Astrology Forecast for Creatives | Week of January 8th, Part I - another HUGE week, integrating our will into the collective, shining a light on who/what we love, OPPORTUNITIES, an accounting, the TRUTH comes out, consequences for what we do and what we want, good outcomes, talk like a grown-up

untitled by oprisco

This week is another big week and I ran out of time tonight to finish this post. I will get the rest of the week up by tomorrow or Tuesday!

On MONDAY, the Moon is in social, balanced and cooperative Libra.

We have Mars sextiling Pluto (the first of three Mars/Pluto sextiles) and both the Sun and Venus sextiling Jupiter (in Scorpio so answering to Pluto). Confidence, charisma, attraction, high energy - it's all here. As well as consequences (Pluto) for what we do (Mars) and what we want (Venus).

Note Monday is the final day before the Moon reaches her last quarter and starts to wane (release) - if you have something that needs seeding/starting that is BRAND NEW and you want to get it started before the January 16th New Moon - try your best to JUMP ON IT today.

If that is not possible, just avoid the Void Moon periods (the Moon is void Tuesday from 11:13AM EST to 3:05PM EST and pretty much all day Thursday) - everything this week has good closing aspects so most things started now should have a good outcome. Of course, I can't see your personal chart, but in general this will be true.

Multiple sextiles create multiple opportunities or maybe all of this is playing out for us in one really big way. Keep an eye/ear out for opportunities now and pray/meditate and ask that you are able to recognize the opportunities when they present themselves to you!

The Sun sextiling Jupiter brings luck and expansion (it could also make us and other people very full of ourselves and over-do it). We'll want to shine in a big, public way.

Venus (love, money, self-esteem, values, resources, women, beauty) is sextiling Jupiter (expansion, luck, more is more) - this is probably the best aspect we could have. Lucky in love. Lucky with money. More love. More money. I know someone born with this incredibly lucky natal aspect who depleted it (over time) by always wearing too much (Jupiter) jewelry (Venus). When she stopped over-doing it with the daily accessories (as per my recommendation which was part fashion advice/part astro intuition) - she started making more money.

(as a temporary measure though this kind of thing could work to stir up the energies we want to encourage - warning shameless plug ahead - have you seen my lockets - blog readers get a 25% discount with coupon code OLIVEREADER).

This is opportunity between our Capricorn and Scorpio houses - what houses are ruled by these signs in your natal chart?! Do something with those themes. 

Collectively we are talking about - Capricorn (business, career, authority, responsibility, father, goals) and Scorpio (other people's money/resources, loans, debts, inheritance, investment, sex, divorce, reproduction and all kinds of third party situations). So this is a good time for goal setting (get this energy into the DNA of your goal!), working with authority figures, stepping into our own authority, dealing with all those Scorpio money issues and dark secrets, working with women, love, finances.

With Mars sextiling Pluto - we should have more courage and passion for what needs doing, just be sure, for best results, to be kind of marrying what you want to do with what you should be doing. There is a whole lot of energy in 'by-the-book' Capricorn, too.

There could be a kind of almost instant-karma with our Plutonian actions this week, so if you use these energies in any clandestine or secret way then maybe even as soon as Mercury gets into new territory in Capricorn at the end of the week, the cat could be out of the bag! Don't flirt with your bestie's boyfriend and don't fudge any financial numbers/paperwork now.

We had Mars trine (brakes off) Pluto during the Las Vegas shooting and now with Mars sextile Pluto there is always the chance of some kind of violence within the collective. An opportunity for mass violence/war. Sadly, we have to keep stuff like this in mind, too.

On TUESDAY, Venus meets up with the Sun at 18-19 degrees Capricorn - this is called her superior conjunction and in the continuous Venus/Sun cycle this meet-up is a culmination. Venus becomes an evening star. Something seeded near March 25, 2017 (4 degrees Aries back then and Venus was retrograde) is reaching a peak/turning point or finishing up now. With the cycle starting in Aries and culminating in Capricorn - we have taken something from its infancy/beginning to its maturity.

What we get now - something or nothing - is what we have earned.  

We continue to work with this Venusian energy (it's kind of like a waning Moon now - releasing what isn't working, releasing to create space for something else during the next cycle) for the next nine months. 

When I used to track my Venus cycles I found the superior conjunction to be a time of sacrifice -  I had to let something go or give up something to continue with whatever I had started nine months before. Kind of like when you have a baby and have to give up eating and sleeping and taking a shower. The baby far outweighs having clean hair, of course, but some days you really miss clean hair!

So, in the past, for me, even when the culmination brought some kind of achievement - Venus rules love, money, values, resources and self-esteem - there was always a little something bittersweet about what I had lost to get what I got. A better example (I feel kind of bad comparing a baby to clean hair) could be maybe you get a promotion and start making more money, but the promotion requires longer hours or travel and now you have less time at home - that kind of thing.

With Venus as an evening star there is added maturity (for the next 9 months) in our dealings with Venusian matters.

Venus also sextiles Mars now - this is the masculine and feminine energy working together. What we want and what we have to do to get what we want - maybe this merges into us getting what we want. And the Sun sextiles Mars Tuesday night - when have you ever seen me write the word sextile (opportunity) so many times! Maybe never, evah! Great energy Tuesday night for taking action that brings us into the spotlight, good energy to be with other people and to bring our best selves to the occasion - could be hard to fall asleep though!

Right after Venus hooks up with the Sun, both Venus and the Sun conjunct Pluto!!

So we have Venus, the Sun and Pluto - all lined up like good little soldiers - this is a very rare stellium. Babies born today will move mountains.

In the collective news all this Capricorn/Pluto could look like chaos.

Mercury is moving into Capricorn at the end of the week, so we might have to wait for whatever news is going to break to happen then. Or for things to start to make sense. Or for the truth to come out. This could be more #metoo ground shaking or something else related to power dynamics within big business, government, etc.

Let's take a look at Venus and the Sun conjunct Pluto by sign. This energy will be in play for a few days. If you know your rising/correct house for Capricorn check that first, then check your Sun sign:

ARIES (Aries Rising/Capricorn 10th house) - the superior conjunction of Venus and the Sun throws a spotlight on your 10th house of career/public life and suggests positive developments. Something seeded around late March 2017 is culminating, peaking or reaching a turning point. This is excellent energy for increased money/resources and public respect/acclaim for your work/whatever you do in public. Rewards come with responsibility. Pluto's involvement tells us whatever is happening has the power to be transformative - things have a before/after quality. Results are karmic (consequence of prior thoughts/actions) and potentially lasting. The opportunistic sextile with Mars in your 8th house increases your chances of financial success through other people's money/resources and opportunities for improved intimacy and through being intimate or sharing intimacies with other people.

TAURUS (Taurus Rising/Capricorn 9th house) - the superior conjunction of Venus and the Sun throws a spotlight on your 9th house of higher education, travel, foreign issues, legal issues, weddings or publishing and suggests positive developments. Something seeded around late March 2017 is culminating, peaking or reaching a turning point. Pluto's involvement tells us whatever is happening has the power to be transformative - things have a before/after quality. Results are karmic (consequence of prior thoughts/actions) and potentially lasting. The opportunistic sextile with Mars in your 7th house of partners tells us a partner or partnership/collaboration impacts whatever is developed now.

GEMINI (Gemini Rising/Capricorn 8th house) - the superior conjunction of Venus and the Sun throws a spotlight on your 8th house of other people's money/resources, taxes, loans, inheritances, partner's income, sex, reproduction, intimacy. Something seeded around late March 2017 is culminating, peaking or reaching a turning point. Pluto's involvement tells us whatever is happening has the power to be transformative - things have a before/after quality. Results are karmic (consequence of prior thoughts/actions) and potentially lasting. Some kind of sacrifice could be required as you make a larger commitment to diving into whatever is buried here in your 8th house. Greater intimacy is possible. Greater financial security is possible. It is also possible you are dealing with the opposite manifestation. The good news is, if problems seem to be mounting now - the opportunistic sextile with Mars in your 6th house of day-to-day activities and work/health tells us you have the tools right in front of you to turn this thing around over the next 9 months. Dot your i's cross, your t's, get organized - get to work.

