the October Astrology of Trump, Covid and the United States | a major transformation to restore balance, part I


We talked about Trump's covid announcement astrology HERE.

This is a very BIG deal. We knew something BIG was coming in October - I know astrologers predicting war/alien invasions (and who knows, maybe this is still coming #kidding #notkidding) - but it should have been obvious, but somehow never is, that with Pluto stationing on the January "time runs out" degree, with both Mars (running the show) and the Sun moving through squares to those same Cappy planets that brought us covid - this was likely to be about covid which actually is both a war and an alien invasion.


On OCTOBER 4TH - Pluto is going to station direct (he is back to where he was in April and also takes us back to those mid-January situations - this stationing every is in effect for a few days) - here's the death that was postponed.

Things can escalate quickly.

I hope we have all been cleaning up our messes. The thing to remember about death and Pluto is most often the death is a metaphorical death. Something changes and we can't go back. At station, Pluto's energy is most powerful/unpredictable and he is powerful enough already being Lord of the Underworld and all that. He will be conjunct asteroid Wuhan (which we know represents the virus). 


Not a time to muck around with. 

At this point Trump's chart and the U.S. chart, because keep in mind they are impacting each other, will have a few things going on. 


For Trump, some challenging transits are longer term - his progressed Moon (in Virgo) is exactly square his 10th house Uranus right now and for the next couple months. This is about his career and Uranus rules his 6th house of health (along with Saturn who we know is squaring Mars). His natal Uranus, sandwiched between his Sun and North Node has always helped him stay healthy, but now with transiting Uranus squaring the midpoint of his natal Mars/Saturn and his natal Pluto - which is known for nervous tension, stress, accidents, illness - good health can be challenging.


Crazy stress/pressure.

Now, as Pluto stations direct on OCTOBER 4TH, Trump will have Ceres (retrograde) exactly conjunct his natal descendant - so exactly opposing his ascendant (his physical self). Since Ceres was at that January palaver - we always talk about Saturn/Pluto, but it was actually Saturn/Pluto/Ceres/Mercury and the Sun - and she rules things outside our control, season of life issues/transitions, nature and Trump has a natal Pluto/Ceres opposition - this is important. 

He has transiting Chiron (wounding) exactly conjunct his natal Eris (that prominent outsider energy of his). Chiron will be opposing his natal Neptune (in Libra). Neptune is ruler of his Pisces 8th house (of death). So ultimately his death, (and I am certainly not forecasting that which isn't even possible) could involve a woman and obviously there are other possibilities, but since he was tested for covid after a woman near him tested positive this could be important.

He will have transiting Mars retrograde (inflammation/fast-moving situations) backing over his natal Hygeia (the disease) and transiting Hygeia backing over his natal Pluto (power/death/transformation) - this stuff will be in play for a while with Mars/Hygeia exact on 10/12 and Hygeia/Pluto exact on 10/22.

If we look at the October astrology we have a Grand Cardinal Cross that turns into a Cardinal T-Square. We are going to move through - and this is all of us (personally and collectively) - a major transformation that attempts to restore some kind of harmony/balance. 

The process looks gut-wrenching.


At the same time, the United States natal chart (the U.S. Sibley chart) is equally stressed as we build toward our Pluto return in 2022. The transiting North Node is approaching a conjunction to the U.S. Mars which is in Gemini and answering to the country's Mercury which natally opposes Pluto, but by transit is also opposing that Cappy pile-up which now includes Pallas (smart strategies - that's good) and asteroid Wuhan (not so good). Transiting Mars is set to back over the U.S. natal Chiron (a national wounding), so Trump's natal Hygeia is on the United States Chiron - a national wounding! The transiting Sun will soon be conjunct the U.S. Saturn (endings) - exact on the 7th. 

I know this is alot of astro-babble - sorry. 


