Astrology Forecast for Creatives | Week of November 18, 2019 - our actions get more focused, Mercury is out of retrograde, clarity, optimism is attractive, Jupiter and Venus get rebooted, that luckiest day of the year thing, shocking developments

With two planets changing signs, Mercury stationing direct and our two benefic planets crossing the Galactic center AND meeting each other - we know this is a powerful week!

Personal and collective change and MEGA creativity is coming, folks.

TUESDAY - Jupiter conjunct the Galactic Center, Mars into Scorpio
WEDNESDAY - Mercury stations DIRECT (11 degrees Scorpio)
FRIDAY - Sun into Sagittarius, Sun trines Chiron
SATURDAY - Venus conjunct the Galactic Center
SUNDAY - Venus conjunct Jupiter, Mars opposes Uranus

On TUESDAY, Mars moves into Scorpio (a sign he once ruled) until January 3rd. FINALLY out of his detriment in Libra, he (as us) moves into a much stronger position now.

Because Scorpio likes to pre-meditate, with Mars (action, initiative, passion, anger) here we will think about what we are going to do before we do it. And, yes, that sounds slightly criminal and mostly devious, but this is Scorpio we are talking about! Our actions become more focused. More intimate. No more Libran fence sitting.

This energy works pretty well with the wrap-up of Mercury's retrograde energy in Scorpio we have been dealing with since Halloween - re-do, re-visit, re-think, re-vamp, re-define.

We could be doing things in secret now, too. Shh!

Mars here can be good for our physical energy since Scorpio is continually re-generating itself. So, maybe we go to bed exhausted and drained, but somehow we still wake up ready to give the world another go. Or maybe we finally get used to the time change! WTH it makes me crazy.

Because Scorpio rules our 8th house of compulsions and obsessions we could find our actions driven by our impulses. If you find yourself caught in a loop - STOP - ask yourself - why am I doing this again? why am I so mad? why do I want this so badly? what am I really trying to do?

We can get alot done with Mars in Scorpio, let's just make sure it is stuff worth doing.

Scorpio is our fixed water sign. It's job is to strengthen our emotions. But fixed water is well, kind of fixed. Think frozen. Think concrete. Think quicksand. It can make it hard to change course if we get too emotionally wedded to whatever it is we are focused on. Stay flexible somehow.

This is a good time to take action with Scorpio ruled themes - other people's resources, debts, loans, inheritances, mortgages, taxes, insurance payments, intimacy, sex, reproduction, death issues, stuff that is dead in the water (or caught in the quicksand). With Mars blasting through this collective area we will have more energy, initiative and control over these subjects than we usually do.

Keep in mind we will also be more passionate about them and easier to anger. 

Mars in Scorpio moves toward an uncomfortable inconjunct (rock and a hard place) with Chiron in Aries - exact on Thursday. Old wounds around standing up for ourselves, being able to take care of ourselves, stuff that is outside our control, our wounded male warrior energy are triggered by our actions and those of other people. Intimacy/the merging of resources etc will come at a cost. Standing up for ourselves will come at a cost. No easy way through this (in play for a couple days).

Jupiter - making his way over the Galactic Center (seat of creation) reaches exactness now. And Venus will meet him here this week - what do we really believe is possible? Our beliefs are shifting as a brand new Jupiter heads toward his own conjunction with Saturn (in game-changer Aquarius) at the END of 2020.

On WEDNESDAY, Mercury stations direct - YAY!

Here is clarity. Forward momentum.

The final message of this retrograde season is delivered (or maybe it was delivered on Monday).

What has happened since Mercury first started covering her/his retrograde degrees in the middle of October - what resources have been co-mingled, what uncomfortable conversations were had or information/truth uncovered? what have we be going back and forth over? what death/rebirth?

We finally start moving forward again from this older and wiser position - keep in mind Mercury won't be covering entirely new ground until December 7th.

On FRIDAY, the Sun moves into "bigger is better" Sagittarius.

Travel, places outside our comfort zones, foreign issues or people, education (higher than what we have now), anything we are taking to a higher level, politics, religion, legal issues, weddings, the media and marketing -this is Sagittarius territory, Jupiter territory, our Sagittarius house theme will also get a great big fiery spotlight.

What we believe becomes much more important than what we know now.

There is a reason the season belongs to Santa Claus!

Jupiter (Sag ruler) at the Galactic Center as the Sun moves into Sagittarius is BIG news. What does our truth look like now? What do we really believe? So much has happened on the planet to show us that anything is possible.

But is that what we are seeing? Or are we seeing everything falling apart?

Remember so much inside us has changed since 2012 and the outer world has been struggling to catch up with us (yes, I know it looks like it is the other way around, but looks are deceiving here).

With the Sun in Sagittarius we will all be needing a little more freedom to wander and explore beyond our comfort zones into unknown places and spaces. The path we find ourselves on during these travels could be inhabited by unicorns and rainbows or stone throwing orks - either way we will need the faith to know that no matter what happens we will be OK.

The Sun in Sagittarius (we are all burning Sagittarius fuel now) truly makes that possible.

Now that the Sun has moved into Sagittarius he starts to trine (brakes off) Chiron in Aries. This is the warm healing balm we need for the pain triggered by our actions earlier in the week. Sag is the cure here - what house does Sagittarius rule in your natal chart? What is the theme of that house? A collective Sag theme will work, too - see the list under Friday.

On SATURDAY, it is Venus's turn to conjunct the Galactic Center. Creativity, love, money, our values and self-esteem are being re-activated/re-set - and then on

SUNDAY - Venus catches up to Jupiter. Some astrologers call this the luckiest day of the year. We are encouraged to have faith. We attract (Venus) what we want by our beliefs/enthusiasm (Jupiter). By stretching outside our comfort zone. MEGA-POTENTIAL. Happening in Jupiter's home sign immediately after both planets are recharged by their journey over the Galactic Center only powers this one up (plus we no longer have Jupiter's draining square to Neptune to deal with).

The fly in the ointment on Sunday is Mars moves into his opposition with Uranus. Power shifts. Financial disruptions. We will have to take care with this one and will talk about it more as we move through the week.

Back tomorrow with a deeper look at Tuesday as we factor in the Moon (void from 4:11PM EST to 8:54PM EST when she moves into practical Virgo).

xo all

photo by the talented ankazhuravleva

Today's Astrology Forecast | Novmeber 15, 2019 - void moon in the morning, our focus turns to that home/family/real estate/mother situation, change is good tonight, another brick in the wall

Todays' Gemini Moon goes void at 6:40AM EST off a trine to Mars - so stays productive. She will be void until 11:15AM when she moves home to Cancer likely turning our attention to home, family, real estate, nourishing, mothering/security situations. She quickly squares Chrion leaving us easily triggered and uber sensitive for awhile. At 6:15PM EST she sextiles (opportunity) a retrograde Uranus - we are nurtured by doing something different, through unusual people and situations. We are in emotional alignment with the hive-mind. Change is good.

Ceres moves into sober Capricorn preparing for her part in the upcoming Saturn/Pluto conjunction. With the Moon in Cancer and Ceres changing signs - mothering issues might take precedence. Ceres in Capricorn is the winter mom (turn off the lights, close the door, you weren't raised in a barn) and the working mom.

Nurturing is serious business. Things will need to be done just so. No dessert until we have cleaned our plate. Access to those soft spaces to fall will depend on the Moon's placement now. Another celestial body in the sign of the reality police. Beginnings. Endings. Walls.

Ceres moves from the green fields of Sagittarius into the snow covered mountains of Capricorn.

Can life get any more serious?

Yes, it somehow does.

Ceres rules nurturing, food, the seasons/nature, mothering, situations with special pets, season of life issues, loss/rebirth, things outside our control - something here gets more serious or we need to take it more seriously. Boundaries are defined. We will feel nurtured when things are organized. Hugs can feel off-limits (sniffle) - this is the energy of mom and daughter working together. Or mom working and daughter/son comes home to a cold kitchen and dinner needs to be started. Not because mom isn't caring, but because mom needs to bring home the bacon. This is more efficient. This keeps everyone alive.

If we are dealing with a situation outside our control - we will do what needs to be done now.

Situations with important pets need to be taken seriously.

Health situations need to be taken seriously, too.

Nutrition will be especially important (I type this eating a Milano cookie for breakfast, Ceres won't be in Capricorn until late tonight - note to self - get some real food in this house today!). We could find ourselves working through our meals now or eating more sparingly. Setting goals around what we eat would be a good way to use this energy. Treating our body as a machine will not.

Ceres will be in Capricorn until February 1, 2020.

xo all

photo by the talented Julie of the world tree

Today's Astrology Forecast | November 14, 2019 - overwhelm, uncertainty, fantasy clashing with our self-esteem or our wallet, expansion, intuition, new beliefs creating our new reality

Today's Gemini Moon is going to oppose Venus at 9:15AM EST and square Neptune a few minutes later while Venus is reaching her own exact square to Neptune. So we have a fast moving mutable t-square (overwhelm, changing circumstances/emotions, too much happening at once) and a longer Venus/Neptune square playing out (the fantasy clashing with our self-esteem, our money, our values, women or maybe what just isn't fun anymore or what do we have to give up to get what we want?).

