Today's Astrology Forecast | October 31, 2019 - Happy Halloween, Mercury stations retrograde, time gets stretchy, being a dog with a bone, a stabilizing month ahead with hidden resources to be uncovered

The waxing Sagittarius Moon goes void off an optimistic hook-up with Jupiter at 10:29AM EDT. She will be void until 10:38PM...

Today's Astrology Forecast | October 30, 2019 - deep conversations about love or money, knowing what we want, opportunities through partnerships, back up those files

The Moon is in high-flying Sagittarius now - her only aspect today a square to a retrograde Neptune at 9:48PM EDT. The Sag Moon...

Today's Astrology Forecast | October 28, 2019 - forward movement, expect the unexpected, tension between what we have and what needs to go, relationship challenges

Today we move through last night's New Moon in Scorpio machinations. See the post about that HERE. The Moon in Scorpio passes...

Astrology Forecast for Creatives | Week of October 28, 2019 - fated activity, hurry up and wait, rethinking that sweet talk, digging around in the dirt and then allowing the dust to settle, attracting more and better, smartening up

We begin this week with the North Node in Cancer (home/what feels like home, nurturing, family, mother, vulnerabilities, our...

New Moon in Scorpio | October 27, 2019 - disruptive change, evolving through the shadows, truth bombs, danger Will Robinson, liberation, pushed to shift gears

On Sunday, October 27, 2019 at 11:38PM EDT - the Scorpio Moon meets the Scorpio Sun giving us this month's New Moon. Let's dig...

Today's Astrology Forecast | October 17, 2019 - investing in what we love, having some skin in the game, uncomfortable conversations, clearing the way for greener pastures, information, communication, busy-ness

The Moon continues her way through Gemini, mostly unobstructed. We are busy, communicative, curious, active. We want to know...

Today's Astrology Forecast | October 16, 2019 - long void, dealing with what we already have, time gets stretchy, adjusting to a partner, ego vs instinct

The Moon goes void off a trine to Pluto at 4:37AM EDT. She will be void all day - until she moves into busy and communicative...

Today's Astrology Forecast | October 15, 2019 - information leaking out, logic and intuition working together, intimate conversations, compassion, connection through language, visionary thinking, talking to our ancestors

The Moon is cruising through Taurus today - trining Saturn at 4:44PM EDT (stabilizing our money, setting up a budget) and sextiling...

Astrology Forecast for Creatives | Week of October 14, 2019 - out of the shadows, knowing what we don't want to know but it stabilizes us, inspirational thinking, mergers and acquisitions, saying yes to opportunities

MONDAY - Sun squares Pluto, Mercury sextiles Saturn TUESDAY - Mercury trines Neptune THURSDAY - Venus trines the North Node,...

Full Moon in Aries | October 13, 2019 - the long good-bye, the change changes, a pressure cooker kind of pushy, clearing the road, a new season of life, a new identity, a wider vista, an open mind

We end an intense week (next week looks easier) with an intense Full Moon - in play for two weeks, but strongest over the next...

Today's Astrology Forecast | October 12, 2019 - building toward tomorrow's Full Moon, abrupt changes around love and money, acting quickly and assertively but not impulsively, words matter

The Moon moved into Aries late last night. Her only aspect today is an opposition to Aries ruler, Mars, at 11:43AM EDT. Emotional...

Today's Astrology Forecast | October 11, 2019 - all day Void Moon, wanting or exploring more within our relationships, an urge for freedom or need to be ourselves, merging and purging, a balancing act

The Pisces moon squared Jupiter at 4:01AM EDT and then went void off a sextile (opportunity) to Pluto at 5:55AM EDT. She will...

Today's Astrology Forecast | October 9, 2019 - nourished through connection when connection is challenging, shifting values, staying healthy

The Moon is void until 12:05PM EDT when she enters "no boundaries" and imaginative Pisces. She trines Venus at 2:47PM EDT and...

Astrology Forecast for Creatives | October 8, 2019 - a natural flow forward, intellectual connections, relationship breakthroughs, get it done and out early, taking action that might not seem so nice

The Moon in Aquarius trines the Sun (in Libra) at 5:20AM EDT bringing us this month's waxing trine as we grow toward this weekend's...

Astrology Forecast for Creatives | Week of October 7, 2019 - a roadblock, disruptive clarity, seductive attractions, fated choices, shifting values, plus a huge Full moon at the end of the week

MONDAY - Sun squares Saturn, Mercury opposes Uranus TUESDAY - Venus enters Scorpio, Mars opposes Chiron SATURDAY - Venus opposes...

Today's Astrology Forecast | October 6, 2019 - decisions are sticky, the facts vs what we believe, a pivot point between our past and future, and yes, that's a wall we see up ahead

The Moon in serious Capricorn meets powerful Pluto at 5:14AM EDT (nourished through intense experiences, deep emotional processing,...

Today's Astrology Forecast | October 5, 2019 - doing the thing we are afraid to do, our relationships vs our goals/ambitions, deeper conversations, more information, pushing past an obstacle, working on the dream

The Moon in Capricorn squares the Libra Sun at 12:47PM EDT and then moves on to conjunct Saturn at 4:39PM EDT and finally sextile...

Today's Astrology Forecast | October 4, 2019 - sleeping in maybe then getting some serious work done later, intimate conversations tonight while cool heads prevail, a balancing act

The Sag Moon went void at 3:34AM EDT off a sextile to Venus (expanded creativity, love). She will be void until 1:43PM EDT - so,...

Today's Astrology Forecast | October 3, 2019 - going deep for the next two months, it's not only what we dig up but what we put into the ground that matters now

While we slept (EDT) Mercury slipped into Scorpio and Pluto (Scorpio's ruler) stationed direct after five months retrograde....