Trump also has some good/protective aspects including the  transiting Sun conjuncting his natal Jupiter - this is strength, energy, expansion. It's very good. He has the transiting North Node conjunct his natal North Node - so fate is precisely lined up with itself from the day Trump was born - I am not sure if this is a good or bad thing for him, but assures us that whatever is going to happen here, the hand of destiny is playing a role. 


We have Jupiter sextiling Neptune - exact on the 12th - prayers help. 


Whatever happens his life is in bigger hands than those doctors.

I think we'll start including Trump's transits briefly in the dailies. If his health takes a turn one way or the other on OCTOBER 4TH, as Pluto stations - that could likely be the course that is set. 


Prayer is very powerful now and I will be praying for him, because although I do not agree with him on very much - I see the warrior in his chart and I respect that. I see the United States Pluto return and the incoming Age of Aquarius and know something/someone like Trump was going to happen to us. For us. For all of us - for the world.


Breakdown to breakthrough.


500 years ago during the last Saturn/Pluto meeting in Capricorn the Protestant reformation began and although Martin Luther gets credit for nailing his manifesto to the doors of Wittenberg's Castle Church kicking things off (and rightfully so), another important player was King Henry VIII. His search for a male heir (and love of a woman not his wife) plus inability to get a annulment from the Catholic Church in order to divorce Catherine and marry Anne led to the creation of the Church of England. Trump is very much a Henry character (maybe even was Henry in another life) participating, albeit mainly unconsciously, in this current transfer of power. This time, from a kind of structured hierarchy/patriarchy that has created the illusion of holding everything together to a center that will not hold and so we are forced to see through the illusion/create something else.


We'll come back with part II after we get past Pluto's change of direction .....

xo all


photo by the amazing Natalia Drepina

Today's Astrology Forecast | Friday, October 2, 2020 - Trump's Full Moon, Venus into Virgo, needing to be needed, get it done early


We started the month with a BIG Full Moon in Aries on Chiron - a vulnerability exposed. 


Within hours the White House announces Trump and Melania both have Covid-19 (probably via Hope Hicks, the loyal Trump staffer whose disappearance/reappearance has made headlines and whose diagnosis resulted in both Trumps being tested). Remember the chart showed the 'exposure' had already happened - the Moon and Chiron's conjunction waning.


You might remember THIS post connecting Covid-19 to asteroids Wuhan and Pandora conjunct on sinister fixed star Algol in the U.S. Sibley - the same degree conjunct Trump's mid-heaven (career/public life). 


And what did Pandora have left in her box after pandemic and a myriad other ills made their escape - HOPE (which I am increasingly suspicious is actually one of the ills) .

With another Full Moon coming at the very end of this month conjunct Uranus (chaos, the unexpected) and with asteroid Hygie moving over Trump's natal 12th house (endings) Pluto (death) at that time - obviously he will get the best medical care - but he needs to be very, very careful. Pluto also rises from the ashes, which I hope he does, but I would be surprised if he just breezes through this thing. Of course, caught up in a political fight for his survival, we could just be seeing that and how his covid diagnosis and quarantine impacts that. 


 Let's hope so.  


In the meantime, yesterday's Full Moon chart, as drawn for Washington DC, COMES TO LIFE. 


The Full Moon conjunct Chiron - a vulnerability exposed. Venus at 28 Leo exactly conjunct the DC (a loved/royal/loyal young woman as an open enemy?), tightly conjunct Trump's natal AC and conjunct U.S. natal Hygie. Venus in the Full Moon chart conjunct asteroid Pandora - whose opened box unleashed all the ills upon the world, but trapped Hope - which is also the name of Trump's loyal staffer (the beloved young woman) whose diagnosis led to this "exposure" - at least as far as the mundane chart goes since this is what is made public at the time of the Moon. 

