Weekly Astrology Forecast for Creatives | Week of June 22nd - June 28th, 2020 - Neptune retrograde, Venus direct (!), Mars into Aries - is our place in the world where we left it or has it moved, I think we are going to find out!


Yes, another HUGE week.

I will just copy and paste that in here every week, until, oh, I don't know 2023 maybe!

We start the week in the energy of this weekend's uber strong/uber impactful Cancer New Moon Solar Eclipse and Solstice focusing us on a beginning/ending/beginning regarding our Cancer natal house theme or the collective themes of -

home, family, our roots, mother, mothering, our ancestry, real estate, country, patriotism, home business, family business, our need for safety and security, our moods and emotions, the root of the matter, what is home, where do we belong, who are our family

and keep in mind Mercury is retrograde in this same area of our chart/life asking us to go back over something here - to re-view, re-do, re-work something.

Then, another planet goes retrograde - more looking backward. Are we surrounded by ghosts, or are we surrounded by ghosts?! The circumstances and people we feel we are done with, but who, one way or another are not so done with us! 

More dues to be paid before we move on. 

I think I am going to sew some deeper pockets into my pants ... 

Then one personal planet stations direct - TADA! - and one personal planet charges home to his own sign - another TADA!

But, is our place in the world where we left it or has it changed/moved? I think we are going to find out.

The week ahead rolls out like this:

SUNDAY - Summer Solstice, Cancer New Moon/Solar Eclipse (0 degrees)
TUESDAY - Neptune stations retrograde, Mars squares Galactic Center
THURSDAY - Venus stations direct
FRIDAY - Mars squares the North and South Nodes (as he exits Pisces)
SATURDAY - Mars enters Aries - for the rest of the year! - crossing the Aries Point
(squaring the 0 degree Cancer Eclipse point and sextiling Saturn)

Here we go!

SUNDAY - See the Solar Eclipse New Moon post HERE

TUESDAY, Neptune stations retrograde at 20 degrees Pisces (he will be retrograde until November 28th, when he will station direct at 18 degrees Pisces). Yes, Neptune moves so slowly we will spend five months going back and forth over two degrees!

(the last time Neptune stationed retrograde at 20 degrees Pisces was on June 23, 1856)

Collectively a retrograde Neptune means more realism, less imagination, our illusions are highlighted and then dimmed. It should help. It should help us to see straight. Our blurry visions will gradually come into focus as the tide goes out. We can revise/review our dreams.

Since Neptune rules viruses we should see a further lessening of the spread of the virus now.

On the other hand if we are depending on an illusion/those rose-colored glasses to get us through something/to make life bearable - Neptune retrograde can make things almost too real/too naked/less buoyant. Because again ... the tide goes out and we can see those colorful rocks at our feet are actually plain old rocks after all.

If we are directly impacted by this retrograde (if we have planets or points in this 'red zone' of the mutable signs - Pisces, Gemini, Virgo or Sagittarius) - certain situations can intensify.

If our boundaries have become too thin, if we are too pie-in-the-sky idealistic about something, if we are believing in things that have no basis in reality, if we are escaping/indulging in addictive behaviors - we won't be able to avoid the ramifications of this stuff any longer. This can also be about the theme of our Pisces natal house.

If we have drained ourselves through too much Neptune - delusion, escape, self-sacrificing, compassion fatigue, turning the other cheek - and are exhausted - we will need to figure that out. Sometimes things have to get worse before they get better. The elephant behind the sofa will be standing on the coffee table.

And with Chiron in Aries, we are the ones who will have to make things better for ourselves. 

Keep in mind as always with Neptune - there is also powerful magic here. Pray, meditate, listen to music. Neptune rules not only what we have put away, but what is behind us. Our ancestors, and every good decision we've ever made in every life we've ever lived - is lined up to assist us through these times. Just ask.

Also on TUESDAY, Mars (finishing up in Pisces) is going to square the Galactic Center (our homing signal, center of our Milky Way Galaxy).

Squares bring tension/frustration. The need to adjust, but these are mutable signs, so maybe that shouldn't be too hard. Maybe!