CANCER (Cancer Rising/Capricorn 7th house) - the superior conjunction of Venus and the Sun throws a spotlight on your 7th house of partnerships (romantic, business, equal). Something seeded around late March 2017 is culminating, peaking or reaching a turning point. Pluto's involvement tells us whatever is happening has the power to be transformative - things have a before/after quality. Results are karmic (consequence of prior thoughts/actions) and potentially lasting. Whether a partner is involved with whatever is happening or the relationship is where the action is - a point where things cannot go any further without either moving toward a deeper, more committed level or rupturing is here. The opportunistic sextile with Mars in your 5th house of children, romance, recreation and creative projects will allow you to move the relationship or yourself (over the next 9 months) in a new, positive direction through these energies.

LEO (Leo Rising/Capricorn 6th house) - the superior conjunction of Venus and the Sun throws a spotlight on your 6th house of work, health, pets and day-to-day activities and suggests positive developments. Something seeded around late March 2017  is culminating, peaking or reaching a turning point. Pluto's involvement tells us whatever is happening has the power to be transformative - things have a before/after quality. Results are karmic (consequence of prior thoughts/actions) and potentially lasting. You could get a new job offer now or something that improves your daily activities. Great energy for long-lasting health transformations. The opportunistic sextile with Mars in your 4th house of home, family, the basic structure of your life tells us that actions in these areas (over the next 9 months) will greatly improve your everyday living situation!

VIRGO (Virgo Rising/Capricorn 5th house) - the superior conjunction of Venus and the Sun throws a spotlight on your 5th house of children, romance, recreation and creative projects and suggests positive developments. Something seeded around late March 2017 is culminating, peaking or reaching a turning point. Pluto's involvement tells us whatever is happening has the power to be transformative - things have a before/after quality. Results are karmic (consequence of prior thoughts/actions) and potentially lasting. Rewards will come with responsibilities. The opportunistic sextile with Mars in your 3rd house communications, ideas, words, writing, siblings, transportation, your local environment tells us that taking action in any of these areas, maybe in particular with VERBALIZING what you want and what you are passionate about (over the next 9 months) will push everything forward here.

LIBRA (Libra Rising, Capricorn 4th house) - the superior conjunction of Venus and the Sun throws a spotlight on your 4th house of home, family, home business, renovations, moving, security and suggests positive developments. Something seeded around late March 2017 is culminating, peaking or reaching a turning point. Pluto's involvement tells us whatever is happening has the power to be transformative - things have a before/after quality. Results are karmic (consequence of prior thoughts/actions) and potentially lasting. The opportunistic sextile with Mars in your 2nd house of money/resources/self-esteem tells us actions toward improving your finances (over the next 9 months) are going to greatly improve your home/family situation. You got this home/money thing Libra!

SCORPIO (Scorpio Rising, Capricorn 3rd house) - the superior conjunction of Venus and the Sun throws a spotlight on your 3rd house of writing, communications, contracts, negotiations, commerce, sales, ideas, siblings, your local community or transportation and suggests positive developments. Something seeded around late March 2017 is culminating, peaking or reaching a turning point. Pluto's involvement tells us whatever is happening has the power to be transformative - things have a before/after quality. Results are karmic (consequence of prior thoughts/actions) and potentially lasting. With that opportunistic sextile from Mars - in your sign! - walking your talk (actions aligned with thoughts/words) is going to lead you precisely where you want to be over the next 9 months!

SAGITTARIUS (Sagittarius Rising/Capricorn 2nd house) - the superior conjunction of Venus and the Sun throws a spotlight on your 2nd house of money, resources, your values and self esteem and suggests positive developments. What you value increases. There could be some kind of trade-off/sacrifice that comes with the improved resources. Something seeded around late March 2017 is culminating, peaking or reaching a turning point. Pluto's involvement tells us whatever is happening has the power to be transformative - things have a before/after quality. Results are karmic (consequence of prior thoughts/actions) and potentially lasting. The opportunistic sextile with Mars in your 12th house of something happening behind the scenes could mean someone/something in the background is working to your benefit. Meditating and taking intuitive action (over the next 9 months) will grease the wheels toward getting you what you want.

CAPRICORN (Capricorn Rising/Capricorn 1st house) - the superior conjunction of Venus and the Sun throws a spotlight on YOU Capricorn. Anything mentioned in any of the previous posts could apply! Something seeded around late March 2017 is culminating, peaking or reaching a turning point. Pluto's involvement tells us whatever is happening has the power to be transformative - things have a before/after quality. Results are karmic (consequence of prior thoughts/actions) and potentially lasting. Something good is headed your way. The opportunistic sextile with Mars in your 11th house tells us friends, the internet, groups, your causes, technology, the public, anything future-leaning will increase your passion and accomplishments (over the next 9 months).

AQUARIUS (Aquarius Rising, Capricorn 12th house) - the superior conjunction of Venus and the Sun throws a spotlight on your 12th house of things happening behind the scenes, your private ambitions, art, meditation, spirituality, your dreams, things put away, things from the past, hospitals, prisons, addictions and suggests positive developments. Something seeded around late March 2017 is culminating, peaking or reaching a turning point. Pluto's involvement tells us whatever is happening has the power to be transformative - things have a before/after quality. Results are karmic (consequence of prior thoughts/actions) and potentially lasting. The opportunistic sextile with Mars in your 10th house tells us your actions within your career/public life allow (over the next 9 months) this dream/background situation to grow wings.

PISCES (Pisces Rising. Capricorn 11th house) - the superior conjunction of Venus and the Sun throws a spotlight on your 11th house of friends, the internet, technology, the future, groups, causes, the public and suggests positive developments. Something seeded around late March 2017 is culminating, peaking or reaching a turning point. Pluto's involvement tells us whatever is happening has the power to be transformative - things have a before/after quality. Results are karmic (consequence of prior thoughts/actions) and potentially lasting. The opportunistic sextile with Mars in your 9th house of faith and believing in yourself - also your house of travel, higher education, foreign issues, media, weddings - tells us actions taken in these areas (now and throughout the next 9 months) increases your opportunities with those 11th house themes.

On WEDNESDAY, Mercury ingresses into Capricorn and joins the Capricorn party. Our words get serious. The news gets serious. We now have 5 planets in steady-as-she-goes Capricorn. Crass language can sink our ship. Bring your A game to any conversation/communication/meeting. Use commonsense. The Moon is in Scorpio and sextiles Saturn - we get emotional satisfaction through work and responsibility today. The Sun and Mars are conjunct so our actions are more visible. Good for energetic moves and initiative, but also a good time to have an accident or toss a temper tantrum. Better to do some physical work or work up a sweat.

I will write a post about Mercury and the rest of the week either tomorrow night or Tuesday.

xo all

Mars Conjunct Jupiter, Mercury Trine Uranus | taking action on that new idea, making our own luck, having the strength/courage to do it, say it, hear it

Blizzard by CarpeSav

Today we have Mars meeting up with Jupiter at 17 degrees Scorpio. Here's how to see it. They won't meet again until 2020 (a very big year) and they won't meet up again in Scorpio for hundreds of years.

Hear that Scorpio - and anyone with planets or points near 17 degrees!

Mars - the way we get what we want, our action and initiative, our passion, our anger, our young fiery male energy - meets expansive and lucky Jupiter (think Santa Claus here).

What did you want for Christmas?

This is very good energy to work with something that will require physical strength, energy and initiative.

This is confidence (Jupiter) meeting courage (Mars). This is fighting (Mars) for what we believe in (Jupiter). This is making (Mars) our own luck (Jupiter). 

And, yes, this could be might (Mars) makes right (Jupiter) and leaping (Mars) before we look (Jupiter) - there are always flies dear reader.  

This is a brave (Mars) journey (Jupiter). This is our brave journey. All of us on Planet Earth.

As always with Jupiter, the fly in the ointment is taking things too far and taking on too much. With Mars the fly would be us/or someone else flying off the handle - then the handle is broken and we have to shovel the snow with our bare hands. We could also overdo it and actually get physically hurt.

Mars is squaring the Nodes so it will be important not to be lost in the past, too busy looking in our rear-view mirror at that thing that appears LARGER THAN IT ACTUALLY IS to remember we are not the person who used to want that thing. Maybe we didn't get it, maybe we did, but either way we flew right on past it while we were busy playing with the Alexa we got for Christmas.

What does the person we are today want?

Mercury (the last man/woman left standing in Sagittarius) is squaring Chiron (ouch) and trining (brakes off) Uranus. Maybe the right/wrong words sting. Maybe the right/wrong words point us in a new or unusual direction.