Pandora exactly sextiling Mercury in Scorpio (in the 8th) - exposing surprising life and death secrets. Also the Full Moon in Aries kind of lighting the fuse for the rest of October - the astro of which looks totally cray-cray and wraps with another Full Moon, this time in Taurus conjunct Uranus ... with Hygie on Trump's 12th house (endings) Pluto (life and death). This diagnosis is no joke. And Full Moons are very powerful for Trump, since he was born on one.


Will covid transform Trump? Stay tuned.


In the meantime, it is Friday, October 2nd - Venus enters Virgo - the sign of her debilitation, since she is exalted in Virgo's polarity sign of Pisces - so now both benevolent planets are in challenging positions - more reason to focus on the Neptune/Jupiter we talked about in the Full Moon post HERE. Prayers are uber powerful right now.


With Venus in Virgo love is a verb - expressed through what we do for other people and what they do for us. Being needed makes us feel loved. 


We will be analyzing what we want and what we have. We will be analyzing our relationships/our resources/our values. The problems will stand out. We won't be able to miss them. And since what we focus on grows, sometimes things get worse before they get better during this transit. But this is excellent energy to fix what needs fixing and accept (or eliminate) what just isn't fixable. 

Virgo Suns and Ascendants get more attractive - both easier on the eye and able to attract what they want. Our natal Virgo houses get more attractive, too!

Venus in Virgo is about loving the details of something, enjoying the work, appreciating the craftsmanship and complexity of something or someone or some situation - yes, also, noticing the imperfections, Virgo can't miss those, and choosing not to dwell on them.


This is the time to get your Venusian stuff in order - your money, your resources. If you have a business - recheck your bottom line, your pricing, does everything still make sense/cents?

The Moon in Aries is challenged tonight through squares to Jupiter and Pluto. She meets up with Mars just before midnight EDT. Coming off the Full Moon and moving toward these squares could make for a stressful Friday, so get things done and out early. Take tonight off.

photo by the amazing thefirebomb

FULL MOON in Aries | October 1, 2020 - a BIG month kicks off, a light on what hurts, accepting what is, being self-centered without being an asshole, leaning into the magic, a turning point, the fuse is lit



"I'd rather be whole than good." ... C.G. Jung ...


October is bookended by two BIG Full Moons - one in Aries on October 1st and one in Taurus on October 31st. The first, conjunct Chiron (our wounded masculine, ouch), the second conjunct Uranus and Black Moon Lilith (change, chaos, female power/rejection, can you say October surprise?). And in between a HUGE New Moon in Libra.


Have I said before October is going to be a BIG month?! Maybe the biggest month of 2020. 


Yes, I think I did!


The Full Moon is always a time of cosmic tension - the Moon opposes the Sun. The Moon is in Aries at 9 degrees (answering to a retrograde Mars in his home sign - initiative, passion, courage, anger, violence, independence). The Sun, opposing from 9 degrees Libra answering to Venus at the end of Leo (and look at her exactly conjunct the descendant of the Full Moon chart drawn for Washington D.C. - other people, open enemies, oh my). This is the culmination of the Aries New Moon that launched the lunar year back in April, so maybe something from that time is finishing up. 


Feels like years ago, doesn't it? Time has kind of swallowed us up, so it probably was!

At the time of the Full Moon - situations peak, culminate, come to light, conclude. 


Results are delivered.

And this month we have Saturn stationing direct just hours before! Whoosh - the tables turn.

Let's unpack the chart.

The Moon opposes the Sun - Aries/Libra at 9 degrees. Me vs we. How we partner. How we balance and share. Is justice just? An Aries Moon is raw/impulsive/self-centered. The energy can make us antsy and accident-prone. 


The Moon is conjunct Chiron - the aspect is waning. The Moon is semi-sextile Uranus (exact) - the Sun inconjunct. Mars, ruler of Aries and so ruler of this lunation is retrograde in Aries, exactly conjunct Eris and squaring Saturn and the Capricorn pile-up, trining Venus and sextiling the North Node. I've been adding in asteroids lately if exact and the Sun is exactly conjunct asteroid Apophis (the Moon exactly opposed), so we'll take a look at that. 

