The Astrology of January 2020 | the month this sh*t gets real (realer?, realest?)

We spent most of 2019 in energies building toward and preparing us for 2020 - which is a massively important year (and one that will end very differently than it starts for all of us).

We begin the year in the Eclipse spin cycle - in between two powerful Eclipses. And some of the most important stuff of 2020 hits us right out of the gate.

Let's unpack this baby - and when I say, "baby", maybe picture Godzilla squashed into a Samsonite ...  with King Kong and whatever that flying 3 headed thing was, in there somewhere, too.

We start the year with Mercury, Jupiter and the South Node TOGETHER - maybe we are thinking about what is OVER/the past/the good old days/nostalgia. Our thinking/ideas/the stories we are carrying that are weighing us down and holding us back (Mercury), the beliefs that keep us tethered to the past/to a sense of self righteousness/that are limiting our ability to grow and expand or have pulled us away from the truth (Jupiter) - we need to let this stuff go now.

JANUARY 2nd - Mercury conjunct Jupiter, First Quarter Moon (Aries) - BIG NEWS. Big thinking. Hopeful information (just keep in mind the Aries Moon's need to adjust - see below) that is serious and spoken/written with authority. In Capricorn - this will be "real" not pie-in-the-sky. We are aware of the limits/restrictions here, but there is still a reason to be optimistic. If you can't see the reason - look harder/wider. Make the call/take the call. Use sober AND positive language.

The Moon in Aries squares the Capricorn Sun giving us this month's waxing square. Now here is some obstacle with our New Moon story. The new vs the old. What we want to do vs what we have to do. A limit. Obligation. Our actions encounter resistance and yet we still must act. The Cappy Sun says "not so fast" Aries Moon, "maybe you haven't earned this thing just yet." Be brave. Keep moving.

JANUARY 3rd - Sun trine Vesta, Mercury conjunct South Node, Mars into Sagittarius - Mercury conjuncts the South Node (like the Sun did on Monday). News about the past. Maybe a contract/commitment is over.  A responsibility/job ends. A sibling/local community/transportation issue culminates.We can see how we need to let go of any negative thinking/old stories.

Mars flies out of sharp focused Scorpio and into big picture, sky's the limit, freedom loving and fiery Sagittarius. He's looking for action (and with the Moon in Aries answering to him and squaring the Sun - maybe he's even looking for a fight).

Mars in Sagittarius (through February 16, 2020) will have us looking for adventure over the next few weeks. Taking action that expands us. Pushed (in our search for the truth) to confront stuff that doesn't line up with our worldview so that our worldview can WIDEN. Sagittarius rules our big-picture beliefs which have a way of becoming actively more inclusive with Mars here.

Hopefully the truth changes us, rather than us changing the truth!

With Mars in Sagittarius - opportunity and expansion (Sagittarius) is generated through action, initiative and courage (Mars). Action (Mars) creates optimism/hope (Sagittarius).

Watch for too much impulsivity, the scattering of our energies/restlessness and too much preachiness during this transit.

The Sun (in Capricorn, where else?) trines Vesta (in Taurus, but no longer retrograde) - this is the third of three trines we have had this year, the last time on 11/22 - a light shines on something precious - maybe a resource, a value, money, the planet Earth, something we can 'take to the bank', a survival issue. Take this seriously. Focus on what is real.

What is an absolute bottom line security-issue must have/keep/get - focus on that. 

JANUARY 5th - Mars trine Chiron - something healing can fall right into our lap. We can move through what hurts and past those closed doors/karmic endings and releases because we KNOW there is something bigger/better ahead of us. Be brave. Believe in yourself. Our action, our initiative, our courage, our movement - is healing. THIS is how we take care of ourselves/stand up.

JANUARY 7th - Sun sextile Neptune - here is the Cappy/Pisces energy of "making the dream real", we had all last year. Maybe we have to sacrifice something to get something else. Creating within the rules/certain limits. There is OPPORTUNITY here/magic/help from the ancestors.

JANUARY 8th - Jupiter conjunct South Node, Mercury sextile Neptune - now Jupiter walks across the South Node. And keep in mind Mars in Sag is answering to Jupiter now, so amplifies the personal importance of this - we are letting go of old beliefs/hopes/judgement/self-righteousness thoughts and ideas that no longer serves us. This is karmic endings/releases. To work with this, because alot here will be outside our control - we have to let go, trust that life has our back here. We are creating space for something else. At the same time Mercury is sextiling Neptune - changing our thinking can be healing. How can any losses be a positive thing - focus on that.

Mercury sextile Neptune is subtle. This is good energy for storytelling - for using our imagination. Good for visionary ideas and language. Ideas are AVAILABLE for the right person - the person who can make them REAL - to pick them like apples in an autumn orchard. This is good for learning (Mercury) through osmosis (Neptune), so would be a good time to hang out with the smartest person you know. Compassionate (Neptune) language (Mercury) is helpful (sextile). Siblings may be illusive or confusing. But Mercury in Capricorn is giving a Neptunian dream a structure to work with. Again this whole thing is subtle, but available. Talk to other people. The opportunity comes as one thought/conversation/idea drifts into another.


JANUARY 10th - Full Moon Lunar Eclipse in Cancer, Uranus stations direct - I can't do justice to this in a paragraph, but I'll take a crack at it. Uranus stations direct - now here is where change can't be stopped. We are moving on/ahead/advancing. Making an important decision. Those changes in our natal Taurus house - where we like things to stay the same - as well as science/tech/the group/whatever needs to be modernized, won't be held back. There could be sudden changes. Now all the planets are direct and we have only a few weeks of this before we get almost nonstop retrogrades all through 2020. Time speeds up.

The Capricorn Sun opposes the Cancer Moon at 20 degrees Cancer (so, yes, pretty much exactly opposing the Capricorn pile-up!).

The Moon stands alone (maybe she really is made of cheese).

We are feeling how we are outnumbered/out-manned/out-gunned. We are feeling what is outside our control/what we are most afraid of.

Maybe our home/family/safety (theme of our natal Cancer house) feels threatened somehow.

The good news with this eclipse is a trine to magical/dreamy/compassionate Neptune. Here is our path through this. Pray. Meditate. Make art. Listen to music. Dream. We are connecting to bigger hands that have our back.

Our intuition/our ancestors are helping us through this. Listen.

JANUARY 12TH - Mercury conjunct Saturn, Mercury conjunct Pluto, Mercury conjunct Ceres, Ceres conjunct Pluto, Ceres conjunct Saturn, Saturn conjunct Pluto - all in Capricorn

This is the energy we have been building toward all throughout 2019.

Let's take a step back here and look at the Cappy big picture.

Capricorn is a patriarchal energy. Ruled by "daddy" Saturn - builder of time and rules and structure and careers and hierarchy. Nothing "real" gets built without Saturnian energy. His-story. "Corporations are people." The ways we make ourselves invulnerable. Our hard edges. Our survival instinct out in the world. 'Life is a battlefield". "It's a dog eat dog world." Our stiff upper lip. Our boot straps. The Capricorn energy is about stability, history, security. It's the sign of "father". And, with this mindset/with these beliefs, in order to survive, to order to keep his family/tribe alive, father (as us and through our leaders) has had to do a whole lot of stuff that isn't very warm and fuzzy.

In 2008, Pluto moved into Capricorn and got busy de-constructing all these Cappy bedrocks (the financial housing crisis kicked this off rather nicely). The people and structures that carry the greatest load of the old Saturn archetype have probably felt this most. Everything that isn't solid as a rock, and even some things that are, have fallen or are falling. Our big institutions are on shaky ground. Our heroes have fallen from their outgrown pedestals (as they are stripped to their humanity). Our safety net has holes large enough that even our winter backsides, holed up with hot chocolate and cider donuts, can slip through easily.

Now, Pluto is a slow moving energy. This de-construction/death and rebirth has been a slow process. A kind of LONG dark night of the soul.

Then, in December 2017, Saturn (having just crossed the Galactic Center, and the question to me was would he, as us, come home a new man or an embittered, old one trying to hold onto something that is slipping away) came home to Capricorn. He set about, as yes, collectively more the embittered old man, I am afraid, trying to hold onto what he - as the patriarchy, as us - had built.

He has been approaching his meeting with the Lord of the Underworld (Pluto) on his own home turf, ever since. So, whatever happens now it won't be something that hits us totally out of the blue. We have seen this coming.

OK, let's flash ahead to now; to mid-January 2020.

We have Mercury meeting Saturn. We must speak clearly and seriously, come to terms with reality, set firm boundaries, make a verbal or written commitment. We hear or we say NO.

Something is officially stated now. Maybe something is slowed down. Something hits a wall. If you are committing to something/signing on the dotted line this is going to be serious business.

Mercury meets Pluto. Thinking about death. Power/death is given a voice. Words can deliver a punch. Maybe even a knockout blow. Maybe the only thing we have to fear is fear itself.

Mercury meets Ceres. This could be news about a mothering/Mother Earth situation or add to the strength of whatever news/words are making us feel like whatever is happening is out of our control. Maybe we are talking/thinking seriously about the planet/weather, etc.

