Today's Astrology Forecast for Creatives | Friday, October 30, 2020 - preparing for the emergence of something powerfully disruptive

  The big story today is the Moon. In Aries we are nurtured by taking action, doing something physical, moving our bodies...

FULL MOON IN TAURUS | OCToBER 31, 2020 - part II - what's going out with a bang? through the signs

  We dug into the FULL MOON chart in Part I HERE  Let's back up a bit.  The Moon is void on Friday,...

What to expect of the FULL MOON IN TAURUS | Saturday, October 31, 2020 - part I - surprising results, liberating situations, limits and rules, how do we see what we've never seen before, the divine feminine rising, the virus

 On Saturday, October 31, 2020 at 10:05AM EDT the Taurus Moon opposes the Scorpio Sun (at 8 degrees) giving us October's second...

Today's Astrology Forecast | Wednesday, October 28, 2020 - taking action, saying it again, encouraging independence, being kind and fair, making an adjustment/bringing something out of the shadows before it comes wandering out on its own and bites us in the ass

 The Moon moved into fiery Aries while we slept (EDT) - now we are nurtured through our physical actions, our bodies, our passions,...

Weekly Astrology Forecast for Creatives | October 25th - November 1st, 2020 - a major transformation to restore balance, October goes out with a bang

 SUNDAY - Sun conjunct Mercury, Waxing Trine - Pisces|ScorpioMONDAY - Pallas sextiles Neptune, Mercury sextiles Vesta ...

Today's Astrology Forecast | Saturday, October 24, 2020 - getting back on track, sticking like crazy glue without the crazy part, sprucing something up, making a commitment

  The Moon in Aquarius squared Aquarian co-ruler Uranus (retrograde) while we slept (EDT) and goes for a LONG void starting...

Today's Astrology Forecast | Friday, October 23, 2020 - commitment issues, rough edges, needing more space, what are we trying to control, giving something a little bit of air

  After her void, the Moon moves into airy Aquarius at 8:17AM EDT. She reaches her first Quarter Square at 9:22AM EDT,...

Today's Astrology Forecast | Thursday, October 22, 2020 - feeling the pressure, getting things done, the show has ended but where do we go from here, moving past the shame

 The Moon continues her journey through Capricorn. After a tense square with a retrograde Mars at 11:15AM EDT, she makes good...

the October Astrology of Trump, Covid and the United States | a major transformation to restore balance, part III - extremely dangerous time for Trump

  I will link to the previous posts in this series at the end.This will be short and sweet and wrap this series up (not another...

Today's astrology Forecast | Wednesday, October 21, 2020 - the power's in the details, what we really want wants us right back, coming home to the garden, more balanced nurturing

 The Moon moved into sober Capricorn while we slept (EDT). We put our bare feet on the solid Earth/feel a need to create something...

Weekly Astrology Forecast for Creatives | Week of October 19th - 26th, 2020 - an old opportunity comes back around, financial/relationship commitments, unexpected/liberating/disruptive information and conversations, truth comes out

 MONDAY - Mars squares Jupiter, Venus trines Jupiter while inconjunct Mars, Mercury conjunct Juno opposes UranusTUESDAY - Venus...

New Moon in Libra | October 16, 2020 - relationship opportunities/challenges, balancing things out, releasing dead passions, moving toward greater stability and happiness

  We get what might be the most challenging/opportunistic New Moon of the year (cardinal t-square) in the sign that rules...