The Moon is conjunct wounded healer Chiron - a weakness, a fear, a vulnerability is illuminated now. 


An old familial wound, the scab freshly picked and throbbing. We might need to stand up for ourselves/assert our right to be here/to fit in. Hidden vulnerabilities/wounds are made public under the Full Moon's beams (this is waning so the actual exposure has already happened, but it will play out over the course of the Full Moon - the next two weeks and also the next six months). Think about Trump's tax returns coming out and showing he makes less money/is less valuable than he claimed to (he has a natal 2nd house Chiron which rules money/resources/values, so an old familial wounding around his VALUE/his resources - fear of poverty, familial new money devalued by New York's old money society).


So, our private/personal (Mars) vulnerabilities/wounds (Chiron) are made public/come into the light (the Full Moon). This can also be about our actions/re-actions and their backlash or our own regrets. For some, this could play out as an injury/illness since Mars/Aries rules our collective first house of our physical body. With Mars retrograde this would probably be an old injury that acts back up or gets re-injured and this could have already happened and is now playing out. 

Whatever this is for us, the Full Moon allows us to see this clearly and in real-time. Our insecurities, our lack of motivation/passion/courage, our physical shortcomings - the light goes HERE.

Saturn stations direct just hours before the Full Moon. Daddy's home.


A retrograde Mars (ruler of Aries and this Full Moon) is squaring Saturn - this is also waning, but only barely - this is old responsibilities, commitments. A tennis match so many of us are watching/playing between anger and depression. On the one hand Saturn is savings our asses (and reputation) from a misguided Mars impulsivity and on the other hand this is also the authoritarian strategy of divide and conquer that WANTS Mars (as us) to be out there fighting/chasing his tail. Nothing is ever just one thing. There are limits here. Controlled burning - maybe. But also fires getting stoked. This is within the collective, but also within our own home and our own HEAD.


What does all this mean? 


This Moon is actually kind of simple - we have the Chiron wounding - which we can see in ourselves/in other people. We need to take ownership of our own crap/fear here, but not take on anyone else's crap. The Moon is really as simple and as complicated as that. It takes COURAGE (Aries) to take responsibility for our own issues. It also takes courage to not take on other people's issues. We want to be self-centered now, and self-centered meaning exactly that - centered in ourselves.


With Saturn/Pluto squaring it will be our old paternal/maternal power struggles that we are re-enacting with partners/with life. Maybe we notice this, maybe we don't. Either way we can choose to not engage with the energies at the level of 'blame' (and this includes blaming ourselves because these are very deeply buried patterns - that once kept us alive - that we are recreating) or we can go 'all in' with this stuff and dig ourselves an even bigger hole. Blame other people, blame our parents, the government, yada-yada. Or we can go 'all in' and take on the ownership of this wound as if we are the wound! So, let's not do that either. Let's not double-down on this stuff.


If we are going to be truly ourselves - better whole than good (as Jung would say), other people may not be so happy about it. This isn't about being a selfish asshole, but we are going to have to get angry sometimes. Maybe even very angry. And we are going to have to find ways to work with these feelings that aren't destructive. And, that don't allow this personal and collective tension and stress to dump directly into our nervous system and impact our health or force impulsive choices.

Jupiter has been holed up all year in Cappy, Saturn's house. It's like having Santa Claus living with Scrooge and instead of making toys at the North Pole he's busy doing his taxes ... for a year. But right now - and this becomes exact next week - he has a beneficial sextile to ancient ruler Neptune and since this aspect is applying, it is stronger than the waning aspects we have already talked about. 


