Mercury into Taurus | the essentials

walking like giant cranes by hellolikegoodbye Today, Mercury (communication, conversation, thoughts, ideas) moves into steady,...

Jupiter Square Pluto | dealing with those pesky power imbalances ... again

balance by JeanFan Today's square (tension) between Jupiter (in Libra) and Pluto (in Capricorn) is the second of three we will...

Mercury Trine Saturn | planning and concentration gets the gold star

old man by lash-upon-lash Opportunities come through careful planning and preparation as Mercury (communications, conversations,...

Astrology Forecast for Creatives | Week of March 27th - fired up

locked heart 06 by hip-possible Monday night's New Moon in Aries (7 degrees) is the PERFECT time to make a vision board for a...

Venus Conjunct the Sun | shining a light on what/who we love

why i take pictures of couples by make-a-wish Today, Venus reaches the midpoint of her 2017 forty day retrograde journey. We...

Mercury Opposite Jupiter | Bold Words

Speak by Jean Fan After yesterday's dust up with Pluto (still in play) fast moving Mercury (in Aries) moves into opposition with...

Mercury Square Pluto | if you can't say something nice .....

game over by lora-vysotskaya Mercury (in Aries) squares Pluto (in Capricorn) - exact tonight. This is the first of Mercury's...

Sun into Aries | do something new!!

hello springo.2 by esendemirci The Sun moves into Aries today kicking off a new chapter (and new year!) in our already active...

Astrology Forecast for Creatives | Week of March 20th - the new astrological year begins plus abrupt or surprising information

ken, I think we are lost ... by toolbazar This week we kick off a new astrological year as the Sun moves into the first sign,...

Sun Square Saturn | hard work

about hard work by doruoprisan We probably felt this transit yesterday, too - it's brief, but potent. We have to get it done....

a week or so into venus retrograde ....

afternoon sister by polish-girl How is Venus retrograde in Aries working out for everyone? By now, a week or so into this 40...

Mercury into Aries - them's fightin' words and fired up with new ideas

angry workplace by tarelkin Mercury (communication, conversation, thoughts, ideas) moves into fiery Aries today. Our words get...

Full Moon in Virgo Plus a Quick Look at Mars into Taurus

wracaj by kieubaska Back from warm and sunny Florida and now preparing for a nor'easter snowstorm this week! Yikes! What did...

Venus Retrograde in Aries | what really belongs to us plus a blog break

the black by kosmodisk Venus stations retrograde today at 13 degrees Aries. She will travel back to 23 degrees Pisces before...

Jupiter Opposite Uranus | disruption

underwater by semansis Today is the second of three exact Jupiter (Libra) and Uranus (Aries) oppositions. We had one back on...

Sun Conjunct Neptune | aligning ourselves with ourselves, feeling inspired

imagination by katrin-elizabeth The Sun hooks up with Neptune today at 11 degrees Pisces. Neptune has been in Pisces (the sign...