Astrology Forecast for Creatives | Week of July 22, 2019 - the pressure starts to ease up, we all get a little more shiny, another look at that home/family/real estate situation, fortune favors the bold

Eclipse season continues (until the New Moon in Leo at the end of the month) BUT unless your chart is directly challenged, the dust starts to settle now. Hang in there folks, August (and easier energies for most people) is coming.

We should feel the pressure start to ease up as the Sun and Venus move into generous and big-hearted Leo. This week offers some fresh, fiery energy, some eye-openers and lucky and expansive opportunities if we are willing to work for them, wait for them AND play by the rules!

Heads up there could be some challenges mid-week (we will talk about these in the dailies) as the Moon moves through Aries and early Taurus.

MONDAY - Sun moves home to Leo
WEDNESDAY - Venus conjuncts a retrograde Mercury
THURSDAY - Mars trines a retrograde Jupiter and inconjuncts a retrograde Saturn
SATURDAY - Venus moves into Leo

On MONDAY - the Sun (ruler of Leo) moves into fiery, proud and performance-focused Leo. This offers multiple layers of good news. The Sun (our life force) gets out of the firing range of that Capricorn opposition. He exits lunar ruled Cancer and moves into the sign he rules. In Leo, we focus on what our heart wants, children (our inner child), romance, fun, creative projects - we (and everyone else) want attention. Your Leo house (like the house of your natal Sun) is the space you are meant to SHINE. Prepare to get very shiny.

On WEDNESDAY - Venus meets a retrograde Mercury in Cancer. Mercury is taking another look at that home/family situation/mothering/home business/family business/real estate situation via conversations, information, contracts, etc - when he/she meets up with Venus we toss relationships/money/our self-esteem and values into the mix. What we want and what we are talking/communicating about are working together. This would be a good time for negotiations. Our feelings could be re-kindled for something/someone we used to love/want. It's a good time to give someone a compliment. Offer words of appreciation and love. If you need to make peace with someone, especially over an old family issue that needs to be put to bed - this would be good energy to reach out.

On THURSDAY (and this kind of starts Wednesday night and runs into Friday) - Mars in brave and proud and look-at-me Leo trines (brakes off) lucky Jupiter (retrograde in Sagittarius) and inconjuncts (rock and hard place) Saturn (retrograde in Capricorn).

These planets are all pretty happy in these signs. Saturn rules Capricorn, Jupiter rules Sag and Mars loves Leo. Everyone is functioning as they should be - keep in mind both Jupiter and Saturn are retrograde, so this could be about an old opportunity/old restrictions.

So we are taking action that makes us lucky/expands our reach BUT there are rules that have to be followed at the same time. The rules/limits/authority could mean a delay, extra work or the needfor us to jump through a few hoops to get what we want here. This isn't a stop sign, but it isn't something we can just ignore either. Keep in mind we are playing the long game and want to be building things that are going to last. Mars inconjunct Saturn could also show up as us feeling guilty about our actions or ambitions. This would maybe need to be worked through/taken into consideration, but it's not a stop sign. Also keep in mind - what Mars is doing now with Saturn - adjusting to the rules - he is going to do next week with Pluto in a Plutonian way- adjusting through power struggles or to what is ending/purging/cleaning up the mess.

The trine to expansive/optimistic Jupiter might be the BEST NEWS this week. This is an excellent aspect for success (keep in mind Saturn will require us to play by the rules and live up to our responsibilities).

Good for decisive action/decisions/TAKING A RISK.

On FRIDAY - Venus leaves Cancer (now we just have Mercury reworking that home/family issue) and moves into passionate Leo.

Venus (love, money, values) had been somewhat comfy, although quite restrained, in Cancer for the last few weeks. She prioritized security over all else and this kept her safe, but also a wee bit bored.

Cancer rules the Moon and a Venus/Moon natal opposition is considered the Madonna/Whore complex in a man's chart - so Venus has probably felt like she was living with her mother-in-law!

With her move into Leo she gets to spread her wings a little (maybe a lot, maybe a whole lot and we do, too!).

She leaves her mother-in-law's safe little house with the shuttered windows, central air conditioning, and alarm system where her mother-in-law was paying the rent. What more could Venus want, Cancer asks as Venus heads for the door?

"Quite a bit MORE", Venus answers.

She moves into a noisy apartment on the other side of town with curtain-less windows, a fan that wakes the neighbors when their fan isn't waking her, a deadbolt that doesn't quite latch properly and the rent only gets paid if she pays it.