Neptune brings compassion/a higher purpose/connection to our past/our ancestors/our unconscious memories that we carry in our DNA of all the good things we have ever done or wanted to do. Jupiter brings the luck that comes from confidence. Now sextiles require some action - and this will be our Cappy house and our Pisces house - we talked about this/and felt this yesterday through our Pisces Moon aspecting Saturn and Pluto. Making the dream real. Stabilizing the confusion. Responsibilities forcing us out of our lethargy. Magic. Lining up with divinity. The reality police WAKE US UP. This brings opportunities, so don't hit the snooze button. We are either replaying old karma or moving into our destiny.

The New World requires we be living an authentic life. It's the only requirement really. If we think someone else has to change or they have to do something for us to be happy - we have set our ladder against the wrong wall. We have to move that damn ladder! This month will go much easier if we are trusting God/life/the Universe. We have to trust the process. Keep in mind Chiron's healing comes through acceptance of the wound. Meeting life where it is. Here's my damn ladder. Let's stay centered in our breath.

Full Moons are culminations and with Saturn stationing direct we are at a TURNING POINT. Pray. Meditate. And don't be afraid to confront what hurts - an Aries Moon is brave/independent. We want to be standing in our own shoes now. 

(and just as I write this I remember this morning's dream where I was in college and trying to navigate steep stairs, which were more like the bars on a kid's jungle gym and wearing de-stabilizing spikey heels - me in high heels!? - and it was getting late and I had to be somewhere else/maybe home (?), but at the same time had very important information to deliver and kept running into the people who needed it - woke up later than I have in years and feeling refreshed, but lost in the pressure of the dream)

This is a wonderful and bittersweet Full Moon to get out and walk in, so let's do that! We can see Mars easily, too, now, retrograde he is at his closest position to the Earth.


xo all - (back with an October post and we'll look at the mid-month and covid)

I just realized I never got to asteroid Apophis and now that I've looked into him, I can see why! He is exactly conjunct the Sun and opposing the Full Moon, so let's look at his mythology and see if he can add anything to our celestial weather forecasting. 


Apophis - and we are reaching back to ancient Eqyptian mythology here - also known as Apep was a Great Serpent and enemy of the Sun God Ra. He attacked Ra's great ship every night in an attempt to kill Ra and prevent the sunrise. He is associated with chaos, storms, darkness, death. And in modern days, he is also associated with terrorism. 

Because Apophis was thought to have always existed - he swam in the dark waters of undifferentiated chaos (to quote here) before creation started. Creation - duality/order - angered Apophis, I guess being used to a disorderly, but unified whole. After creation there were opposites - day and night, light and dark, good and bad, female and male. He thought if he could swallow the Sun (light being the first sign of divine "order") he could return the world to the 'unity' of darkness/chaos.

Interesting (North Node in Gemini stay curious!) that he would be exactly conjunct the Sun and oppose the Moon at the Aries Full Moon as we proceed through this last chapter of 2020, which ends with Jupiter meeting Saturn on the winter solstice at 0 degrees Aquarius (the New World, in the sign of equality and also chaos). We'll talk more about this in the October posts!

Today's Astrology Forecast | Wednesday, September 30th, 2020 - the reality police stop for a beer, the drunk at the end of the bar goes to work, intimate conversations, financial disclosures, talking about sex



The Moon in illusive and magical Pisces met Neptune at 1:00AM EDT, then sextiles a retrograde Pluto at 7:49AM EDT and finally goes void off another sextile to Saturn at 1:29PM EDT. Rise early


Get things done before the void. 


Pisces (the Moon) and Capricorn (Pluto and Saturn) sextiles are opportunities for making our dreams into something solid, to bring magic/compassion to the mundane, reality to our confusion. If we are drifting, here's a rock we can grab onto. Or maybe better said, because this is Capricorn after all, here's a responsibility/a reason to get out of bed/put our brush to the canvas/our words to paper/our ass on the mat.

Our Pisces natal house is where we are born with a direct link to God/the Universe/our higher selves/our past lives/our ancestors. So, this energy brings assistance to this Capricorn situation. It's here to help.