Pay attention to information and communications now. We could be encouraged/required to speak some surprising words ourselves. Uranus in Aries enables unexpected courage. What needs to be said is going to be said. What needs to be heard is going to be heard.

Make the call. Send the email. Let the chips fall. They might surprise us by falling right into place.

Keep an open mind, so the right ideas/thoughts - the ones that will work for us and are uniquely our own expression - will fall right in there, like envelopes dropped into the postal slot!

These are repeating aspects we had on December 10th and January 2nd.

We have all the information we need to act/decide/choose now. More review will not be helpful.

However we use this energy - toward projects, goals, relationships, improving our health, initiating a friendship/group activity, greater financial stability - it can probably take us pretty far ...

xo all

MARS Action | getting past that roadblock, moving toward our heart's desire, cray-cray drama, stand-offs, we won't see this weekend's energy again for hundreds of years, drag your tired a** to the station, get this stuff into the DNA of SOMETHING

Creativity by Julie-de-Waroquier

While we slept last night, or didn't sleep (as the blizzard winds blew here) the Moon slipped from bombastic Leo into efficient and organized Virgo.

Having the Moon in a mutable (flexible) sign should help us with this weekend's BIG energies. People don't think of Virgos as flexible, because the sign is mutable earth - and earth is solid, yes, but think about what the skilled hands of a potter can do with clay - so often making something both beautiful and practical.

Virgo is able to adapt and change direction when it is realistically required (logical, useful).

The Moon makes a trine (brakes off) to Saturn (in Capricorn) early in the day - we are able to be resourceful and get things done.

Interactions with authority or stepping into our own authority moves smoother. We get emotional satisfaction (Moon) from doing our Saturn - our job, the work, shoveling the snow. If you do not have any snow - there is surely something else that needs shoveling - another mess to clean up!

We have Mars (in Scorpio) squaring the North (Leo) and South (Aquarius) Nodes at 15 degrees. We could find ourselves fighting a battle we've fought before or hitting one more roadblock (did i say snow-pocalypse already?) between the place we are planted and the place our heart wants to be.

This was strongly in play yesterday during the heart of the storm here but I lost power and couldn't write about it - speaking of blocked!

Think about what this North Node (collective way forward) in Leo and the South Node (collective release point) in Aquarius is all about. Leo is ruled by the Sun. Aquarius is ruled by Uranus. Both are active now, too. Leo follows Cancer. We step away from the home, the family, our safe space. We get on a train, waving good-bye to our crying mother at the station and head to the big city to find our fortune. Aquarius follows Capricorn. We have arrived at the top of that mountain and now we reach our hand back to pull up the next girl.

These are two sides of the same coin - (Leo) the energetic, fiery girl following her heart toward her natural spotlight and (Aquarius) the mature, thinking woman having worked her way to the top reaching back to help someone else up that mountain.

Our collective way forward now is Leo (yes, even if you are a mature woman - channel that girl!) - following our heart, living generously because we are brave and can trust there is enough for all of us, offering the world the stuff we are most proud of. Where is Leo in your natal chart? Where is your Sun? Give the world some of that. 

Remember the South Node is in Aquarius until next autumn allowing us to release negative Aquarian energy in preparation of Pluto's long journey here starting in 2023.

We could feel abandoned. We could get annoyed when people don't fall into line behind us - when our plans are not their plans.

With any tension/crisis now - Lean Into LEO - follow our heart.

Oxygen mask on our own face first (not giving what we don't have to give). Being generous (giving what we do have knowing there is plenty more for us out there). Not getting lost in the future. Not getting lost in the crowd. Not overthinking.

If we are wasting our time involved in other people’s dramas, lost in the enticingly anonymous web of the internet and avoiding our responsibilities/not hearing the beat of the hearts right in front of us, if we are stingy and selfish or playing "king of the hill", if we are staying detached and un-involved and don't move toward the things that move us, if we find ourselves pissed off when other people get the spotlight/the promotion/the big sale or if we are shocking other people just to shock them -

we are out of balance here.

Any crisis points this week could be the wake-up call we need!

All the planets are full steam ahead now and we won't see this forward-ho energy for the rest of year. 

I know we are tired and the snow is piling up and the winds are blowing, but we really DON'T WANT TO MISS THIS TRAIN. Yes, there will be other trains, but this is absolutely the most direct route. Drag yourself to the station, people!

Mars is also squaring Ceres tonight (retrograde in Leo) so this could all be playing out within a parent/child relationship or whatever is happening could be re-enacting childhood patterns. If someone is sounding just like mommy or daddy or we are - maybe it is time we re-parented ourselves! Stop. Take a breath. What do we really want here?

This weekend's energy is BIG. And we have access to it right now. We have Mars (after his tangle over, around or through the Nodes) conjunct Jupiter (expansion) at 17 degrees Scorpio - exact tomorrow. We won't see Mars conjunct Jupiter in Scorpio again for hundreds of years!

If you have planets or points near this degree it is an especially helpful time to GO FOR WHAT YOU WANT.

This is energy for things to be over-the-top and we can see this in the collective news.

The same energy will play out in our own lives to varying degrees. Cray-cray drama and standoffs are possible. As fiery Mars conjuncts expansive Jupiter (in Scorpio) we want to be working with this power surge in the best, most positive ways we can! Early next week Venus and Pluto are joining the party, too.

Remember that North Node in Leo - it is time to bring our most heartfelt desires into real life (Saturn in Capricorn!) - don't look back, don't over-think it (Aquarius!) - just take a step forward. Be brave. Lions are brave, right?

Stuff started now will have the energy of these days in its DNA - next week is an excellent time to start/do something, too!

We will look at this by sign this weekend.

Then we head into the Capricorn-pocalypse. Your Capricorn house is about to be your ONLY house and babies born in a couple weeks will be TITANS. Seriously. We will talk about that over the weekend!

For more info please check the WEEKLY.

xo all

Uranus Stations Direct in Aries | the planet of change changes direction

Glambat by skeev
Today, we have Uranus (still in Aries and now at 24 degrees) stationing direct after his lengthy retrograde (since early August).

The planet that changes our direction, changes his direction. 

His retrograde station (Uranus, with his whacky orbit and 'anything can happen' reputation, is even more powerful and more Uranian when retrograde) at the time of the August Solar Eclipse has certainly had a hand in all the unexpected climate disasters/fires, etc of the last five months.

When de-stabilizing Uranus moved from Pisces (water) into Aries (fire) on March 11, 2011 - we had the earthquake/tsunami in Japan that caused the Fukushima nuclear disaster.

I am sure if we had inside information regarding the history of this disaster we could match up Uranus movements over the last seven years to the unfolding story there!

Even as recently as late November just as Mercury (news, information) moved into trine (brakes off) with Uranus (the post I linked to in the weekly because we have the same aspect again this week) - the news announced that a robot had finally reached the reactor's melted core.

Just a couple days ago (December 27, 2017) with Uranus pretty much stopped (remember the finger through the candle analogy) preparing for his direct motion today - the news announced Tokyo Electric Company receiving government approval to restart an even larger, and more controversial, power plant.

(I have never looked at Japan's natal chart, but think of this country, with its fast-moving, trendy, cutting-edge culture when I think of Uranus)

Uranus stationing direct could mean bottled up freedom urges suddenly explode (we have seen this within the collective in Iran in the last few days). Top buttons get unbuttoned. Any changes we have been ruminating about during the last few months can begin to take on physical form now. A direction changes. Because Uranus is more Uranus when retrograde maybe something steadies out now. Your Aries natal house (what is the theme of your Aries natal house) as well as your natal Uranus are impacted.

Some people have been more impacted than other people by this retrograde. If your cardinal planets and points are less than 24 degrees, Uranus (in Aries) is finished with this part of your chart/life FOREVER. Adios Uranus!

If you have planets or points in your natal chart from 24-29 degrees of the cardinal signs - Aries, Cancer, Libra and Capricorn - Uranus will contact those planets or points before he ingresses into Taurus in mid-May ... again. Squares could bring road blocks and tension, oppositions could bring choices. Courage might be required depending on how comfortable you are with change since Uranus is in warrior Aries!

Often Uranus contacts attract people/things/situations that allow/force us to break out of stuck constructs. Or require us to see/act on things in a new way.