And our stressed out Moon is answering to a retrograde Mercury! How are we supposed to decide, figure out what is important, etc?! Well, sometimes we just can't.

Jupiter is at the Galactic Center (our homing signal) - we aren't going to know exactly where everything is going because we are all creating this next reality TOGETHER.

Things can't be DEFINED and understood right now with our minds.

Our beliefs/craving for expansion (Jupiter!) are moving things forward. Yes, Virginia there is a Santa Claus.

Pretty much anything we do now can succeed (even beyond our wildest dreams and in ways we can't begin to imagine) or fail - in the sense that our expectations are skewed to begin with, in another sense things can't/don't really fail, they simply evolve and yes, I realize this thinking doesn't always help when things feel that they are failing - ugh.

We are going to have to go with our intuition because our brain is fried out and overwhelmed at the moment.

Maybe this space of not knowing (probably reached by knowing too much - all the information coming at us these days is insanity producing) or kind of feeling half-dead is where life had to get us, so we don't overthink every move we are going to make! When we have lost everything and don't know what we want - we are kind of ready for anything, aren't we?

This journey has been going on forever and always will be.

(and if you are feeling particularly drained now, know that we have a HUGE awakening coming next spring - hang in there and keep moving forward)

I would suggest to go with the flow now. What is right in front of us? What needs to be done first? What do you want to do? Keep in mind we have all the stabilizing energy of that Full Moon in play now, too. Something lasting. Structure. What we can hold in our hands. What we have built and are building.

Our minds will want us to PROVE our intuition and that isn't going to work. We will be chasing our own tail and calling that a journey.

Today's mutable energies will require adjustments. A give and take. This tension/frustration is necessary. We don't have to be the smartest person in the room. We don't have to get it all done. We don't have to know how everything will turn out to reach for our turn. Really. If we are burning the candle at both ends, keep in mind that Cancer Moon is coming. 

xo all

photo by the amazing sea-of-ice

Today's Astrology Forecast | November 13, 2019 - important conversations, diving into the information, talking about it again, words are sticky, stepping into our power and responsibility

The Moon moved into busy and communicative Gemini at 3:46AM EST. Talks, information, errands, commerce, dealings within our local community, with siblings and transportation issues will be on the agenda for the next couple days. Ideas and information - caught up in the powerful portal of yesterday's Full Moon in Taurus - will have a life of their own now.

Mercury (retrograde in Scorpio) will trine Neptune (15 degrees Pisces) and then move on to sextile Saturn (16 degrees Capricorn). The Scorpio Sun sextiles Pluto (back now to 21 degrees Capricorn).

What a day! Don't waste it.

This is the time to have important conversations (don't put this off until tomorrow when Mercury - through us - will be more stressed), go deep into the financials or whatever we are going over. Whatever the Sun is bringing to light now, wherever we are involving our energy in MATTERS.

Mars is sextiling Jupiter encouraging partnerships and EXPANSION through other people, through balance and cooperation. We get more flies with honey now.

I have said before - this is a very important week. What is happening in your world? What has been brought to your attention recently? What is on your mind? What are you talking/thinking about?

Mercury trine Neptune is unlimited creative thinking. Conversations flow. Mercury is retrograde so this might not be the first time we are saying/hearing/reading this.

Scorpio demands truth, so keep things REAL.

Mercury sextile Saturn is opportunities through verbally stepping into responsibilities, making commitments. This is how the Neptunian dream/ideal is made REAL. We are walking our talk. Thinking about the nuts and bolts. Speaking with power and authority (or to authority).

Our words are very sticky now and we are called to SAY WHAT WE MEAN, so only let things out of your mouth that are truth and are what you want to be cementing yourself to. No talk about what you don't want now. Talk about what you do want. Our ideals and reality are merging.

Mercury has walked these degrees before, back in the middle of October. Maybe we are hammering out the details of something from that time. We are re-vising, re-viewing, re-novating. We don't want any re-grets later, so this part is skipped at our peril. Handshake deals are better than iron clad contracts because things are still in flux until November 20th when Mercury stations direct.

Keep one eye on tomorrow's Venus/Neptune square and don't get carried away - keep those rose-colored glasses in your nightstand folks, BUT also don't miss today's opportunity to get more clarity, firm up the details, marry your ideals to reality - verbally and in writing and move something FORWARD.

xo all

photo by the talented livingoutloud

Full Moon in Taurus | November 12, 2019 - results and opportunities we have earned, that thing that once kept us up at night, action and initiative makes us lucky, what we do with what we know

At 8:34AM EST, the Taurus Moon reaches 19 degrees and opposes the Scorpio Sun at 19 degrees giving us this month's Full Moon in Taurus - the sign of the Moon's exaltation.

Full Moons bring things to light, to a peak, to a CULMINATION.

Let's unpack the chart!

This Full Moon is happening in your Taurus house - what house holds Taurus in your natal and progressed charts and what is the theme of that house? Collectively Taurus rules the 2nd house of our money, our values, our valuables/resources (including the planet Earth), our self-esteem.

Full Moons are oppositions. Happening on the Taurus/Scorpio axis could bring into play what we own vs what other people own, our money and their money (and 'their' includes people, banks, loans, inheritances, taxes, etc), intimacy issues, life and death issues (literally and figuratively), how we merge, what we are holding onto. Taurus is solid, fixed, practical, earthy energy. This isn't about ideas or abstractions - this is about something we can actually touch. This Full Moon will reflect that.

The Moon is conjunct a retrograde asteroid Vesta; Goddess of hearth and home. Her sacred flame in the temple of Vesta was kept alive 24/7 by the Vestal Virgins (Virgin meaning woman who wasn't owned by a man) to warm the city and provide a space of peace and stability. We could be returning to an issue that ONCE KEPT US UP AT NIGHT or something that once brought us comfort/safety or closing something out here. We are likely focused on our existing resources.

The Sun is conjunct Mercury (retrograde in Scorpio). Mercury has backed away from the Sun now. A new Mercury cycle has started. The information has been delivered. The idea is out there. The conversation had. The contract, probably not signed, but in an astral sense 'sealed and delivered'. She/he will be back to these degrees at the end of the month, but won't meet the Sun again until January 10th (results delivered - kaboom).

Venus, ruler of Taurus, and so ruler of this lunation is in the middle of Sagittarius now. Making us more attractive to our big-picture dreams, expanding the breadth of what we WANT. Venus in Sagittarius brings wanderlust. We want to roam/go bigger with something. If we look at the chart we see she is moving toward a square with Neptune (in Pisces) followed by a semi-sextile to Saturn (in Capricorn). Venus square Neptune can make things seem better than they actually are. We could be deceived. We could be deceiving ourselves. This is followed by that semi-sextile to Saturn - maybe we are pulled back from the ledge or from taking something too far or from spending too much or from losing our boundaries? The sextile could help stabilize things - help us from combining the worst of Sagittarius and Pisces and leaping off into lalaland.

The Moon is trining the midpoint of the Saturn/Pluto conjunction in Capricorn - the Cappy pile-up has our back now, we can face reality. With an earth trine things can fall into place through physical action. This makes whatever we have going on now both stabilizing/lasting and POWERFUL. What are we discarding vs what are we wanting to adhere into place? The power is in US now. This is more of the commit or quit energies we have been talking about since the New Moon in Scorpio a couple weeks ago.

Commitments made now are going to be LONG LASTING. Slow growing probably, but certainly stabilizing and lasting.

If this is a result, and Full Moons often bring results, we will have put in alot of hard work, focus, time and energy already. WE HAVE EARNED THIS.

This also speaks of where we go from here - into a more prosperous situation fueled by losses/experience/maybe a sacrifice/maybe grief. The new requiring our time, work, focus and existing resources (money, valuables, skills, power).

This isn't easy, but life has our back now instead of our back being against the wall!

(just keep one eye on your wallet/valuables/values/self esteem with Venus's approaching square to Neptune - there could be some disappointment here or maybe tension/frustration around our dreams and our money)

Mars (in Libra) is sextiling Jupiter (in Sagittarius) giving us the courage to be optimistic/hopeful. We are taking action - or maybe a partner is or this action involves other people/partnerships - toward something bigger/better.

Our efforting and initiative and PASSION (Mars) creates opportunities and LUCK (Jupiter) - ESPECIALLY within partnerships or through involvement with other people.

And keep in mind as this Full Moon energetic plays out over the next couple weeks Venus is going to reach Jupiter and the Galactic Center. Jupiter is going to reach Ceres. We have alot of opportunistic energies (and yes, a few power struggles) ahead of us!

We only have three more weeks of Jupiter in his home sign of Sagittarius.

He won't be back here for twelve years, so it's use it or lose it time people. Commit or quit. Expand/evolve or repeat. There are things we couldn't do earlier in the year, losses we had to experience, but the energies are shifted now. There is no right or wrong answer here and keep in mind Mercury is retrograde for another nine days, but there is momentum. And I can tell you looking ahead to January there is probably no easier way to do things if we wait until next year.

