Astrology Forecast for Creatives | Week of March 16, 2020 - big action, big energy, changes that carry us home, new rules, one of the biggest weeks of the year

It could be the most important week of the year - and damn it's a doozie.

MONDAY - Mercury into Pisces (again)
THURSDAY - Sun sextile Saturn, Sun into Aries (Spring Equinox), Uranus sextile North Node, Chiron square the North Node/South Node
FRIDAY - Mars conjuncts Jupiter (22 degrees Capricorn) and squares Eris
SATURDAY - Saturn into Aquarius, Mercury trines North Node
SUNDAY - Mercury sextile Uranus

We have Mercury making her/his third pass through the early degrees of Pisces. 

We have multiple positive aspects to the North Node (our future) - which is in home, family and security oriented Cancer for just a few more weeks! Life is re-arranging itself for many, many people (enough to create a powerful shift) to withdraw their focus from the outer world, their careers and ambitions/the things that used to matter to them and redirect that energy toward where it is needed RIGHT NOW for this tipping point - home, mothering, nurturing, taking care of ourselves, creating a sanctuary, a home business, a family business, allowing ourselves to see vulnerability/newness as a strength.

We have the Sun (thank God and Goddess) exiting Pisces for the warrior energy of Aries kicking off a new astrological year.

We have volatile Mars catching up with expansive Jupiter (while squaring chaotic Eris!) at the hot 22 Cappy degree we had that MEGA meeting of Saturn/Pluto/Ceres and Mercury back in mid-January. At that time we were dealing with Trump's impeachment trial, the Iran bombing situation and China (whose chart is mega-impacted by the corona-virus) reporting its first death from the virus to the WHO. We also probably had personal situations going on then that could be re-activated in some way now.

Mars/Jupiter is BIG action, maybe BIG anger, BIG energy, BIG risk, leaping before we look comes to mind here, too. We will talk about this as we move through the week, but I would suspect people fired up over limits placed on them by authority would fit the bill also.

We have Saturn leaving Capricorn - remember he is the energy that has been holding it together - for Aquarius. Our Cappy house theme gets a breather while our Aquarius house makes room for daddy. Karma with trauma, new rules, social distancing, chaos as the new normal, immense opportunity/mega challenge, bringing EVERYONE to the table, eventually turning toward each other instead of looking for the answer/assistance from some hierarchical support system - all these things and more come to mind.

We talked about Monday HERE.

THURSDAY - the Sun (at the very end of Pisces) sextiles Saturn (at the very end of Capricorn) - so this is more of the Neptune/Saturn stuff we have been working through, maybe at this time opportunities to stabilize/limit (Saturn) this virus (Neptune) - before moving into fiery and passionate and "let's get something new started" Aries and kicking off a new solar year.
At the same time Uranus (change, chaos, the future) is sextiling (opportunity) the North Node in Cancer (home, family, mothering/nurturing, self care, vulnerability and Chiron is squaring the Nodes.

Chiron's square to the Nodes is one of the big players in this collective fear we are experiencing right now. Tension. Frustration. Very old wounds are triggered as we move toward what feels like a more vulnerable future.

FRIDAY - here's the BIG-DADDY DAY, but events could just be happening all week. Mars catches up with expansive Jupiter (while squaring chaotic Eris!) at the hot 22 Cappy degree we had that MEGA meeting of Saturn/Pluto/Ceres and Mercury back in mid-January. Back then we were dealing with Trump's impeachment trial, the Iran bombing situation, plus China (whose chart is mega-impacted by the corona-virus and mega-activated again today) reporting its first death from the virus to the WHO, the mama-bear standing all alone, etc.

What was going on in your life mid-January 2020?

The coincidence of Mars and Jupiter who only meet every couple years finding themselves together at this exact degree at this particular time is unbelievable!

Mars/Jupiter is BIG action, maybe BIG anger, BIG energy, BIG risk, leaping before we look comes to mind here, too. China is reporting devastating financial numbers and that is probably going to be a bigger story everywhere as we move through the rest of the year. Everyone is under the pressure to survive - even those people who think they are at the top of the food chain because the food chain is disappearing.

We will talk about Mars/Jupiter as we move through the week, but I would suspect people fired up over limits placed on them by authority would fit the bill also. Mars is exalted in Capricorn and this should help. Personally, if you have a confident move to make that will shake things up - here's your chance.