Uranus is the planet of genius and rebellion and 'anything can happen'. Now Uranus only cares about getting us from A to B via the fastest route, he doesn't care if we land on our ass or if the route (like my GPS when I get near a certain body of water and it urges me forward although there is no bridge) drowns us in the ocean.

We will most assuredly wash up at point B, but we might not wash up still breathing. 

So when Uranus whispers in your ear "this job sucks, you need to quit this job" remember he will be out of town when the rent comes due and your wallet is empty. On the other hand without his "quit this damn boring job already!" we might still be toiling at that job when our grandchildren head off to college.

Uranus rules the sign of Aquarius, our collective 11th house, technology, the future, electricity, social change, groups, equality, science, robotics, liberation, fast change, chaos, PTSD, trends, the genius, the rebel, the criminal, anything new and cutting-edge.

Uranus will always seek to overturn anything traditional or conventional that has outlived its usefulness.

Uranus is charged with disrupting the status quo. It rips apart our safety net. It tears up our contracts. It breaks up stagnant energy. It is electricity. It gets our *ss moving. Uranus is the higher octave of Mercury - the way Aquarius is the higher octave of Gemini - Uranus is like Mercury on steroids ... and we have all seen how powerful Mercury is.

Since he has been in Aries he has been re-inventing Aries stuff. Aries rules the 1st house of ourselves. Think about the reinvention of this thing called "self" in the last few years to this thing called "brand". We have Facebook now. We have selfies. Aries rules war and that has been reinvented, too - and in a very Uranian/Aquarian (detached) way - think about drones and robotics and whatever the hell else the geniuses lunatics that play with their war-toys are coming up with to kill us that we don't even know about.

What changes did Uranus in Aries bring to your life ? What has been totally upended?

In mid-May Uranus will ingress into Taurus until November 6th, then because he is retrograde half the year, will move back into Aries until March 6, 2019 when he will return to Taurus to finish out his transit of Taurus (through July 2025).

For now, he is moving direct again. Taking us through the final few degrees in Aries.

The best way to work with Uranus (this would be kind of like working with Donald Trump, who with his natal Uranus sitting on his natal Sun, might cause the people who work with him to age in dog years, trying to keep up with him) is to loosen our grip on things. 

Stay open to changing our mind and direction. Expect the unexpected. 

Maybe what seems totally crazy, will make sense later on.

Check the WEEKLY because the Sun has an opportune contact with imaginative Neptune today - you could feel that one stronger than Uranus's change of direction. The Moon continues its monthly jog through the sign of Cancer - focusing us on home, family and security issues.


To finish up that 2018 series I am going  look at Trump's chart and the U.S. chart for the months ahead since we haven't looked at those in a while. I have said before that Trump IS Uranus (he is like one of the American Gods in the Neil Gaiman book/series and I know this will annoy many people to hear me say it! he isn't the ONLY Uranus though obviously) and Uranus is active the next couple weeks, so let's take a look at him - in a non-political way.

I noticed the February solar eclipse opposing his Mars (which interacts strongly with the U.S. Mars) doesn't look like fun for him ... or us.


I asked a few weeks ago for some guinea pigs volunteers for us to take a look ahead at the upcoming Uranus transit of Taurus (May 2018). I think I had 32 volunteers, so will put up a few charts every week until I get them all up. Thank you to everyone for your patience - most of the charts I've looked at so far have most of their Uranus activity in 2020-2022 which makes sense with the astrology of the times.

Here is the first batch (after the READ MORE, bottom of this post) ... keep in mind this is ONLY Uranus we are looking at and only one space in your chart. There are at least 11 and more likely 16 or more important players!

I have emailed the owners of the 5 charts that follow, so if you did not receive an email your chart is not being looked at just yet. I am doing them in the exact order of how the requests came in.

Remember these changes are mostly months and sometimes years away. It is good to prepare but sometimes we can't see anything clearly from this distance - we just don't know what we don't know yet. Read it. Meditate on it - it is a good time with Uranus station and the Sun sextiling Neptune - then please just file it away ...

I will get all the charts up in January - I wanted to wait until Saturn got into Capricorn so I could verbalize the energies more concisely and I think you guys could read the words more clearly.

xo all

Full Moon in Cancer | the Super Wolf Moon, home to our pack, howling into the night, the bridge pilings go in, call your mother, family vs. work in the world, forgiving our ancestors

WOLF by BlackIce-Wolf

On January 1st - we welcome in 2018 with a Full Moon in the sign of security, home and family focused Cancer.

Cancer is ruled by the Moon and this is a Supermoon (and the 2nd of 3 - this is rare - Moon perigee to the Earth and appearing larger) and it is bookend-ed at the very end of the month by a Lunar Eclipse - so it's a BIG way to launch a new calendar year.

(Supermoons were viewed by the ancients as predicting seismic shifts - earthquakes, volcanoes, tidal surges.)

The astrology of the next two years (2018-2019) - the bridge years that bring us to the 2020 meet-up of Saturn, Ceres, Jupiter and Pluto in Capricorn (patriarchy, government, inequality, banking, business, authority, hierarchy, competition, power) is about us creating/surviving/thriving through the collapse of the structures/limits that are standing in the way of equality (Age of Aquarius).

This isn't going to be something neat and easy.

This is kind of like when we clean out the bedroom closet. 

First, we drag everything into the middle of the room. If someone came into the room at that time, they would be like, "What the hell are you doing? You are messing up your room!". 

Planet Earth is like that de-constructed bedroom right now. 

Things look like a mess and are more likely to reflect something that isn't really happening (a mess is being made) than what is really happening (a messy closet is being cleaned out).

2020-2022 is also the time of the United States Pluto return when Pluto will be back in the same degrees in Capricorn he was in when the Declaration of Independence was signed (the country's natal chart) for the first time in United States history.

A lot of stuff is going to have to fall apart in order to come together in new, and better (with more integrity - one-ness, wholeness), ways. 

What we do/think/feel over the next two years will determine, to a degree, what all of this will look like. And, to a greater degree, what this will look like for us personally. And, then the years of 2020-2022 become a bridge to the next level - the year of 2023 when Pluto enters Aquarius. Dystopia? Utopia? Both? Something else entirely? What's it gonna be? The only thing we know for sure is it won't be the world we are living in today.

Construction of that bridge starts NOW.

The Moon is in a Grand Trine with Jupiter and Neptune, opposing Pluto, Venus and Black Moon Lilith, Mars and Neptune sextile the Sun forming a Kite and we have Mars squaring the North and South Nodes at the same time.

If that all sounds like quite the mouthful - it is. And it packs quite the wallop. My head hurts even thinking about trying to untangle it. So, I'm not going to. I will get some of that de-tangler hairspray and let it all sit a bit. I would suggest the same for all of you.

Full Moons brings situations and emotions to a peak - stuff culminates and stuff 'comes to light'.

So although we are moving into the New Year we will probably have one eye nostalgically (sniffle) looking backward. Maybe not back to 2017, although I guess some people will, but maybe even back to simpler (less complicated) days.

Traditionally this Full Moon - the Cancer Moon, in some ways the strongest of the year since Cancer's ruler IS the Moon - is known as the Wolf Moon.

This is a good day and night and even into tomorrow - to be with "our pack". Catch up with family members. Give out those gifts to the people we didn't get to see during the holidays. Cook hearty food. Be with family.

This very emotional Moon coming on the 1st day of the calendar year is a wake-up call to not lose track of what really matters as we move into this very cold and duty-filled Capricorn season.

Cancer rules mothering, motherhood, mothers, vulnerability, nurturing, self-care, home, family, emotions, safety, security, our ancestors, patriotism, country - and with the Moon opposing not only the Sun (like every Full Moon), but also Pluto, Venus and Black Moon Lilith (all in Capricorn) and with that Kite pointing toward the Sun in structured, rule oriented and icy cold Capricorn - it looks like the ways the world values work and ambition could be a bit more than our Mama Bear can handle right now.

Maybe something about our safety, our security, our home, our family, our livelihood - feels threatened.

The ground is unstable for pretty much everyone, but the reality of the situation is that for, half the world maybe?, the ground is frozen solid. Maybe frozen solid (ultra-stable) is actually no more comforting than wobbly!

As we move into a year focused on security and work and limits - it is a good idea to keep our emotional/nurturing self ALIVE.

