New Moon in Capricorn | the climb

climb by little-moonshine Today's New Moon is at 8 degrees Capricorn. The New Moon is always a time of Sun conjunct Moon. They...

Saturn Square Chiron | Sun Conjunct Mercury - taking ourselves seriously

novooo by nikelena The Sun is conjunct Mercury. A baby born today would be a good communicator, using language and interacting...

Capricorn and Piscean sextiles | maybe let's try releasing the habit of measuring everything ....

illusory by la-child The Sun (in Capricorn) sextiles Mars (in Pisces). A retrograde Mercury (in Capricorn) sextiles Neptune (in...

a spotlight on the way forward ....

I hope everyone had a wonderful holiday! I was hoping last week to get caught up with a few 'where we are now' and 2017 posts,...

Sun into Capricorn | winter is coming ....

winter by voorikvergeet Doesn't it feel better somehow to call the Winter Solstice the longest night rather than the shortest...

Astrology Forecast for Creatives | Week of December 19th - NOT quite time to decide, productive escape plus it could be a Merry , ie everybody gets along just fine, Christmas

where the wild roses grow by krowka7 Let's dive right in. When we wake up Monday morning the skies are quite different than...

Mercury Retrograde | secret information, slowing down, destabilizing

empire by jaimel barra Mercury stations retrograde on Monday at 15 degrees Capricorn. Right on top of Pluto. Whatever sludge...

Full Moon in Gemini | tangled up ...

the violence behind by julie-de-waroquier Today's Full Moon at 22 degrees Gemini is uber complicated. A spotlight is being...

Astrology Forecast for Creatives | Week of December 12th - get that shopping done!

hey jude by dorguska This is the last week we have a direct Mercury before the holidays, so get that shopping/shipping done!...

Saturn conjunct the Sun | report card time

let it snow by Natalia Ciobanu The Sun and Saturn are sitting at exactly 18 degrees Sagittarius. Once a year these big guys...

Venus into Aquarius | valuing the new and unusual

girl with tattoo oil onlinen by xxaihxx Venus moved into quirky Aquarius yesterday where she will hang out until January 3rd. Aquarius...

Mars Sextile Uranus | do something new

shepherdess by natalia ciobanu We have Mars (in Aquarius) sextiling Uranus (in Aries) now. Sextiles are 60 degree separations...

Astrology Forecast for Creatives | Week of December 5th - desiring something new ....

weird world by alexandra sophie I didn't find time for the big picture thing I wanted to write this weekend - I will get it up...

Mercury into Capricorn | the weight of our words

*** by ankazhuravleva Capricorn is a serious sign. It rules the dead of winter and that indomitable mountain goat who just puts...

New Moon in Sagittarius | commitments and coming unbounded

marie antoinette 4 by natalia ciobanu This morning the Sun and Moon meet up at 7 degrees Sagittarius kicking off a new 29 day...

Astrology Forecast for Creatives | Week of November 28th - a new direction maybe ...

*** ankazhuraleva Lots of changes ahead again this week. I'll do daily posts but wanted to pop out something quick tonight....

Venus Conjunct Pluto | Venus Square Jupiter - intense desire for .....

*** by oprisco Jupiter (in Libra) squared Pluto (in Capricorn) yesterday. This has been building for a couple weeks and is the...

Mercury Conjunct Saturn | focus on what matters, use common sense

self portrait by la-child Mercury (communication, ideas, thinking, siblings, local neighborhood, transportation) meets up with...

Mercury Sextile Jupiter | make that practiced pitch, make time to listen

___ by oprisco Today Mercury (communication, conversation, ideas) in Sagittarius shakes hands with Jupiter (expansion) in Libra...

Sun into Sagittarius - the power of positivity and focus and a BIG week ahead

____ by oprisco I finished up wholesale orders this past weekend so didn't get to write up the weekly. We'll do dailies this...

Neptune Conjunct the South Node | Neptune Moves Direct - the fog begins to lift, something from the past evolves ...

015 by la-child Neptune has been retrograde since June. This is one of those big deal/not big deal things because Neptune does...