Standing on her own two feet (and what lovely feet they are - this is Venus we are talking about!), Venus is more confident. She is also more competitive. She has to be to make it on her own (cue Mary Tyler Moore tossing that damn hat).

We will be, too.

So, what does this mean to us? First, our Leo house, hosting the lovely Venus, becomes more attractive. Leo Suns and rising signs are more naturally attractive (ie easy on the eye and able to attract). We attract what we want and need (Venus) through Leo - so by standing out, standing up, being passionate, taking the world by storm - you get the idea.

We could, of course, go overboard with all of this. Leo (ruled by the Sun) doesn't really like others blocking their light. Competition can get ugly. We could become downright diva-like. Being in love with being in love fits here, too.

Wanting to be adored will make being ignored harder to handle.

We are more likely to gamble with our resources (even risk our reputation or relationships) for the next few weeks. We'll look to other influences to see how that will go!

In Leo, Venus wants FUN (she meets all her new neighbors and is invited to all the best parties) and romance (there is surely some renewed passion without her mother-in-law in the next room) and creativity (she has a new apartment to decorate!) and passion. 

Our passion and confidence will be what attracts others to us and what we are attracted to in others now.

xo all

It's Eclipse season which is mentally/physically/psychically exhausting - get some extra sleep, rest, hydrate and have some (it's Leo season!) FUN.

photo by the talented monster donut

Today's Astrology Forecast | July 19, 2019 - one more time with feeling, back into that home/family situation now older and wiser, making time for rejuvenation and relaxation

The Moon is void until 5:19PM EDT when she moves into imaginative and elusive Pisces. This is a good day for group activities, causes, tech/online stuff - just don't launch anything brand new you want something to "come of". If you start the weekend early or take the early part of the day off - you shouldn't miss much that amounts to anything.

A retrograde Mercury backs into emotional and home/family oriented Cancer bringing us back to an issue from the past here (or our natal Cancer house theme). With the Moon in detached and intellectual Aquarius maybe we can step back a little bit and re-look at the situation - something has changed since we were here before; maybe some new information has come in - and get into the re-do, re-vise, re-view mode.

Mercury will station direct at the same time (July 31st) as the bold, New Moon in Leo that officially closes out this July Eclipse cycle. And we will be right back where we are now on August 11th.

What needs to happen (the re's) between now and then?

With the Moon in Pisces and Mercury back into Cancer for the weekend - time to pencil in some serious self-care and re-laxation!

xo all

photo by the talented nine9nine9

Today's Astrology Forecast | July 18, 2019 - accepting what we can't change, letting go gracefully, taking a break, tuning into our instincts and intuition, forgiving and connecting, re-thinking how and what we are nurturing, long void begins

The waning Moon continues her journey through Aquarius - opposing Mars (in  Leo) at 1:49AM EDT and going void off an opportunistic sextile to a retrograde Jupiter at 11:53AM EDT.

She is void for the rest of the day and through 5:19PM EDT tomorrow. 

Get things done early. The long void Moon says expect some twists and turns and do-overs. Don't start anything important. Best for practiced work or even rest. Time gets stretchy.

Venus trines Neptune (today/tomorrow) - both in emotional, compassionate and empathetic water signs.

This is an artistic/spiritual/healing flow. Lots of water/movement. We are more easily tuned into our instincts/intuition now. Meditate. Pray.

Venus (our love. relationships, money,. values, resources, beauty. women, self-esteem) is working a complicated story-line this week. This is the part where we get to cut loose a little bit (one glass of wine only please). We want (Venus) an escape (Neptune).

If there is some kind of slippery way around (be careful of this one Venus is still on path to oppose Pluto) or positive side to the Venus/Saturn ending/limit  HERE is where we will find it - in our heart, in our ability to know what we don't know. We can relax. We let go. We accept what we cannot change. We forgive. We connect.

The caveats here would be something like watching that money doesn't slip through our fingers, hold onto your phone/keys/wallet/valueables, fantasies around love, escapes with drugs and alcohol.