With Uranus strong and still and preparing to move direct tomorrow - this is a good time to free ourselves a bit from ancestral bindings by thanking our ancestors, whose stories we carry forward, for the gifts they have given us and release them, through forgiveness, for the loads we carry/have carried for them. Light a candle.

If today's Full Moon (point of fullness, like the moment in our breath when our lungs are full) feels heavy - it is a good time to GIVE SOMETHING AWAY. Clean/clear a space. The new stuff is right outside your door, but if your house is too full to welcome it in, there it will sit!

No matter how cold it is outside tonight - be sure to get out and walk in this one even if it is cloud covered - it is still there. If that isn't possible - soak in a hot bath while you release 2017 then imagine all your cares literally flowing down the drain with the water when you are finished!

Welcome 2018 - the year we start to build the bridge!

xo all

Astrology Forecast for Creatives | Week of January 1st - New Year, BIG WEEK, breaking through, unexpected but not totally unexpected news, busting a move, GREEN light, GOLD star week, nothing half-assed will cut it, the world starts to catch up with us, did I say BIG WEEK

holidays by julie-rc

This is a BIG forward leaning week!

Welcome 2018!

2017 - well, don't let the door hit ya'.

Yes, 2017 is in our rearview mirror, folks - do I hear a collective HALLELUJAH!

Ugh - the Pisces/Sagittarius, the Eris/Uranus - all the illusions and chaos. And that followed 2016's dream busting, reality shifting square between Saturn and Neptune. We are ready for more stability. We are ready for something new and reliable. Even if the something new requires us to dig through two feet of snow to find it. And, even if the building of it requires us to keep track of the canned corn in our cupboard for awhile. We'll dig! We'll count!

It took what it took to get us here, but here we are.

There are still problems - it's winter for pete's sake. But at least they will be NEW problems. And speaking of digging and counting ...

Last year - well, still this year - was the Chinese Year of the Fire Rooster (which always reminds me of Trump and his hair and his tweeting) - a rooster set on fire does not sounds like a good symbol for a year - this energy is making way (in a few weeks) for the Chinese Year of the Earth Dog.

Doesn't that just sound better. Fire Rooster? Earth Dog? What do you think?

Earth Dog makes me think of Olive snuggled under a tree on a warm summer day swatting at a fly. Or digging a hole in the backyard to bury a sock she will drag out a year later all soggy and gross. Or, more likely, like she is right now, snuggled on the sofa, focused only on

1. how many pieces of cheese are left in the fridge? and
2. is that the clothes dryer buzzer she hears and am I going to get off my butt and fetch her a warm towel (yes, I do this kind of stuff in my drafty, old house in the winter - she has me well-trained) and
3. um, well, how many pieces of cheese are left in the fridge?

Earth Dog - I like the sound of that!

The week kicks off with MONDAY'S Full Moon in Cancer. I will do a post tomorrow.

Cancer is ruled by the Moon and this is a Supermoon (Moon perigee to the Earth and appearing larger), so it's a big way to launch a new calendar year.

The Moon is in a Grand Trine with Jupiter and Neptune, opposing Pluto, Venus and Black Moon Lilith and we have Mars squaring the North and South Nodes at the same time.

We will be seeking emotional security and solid ground with this one.

Full Moons brings situations and emotions to a peak - stuff culminates and stuff 'comes to light'.

Cancer rules mothering, motherhood, mothers, vulnerability, nurturing, self-care, home, family, emotions, safety, security, patriotism, country. Also a specific theme in your natal chart (what house has Cancer on the cusp in your natal chart) where something is coming to fruition now.

During a Full Moon the Moon is opposite the Sun. So the polarity of the Cancer/Capricorn axis is in the spotlight. We will want to focus on home and family (Moon) AND at the same time on standing up in the world (Sun) and most people are standing on pretty shaky ground.

Remember one of the good things about winter - the ground is solid, yes, maybe frozen solid, but at least it's solid!

On TUESDAY the Sun (in Capricorn) is sextiling (opportunity) Neptune (in Pisces). Neptune has TWO sextiles this week so continues the focus on Neptunian activity from last week - healing, art, spirituality, imagination, philanthropy, merging with others, dissolving the ego. The Moon (still in Cancer) will trine Jupiter - good energy for people to get along and come together and, since the Moon represents the public, good energy for business.

The BIG news on TUESDAY is Uranus (change, the future, revolution, genius, chaos), after his long retrograde, finally stations direct (24 degrees Aries).

Something moves forward now and with Uranus we know to expect the unexpected!

If we are still holding onto a situation that is long past its expiration date - adjustments/changes and disruptions could intensify, until we are lined up where we need to be.

If you have planets or points in your natal chart from 24-29 degrees of the cardinal signs - Aries, Cancer, Libra and Capricorn - Uranus is heading your way. Courage will be required since Uranus is in Aries, but this activity is focused on one of your cardinal houses where you have always needed to take the reins to make things happen anyway!

If your cardinal planets and points are less than 24 degrees, Uranus is finished with this part of your chart/life FOREVER. Adios Uranus!

We will talk about this in Tuesday's post. I will also put up the first batch of Uranus transits for May for our anonymous volunteers.

We have Mars (ruler of Aries) squaring the Nodes and the South Node is in Aquarius (ruled by Uranus). Whatever Uranus's station is breaking open (Uranus rules breaks. Not brakes- that's Saturn's territory. Uranus rules the other kind of breaks - breakthroughs, break-downs, break-ups, lucky breaks, etc) will bring us to a crossroad.

Are we going to head toward our heart (Leo/North Node) - toward something that will bring us to our natural center stage, to something we can take pride in, something we can physically hold onto? Or are we going to stay in our seat in the audience (Aquarius/South Node)? detached? hiding out in the group? losing ourselves in technology?

Either way (and we always have free will) with Mars (action, initiative) in Scorpio (15 degrees) he will be making sure we COMMIT to any action we take now.

Nothing half-assed is going to cut it. We need to go ALL IN.

Something now could take us back to the time around Christmas Eve when Jupiter (in Scorpio) squared the Nodes. Uranus is direct now. So, what's it gonna be? The lights are GREEN. 

The Moon goes void at 5:46PM EST thru 2:22PM tomorrow - during the Void Moon don't start anything new or take action on anything you need 'something to come of'.

On WEDNESDAY the energies from earlier in the week continue. The Moon is void until 2:22PM EST when it moves into Leo focusing us on children, romance, recreation, our HEART - what is that thing your heart wants again? what is that thing that gets you away from technology and into the flesh and blood of life?

Venus (in bossy, all-business Capricorn) is sextiling (opportunity) Neptune (in dreamy Pisces). This energy makes us very intuitive, very receptive, more good energy for getting along with other people. Women artists, women healers - a connection to the collective creative consciousness.

Let's try some word-salads with this sextile - making money (Venus) with our imagination (Neptune). Giving money (Venus) to charity (Neptune). Money (Venus) slipping through our fingers (Neptune). Merging (Neptune) with what we love (Venus). Something we love (Venus) slipping through our fingers (Neptune). Healing (Neptune) through women (Venus). Healing (Neptune) through love (Venus). Unlimited (Neptune) love (Venus). Merging (Neptune) of resources (Venus). A female (woman) healer (Neptune). Spending money (Venus) on drugs (Neptune). In love (Venus) with something illusive (Neptune).

We could also do something like this with the signs the planets are in - Capricorn and Pisces. Your dream (Pisces) works when you do (Capricorn). But all this salad making is making me hungry and I am still hours from lunch! You get the idea.

This is a good day to meditate/pray/contemplate on whatever you were dealing with yesterday - or whatever this 'follow your heart', putting your heart out into the world, step out of the crowd, creative project thing is all about for you.

On THURSDAY the Leo Moon trines Mercury by mid-morning giving us good communications and trines Uranus later in the afternoon possibly bringing some change and excitement, but nothing that causes too much upset. Freak flags can fly, time to be yourself, give yourself (and other people) a bit more freedom, give other people (and yourself) a BREAK. The Moon goes void at 6:10PM EST - after that Void Moon don't start anything new or take action on anything you need 'something to come of'.

On FRIDAY - the Moon is in grounded and industrious Virgo and trines Saturn. Excellent for stabilizing a health routine that will be long-lasting or firming up our day-to-day schedule to be more practical. We get emotional satisfaction from doing the small, basic things now. Dot your I's and cross your T's. Get organized. Clean up the mess.