SATURDAY - Saturn exits stage left, his home sign of Capricorn, and enters stage right, his "ancient" home sign, of Aquarius (Uranus - what the hell have you done with the place?).

Saturn (limits, structure, authority) will be in Aquarius (the future, groups, tech) until July 1, 2020 and then dip back into Capricorn until December 17, 2020 - after that Saturn will be in Aquarius until March 7, 2023.

So, we flash ahead NOW with a glimpse of things to come (especially what to expect on the December 21, 2020 Winter Solstice when Saturn meets Jupiter at 0 degrees Aquarius for the first time in hundreds of years), then we move back to clean up our Cappy loose ends and then it's full steam ahead into the future.

The last time Saturn was in Aquarius was 1991-1994 - what was happening in your life back then?

For this round, and we are already feeling this, it appears we will start this transit with limits/rules (Saturn) with groups/our freedoms (Aquarius), chaos/disruption (Aquarius) as our new reality/structure (Saturn), but it is going to be about much more than this as we move through it. We are on the Age of Aquarius timeline now. Anything is possible as long as we have never done it before.

Looking backward, trying to do "it" the way we did "it" before (think: what Saturn collectively rules here - our careers, work in the world, government, business, structure, time, your Cappy house theme) IS NOT GOING TO WORK. Business as usual is over. Remember what we talked about in THIS post about this time of UNKNOWING. We are going to need a beginner's mind to navigate these new waters. The future will not look like the past. We are going to have to balance Saturn's need for structure, limits, supportive routines, etc with Aquarius/Uranus's need for innovation, freedom and spontaneity as we turn toward each other instead of looking for someone above us to care for us/control us.

At the same time we have Mercury trining (brakes off) the North Node in Cancer and sextiling (opportunity) the South Node in Capricorn. This is confirming the above scenarios, which still sound slightly terrifying to this fixed Aquarian (me), are PROGRESS. Information comes in - that pulls us home/toward our inner world/nurturing and smoothly releases any clinging to outdated ambitions/old titles and responsibilities. We had this aspect back on February 26, 2020, when Mercury was retrograde, so something from that time period could be in play now.

SUNDAY - Mercury, in early Pisces and fresh off her/his trine to the North Node - now sextiles (opportunity) Uranus in Taurus. Ideas/information/communications focused on new ways to use our resources, earn money, what is important to us/what we value NOW are highlighted.

It's time for a cool head and some common sense.

Fear will steal our breath long before any virus has the chance to!

Keep in mind the long game - we are moving into a brand new world, unwinding thousands of years of patriarchal conditioning, transforming our relationship with power, releasing massive collective fear as the breath we have been holding for centuries begins to get exhaled - we were born - and CHOSE - to be alive right now.

We literally were born to do this!

Back with the dailies and some big picture stuff.

Whatever the f*ck is really happening here (and it's probably not what it looks like is happening with all this Pisces), life has certainly got our attention with this one.

In the meantime take care of yourself.

Think about that North Node in Cancer we have been talking about for almost a year and a half - coming home, going within, creating a sanctuary, being able to appreciate our own vulnerabilities - we have feathered our nest for a reason, folks.

Also keep in mind there are featherless (and toilet paper-less) people out there, let's not be greedy assholes. Let's take care of each other.

xo all

some dates to keep in mind - April 4th is the first of three Jupiter/Pluto conjunctions (next is June and finally in November) - maybe we can get a glimpse of some kind of end-game with these transits, also in May the Nodes will move to Gemini/Sag - we talked about that HERE - changing our direction and allowing us multiple opportunities to 'grow where we are planted' AND we have Jupiter/Saturn meeting in Aquarius in December which will kind of bring us back to where we are this week, hopefully older and wiser ... and more connected with each other.

photo by the amazing oprisco

today's astrology Forecast and a peek at the major week ahead of us - back later

Big girl/boy pants on. We talked about the unknowing and confinement story-lines yesterday HERE.

It's time for a cool head and some common sense. Fear will steal our breath long before any virus has the chance to!

Keep in mind the long game - we are moving into a brand new world, unwinding thousands of years of patriarchal conditioning, transforming our relationship with power, releasing massive collective fear as the breath we have been holding for centuries begins to get exhaled - we were born - and CHOSE - to be alive right now.

We literally were born to do this! 