Mars is a personal planet so a contact with the Galactic Center can take the collective energies and make them PERSONAL. Mars in Pisces is like "I want to do this" (maybe escape/sleep/dream/dance the day away!) and the Galactic Center is all like "no, you came here to do that." Or maybe Mars has his blinders on as he barrels toward Aries and the Galactic Center (homing signal) is like "don't forget about this!" - some Piscean ideal/act of forgiveness/compassion/bit of magic up her/his sleeve, etc that we need to adjust to/deal with first.

Heads up Wednesday/Thursday has a very LONG Void Moon (10:30AM EDT Wednesday to 1:05PM EDT on Thursday).

On THURSDAY, TA-DA! Venus stations direct at 5 degrees Gemini!

As Neptune stations retrograde and Venus stations direct - relationship and financial issues gain greater clarity and can MOVE FORWARD.

Money that was held up will start to come in. Job searches can end.  

Maybe people will start getting their hair cut again!

Note - Venus won't be covering totally new ground until the end of July, but it is good news she is direct before Mars squares the Nodes of Fate and before Mars gets into Aries!

We have been back and forth over what we want/our relationships/creative projects/financial issues - we have one final pass over the next month and we get that final pass without a delusional Neptune and with a strong Mars in his home sign.

Venus's retrograde has made clear to us what we want; what we value.

The story isn't over - she is still covering old ground, but the re-examination is over.

Do you still want to do this/be in this situation/with this person or people/make money in this way? Is this still beautiful/loving/FAIR? Do you still value THIS?

On FRIDAY, Mars, at the final degree of Pisces squares the North Node in Gemini and the South Node in Sagittarius.

This is a CROSSROADS. Maybe a quick decision is needed. The North Node is in Gemini - small moves/conversations/ideas create big changes.

Are we going to stay with our old beliefs/thinking we KNOW/thinking bigger is better/farther is fancier than what's in our own backyard (South Node Sag) or are we going to move in a new direction (untested) based on new information/ideas/choices/new questions/new conversations/going smaller/getting closer (North Node Gemini).

What's it gonna be?

Keep in mind, Mercury, the ruler of the North Node is retrograde, so this NEW might not be totally new. Mars in Pisces is intuitive action. A spiritual warrior. Or else he's asleep or he's drunk. If we are awake and sober we are 2/3 of the way good already.

Do what you can. As well as you can. Without making yourself and everyone else batsh*t crazy and  without any particularly lalaland kind of hope. Hopeful is good, of course, but don’t rely totally on hope (Jupiter is retrograde and in his fall in Capricorn), there are not a million open doors, but there is at least one. There is always at least one. So ask for what you really want, take the steps, make the effort. Look for facts. Read between the lines. Do your homework.

On SATURDAY - Mars, the God of War and Passion and Anger and BEGINNINGS comes home to Aries for the first time in over two years

and due to his upcoming retrograde will be here FOR THE REST OF THE YEAR. If this can't wake up our Aries natal house, we had better stick a fork in it, because it is DONE.

Mars loves to be in Aries, because he can be the most himself here, but since he is the God of War - this 'most himself' thing has some issues with it to start with and also there is the whole 'we have six months of this' thing. On the other hand, even with multiple planets still retrograde including Mercury - we are going to want to get moving.

He crosses the Aries point (0 degrees of a cardinal sign, squaring the Eclipse degree from last weekend and activating that) - this brings our collective attention to SOMETHING, so the world, our hive-mind, will be focused on some NEWS.

A collective crisis point maybe.

Mars immediately sextiles Saturn, retrograde at 0 degrees Aquarius, so there is support/stabilization for our actions. Stepping into a responsibility. Keep in mind he is squaring the Eclipse degree from last Sunday - post HERE - so activating THAT.

And we are building toward next week's second meeting of Jupiter/Pluto and will be feeling the bigness of THAT.

So, the end of the week is super-charged.

