet. We'll talk about this more as we move through it.

To sum things up - the long void Moon today could make things wonky - don't get all stressed over stuff that will quickly blow over anyway or is outside your control. 

Communicate and connect early in the day - there are opportunities here. 

Use the rest of the day for routine work. Don't start anything brand new. Time gets stretchy. 

The Taurus Moon's conjunction with chaotic Uranus could brings some surprises tonight and into the weekend!

My sister is coming into town tomorrow - YAY! My plan is to get a February monthly up by Monday - fingers crossed.

- xo all

photo by the talented nylonjuvenile

Today's Astrology Forecast | Thursday, January 30, 2020 - forward movement, go go go, one step at a time, avoiding restless legs, keeping a cool ahead, move your body, do it yourself

This day is all about the Aries Moon.

The Moon continues her monthly journey through Aries - sextiling the Aquarius Sun (this month's waxing sextile) at 9 degrees at 2:49AM EST, squaring Jupiter at 9:54AM EST and trining Aries ruler, Mars, at 8:49PM EST.

There is energy, initiative, forward motion and courage here, as well as the energy for simmering resentments to explode, if we don't give all this Aries/Mars something to do - so keep that in mind, too.

The Waxing Sextile through Aries/Aquarius encourages independent or pioneering action. Sextiles unfold gently. If you need something with lots of moving parts to get done, break it down into smaller steps and get started. If you need to take a big step, break it down into a series of smaller steps. Make your next best move. Don't think ahead to move thirty seven and why this isn't going to work. Just make your next best move.

The challenge (square) with Jupiter in Capricorn indicates some friction/tension with a goal or career/authority (or the theme of your personal natal Cappy house). Fire squares are passionate/sometimes angry and Jupiter can make us want to do too much/too soon or bite off too big a chunk. The best use of this Jupiter is courage/optimism. Again keep going. Don't look too far ahead right now and get caught up in the dis-empowering "what ifs" - KNOW there are better days ahead for all of us. Because there are. Faith is our friend, folks.

The best news for that Jupiter square will be the Moon's building trine to Aries ruler Mars. This is roadblock removal IF we take action. We can't just sit around with this energy or we will be miserable and antsy and maybe looking for a fight. 

Again get moving. What is your next step? The Moon is growing and your plans should be, too.

If you don't know what to do, that's ok, just DO WHAT YOU WANT TO DO. Get yourself into the vibe of pleasure - there is alot today's skies can do with that!

Move your body and change your life.

xo all

photo by the talented RaphaelleM

Today's Astrology Forecast | Wednesday, January 29, 2020 - not taking things too personally, new projects and initiatives, partnership agreements, cooperation, accepting someone else's support

The Moon moves into "let's get something started" and 'I want to be first" Aries at 6:51AM EST.

She will conjunct hurting/healing Chiron early in the day, so there could be a situation that triggers an old sensitivity around our identity/brand, so DON'T TAKE THINGS TOO PERSONALLY. The Moon is fast moving though and not given to too much sentimentality in Aries, and with no other aspects to pile on, we should sail right through this and the rest of the day. It could feel almost like a void Moon in that time gets stretchy and we can get alot done (not the 'nothing comes of it part though - things can come of what we do now!).

We are building toward the Aries Moon's sextile with the Aquarius Sun, so doing things our unique way, using innovation/technology and combining the energy/enthusiasm of the beginner with the intellect/advanced-thinking of the seasoned pro will create opportunities to move things along quickly.

In Aries, the Moon is nurtured through initiative, action, men. We will be feeling how things affect us personally and want to avoid being too selfish or too impulsive over the next couple days.
Mercury (in Aquarius, too) trines Juno at 21 degrees Libra. Good for freedom/innovation within our relationships and partnerships. Smart and forward-leaning alliances and conversations. Good for contracts and coming to an agreement. Mercury in Aquarius allows us to think out of the box and along with the Moon in fiery Aries move forward with whatever we have going on with a partner, client, someone we have hired, a co-worker, a group, something/someone on the internet, etc.

Maybe we are detaching just enough from an issue to be able to bring a situation into balance/cooperation.

Maybe we are ready to commit (we can maintain our individuality, too) and/or to accept someone else's support now.

Individually, and together, we can do this.

xo all

photo by the talented riskonelook

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