Today's Astrology Forecast | Thursday, April 9, 2020 - stressful situations and then a kind of peace, staying present as the sleeping desire for life is powerfully re-awakened in us, this is just how it is

The Moon continues her journey through Scorpio today - we are nurtured through intimacy, truth, getting to the bottom of things, purging what is no longer needed. She has some tense aspects - a couple last night while we slept that could color the day (stir up our fears, obsessions, control struggles) and then a nice trine to dreamy Neptune late tonight.

Perhaps the kind of peaceful ending that comes when we realize the things we are stressing over are outside our control and we relax our grip from that disconnected steering wheel we've been clinging to for dear life.

Tomorrow's lunar aspects are smoother, more opportunistic. If something important can wait until then I would push it off.

Keep in mind where we are - the Moon is waning now.

We've waded into the river. Wait. Scratch that. We rushed into the river. We are fleeing something. And then the shocking cold water and mud at our feet has brought us to a complete and sudden STOP.

Forced to take shelter here, in a kind of in-between space. There is no going backward (maybe picture a snarling raptor on the shoreline or a disappearing island engulfed by the hot lava of a volcano), but every step forward just creates more mud. The shocking situation we find ourselves in is designed to wake us up. Stay present. There is no clear way forward (ie no way to move forward without muddying the water) because there is no clear way forward.

That's just how it is.

And instead of saying, "that's just how it is right now" see what it tastes like to say something even more expansive like "that's just how it is".

This is about living in uncertainly because when nothing is certain then anything is possible. This isn't just a bumper sticker.

Ask someone who has had a near-death experience about the euphoria that follows that; the desire for life that is stirred up. Then imagine for a moment what almost 8 billion people could create with that desire.

If we could talk to our great-great grandmother (and we can actually) we could ask her what it was like to wake every morning not knowing if her family would survive the day or how she became pregnant without going insane not knowing if the baby, let alone her own body, would survive the birth. We could ask our great-great grandfather (and I almost certainly don't need all these 'greats') what it was like to spend 100 hours a week working a field not knowing if the weather would even allow the crop to survive let alone thrive.

They would just look at us and shake their heads and say something like, "that's just how it is", they would wonder at our sanity for even asking the question.

"Life is uncertain", they would say. 

And then maybe, if we are lucky and I think we are (because there wouldn't be an "us" in the first place if we didn't have a lot of strength and a little sass in our gene pool) - they would wink.

xo all

photo by the talented RaphaelleM

Today's Astrology Forecast | Wednesday, April 8, 2020 - mountains out of molehills, long void moon, good for routine stuff, time gets stretchy, healing through stepping back, taking care of ourselves, independent action

Coming off last night's big Full Moon - situations/relationships could be frustrating/maybe feel overwhelming this morning as the Libra Moon clashes with first Pluto (8:17AM EDT) and Jupiter (8:49AM EDT).

She then goes void until her dive into deep Scorpio at 4:17PM EST - focusing us on Scorpian themes for the next couple days - other people's money, taxes, loans, sex, intimacy, life/death, divorce, reproduction and nurturing us through depth, substance, power, getting to the bottom of things, merging and purging.

In Scorpio, she will square Saturn at 6:02PM EDT (tension with limits/authority/deadlines) and then tomorrow afternoon she will square Uranus (liberation/the future/change/rebellion). With Saturn in Aquarius (except for the time he backs into Capricorn during his retrograde this year) and Uranus in Taurus - fixed signs that square each other - this is a pattern that will be playing out now and throughout 2021 - authority controls/limits/focus on the past followed by rebellion/change/a focus on the future.

We are in for quite a ride during these Scorpio (and Leo!) Moon days.

In other parts of the skies we have Mars (in Aquarius) sextiling Chiron (in Aries). This is healing through stepping back/staying a bit detached. Maybe things aren't as bad as we first thought. As we gain some distance from the situation - which Aquarius allows us to do - we get a new perspective. Both Aquarius and Aries are independent signs, so this could require some time spent alone or some actions taken alone.