Back with some dailies.

xo all

photo by the talented catgottongue

Saturday Night Mystery | the astrology of the Disappearances of Madeleine McCann and Inga Gehricke and a new suspect comes to light - part II

We talked about the disappearance of Madeleine McCann last week in THIS post.

Eight years later (minus exactly one day) five year old, Inga Gehricke, disappeared while gathering firewood during a family day trip in a forest in Saxony-Anhalt, Germany. Her family (Inga, her parents, two brothers and one sister) had driven about 50 miles from their home to meet friends for a barbecue.

This part is taken from a news source called, The Mirror, "Keen to help her parents, little Inga, in an adorable butterfly T-shirt and blue jeans, was carrying bottles of water to the table where they would sit down to enjoy the barbecue.The table was in a sun dappled clearing at the edge of the forest and as the sun started to fade in the sky, two of the other children saw her heading to the home of the family friends through the trees. Her heartbroken father said: "It was only 100 meters to the house. But she never got there." Police and local volunteers scoured the woods for days, but beautiful little Inga was never found.

The exact time of Inga's disappearance varied in different online sources and the details were very thin, but this chart, although a very late and critical degree, seems workable.

Inga is represented here by the Moon and the first house/sign on the cusp/Ascendant.

The Moon is in Libra, in the 12th house of endings/what's hidden/karmic story-lines (along with the North Node - fate). The Moon is answering to Libra's ruler Venus, here in the 8th house - the other house of endings, also secrets, death. The chart shows Libra rising, so again answering to Venus, in Gemini, so answering to Mercury also in Gemini and the ruler of Gemini. So, we stop here - 1st house, Inga's physical self and that dark 8th house.

Gemini could mean multiple victims, with Venus in Gemini, multiple young female victims and we know this is happening almost exactly on the anniversary of Madeleine's disappearance. The degree of this chart is very late - very strong/dangerous.

Like Madeleine's chart, the Moon is void.

With the Moon in Libra and Libra rising, it is not surprising Inga's appearance is rather textbook Libra - delicate, fair, pleasant facial features, light hair, kind or friendly demeanor, girl-next-store. The first house can also show us where the victim is and in this case, she is at a social event/the barbecue with other people (Libra).

On the opposite side of the chart - the descendant - we will find our perpetrator at the critical degree of 29 Aries.

Ruled by Mars in the perpetrator's 7th house (conjunct fixed star Algol - the demon star, Medusa's head - murder/mayhem - possibly the worst star in the sky).

Like in Madeleine's chart, the significator (Mars in this chart) for the perpetrator is near the Sun,

but where in Madeleine's chart they were exactly conjunct combusting the significator and making it (and the perpetrator it represents) invisible - here we see him not close enough to be blown out, but ahead of the Sun, out of bounds. Not restrained by the Sun's rules.

So, he catches a break similar to what he had eight years before that makes him somehow hard for authority (the Sun) to see/catch up with. Coupled with that Void Moon (waxing toward the Full Moon, whereas Madeleine's was waning) - he is hard to see/catch, yes again, but almost certainly in this case not impossible to see.

I would be surprised if he hadn't come to the investigator's attention in some capacity back in 2015. It's another Full Moon and like a dead-hearted werewolf or knife come to slice open the night he's right there!

Mars (the perpetrator) is in Taurus answering to Venus, again with Venus answering to Mercury in the 8th house, so we have an energetic loop between the 7th and 8th houses for the perpetrator and the Sun/Mars, although wide, powers it up.

The 8th house connection can not only describe his connection with whatever happens to Inga (the death pattern in this chart which we won't get into), but also describes him as a criminal-type person. Aries could mean he is quick to anger, hot-headed. A textbook Aries appearance is possible - quick walk, maybe with his head leaning forward, headaches/eye problems, slim hips, light hair, Arian features, fast, fidgety. He could use a weapon. I would wonder if he played with fire as a child. The final dispositor here is Mercury who is opposing Saturn in the 2nd house - showing the control the perpetrator has over the victim. He is in possession of the victim. Older. Maybe he even approached her saying he was a policeman (authority) or saying her parents had sent him.