Whatever we decide to do or not do - there is work ahead and large investments of our time/energy - so what kind of work do you want to be doing? Uranus is crashing through Taurus changing the way we make money/the way we value our resources - determined for us to see the connection between our self-esteem and what we allow ourselves to call our own.

xo all

Be sure to get out and walk in this one even if the skies are cloudy. It's a powerhouse!

Astrology Forecast for Creatives | Week of November 11, 2019 - a clear head and new cycle, important information, opportunities, hope, watch for delusion, stay grounded, get ready because our luck is changing

This is one of the MOST IMPORTANT WEEKS of the year with one of the best Full Moons.

Take advantage of the first few days!

MONDAY - Mercury retrograde conjunct the Sun (18 degrees Scorpio)
TUESDAY - Full Moon in Taurus (19 degrees Taurus), Mars sextile Jupiter
WEDNESDAY - Mercury retrograde trine Neptune retrograde
THURSDAY - Jupiter conjunct Galactic Center / Venus squares Neptune

On MONDAY - heads up IMPORTANT DAY - a retrograde Mercury meets the Sun at 18 degrees Scorpio (in play from Sunday through Wednesday depending on your time zone). Mercury can get a bit obsessed in Scorpio, especially moving backwards, and here comes the Sun to burn off the muck and CLEAR OUR HEAD.

Stay present. I am glad this is a holiday in the U.S. because Americans really need some time to THINK.

Information comes to light. Ideas. Conversations. Communication. What are we talking about AGAIN? Thinking about AGAIN? Reading/Writing/Learning about AGAIN?

This is a time of renewed CLARITY.

For some people - a sibling, local community, transportation issue can be spotlighted/re-spotlighted.

Whatever this is, it MATTERS (and gets re-activated at the end of the month when Mercury re-walks this degree moving forward).

We are halfway through this Mercury retrograde now and like clockwork - which this is - we get a kind of "aha" moment around whatever this slog through the depths of Scorpio (the merging/purging, life/death, financial/sexual) is about for us.

This is the inferior conjunction (kicking off a new cycle, kind of like Mercury's New Moon) and we will get the superior conjunction with Mercury direct on January 11, 2020 in Capricorn (the results/impact of what we put into motion now, kind of like Mercury's Full Moon) at 20 degrees.

There are a couple (million? billion?) ways this could play out, but basically we are EVOLVING or we are setting up a cycle of RE-PETITION.

Keep in mind Jupiter and Venus in Sagittarius, Saturn in Capricorn and Chiron in Aries; beneficial Jupiter for only a few more weeks (in his home sign), and only recently DIRECT -

if we believe we have been screwed/life isn't fair, etc - we will continue to attract more situations that prove to us that, yes, we have been screwed/life isn't fair and we are never, ever getting that pony EITHER.

If we believe in fresh starts and opportunities to make things BETTER then that is EXACTLY what this energy is offering us. Happening in Scorpio whatever this is, it is SERIOUS. Happening when Mercury is retrograde this won't be a totally new situation.

What house is 18 degrees Scorpio in your natal and progressed charts? What is the theme of that house? How about 20 degrees Capricorn? We will talk more about this in the Full Moon post.

On TUESDAY - heads up IMPORTANT DAY - the Moon moves to 19 degrees Taurus and opposes the 19 degree Scorpio Sun giving us this month's Full Moon. Conjunct a retrograde Vesta - we could be focused in on an OLD commitment/devotion/focus - something that ONCE kept us up at night.

In Taurus this will involve our Taurus house theme or the collective Taurus themes of money, our resources, our value, our self-esteem, what brings us comfort and security. 

The Moon and Vesta will be trining Pluto (and Saturn) - authentic power, something real and LASTING. We have either already paid our dues with this thing or we will have to, but this is something tangible and stabilizing.

Mars sextiles Jupiter - action taken through partnerships or with other people create opportunities for EXPANSION. Mercury is just past his meeting with the Sun - wide awake and super-charged with information.

We will talk about this in the FULL MOON post (next post). More commit or quit. This is one of the best Full Moons this year!

On WEDNESDAY - heads up IMPORTANT DAY - a retrograde Mercury now sextiles Saturn and then trines a retrograde Neptune. Now we are using that info from earlier in the week. We are clear-headed. Talks are serious now. Here is the effect we caused.

With that trine to Neptune, maybe we are thinking/talking about an old dream. Re-vising an important plan. Information/communication flows. Our ancestors dreams/stories are playing out through us. Our INTUITION is high.

We had these aspects back on October 14th and October 15th with Mercury direct, so events now could connect back to mid-October.

Keep in mind that the next day, THURSDAY - heads up IMPORTANT DAY - Venus will square Neptune (tension/frustration/obstacles) - so things could feel/look better than they actually are. Keep an eye on your values, your heart, your wallet. Stay grounded and focused on facts and the bottom line. We don't want to be attracting something that will DRAIN us. Avoid drugs/alcohol.

At the same time Jupiter is crossing the Galactic Center (seat of creation) for the first time in 12 years. Jupiter is a brand new man now meeting with billions and billions of SUNS. We will have access to this (expansion, optimism - a change in our beliefs) until around November 24th. Another level of life is now available to us and we have alot to learn.

Our beliefs are CHANGING and with them our luck (Jupiter).

Too much is happening this week to be "business as usual".

This time period is VERY IMPORTANT, so treat things seriously.

We need to be ready for anything.

Back with the Full Moon post and some dailies to flesh this all out.

xo all

photo by the talented Julie-de-Waroquier

Today's Astrology Forecast | November 8, 2019 - freshly ambitious, dreams come true, more commit or quit energies, the wise choice offers expansion/a stretch, transformation of structures/our reality/our ambitions

The Moon moves into fiery and independent Aries at 6:49AM EST. She moves through Aries unobstructed today - good for new ambitions, doing things for ourselves, acting on our passion, getting something started. Avoid impulsiveness/aggression/selfishness.

The big news today is Saturn (home in Capricorn) gets back to 16 degrees and sextiles (opportunity) Neptune (home in Pisces) for the third time this year. Reality (Saturn) meets the dream (Neptune). With Neptune retrograde - this could be the time an old dream/ideal gets new legs.

We won't have this sextile again until 2031 and we will never in our lifetimes have this energy with both planets strong and stable in their home signs!

When we last had this sextile (June) - we had Neptune squaring Jupiter at the same time, plus that Full Moon in Sagittarius answering to Jupiter, so it would have been harder then to get a handle on this. Things could have seemed better/bigger than they actually were.

This time around we have the Sun (in Scorpio) sextiling Neptune and trining Saturn at the SAME TIME, so mega support for something deep and truthful - a transformation of physical structures/material reality - IF we are willing to really COMMIT TO IT

(which means we have to really want this because this is going to take WORK and an investment on our part and a merger with other people and their resources - this dream needs to come from a space of authenticity or we can create the dream and find out it is really a nightmare - we get it and then don't want it - these energies are neutral and don't really care if we live happily or miserably ever after - again this draws us toward that North Node in Cancer - coming home to our authentic self).

Saturn will require work, time, responsibility. The Sun in Scorpio will require commitment/mergers/intimacy. Neptune will require a sacrifice/an ending. We will have to give something up - independence? money? time? relationships/projects? a belief? - to get something ELSE. The Sun could also produce a result or wrap up of something.

At the same time Pallas (our wisdom/warrior energy) is moving into expansive and optimistic Sagittarius (legal issues, foreign issues, weddings, our big-picture beliefs, travel, politics, higher education).

The wise choice will likely be something that feels like a STRETCH.

Mercury is still retrograde - we are still gathering information, revising, reviewing. On Monday, Mercury will meet the Sun - information coming to light, coming to a DECISION.

In the meantime, take some action NOW toward what you want and it is equally possible for something to drop right into your lap.

Pay attention to what is being brought to your attention NOW. What comes to light between now and Monday? What is already going on in your life? What is on your radar?

Next week we have more amazing energies including a Full Moon in lucrative Taurus that will EXTEND today's positive energies, but what we do today MATTERS.

The only thing stopping us these days is our old beliefs that keep us from matching the new Aquarian Age energies. That's it. Nothing else.

xo all

photo by the talented Mishkina

Today's Astrology Forecast | November 6, 2019 - getting to the bottom of things, talking/thinking it out, praying for help, meditating for answers, imagining the future

The Moon is in spiritual, compassionate, healing and creative Pisces now as we build toward Friday's final (building the dream!) Neptune/Saturn sextile of 2019.

She sextiled a retrograde Uranus while we slept (2:43AM EST - our dreams change/expand move us into the FUTURE) and then squared Venus at 5:41 AM EST - maybe an early day clash around money, our values, self-esteem, beauty or with a woman. What we want and what we need are not on the same page. Keep those rose-colored glasses in the drawer. Avoid extremes if you can. Avoid escaping from problems into lalaland.

Keep in mind our Scorpio energies - we are getting to the bottom of things, measuring things out, finding the truth - working through this week's commit or quit energies. Talk about it. Dig in. Crunch the numbers.