(This is ALL serious, heavy stuff and I don't mean for it to sound all scary, but maybe sometimes we have to be scared to do what we need to do. Keep in mind Saturn rules karma and our karma reaches back into our past lives, and, through our DNA, into our ancestor's energies that we carry. Yes, we can be paying for things our Great Aunt Grace did, but we have also been benefiting from them.)

Ceres meets Saturn and Pluto. If you know your mythology Ceres and Pluto were enemies, although they did at a later date, after much suffering by Ceres (the maternal) and the planet, come to an agreement. Ceres is a complicated archetype. Ceres also connects to a kind of 'destructive hunger', food, nourishment, gluttony. Ceres, ruling life cycles, is often activated at a time of major life cycle changes, especially when we are trying to hold onto what is leaving. With Saturn/Pluto - this cycles/changes situation could feel forced upon us.

It could create a good bit of fear.

And we have Saturn meeting Pluto

(they last met in Capricorn over 500 years ago when Martin Luther challenged the rulership of the Catholic Church by nailing/or maybe mailing his 95 Theses to the door of Wittenberg Castle and sparking the Protestant Reformation).

They last opposed each other just weeks before 9/11/2001 and now we have the final conjunction. We have to be brave. With Jupiter, recently moved into Capricorn, we have to have faith.

How heavy any of this hits us personally will depend on our natal and progressed charts, but collectively this is a very important time in our history. We have been talking for the last couple years about cleaning up our mess, deaths postponed, stepping into our own authority/responsibility, etc.

Here is where time runs out.


JANUARY 13th - Sun conjunct Pluto, Venus into Pisces - now it's the Sun's turn to meet Pluto and this might not feel like a separate thing to the energy of the last couple days, but the Sun/Pluto shines a light on what is buried including complex relationship issues.

The truth comes to light. Our will (the Sun) unites with deep power (Pluto) or, if we are projecting this instead of owning it, we meet this power outside ourselves in the form of a potential slap-down/manipulation.

If something upsetting is going on - keep in mind, Pluto rules death and rebirth - and as the Sun moves off Pluto -


Venus moves into dreamy and emotional Pisces. Natal Pisces Sun people and Pisces rising people become more attractive now (how have we never noticed how blue your eyes are or how deep your voice?. All of us attract what we want by working through Pisces - our ability to show compassion, create beauty, honor feelings, stay emotionally open, use our imaginations. In Aquarius it was our differences that attracted people and situations to us, in Pisces it is our ability to believe and honor our commonality.

Venus is exalted in Pisces. She can work her magic here. She expands relationships, money and self-esteem. Opportunities increase. Resistance dissolves.

The tricky part of Venus in Pisces is we need to know what we want now. The lines between us and other people, between acceptance and avoidance, between our money and their money, between love and 'what was I thinking' - will blur.

In Pisces, things that look too good to be true usually almost always are. And what flows in can flow right back out again. But if we set boundaries - what is ok, what is not ok - and release our expectations that outcomes must go a specific way - this is wonderful energy for more beauty, love and money to move into our lives. The irony with Venus in Pisces is that although we can attract more love and money those things often will feel less important now.

JANUARY 15th - Venus sextile Uranus - here is something new/fresh/a breakthrough with love, money, our values, beauty, our self-esteem. New attractions create opportunities. We are merging with tech/the future. New people/liberation. Wanting something ELSE.

JANUARY 17th - Mercury sextile Chiron, Third Quarter Moon (Libra) - healing words, hearing what we need to hear, saying what someone else does, the hurting/healing conversation creates opportunities, healing sibling relationships, filling in the gaps in your education/learning. We hit the tension/frustration of the Third Quarter Moon (in Libra) - we are adjusting to partners/other people.

JANUARY 18th - Pallas enters Capricorn, Mercury square Uranus - ok, so now we have the wisdom/we see the patterning (maybe with Mercury/Uranus - a flash of genius) - we can make new strategies for our way through this Cappy limit/challenge. We are beginning to understand authority now/see the ego patterns. Our way through this. We can handle this. "The man" needs to shine, so we let him. Good for connecting with dad/authority, but there will be tension/frustration with any information/ideas too far "out there" right now. If our mind feels too erratic - take a breath, slow this puppy down.

JANUARY 20th - Venus trines the North Node, Sun into Aquarius - the Cappy vise-grip starts to wane here, the Sun begins his annual journey through Aquarius and gives us a chance to step back and look at the big picture. It energizes us to step outside the box and try something else. It allows us to put some space between us and that challenging, draining situation. As always with Aquarius all detachment/group involvement is helpful until it isn't. At the same time Venus (exalted in Pisces) trines the North Node (in Cancer) - we are creating a beautiful future where everyone has a home. Our attractions pull us forward. We are attracting our best and brightest future.

JANUARY 21st - Mercury inconjunct North Node - so here's the news/info that creates a rock and a hard place to that energized future. Serious information that must be taken into consideration. Our path forward needs an adjustment.

JANUARY 22nd - Sun sextile Chiron - the Sun is in Aquarius now, we are sensitive to humanity's plight/to what is best for the group/the future. There is something both hurting and healing here - the Sun is shining a light on this. We are healing through our relationship to the group. We are integrating our ability to stand on our two feet with other people.

JANUARY 23rd - Sun square Uranus - the Sun in Aquarius squares ruler Uranus - here is tension/frustration (maybe with yesterday's issues) - the need to be ourselves/feel liberated with whatever is 'seen' as best for the group. We are questioning the group, maybe, what's in it for me?

JANUARY 24th - New Moon in Aquarius - here is where 2020 really gets started. Fresh air. All the Cappy energy is still humming along in the background, but now it is background.

JANUARY 25th - Mercury (communication, conversations, ideas) sextiles Mars (action, initiative, anger) now.

Sextiles are handshakes, head nods and agreements. They represent opportunities. Our words (maybe angry words?) marry our actions and initiative.We walk our talk.We move toward what we want with new ideas and language. Ideas (Mercury) get us fired up (Mars).

When we speak with anger we are using our Mars (anger) to do Mercury's job (communication). This is like asking your auto mechanic to edit your blog post or your editor to fix your car.

With Mercury and Mars in such a comfy cuddle, maybe our impulsive or angry communications about our ideals works somehow? Remember though it never works to push against what we don't want. We just energize whatever we are pushing against. We always want to be speaking about what we do want.
This is excellent energy to TELL PEOPLE WHAT WE ARE GOING TO DO. Sorry for screaming, but it feels kind of appropriate. Maybe this talking will help us actually carry through and do the thing we are thinking/talking about! This is good energy for people fired up by an ideal or purpose to bring together their words and actions to make a difference.

JANUARY 26th - Venus squares Mars - tension/frustration/the need to adjust between what we want and what we have to do to get what we want (I know it seems one step forward and one step back this month, but that's how it goes sometimes - we will get there!). Venus/Mars squares are passionate - and the good thing is Venus is forced out of her complacency, and in Pisces she can be plenty complacent! Discomfort pushes us to make changes here.

JANUARY 27th - Venus conjuncts Neptune - this is excellent energy to fall head over heels in love. Also to be swept off our feet and carried away by whatever catches our fancy now. This is a a magical energy for attracting (Venus) our dreams (Neptune).

Keep in mind with this happening in Pisces there is a good deal of idealization going on. Our rose colored glasses will have ordered their own rose colored glasses from Warby Parker ... and we will be wearing both pairs. Things can seem way better than they actually are. This energy could make us prone to daydreaming.

Drugs and alcohol will have a heightened effect - I am sure even cold medicine, so be careful. If you know someone prone to drifting off course via some kind of external intoxication maybe check in with them. Make sure they are ok. Don't take on their problems! But maybe just send a "thinking of you" text. Then they can call you if they need to touch base.

JANUARY 28th - Mars squares Neptune, Sun inconjunct North Node - maybe we are feeling drained, it's late in the month and late in the game and maybe we are tired. We can be distracted by almost anything right now, so what's it going to be? Netflix marathon or keep plugging away.

JANUARY 31st - Ceres into Aquarius - maybe we step back from that mothering situation or something outside our control. We get a little distance. Our eating/care of ourselves can become more erratic during this transit, so we might need to apply ourselves to stay on top of that. If we are most comfortable when we are not coddled or don't need to do any coddling, this transit will likely suit us just fine. We can mother the group and leave the individual people to fend for themselves. If the idea of this kind of 'hands off' makes us feel lonely or saddened we are going to have to get our cuddles from somewhere else for now.

Whew - OK, back in a couple days with a look beyond January and, of course, we will unpack this month in greater detail as we move through it and we will get through it!

It's going to be an amazing year setting up a truly amazing (and yes, challenging) decade!

And if you feel like you have already lived through this month's Eclipses and the Saturn/Pluto/Ceres conjunction last year - like I feel I did, you might be especially useful to other people going through it now. Maybe.

Keep in mind all this energy will end in Aquarius - and is part of the enlightenment process for those participating. The old frequencies have to drop away because for much of humanity they no longer even exist!