Coming off that big Libra Full Moon and with the Moon in Scorpio starting late this afternoon - we want to watch out for jealousy, compulsion, manipulation, taking things too personally, analyzing something to death.

Today's long void Moon is good for routine action or taking a break. Time gets stretchy. Know the Moon going void off that square to expansive Jupiter could mean we (or someone else) is apt to make a mountain out of a molehill. Chill out.

A good day for independent action.

xo all

photo by the talented NotBlackEnough

Full Moon in Libra | April 7, 2020 - a focus on our relationships, balance is the new black, a long look in the mirror, breakthroughs and break-ups, who/what are we partnered with? what is balanced? what is fair?

On April 7, 2020 at 10:34PM EDT, the Libra Moon moves into her exact opposition to the Aries Sun giving us this month's Full Moon.

Full Moons are always a time of PEAK energy. There is a culmination, a completion. Something comes to light.

Last year we had TWO Full Moons in Libra - one at the Spring Equinox and then another one four weeks later. Two Full Moons in the same sign in the same year is very unusual. Coming in the relationship focused sign of Libra with the "we vs me" polarity of the Libra/Aries axis - something here was really wanting our attention. From our older/wiser/"what the flying frig is going on here" vantage point a year later - we can see it was uber important that we got really, really clear on who (and what) we wanted to be on this next leg of our journey with!

Because on the one hand, we were going to be stuck in the house with them ... for weeks. And on the other hand, we were moving toward the kind of challenges that would be best met hand-in-freshly-washed-hand with the right person/people. By that second Full Moon we knew who had our back. We knew who we were on the same page with. We can't say we weren't warned. 

Anyway back to this year and this Full Moon chart.

The Libra Full Moon is the time to bring something into greater BALANCE. Libra wants beauty and harmony and peace.

But with a strong desire to avoid conflict, Libra imbalances can get pretty mega-imbalanced and the Full Moon can amplify this even more.

Libra rules our partnerships and our collective seventh house of other people/commitments/alliances, so, watch for projections. We are responsible and in charge of our own feelings/our own needs. Something that could "come to light" now is how we project expectations on other people based on our own desires and then they fail to live up to our imagined plans for them and we get hurt/disappointed/angry. These are really feelings we are having with ourselves, but the other person gets to be our mirror here. We are the mirror for other people, too.

Libra rules fairness and justice. The reason Libras can sometimes seem so indecisive is because they can see both sides of an issue - so maybe that is what is illuminated now - another point of view. Too much certainty assures we are shown the very things that will make us question ourselves/and others.

Although, Full Moons are about endings, happening in the cardinal sign of Libra (cardinal signs usher in the new seasons) - there is a beginning here, too.

Let's unpack the chart!

The Libra Moon is just past her conjunction with Juno (partnerships) and moving toward her opposition to angry-outsider Eris. We are in the middle here. So the partnership/the contract - whatever we have going on in a committed way with another person - is moving away from the warm and fuzzies and toward some strife coming from some outside situation.

The whole thing is in process. At the time of the Moon it isn't settled.

The ruler of Libra is Venus (ruler of this Full Moon). She is newly arrived in versatile/multi-tasking Gemini and just off her trine to stable Saturn and moving toward her trine to fiery Mars. She is in Gemini for the long haul with her upcoming retrograde, so whatever we have going on with Venusian themes (love, money, values, self-esteem) and with that Gemini house theme of ours (collectively this will be about communications, information, siblings, our local community, commerce, transportation) it's a long story - and remember the sign impacts her (and our natal Venus) and she impacts the sign (and our natal house).

So, she's come out of Taurus (a space she rules) where she has tried to hold this whole house of cards together. She did her best. She is alot of what we've had going right these past few weeks - let's give her a thank you. She's moved onto Gemini to allow us to make different choices/want and value different things. The things she rules (again, this is our relationships, love, money, our values, beauty and self-esteem) are more complicated now and she has moved into a more complicated space.