Things pick up and smooth out as the Moon starts building toward a late night trine with the Scorpio Sun - this month's Waxing Trine - a time of GROWTH in our naturally flowing monthly cycle. Aided by her early morning sextile with Uranus and fired up by that clash (obstacle) with Venus - stop pushing now, move with the energies.



A message can come in now. The Sun and Mercury are diving deep - the facts are here, we've had to work to get to them. But now we just move with the waters/go with the flow.

This is healing energy. Our intuition and creativity are very strong now. Ask your ancestors for help. Their story moves forward as yours does.

What do you really want? What are you willing to work for?

xo all

photo by the talented Julie-de-Waroquier

Today's Astrology Forecast | November 5, 2019 - short fuses and power struggles, indirect aggression, a need to be flexible, all day Void Moon, hunting for clues, working our way through a necessary tension

Our Aquarius Moon sextiles Jupiter at 6:26AM EST - good time to push/expand, get out there and DO something with other people or for a cause or group goal (like Vote!) then goes void at 9:37AM EST, off a square to a retrograde Mercury in Scorpio (difficult conversations/information).

She will be void all day until she enters Pisces at 6:08PM EST when we will start to feel more compassionate, more in need of connection, more sensitive, more creative.

We have two challenging aspects perfecting today. Mars (in "can't we all just get along" Libra) is squaring Pluto (in Capricorn) and Venus (in "blue skies" Sagittarius) is inconjunct Uranus (in Taurus). This is also the day Saturn and Pluto are parallel so events around this time will almost certainly be connecting to the big Saturn/Pluto conjunction energies of 2020.

Mars/Pluto is a war aspect, so keep this in mind now. With Mars debilitated in polite and social Libra, holding in the passion/anger/initiative - the square to powerful Pluto can be EXPLOSIVE. This could also show up as a smiling face and pretty words with something very different happening underneath. This is power struggles. Tension/frustration playing out within our relationships.

Pluto is making sure we are stepping into the power we naturally carry.

Are we going to manipulate situations or force something to be under our control or are we going to be our authentic selves with our own AUTHENTIC POWER. Letting go of losing battles so the "fight" loses steam rather than gaining power could be helpful now. So could using Libra's more subtle powers of persuasion and keeping things in balance in a "real" way, no passive-aggressive bullshit.

Avoid confrontations with wild eyed strangers and intimates (or wolf in sheep's clothing), dark alleys, road rage situations. Fuses are short. You know the drill. Your kitty cat may have nine lives, but you only get one in your current body, so take care of it, so we can get to all the goodies this month has to offer once we get past this stuff. This tension early in the week is NECESSARY.

Then we have Venus inconjunct Uranus (Sagittarius/Taurus). This is a rock and a hard place. Maybe we want adventure/expansion/something outside our comfort zone, but this transit could trigger impulsive changes that rock our wallets/self-esteem/values/resources. We will need to be flexible via changes and whatever this new, expansive vision is Venus in Sagittarius is bringing us because it's not going to play out exactly the way we are expecting.

This is more energy that can lead to indirect aggression.

Don't panic and throw a bunch of money at something or compromise your values trying to hold onto something. Mercury is retrograde - we can't be thinking too far ahead. We are GATHERING INFORMATION. We are a detective on a hunt for clues.

Keep in mind the short term - the long Void Moon - vote early or late (if you are in the U.S., depending on your time zone) and roll with the flow. Do stuff you do all the time or you might find yourself doing it all over again when the Moon isn't void.

Keep in mind the long term - especially if you are feeling half-dead right now, which is exactly what Saturn (reality) meeting Pluto (death) is going to feel like. Losses have cut deep. Chiron is triggering ALL OF US because all of us have Aries (survival) issues. Relationships are not the soft spaces to fall they used to be because everyone is dealing with their own stuff. Uranus in Taurus is trampling through - and this is just getting started - our values, the way we make money, our resources, our relationship to the PLANET. Uranus brings chaos and disorder, but unlike Plutonian changes that are permanent, Uranus is temporary. Reality isn't being destroyed. It is being REVIVED. And keep in mind always right now that North Node in Cancer - calling us home, back to our authentic selves and to the new/old missions we came here for.

xo all

photo by the talented Forlorn Treasures

Today's Astrology Forecast | November 4, 2019 - freedom vs commitment, taking a step back from all this merging to think things through, a crossroads, commit or quit, time to reorganize and focus, keeping a cool head

The Moon in humanitarian (and detached) Aquarius squares the Sun in Scorpio at 11 degrees at 5:23AM EST, giving us this month's First Quarter Square (have you seen our gorgeous Moon in the night sky?).

This is the first "crisis/problem/tension" point following last week's New Moon in Scorpio.

Happening between Aquarius and Scorpio - both fixed signs, so expect heels to be dug in - this is probably something like staying detached (I want to sit comfortably over THERE and be part of this and not part of this at the same time) vs throwing ourselves (our resources, etc) totally INTO the mix.

Our sweet point may be somewhere in the middle now. Or we may have to move in one or the other direction. Think crossroads. In Scorpio this could be about something we are lining up with now from energies we put out a long time ago - so do we still want this thing, because be assured this New Moon beginning is a COMMITMENT.

The emancipated Aquarius Moon requires us to take a step back and get a grip on ourselves amidst all this Scorpian emotion. "Is this what I really want/need?, Does it offer enough freedom? Are these my people? Is this taking me forward or backward?".

There are no easy right and wrong answers right now.

This is the time of the month when life tosses us an 'easy to see coming' CURVE BALL, so we can commit or quit, although with Aquarius ruled by Uranus, maybe this was not so easy to see coming this month. Mercury is retrograde; we are working things out - financial things, boundary issues, life and death matters.

Keep in mind commitments made with all this Scorpio energy tend to be very STICKY and messy (and potentially profitable, but also draining), so there's that to think about.

The square will color the day, and then at 11:27PM EST, the Moon will trine Mars in Libra.

Partnership matters move more smoothly later in the day. Agreements can be reached. Eyes meet across the dinner table (wait am I eating dinner at 11:27PM? well, if I am awake I am probably eating something, this cold weather makes me hungry/hangry - let's hope you aren't in my time zone) with compromise and kindness. Aquarius (the Moon) and Libra (Mars) are buddies.

It's easier to stay friends when we are on the same page and keep things cordial and balanced.

(partners does not necessarily mean romantic partners, grown children can show up here depending on what we are doing together, clients, people we hire like attorneys, some friends, our competitors, even enemies and Sully was telling me just the other day that people are either your friend or your enemy and this can change in 37 seconds - apparently kindergarten life is not for sissies either)

We are building toward tomorrow's exact Mars/Pluto square (a warlike power struggle aspect). Keep in mind things don't always happen when planets are exact - buildups and un-windings have impact, too, so stay frosty, cool headed (the Aquarius Moon will help) and SAFE.

xo all

photo by the amazing Natalia Ciobanu

Astrology Forecast for Creatives | Week of November 4, 2019 - power struggles early in the week, working for the dream, solid opportunities, magical assistance, mining for gold, an important cosmic reboot

SUNDAY - the Sun trines the Cancer North Node, Venus trines Chiron, Juno moves into Libra (until September 20, 2020!)
TUESDAY - Mars squares Pluto
FRIDAY - Saturn sextiles Neptune (third of three), the Sun trines Neptune, the Sun sextiles Saturn, Ceres conjuncts the Galactic Center

On SUNDAY, Venus (in optimistic Sagittarius now) trines hurting/healing Chiron at 2 degrees Aries. Independence and initiative combine with faith and optimism to move us past old triggers and woundings. We are exploring new desires. It feels good. Jupiter is out of the shadow of his retrograde now, so new adventures/expansive ideas and situations can be percolating.

The Sun is trining the North Node in Cancer (10 degrees) - shining a light on a path forward; the way home. Doors can open this week. At the same time the Sun is sextiling (opportunity) the South Node (our Cappy goals, career and ambitions). Remember when we DO the North Node well we GET the South Node goodies. The Sun is in Scorpio, so whatever this is for us, it could involve intimacy with other people, merged financial dealings, other people's resources, the stuff we have dug up, truth (Scorpy stuff), etc.

Juno moves into Libra, where she will reside due to her winter/spring retrograde, until September 20, 2020! So we have the planet (planetary body) of marriage and contracts and partnership and commitment, and yes, also jealousy and maybe revenge and "look the other way" so this whole house of cards doesn't implode - she was the wife of the philandering Jupiter after all - in the sign of relationships and balance and "look the other way so this whole house of cards doesn't implode" Libra for a LONG TIME. With Juno in Libra - balance/equality/fairness - within relationships and contracts will be important. Balanced partnerships will matter. Imbalances will become more visible and harder to ignore. Relationships are our MOST IMPORTANT learning platforms. It will be important to be kind to each other for the next YEAR. To not lose sight of each other's beauty and the symmetry we have together when we are in our groove. With Juno in Libra we will want to shine as equals. Sometimes, lately, hubs and I have days where we just say to each other "ok, let's be nice to each other, because right now we are all we've got" - something like that. Ack!