Will fear/limits stir us to action/adjustment or immobilize us?

xo all and Happy New Year!! Please excuse any typos, too tired to proofread.

photo by the talented ChrissieCool

Astrology Forecast for Creatives | Week of December 30, 2019 - the eclipse spin cycle, letting go, culminations, contracts revised, new information, big ideas, courage is healing

An important week - let's unpack it.

MONDAY - Sun conjunct South Node/opposing North Node, Mercury trine Uranus
TUESDAY - Sun sextiles the Moon
THURSDAY - Mercury conjunct Jupiter
FRIDAY - Mars into Sagittarius, Mercury conjunct South Node/opposing North Node
SATURDAY - Mars inconjunct Uranus
SUNDAY - Mars trines Chiron

I will toss in some Moon info here because instead of doing the dailies I am going to be writing about 2020 all next week! Keep in mind the exact days are flexible because, other than the Moons, aspects are in play as they build and unwind, too (so a couple days on either side usually). Times are EST.

Because we are in the Eclipse spin cycle, in between two powerful Eclipses we really want to stay in the moment here -

looking too far ahead is mostly useless and often disappointing because Eclipses - and there is a big one coming at the end of next week - bring cosmic course corrections and resets.

So, for THIS WEEK - we have both the Sun and Mercury crossing the South Node of release/endings, in powerful Capricorn, this will be about our Cappy house theme or the collective themes of our father, heritage, career, goals, commitments, responsibilities, our structure - something is concluding/being defined here - this can be very old stuff/past lives/family karma. Old angers/resentments can dissolve. Case closed. Karmic commitments over.

We know where we stand.

At the same time, we have Mercury aspecting Uranus (change, the future) and Jupiter (expansion, optimism), so fresh information/ideas/commitments. Brilliant ideas. Practical plans. OPPORTUNITIES are coming in!

Stay open and pro-active. 

On MONDAY, the Moon, at the end of Aquarius, squares Mars, at the end of Scorpio, early in the day. Tension/frustration. Maybe a disagreement where everyone is dug into their position. Passion vs detachment. Emotions vs logic. Midday the Moon will arrive in mystical Pisces and make some nice contacts, so emotionally, the day should get better.

The Sun (at 8 degrees Capricorn) meets the South Node and opposes the North Node. Now Mercury is going to walk this same degree on FRIDAY, so the week is bookended with the energies of whatever is wrapping up, culminating or an issue/commitment/agreement from the past. Endings.

With Mercury trining a retrograde Uranus at the same time - maybe a contract/commitment is being revised. Our thinking changes. A new message comes in. Surprising news. We can expect the unexpected now - information, ideas, ways of thinking. Breakthroughs are possible.

We can change our mind or someone else might.

With both Mercury and Uranus in Earth signs - there is something real and practical and solid here. Uranus is still retrograde for a few more days, so although future-focused this will have its roots in something from the past.

On TUESDAY, the Moon in Pisces connects to Pisces ruler Neptune (this should feel good and is a wonderful energy to finish up 2019 - creativity, spirituality, an appreciation of the past, compassion, endings) and moves into her monthly Waxing Sextile - opportunity - this month with the Capricorn Sun. That seed we planted (intentionally or unintentionally) at the New Moon Solar Eclipse last week GROWS through a merger with the Piscean realm - imagination, spirituality, compassion, connection, love and/or the energies/theme of our natal Pisces house.

On WEDNESDAY, (2020!) - CUE THE NEW YEAR - the Moon appropriately moves into the first sign of Aries. 2019 is OVER.  Here is fresh initiative, passion, a new purpose/determination.  

It's a brand new year and a brand new decade and we are FIRED UP!

On THURSDAY - the Moon (in Aries) moves into a square with Mercury (in Capricorn). This is tension/frustration via conversations and information. For some a sibling, local community or transportation issue. Maybe we want to start something new or get moving with something, but there is a roadblock/a limit/some kind of responsibility or practicality that has to be taken into consideration. We are figuring things out. Maybe we are adjusting our actions and emotions to serious news/information.

On the same day Mercury is going to meet Jupiter at 7 degrees Capricorn. BIG NEWS. Maybe a big opportunity and keep in mind the Aries Moon's need to adjust.

Make the call/take the call.

Also keep in mind we want to be leaning toward something new/revamped because

on FRIDAY - Mercury conjuncts the South Node (like the Sun did on Monday). News about the past. Maybe a contract/commitment is over.  A responsibility/job ends. A sibling/local community/transportation issue culminates.

The Moon in Aries squares the Capricorn Sun giving us this month's Waxing Square. Now here is some obstacle with our New Moon story. The new vs the old. What we want to do vs what we have to do. A limit. Obligation. The Cappy Sun says "not so fast" Aries Moon.

Maybe we haven't earned this thing just yet.

The Moon sextiles Venus (in Aquarius) - here is a new opportunity/something new to love - something forward leaning. So maybe that square to the Sun (plus Saturn and Pluto, oh my!) gets us to the space - via the need to adjust/deal with reality and limits, etc - where we can take advantage of/attract or see the beauty in - something else.

Mars flies out of sharp focused Scorpio and into big picture, sky's the limit, freedom loving and fiery Sagittarius.

He's looking for action (and with the Moon in Aries answering to him and squaring the Sun - maybe he's even looking for a fight).

Mars in Sagittarius (through February 16, 2020) will have us looking for adventure over the next two months. Taking action that expands us. Pushed (in our search for the truth) to confront stuff that doesn't line up with our worldview so that our worldview can WIDEN. Sagittarius rules our big-picture beliefs which have a way of becoming actively more inclusive with Mars here.

Hopefully the truth changes us, rather than us changing the truth!

With Mars in Sagittarius - opportunity and expansion (Sagittarius) is generated through action, initiative and courage (Mars). Action (Mars) creates optimism/hope (Sagittarius). 

Quickly he moves into a fire trine with Chiron in Aries - exact on SUNDAY and in play for a couple days before and after. Something healing can fall right into our lap. We can move through what hurts and past those closed doors because we KNOW there is something bigger/better ahead of us. Be brave. Believe in yourself. Our action, our initiative, our courage, movement - is healing.

On SATURDAY, the Moon arrives in Taurus, the sign of her exaltation and just in time for the weekend. She conjuncts Uranus - a jolt/surprise/something new to love/own/value. Later in the day the Moon trines Jupiter and Mercury - the opportunity/contract/agreement - maybe the challenge we worked through earlier in the week is moving smoothly now.

She trines the Capricorn Sun giving us this month's Waxing Trine - solid manifestation, growth.

The only fly in the ointment on Saturday is Mars, freshly minted in Sagittarius, is now inconjunct Uranus in Taurus. The rock and the hard place. Mars in Sagittarius wants to go big and Uranus in Taurus is tossing in an unexpected monkey wrench - maybe around finances, our values, our resources. Radical action. Rebellion. Maybe this is to show us how much we want what we think we want or to SLOW US DOWN.

Keep in mind this aspect can make us accident prone (especially if touching natal planets/points or if we have a natal Mars/Uranus contact).

Avoid going too fast. Avoid angry confrontations. Things can be volatile. Be cautious.

xo all

photo by the amazing evenliu

Today's Astrology Forecast | Saturday, December 28, 2019 - independent work earlier in the day, good date night, words get weighty, another brick in the wall as the eclipse spin cycle continues

The Moon moved into humanitarian Aquarius late last night (take a breath and a step back) and squared Aquarius-ruler Uranus at 5:32AM EST - maybe we wake up with an answer, an "aha" moment, a twist to our morning routine or plans, a jolt. The square makes today better for independent work/activities.

At 9:06PM EST, the Moon will hook up with independent-minded Venus - a time for socializing, friendships, online stuff. Even in detached Aquarius - this should feel good. 

The big news today happens just before midnight, one more piece gets placed into our mid-January puzzle - Mercury (our thinking, ideas, communication, writing, teaching, transportation issues, local community situation, siblings) enters earthy and serious Capricorn.

Capricorn is a serious sign. It rules the dead of winter and that indomitable mountain goat who just puts one foot in front of the other until he reaches the summit.

With Mercury (thoughts, communication, ideas) moving into Capricorn today, our words will NEED to be taken seriously.

Communications will be fact-checked. Sentences will be properly punctuated and spell checkers will be applied.

Ideas will be more traditional. Keep this in mind if you find yourself shutting down more innovative/radical ideas (or your own being nixed) - stay flexible.

Words that are focused and precise are most effective now. Commitments get made. Contracts signed.

Traditional stories and songs will resonate.

This isn't Mercury's favorite place to hang out - and he knows he has a meeting with all the big shots in January where he will be out-gunned. He/she (Mercury is androgynous) prefers words be fast and flexible and Capricorn is the opposite of this. Words are solid here. Flowery language isn't welcome. We mean what we say and we say what we mean.

When we take our words and ideas seriously other people will, too.

(This is also true of all Capricorn ruled things such as businesses - if we don't take our business seriously no one else will. Women say to me "my husband doesn't take my business seriously and he won't take it seriously until it makes serious money" and I'm always thinking "he won't take it seriously until you do and you won't make serious money until then either". Some people do get lucky, and I have a few times, making money without taking things seriously. I've always found that money doesn't stick though - I need to be serious, ie have sustainable systems in place, to make "sticky" money.)