The Moon will be void until 10:47PM EDT (when she moves into Aries and readies us for tomorrow's Full Moon), so most of the day is good for production, doing things we do all the time. Expect some twists and turns (that nothing will come of) and for time to get STRETCHY.

We also have Mercury (in Scorpio, now) meeting up with Juno (3 degrees) who slipped out of Libra, where she's been for what felt like a lifetime, into Scorpio when we weren't looking. This is about deep/intense conversations within partnerships/commitments. With Mercury's upcoming retrograde we will have this aspect twice more over the next couple months, but here's the kicking off point. They are together here - of like mind about a financial/intimacy situation. Or maybe with Mercury in Scorpio, a secret (Juno was Jupiter's long-suffering and vengeful wife, committed to keeping the marriage together at all costs) comes out. 

With Mars in Aries (remember Mars holds all the cards now and for the rest of the year, or maybe that should read - all the "aces"), not to mention Chiron, this is all about self-actualization. And self-actualization can be messy. And painful. If we've been playing too small and most of us have, our taking up of 'more space' means other people's toes will be stepped on. And they will be stepping on ours. There is alot to work through here. A new dance to learn. Not all partnerships/contracts will survive.

For today, there is support this morning for progress/getting things done, then a period to chill out this afternoon/tonight. Once the Moon moves into Aries she starts heading toward tomorrow night's Full Moon in Aries. This is peak/culminating energy. How will you use it?

xo all

photo by the talented Anvanya1981

Today's Astrology Forecast | Monday, September 28, 2020 - second chances, the things we do for love, ka-ching, what won't be ignored, speaking to ghosts, hanging in there

We wake (EDT) to a Void Moon (a good Monday to sleep in if we can - because we won't miss much that amounts to anything) - the Moon in intellectual Aquarius having opposed Venus at 1:04AM EDT and gone void off a sextile to our retrograde Mars at 3:17AM EDT. She is void until 11:34 AM EDT when she moves into emotional Pisces trining (brakes off) Mercury (in Scorpio) at 2:42PM EDT then drifting through the rest of the day unaspected. We are mesmerized by secrets, renewed and transformed by spirit/our imagination/grief/ghosts. We are connecting to other people on deep levels. 

Venus (at 25 Leo) trines our retrograde Mars in Aries while she inconjuncts our retrograde Saturn in Capricorn. The Venus/Mars trine is our actions getting us what we want (love, money, making something more beautiful). Our masculine and feminine sides playing nicely together. We attract what we want through action/courage. By doing something for LOVE. Keep in mind Mars is retrograde, so we might be returning to something/someone from the past. 

The fly in the Venus/Mars party - besides the fact that Mars is retrograde - is an inconjunct to a powerful Saturn. There will be limits/rules/responsibilities/maybe an older person or tradition that must be attended to. Patience can be required/maturity. Saturn provides structure/limits - with Venus in Leo, we could want too much/get greedy. Saturn will put a cap on this. This doesn't lose us access to the helpful trine - which is between your Mars/Leo houses - but, your Cappy house (yes, the one that has been on fire all year) will be heard from, too. 

Everyone gets a seat at the table or the table gets flipped. 

I find almost always Saturn makes things better/longer lasting. 

In the meantime, as Mars and Saturn are interacting with beneficial Venus they are squaring each other. We have had this tense and frustrating square for weeks. It is exact tomorrow. Then they will begin to separate. Saturn will start to move forward, Mars will continue backward. 

That tight corner we have painted ourselves into will begin to widen. Shifts can also occur with anything that might have seemed totally rock/solid permanent as Saturn stations. 

