Today's Astrology Forecast | Monday, february 15, 2021 - a time for action and initiative, a focus on our partnerships and commitments past and future


We reach the middle of February with the Moon in independent and fiery Aries - nourished by independence, action, initiative, courage, anger, men. We are making opportunistic sextiles with the Aquarius planets - Saturn late last night, a retrograde Mercury at 11:49AM EST, Jupiter at 1:21PM EST and finally Venus at 10:39PM EST.

Action (even on impulse), initiative, courage (even, appropriately explored anger) with our communications, expansion, social activities - are all progressive/create opportunities. Mercury (in Aquarius) is squaring Black Moon Lilith (in Taurus) so pulling in that Aquarius/Taurus square tension/frustration that has been so prevalent this January/February. Mercury is still retrograde, cool and logical in Aquarius even while moving backward and Black Moon Lilith is back in the garden, she was so unceremoniously tossed from so many years ago. Again the old vs the new, the stable/stuck vs the chaotic/liberating future. Here maybe physical needs vs detached, intellectual, over-thinking. 

Venus is trining the North Node of Fate. In Aquarius she is attracted to the unusual/the future/thinking with her head. Social activities pull us forward. Group/causes/tech pulls us forward. Women pull us forward. Love and beauty pull us forward. A more liberating kind of love pulls us forward. The future is coming. The future is now. Keep in mind that North Node in Gemini - breaking things into bite-sized pieces, keeping things local, multiple ways forward, communication, our community, siblings/cousins/childhood friends, transportation, technology, writing, learning (as opposed to teaching). Progress is smooth. Something falls into place. Click.

Juno meets the South Node and opposes the North Node. Conjunctions bring results as stories wind up and new stories begin. Our committed relationships/contracts probably need a little more space/versatility. Things that are not what they once were, probably because we aren't, will require revisions/maybe endings. Our beliefs have shifted. What needs to go? Keep in mind Juno is opposing that North Node in Gemini - how does our conversation, within partnerships and committed relationships, need to CHANGE? This is a repeating aspect we will see again in July and August, so whatever this relationship/commitment 'wrap-up' is - and keep in mind Juno's major player story-line throughout 2020 -  it's getting multiple hits.


xo all 

photo by the amazing thefirebomb

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