Ruled by Saturn, Capricorn does alot of what it does out of fear.

If we are awake, we will be able to see how fearful thinking and negative language holds us back and/or is connecting us to the wrong things (probably old things that used to work for us/keep us safe) and holding us separate from the stuff we really want and need.

Mercury will be in Capricorn until January 16th.

Keep in mind we are in between two powerful eclipses designed as cosmic reboots and course corrections. There is mega potential for growth now - although many things will be outside our control.

The Eclipse cycle started HERE and will close out with a Full Moon in Cancer on January 10th where the Moon will oppose the pile-up of energies in Capricorn!

For people, and this will run in families (and 'work' families), carrying Capricorn karma - 2019 (and early 2020) was and is a closing-out cycle. Something that was part of our structure, our career, our public/outer life is changing/finished. Maybe we have been/are being humbled. This created/is creating a need to focus on home and family and our inner life. Relationships and careers and activities and commitments that we no longer are in alignment with will feel like they are eating us alive ... because they kind of are!

Take care of yourself.

The North Node in Cancer speaks of prioritizing self-care. Sometimes you need to do what you need to do to protect yourself. Time alone. Eating well. Getting enough sleep.

We'll talk more about this is in the weekly. Happy Saturday all!


photo by the amazing ankazhuravleva

Today's Astrology Forecast | Friday, December 27, 2019 - a light shines on something real and positive, our new life is going to cost us our old one

We are in-between Eclipses now

and our Capricorn Moon, coming off that powerful Eclipse on Christmas night and off a dreamy sextile to Neptune while we slept, gets uber sharp and focused and down to business for her meeting with Saturn at 7:08AM EST and then Pluto at 9:42AM EST - responsibilities, permanent endings, taking things seriously, this is positive manifestation and transformation energy, but can feel heavy, draining, maybe depressing.

This is eclipse season - our new life is going to cost us our old one. Life on planet Earth is not for sissies.

The Moon goes void off an opportunistic sextile to Mars at 4:02PM EST. She will be void for the rest of the day until she moves into Aquarius. A good day for dealing with authority, getting work done. I know it is a holiday week, but - at the very least, touch base with professional people you are wanting to connect with via a holiday greeting, etc.

At the same time we have (and we talked about this in the New Moon post HERE) the Sun meeting lucky and abundant Jupiter - now at 5 degrees Capricorn at 1:30PM EST.

Do you feel LUCKY?

If there are business/career actions (or actions around the the theme of your natal Cappy house) you need to take, this would be a good day for that - anytime before the Moon goes void at 4:02PM EST.

There is mega-fresh start energy now around our goals. Expansion. Optimism. Confidence.

Things started now get a cosmic blessing and a long life. They move us into something bigger/better.

For all of us, the Sun will shine a light on a blessing.

In Capricorn this is probably not about a free ride (buy a lottery ticket because someone will probably win big) - this is winter, this would be something we have to work for/something that builds value over time. We will likely have to work within limits and play by somebody else's rules.

BUT it will be real and it can be stabilizing.

We are encouraged to have faith.

We get lucky through our beliefs/enthusiasm (Jupiter). By knowing we are lucky. By trusting bigger hands are steering this ship. By expanding outside our comfort zone via travel, education, exposure to foreign people and ideas. By taking the NEXT STEP.

With this happening very near the South Node, we might be feeling the endings/losses/regrets more than the beginnings.

This is where the faith part comes in. We gotta believe. The seed is in the ground. KNOW THIS.

Life is offering something - take it, work with it. It may not look exactly the way we were hoping it would look last year - this is Capricorn, not Sagittarius (we planted a beautiful lily and get a practical sunflower) -  but coming down to earth increases our chances of success by a hundred fold.

There are very real reasons to be optimistic now.

Find one.

xo all

photo by the amazing jemapellenicoletta

New Moon Solar Eclipse in Capricorn | December 25th and 26th - the eclipse portal, time to wake up, you gotta believe, letting go of our public or professional story, creating the space for new and unexpected abundance

At 12:12AM EST on Christmas night (December 26th, 2019) our Capricorn Moon meets our Capricorn Sun at 4 degrees giving us the Capricorn New Moon - this year happening so close to the South Node of the Moon, a total Solar Eclipse.

Conjunct Jupiter (the Sun reaches 5 degrees and meets Jupiter on the 27th) and the South Node (the Sun reaches the South Node on December 30th)

and trining a retrograde Uranus (separating) and squaring Chiron (separating) AND kicking off a powerful Eclipse Season (cosmic reset = anything-can-happen) this is a BIG one.

Capricorn is as rich as an earth sign gets, is ruled by daddy Saturn and presides over the darkest time of the year so you know he is one serious dude. I'd call him "sir" if I were you. I'm sure he shops at Barneys (sometimes Home Depot) and carries a platinum card - that he has earned. He was most decidedly not born on third base and does not believe in the 4 hour work week.

Any New Moon in Capricorn has themes around hard work, ambition, common sense, perseverance, efficiency, organization and responsibility. Saturn, ruler of Capricorn and so ruler of this New Moon Solar Eclipse is strong in his home sign and only seventeen days from his exact meeting with Pluto (power, death, transformation).

OK! Let's unpack the chart!

The Sun/Moon/Jupiter together means our energy, our emotions, our beliefs are on the same page here. Either about something connected to the theme of our natal Cappy house or the collective Capricorn theme of our career/work in the world/public life.

This New Moon speaks of significant new beginnings (with extra potential to build something solid, lasting and lucky/expansive), and conjunct the South Node, significant endings and completions.

Conjunct Jupiter at the one time of the year (when Jupiter is near the Sun) when Jupiter is invisible means that during the actual eclipse, as the Sun is eclipsed and made invisible, Jupiter is made VISIBLE. So, as the Sun goes dark, it is Jupiter (our galactic Santa Claus) - our beliefs, our optimism, the space inside us that wants to explore, go out on a limb, reach for more/better/greener pastures - who is making an impact.

The Sun/Moon is coming off a trine to a retrograde Uranus and off a square to Chiron - we are moving forward/toward something new and untested through the painful reopening of old wounds around our masculine energy - our ability to stand on our two feet/take care of ourselves/be seen and heard/or just know what the hell we are doing/have what we want. Or maybe the New Moon situation stems from our previous Uranian actions or a Uranian situation - maybe being innovative/letting our freak flag fly, being erratic or rebellious, maybe being separated from a group or being detached/too detached.

Whatever our situation, we have had this Uranian event or something having to do with our Taurus house theme or the general Taurus themes of money, our values, self-esteem, our resources and we have had again this Chironic pain (around our masculine wounding/a humbling and requiring us to be brave).

This stuff is in our past, but with Chiron rather unhealable and Uranus going to re-travel this same degree again going forward - this stuff is, like our rearview mirror warns us, closer than it appears.

Then, this eclipse comes along and literally ECLIPSES OUT this whole thing (keep in mind there is another eclipse in TWO WEEKS in Capricorn's polarity sign of Cancer).

The Moon blocks the Sun and the flow of energy to planet Earth is interrupted - focusing our attention on that point. THAT POINT where these things are in the past (the Uranian and Chironic events) and where Jupiter - expansion, good luck, truth - is in OUR FUTURE and Saturn is just this tiny little bit from Pluto after taking 500 years to get back together here in Capricorn.

So, we get a cosmic reset, much like a computer being turned off and back on and the program that uploads at restart is a little bit (or quite a lot) different than the one we ran on before. Eclipses change us, and we (vibrating differently) change our circumstances by attracting or repelling what our new self lines up with. 

Eclipses (similar to a super charged full moon) will eclipse something out or bring something to light or alternately cover it up and then the New Moon seeding will activate the promise of any slow moving transit currently present in our life.

One tricky thing with eclipse energy that I have found from personal experience as well as other people's charts is they often work backward. The thing the eclipse is "eclipsing out" or "bringing to light" or "covering up" can happen days or weeks before the physical Sun is overtaken by the Moon. Often almost exactly one week or one month (or two months) before (or after).

Jupiter/Uranus can be unexpected luck.

What makes Jupiter lucky? Well, believing he is lucky for one thing. Optimism. Believing in something bigger than himself. Having faith. Taking something further. Going out on a limb. Jupiter tells us we can't be playing small. We need to be playing a bigger game to get the most from this energy.

That Chiron square speaks of bravery/initiative/passion. Maybe we have to get pissed off.

With all this happening conjunct our Cappy South Node - we could be feeling nostalgic, maybe regretful. This is where we get the effect we have caused or the effect of what we are holding onto.

The culmination point. The Sun will actually reach the South Node on December 30th - contracts end, a responsibility ends, old-rules/limits will be dropped or they will be choking us, game-over, dues paid (or the payment set into motion).