Venus/Neptune moves us closer to our ideal.

xo all

Backing again into my puppy saga (Mercury IS retrograde after all), I noted yesterday since I had somehow lost track of Ceres (!) that on the day I got Rosie (the name Rosie seems to be sticking for day two) Ceres moved into Sagittarius. So she came up from the depths of Scorpio (Pluto's realm) and into the bluer skies of Sag. My solar return chart - such a conundrum with so much focused on the 8th house that I considered traveling to change it, but noting Jupiter and Venus in my 6th house in Sagittarius and thinking this looked fortuitous for a new and important pet, decided to stay put. Today as Mercury (collective ruler of pets and our 6th house) returns to 0 degrees Leo on his/her way back into Cancer she trines (brakes off) Ceres. Just as I am re-thinking/re-doing nurturing (maybe you are re-thinking a Ceres theme, too now - nurturing, the seasons of life, things that feel outside your control, grief).

My memory of my last dog Olive was that she didn't bite (wishful thinking or swiss-cheesy memory)  - and that although I called my studio Olive Bites, that was just a catchy name, not an actual situation. This morning I went back and re-read my very first post on this blog 11 years ago when I wrote I was re-naming my studio "for a fresh start, a new year, a new adventure and a new puppy named Olive ... who ... you guessed it ... tends to BITE ...".

There was a comment on that post that included the advice to YIPE! loudly and ignore her for 30 seconds after a bite - that seems to be helping ... :)

Today is Venus (in Cancer - mothering)/Neptune and Mercury/Ceres (mothering) - mega creative energy - what are you nurturing? 

photo by the talented Deliszja

Today's Astrology Forecast | July 17, 2019 - we feel the weight of it all and then we keep going, moving on, fated meetings, saying yes to something new

The Moon moves into detached Aquarius at 5:19AM EDT. We might find ourselves focused on and nurtured through Aquarius themes for the next couple days (or the theme of our natal Aquarius house) - groups, friendships, the internet, astrology, technology, the goals that bring us into connection with other people, our causes.

She will oppose Mercury retrograde (12:38PM EDT) and square Aquarius's ruling planet Uranus (10:44PM EDT) and then move on to oppose Mars. People, including us, could start arguments just to see what is going to happen! Expect change and disruptions. Unless the people around you are Aquarians/Aquarian-types, this would be a better day for solitary work. This is good energy to step back and get a little distance from something.

We could have an emotional (Moon) breakthrough (Aquarius) about how to proceed because we also have - Venus meeting the North Node of destiny.

She gets past her opposition to Saturn - maybe we get serious about something, are really feeling the pressure of an old (or new) responsibility or commitment, hear a "no", reach a completion/culmination - this is the reality bites thing with the responsibilities we talked about in the Eclipse post.

Limits/boundaries can be a good thing, but they probably won't feel good. At least we know where we stand. Keep in mind the Plutonian eclipse is bringing up alot of fears that our body is carrying, so our emotions (and the Aquarius Moon will help cool this down) could be more intense than the situation calls for.

(I got a new puppy last weekend and am feeling like I opened a kennel and am responsible for 100 new puppies - the weight of this responsibility/commitment added to what I already have on my plate is overwhelming me right now - this is where astro wisdom can help us to know we aren't losing our mind, of course with Pluto sitting on my natal Mercury, I could be, and that transit are transitory)

As Venus meets and crosses the North Node we are moving on.

With Mercury retrograde we might not be clear on exactly what that means and that's ok - something will be illuminated within the next couple days - but the Venus/Saturn reality check (we do or do not have the resources to do this thing, we do or do not still love this person/situation, we do or do not get what we want, etc) gives us some kind of solid ground. It may or may not be exactly where we hoped to be standing, but it's where we are standing (and, yes, the solid ground could include a nipping puppy with teeth like sewing needles attached to our ankle).

Her contact with the North Node tells us this is unfolding exactly as it should be. Venus is in Cancer - so yes, we could be a little more needy than usual, but Venus in Cancer is also where we merge what we want (Venus) with what we need (Cancer). And happening opposite that Capricorn karmic line-up we are required to take responsibility for it.

Watch for synchronicities around Venus themes - love, relationships, balance, money, resources, our values, our self-esteem, beauty and women. Fated meetings. Fated encounters. Fated investments. Fated choices are being made about what we really value.

More in the weekly HERE

xo all

A couple weeks before Christmas, our beautiful pup Olive died. Her loss hit us (hubs also lost his mother shortly after) like a freight train. It's been overwhelming. I have lost both parents, had multiple miscarriages and lost several other pets, but have never experienced this kind of grief. This continued throughout the time Mercury was back and forth through Pisces in the spring - I knew this grief was very old and very deep. I felt literally empty. When Olive died, transiting Ceres (mothering, loss) was sitting exactly conjunct my natal Neptune (which conjuncts my Ascendant) and transiting Pluto was exactly conjunct my husband's natal Ceres. I had also had a near death experience in May 2018 (exactly as Pluto conjuncted my natal Mercury, Mercury rules pets - I will have to see what Ceres was doing then, I just realized I never looked) which immediately preceded the onset of Olive's illness.