With both victim and perpetrator tied into that 24 degrees Venus (and note the Moon - Inga - at 25 degrees Libra is exactly opposing Madeleine's natal Moon at 25 degrees Aries) which connects us to the 24-25 degrees Venus in Madeleine's charts.

(24 degrees Gemini is the home of fixed star Al Hecka- the tip of the horn of the bull - known for male violence, violent death, pedophilia and deviation - I would be very surprised if our suspect's birth chart doesn't have a strong connection to very near or exactly this degree)

Mars in the 7th can also describe the motivation of the perpetrator and here we see Mars is the ruler of the 6th house and Uranus. He wants to do violence/destruction/make chaos. This would not have been as planned out as Madeleine's disappearance. Uranus is spontaneous. He is reliving his crime of eight years before. Again he can't be contained/controlled - for him there is a need to be challenged by dark/hazardous situations. With the ruler of the 6th in the 7th (and Uranus in the 6th) maybe he is moving from one work situation to another or having unusual health issues. His day to day life is chaotic/disorderly. But mostly I think this just shows the impulsive nature of his actions and the chaos they unleash. The ruler of the 10th (Leo/the Sun) is also in the 7th again showing his control over the situation.

Like with Madeleine's charts I have added asteroid Christian (for the recently announced suspect, in jail on another offense) and asteroid Inga (in this case the closest asteroid to her namesake is Inge) and they are exactly opposing each other.

He is at the top of the chart, in control, again, and conjuncting expansive Jupiter. She, alone at the bottom, in Aquarius so in a strange place and Aquarius is answering to ancient ruler Saturn in Sagittarius (his authority over her, again that second house having possession of her and also maybe showing the vastness of the forest and it's foreign-ness or size to Inga, him taking her farther away) and modern ruler Uranus in Aries (in the sign and house the perpetrator rules).

As to Inga's final resting place we could look to Saturn - in Sagittarius, so maybe the forest/hills/high lands, maybe a farther distance from where she started out than they were looking or we could look to the 4th house (end of the matter) cusp in Aquarius - somewhere in the open air or high/hilly.

It is hard to imagine a more heartbreaking crime. Maybe some of the reasons so much has remained hidden is there are things here no one would really ever want to know ...

Inge's mother has said she knows/feels her daughter is still alive. That is because Inga is still alive. We don't really die when we die. I am sure she feels her daughter near her because she is near her. And of course, this post is just one person's interpretation of this chart, there are many interpretations that could point in very different directions.

There is another case, a teenage boy whose asteroid namesake at the time of his murder (which was fast and vicious and maybe our perpetrator's first victim) was exactly semi-sextile asteroid Christian - which you might remember, at 30 degrees, was his asteroid's exact connection to Madeleine's asteroid. Venus is also in Gemini when this boy is murdered and our suspect was living nearby.

Maybe we will look at that chart next .... then I think we will flip back to adult victims and stay there for a very LONG time.

xo all

New Moon Solar Eclipse in Cancer | June 20th -21st, 2020 - where do we belong, where is home now, social restlessness, beginnings and endings, starting something that will last if we can get through the problematic beginning

On June 21, 2020 at 2:41AM EDT - the Cancer Moon meets the Cancer Sun at 0 degrees giving us this month's New Moon, happening so close to the Moon's Nodes and on an Aries point gives us a collectively focused Annular Solar Eclipse. Happening on the Summer (or Winter for those down under) Solstice gives us an even more powerful new beginning!

So we've got a beginning, an end and a beginning again all at one time. 

Maybe the question, first asked by some smart chicken somewhere probably not in any hurry to cross the road - can we peck our way out of our crumbling structure or is someone going to have to crack us on the griddle? 

If we need to stop doing what we have been doing, then let's go ahead and stop. If we need to begin something new, here is a space for a fresh start. Trust it and by "it" I mean yourself. 

We can't just call this a New Moon because it may as well be a new world. Keep in mind in Cancer what begins might begin very personally/in secret/in private/within the family/within our shell.

But it's surely the start of something and also the ending.