We are crossing a bridge between who we are and who we think we are and

this might be the biggest week of the year as Mars and Jupiter meet on that hot 22 degrees - the space of January's game changer Saturn/Pluto conjunction kicking everything up a notch or two or a thousand.  


The week lays out, depending on where you live on the planet, something like this:

MONDAY - Mercury into Pisces (again)
THURSDAY - Sun sextile Saturn, Sun into Aries (Spring Equinox), Uranus sextile North Node
FRIDAY - Mars conjuncts Jupiter (22 degrees Capricorn) and squares Eris
SATURDAY - Saturn into Aquarius, Mercury trines North Node
SUNDAY - Mercury sextile Uranus

Two planets change signs - including SATURN, two planets meet at an uber activated degree in Cappy, we kick off a new solar year and mixed in here are supportive portals of stability and clear signposts that the chaos/disruption is moving us into a more connected and loving future (that Cancer North Node).

Don't worry. We've got this thing. We will move through this week together!

On MONDAY, we have a forward moving Mercury getting back into Pisces. USE YOUR COMMON SENSE, which could be in short supply.

We are walking these degrees for the THIRD time now. We walked this same degree on February 2nd and March 2nd (retrograde). What has been re-vised, re-viewed, re-vamped during this time?

How has our thinking changed?

The delays here are over.

With Mercury's (communication, intellect) move from Aquarius into Pisces our thinking becomes less stubborn and more flexible. Our focus will not be as razor sharp but seeing the gray areas (as opposed to black and white, good or bad thinking) has its upside, too.

Decisions will become more intuitive and left brained. We will feel what people are saying. But the truth stays a bit stretchy. If we need to make a major decision now it will be hard to tell the facts from the fiction. But, and this is a big but, on the other hand we have been over this same ground multiple times - maybe there is nothing more to see/feel here RIGHT NOW.

Mercury in Pisces provides a clear channel to our past, our ancestors, the people we used to be (this can be a good or challenging thing), God, the Universe, that guy sitting next to us on the bus and that woman in Italy singing on that balcony.

Keep in mind our Pisces natal house is the space where we avoid looking at what is really going on and this is the second year in a row we have been FORCED to deal with what is happening here!

At the same time our hopeful Sagittarius Moon is shifting into sober Capricorn. She goes void off a square to the Pisces Sun at 5:34AM EDT giving us our monthly Third Quarter Moon. This is a kind of crisis of faith/faith being tested. Maybe something we had put our faith in is dissolving now. What do we still believe? The Third Quarter Square is the time to be clearing the decks for the next New Moon (next week's New Moon kicks off the new astrological lunar year).

What needs to be finished up?

At 12:25PM EDT the Moon moves into serious Capricorn where she will make nice with both Mercury and Uranus. Note - she will meet the Cappy pile-up tomorrow, but we could start to feel that energy today as she changes signs.

Starting THURSDAY the energy is becoming momentous. We are living through almost unprecedented changes and we will feel/see/know it. We said March would come in like a lion and go out like a lion, that we would all be made to pivot and HERE WE GO.

Back later today with the weekly which is almost done, but I wanted to pop this up this morning, so we get a kind of jumping off point.

xo all

Keep in mind the preview we got of this in January when 22 Cappy was activated - Trump was almost impeached (near-death experience), we almost had a war with Iran (near-death experience) and in your personal life there was almost certainly - mid-January - some kind of experience foreshadowing what is happening this week. We'll talk about this more in the next post!

photo by the talented jalmelbarra

Today's astrology Forecast | Sunday, March 15, 2020 - exaggeration is the new black, reaching toward the water table, sweating into the sheets, feathering our nest

Today we have the Moon (in Sagittarius) squaring Neptune (in Pisces) at 3:51PM EDT. It is her only aspect - so more impactful than it would be otherwise - we spend the day (emotionally) building toward it and the night (emotionally) unwinding from it.

Exaggeration is the new black here.

Things will not be as they seem/feel (stay away from the news since Sag rules the media) - "the sky is falling" or something too idealistic can take hold of us - with everything going on in the world, the Henny Penny scenario is probably most likely.

Understanding/truth/our beliefs will be challenged (that square) by our imaginations/illusions.

