Today's astrology Forecast | Wednesday, October 21, 2020 - the power's in the details, what we really want wants us right back, coming home to the garden, more balanced nurturing


The Moon moved into sober Capricorn while we slept (EDT). We put our bare feet on the solid Earth/feel a need to create something solid/live up to our responsibilities/count our pennies/get to work. 


She sextiles a retrograde Mercury at 3:49PM EDT then trines a retrograde Uranus at 6:32PM EDT. Intimate conversations move things forward/connecting with influentional people and situations. That smooth trine to Uranus can allow Cappy's unflappability to integrate the unexpected in mature/practical ways. 

This is also the day Venus trines Pluto (22 degrees Virgo to Cappy). This is well supported by the Moon. Maybe a good kind of obsession/intensity where we take the time to make something better - a relationship, financial situation, beauty or values issue. Powerful Pluto touching a personal planet with a POWERFUL trine - personal empowerment/transformation. Virgo/Capricorn - solid, realistic movement toward what we want. Pluto is the great eliminator so maybe this smooth contact with Venus in Virgo can help us eliminate relationship/financial habits that are no longer serving us (or anyone else). We are carrying around these outdated commitments/contracts whose cords have been cut/whose paperwork has been marked 'paid in full'. Maybe it's time to set some burden down. Venus in Virgo asks "what's most healthy now"?

At the same time the Sun (in Libra) is trining a retrograde Ceres (in Aquarius) at 28 degrees. Issues around nurturing/mothering/season of life issues can come into greater balance. Libra keeps things light/social. There isn't any need to pry/to cling. With Ceres retrograde this will be an old issue. The Sun's light can bring the situation into the light and the smooth trine clicks something into place.

This is also the day Black Moon Lilith moves into Taurus. It's good to finally get her out of Aries! Here is the outcast part of us in the sign of Mother Nature/the garden. We move from being angry/antsy/wanting to break something to needing to build/have/grow something solid/lasting. Here we are back in the garden and we want what is rightfully ours/what has been denied us. It will be interesting to see what happens with the 'Black Lives Matter' movement during this transit (BLM always makes me think of BML and BML was on the United States natal Venus as the words were first spoken in a conversation between two women in California via a Facebook post "I continue to be surprised at how little black lives matter. Black people. I love you. I love us. Our lives matter."). 

There could be something painful early in the day when the Moon squares Chiron intensified by the fact there is nothing soft or comforting about a Cappy Moon. Just keep in mind we don’t need to inflate ourselves/create more chaos or overdo things when something is a struggle. We don’t need to hide away and shrink from the demands of the world either.


Sometimes - and keep in mind we have both Mercury and Mars retrograde, so two of our three personal planets (!) - we wait on the celestial winds of inspiration or passion to fill our sails and while we wait we attend to the small details of our everyday lives. Small things gradually build to become large things. And when we pay attention to the details of our lives, particularly when they are about caring for ourselves and others, what gets built is VERY powerful. Which brings us back to today's Venus in Virgo trine Pluto in Capricorn. 


And from the weekly about Venus/Pluto:


"We can use this energy for a deeper look - rather than nit-picky critique- at what isn't working/what is missing and can uncover practical and workable solutions. If we have been letting something slide - our health, daily obligations/schedule - this energy can power-up/enable us to hang in there/get back into something healthier or more organized. We can deepen our commitment to what is healthy. Again this is Virgo/Cappy - staying on task = success, staying healthy = success, being of service = success."


xo all 

photo by the talented Hakan Photography

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