The Moon/Sun are again aspecting asteroid Hygie (our health practices/hygiene - our focus still here) and we have an exact inconjunct to a retrograde Saturn who has just backed into 0 degrees Aquarius on his return visit to Capricorn. Cancer's ruler is the Moon, so this is HER lunation. Mercury is retrograde in Cancer, answering to the Moon and Venus is retrograde in Gemini answering to Mercury who's answering to the Moon.

Have I said this is going to be emotional? This is going to be emotional.

Cancer New Moons - and this one is powered up by its position at 0 degrees, the Solar Eclipse AND the Solstice - are about collective Cancer themes

(so, this theme is applicable to all of us both individually and collectively and then the theme of our personal natal Cancer house will come into play, too - see the themes by sign below).

So, what are we being asked to begin?

Cancer rules home, family, our roots, mother, mothering, our ancestry, real estate, country, patriotism, home business, family business, our need for safety and security, our moods and emotions, the root of the matter, what is home, where do we belong, who are our family

and because Cancer opposes Capricorn where we do what we have to do and push ourselves through no matter what, it also rules the care we take of our physical body (so make it a rule now to take as excellent care of yourself as you are able), the way we feed ourselves/nurture ourselves and others and the wee beginnings of things that we sometimes rush through on our way to the top of that mountain (or bottom of that pile of "things to do") - somewhere in here is where we get the new beginning (or two),  

and, because, remember a Solar Eclipse is the eclipsing of the Sun (our life-force) - the beginning can come through a powerful ending (if something/someone is leaving, it is already gone - keep this in mind). Sometimes a masculine energy/father figure leaves.

With a retrograde Saturn inconjunct (there is some old and frustrating incompatibility with this new start) the New Moon will have to have patience and make adjustments to rules and limits. Maybe maintain a stiff upper lip at times because unless we are an actual blubbering baby we probably don't want to behave as one.

Let's look at some potential themes by sign.

I was going to write a different kind of post, but fractured my foot jumping off a swing and THEN not wearing the boot at the moment I most needed it, fell down the stairs, hurting, what feels like it just might be, everything else. The good news, I don't notice the pain from the fractured foot anymore (textbook Mars/Pisces and my natal Mars is in Leo, so some fiery - sometimes rash - action on my part always setting off an injury when I do have one - ugh).

Anyhoo - let's look at this by sign for some potentials to think about.

Please remember "by sign" is kind of a guideline. We are all under the energetic of the Aries themes - because Aries rising, Aries in his natural 1st house - in a whole sign house system (which I don't use for personal charts, but I must use for these kind of mundane forecasts) is a collective theme.

Sometimes we find the theme of our Sun sign - regardless of house - at play and other times our Rising sign (sign on the cusp of our first house) theme fits better. Of course, just because you are a Taurus rising, doesn't always mean you have Cancer ruling your 3rd house, etc, so if you know the actual house check that first and you might have to feel your way through this.

Depending on your individual chart (if you have planets or points near 0 degrees of the cardinal signs this will be stronger for you) you may feel this Eclipse to a greater or lesser degree, but all of us get eclipsed.

The energy we carry for the collective - the energetic lineup when we drew our first breath - shifts.

We change and then we attract changing circumstances - and because there is no time and eclipses somehow work backwards, too - these changing circumstances can precede the actual eclipse!

ARIES/Aries Rising - (Cancer 4th house/Aquarius 11th house) the Sun and Moon are meeting in your 4th house of home, family, your roots, mother, mothering, your ancestry, real estate or a home business, so something here is BEGINNING/new. A retrograde Saturn is inconjunct from your 11th house of your friendships, groups, causes, the internet, the public, the goals that bring you into relationship with other people, your advancement, technology, so something here - and this part won't be a new thing - is frustrating/incompatible and somehow must be integrated with the fresh start.

TAURUS/Taurus Rising (Cancer 3rd house/Aquarius 10th house) the Sun and Moon are meeting in your 3rd house of communication, information, ideas, writing, siblings, transportation or your local neighborhood, so something here is BEGINNING/new. A retrograde Saturn is inconjunct from your 10th house of your career, your calling, your achievements, your achievement goals, dad, business, authority, responsibility, so something here - and this part won't be a new thing - is frustrating/incompatible and somehow must be integrated with the fresh start.