On TUESDAY, we have the big challenging aspect we have been building toward since Mars got into Libra (doesn't it feel like Mars has been in Libra for four years instead of four weeks - or is it just me?!) - Mars squares Pluto at 20 degrees. Power struggles within partnerships. Maybe career/work vs relationship kind of issues. Mars is just past his square to Saturn. How hard all of this is hitting you will depend on whether the planets are interacting with your natal planets/points or whether you have Mars/Pluto or Mars/Saturn aspects in your birth chart (current transits will activate natal aspects). Mars/Saturn is (basically) pent-up frustration/roadblocks and Mars/Pluto is a compulsive desire to push forward/become more powerful.

Both are stressors.

Saturn is forcing us to not fly off all willy-nilly. We need a solid plan. We need structure. Pluto is making sure we are stepping into the power we naturally carry. Are we going to manipulate situations or force something to be under our control or are we going to be our authentic selves with our own AUTHENTIC POWER. Letting go of losing battles so the "fight" loses steam rather than gaining power will be helpful now.

FRIDAY, looks like all the goodies are dropped in our laps at once. We have the third of three Saturn/Neptune sextiles of 2019. Making the dream real. The sacrifice to get to something more stable and longer lasting. I said in the beginning of 2019 we needed to take this year seriously and start with the end in mind. Well, here's the end. Of this one at least. And keep in mind this is the date the aspect is exact - it has been in play for the entire year and will continue for a few more weeks/months, but the BIG power of this is NOW.

This is where our dreams and reality meet. Hard work makes our dreams come true.

This can be a time of rewards for past work.

This is excellent energy for creating a solid foundation around a creative/spiritual business or finding/building a dream home or home life. Pisces rules the ethereal realms - our muses/angels are standing by to help us PLUS the Sun is trining Neptune TODAY!

Neptune is retrograde this time around, so this could be about an old dream, something maybe we had put away and now are being called to bring back to life in a more solid/real way.

Neptune (our imaginations/dreams/art/spirit/healing) has been working WITH Saturn in 2019 (his squares to Jupiter this year have made it hard to feel this, but the squares are in our rearview mirror now) - not like in 2016 and into 2017 when they were squaring each other! Instead of our dreams (Neptune) being trashed by reality (Saturn) or our foundations/goals (Saturn) drifting away (Neptune) something we've kind of gotten used to in the last couple years - now our dreams can be supported/grounded (sextile) in reality.

Keep in mind Saturn stuff builds over time - so patience may be required here. And keep in mind Saturn/Neptune aspects often involve a sacrifice - we have to willingly give up this, to get that.

Also today we have the Sun joining this aspect - trining Neptune and sextiling Saturn - bringing that Scorpian life and death/intimacy/shared resources/other people's money into the mix.

We are digging up the buried treasure now folks!

At the same time Ceres is crossing the Galactic Center (seat of creation) - that mothering issue, situation with an important pet, season of life issue, situation where we have no control - is getting a TOTAL RE-BOOT. This will also bring a huge wake-up call about our commitment to Mother Earth.

This feels like a very POWERFUL week.

Monday morning looks stressful (first quarter square Moon - Aquarius/Scorpio), but the evening looks smoother and more supportive. The Moon will be void most of the day Tuesday off a square to Mercury after a sextile to Jupiter - so we are feeling expansive but then, not all news is good news maybe, tension between heart and mind. Tuesday is also the day the Mars/Pluto square is exact (power struggles/tension and frustration via relationship passion) and Venus will inconjunct Uranus - we will need to be flexible via changes and whatever this new, expansive vision is Venus in Sagittarius is bringing us, it's not going to play out exactly the way we are expecting. So, Tuesday is tense. By Tuesday night into Wednesday with the Moon in Pisces we are feeling more sensitive, compassionate and creative. Mars is past that square to Pluto and we want to move forward, BUT Mercury is retrograde and will have us re-assessing the financial aspects/the resource merging/the way this will impact our intimacy with other people. By Wednesday night and into Thursday our intuition will be strong. What do we really want? We will pay attention to our dreams. Meditate. Pray. We can ask our ancestors for help - our story is still impacting their energies - they can, and want to,  help us! On Thursday night when the Moon in Pisces squares Jupiter we have access to higher information/realms. Thursday/Friday there is alot of magic in the air. By Friday morning the Moon is in Aries - we need to believe in ourselves and know our value. Lots of creative and stabilizing energy late in the week.

Saturday looks more stressful maybe, but I am getting too far ahead - let's look at the Moon in the dailies!

Back tomorrow.
xo all

Today's Astrology Forecast | November 1, 2019 - a focus on our goals and ambitions, attracting our potential, embracing the adventure

Today's Moon in serious and responsible Capricorn trined Uranus at 6:46AM EDT (productive flow, moving forward with new, future or tech focused projects/commitments) and then sextiles the Sun at 3:21PM EDT - more energy for getting stuff done.

Even better news Venus escapes Scorpio for the fresher (and more optimistic) pastures of Sagittarius. We want something more. We want something better.

The grass actually is greener over THERE.

It's time to widen our reach/explore different opportunities.

From the weekly:

"Sagittarius Suns and Ascendants (1st house cusps) get more attractive now - both able to attract what they want/need and easier on the eye.

All of us get a visit from Venus in our Sagittarius houses (what house or houses carry Venus energy in your natal chart?) and those houses get more magnetic.

Sagittarius is the sign of the archer.

If we were archers - we would gather our energy. We would pull back our bow. We would take aim.

We would hold our bow "in tension".

This holding position is important to landing our arrow where we intend it to go - to hit our target.

(of course, if we are in some kind of life and death battle with that arrow then I guess we just let it fly and hope for the best, but most situations we are facing are not quite so dire)

The same way an archer's "in tension" allows her arrow to hit her mark, our own "intentions" release our energy where we need it to go.

Intentions are not wishes; they are not hopes - wanting to do something is 180 degrees from intending to do it.

Intention releases the potential that makes things happen.

So, we have Venus (love, women, beauty, what we value, our self esteem, money) moving into the sign of "potential".

Experience is more valuable than stuff with Sagittarius.

Venus will be in Sagittarius through November 25th - experiences will be valuable now.

Money (Venus) spent on travel will be well spent. Money (Venus) spent on other Sagittarius themes - higher education, legal issues, weddings, politics - will probably pay off, too, in the experiences we get back.

The search we began when Venus dove into Scorpio continues. But now instead of looking at the stuff that is underneath, the underpinnings none of us really want to look at, she looks way out into the horizon at the stuff we might one day meet up with.

Sagittarius is the sign of faith. Do we have faith that better days are ahead for us?

We attract what we want and need by optimistically embracing potential now. We don't have to know how this is all going to turn out, we know there will be adventure here - if we embrace what we do with an adventurous heart.

Yes, it's risky. And Sagittarians have been known to fall on their ass and even off a cliff now and then. But is there really any alternative to not trying?

This is the season of faith and potential for all Venus ruled themes - love, money, women, beauty, self-esteem, our values. How are we going to use this energy?

Remember the archer.

The archer stays focused and holds herself "in tension" through all the noise. 

We have our bow drawn and we are focused on the target, but suddenly the dog barks, the phone rings, the guy next door starts blasting Adele and you know we have to stop and listen to that.

(and sometimes this noise can last a while and sometimes life sends us noise to test our intentions and see how badly we want something or sometimes the noise could be there to delay us because there is something better for us later or other people's arrows need to line up with ours)

Because once that arrow is released, it is released. There is no grabbing it midair and straightening that baby out (unless you have some super power that I would be totally jealous to find out about).

We have to have faith enough to release the arrow anyway.

Bulls-eyes can be highly over-rated.

Sometimes it's the missed targets (did you know the word "sin" was originally an archery term that meant - "to miss the mark") that lead to the best adventures!

Remember even rock solid things, and actually especially rock solid things, will turn to dust eventually if they are allowed to just sit there.

Shake things up a little. Reach for something new."

The first week of so of November we are still dealing with Mars squares to Saturn (in our rear-view mirror, but still in play) and Pluto (exact on November 5th).

How hard this is hitting you will depend on whether the planets are interacting with your natal planets/points or whether you have Mars/Pluto or Mars/Saturn aspects in your birth chart (current transits will activate natal aspects). Mars/Saturn is (basically) pent-up frustration/roadblocks and Mars/Pluto is a compulsive desire to push forward/become more powerful.

Both are stressors.

Saturn is forcing us to not fly off all willy-nilly. We need a solid plan. We need structure. Pluto is making sure we are stepping into the power we naturally carry. Are we going to manipulate situations or force something to be under our control or are we going to be our authentic selves with our own AUTHENTIC POWER. Even letting go of losing battles so the "fight" loses steam rather than gaining power. 

Mercury is retrograde for pretty much the entire month.

We know to expect mis-commmunications, travel delays, mechanical glitches and some disappointing or frustrating setbacks. It will also pay to remember Mercury rules not only Gemini (ruler of all this stuff typically mentioned with a Mercury retrograde) but also VIRGO. So health situations, pet situations, our day-to-day activities and work are all subject to a deep re-structuring/re-view while Mercury is retrograde. Plus our natal Scorpio house themes.