This would be a good day to take down the holiday decorations (if you didn't do this Monday) and keep them organized. You will not be tossing the Christmas tree balls into a box or rolling the lights into a gigantic knot if you do this work today. 

In the evening the Moon (in service-oriented Virgo) will oppose dreamy Neptune so we could be sharing/receiving advice or creating practical limits - whether anyone follows up on the suggestions/ideas offered up could be another matter. But the advice/actions offered would be practical and helpful.

SATURDAY is the start of a powerful weekend. There could be too much energy to contain. Get some exercise. The Virgo Moon is hard at work, we have good instincts and a real desire to digest as much information as possible. We are awake.

Mercury (in Sagittarius) trines Uranus (in Aries) for the 3rd and final time today. We had this aspect on November 25th and December 10th, but now Uranus (and Mercury!) are no longer retrograde! Whatever we have been going over here is ready to move forward - new ideas, new communications, new words, new beliefs.  

We find the words/information we need to move the situation forward.

Here is a link to my original post on THIS if it rings any bells. The difference now is the planets are both full steam ahead AND Saturn is no longer in Sagittarius so won't be slowing everything down.

Shocking news could come now. Our thinking/the conversation will move in a new direction. Stay open to your muses - the energies are ripe for NEW IDEAS to be picked like apples. Remember when you think about Uranus now think BREAK. This time think BREAK-THROUGH.

On SUNDAY - did I say give this week a GOLD STAR?? - Jupiter conjuncts Mars at 17 degrees Scorpio. This brings the energy of Christmas Eve and the energy of Tuesday's crossroad together and well - HERE IT IS. Our choice is made. Our path/decision/commitment is as clear as it is going to be. It won't be all tied up with a shiny red bow. Remember this is life on Planet Earth we can't see everything ahead because we haven't created it yet.

But here we are at a juncture, not the only juncture, but a juncture, and you have the benefit of astrology to see this juncture for what it is. An OPPORTUNITY.

Jupiter expands. Mars increases our stamina, initiative and confidence - also our ability to fight for something we believe in! We have the Sun, Venus, Pluto and Black Moon Lilith in stable Capricorn sextiling (opportunity) this whole thing through NEXT Friday - so another ENTIRE WEEK to take some kind of action here.

Could we go overboard? Could we take on too much?

Well, abso-freakin-lutely.

This is Jupiter, the planet of gases and hot air, we are talking about. But it is also the planet of faith. Keep this in mind.

There is always a fly in the ointment, but this week there is way more ointment than flies.

We have a stellium of planets in Capricorn already with more on the way! 

We do not need to go jumping off tall buildings (Capricorn climbs the stairs - one at a time). We did the jumping last year. And yes, even if your life looks pretty much the same as last year. I can abso-freakin-lutely

(I am starting to like this word - why is spellcheck trying to shush me

guarantee your life has changed because your beliefs have changed

You jumped. 

I know this because there is really only one of us here and the rest of us jumped. You might have been hanging on to your Aunt Tillie's bathrobe sleeve, but believe me - you are here with us. We all jumped.

You could not have survived life on Planet Earth the past two years without some major belief shifting. 

And because your beliefs have changed - you have changed. Your beliefs create your reality. Your very DNA has shifted. You see the world differently and the world you see will have to shift to catch up with you.

And all of this takes us into NEXT Monday's Mars sextile to Pluto which takes us to Jupiter and Mars sextile on the 16th at the same time Ceres is conjuncting the North Node and taking us into the 17th's New Moon in Capricorn.

Usually that Capricorn New Moon feels like a kick off point for me, but this year we do not have to wait.

After Monday's Full Moon focus on home and family it will be time to BUST A MOVE.

We'll sleep later.

Remember I write about aspects when they are exact but most of this (other than the Moons) are within orb for most of the week, so events could be triggered on different days. Let's just avoid the Void Moons for any important stuff and we'll do fine.

xo all

an astrological look ahead to 2018 - the year reality bites back, part III of IV

Hello by krmenxa

See Part I HERE
See Part II HERE

Both Mars AND Venus will station retrograde in 2018.

This is kind of unusual and tells us that our relationships and what we want/value and what we will do to get/keep (Mars) what we want/value (Venus)  - will be back under the microscope for much of the year.

This time we will have Mars in Aquarius (9 degrees) backing into Capricorn (through 28 degrees) from late June through the end of August.

If you have planets or points between approx 28 Capricorn through 9 Aquarius or any late degree cardinal energy into early degree fixed energy (approx 28 Aries, Cancer or Libra through approx 9 degrees Taurus, Leo or Scorpio) - you will be working through some story/chapter during this transit regrading the themes of your natal Aquarius/Capricorn houses or Mars themes - initiative, action, passion, anger, violence.

This will also be eclipse season, so anything can happen - expect fireworks, and I don't mean the 4th of July!

Venus at 10 degrees Scorpio will back through 25 degrees Libra from early October through mid November.

If you have planets or points in your natal chart within those degrees or any mid degree fixed energy through late degree cardinal energy (approx 10 degrees Taurus, Leo or Aquarius through approx 25 degrees Aries, Cancer or Capricorn) - you will be working through some story/chapter during this transit regarding the theme of your natal Scorpio and Libra houses and/or Venus themes - love, money, values, self-esteem.

Now, because Jupiter and Neptune are both in water signs in 2018 - they will be trining (brakes off) each other. This will be somewhat in play most of the year and exact in late May and late August (we had the first of these aspects on December 2nd). Water signs ensure whatever is happening we will feel it - our emotions will be fully engaged. Think about what these planets do - Neptune dissolves boundaries and Jupiter expands whatever it touches. What are the themes of your natal Scorpio and Pisces houses? This is where the BRAKES ARE DIS-ENGAGED. Is this great news or a slippery slope? This is excellent energy for deep healing, creativity and compassion - also for an obsession/addiction/illusion/lie to drift quietly out of control ....
Another big change brewing in 2018 happens toward the end of the year.

In early November 2018, the North Node (our collective way forward) moves from Leo (heart, ego, self) into Cancer (home, family, security) and the South Node (what we are leaving behind) moves from Aquarius into Capricorn.

Yes, the South Node (been there, done that) will be in Capricorn during a very Capricornian time!

This will push us to release unfavorable Capricorn tendencies, at just the right time (divine timing is magical) - hierarchy, tyranny, caution, pessimism, extreme ambition, conventionality, severity, materialism, isolation

and focus us (if we want to be working with the path of least resistance) on the sign of Cancer.

Think about the symbol for the sign of Cancer - the crab. The crab is a fragile sea creature who must somehow create a life where she is not a seagull's dinner. So what does she do? She grows a shell, a protective barrier between her tasty little body and the seagull's mouth.

This works for a while. But a girl has to eat and when she does she outgrows the shell that has worked so well for her. She needs to release that shell and grow a larger shell (this process of molting is fascinating, if you are interested read about it here) or she will not survive. 

So she can't survive without her shell, but she can't grow (and survive!) with it either. Sound familiar? No? Read some Brene Brown before next November!

A king crab may molt 20 times in its lifetime - that's a whole lot of change of households/barriers!

If we think about that shell - well, it needs to be strong, but not too strong. If her shell was solid as a rock she would never be able to shed the damn thing and as she grew ... well, whatever would happen inside that shell, it would not be pretty I can promise you that.

Her very life depends on her ability to construct the minimal, yet most effective, armor/security. So will ours.

This is kind of what we will be working toward - through the Cancerian issues of : mothering, motherhood, mothers, vulnerability (think about our defenseless crab during molting season), nurturing, self-care, home, family, emotions, safety, security, patriotism, country.

The Capricorn/Cancer polarity is really all about safety and security - our way forward will be through the emotional waters of CANCER. We will talk about this as we move through it.

For now though, our collective path of least resistance, is still all about that fiery Leo lion - being brave, standing tall, following our heart toward our natural limelight.

Speaking of Cancer, let's come back from the future, because we have the Cancer Full Moon on New Year's and we are waxing toward that energy now. Expect a big post on this 'Mama-Bear' Moon!

For today, the Moon is void pretty much all day - not a good day to start anything new if you want 'something to come of it'. Void Moons are not good times to launch things because the Moon needs to be aspecting something else to get results. With the Moon by itself we would just dream our life away.