Again, she is, divinely appointed, to be exactly in the right place at the right time. There are two sides to every coin here. She wants to talk. She wants to plan.

Fresh off that stabilizing trine to Saturn, her attention - which can get quite scattered in Gemini - has been brought into focus through limits/restrictions. THIS is what we want. THIS is what we don't want. THIS is what we can't have. She is moving toward a meeting with Vesta - toward something we hold sacred, something that will keep us up at night. THIS is what matters most. So a situation has occurred to create a commitment or to allow us to take something seriously (now we know she has a retrograde coming where we are going to go back over all of this, so it's not a rock solid thing, but a focus has come into play here). This would have just moved smoothly into place. AND she is moving toward her trine with Mars. Again this is smooth energy, nothing needs to forced here. This is about what we want and what we have to do to get what we want working together. Mars is in Aquarius - so this could be something focused on our future, something new and different, something group focused. AND she is closing in on her conjunction with Vesta - getting closer/clearer on what really matters.

Venus is conjunct Hygie (health/hygiene). So we want to be prioritizing our health and hygiene - duh! This is about the practice of taking care of ourselves. In Gemini there will be more than one thing to do now/more than one way of thinking about this, too.

The Full Moon is inconjunct Neptune (strong in Pisces). This could indicate confusion, as neither Libra nor Pisces provides any certainty. Keep in mind, too, that need for balance/peace/fairness shouldn't mean we have to over-sacrifice or fall for someone else's gas-lighting/untruths. 

We are currently undergoing a HUGE past life/ancestral integration - mega challenging for existing relationships, joint projects, etc. 

Mars has moved into an exact square to Uranus. Breakthroughs. Breakdowns. Break-ups. Somebody/something is going to SNAP! This is our action/ambition/initiative vs our freedom/the future. Take care before making any sudden decisions - think about your security, your resources, your money. This aspect also makes any fast moves more likely to result in physical accidents (head, knees, etc) - so slow down.

Mercury is sextiling (opportunity) Jupiter and Pluto. To be exact, at the time of the Full Moon - he is past his sextile to Pluto (power, death/rebirth, transformation, other people's resources, merging. purging) and EXACTLY sextiling expansive Jupiter. Maybe we can see the big picture with a greater sense of optimism/confidence. Also good for spiritual work, art, our dreams, intuition.

With Libra this is all about our relationship to others. Imbalances will show up now. We need to really take a look at the disagreements we are having with other people - what are we projecting onto them that we need to take ownership of now. What are they projecting onto us?

Full Moons are about release - how can we let go of what isn't working? Cardinal Full Moons are also magical beginnings - this is Cardinal Air - new ideas/new thoughts/new conversations/fresh perspectives. 

Let's allow this chart to move forward a bit. Let Mercury get into Aries in a few days ... let's see where we are then. Things could look quite different.

xo all

The Moon is the closest to the Earth she will be all year RIGHT NOW, so this Moon is going to look HUGE - try to get outside and walk in her, fully absorb where we are right now, we might be "taking shelter to protect the flock", but we sure as hell aren't hiding!

Astrology Forecast for Creatives | Week of April 6th - a light on what is out of balance, relationship challenges, opportunities to heal, information/perspectives/the conversation changes, the revolution is coming ...

SATURDAY - Jupiter conjuncts Pluto (24 degrees Capricorn)
TUESDAY - Full Moon/Super Moon in Libra (18 degrees), Mars squares Uranus, Mercury sextiles Jupiter and Pluto
WEDNESDAY - Mercury squares Galactic Center, Mars sextile Chiron
FRIDAY - Venus sextiles Chiron and enters her shadow degrees for her upcoming retrograde
SATURDAY - Mercury into Aries
SUNDAY - Mercury squares the Nodes of Fate

We are living through challenging times as we shift from the Age of Pisces into the Age of Aquarius. Many have been sent to their rooms for a much needed time out, others called to the 'front-line' and still others are challenged with illness or the illness of someone they love.