If we are imagining some kind of worst-case scenario we have the ability to stop doing that (health/financial). Mercury is in Aquarius, for the third time in just a few weeks, so we know how to do this (!) - step back, take a breath, distance yourself a bit and remind yourself that everything will seem bigger than it really is now. Keep in mind Mercury in Aquarius's tendency to think too far ahead and bring yourself back to this moment. Hug a tree. Get your hands into some dirt. Pray. Meditate.

We have two stressful cycles uber activated right now. Unknowing and confinement. Keep in mind we are in another death-bed scenario designed for us to experience our ability to rise from our sweaty sheets and keep going. 

Let's break down today's energies because they pull us into the next couple weeks.

The unknowing. What don't we know? What if we didn't need to know all the answers RIGHT NOW? What can we learn from this experience? And keep in mind, some/most of this learning comes through our cells/bodies living through the experience. It's not about "what we do" it's about who we become. If we have a confused sense of losing our center right now - this is a sign we are seeing the world more clearly than before. Think about times in our life when we have approached situations like a newbie (unknowing). We've walked into walls, but also through doors and into totally unexpected spaces. 

The confinement. What if we could only rely on ourselves? With Chiron in Aries and squaring the Nodes this is a big part of our fear here. Imagine a tree that needs to reach down toward the water table to survive during a drought. Pushing upward and not reaching the end is naturally confining. We (as a collective and individually) have driven ourselves upward (Sag) full of confidence and optimism expecting to reach our goal - and then, we don't. We then feel trapped, exhausted by the climb and also shaken and betrayed by the way things haven't worked out as we had planned. This is a natural time to go within where we have ACCESS TO THAT WATER TABLE.

Keep in mind neither of these places - the space of unknowing and the space of confinement are places we want to stay too long. There are inherent traps here if we hang our hats. Think - the Eagles song "Hotel California". We will want to check out and we will need to leave.

But there is a reason we find ourselves here now.

Neptune solves our problems by surrounding us with fog. We can't see what to do or what is going on because it is not a time for direct action. Take care of yourself. Think about that North Node in Cancer we have been talking about all last year - coming home, creating a sanctuary, being able to appreciate our own vulnerabilities - we have feathered our nest for a reason. 

Back later with the weekly.

xo all

photo by the talented MD-Arts

The Astrology of 2020 | Part III - feeling underwater, a sudden unraveling, releasing the need to control everything, releasing the need to try and hold everything together, preparing for next week's sh*tshow

We talked about Saturn/Pluto's momentous meeting in January 2020, in lots of posts - HERE is one of them - see mid-January.

It was impossible to know exactly what could happen, but it didn't sound good. And honestly after barely surviving the years that accompanied Pluto's crossing of my natal Mercury - which felt like a portal opened and a darkness/death swept in, triggered my inner-gaslighting or maybe/likely actually tried to kill me - and seeing the devastation of Pluto's crossing hub's natal Venus, Saturn and Mars in some kind of 'dark night of the soul' trifecta, I kept postponing writing/thinking about it.

I do not underestimate the effect on the collective to have the planet that holds everything solid together (Saturn) passing over the planet of death (Pluto) in the sign of the stuff he (Saturn) is holding together (Capricorn). I would guess if this were reversed and Pluto were to move over Saturn (instead of Saturn over Pluto) it would be game over. Which I suppose couldn't physically happen, but maybe it could.

But he didn't and it isn't. 

OK, so where are we now. In a world filled with so much dis-ease, here comes an actual disease accompanied by a fear-mongering twenty-four hour news cycle designed to make our already over-taxed immune system even weaker. 

Viruses are ruled by Neptune and we talked about the China chart for the virus's kick-off period HERE - when Saturn and Pluto (time runs out, here's the death that was postponed) met in China's 12th house (Neptune's house) on top of their natal Jupiter - it was game-on. People have asked me if this could be some kind of bio-terrorism thing - sure, maybe. Or maybe a portal opened and this bug named corona flew in - and maybe he will fly out just as mysteriously - it's happened before. Who knows. Pisces/Neptune rules secrets and what happens behind closed doors ...

Collectively, we've got Neptune in Pisces - until 2026 - strong in his home sign, back to close-out the Age of Pisces and a little more than halfway through his fifteen year journey. He has been showing us the illusive nature of 'truth' and we will find once we are 'woke' there is no going back to sleep, even with that expensive inner spring and intuitive foam topper system. We've taken the blue pill (or was it the red pill?). This doesn't mean any of us know what is going on, but a whole lot of people know now that they don't know.