But keep in mind this IS a New Moon - a beginning, too, and conjunct beneficial Jupiter - a good sign of things to come. So we get a fertile mix of new beginnings/opportunity and powerful closures. In Capricorn this could be the letting go of a public or professional story of who we are (or who we come from/through) that opens up the space for the new to take root.

The Eclipse in two weeks is very different and we'll talk about that in the next post.

xo all and Merry Christmas!

Astrology Forecast for Creatives | Week of December 23, 2019 - shifting values, stepping into our own authority, soul contracts complete, opportunity knocks, answer the door

... and just in time for Christmas, Eclipse season is here folks!

SUNDAY - Mars sextile Pluto, Venus squares Uranus
MONDAY - Sun squares Chiron
TUESDAY - Sun trines Uranus
WEDNESDAY/THURSDAY - New Moon Solar Eclipse in Capricorn (4 degrees)
FRIDAY - Sun conjunct Jupiter

On MONDAY we are dealing with Sunday's aspects and the Sun (now in Capricorn) moving into a square with Chiron (in Aries).

Venus (in Aquarius) squares Uranus (in Taurus) - this activates our Aquarius and Taurus houses with tension/challenges/a need to adjust. With these planets in each other's signs the square is sharper, more powerful. Breakdowns. Breakthroughs. A sudden break-up. Unexpected relationship/money situations. Changes (Uranus/Aquarius) to what we want/own (Venus/Taurus).

Our values (Venus) shift (Uranus). 

Venus is flying through Aquarius, so this is fast change forced by uncomfortable situations.

At the same time, Mars (in Scorpio) sextiles Pluto (in Capricorn). We are awakening. Empowered. Our passionate/deeply felt actions align with power/authority/transformation and this creates opportunities.

The Sun squares Chiron - ego wounds, father wounds. Challenges with authority. Insecurities. Conflict. There are rules/limits here. There is alot going on now.

On TUESDAY, our Cappy Sun trines Uranus. This is what Jupiter did last week, so something here could connect back to whatever shifted/expanded then.

Something new/innovative/forward leaning (with Uranus retrograde there is some connection to the past here, another chance at something we missed? another way forward?) comes to light.

There is a knock at the door and it will be something better than Aunt Ida carrying her holiday fruitcake, I promise. 

Capricorn is cardinal earth - this is an earthquake, structural change. Uranus guarantees the unexpected.

This will be different than we planned.

Stay flexible.

Do something different. TAKE INSPIRED ACTION.

On WEDNESDAY/THURSDAY, we enter the eclipse spin-cycle (hang on loosely) when the Cappy Moon meets the Cappy Sun at 4 degrees

(right on the IC of the chart for Washington DC - we'll talk about this in the New Moon Solar Eclipse post next).

Conjunct Jupiter/the South Node and trining Uranus - here is what those big endings in 2019/the messes we cleaned up/the release from karmic bondage have been preparing us for. The space for something new. Something else. Jupiter is out of his square to Neptune, so our luck/expansion won't be dissolved this time. Keep in mind this isn't going to show up the way we thought it was from our perch last January. This Eclipse opens up a two week eclipse window that ends on January 10th with a pretty challenging Full Moon Lunar Eclipse in Cancer just a couple days before Saturn reaches Pluto and on the same day Uranus stations direct!

The next two weeks are very powerful. We'll talk about this in the Full Moon post next.

On FRIDAY - Mercury squares Black Moon Lilith - freedom of thought. Now we can see clearly what we really have/where we stand. The Sun perfects his conjunction to Jupiter, so we had Jupiter trine Uranus and then the Sun trine Uranus and now the Sun catches up with Jupiter and they can integrate these changes. TRUST what is being started here/what is showing up!

If we don't get what we want this week - if it really IS Aunt Ida with that freakin' fruitcake, we are going to have to trust that we actually need that freakin' fruitcake!! We are going to have to let her in. We are going to have to eat it.

2019, for many people, involved some kind of humbling, so there might be some humble pie (disguised as fruitcake) this holiday season, too. That's OK. We are going to roll with whatever gets tossed at us right now. Again, TRUST what is being started here/what is showing up. We are unwinding lifetimes and generations of very sticky Cappy karma. Soul contracts ending. Gone forever by the middle of January. Don't let the door hit ya' fellas.

It's eclipse season, so hang on loosely.

xo all

photo by the amazing sollenafotografie

Today's Astrology Forecast | Friday, December 20, 2019 - talk it out early, challenges with goals/work/authority, relationship tension, giving what we want a little space, falling in love with something else

Our Moon in partnership-focused Libra will sextile Mercury at 9:22AM EST (send the email, talk it out, connect with a sibling, local community or transportation issue) do this early in the day, because things get more challenging as the Moon moves into her testy squares with Saturn (3:07PM EST - authority, responsibility, limits) and then Pluto (6:23PM EST - power plays, control, manipulation) making the later part of the day better for solitary work.

Last night Venus (love, money, beauty, women, our values and self-esteem) moved into Aquarius (through January 13th).

Aquarius Suns and Aquarius rising (Aquarius ruler of first house of your natal chart) get more attractive. Both easier on the eye and able to attract what they want (Venus).

All of our natal Aquarius houses become more attractive, too.

Our Aquarius house is a space we experience and evolve through Aquarian energies. Maybe by experiencing unexpected situations and unusual experiences. Maybe by being able to detach and get enough distance from something to be able to see it clearly. Maybe through flashes of genius or rebelliousness. Maybe through chaos. Our natal Uranus placement (ruler of Aquarius) and its contacts will tell us a more complete story.

Now, we have Venus moving into/through this space.

As she moves through Aquarius she will make contact with not only any planets/points we have in Aquarius, but also the planets/points we have in Leo (by opposition), in Scorpio and Taurus (by square) and other planets, too (by sextile, trine, etc).

This is where knowing our natal chart can come in handy.

As a collective influence, for all of us, Venus moves out of Capricorn (the rules) and into Aquarius (the space we let go of the rules).

Beautiful Venus drops her briefcase full of "shoulds".

She takes her hair out of its tightly constructed bun and shakes her head. She kicks off her too-tight, office-ready pumps. She wears whatever she wants to wear now. She can do whatever she wants to do now. There is no one to impress in this new space. There is no one to answer to.

Now subconsciously we all feel this 

(even though there is a hell of alot of planets in Capricorn, including the Sun tomorrow, and Saturn is home in Capricorn, so we don't get to drop all responsibilities, obviously

- a kind of relief as Venus disentangles us a bit from what is required of us to be 'acceptable'.

Maybe we start to notice (attract) things we would have otherwise missed. The strange and unusual will catch our eye now. 

We will be attracted to things/situations/solutions/people that are different.

Ruled by unpredictable Uranus, Aquarius is the space that is hard to forecast. When we step outside the rules (Uranus is outside Saturn's boundaries) our outcomes become less predictable, too.

Venus (beauty) in Aquarius (unique) allows us to see the beauty in things we wouldn't normally regard as beautiful. What would it take to see our crooked teeth as beautiful? our messy house? a real loss?

Wouldn't it take detachment? Wouldn't it take an ability to step back a little farther from whatever we are looking at?

To see the big picture -

(maybe those slightly crooked teeth have allowed us to evolve, as we grow to appreciate them, from mumbling our words through a mostly, un-moving mouth to speaking our well thought out opinions clearly and emphatically - maybe without those slightly crooked teeth, we would have learned this lesson in an even bigger, more painful way).

To see what other people, who are not closely connected to the things we are connected to, are seeing

(that messy home looks like a busy, happy family lives there).

To see the future -

(that loss now is creating a space something bigger and better will be filling in five years).

Detachment is one of the gifts of Aquarius (and also one of the curses if taken too far - think about technology that detaches us from reality).

Venus's transit here allows us to step back from what we are usually most attracted to. When we step away we can see things we couldn't see before. And keep in mind people (and situations) could step away from us a little bit now to get a clearly look, too. This isn't a permanent disconnection (unless it is) - this is a transit remember. It's a part of the process. A kind of 'sowing our wild oats' part, where we all need a bit more space. A part we skip at our own peril.

Aquarius is the genius, rebel, criminal, humanitarian - the outsider.

This is a good time to step outside of ourselves and view our situation more dispassionately. To be more objective. The energies at play now will assist us. If this was someone else's situation/life we were looking at what would we see?

Venus is about what we want.

Can we step away from what we want just long enough and just far enough to give everything and everyone some fresh air? to gain some different insights? to try something else.

With Uranus in Taurus answering to Venus and Venus in Aquarius answering to Uranus - the two planets are in mutual reception now, which empowers them, but will also make their square stronger when they aspect each other on Sunday.

How can it be 5 days until Christmas?!?

xo all

photo by the talented MATZU

Today's Astrology Forecast | Thursday, December 19, 2019 - just when we need to take the decisive action we aren't sure what is true or what we want, but we still have to take the decisive action or something like that, trust your instincts

Today's Virgo Moon went void off a trine to Venus while we slept (EST) - forward movement on our goals/ambitions, details/questions around our values, resources, love or self-esteem and then moved into Libra at 5:04AM EST.