Collectively awakened to the importance of home and family and our inner world (that Cancer North Node!) and the need for big, structural changes to the work side of our lives, our outer world and ambitions/those bright, shiny rewards we have spent so much time chasing that don't look quite so shiny these days (that Capricorn South Node).

All of us charged with gently working through our FEAR. Unraveling lifetimes of "death anxiety", so the DNA codes we were born with and will need for this New Age can wake the hell up!

Even as Jupiter/Pluto's meeting on Saturday can amplify these "dark night of the soul" energies, Jupiter/Pluto also gives us the confidence and courage (and the kind of 'luck' available when these courage/confidence energies are accessed) to handle these extraordinarily transformational changes.

This is another BIG WEEK with multiple twists and turns.


We start the week with the powerhouse energies of the first of three (June, November) Jupiter/Pluto conjunctions this year.

I am not going to sugar-coat it - the planet of expansion (Jupiter) passing over the planet of death (Pluto), could make things more challenging (this conjunction happened during the second wave of the Spanish Flu, but this was during a World War when people were already stressed and weakened), BUT keep in mind this aspect is already waning (weakening/separating). It is strongest as it builds and when exact (Saturday night EDT) and we start this week with it already waning, so that is good. They will meet again HERE during their retrogrades over the summer, so we are going to come back to this point again. Something was missed. And then they will meet for a final time on the January Pluto/Saturn degree in November. Then they are done. This doesn't mean we will be where we are now until then, but it does tell us this is part of a longer story-line ...

For now check in on the news as you need to, but don't obsess with it. Keep in mind always with Jupiter his ability to make things seem bigger than they actually are ...

We have a Super Moon/Full Moon in partnership/balance/fairness focused Libra. The Moon is squaring the Cappy energies (that Jupiter/Pluto) and pulls our focus to how everything going on is impacting our relationships with other people, our sense of what is fair, our ability to maintain our balance.

Full Moon post to follow.

At the same time Mars (in future focused Aquarius now) moves into his square with Uranus - who is busy shaking up our money, resources, values, self-esteem. This is tension/frustration. Abrupt action. Breaks-ups. Breakdowns. Breakthroughs. Squares require adjustment. If we are making some abrupt/new move we are going to need to think about how this will impact our finances and resources.

(our last Full Moon was that huge Full Moon in Virgo conjunct Neptune, with Mercury stationing direct and Venus conjunct Uranus - this really PUSHED forward this "doomsday" chapter - HERE is the post about that - at least that Full Moon is in our rear-view mirror now!)


Mercury (at the end of Pisces now) is going to square the Galactic Center (our homing signal/center of creation/black hole in the middle of our Milky Way Galaxy). He/she is given an adjustment to the story; an edit to this chapter. And keep in mind Mercury was at the "time runs out/here is the death that was postponed" palaver back in January. AND he/she has been back and forth in Pisces, the sign that rules viruses - since February 3rd!

At the same time Mars (in future, group and tech focused Aquarius) sextiles (opportunity) healing Chiron. This takes the edge off the tension we had with those unexpected challenges with Uranus earlier in the week. New actions focused on the future are healing. We help ourselves by helping others. We are healing very old, very deep ancestral wounds by bravely moving into the future!


Venus (ruler of that Super Libra Full Moon and ruler of our relationships, love, money, our values, resources and self-esteem) starts walking the degrees in Gemini she will walk two more times. When she wraps up her retrograde and shadow period in August we will be back HERE. So, pay attention to what is happening now. What house does Gemini rule in your natal chart? What is the 'theme' of that house? We all have alot of work to do HERE.

She, like Mars yesterday, but from a different space in our chart, sextiles Chiron. More healing opportunities - this time through different choices, flexibility, loving something else, our local community, our siblings, humor, words, keeping things light. It is good news for us she has this sextile at the start of her shadow period!