GEMINI/Gemini Rising (Cancer 2nd house/Aquarius 9th house) the Sun and Moon are meeting in your 2nd house of your money, your values, your resources and self-esteem, so something here is BEGINNING/new. A retrograde Saturn is inconjunct from your 9th house of travel, higher education, weddings, politics, legal issues, the media, publishing, foreigners, everything outside your comfort zone, exploration, your beliefs and higher thinking, so something here - and this part won't be a new thing - is frustrating/incompatible and somehow must be integrated with the fresh start.

CANCER/Cancer Rising (Cancer 1st house/Aquarius 8th house) the Sun and Moon are meeting in your 1st house of yourself, so a new chapter is kicking off for you. A retrograde Saturn is inconjunct this from your 8th house of other people's resources, other people's values, intimacy, other people's money, spouse's income, loans, debts, taxes, inheritance, sex, reproduction, the resources you share with other people, so something here - and this part won't be a new thing - is frustrating/incompatible and somehow must be integrated with the fresh start.

LEO/Leo Rising (Cancer 12th house, Aquarius 7th house) the Sun and Moon are meeting in your 12th house of what is hidden or put away or done behind the scenes, secrets, the ethereal realms, imagination, hospitals, spirituality, addiction, healing, so something here is BEGINNING/new. A retrograde Saturn is inconjunct this from your 7th house of your relationships so something here - and this part won't be a new thing - is frustrating/incompatible and somehow must be integrated with the fresh start.

VIRGO/Virgo Rising (Cancer 11th house, Aquarius 6th house) the Sun and Moon are meeting in your 11th house of your friendships, groups, causes, the internet, the public, the goals that bring you into relationship with other people, your advancement, technology, so something here is BEGINNING/new. A retrograde Saturn is inconjunct this from your 6th house of your day-to-day activities, your routine, work, co-workers, pets and your health, so something here - and this part won't be a new thing - is frustrating/incompatible and somehow must be integrated with the fresh start.

LIBRA/Libra Rising (Cancer 10th house, Aquarius 5th house) the Sun and Moon are meeting in your 10th house of your career, your calling, your achievements, your achievement goals, dad, business, authority, responsibility, so something here is BEGINNING/new. A retrograde Saturn is inconjunct this from your 5th house of creative projects, your self-expression, what you give birth to, children, romance and recreation, so something here - and this part won't be a new thing - is frustrating/incompatible and somehow must be integrated with the fresh start.

SCORPIO/Scorpio Rising (Cancer 9th house, Aquarius 4th house) the Sun and Moon are meeting in your 9th house of travel, higher education, weddings, politics, legal issues, the media, publishing, foreigners, everything outside your comfort zone, exploration, your beliefs and higher thinking, so something here is BEGINNING/new. A retrograde Saturn from your 4th house of home, family, your roots, mother, mothering, your ancestry, real estate or a home business, so something here - and this part won't be a new thing - is frustrating/incompatible and somehow must be integrated with the fresh start.

SAGITTARIUS/Sag Rising (Cancer 8th house, Aquarius 3rd house) the Sun and Moon are meeting in your 8th house of other people's resources, other people's values, intimacy, other people's money, spouse's income, loans, debts, taxes, death, inheritance, sex, reproduction, the resources you share with other people, so something here is BEGINNING/new. A retrograde Saturn is inconjunct from your 3rd house of communication, information, ideas, writing, siblings, transportation or your local neighborhood, so something here - and this part won't be a new thing - is frustrating/incompatible and somehow must be integrated with the fresh start.

CAPRICORN/Capricorn Rising (Cancer 7th house, Aquarius 2nd house) the Sun and Moon are meeting in your 7th house of partners and partnerships so something here is BEGINNING/new. Saturn is inconjunct from your 2nd house of your money, your values, your resources and self-esteem, so something here - and this part won't be a new thing - is frustrating/incompatible and somehow must be integrated with the fresh start.

