The fast-moving and devastating fires that have consumed parts of Los Angeles for the past week are still burning as I write this. The Palisades Fire is reported to have killed 24 people, left dozens unaccounted for, destroyed thousands of dwellings and almost 18,000 acres.
Let's see what astrology can tell us about the most destructive fire in Los Angeles city history.
Although the fire may have started on New Year's Eve with a careless celebration fire that was poorly extinguished and reignited a week later - I am going to use a chart for the 911 call placed on January 7th, 2025 at 10:15AM.
This call is placed by LA resident, Michel Valentine, who sees SMOKE.
Thirty minutes later with no response, Valentine calls 911 again and by the time the first firefighters arrive at the site at 11:00AM, the fire has already engulfed 100 acres.
By 11:30AM, the fire has grown to 200 acres and Valentine sees the first firetrucks arrive in his neighborhood.
By 12:30PM evacuation orders go into effect, and, by 7:30PM that night, the fire has grown to almost 3,000 acres.
A week later the fire continues to burn.
Let's take a look at the astrology. Los Angeles has an 1850 incorporation chart and a 1781 'naming' chart (when a group of about 40 Spanish settlers claimed the area for Spain). California itself didn't even become a state until 1850, but the 1781 chart looks very accurate for Los Angeles (both the spirit of the city and the astro of the 1994 earthquake seem to line up), so I will use it.
Let's unpack the chart!
Los Angeles has a natal Virgo Sun conjunct Vesta. Sun/Vesta IS the flame, so Los Angeles is, too.
Here is a focus. Here is the heart of the home/the fire of the land that must be kept burning. Here is the flame to which the moths are drawn - Los Angeles.
Vesta would bring a devotion to what is CLOSE. There won't be alot of detachment or broader perspective here - things are very personal. Virgo makes things precise, perfectionistic, there is a focus on HEALTH and quality. Los Angeles has a natal Uranus in Cancer - everyone coming there from somewhere else. Many eccentric, genius and unusual characters building a home and forming a family. Los Angeles has a Venus/Neptune conjunction in Libra - the sign of BEAUTY and Venus's home territory, so uber strong. Illusion. Creativity. Magnetism. Beauty is idealized and then the Virgo Sun asks for perfection. Love is idealized and projected.
Los Angeles has a 27 degree Mercury in Leo - the sign of royalty and celebrity and the focus of a tight T-Square with the South Node in Libra and the North Node in Aries - which is, yes, the nodal axis in effect when the fires started. The chart has a 25 degree Cancer Prometheus, which is tightly conjunct Monday's big Full Moon in Cancer (24 degrees) and EXACTLY the same degree of Prometheus at the time of the Great Chicago Fire of 1871. Prometheus the asteroid is named for Prometheus the God who gave fire to the people and pissed off Zeus. This "giving fire to the people thing" seems appropriate for both movies and the wannabe/mortals who come to the city seeking fame/to be made into Gods/given immortality through adoration and film.
Without a birth time, we can't tell the exact degree of the LA Moon, but if the naming of the city occurred in the morning the Moon would be in early Aries - so right where the North Node of Fate has been until this week.
Los Angeles has a natal asteroid Hestia, the Roman version of Vesta - Goddess of home and hearth at 9 degrees Aries - the degree Mercury is going to station retrograde in mid-March and then we are going to have an Eclipse at 9 degrees Aries two weeks later - heads in Los Angeles will be ROLLING. This is tightly conjunct Gavin Newsome's natal Saturn at 8 degrees Aries, so his could be one of them.
(Newsome also has a natal EXACT Prometheus/Hestia - both Gods connected to fire - conjunction in Virgo conjunct LA's Sun and transiting Hestia - he brings fire to the people and gets people fired up quite literally here. He will have Jupiter at the top of his chart in March, maybe protecting him, or maybe Jupiter is chaining him to a rock like Zeus/Jupiter did the original Prometheus, we will see)
As LA resident Michel Valentine (and with a city born with a Venus/Neptune conjunction in Libra and asteroid Valentine tightly conjunct its natal Uranus in Cancer - trauma, turmoil, disruption in the home - who else would be making the phone call that creates the chart we are using for the fire, but a guy named Valentine!) calls 911, the Sun is tightly conjunct LA's natal Mars in Capricorn (this is also tightly conjunct Governor Newsome's natal Moon, so this is all going to greatly impact his relationship with the public which is already strained).