Before her void the Moon is sextiling Chiron (healing), opposing Jupiter (biting off more than we can chew?) and trining Pluto. The trine to Pluto is her last move marking this day as AMBITIOUS - although I guess most people are in holiday weekend mode and will miss this.

Exalted in Taurus with the brakes off to transformational Pluto in industrious Capricorn makes this good energy for business.

The Moon moves into Gemini for the weekend bringing a sense of 'busy-ness'. Good for errands and communication. There are some stressful aspects with Saturn, Neptune and the Sun - so keep a clear head and your feet on the ground.

On New Year's Eve, the Moon is again void, this time her last aspect is a sextile (opportunity) to revolutionary, 'won't be caged in' Uranus so we will feel best doing our own thing. 

Freak flags will fly, people!

The Moon will move into Cancer in the later evening EST so my guess would be alot of people will be staying in, going home early or hiding out in that shell they are preparing to molt!

xo all

(we will talk about the eclipses - which start in JANUARY! - in the final 2018 post with links to the Uranus transits for our anonymous guinea pigs volunteers)

Astrology Forecast for Creatives | Week of December 25th - Merry Christmas, committing to reality, avoiding addictions/escape, healing through helping, start meditating, making art, the third time is the charm, news about the future

merry christmas from sully
Merry Christmas Week!

On MONDAY, Venus leaves flirty Sagittarius and enters "I do give a damn about my reputation" (apologies to Joan Jett) "serious as a heart-attack" Capricorn (thru January 19th).

Capricorns and Capricorn Ascendants find themselves more attractive - both easier on the eye and able to attract what they want.

Everyone's Capricorn natal houses become more attractive, too.

Venus immediately bumps into Saturn (both at zero degrees Cappy), ruler of Capricorn - so everything gets very sober, very quickly. Maybe we literally run into a serious, practical person or someone well-versed in whatever it is we need to have/learn/know to assimilate all this Capricorn (Saturn is in Capricorn for the next two and a half years, folks).

Someone/something to help us "get a grip" on life/winter.

This is us making a commitment to accepting reality. We get ahead with a realistic approach to what we want.

This could also be a time when partnerships (Venus) are tested (Saturn).

Maybe our insecurities are brought to our attention via other people and outer circumstances. We are re-structuring the way we relate to other people - and so is everyone else - so we may not be as available to each other as we would like. Saturn can make us feel lonely even in a crowded room. People will be attracted to whatever makes them feel most secure. Insecure people/situations will be pushed to the sidelines. And, yes, that sounds cold. It is cold. Winter is cold. Keep this in mind.

With Venus meeting Saturn at zero degrees Capricorn (a cardinal sign that initiates) things started now will either be long-lasting or grind to a halt (Saturn) right out of the gate.

I predict (where's that crystal ball?) an unprecedented number of wedding proposals (love-Venus, commitment-Saturn) this holiday season along with an unprecedented number of "um ... no" refusals. (love-Venus, no-Saturn). Venus in Saturn will be looking for quality and have one eye on your gene pool and the other eye on the top of that mountain (will the person doing the proposing be able to help us get there?) - that ring had better be a real diamond and at least two carats. That could leave a whole lot of people/situations not quite measuring up.

Our comfort-zone (Venus) becomes more confined and structured (Saturn). We are more conservative with our resources - love, money, time. I also predict (where IS that crystal ball?) an unprecedented number of returns after the holiday season, especially for items purchased in November, now that reality is kicking in.

The Moon is Void pretty much all day, so don't begin anything brand new. If you are single and meet a guy at your family Christmas dinner, not sure how this would be possible unless you are looking to date your cousin Bob (?) - but if you do manage this somehow, he will almost certainly be older than you, more serious than you and probably a better dresser.

On TUESDAY, the Moon is in Aries making us more energetic and probably head-strong for the next couple days. We could be 'fired-up' about something. We have the first quarter Moon bringing some tension/crisis point regarding whatever we started at the New Moon (December 17th). This happens every month - whatever is seeded NEEDS something to push against at this point in its life cycle. The Aries Moon trines (brakes off) Mercury (in Sagittarius) in the P.M. - good energy for get-togethers and conversations/communications focused on Sagittarius themes - travel, foreign issues, high education, our beliefs, the media, publicity, legal, religion, politics.

The Sun conjuncts Black Moon Lilith in Capricorn (5 degrees). This could shine a light on abuse of power or the pissed off/will not be controlled woman.

On WEDNESDAY, we could wake up drained and stressed from a Moon square Pluto that we mostly slept through, bringing the energy for possible power struggles/compulsions/manipulations into our morning. Let's pace ourselves today and give people a break. The Moon moves into Taurus in the evening focusing us on material things and comfort - get a massage, take a long bath, cook a healthy meal.

The big news now, and this is in play all week, exact on THURSDAY, is Mars (in Scorpio) trining (brakes off) Neptune (in Pisces). This is wonderful energy for deep compassion and healing. We heal (ourselves and others) by helping and taking action. Excellent energy for making art or initiating a meditation practice. Or taking action with someone who is confined/hospitalized(?). Or even seeing some good movies.

This energy will kind of mellow-out the entire week.

The fly in the ointment - it will be too easy to slip into addictive/escapist actions. We don't want to drink/eat/internet our way through the holidays.

We have the urge to merge now. Let's just make sure we are merging with something healthy. 

On FRIDAY, we have the FINAL (of three due to Mercury's recent retrograde) Mercury (in Sagittarius) trine to the North Node (in Leo).

So, now we have had time to go back over the information/conversation/idea that came to our attention around November 19th. We have the information we need to make a decision/come to a conclusion/move something forward, etc. Progress can be made. Think (Mercury) about the future (North Node). We can hear just what we need to hear. The right words can ease things into place. The right book can fall off the shelf and into our lap. News comes in that sets us on our path.

If we need to ask again or take a third look at something, let's do that. Mercury won't be covering totally new ground for a while longer, but after today we really do know all we need to know about this thing.

By the weekend the Moon is in multi-tasking Gemini - prepare to be BUSY.

xo all

I will finish the look ahead at 2018 this week and, fingers crossed, the Uranus transits! Merry Christmas everyone.

Jupiter Squares the Nodes, Venus into Capricorn Conjunct Saturn | the only thing between us and our heart's desire is ... Santa Claus? getting serious about what we are worth

Santa claus by anpan-man

Merry Christmas Eve everyone!

Today we have Santa Claus (Jupiter) in Scorpio squaring the North Node in Leo and the South Node in Aquarius.

There is a situation that needs to be worked through before we move forward. It could seem bigger than it actually is though. The Node action this year has been moving us toward our heart and the people/situations/things we love/are proud of/need to make center stage (Leo) and away from life's distractions, detachment, outgrown groups, escapist technology and the ways we fade into the background (Aquarius).

With Jupiter in murky Scorpio there could be a deep revelation now or some kind of muddy sticking point we need to get over, around or through.

Tomorrow (Merry Christmas) Venus (love, money, our values, self-esteem, beauty) moves into Capricorn and bumps right into Capricorn's ruling planet Saturn. And Venus is Saturn's daughter.

Nothing screams FAMILY REUNION like this one.

Gatherings, especially between younger and older people (or Libra/Taurus and Cappy-oriented folks), could be a bit more serious or traditional than usual, but maybe also more stable and practical.

We could be feeling safe and secure like we have just been tucked in at night with a hot cup of cocoa and our favorite footed pajamas

or maybe that snuggly feeling is a bit TOO much and that warm, fleece blanket is more like a straight-jacket?

We could be the one standing there like Ralphie in that bunny suit waiting for someone else to give us permission to slip it off.

The best way through any rough spots - just take responsibility (Capricorn) for what you are worth/bring to the table (Venus) - don't forget the green beans if you are supposed to bring the green beans and don't get into the damn bunny suit in the first place.

Money/resource issues could be finalized now. Boundaries will be set. Commitments (love and financial) will be made. I would expect lots of marriage proposals this holiday season!

After the holidays Venus in Capricorn will be about us getting serious with what we really value and who and what we are allowing to consume our precious resources. Some people, especially women, could be feeling the effects of time over the next few weeks.

Habits that corrode our resources (including our self-esteem) will need to be worked through. Capricorn loves work though so we will be up to it! I have warned against over-spending - winter is here - please take this seriously.

The stuff that has been just floating around our perimeter will insist on being MADE REAL. Venus in Capricorn, an earth sign, is excellent for manifesting (through time and work) what we WANT.