AQUARIUS/Aquarius Rising (Cancer 6th house, Capricorn 12th house) daily activities, your routine, work, co-workers, pets and your health, so something here is BEGINNING/new. A retrograde Saturn is inconjunct from your 1st house of yourself, so something here - and this part won't be a new thing - is frustrating/incompatible and somehow must be integrated with the fresh start.

PISCES/Pisces Rising (Cancer 5th house, Aquarius 12th house) the Sun and Moon are meeting in your 5th house of creative projects, your self-expression, what you give birth to, children, romance and recreation, so something here is BEGINNING/new. A retrograde Saturn is inconjunct from your 12th house of what is hidden or put away or done behind the scenes, secrets, the ethereal realms, imagination, hospitals, spirituality, addiction, healing, so something here - and this part won't be a new thing - is frustrating/incompatible and somehow must be integrated with the fresh start.

There is also a wide square to Mars, that we discount at our own peril because keep in mind Mars is uber uncomfortable in Pisces and rushing to get home to Aries (June 27th) for the REST OF THE YEAR. He is going to square this Eclipse point as he enters Aries and THAT might be when we see/feel the ramifications of THIS or when something gets moving.

So, factor that in to the above "by signs" - the action coming through your natal Aries house!

This Eclipse is hitting the United States Venus/Jupiter conjunction, so this might not be pretty for us (finances/expansion and ruling (through Venus) 6th house health/work, 10th house worldly reputation/career and (through Jupiter) the 1st house of the country itself/our spirit - but keep in mind Eclipses also work backward and we can see the virus forcing a focus on safety/home (also continue to keep your pantry stocked), financial and health challenges and the government restrictions that can be at the same time frustrating and also inadequate and with this stuff being emphasized at the Solstice this is going to continue to have a lasting impact. With Mercury nearby this also means we can't believe everything we read in the news/media - but we know this already. The square from Mars; the protests that seemed to come out of nowhere, but have been brewing for centuries - and are, yes, going to be more lasting and effective in provoking change/newness.

Big news and events coming next week.

There are multiple "war" aspects now, and we had a similar Eclipse the summer before 9/11 - but let's hope the "war" is the war on this virus and the protests war on police brutality and second class citizenship and not an actual "war" as it has historically been born out. Trump's natal Mercury (which squares his delusional, but also psychic Neptune) is in the line of fire here, so it's anyone's guess what he could say now. Hopefully he is taking care of his health/safety.

If you find yourself getting lost in all of this, keep in mind always our North Node in Gemini now - we talked about it HERE (Part I and Part II are both in this post).

xo all

Today's Astrology Forecast | Friday, June 19, 2020 - needing peace and beauty, a light shines on the road ahead, a short primer on these collective Pluto transits, 3D to 5D


The Moon in communicative/multi-tasking Gemini now - reporting to a retrograde Mercury - met up with a retrograde Venus at 4:39AM EDT. Moon/Venus (even in curious and easily stimulated Gemini) could favor us with some emotional harmony, artistic sensitivity - we need love, security, peace, beauty, women. Affirmations can be particularly potent now. We could be talking/thinking about the past and the future.

The Moon cruises through the rest of the day (tomorrow she will hit squares to Neptune and Mars) and the Mars/Pluto sextile from yesterday is still in play, especially this morning - so use that to get things done.

The Sun meets the North Node (29 degrees Gemini). We talked about this in the weekly:

"Now a light (Sun) is thrown on our best path forward (North Node).  

It could be a bright spotlight we can't miss or maybe it's a tiny flicker that catches our eye and pulls us over to investigate a new direction. We might receive some confirmation we are on the right path or a gentle shove (or maybe not so gentle with the Solstice and Eclipse this week) in a new direction if we aren't. Gemini is ruled by Mercury, who has just stationed retrograde, so this could be something from the past or with a connection to the past. Get out and about. Talk to other people. They want to say yes."