In Libra, she moves into a square to Jupiter (in Capricorn) at 11:33AM EST bringing some possible tension/frustration through other people/partnerships or with our goals, authority, limits.

Mercury (in Sag) squares Neptune (in Pisces) at 16 degrees. Foggy, sloppy or lazy thinking/confusion or expansive imagination/spirituality - depending on how we look at this and how we use it.

Maybe something is exaggerated/too good to be true or feels like a sales pitch.

Squares are tension/frustration so this could be challenging information regarding a Sag or Piscean subject - travel, higher education, weddings, politics, legal issues, the media, publishing, foreigners, everything outside our comfort zone, exploration, our beliefs and higher thinking or what is hidden or put away or done behind the scenes, secrets, the ethereal realms, imagination, hospitals, spirituality, addiction, healing.

The fog has rolled in. The sand has shifted.

We will need to think twice about what we are saying/communicating. Misunderstandings are possible. The truthfulness of whatever we are dealing with will be complicated.

We could be lied to or we could be the one spinning a tangled web.

Treat what you hear/read/experience now with a sense of curiosity - ask yourself - "well, isn't that interesting?" - stay curious. People, including us, will think they know more than they do. Things can look better, or worse, than they actually are. It would be best to read this post, and everything else you are consuming via language now, with more skepticism than you normally would.

The best news today is we have Mars (in Scorpio) sextiling Saturn (in Capricorn) at 19 degrees - note, Saturn is almost out of his retrograde shadow (20 degrees), but not quite - so although he has been direct for a while, we are still working through old story-lines within our Capricorn house theme or the general, collective themes of our career/public face/goals.

So, although Mercury/Neptune will tend to lead us off-course, Mars/Saturn will get to the crux of things/will get us to the truth.

We don't have to know exactly where we are going to take decisive action. Drive/ambition can help us to work through complicated tasks.

Here is the energy to make solid progress on a long-term project. Putting our head down and just doing it sounds about right with these energies. With Saturn, the rewards will come later.

So, the Mars/Saturn grounds us in reality - our actions and our goals/authority are working together to provide OPPORTUNITY and this makes today a GO, just keep in mind everything won't be quite as it seems. With a big Neptunian contact we want to avoid avoiding. We don't want to just dream this day away. 

What do you need to do? The Moon is waning and this week is filled with great closing aspects - what needs to get done.

Also keep in mind our Moon's move into social, balanced, aesthetically-focused and relationship-focused Libra. Time to get out and about. Maybe do some holiday decorating. If shopping, just keep in mind that square to Jupiter and don't over-do it.

Tomorrow, Venus will move from Capricorn (the rules) into Aquarius (the space we let go of the rules), so even as the Moon in Libra moves through the squares to the Cappy planets, she will be helping to lighten things up!

xo all

photo by the talented oprisco

Today's Astrology Forecast | Wednesday, December 18, 2019 - getting it done, the details vs the big picture, courage, confidence, adjustments, partnership opportunities

The Moon in "let's get organized" Virgo is uber busy today. She opposed Neptune while we slept (focus on the details, the small picture - to avoid confusion/overwhelm) and goes on to sextile Mars at 11:14 AM EST (our motivation returns), trine Saturn at 11:56AM EST, trine Pluto at 3:28PM EST and finally square the Sag Sun at 11:57PM EST tonight.

We can get alot done today. With the Moon in Virgo it's about the details and putting one foot in front of the other. That sextile to Mars (in Scorpio), early in the day, creates opportunities to push through resistance/take action/get to the bottom of things. Trines to the Cappy pile-up indicates a time for smooth interactions with authority, our goals, our structure and security.

Good energy for making decisions and stepping into our own authority.

Our monthly Last Quarter Square will create tension/frustration/the need to adjust between the details and the big-picture/our optimistic vision.  

There is a reality check here.

Our Sag Sun is approaching her annual crossing of the Galactic Center - are we where we want/need to be with whatever we have going on? How have our beliefs changed in the last year?

At the same time we have Mercury (in Sagittarius) sextiling Juno (in Libra) at 4 degrees. Conversations/communications within and about partnerships and our commitments/contracts can create opportunities.

With Mercury also ruling the Moon today (in Virgo) and the Moon moving toward her late night square to the Sun - we could need to make some compromises/adjustments. Stay flexible. Keep your mind OPEN.

xo all

photo by the talented LidiaVives

I didn't get to the weekly this week, but I will try to get back here tomorrow and catch things up!


Today's Astrology Forecast | Sunday, December 15, 2019 - moving toward whatever is falling into place, faith in a better future, making the call, expanding our reach, the goodies are outside the box right now

The Moon moved into fun-loving Leo last night where she squared Uranus (a need to be flexible, unexpected change of plans) at 4:01AM EST and will trine Mercury (fiery and creative conversations) at 3:17PM EST.

The big news today is Jupiter reaches his exact trine (brakes off) to anything-can-happen Uranus.

Last week's Venus/Saturn/Pluto was heavy and maybe depressing. Cycles ended and new cycles began. With the Moon waning we might only be feeling the endings though. In my own life, many things ready to die/fall apart, did.

Today's Jupiter/Uranus coupled with our Leo Moon should help re-light any fires that last week's events put a damper on. This energy is inventive and forward-focused.

With Jupiter, we have to have faith/optimism. With Uranus we have to be ourselves. What is the theme of your Capricorn House? What is the theme of your Taurus house? There is powerful flow between these houses RIGHT NOW.

Collectively this is about our careers/public life, our fathers, our foundations and our money, our resources, our values and self-esteem. We all have access to these themes!

Uranus can get us from point A to point B very quickly. Unexpected doors can open. With Uranus retrograde, something from the past could get re-invented. This energy will be in play for a couple more days and we still have the Sun in the blue skies of Sagittarius until next Saturday!

This is an earth trine - so something real and practical can fall right into our lap.

With Uranus, it will be future-focused and almost certainly 'outside the box' (or maybe group-focused). With Uranus retrograde, it could be something with its roots in the, probably recent, past. BUT this does NOT mean we go back to the past. If we have done this before - it is a NO GO.

Jupiter in Sag made alot of promises last year, now in Cappy and especially with this contact to change-maker Uranus in 'take it to the bank' Taurus, he can actually get to deliver the goods!

In Cappy and Taurus - this could be about financial security. The long term building of something that expands our reach. Uranus in Taurus is busy changing our values, allowing us to see the way our self-esteem connects to our finances, changing the ways we make and spend money and revamping our natal Taurus house.

Keep an optimistic outlook. A small thing is not a small thing now. It is a SEED.

The glass is half-full - I know this hasn't been easy lately for many people, but there are multiple reasons to predict positive changes ahead and LIBERATION.

Jupiter/Uranus can provide spontaneous and fortunate opportunities. We only need to be ourselves, stay flexible (things may not play out exactly as we expected), not be afraid to get our hands dirty and walk through the doors that open now.

With Jupiter we have to have faith.

xo all

photo by the amazing Julie-de-Waroquier

Today's Astrology Forecast | Saturday, December 14, 2019 - taking care of ourselves, avoiding being overly sensitive, stressed and stretchy, when that something dead in the water thing lands in your driveway

Today's Moon in Cancer opposed Saturn at 4:31PM EST, then Pluto at 8:47AM EST and finally goes void at 10:56AM EST off an opposition to Venus. She will be void ALL DAY until she moves into loud and proud Leo at 10:56PM EST. Sunday is a much better holiday shopping day.

We also have a waning inconjunct between our Sagittarius Sun and the Cancer Moon. 

So today feels a little 'stressy', especially early in the day - maybe career/goals clash with home/family, our priorities with our ambitions. Maybe it's a clash of values. The Moon is at home in Cancer, but also very sensitive and security focused.

The void Moon can also make things a little wonky. It can be hard to focus.

Our efforts might not amount to anything - so, it's not the time to start anything new - and we might find things have to be done over again when the Moon isn't void. Purchases could be regretted later.

Time gets kind of stretchy.

BUT with the Moon connecting with the Sun (this month's waning inconjunct - a rock and a hard place, but still a connection) and benefic Venus just before the void, there is still much creative energy available, not to mention our approaching trine (exact tomorrow) between Jupiter and Uranus. Today could be better than the Moon's position would have us expect.

Our efforts can make a difference.

Enjoy your Saturday. Keep in mind our Cancer North Node's need to take care of ourselves.

xo all

Venus/Pluto meeting right on my Mercury in my third house yesterday perfectly suited the 'death' of my twelve year old car. Not good news, but at least it happened as I pulled into my own driveway, so there's that. And now I have to GET to buy a new car. But not today.

Car purchases are big deals for me (and most people, obviously).

A few years ago - well, actually, I guess it was twelve years ago - how is that possible?? - I wanted a hybrid car and the Prius seemed too small for my business and my life.

I started researching the Ford Escape (the word escape even kept appearing in my life and by research I mean one afternoon on the internet looking at reviews). I decided I wanted one.

I wanted a light blue Ford Escape - I wasn't so much thinking about GPS and stereos and cup holders and safety things - I was just thinking light blue. I called all the dealers within 100 miles and none had an Escape that wasn't black or white. They all told me it would take months to get one in my choice of color. And of course, I had procrastinated the whole process to the point that I needed a car right away.