Saturn nearby will make this "building something that lasts" energy even more potent. We'll talk about this after the holidays.

First we need to get past Santa Claus today.

And you know he has been really packing in the holiday cookies and could be an even larger roadblock than usual to bypass.

Just remember - and get the kids out of room for this one - his girth is no more reality than the planet Jupiter itself which is made entirely of gases.

Issues could seem bigger than they actually are now. Or maybe we are just expecting too much. Problems and delays may cut into our plans a bit, but maybe the plans were just too BIG to begin with? Things don't have to be all or nothing.

A 'no' now might really be a 'not just yet'.

Our faith can get us through here. In some space in our life less is more now ...

xo and Merry Christmas Eve!

Winter Solstice Conjunct Saturn | longest night of the year, Mercury standing still, tradition, accomplishment, report card time

come see inside my bones by natalia drepina

Happy Solstice everyone!

Doesn't it feel better to call the Winter Solstice the longest night rather than the shortest day?

The shortest day sounds like I am missing out on something. The longest night sounds like I can lie in bed and finish my book and still get a good night's sleep.

This is a good time during the busy holiday season to take stock of where we are, what we've done and where we are going.

This is the time of the season, especially this year with Saturn joining the Cappy party, when melancholy can set in.

We have to remember when looking at the bad stuff that was or the good stuff that never was - to own the fact we have survived it!

We are still here!

In Capricorn, the Sun gets serious. We are heading into the serious time of year - the time our ancestors could starve if they hadn't stocked up properly or catch a cold that would turn into pneumonia.

(Can a cold turn into pneumonia? I am one of those people who think it can, although I guess the cold has just left our lungs in a weakened state. I also think I can catch a cold from getting wet on a cold day, although science, and my local doctor, tells me it doesn't work that way. I know it happens though.)

If they hadn't prepared for winter, they wouldn't survive.

They would celebrate the Winter Solstice and go into hibernation for a few weeks (exhausted from the harvest, escaping the cold and, intuitively, the germs, too, I'm sure), venturing back out sometime mid-Aquarius season for some social interaction and hoping to trade whatever they still had plenty of to restock whatever had grown scarce.

This is true for us today, too. Without structure, responsibility and discipline - mandated by Capricorn's ruling planet Saturn - we'll be in trouble when the cold settles in and the stuff we need to survive is covered with two feet of snow and ice.

Today is the Capricorn ingress (Sun into Capricorn) and sets up the next 3 months. I can't remember a Capricorn ingress with the Sun conjunct Saturn (Capricorn's ruler).

It seems the time between today and the new astrological year (Sun into Aries) is going to be serious. It is also excellent energy to be building something, likely from the ground up, that will last.

Saturn isn't about rushing and neither is Capricorn. We can catch our breath, take stock of where we are and what we have (probably more than we think we do) before starting this new chapter.

Mercury stations direct tomorrow. He has been pretty much standing still all week and is uber powerful - imagine putting your finger through a lit candle flame, you are OK if you keep your finger moving, but if you halt your hand over the flame then you are suddenly not so OK. Ouch.

His stationary energies (the fleet footed messenger, he rules all forms of transportation) often seem to increase transportation accidents and acts of violence using transportation within the collective.

We can help to alleviate some of this by choosing to consciously release a bit of the Mercury stuff we are carrying in our own lives that needs to go.

Maybe the wrong word we said at the wrong time. The conversation we didn't have. The email we didn't send or the one we did and wish we hadn't. The idea that didn't work out. The research we didn't do. The thought that stopped us in our tracks and so we quit or the thought that kept us going when we should have quit. The sibling crap. The lemon or 'beyond our pocketbook' car we bought when we knew better. The times we were less than neighborly.

When we personally let go of shadow Mercury the collective Mercury shadow has less to work with/release during these intense times.

Drive carefully and with a cool head. Take care with machinery.

The Sun meeting up with Saturn is our annual report card time. I still can't believe it is happening at the Winter Solstice!

Once a year these big guys meet up and we get to see clearly what is really happening in our world and in the collective.  

A light (the Sun) is thrown on reality (Saturn).

If things are not going well, if stuff is falling apart, if we are beating our head against the wall - these are all signs we need to change direction. 

If things are going well, if we have achieved something, there will be rewards now for a job well done. 

With Saturn (hard work, commitment, time, responsibility) so close to the Sun (our life force) there will be limits to whatever we are dealing with. 

If our relationships are stifling or non-supportive or money is tight (Venus is going to hit this space on Monday) we will feel it.

The good news, if things are not going well, is changes made now can smoothly and simply move us toward different timelines. We are at ground zero.

A new semester always starts after report cards are given out. We all get a fresh start. We don't get a do-over though. That report card is on its way home to Dad. Doing the same thing we did before will not work.

Doing something new gives the energies at play something to work with!

Our muses grow tired of seeing us bang our heads against the wall, too. They whisper to us to go outside and shovel the snow (stretched muscles create the space for us to stretch ourselves in other ways, too).

I was born during one of these Saturn/Sun conjunctions (I have these planets within 1 degree) so can't really feel this energy clearly because I am always feeling it - it's background noise and probably a bit like carrying a stern father around in my head. And yes, he sounds like Dumbledore and likes to be called "Albie" ... but only by me.

This is a good time to care for the basic structures of our life - the stuff that supports us.

We are living in a time of disintegrating safety nets, but there are things we can do to give ourselves a steadier ground to walk on. It could be as simple as cleaning our house and putting in place sustainable systems to keep it clean. The same could be said about our money/resources.

What astrological house holds 0 degrees Capricorn in our natal chart? This area of life is being brought to our attention now.

Saturnian issues around aging, tradition, heritage, the past, ambition, authority, business, government, sobriety, depression, our physical bones, skin and teeth could be in the spotlight now as Saturn sits with the Sun.

This is the longest night of the year - what are we going to do with all this darkness? Christmas tree lights can help. Christmas tree lights always help.
If you have planets or points around 0 degrees of the cardinal signs - Capricorn, Aries, Cancer or Libra - you will feel this Solstice energy strongest.

xo all

(of course in other parts of the world it is the longest day of the year! I wonder how it must feel to lay on a beach today? I would like to find out!)

Saturn into Capricorn | get off the fence/the couch/our ass .. or be pushed off

Climb by little-moonshine
Saturn moves into Capricorn tonight, the sign he rules, for the first time in 28 years. He will be in this space until March 2020. Saturn is the planet of authority and structure and limits and hard work and responsibility.

We have been talking about this transit for years. 

Simply put when a planet transits a house it requires us to embody (we are these energies made manifest, after all) its energy into that area of our life.

If we fail to do/embrace this energy we will always meet it outside ourselves. This "meeting it outside ourselves" stuff will almost certainly be harder.

So, we get off the fence/the couch/Pinterest. We do the work. If we are doing the wrong work - roads will shut down, detour signs will go up and we will be required to head in a new direction. It will be obvious.

Saturn gives us the chance to step into our responsibility - to literally claim it into being.

This is not the time to procrastinate. This is not the time to be lazy. This is not the time to be passive- aggressive. This is not the time to spend all our money on holiday presents other people do not even need. Winter is coming. Eating that last can of beans is not a good idea.

Remember pressure makes diamonds, but pressure also creates depression.

This energy might not feel so good. Saturn can be depressing because it is quite literally like a weight pressing down on us.

We will always, always though look back at Saturnian transits and see that we have accomplished a great many things. The earnings will be long-lasting.

Remember, if things get to feel like too much over the next couple years in a certain area of your life, that Saturn also rules time.

Saturnian rewards require patience.

Things don't get built overnight because they are being built to last.

We all have Saturn within us already - this energy is not unfamiliar to any of us. Yes, he gets stronger now, but he also gets more stable. Over the next few years there will be fewer and fewer days when we do not know what to do. We will know what we have to do.

This is not really a time in our collective history to be "comfortable".

If you are feeling comfortable I would question your perception of your reality

(you could certainly be joyous though and I hope you are).

This could be the time when, if we thought things were just going to take care of themselves - we find out they did not.

I wrote about Saturn's transit of Capricorn through the houses in the weekly HERE. And, of course, we will talk about this transit as we move through it. It's a fresh start for all of us!

The Moon is void for most of the day tomorrow so get stuff done today.

xo all