Today's Astrology Forecast | September 30, 2019 - nurtured by getting to the bottom of things, the power in our core, intense emotions, taking the time to appreciate the darkness

The Moon dives into Scorpio at 5:42AM EDT - we are nurtured through intense and sometimes uncomfortable emotions, mysteries,...

Astrology Forecast for Creatives | Week of September 30, 2019 - the death that was postponed, changing course, deep conversations, truth, actions trigger reactions, doing it together

An INTENSE/Scorpionic week folks as two inner planets change signs and the lord of the underworld wakes up!  SUNDAY -...

New Moon in Libra | September 28, 2019 - a major conclusion, a fresh start for relationships, doing it together, putting humpty dumpty back together again

On Saturday, September 28th at 2:27PM EDT, the Libra Moon meets the Libra Sun (at 5 degrees) giving us this month's New Moon. Everything...

Today's Astrology Forecast | September 27, 2019 - busy, productive, overwhelmed but good progress in the end, don't go blindly crashing into new spaces, finish up

Our organized and practical Virgo Moon is UBER busy and we might be feeling this, too - try not to let a need for perfection...

Today's Astrology Forecast | September 26, 2019 - seeing our wounding through another person, intense conversations, ambitious plans, secrets, power struggles, projecting much?, taking the higher road, honesty

The Moon moves into practical Virgo at 6:37AM EDT - we are nourished by the details, by taking care of our health, the day-to-day...

Astrology Forecast for Creatives | September 25, 2019 - quite the mixed bag and an almost all-day void moon, get it done early

The Moon in Leo sextiles Venus at 3:35AM EDT (creative, collaborative, what are you dreaming?) then trines Jupiter at 10:21AM...

Today's Astrology Forecast | September 24, 2019 - in the flow, relationship agreements, keeping the faith, the seasons are changing and so are we, doing it together

The Moon roars into fiery Leo at 5:19AM EDT. We want to stand out and show up! We are nurtured through attention (give that...

Today's Astrology Forecast | September 23, 2019 - the equinox, giving and getting, coming into balance, taking stock, a season of relationship challenges and opportunities

The Moon in "mama-bear" emotional and home/real estate/security focused Cancer is very active. She opposed Saturn and squared...

The Astrology of September 2019 - the week of September 23, 2019 | this is the way the patriarchy ends, part III - the reality of the situation, choices, changes, endings, new relationships

Just about got the monthly done before the month is over - ack! Part I is HERE Part II is HERE Here are the major aspects left...

Today's Astrology Forecast | September 21, 2019 - quick vs good, flexible vs that line in the sand, hopes vs dreams, a final reveal, 48 hours of wiggle room but who's counting

The Moon in busy and chatty Gemini opposed Jupiter and squared Neptune while we slept. She moves into another square, this time...

Today's Astrology Forecast | September 20, 2019 - talking, listening, connecting with other people, a focus on what matters, what we do impacting our bottom line, adjusting our goals

The Moon is in Gemini now - we are nurtured through communication, information, humor, siblings, our local community, our local...

Astrology Forecast for Creatives | September 19, 2019 - the smooth and profitable ending, the finishing touches that add value, keeping your eye on the ball, practical power moves and win-wins

At 9:56AM EDT, the Taurus Moon trines the Virgo Sun (26 degrees) giving us this month's Waning Trine. This is about the precise...

Today's Astrology Forecast | September 18, 2019 - practical action to create comfort and stability, daddy's home, being served what we ordered, a flashing GREEN LIGHT

It's all good for our Taurus Moon today as she trines Saturn, sextiles Neptune, trines Mars and Pluto. All smooth aspects. Good...

Today's Astrology Forecast | September 17, 2019 - uncomfortable conversations around love or money, staying flexible, last minute breakthroughs and breaks for freedom

The Moon moves into Taurus at 6:31AM EDT, the sign of her exaltation. Venus (ruler of Taurus and strong in her home sign of...

Today's Astrology Forecast | September 16, 2019 - power struggles, twists and turns, words that wound, thinking about what we are thinking about, a powerful focus, practical action, another brick goes into the wall - no, not that wall, the sun will come out tomorrow

The Moon in fiery and independent Aries trined big-picture Jupiter while we slept (jumping out of bed and GOING is a real possibility)...

Astrology Forecast for Creatives | Week of September 16th - daddy's home, the delays are over, courage and ambition, not a week to bet the farm, challenging conversations and news

Another BIG week - we have a major repeating aspect and Saturn stationing direct! TUESDAY/WEDNESDAY - Mercury and then Venus...

Full Moon in Pisces | September 13th - 14th, 2019 - an ending, maybe a disappointment, living the serenity prayer, staying in our power, staying in our magic, letting go of what we can't control, cleaning up our mess, the big dissolve, letting go of the past, magic on steroids

The Pisces Moon at 21 degrees opposes the Virgo Sun at 12:33AM EDT (Friday night). At its moment of fullness the Moon goes void...

Today's Astrology Forecast | September 12, 2019 - building toward tomorrow's Full Moon, thoughts are things now, stay positive, keep the faith, one step at a time, prioritize keeping things healthy

The Moon slips into spiritual and imaginative Pisces at 5:52AM EDT and we begin the build-up to tomorrow's Full Moon. Her only...