For today - the Cappy Moon is full steam ahead with our goals, responsibilities and ambitions. Venus's move makes us more attractive to our potential. Maybe even more lucky. Mercury will be digging up some uncomfortable truths, but also some resources we had probably forgotten about or never knew we even had ....

xo all

photo by the talented Reine-Haru 

Today's Astrology Forecast | October 31, 2019 - Happy Halloween, Mercury stations retrograde, time gets stretchy, being a dog with a bone, a stabilizing month ahead with hidden resources to be uncovered

The waxing Sagittarius Moon goes void off an optimistic hook-up with Jupiter at 10:29AM EDT. She will be void until 10:38PM EDT when she moves into serious and business-minded Capricorn. So, not the day to start anything brand-new, but that conjunction to Jupiter should give us a nice BOOST.

Roll with any twists and turns. Expect some do-overs and for time to get kind of stretchy. 

The big news today is Mercury stations retrograde (27 degrees Scorpio) at 11:42AM EDT. She/he will be retrograde until November 20th and start covering entirely new ground around December 8th.

We start at the same degree where Mercury met Venus yesterday - and you might remember we had Venus retrograde in Scorpio last autumn (at earlier degrees). Venus moves on (she is at 28 degrees Scorpio by the time of Mercury's station), but Mercury turns back.

Time to re-think, re-examine, re-visit, re-vise whatever attraction Venus has brought us.

Mercury is retrograde, and we ignore that at our own peril. Trying to plow ahead re-gardless will not work. It also won't work to stand still and try to wait Mercury out. We must move our ideas, projects, etc through the process of the retrograde period.

I remember when most people had never heard of a Mercury Retrograde transit and now it seems like poor Mercury (planet of communication and MAGIC) is being shamed/blamed for everything that goes wrong!

This is probably because 1. the internet has exposed many more people to astrological teachings 2. most people are moving so fast now any sort of slowdown feels like a problem  3. it's a convenient excuse when stuff falls to shit (pardon my french), especially stuff that would normally be considered our fault

The truth is, that although we don't want to spend too much time looking backward - we can't full steam ahead through life either. And life doesn't stop because Mercury (or any other planet) is retrograde.

Now this particular Mercury retrograde is beginning at almost the very end of SCORPIO (27 degrees).

So we get almost to the very end of something and ... there is a hold-up.

This deep diving and emotional Mercury retrograde will help us build the MENTAL STRENGTH we need to deal with the changes we have been experiencing and the changes still to come - because the truth of these volatile times we are living in is this - we have to do what we came here to do and for some people this means big endings because we are needed somewhere else.

With Mercury long past her opposition to Uranus (Mars will still oppose Uranus after he gets into Scorpio) and with Scorpio trining Neptune and sextiling Pluto and Saturn - this Mercury retrograde shouldn't be so typically stressful! There are opportunities here.

We are diving deeply into something and then going back and forth through it - revising, revamping, redoing, rethinking. Scorpio doesn't play and rules really important matters, so this stuff will likely be both collectively and individually meaningful.

Secrets can come out. Intimacy issues/financial information will be talked about. Deep emotions will be expressed. This is an excellent time for communications with our ancestors. It could be, we (and other people) will be digging up what no one really wants to talk about and then talking about it.

If we are doing important research before making a serious commitment or taking another look at a verbal deal or something we have learned, keep in mind information and communication will be influx until the third week of November and also keep in mind that Scorpian commitments last.

This could be about a Scorpio collective theme - life/death, other people's money, investments, inheritance, loans, mortgages, taxes, intimacy issues, sex, reproduction, the resources we have merged with other people - a Mercurian theme we are going deeply into - information, communications, commerce, learning, teaching, sibling issues, local community issues, transportation situations - or the theme of your natal (or progressed) Scorpio house.

What we discover (and what we do with what we discover - a retrograde Mercury doesn't mean we sit on our butts) in November - remember Scorpio rules hidden resources AND we have the final sextile of Neptune and Saturn this month (!) - will have a great impact on how the December and January powerhouse energetics work through us.

We'll talk about all of this as we move through it.

xo all

photo by the talented sara-with-a-gun

Today's Astrology Forecast | October 30, 2019 - deep conversations about love or money, knowing what we want, opportunities through partnerships, back up those files

The Moon is in high-flying Sagittarius now - her only aspect today a square to a retrograde Neptune at 9:48PM EDT. The Sag Moon could see us focused on Sag themes - foreign issues, travel, higher education, legal issues, media, publishing, religion, weddings, our beliefs and BIG ideas.

The square to Neptune speaks of tension/frustration via possibly anything we are over-doing. With the Moon in Sag talking to Neptune - things can look more ideal than they actually are. Excellent for creative work though. Stay grounded. And sober.

Mercury catches up to Venus (this is the degree of Mercury's station TOMORROW, so part of a longer story that may require some re-visions - have you backed up those files?!) at 27 degrees Scorpio.

Sweet (Venus) talk (Mercury). Deep conversations about love/finances/intimate issues. Seductive words. Secrets and bottom-line information is communicated. Knowing what we want. Talking with/thinking about women. Good for commerce. Plans and information could look good - keep in mind, Mercury is about to start moving backward (from our perspective here on Earth), so whatever we are dealing with now is part of a long and winding story that will require re-looks, re-vision, re-dos, etc.

(for some people Mercury will activate transportation situations and sibling/local community issues)

With the Sag Moon/Neptune and Venus/Mercury we could easily put the cart before the horse with some situation and spend the next few weeks re-working/re-vising decisions we make now. I am not saying this is necessarily a bad thing, just something to keep in mind.

Sextiling Juno, partnership issues are likely factoring in here and opportunities are coming through other people - who we partner up with, who we enter into contracts with, who we hire, etc.

xo all

photo by the talented vampire-zombie

Today's Astrology Forecast | October 28, 2019 - forward movement, expect the unexpected, tension between what we have and what needs to go, relationship challenges

Today we move through last night's New Moon in Scorpio machinations.

See the post about that HERE.

The Moon in Scorpio passes the Scorpio Sun and moves into a sextile with Saturn at 5:18PM EDT (could be a good time to set those intentions if you haven't yet) - this is fertile, productive energy and the Moon is waxing now (growing!). At 6:51 the Moon trines (brakes off) a retrograde Neptune - deep emotions, we are feeling/processing whatever is happening. More forward movement.

The Sun (in Scorpio) opposes Uranus (in Taurus) at 4 degrees. Maybe a light is shined on something Scorpian (life/death, other people's money, other people's resources, taxes, loans, inheritance, sex, intimacy, reproduction, third party situations) through an unexpected situation or encounter that shakes up our world via changes to our money, values or self-esteem. Scorpio and Taurus are fixed signs and change doesn't come easy. This is tension between holding onto what we have and releasing what needs to go. For some, with this coming at a New Moon in Scorpio, if directly hitting your chart, the very ground beneath their feet could be shaking. For others maybe an unusual person enters your life (they could exit just as quickly) and creates some disorder. Expect the unexpected. Be prepared to think on your feet. Do something else. Buy a lottery ticket because well ... Uranus is interacting with a personal planet and I can't see your chart. 

Mars (still in Libra) inconjuncts - that rock and a hard place - Neptune (retrograde in Pisces). This one is challenging, too. Actions conflict with escapism/fantasy/the dream, but take action we must - waxing Moon with good aspects. Maybe we partner up for something now knowing something less than ideal is likely to come of things or our partner's drifting into lalaland interferes with our ability to get something started/done (or maybe vice versa). We are challenged to take imaginative/creative AND balanced actions within relationships here. We could swing from assertion to passivity with partners.

The Scorpian Moon's trine to Neptune should help focus our energies and allow us to persevere if we want to give up or get to the truth of something. Definitely avoid alcohol and drugs with this one.

xo all

photo by the amazing thefirebomb

Astrology Forecast for Creatives | Week of October 28, 2019 - fated activity, hurry up and wait, rethinking that sweet talk, digging around in the dirt and then allowing the dust to settle, attracting more and better, smartening up

We begin this week with the North Node in Cancer (home/what feels like home, nurturing, family, mother, vulnerabilities, our interior world) on last summer's final Eclipse point - there is much fated activity happening in people's lives at this time. Our safety/happiness/way forward lies in our ability to become more authentic/more real and consistent. More in touch with our inner world. More in touch with our roots.

Let's take a look at the transits and we'll unpack the Moons in the dailies.

Oh, and Mercury stations retrograde on Halloween - BACK UP THOSE FILES!

SUNDAY - New Moon in Scorpio, Sun opposes Uranus, Mars squares Saturn
WEDNESDAY - Mercury conjuncts Venus
THURSDAY - Mercury stations retrograde in Scorpio
FRIDAY - Venus moves into Sagittarius
SATURDAY - Mercury conjuncts Pallas

SUNDAY - We talked about the New Moon which greatly impacts the next couple weeks HERE. Don't forget to set your New Moon intentions!

On WEDNESDAY - Mercury meets Venus.

Sweet (Venus) talk (Mercury). Seeing the beauty in the stuff we didn't want to look at before.