I decided to go test drive a white one and see if I could live with it - I had already owned a white car (we only get so many cars in our life, so why repeat colors is my way of thinking with this) and I really didn't want another white car. I was on my way out the door to go to the closest Ford dealer when hubs called reminding me about going to a friend's house for dinner and that we needed to bring dessert.

So, I skipped the nearby dealer and drove to a dealer a couple towns further so I could stop at our favorite bakery. I was test-driving a white Escape and was on a back road a mile or so from the dealer, and suddenly I spied a light blue Escape sitting in a parking lot; a parking lot filled with new cars; a parking lot that happened to be an overflow lot for the dealer. It was brand new - fully loaded - more than I wanted to pay, of course ... but light blue.

I drove back to the dealer and asked them about the car in the back lot - they looked at me like I was crazy -  they didn't have a light blue Escape in their back lot. I drove the sales guy back there and he was surprised to find that I wasn't crazy (this was a first for me, too - finding out I'm not crazy), checked their records and discovered that the Escape had never been entered in their computer.

Hubs and I realized later that we had the wrong week for the dinner and celebrated my new car by polishing off the entire boston creme pie ourselves.

Now, it isn't like this car saved my life or turned out to be the buy of the century, but do I believe that a whole bundle of little things had to fall into place for me to have that car - YES

(sniffle, I will miss her).

Do I believe that the universe/my higher self/God wanted me to have this car? No.

It wasn't like I saw it and thought, "I am supposed to buy this".

Do I believe that the universe/my higher self/God wanted me to see that I could manifest this car without pushing, without me making things happen myself, that little things could fall into place for me in magical ways when I got clear on what I wanted?  

Yes. And I believe this is what I was supposed to see because this is what I did see.

The problem is I am not usually so clear on what I want.

I am the girl who has sat in indecision growing cobwebs and rust and depression while birds roost in my hair and summer turns to fall

My Sun (plus Mercury and Saturn) is in my third house and one of the things this house rules, being messenger Mercury's domain, is transportation. So, let's see if twelve years older and wiser I can be a beacon (attracting what I want/need) and not a searchlight once again.

I feel much more attuned to what I don't want than what I do right now though ....

photo by the talented BirdSophieBlack

Today's Astrology Forecast | Friday, December 13, 2019 - flow, connection is energizing, we want what we want, obsession, intensity, creative potential

The Moon in home/family/real estate/home business/family business/mother/mothering focused Cancer will trine Neptune at 10:27PM EST and Mars at 11:24PM EST.

Chiron stationed direct last night so we could have felt/are feeling a wounding around our masculine energy. In Aries, picking ourselves up and moving forward is the way to go. 

Meanwhile Aries ruler Mars (in Scorpio) trines Neptune (in Pisces) - good for taking initiative/action with our dreams/healing/spirituality. We can follow our instincts/intuition. We can offer compassion and forgiveness. We can make art. We can meditate and pray. Our efforts meet little resistance. Connection is energizing.

And this is the day Venus (love, money, our values and self-esteem) on her journey through Capricorn reaches Pluto at 21 degrees. We want what we want. We could be feeling an obsession around what we want. Something is INTENSE. We know what we want and maybe we will see what we are willing to do/give up to get it. With Pluto this is a total commitment/transformation/ENDING. Venus and Pluto starting a new cycle so very near the same time Venus/Saturn started a new cycle means things will be intense as these energies play out over the next few weeks and months. Here is our feminine energy working with authority, power, within the rules.

All of this is happening as we build toward Jupiter's only trine to a retrograde Uranus (lucky break, change of beliefs that hold us back, fast change, liberation - exact on Sunday) looks like something here has its roots in the PAST.

From about 5:30-8:30PM EST we have a Grand Water Trine involving the Moon, Mars and Neptune - this is a powerful creative loop between your Cancer, Scorpio and Pisces houses. What are their themes? What can you do with this?

With Venus showing us what we want or what needs to be transformed or what is dead in the water at the same time we have Mars (our action, initiative, passion) harmonizing with Neptune (our dreams, healing, spirituality, the past) and the Moon in her home sign of Cancer giving us this beautifully creative Grand Water Trine (the lunar aspected trine is brief unless you have planets or points near the middle of Cancer!) - this is a great day to take action on creative projects/family and real estate situations/business/moving a dream forward. 

If you have been looking for some right timing to do something - here it is. This will be most effective if it involves the themes of the houses in play and you feel passionately about it.

Saturday morning will be a little edgier as the Moon reaches her opposition to Saturn/Pluto (authority, power), but keep in mind Sunday's powerful Jupiter/Uranus trine - BELIEVE that life can conjure up some unexpected goodies. It's time we get lucky people!

xo all

I feel the need to toss in, here's my Mercury in Capricorn at work, that trines create smooth flow. This can be a good thing - like that roadblock is removed - or not a good thing - like we drive off a cliff because that roadblock is removed. Use this sh*t wisely.

photo by the amazing Julie-de-Waroquier

Todays' Astrology Forecast | Thursday, December 12, 2019 - the void Moon, creating space for what is truly ours to find us

The Moon (in Gemini) went void last night after reaching her monthly fullness and opposition to the Sagittarius Sun. She will be void all day today before she moves into Cancer at 6:23PM EST - turning our focus to home, family, mother, mothering issues, security, real estate situations.

Jupiter (in Capricorn) approaches his trine (brakes off) with Uranus (in Taurus) - exact on SUNDAY.
This is the only meeting we have between Jupiter (luck) and Uranus (fast change) while Jupiter is in Capricorn, and, in fact, we won't get another trine between these two planets until 2028! It is in play for the next few days.

Here is a lucky break.

Expansive change.

We will talk about this more tonight as we finish up the monthly - in the meantime, keep in mind Venus sandwiched between Saturn and Pluto - softening their hard edges, even as they straighten her backbone/resolve. There is something serious here. It is not business as usual.

Mars (in Scorpio) is trining Neptune (in Pisces) - it's sink or swim, so we want to be SWIMMING. Even if we can't see any land yet. Even if we need to CHANGE DIRECTION - we still need to just KEEP SWIMMING.

Mars (action) in positive alignment to Neptune (our dreams). Jupiter (optimism, expansion, luck) in positive alignment to a retrograde Uranus (innovation, change, the future, another chance).

This is good stuff.

Yes, Venus (as us) is feeling like the cheese in a toasted cheese sandwich BUT she is doing her job here, ensuring we are taking that love/money/values/beauty/self-esteem situation SERIOUSLY. Ensuring we are valuing our priorities.

The Moon is void all day and waning. Take a few hours to catch your breath. Something needs to be released. Mentally/emotionally/physically - what are we holding onto that is keeping us trapped? 

Santa wants to drop a present in our lap and all he asks - well, maybe it's not ALL he asks, he is in Capricorn after all - is we have a little space in our lap to receive it.

With Jupiter/Uranus this situation isn't going to turn out exactly how we had pictured (release beliefs, expectations, grief over what was/might have been), but it could turn out BETTER.

xo all

photo by the talented Santina

GEMINI FULL MOON | December 11, 2019 to December 12, 2019 - reality bites, choices dissolve, seeing the facts, adjusting our thinking, serious commitments around love and money, change is coming

On 12/12 at 12/12 AM EST, the Gemini Moon opposes the Sagittarius Sun at 19 degrees giving us this month's Full Moon.

The Gemini/Sagittarius polarity is mutable. It's flexible, adaptable and thrives on change.

Mutable signs are restless and prepare us for the change of seasons. They are the breakdown and break away before the breakthrough.

Gemini is ruled by Mercury.

(who also rules Virgo - Mercury was the messenger of the Gods and the Messenger God)

and Mercury rules our collective third house of day to day communication and language. She/he also rules commerce, contracts, siblings, neighbors, local travel, early education, transportation - stuff that creates movement. Its polarity sign is Sagittarius, where our Sun (and Mercury herself) is, rules the ninth house of the larger world aspects of movement. So big picture thinking and processes, philosophy, higher education, foreigners, long distance travel, etc.

During a Full Moon we always have the Moon and Sun in their polar positions with the Earth in the middle (that's what creates the full moon), so the energy we are working with is the play between the two signs - in this case Gemini and Sagittarius.

Full Moons bring things to a peak, to a culmination, to light or to a conclusion.  

Let's unpack the chart!

The Sun/Moon are squaring Neptune (separating), the Moon is inconjunct Saturn (and Venus/Pluto, so hitting on next month's and next year's big energies), the Sun is sextile Saturn and conjunct Pallas.

Gemini is the sign of the twins and sometimes during peak Gemini energy we can find ourselves mired in two choices, doing things twice or again, seeing double, etc.

With the Sun and Moon moving off the dissolving square to Neptune - it could be these choices we have been mulling over or working our way through aren't grounded/real/based in reality. Maybe a sacrifice has been required. Maybe our "choices" weren't really choices at all. Neptune showed us this last week if we were paying attention. Our real choices narrow and the Full Moon tells us this is a GOOD THING.