Keep in mind always our North Node in mutable Gemini - change is good. Something better, remember Jupiter has yet to walk these late Cappy degrees, is coming. 

xo all

photo by the talented metindemiralay

Weekly Astrology Forecast for Creatives | September 28th - October 4th, 2020 - love gets picky and practical, something hurts, course corrections, some delays end, karmic results


MONDAY - Venus trine Mars and inconjunct Saturn

TUESDAY - Sun inconjunct Chiron, Mars square Saturn, Saturn stations direct

THURSDAY - Full Moon in Aries conjunct Chiron

FRIDAY - Venus into Virgo, Sun inconjunct Uranus

SATURDAY - Pluto inconjunct North Node

SUNDAY - Pluto stations direct, Mercury inconjunct Chiron

Wow - I hadn't really laid this week all out until just now, it's a BIGGIE.


Mercury is in Scorpio now and Ceres has retrograded back into Aquarius. This week we have a BIG Full Moon in Aries, two monster planets changing direction (daddy's home and he's brought the big boss for dinner), an important inner planet changing signs, Mars second square to Saturn (challenges, issues with goals, authority, responsibilities) and multiple challenging inconjuncts (the need to adjust).


Cue the flying monkeys - we are going to need them.


Saturn direct kicks off the final leg of our Saturn through Cappy journey. His square to Mars at station (Tuesday) speaks of BLOCKS/frustration that takes us back to August 24th. BUT with Saturn direct there will be PROGRESS, too. Big structural change. Time to commit or quit. Maybe we will discover, if we don’t already know, how well and how fully we are solving our Cappy problem. Our world and "the world" can shift rapidly. Decisions will be made; some outside our control. Some we have already made but don’t even realize it yet. I wouldn’t count anyone in or out. Stay open and flexible, willing to honor the highest good in everyone and everything and re-frame, reshape your vision as you move through this. We close the week with Pluto direct - on that hot and powerful 22 degree Capricorn - as Mercury (in Scorpio, so answering to both Pluto and a retrograde Mars) inconjuncts Chiron. Painful truth as that power, sex, finance, tax, inheritance, intimacy, reproduction, goal, authority, career situation shifts gears. 

Three aspects to Chiron this week, so we will be confronting our wounds/vulnerabilities as we shift into this final leg of our 2020 Capricorn story about how we deal with power, how we deal with CONTROL.

Don't pack too much into this week if you don't have to. 

MONDAY - Venus trines Mars - this is what we want smoothly flowing with what we have to do to get it. Keep in mind Mars is retrograde, so this could be an old situation/something from the past. Delays/revisions can and have required work, but this speaks of our ultimate success with something. This is Leo/Aries - courage might be required. We probably want to do something with his because Venus is in her last days in generous/happy Leo and taking any last vestiges of summer with her. 


Now, keep in mind at the same time Venus (our relationships, money, creative projects, self-esteem, children, romance, our values, our place on the center stage) is inconjunct (that rock and a hard place) a sober Saturn in his own sign. There are going to be rules/limits that need to be followed. This whole thing could take time/patience. I said last week and I'll say it again - it's important to keep tending to the things we are passionate about even if we are not seeing the progress in the way we expected.

TUESDAY - the Sun inconjuncts Chiron - shining a light on our old wounding. Mars' second square to Saturn reaches perfection - this is the one with Mars retrograde and Saturn direct - note, Saturn stations direct in the early A.M. hours and the square prefects at 5:49PM EDT. We had this first square back on August 24th, so this could connect back to that time. 


Saturn has the upper hand. We keep our cool and live to fight another day or we lose. This is unyielding - a denial of aggression/assertion. There is a "no" here. Responsibilities/burdens are strongly felt. We want to do this and we have to do that. Roadblocks/limits/traditions serve a purpose - sometimes we need to go around, crash over or plow through them and sometimes they keep us from falling off the cliff. On the other hand, Saturn (as us or as authority) can win the battle and lose the war if he overplays his hand. We might have to work harder or just accept that we cannot get exactly what we want right now


The big news - DADDY'S HOME.