So, just before lovely Venus exits Scorpio for the blue skies of Sagittarius - she meets up with Mercury (in Scorpio for the long haul). Tell someone you love them. Talk about what you want. Send the email/the card/the letter. This is happening in Scorpio, so this won't be superficial fluffy chitchat. This is deeply felt. Maybe intense conversations during intimate moments. Scorpio rules big money/other people's money so financial transactions are favored now, too. Monetary stuff is promising, although it won't be so cut-and-dried

because right after Mercury meets Venus she/he stations retrograde on the same degree, so we could be re-thinking/re-viewing/going deeper into those same lovely conversations or promising financial information - over the next few days/weeks.

On THURSDAY - Happy Halloween! Mercury stations retrograde in Scorpio until November 20th.

Situations slow down. In a water sign, events will transpire to see that we get another look at our feelings. In Scorpio taboo subjects get re-examined. This will be INTENSE. Scorpio themes of intimacy, life and death and shared finances (and the theme of your natal Scorpio house) will have our focus. We will (over the next few weeks) be re-viewing old losses/old desires - stuff that brought us into connection/mergers with other people or other people's resources - as well as dealing with new information and the aftermath of losses/releases/deaths. We get a greater clarity about why and how some things were cleared from our lives and what we still need to let go of in order to move forward into greater freedom. Financial and intimate secrets can come out over the course of this transit. If we ask for the truth we had better be prepared to hear it .... but keep in mind we are going back and forth over this stuff, so it's not the time to take things at face value. It's not so much that the information will change over the course of this transit (although it certainly might), but our feelings will undoubtedly change. By the time Mercury exits Scorpio and the dust has settled we will know so much more than we do right now- no point jumping the gun here.

On FRIDAY - Venus lightens things up a bit with her move into blue-skies Sagittarius. Sagittarius themes (and the theme of our natal Sagittarius house) become more favored - travel, higher education, weddings, politics, legal issues, the media, publishing, religion, foreigners, everything outside our comfort zone, exploration, our beliefs and higher thinking.

Sagittarius Suns and Ascendants (1st house cusps) get more attractive now - becoming both able to attract what they want/need and easier on the eye. All of us get a visit from Venus in our Sagittarius houses (what house or houses carry Venus energy in your natal chart?) and those houses get more magnetic. 

Sagittarius is the sign of the archer. If we were archers - we would gather our energy. We would pull back our bow. We would take aim. We would hold our bow "in tension".

This holding position is important to landing our arrow where we intend it to go - to hit our target.

(of course, if we are in some kind of life and death battle with that arrow then I guess we just let it fly and hope for the best, but most situations we are facing are not quite so dire)

The same way an archer's "in tension" allows her arrow to hit her mark, our own "intentions" release our energy where we need it to go.

Intentions are not wishes; they are not hopes - wanting to do something is 180 degrees from intending to do it. Intention releases the potential that makes things happen.

So, we have Venus (love, women, beauty, what we value, our self esteem, money) moving into the sign of "POTENTIAL".

Experience is more valuable than stuff with Sagittarius.

Money (Venus) spent on travel will be well spent. Money (Venus) spent on other Sagittarius themes - higher education, legal issues, weddings, politics - will probably pay off, too, in the experiences we get back.

The search we began when Venus dove into Scorpio continues (through Mercury). But now instead of just looking at the stuff that is underneath, the underpinnings none of us really want to look at, Venus (as us) looks WAY out into the horizon at the stuff we might one day meet up with.

Sagittarius is the sign of faith. Do we have faith that better days are ahead for us?

This season Venus is even more powerful in Sagittarius because she will be meeting with Jupiter in his home sign for only a few more weeks!

This is excellent energy for artists and creatives to reach for something else, to work with something/someone foreign, to learn something new, to stretch. We attract what we want and need by optimistically embracing potential now. We don't have to know how this is all going to turn out, we know there will be adventure here - if we embrace what we do with an adventurous heart.

Yes, it's risky. And Sagittarians have been known to fall on their ass and even off a cliff now and then. But is there really any alternative to not trying?

This is the season of faith and potential for all Venus ruled themes - love, money, women, beauty, self-esteem, our values. How are we going to use this energy?

Remember the archer.

The archer stays focused and holds herself "in tension" through all the noise. 

We have our bow drawn and we are focused on the target, but suddenly the dog barks (or in my case - bites), the phone rings, the guy next door starts blasting Vampire Weekend and you know we have to stop and listen to that.

(and sometimes this noise can last a while and sometimes life sends us noise to test our intentions and see how badly we want something or sometimes the noise could be there to delay us because there is something better for us later or other people's arrows or targets need to line up with ours)

Because once that arrow is released, it is released. There is no grabbing it midair and straightening that baby out (unless you have some super power that I would be totally jealous to find out about).

We have to have faith enough to release the arrow anyway. Bulls-eyes can be highly over-rated. Sometimes it's the missed targets that lead to the best adventures!

Remember even rock solid things, and actually especially rock solid things, will turn to dust eventually if they are allowed to just sit there. Over the next month Venus (as us) will shake things up by expanding us outside our comfort zone.

So, even as Mercury is digging deeply in the dark, another part of us will be reaching for/attracting something bigger and more expansive. We will talk about this more as we move through November and Venus starts interacting with the other players.

On SATURDAY, Mercury conjuncts Pallas.

So here is our deep, focused thinking/conversations meeting up with the wisdom and strategies we need. Remember Mercury is retrograde now, so this won't be new information so much as our increased ability to make sense of it. We see the tactics we need. We recognize the patterns we need to avoid. It's time to smarten up.

xo all

photo by the amazing kevron2001

New Moon in Scorpio | October 27, 2019 - disruptive change, evolving through the shadows, truth bombs, danger Will Robinson, liberation, pushed to shift gears

On Sunday, October 27, 2019 at 11:38PM EDT - the Scorpio Moon meets the Scorpio Sun giving us this month's New Moon.

Let's dig right in and unpack the chart!

The Moon/Sun meet in deep, dark, intimate and powerful Scorpio at 4 degrees.

They are exactly opposing disruptive Uranus, so we have our annual Sun opposing Uranus (unexpected shake-ups and changes) coming at the same time as the New Moon in Scorpio's powerful and transformative NEW BEGINNING.

There is a definite before-and-after kind of permanency around changes now.

With Uranus in Taurus - our money, our values, our self-esteem, our resources - the shake-ups (unexpected ending, etc) could impact one of these themes (or the theme of your natal Taurus house). Oppositions are projections. Someone or something that is not us is interacting in our life in a way we don't want. Uranus often brings sudden change and disruption and coming at the time of the New Moon in Scorpio and right before Mercury is set to retrograde in Scorpio - the change will likely push us into something deeper and more intense, maybe something that creates greater intimacy with others or something that re-aligns our values in a new way.

Our New Moon in Scorpio is answering to Scorpio rulers Pluto and Mars (old ruler).

Mars in Libra (our actions, our motivation and passion, in Libra dealing with our projections/our relationships/balance) is exactly squaring Saturn (in Capricorn). There are limits/rules here. Dealings with authority. Hierarchical maneuverings. Relationships are challenging. Delays are frustrating. With Mars in Libra we will need to be polite/diplomatic, more gracious than we may want to be. Be kind. Be fair. Some may need to fall on their swords. Ouch! Saturn here is a wall, a constraint, an authority blocking our way forward. We could get an unexpected or unwanted "no" or maybe a partner's actions challenge our own sense of authority.

(there is also the chance of physical injury or the need for hard labor to the point of exhaustion - this has been in play for a few days - drive safely, be careful with fire/sharp objects, etc - no dark alleys, back away from danger slowly)

Getting angry, frustrated or passive-aggressive (Mars) or deciding to push harder won't help the situation now. Saturn is unyielding. There will be delays/ending/limits. Roadblocks serve a purpose - sometimes we need to go around, crash over or plow through them and sometimes they keep us from falling off the cliff.

Squares to Saturn take a material form. Situations show up in the real 3D world. They can be a time of testing. We are dealing with the consequences of  previous physical actions (karma, cause and effect), but squares themselves are nobody's fault. They simply push us toward an unexplored new action. Without squares nothing would actually happen!

Pluto (still sitting on 20 degrees Capricorn) is direct - the death that was postponed is no longer postponed. Endings and beginnings now are connecting to the big December 2019 and January 2020 energies. There is no turning back now!

The New Moon looks like a new beginning (in the dark, so lots we don't know right now) birthed from an unexpected and possibly chaotic and jolting ending/change/liberation. 

This could be INTENSE.

Mercury is stationing retrograde in just four days, so whatever gets started, and it feels to me like a quiet start (that packs a long-term punch) - it will likely require re-visions, re-thinking, re-dos, etc. And keep in mind this is Scorpio (power/control) we are talking about so we want to be sure we know what we are doing with this energy! The skies are dark so we won't know everything, but maybe something about this Uranian change/shocker clarifies our values or turns our focus and then Mercury's upcoming back-and-forth gets us clear over the next few weeks. Nothing in Scorpio is without some risk. Everything can feel like an ordeal. 

We may have to adapt to sudden change QUICKLY now. Maybe something has come slowly and then ALL AT ONCE.