And I know this is alot of astro babble, but I know many people who read this blog study astrology and might be interested. Also for the astro babble people - I am a Capricorn South Node/ Cancer North Node. It would create less anxiety in me to help you start a business than to help you watch your toddler.

Last week- exactly one week prior to the Eclipse - after registering with five local rescues in mid-May and never getting a call back, although two people I knew registered and had dogs within a couple weeks - I got a call about a puppy coming up from Georgia.

She, and her two siblings, had been abandoned at a construction site. She was found dragging a hurt leg, fifty feet from the other puppies. A recent x-ray had shown two possible pelvic fractures. The fractures, which might or might not even be fractures, might or might not require surgery at some point. I was told she was probably about nine weeks old and a Beagle-mix. The woman at the rescue told me she wouldn't be going on any long hikes, but if I was looking for a pup to cuddle in my lap and love she might be my girl.

I told her I would call her back the next morning. She asked if I could call her at 10AM precisely because she had a busy day packing pups for her trip up to New Jersey. Tossing and turning all night I decided to go and meet this pup at a local Pet Smart on Saturday. I called the woman at 10AM, but got a recording and she didn't call me back until 12:30PM - at exactly the start of a Grand Water Trine in effect for just a couple hours - that spoke of fast change that created a big commitment/work, and had some magical/spiritual support. I knew as soon as the phone rang I would be getting this dog.

Anyhoo, she sits, although I am not sure we would call this squirming thing where I try to protect my belly from becoming her second breakfast "sitting",  in my lap right now trying to bite my shirt - not the loving little lap cuddler I had envisioned, but her pelvis injury doesn't seem to stop her from running around like a maniac and I can't imagine it not healing up just fine. Her name has been Belle, Ellie, Nellie, Lily, Ripley and Rosie, maybe the Rosie will stick, we'll see .... maybe she'll settle a bit once we settle on her name. And I settle down a bit from this Eclipse energy ....

photo by the talented beyond impression

Astrology Forecast for Creatives | Week of July 15, 2019 - the past is over but that home/family situation isn't, trusting in what is difficult, letting go of what we built, feeling the fear and knowing you will survive it, aligning ourselves with our values

"Most people have (with the help of conventions) turned their solutions toward what is easy and toward the easiest side of the easy; but it is clear that we must trust in what is difficult; everything alive trusts in it, everything in Nature grows and defends itself any way it can and is spontaneously itself, tries to be itself at all costs and against all opposition. We know little, but that we must trust in what is difficult is a certainty that will never abandon us; it is good to be solitary, for solitude is difficult; that something is difficult must be one more reason for us to do it." -
                                                                                                                                 Rainer Maria Rilke

HUGE WEEK ahead including the Lunar Eclipse Full Moon conjunct Pluto - another strong harbinger of the January 2020 mega-energy shifts.

TUESDAY - Lunar Eclipse Full Moon conjunct Pluto, Venus opposes Saturn
THURSDAY - Venus trines Neptune and conjuncts North Node
FRIDAY - Mercury retrograde moves back into Cancer
SATURDAY - Mercury (retrograde) conjuncts the Sun
SUNDAY - Venus opposes Pluto

We talked about TUESDAY and the Eclipse energy HERE and HERE

On WEDNESDAY/THURSDAY, we have lots of Venus (love, money, our resources, values, self-esteem, beauty, women) action. She will inconjunct Jupiter, oppose Saturn, meet the North Node and finally trine Neptune.

Her inconjunct with a retrograde Jupiter could have us wanting more of something or maybe wanting for something to be a little further along - this will connect to the past. Venus/Jupiter can be too much of a good thing - is this possible? Yes.  And with the opposition to Saturn maybe it is our timing that is off. It's good for us or looks like it is, but it's not good for us right now. Maybe we haven't earned it yet. Venus still has work to do.

We talked about her opposition to a retrograde Saturn in the Eclipse post - this is part of the Full Moon's "result". The reality check part with the significant responsibilities.

(You will find when you have an aspect in your natal chart and that same aspect happens by transit - not touching your natal chart, but just the same aspect - your natal aspect flares up. Kind of like an old ankle injury in wet weather. 