After many months retrograde - Saturn is back where he was on May 17th and in some way so are we - Saturn's retrograde "review" wraps up. Commitments are firmed up. Endings become the real deal. Second chances are over. We need to be taking responsibility for our actions and holding other people responsible for theirs.

It could have felt, during his retrograde, that we were getting further away from our goal. Maybe obligations weighed heavily. Walls and limitations had to be faced. Corners we had previously cut were noted to be missing. The bills came due. Maybe we were re-evaluating, re-assessing, re-affirming our responsibilities and commitments. Maybe we learned to say, "no". Maybe we learned to say "yes" to something we had been avoiding.


What happens now is going to depend on what we did with this retrograde and sometimes, especially if we are looking at an ending, something ends no matter what we did, hopefully we have had some time to prepare for it.  

With Saturn direct - daddy's home! - greater external structure is brought into our lives. This can feel supportive/rewarding or like a wall/limit/roadblock.

Have we been goofing off? Staying out late? Running up the electric bill? Worn out pop's favorite chair or left his tools out in the rain to rust?

Karmic books get balanced. Rewards for hard work come in -and these rewards can look like endings if we have hitched our ladder to the wrong wall. This is simply cause and effect - we are just being served what we ordered. If we don't like what we are being served - we can choose to do things differently for next time. We can start today. Right now. 

THURSDAY - Full Moon in Aries conjunct Chiron (standing up, confronting what hurts)- expect a BIG post. Mars, Aries ruler, is holding all the cards now, so we know this will be an important Full Moon. Those with planets/points near 7- 9 degrees of the cardinal signs (Aries, Cancer, Libra, Capricorn) will probably feel this energy most.

FRIDAY - the Sun (in Libra) inconjuncts Uranus, this is relationships/balance vs our freak flags/independence - nobody wins, everybody loses a little. Adjustments to both sides are required. 


At the same time Venus moves into precise and practical Virgo. We will be analyzing what we want and what we have. We will be analyzing our relationships/our resources/our values. The problems will stand out. We won't be able to miss them. And since what we focus on grows, sometimes things get worse before they get better during this transit. But this is excellent energy to fix what needs fixing and accept (or eliminate) what just isn't fixable. 

Virgo Suns and Ascendants get more attractive - both easier on the eye and able to attract what they want. Our natal Virgo houses get more attractive, too!

Venus in Virgo is about loving the details of something, enjoying the work, appreciating the craftsmanship and complexity of something or someone or some situation - yes, also, noticing the imperfections, Virgo can't miss those, and choosing not to dwell on them.


SUNDAY - Pluto stations direct right on the degree of January's Saturn/Pluto palaver. Here is the death that was postponed - maybe we had time to clean up our mess; to get our ducks in a row - maybe to prevent a big-bang style ending, but more likely to prepare ourselves for it (we are back where we were on April 25th). Pluto forges ahead again - bent on deconstructing the old order.

Pluto direct speaks of a loss (this could have already happened with Saturn's station a few days ago in the same sign), a total transformation or change of course of some part of our life and/or real EMPOWERMENT. 


If you have planets or points near 22 degrees of the cardinal signs, you are no doubt feeling this (Aries, Cancer, Libra, Capricorn).

Pluto's direct station (as Mercury begins his long journey through Scorpio) is a time for truths to come out. A time for us to consider things we didn't want to have to deal with/think about - the stuff we shoved into closets and pushed under carpets -situations that require authentic Plutonian power (a kind of fearlessness; a sense of being past-death) - from intimate and honest financial or sexual conversations to indomitable power moves in business.

At the same time, Mercury (in Scorpio now so answering to Pluto and a retrograde Mars) is making his own inconjunct to Chiron. Words that hurt/wound. Information we don't want to hear/deal with. Maybe a need to stand up for ourselves. The week seems to go out with a bang. Or a good long cry.


Back with the dailies where we add in the Moons plus a Full Moon post and a big picture October because it's going to be a very important month.


xo all


photo by the talented IrinaJoanne