(not knowing makes anything possible because thoughts are things and this kind of just adds to the chaos at this point, but is something we just have to get through and come out the other side of)

This sudden unraveling - which ultimately lands in Aquarius, with ruler Uranus disrupting our Taurean money, resources and values - is likely more about fear of chaos/death than any actually devastating illness for most people. Mercury (our thinking/the movement of ideas and objects and yes, why not our little corona fellow) has been back and forth through Pisces - sign with no limits/boundaries - since the beginning of February - and I never underestimate Mercury's ability to create trouble. He is strong and still, and detached, in Aquarius right now and is headed back into Pisces for another round of "this is your brain on drugs". Keep in mind, Mercury is dreading this, since he/she is in her detriment in Pisces. So, our thinking isn't crystal clear folks. It's hard to know what's important and what isn't and we can make ourselves cray-cray thinking something is way worse than it actually is.

This is a better time for grace/prayer/silence than brain storming.

Saturn/Pluto opened a portal. We are deep in our self-created messes and being held, feet to the fire, to take responsibility for what we came here for. And Jupiter in Cappy is limiting our options and Mercury really isn't doing much 'figuring out' right now either.

We are just going to have to take things day by day. We are just going to have to, like our ancestors and their ancestors and their ancestors, live with uncertainty - which we already knew we did, but somehow in the process of living our fast-paced lives we forgot we knew this.

We have Mercury at the end of Aquarius and Saturn at the end of Capricorn. We can see change is coming because they can't sit on their asses there forever - but right now it's like they have pulled out all the stops to dig in and stress us the f*ck out. There doesn't seem to be any good options and today we have the Moon in Scorpio - so everything we have going on is really going to feel like life and death. And obviously, for some people, it actually may be, but probably not for you and probably not for me ...

We need to keep in mind a couple things - first, the 2020's are going to a time of tremendous change. We can either loosen up and ride those waves (good and bad) or be thrashed about on the rocks for years. 

Second, Saturn moves into Aquarius at the end of this month. One of the things we will be dealing with is karma (Saturn) with trauma (Aquarius). This can bring us to death-bed kind of experiences just so we can rise from our sweaty sheets. Say for example in a past life you had your head cut off by a mad king (or maybe an ancestor did, or maybe you are your ancestor, who can be sure, I certainly don't have all the answers) - your soul/the physical story you carry in your body/your Uranus/Aquarius energy carry this memory. So, now maybe in this life instead of your head cut off by a mad king, which created great trauma (think soul PTSD here), you get your head cut off by your mad boss. You are fired. This will feel like life and death to you. Life doesn't do this to us because life is cruel and cunning, but because the way to heal from the trauma of the king's henchmen is to face a similar (but not as deadly) situation and SURVIVE it and keep going. And this is what is happening to us now and which could potentially happen to us again in different ways as we move forward into the Age of Aquarius because we have alot of stuff to SHIFT. We have to keep going.

Unless we don't of course, and we just give up, and there are times to give up, but this isn't one of them.

We can't just snap our fingers and make this go away.

We have Mars meeting Jupiter on the Saturn/Pluto degree next week, so that will almost certainly energize/expand this situation and we have to get through Mars meeting with Pluto. But we also have an ambitious New Moon which will have us feeling something like "to hell with this crumbling ground beneath my feet, I am moving FORWARD anyway". And Venus in Taurus, thank God and Goddess for Venus in Taurus to soften the hard edges.

For now, it's still Pisces season. Release the need to try and control everything. Release the feeling you have to hold everything together - you don't. You can't. Meditate. Pray. Get into the water as often as possible - I think hand washing counts (is anyone else totally amazed at how often they touch their face with their hands!).

Expect what will feel like things are out of control, followed by attempts to regain control (personally and collectively). Focus on keeping in order what you can and releasing the rest. Let's be gentle with ourselves and other people. This too shall pass.

xo all

back with part IV

photo by the talented Semansis

Today's Astrology Forecast | Tuesday, March 10, 2020 - relationship imbalances, making decisions, weighing our options, the need for love and beauty

The Moon in Virgo goes void off a trine to Saturn at 4:42AM EDT (practical grounding, steady as she goes, good for working with authority, stepping into our responsibilities, we will feel good when we do good  and when we get stuff done). She will be void until 6:03AM EDT when she moves into "can't we all just get along" beauty and fairness seeking Libra turning our attention to our partnerships and other people. 