Keep in mind this is happening opposite the Galactic Center - our homing signal, magnifying its significance. In Gemini - the other side of a situation/person could be exposed under the Sun's bright light. Maybe our thinking shifts. A decision might be made now that we can only see the significance of later. 

For some people, Gemini situations show up through the local community, transportation or technology situations and siblings. 

I wanted to get a big picture up, but still need to write a Solstice/Eclipse post for the weekend, so will just say this.

The planet (Age of Aquarius) has moved from 3D consciousness to 5D consciousness. The January Saturn/Pluto conjunction (which included Mercury and Ceres) was like a shut off point after the 2012 activation that was itself a kind of shut off point after the Harmonic Convergence.

Time ran out. Cords were cut. It used to be easier to stay in our old/unresolved stories because we were corded to them. Now, all the stuff that can't exist in 5D is being purged. It actually doesn't even exist anymore, but in another sense, because we are still imagining it there, it does.

This is manifesting as a collective Pluto transit and if you have ever had a Pluto transit/an awakening you will know it happens in stages - now, I don't mean to generalize because not all people get all stages, but in general it goes something like this -

sometimes, not always, there is a catalyzing event (ie break-up, job loss, illness, death, etc and obviously not everyone who has this happen is having a Pluto transit), then a brief period of euphoria/happiness/power surge usually lasting a couple/few days - cords cut/lightness. Then the dark night of the soul stage - this is kind of an emptying. Sometimes a humbling. Some will feel this as depression. Then a stage of 'void' where we aren't connected to the old world anymore, but the new world hasn't started.

The dark night/void stages can last a few months to a couple years depending on whether Pluto is retrograding over the point in our chart he is activating

(I had a one pass Pluto transit over my Venus which is on the Galactic Center and though challenging it was still much harder to have the three-pass over my Mercury that lasted over two years and is just completing).

This is followed by a kind of reality/grounding and then finally a reintegration into a new/transformed life.

This is how we wake up and it's also how we die. So a Pluto transit is basically what happens when we die, except we don't actually die.

Now we have these transits personally based on our natal charts (ie our blueprints) and we have these transits collectively, too - the Saturn/Pluto was a one pass transit (thank God!), so all this stuff was sped up and we are all in various places in our lives dealing with its fallout.

We also have, and are in the middle of, a three-peat Pluto transit which is Jupiter/Pluto, so the reason it feels like multiple things are happening is because, YES, multiple things are happening. We had the first pass of Jupiter/Pluto in April and we have the second pass at the end of this month and the final pass the end of the year. We could look at the three passes as - devastation, the void and grounding/rebirth. Collectively, things get more complicated because we are dealing with many other shifts at the same time.

But the real backstory here is a shift from 3D (Age of Pisces, life on planet Earth followed by afterlife followed by life on planet Earth) to 5D (Age of Aquarius - which might relate somehow to 5G to people still living in 3D, but it's hard to see this yet) for the planet.

Now, some souls are choosing to stay in 3D and keep playing this game for a while longer and some are 'waking up' in 5D (a new game, I guess), so how this split is going to actually work no one knows!

We can't see what's around the corner because we 'see' what we think we are going to see and that won't work with this shift. We don't get to know our next step. We'll know our next step when we are taking it. Sounds confusing, right? Yes. That's why there are no easy answers/fixes right now to our 3D problems. I hope this is making some kind of sense.

And obviously I could be totally wrong here because we can't really know. And I may be crazy, but not crazy enough to say that I do!

Maybe this increased polarization is us leaning into our authentic/individuated selves - we agree with each other here/we disagree with each other there - and of course, the rising energies for an age of equality (not patriarchal or matriarchal) - which whether this will be a utopia or dystopia or maybe something in between, is still being decided based on our choices/actions/beliefs as we move through this.

We will talk more about this in a bigger post.

Let's get through this next Eclipse.

In the meantime, for today, there is that lovely Moon/Venus - we have to appreciate all the lovely now - and the Sun/North Node - an opportunity to see/think/decide a bit ahead, so pay attention.

Back with the Eclipse post.

xo all

photo by the amazing thefirebomb