Scorpio themes include life and death, rebirth, other people's money, spouse's income, mortgages, loans, inheritance, taxes, intimacy, merging/purging, sex, reproduction, secrets, the stuff we do in the dark, the stuff we don't talk about in polite company.

Venus (in Scorpio) is moving toward her conjunction with Pallas. Partnership strategies. Mergers and acquisitions. Good for financial planning. Love/money wisdom. Recognition of our patterns within our relationships. Win-wins. Plans with other people and with our money/resources that are both smart AND strategic. This is an intense and profound time for relationships (with the living and with people and animals no longer living) and this conjunction will help.

The inconjunct to Chiron is waning (fading). We are moving past the pain/the feeling we need to do everything ourselves or that we can't do something/the blow to our ego.

So here is a fresh start birthed through that hurting/healing, too. These are long chapters in thick books we are working through folks. It's a time for healing our shadow and what is hidden from us in the shadows.

There is a gathering of planets in Scorpio at this New Moon. And Mercury is slowing way down and preparing for her/his long-haul here. We are digging deep. Secrets are coming out. We can uncover unexpected resources/unexpressed power. Things we might have breezed right through last month are more intense now. The superficial/lightweight doesn't cut it.

Scorpio is uber powerful, so be prepared to commit to anything you start now. Actually, commit as if your life depends on it ... maybe it does. We go all the way or we sit this one out. 

There is no middle ground with a Scorpio New Moon.

And know that sometimes sitting this one out (for now) - especially with that square to Saturn sitting with the South Node and Venus opposing Vesta (the past, the thing that we used to be devoted to but just aren't feeling it anymore) might be OK, too. Use your intuition and internal guidance.

Sitting fallow allows a creative void for the energy to fill. It may take some time for life to get us lined up with something else. And that is OK. Even though some roads are closed to us by now, Saturn is in Capricorn. Time is still on our side. And Mercury is about to station retrograde, so unless you can get something done before Halloween it is going to be subject to the "re's" anyway.

This is an important month to set written/verbal NEW MOON INTENTIONS.

Scorpio is very powerful and this is the energy that rules our secrets. If we don't set this stuff consciously - our unconscious will attract what we are already lined up with - and this may be a good thing, but will depend on what we have stuffed in those closets and under those beds, so maybe not - with Scorpio, we don't know what we don't know!

I vote for conscious intention setting now - we just have to be clear on what we want/need or really we have to be clear on what we want/need to FEEL.

Set your intentions around that. 
AFFIRMATION TIPS: get into a positive frame of mind - always make affirmations from a positive place (positive meaning both happy and certain) - write your affirmations down by hand in script, speak them out loud - then release your attention from them knowing that your intention is known.

Know these things are already yours.


We went to visit my sister and her family in the Pacific Northwest mountains last week and I had a post I scheduled but somehow never posted, explaining that - yikes. I knew there would be spotty wifi, but thought I could work with it. I couldn't. Then we had to return suddenly due to a death in the family and my heart just wasn't into writing until tonight. Hope something in this post is helpful.

Today's Astrology Forecast | October 17, 2019 - investing in what we love, having some skin in the game, uncomfortable conversations, clearing the way for greener pastures, information, communication, busy-ness

The Moon continues her way through Gemini, mostly unobstructed. We are busy, communicative, curious, active. We want to know what we are talking about. Humor is connecting. She will trine (brakes off) Mars (in Libra) at 3:10PM EDT. Walking our talk with other people. Social activities.

Any Moon/Mars contact could make us (and other people) more easily irritated. We could feel rushed.

Our focus might be on Gemini themes - communications, information, siblings, neighbors, writing, sales, local travel, decisions, for some people Gemini will show up as transportation situations.

Venus (almost midway through Scorpio now) trines the Cancer North Node at 12 degrees.

What is deeply, passionately felt is pulling us forward. 

The deeper we go, the closer we get to a more authentic, more nurturing, more "feels like home and safety and mom and apple pie" future, even if it makes us feel more vulnerable. The thing we merge with other people - love/finances/resources - is moving us toward our future - as long as we are real with this (the Libra frivolousness/social niceties won't quite be enough); as long as we have some skin in the game. Move toward beauty. Move toward peace. But remember this is Scorpio. We can't just like it. We've got to LOVE IT. Scorpio demands commitment. We can't just stick a toe in and check the temperature, we have to get our whole body wet. 

People with planets/points on or very near 12 degrees of Cancer/Scorpio will feel this strongest, but we all have access.

Take something one step further. 

Dig a little deeper. 

Get a little closer.

At the same time Mercury, also in Scorpio, (more depth/more truth) is trining Black Moon Lilith in Pisces. Giving a voice to a taboo space we are holding. Uncomfortable conversations. With Mercury walking his/her pre-retrograde degrees we will be back here two more times (11/9 retrograde and 12/4 direct), so this conversation isn't over.

We have the Moon in Gemini able to keep things light and intellectual. Wanting to stay on the surface. But, Gemini's ruler Mercury (deep in Scorpio now at 18 degrees) NEEDING to know what's underneath.

We also have Jupiter semi-sextile Pluto at 20 degrees. We have to trust that what has died/what we have lost/the power that has crumbled is happening and has happened to pave the way for something BETTER. When we lose, we win. Jupiterian "luck" requires faith. We are being made stronger, being readied for something MORE.

xo all

photo by the amazing thefirebomb

Today's Astrology Forecast | October 16, 2019 - long void, dealing with what we already have, time gets stretchy, adjusting to a partner, ego vs instinct

The Moon goes void off a trine to Pluto at 4:37AM EDT. She will be void all day - until she moves into busy and communicative Gemini at 10:30PM EDT.

Time gets stretchy.

We can get alot done during the void today - or just get some rest - off that Pluto trine (nice productive energy, empowerment, looking at resources, dealing with what we own), but stick to routine tasks and expect some twists and turns and do-overs.

During her void she will inconjunct the Libra Sun giving us this month's waxing inconjunct.

This is the aspect that winds down last weekend's big Full Moon in Aries - Sun inconjunct Moon is about self-acceptance (in this case the Taurean energy will be about accepting what we have, maybe the bird in the hand) and this self-acceptance adjusting to our relationships (Libra). Maybe we value this, but society (through the people we are in relationship with) tells us we need to value that. We have this, but to be in balance we need to have that.

Maybe this transit - and it moves very fast today, blink and it will be gone - lets us see the ways we might 1. struggle for acceptance within relationships, 2. attract situations where we are not wanted 3. feel a need to explain or justify ourselves or what we have 4. want/need to change something we have/own in order to be in a relationship or bring a relationship into a better balance

Through these monthly Sun/Moon inconjuncts we are learning (through the various signs and their spaces in our natal chart) the difference between our natural motivations/inclinations and where we might have an ulterior motive of winning acceptance, etc. Ego vs instinct.

Remember inconjuncts are never going to be totally reconcilable. This is the rock and the hard place - a space of give and take.

What needs to shift for balance to be maintained/restored? The Moon is void, so no big moves, but just do a little more of that.

xo all

photo by the talented laura-makabresku

Today's Astrology Forecast | October 15, 2019 - information leaking out, logic and intuition working together, intimate conversations, compassion, connection through language, visionary thinking, talking to our ancestors

The Moon is cruising through Taurus today - trining Saturn at 4:44PM EDT (stabilizing our money, setting up a budget) and sextiling Neptune at 8:22PM EDT. She has an opposition with Mercury at 8:32PM EDT - so the potential for some kind of mine vs ours or love/money/intimacy tiff this evening. The latest set of Dem debates are tonight in the U.S., maybe financial/monetary policies will be a point of contention.

The good news today is we have Mercury (in Scorpio) trining Neptune (in Pisces).

Visionary thinking.

Boundaries dissolve. Words bring us closer together. Situations feel more intimate. Someone (maybe us and the words may just drift right out of our mouths) says something very REAL expanding our compassion and connection.

Potentially emotional conversations about endings.

This is from the weekly:

"Inspirational/intuitive thinking. Creativity. Spirituality. Writing. Making/listening to music. Our logical mind and our intuition is working together. The words left unsaid are maybe more important than what we are saying/hearing, so pay attention with all your senses. More secrets coming out as Neptune dissolves those Scorpian boundaries. Our ancestors/our past is talking to us. Listen. Meditate. The answers are out there (they won't be the final answers though because Mercury is on a long, back-and-forth journey through deep Scorpio this fall)."

Not good energy for detailed work, but beautiful energy for creative and mystical work.

We are both listening to our intuition AND incorporating truth/the facts into our thinking now.

As always with any Neptune contact, there is always the possibility for rose-colored glasses and illusion. Keep this in mind, maybe, but don't let the fear of saying too much keep something bottled up that needs to be said ...

xo all

Also keep in mind Mercury is walking degrees she/he will walk two more times - so we will be back here again on November 13th with Mercury retrograde (when we do the re-vision, re-thinking, saying it again another way, etc) - and finally on November 28th with Mercury direct and the final/final answer. People with planets and points near 15 degrees Scorpio/Pisces will feel this strongest.