She is going to square the Nodes and oppose Chiron. Our Libra Moon (as us) is seeking balance. She is seeking peace and beauty and love. This is what she (as us right now) needs to feel nurtured and comfortable. The squares could bring some tension/frustration between that balance, peace and partnership we seek and our home/family situation (where we are headed) and our career/life in the world (where we are/where we've been).

Maybe this is the partnership/what we need to feel in balance/what we see as fair meeting challenges to our security. Who has our back? Who has something sharp (and this could be a verbal thing with Mercury standing still in detached Aquarius) ready to jab us in the shoulder blades? And are we the ones holding the blade? 

The Libra Moon's squares can also indicate the need to make a decision because she can be indecisive. Not because she is wishy-washy, but because she can feel both sides of the situation which makes decision making more complicated.

Moon/Chiron can trigger mother wounds (sometimes an almost bottomless need for nurturing), and in Libra/Aries is just as likely to trigger fears stemming from relationship imbalances.

There is even more relationship focus in today's only exact aspect - a square between a retrograde Juno in Libra and Pallas in Capricorn. So, we have Juno (relationships, marriage, doing what it takes to make this work) going back over a relationship issue/imbalance, coming to this crossroads with limits/old rules/maybe someone else's or our own ambition. This could be a situation involving career vs the relationship or imbalances in the relationship over boundaries/something that has grown too stagnant and fixed. Cardinal planet squares are really pushing us to bring some NEW energy into the whatever we are dealing with - to work on the fresh start/the new season.

Squares do this by requiring us to deal with a problem. 

So what feels unfair? What feels unbalanced? What is decaying the beauty within the partnership/partnership agreement.

If Pallas in Cappy has been full steam ahead with world-domination plans here is where she needs to take into consideration the important people in her life, too. If Juno in Libra has been bending over backwards to maintain peace at all costs or waffling on a relationship decision that isn't going to work anymore either.

Mercury is direct, but will need a couple days to get up to speed (she/he is at 28 degrees Aquarius ALL WEEK). We have to give ourselves some time to adjust to these new energies.

Back with a big-picture post.

xo all

photo by the talented LichtReize

Astrology forecast for Creatives | Week of March 9, 2020 - clean up in aisle six, big full moon, mercury direct, chaos plus opportunities, nothing to fear but fear itself, entering the inevitable

This week kicks off with a BIG Full Moon determined to clean/clear something up plus Mercury stationing direct and ends with both Mercury and Saturn at the important and final 29th degrees of their journeys through Aquarius and Capricorn - does it sound like something is wrapping up here?!

I think I might hope so, because things are starting to feel more than a little bit cray-cray and looking ahead to the Spring Equinox time-frame the energies are HUGE!

We have been preparing for these big changes our whole life. Remember where we are now - we are past the level in the game we have always died before - if we feel like we don't know what we are doing or what is going to happen it is because we don't! And that is both the gift and the curse of our roles here. This is actually the time for patience with ourselves (and other people). We are working through the last crusty bits on the bottom of the pot that we have been avoiding cleaning out forever.

Let's unpack another important week!

MONDAY - Full Moon in Virgo, Mercury stations direct, Venus sextiles the North Node and trines the South Node
WEDNESDAY - Sun sextiles Jupiter
SATURDAY - Sun sextiles Pluto, Chiron squares the Nodes
MONDAY - Mercury moves into Pisces, Third Quarter Moon


Mercury stations direct (Yay) - she/he is still covering old ground until the end of March, but now our eyes are off the rear-view mirror and looking straight ahead.

Something that has been stuck can begin to move forward. In Aquarius we have enough distance from whatever we are dealing with to see the whole picture. this is still Pisces season, so not exactly a time for brain-storming - more a time of rusting grace and our intuition.

At the same time, Venus, past all those Cappy squares, past (though still active) her hook-up with Uranus, back on her home turf now, is sextiling (opportunity) our North Node and trining our South Node. Something new can slide into place now - with a little action on our part - and something old (that South Node) can ALSO be counted on to be there when we need it!

We are very attractive to our future. Move in that direction.

The Virgo Moon opposes the Pisces Sun giving us this month's Full Moon,; our annual Full Moon in Virgo.The Moon creates as Earth trine to Mars (in Cappy). The Sun inspires us to dream/heal and that earth trine gives us the opportunity to REBUILD.