With the Full Moon exactly inconjunct (rock and a hard place) Saturn, and Saturn, along with Pluto bookending an uncomfortable Venus (and keep in mind Venus is back where she was in February 2019, so something from that time could be wrapping up/activated) - this could be the part of our Saturn/Pluto story where the money is tight or our self-esteem is taking a hit or we aren't getting the support we need/want, etc

- some reality could be biting us in the ass.

Inconjuncts ask for adjustments. With the Moon in airy Gemini (finally some air at an important Moon!) - we are asked to adjust our thinking. To bring our minds back to reality with some situation. To make a decision, even at a time when decision-making isn't easy!

With Pallas (wisdom/strategy) conjunct the Sun - we are asked to be wise now. 

With Pallas opposing the illuminating Moon we are confronted with the facts.

With Venus squeezed between Saturn and Pluto and back where she was last February (the degree not the 'monkey in the middle' part) - I am kind of picturing her mediating a truce between these big, bad boys as she attempts to soften next month's Saturn/Pluto conjunction by showing us now that - what we want is limited.

If we have been living in lalaland - here is part one of the bills coming due.

If we have been working hard and adjusting to what life has tossed into our lane this past year - here is where we take stock of where we are and what we have and make another decision or here is where we are called to make a commitment.

Either way Venus starts a new cycle with both Saturn and Pluto now - so what we are doing RIGHT NOW around Venus themes (love, money, our values, beauty, women and self-esteem) is uber important because we are getting a fresh start. This is also about the themes of the houses Venus rules in your natal chart - your Taurus and Libra houses.

Take whatever you are starting now seriously. Take the decisions you are making seriously.

The Moon is connecting to both Saturn and Neptune.

Saturn represents discipline, time and rules - he reigns over the material world; the things that give life structure. Saturn tells Neptune to, "sit up straight, obey authority, get a job, to pull himself up by his bootstraps." Neptune rules the metaphysical world. He represents our dreams, our imagination, the things that give life meaning. He asks Saturn to feel, to have a heart, to show compassion, to understand that not everyone at every moment has bootstraps to pull up.

We all carry both these archetypes and they work out their energies and move their stories forward through us.

On their own neither of these big boys would give us a functioning world. They need each other. And individually we need to balance both these parts of ourselves. We need Saturn's structure to bring the dream to life and we need the dream (Neptune) to give our life meaning and purpose.

The ruler of this Full Moon is Mercury (ruler of Gemini). He/she has just finished up a two month journey through Pluto territory (Scorpio) and is now in Sagittarius - the sign of her debilitation.

Mercury is sextiling Jupiter and trining Chiron. So, confronting these facts/hard truths/whatever this is for us - actually creates opportunities for expansion and healing.

Maybe because we stop wasting time/energy and diluting our focus on the wrong things!

Communication/information is key now. Gemini rules youth and youth is a time of great flexibility and newness - it's time to bring in some fresh air. Don't over think this. This is a Full Moon - maybe something needs to end before we can fully get excited about the new stuff.

Mercury in Sag is answering to Jupiter and Jupiter trines Uranus in just four days (this is in play now) - we are moving toward BIG change and the decisions we are making now are important.

More about this in the next post as we finish out the monthly. 

xo all

Today's Astrology Forecast | December 10, 2019 - healing words, something is starting to get serious/firmed up, a need to make smart decisions

The Moon is void until 11:47AM EST (sleep in you won't miss anything important) and then moves into communicative, dual-minded and busy Gemini.

She opposes Mercury (freshly minted in Sagittarius) at 3:43PM EST (a disagreement). This is also the day Mercury trines (brakes off) a retrograde Chiron in Aries. The Sun will reach a 135 degree aspect with Uranus today creating a sesquiquadrate (imbalance - maybe a change of belief is needed). Venus is getting closer to Saturn - something is getting more serious, maybe a commitment is being firmed up (with the Gemini Full Moon building maybe we are deciding between two things).

Mercury in aspect to Chiron (in Aries) could bring up old wounds around our self-doubt/our wounded masculine. But, words can be medicinal now. Confident language creates courage. Maybe it is easier to say/hear the right thing (the Moon opposing in neutral Gemini could bring the emotional impact without the whallop).

One thing to keep in mind with Chiron (who was half animal after all and rather tempestuous) and the Sun's imbalanced aspect with Uranus as the Sun starts to move off his square to Neptune - is we don't want to be making foolish choices right now.

Keep in mind ALWAYS that pile-up of energies in sober Capricorn. Daddy's not only 'home', but he is following you around. ALL THE TIME. 

The energy is kind of wonky today, so stay focused on reality/the facts.

We need to be making smart decisions. With Mercury/Chiron it could be our story is helpful to someone else or theirs is to us, so keep your ears open.

xo all

My next post will be the Full Moon post and then we will finish up December!

photo by the talented Dina Belenko

Today's Astrology Forecast | Monday December 9, 2019 - * HEADS UP * green light - a time to be applying our best efforts to get tangible results

You can see Sunday's energies HERE

I am putting Monday up early because there is some great lunar energy, with the Moon in mid to late Taurus - the sign of her EXALTATION, that you might want to find a way to benefit from.

First, late tonight (Sunday night) Mercury moves into Sagittarius. And even though he/she is in his "detriment" in Sagittarius (being Gemini's polarity sign) - this year with Jupiter answering to Saturn, I think as long as our words/ideas/communications (also sibling, local community and transportation situations) are grounded in reality, optimistic, yes, but also serious and not frivolous, this won't be a bad thing. At least the back and forth through the never ending layers of Scorpio is over. 

The Moon is waxing (growing) reaching fullness in just a couple days - so whatever we use Monday's energy for, it should be something either almost finished, almost culminated or maybe something we have already put some thought/action into.

We can use Sunday's Sun/Neptune square to pray/meditate on the best ways to handle Monday.

On MONDAY, the Taurus Moon will sextile Neptune (9:19AM EST - making the dream real) then move into smooth trines with the Cappy pile-up - Venus (11:07AM EST), Saturn (2:54PM EST) and Pluto (8:12PM EST).

So, think about the themes of your Taurus and Cappy houses - in my chart, for example as a Scorpio rising this would be between my 3rd house (communication, information, writing, teaching, learning, siblings, local community, transportation) and 7th house (partners, other people).

Collectively Taurus rules our 2nd house of money, values, self-esteem and Capricorn rules our careers, work in the world, our public persona/reputation - we can all use these themes.

MONDAY is one of December's best days for applying our efforts and getting tangible results. Taurus is our fixed earth sign - so the lunar energies work best for something practical, something we can hold in our hand - a real thing, more than a concept. Something that we want to be lasting and something that provides comfort, security, stabilization will be best.

So, what can you do on Monday to move something forward?

I am negotiating terms/costs on a lease for a building, so I know Monday is the day I want to talk again to the owner. Maybe you have something going on that could use a little astrological good timing. Monday is a green light.

xo all

If you have planets or points in the mid to later degrees of Taurus and/or Capricorn you will probably get the strongest results. Also note Monday's good aspects are lunar and fleeting - they only apply to Monday.

photo by the amazing thefirebomb

Today's Astrology Forecast | Saturday, December 7, 2019 - power imbalances, transformation, what goes, what stays, the conversation moves on, focusing on comfort and security, no such thing as a sure thing

The Moon in Aries squares Saturn at 4:09AM EST then goes void off a square to Pluto at 10:05AM - she will be void for the rest of the day. This would NOT be the best day for holiday shopping. Especially big ticket items. The expensive sweater won't fit. The computer will need to be re-turned later.

That closing square to Pluto makes today's mood kind of chilly with power struggles (maybe the need to confront abuses of power), also transformative.

What are we keeping? What needs to go into the dustbin?

The good news (and we talked about this in the monthly HERE) - Mercury gets to 28 degrees Scorpio and begins walking NEW degrees. Bye-bye Mercury retrograde shadow - don't let the door hit ya'. New communications, information, ideas will begin to FLOW. Whatever got stopped up back in the middle of October can start moving again. Mercury also rules our local community, teaching, writing, siblings and transportation - as well as your natal Virgo and Gemini houses.

And we have Venus (in Cappy now) trining that retrograde Vesta (in Taurus). Here is us taking serious stock of what we already have and planning ahead so we have what we will need later. We attract what we want by taking ourselves (and our self-care) seriously and by valuing old resources/money/the stuff that used to keep us up at night. Our values/stuff based in reality are pulling this train forward now.

Mars is as strong as he will be for many months, Venus is deadly serious, Mercury has been back and forth over the details ENOUGH, the Moon is waxing (growing) - we are moving forward folks, and yes, nothing now is without some risk, nothing is unimportant, nothing will feel "for certain" - half the energies are answering to Saturn now - this month is no joke.

The Moon will be in Taurus late tonight into tomorrow and will start squaring Mars - we will probably be feeling very ambitious/passionate about SOMETHING.

The move is ours. The ball is in our court. Breathe. Know we came here for the emotional experiences - does that change your next move? What do you WANT?

xo all

photo by the talented Santina