Transiting Mars has just hours ago left Leo (royalty, ego, a fire sign) moved back into Cancer "bringing the war home" (the burned buildings in Los Angeles resembling the rubble buildings of Gaza and the apocalyptic visions of the movies LA produces) and moved into a conjunction with LA's natal Prometheus and a tight inconjunct with LA's Mercury which is the focal of their fated T-Square. Transiting asteroid Helio, the Sun God - certainly a symbol for both sunny Los Angeles and fire - is in a tight conjunction with LA's Sun/Vesta. LA has a natal Helio/Chiron - fire wound - conjunction in Taurus. The fire creating huge disruptions of resources and likely shining a light on resource mismanagement as well as people's VALUES (Taurus).
This is all happening as Mars opposes Pluto - and LA's natal Pluto at 4 degrees Aquarius. Los Angeles's Pluto return (death, transformation) is ACTIVATED.
4 degrees Aquarius was also where we find Pluto during the GREAT FIRE OF ROME that started on July 18, 64 AD.
The North Node of Fate when Nero fiddled and Rome burned, was at 29 degrees Cancer - the degree Mars backtracked into on January 7th.
There are other astro connections between Rome and LA including Prometheus at 27 Leo, the degree of LA's natal Mercury.
Los Angeles could surely be considered something like a modern Rome. Land of milk and honey. Renowned and powerful city. The Roman Coliseum - like modern horror movies - sating the public's taste for blood. Decadent. Declining. Mortals who live like Gods and become immortal (via movies, etc).
On January 7th, we also have transiting asteroid Hephaestus named for the fire/blacksmith God EXACTLY conjunct Los Angeles's natal Hephaestus at 19 degrees Taurus. This is tightly opposing LA's natal Jupiter and 19 Taurus is exactly where Pluto was during the Great Chicago Fire of 1871 - the most famous U.S. fire I could think of that destroyed a city.
So, we have the major players - Pluto, Mars, the Nodes of Fate, the Sun, the Moon - setting the scene for SOMETHING and the asteroids and degrees telling us what that something is.
The fire started under the lunar cycle with the New Moon conjunct Pholus - small things create BIG results and is likely peaking under this lunar cycle with the Full Moon conjunct that retrograde Mars in Cancer - old anger and home defense, the war/the fire comes home.
I have heard and it seems sensible to think that the rebuilding is going to take years. The logistics. The manpower. The resources. It's staggering to think about. With the South Node in Virgo now (where we are), the details and work will be a daily obligation. It will also likely have health implications. When the Sun and expansive/benevolent Jupiter meet in early Cancer in late June, they will be conjunct LA's natal Uranus - bringing future focused solutions, tech help and unusual/different people to the city's real estate/home problems. The Moon will be in Aries and probably on their natal Moon (the people). A spotlight will be on them. The event happening as the North Node reaches 0 degrees Aries - the Aries point - our collective attention - where Saturn and Neptune are going to meet in 2026 speaks of an even bigger story here ... a tragedy activation here now may not be good news for their meeting, but the LA fire is not as big as the Aries point and there are many other possibilities.
(Los Angeles also has multiple 2-4 degree placements and 4 degrees is going to be HOT when the outer placements all get there at the same time)
Surely, a lesson for all of us with the North Node making its move into Pisces at precisely this moment is about COMPASSION.
America's "royalty", and obviously not everyone touched by this crisis is a wealthy celebrity - are people. Grieving. Scared. Sad. It is easy to feel compassionate toward those who have less than we do, but what about those who have more?
This fire isn't the entire 'war comes home' story, but it's a sizeable enough piece of it to have an impact. Maybe the sacrifice Los Angeles, is both unconsciously and consciously making, is, on some level preventing something worse. We had those huge fires in Australia right before covid with millions of lost animals that almost certainly reduced the negative energy the pandemic energies had to work with.
We will take another look at this in a weekly when the Sun reaches 4 degrees Aquarius - shining a light on both Los Angeles and Rome's natal Pluto - later in the month.
xo all - please excuse any typos, no matter how many times I proofread I always find them :) back with the drones, finally :)
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