Remember we said 2020 was our rebuilding year!

This is a big Full Moon opposing the Sun and Neptune with lots of Cappy support. We talked about it HERE.

TUESDAY - The Moon in Virgo goes void off a trine to Saturn at 4:42AM EDT (practical grounding, steady as she goes, good for working with authority, stepping into our responsibilities, we will feel good when we do good  and when we get stuff done). She will be void until 6:03AM EDT when she moves into lovely Libra turning our attention to our partnerships and other people. We will feel best if we have another person's arms around us and if things feel fair and balanced and look beautiful. She will square Chiron (tension/frustration around being ourselves vs other people/partners) early on and then slide through the rest of the day un-aspected.


The Sun, in Pisces, is now 60 degrees from Jupiter in Capricorn - forming an opportunistic sextile. More support for this year's Neptune/Jupiter transit in Pisces/Capricorn. Building the dream. We are feeling more optimistic/confident. Excellent energy to move something we want to expand forward since we will meet very little resistance! This is the theme of your Pisces house melding with the theme of your Capricorn house. At the same time our "can't we all just get along?" Libra Moon is squaring ambitious Mars in Capricorn. Tension/frustration. The need to pivot/adjust. But also passion and the friction that makes everything from rocket ships to babies. Later in the day the Moon will square Jupiter and Pluto - it might seem like other people are standing in the way of what we want to do or we might be giving too much or expecting too much from someone else or some situation. Emotionally there is a struggle to maintain our balance.

THURSDAY - The Libra Moon trines Mercury and goes void off a square to Saturn at 4:11AM EDT. When the Libra Moon is stressed our relationships could be, too. Probably before we move forward we need to deal with someone in authority or an old responsibility.

The Moon is void until 5:28AM EDT when she dives into Scorpio. Our attention likely turns to Scorpian themes (going deep with something, research, merged resources and money, taxes, inheritance, sex, reproduction, death, transformation) and if we have anything big going on it will feel more intense/life and death.

The Scorpio Moon will oppose Uranus at 12:13PM EDT (an unexpected challenge/change, buckle up) and then Venus (challenges via love, resources, money, our security, our wants and our needs are in opposition). Exciting or shocking news/changes.

FRIDAY the 13th - The Moon continues through Scorpio (a Scorpio Moon on Friday the 13th!), but with MUCH better aspects today! She will sextile Mars, trine Neptune, sextile Jupiter, trine the Sun and sextile Pluto.

Who said Friday the 13th is bad luck? Not me! All those Scorpio themes we talked about yesterday are working smoothly and opportunistically with our actions, our work, authority, our goals and plans for expansion, our dreams and creativity. A+ day. Of course, I can't see your natal chart - but there is support here.


Looking quickly ahead to the beginning of next week (the end of next week will be HUGE) we have a forward moving Mercury getting back into Pisces. We are walking these degrees for the THIRD time now. Is it three strikes we're out or third time lucky?!

Hopefully by now we are more comfortably guided by our intuition and our knowing that there isn't only one right answer/way forward, no crystal ball holding all the answers!

With Mercury's (communication, intellect) move from Aquarius into Pisces our thinking becomes less stubborn and more flexible. Our focus will not be as razor sharp but seeing the gray areas (as opposed to black and white, good or bad thinking) has its upside, too.

Decisions will become more intuitive and left brained.

But the truth can get a little bit stretchy. If we need to make a major decision now it will be hard to tell the facts from the fiction. But, and this is a big but, on the other hand we have been over this same ground multiple times - maybe there is nothing more to see/feel here! More information isn't going to help us anyway.  

Keep in mind our Pisces natal house is the space where we avoid looking at what is really going on and this is the second year in a row we have been FORCED to deal with what is happening here!

What do we know that we didn't know a few weeks ago? What have we re-vised? Re-viewed? Re-vamped? Re-visited?

At the same time the Sag Moon is squaring the Pisces Sun giving us our monthly Third Quarter Moon. This is a kind of crisis of faith/faith being tested. Maybe something we had put our faith in is dissolving now. What do we still believe? This is tension/frustration coming from our Sagittarius house and its natal theme - collectively this could be a legal issue, higher education, foreign issue, wedding, travel, our beliefs and big picture thinking.

Back with some big-picture stuff because really, what the hell is going on?!

xo all

photo by the talented BirdSophieBlack