Trump was born with a Saturn/Venus conjunction in Cancer activated by this Eclipse by degree AND aspect. And he has a Sag Moon in Venus's natural house. His tweets and speeches this week about "Congresswomen needing to go back where they come from" have been explosive. We talked about this part of his chart HERE.)

Venus moves into a conjunction with the North Node (8:45PM EDT Wednesday) - we align with our values, so whatever we are doing - this is where we know we are on the right path. Fated meetings. Say "YES". Reboot. Then she trines magical, dissolving Neptune.

Maybe we have brought something from the past - probably something we once worked really freaking hard on - to a completion and we let go and move on now.

On FRIDAY, Mercury retrogrades back into Cancer - pulling us back into the home, family, mother, mothering, family business, home business story-line to do the "re's" before we wrap this thing up.

On SATURDAY, a retrograde Mercury meets the Sun in Cancer - information comes to light (maybe old information), a conversation enlightens us (maybe one we've had before) - this might connect back to around May 21st when we were here before. Take another look. Say it again. Re-read the fine print. Re-think it.

On SUNDAY - Venus opposes Pluto. Here's the big aspect of the week. Bigger than the Eclipse? I don't know. Maybe. The Lord of the Underworld doesn't play.

If we keep in mind Venus in Cancer's tendency to be kind of needy we can feel how this might play out. Pluto amplifies this. Maybe we have the feeling of "this is what I MUST have" with the added caveat since this is an opposition - "from YOU". This could be a person/situation, etc. Oppositions are projections. What we want isn't really OUT THERE. But it could feel like life or death that we get it. Or life and death that something plays out in a certain way.

Will we get what we want?

It depends what our previous use of this Plutonian 'power' has drawn to us. We already had the Mercury/Mars oppositions - what did we learn? Some people will get the corner office. Others will get the pink slip. Power is tricky and projecting it outside ourselves is dangerous. We are kind of asking for someone to come along and yank what we want/need away from us.

Pluto/Venus can bring an obsessive fixation and the willingness to manipulate to get what we want. Just keep in mind the karmic ramifications of everything in play now. The bounce back, if not now, come January can be FIERCE.

Pluto is truth and truth is what is needed here. Are we being honest with ourselves about what we want and why we want it?

We'll flesh all this out in the dailies.

xo all

photo by the talented Sylvia15

Today's Astrology Forecast | July 16, 2019 - karmic lessons

Today's Capricorn Moon moves toward her exact opposition to the Cancer Sun happening at 5:38PM EDT - bringing us a Full Moon Lunar Eclipse.

This is a time of karmic LESSONS. Endings. Beginnings. There are commitments/responsibilities that we have outgrown. There are new commitments/responsibilities we have grown into. Happening conjunct Pluto will make our feelings more intense (life and death - watch your language around what is "killing" you) and situations more likely to involve power struggles.

Does anything transform without a struggle? Yes, says Neptune who is active, too, but we have to let go with love/forgive/take time to grieve/bring empathy and compassion to the situation, and often hardest of all, bring it home to ourselves!

With minimal air (only one planet in an air sign) in today's chart - the atmosphere could feel heavy and stifled. And Mercury (as well as almost everything else) is retrograde. We can't think our way out of this. It's a time to release anything that starts with "if only...".

Consider any new commitments (investments of time, money, resources, your emotions) before taking them on now, because they will involve work, time, patience, taking on the man/the old guard. They could pay off in big, unexpected ways, but don't say I didn't warn you about the WORK.

There are collective themes of home/work balance issues and power struggles within relationships in the Full Moon chart. I spell it all out HERE (grab a cup of coffee, this is all happening in my third house of communication and  I like to write).

The Eclipse is intended to bring a culmination/ending to some situation - some way we interact with the world, some goal, commitment, sense of priority - in our Capricorn house. Keep in mind Eclipses come in a series and this is a process. We have two more at the end of December/beginning of January 2020.

We might think we have to "fake it til we make it" - a very Capricornian thing, but then there are times - and this is more and more true as we move into and through the Age of Aquarius - when we have to realize we are just faking it - there is no "making it" because we are faking it. We might have the corner office (maybe we do/maybe we don't) but if we aren't feeling emotionally satisfied, our cup will never be full enough/our view will never be good enough, because this is not who we really are. 

It's time to be honest with ourselves.

Lots to think about as we move through this week and close out this Eclipse season.

xo all - back with the weekly


photo by the talented Rona-Keller