We'll talk more about this in the dailies.

Now, it's Mercury's turn to finally bust a move as he swims out of Pisces and into Aries. BOOM. THIS MATTERS.

Remember she/he was part of January's Pluto/Saturn conjunction. She has been back and forth through virus-ruling Pisces for many weeks because of her retrograde (and remember Mercury is not only the messenger God but also the trickster God).

She has just squared the Galactic Center picking up a need to adjust her message.

So now in Aries - a cardinal sign demanding initiative/a fresh start - new information comes in. 

Our perspective shifts. 

A new spell is being woven with new words.  

As she moves into Aries and crosses the Aries point - something here is collectively/universally noticed.  

Our attention goes HERE.

New solutions. Fresh conversations. Words will be faster and more impulsively stated. Assertive language.

I am thinking and hoping, because the astrology points in multiple ways (to me) as Mercury being an important driver of this pandemic (and the death anxiety) we will reach an important pivot point at the end of this week/beginning of next week when Mercury enters Aries.

Mercury's story-line includes - his participation in January's Pluto/Saturn conjunction, his long journey since then through watery Pisces where he met Pisces ruler Neptune three times (the sign and planet that rules viruses, pandemics, foggy thinking and a space where we can lose all connection with outcomes), his rulership of Virgo - the sign of our health and that BIG Full Moon last month AND Mercury's rulership of communication, the transportation of everything from ideas/information to toilet paper and even to things like our little corona fellow. In Pisces, he isn't known for his sharp thinking. Ask a Mercury in Pisces person for some number related information and, unless they have some strong earth in their charts, you are more likely to hear about how they "feel" about the numbers/facts.

And that Cappy pile-up (and the Jupiter/Pluto conjunction) were and are opposing the United States natal Mercury (in emotional Cancer), so the United States news and information in particular has been especially slippery and de-stabilizing. We've been down the rabbit-hole with this one!

Finally Mercury (in fiery and impulsive Aries) squares the North and South Nodes. 

Big picture - we are in the process of incredible inner change. An emotional reset in order to build a brand-new world that works for all of us - and this includes the animals and the Earth. It looks like the changes are happening outside us/forced upon us - and they are, but only because the changes within us are calling them into activation. 

If we think of all the ways this "time runs out" thing could be playing out - we are probably having a best case scenario even though it feels like a worst-case scenario. With Uranus in Taurus - the ways we make money, the resources we have, our values - all of this is in line for major resets. This was already going to happen in very big and unexpected ways without this pandemic.

And keep in mind the way the energies worked out in January when we got a taste of them through Trump's impeachment/the Iran situation with the killing of the general and then Iran's follow-up bombing - things felt like life and death (in Trump's case felt like life and death to him) and some people did die, but it wasn't as bad as it could have been. The situations kind of fizzled out, although they didn't exactly resolve and still kind of hang over our heads. In the case of the virus we had wily Mercury - never doubt the power of our closest planet - picking up that story-line and running with it, so let's see what happens when he gets out of the Pisces soup and into Aries at the end of this week.

And again we'll see what happens when Mars (because he lit the fuse when he got into Capricorn) untangles himself from Saturn and gets out of Aquarius in the middle of May.

There are many, many pivot points ahead for us, so don't make yourself crazy looking too far ahead right now.

The time-out caused by this "time runs out" pandemic (as horrific as the pandemic itself has been for some people and as much havoc as this is going to cause financially going forward), has been a great salve to planet Earth. Keep in mind Ceres (Mother Nature - that mama-bear) was at that palaver in January, too. Maybe some of these changes forced upon us - working at home, less travel, less consumerism, more electronic connections, etc - are some of what is needed to keep this many billion people (and maybe in a sense we are like a virus to the planet) alive and take care of our beautiful world, too. Momentary, fake fixes are not an option.

xo all

photo by the talented TheFoxAndTheRaven