Today's Astrology Forecast | Friday, April 17, 2020 - time to exhale, the courage to do something differently, good weekend mojo

Let's see if I know what day it is today .... month? season?

(and while our neighbors have gracefully covered their spring plantings with tarp and canvases to protect them from last night's freezing temps - of course, we, the people who own at least a dozen tarps, but couldn't find any, covered our entire yard with upside down trash cans in various sizes, colors and states of disrepair - why do we own so many trash cans I have asked myself for years, well now I know! Classy and practical. Seriously, though, spring please come back - wth!)

This weekend looks like much easier energy and we could use it!

The Moon goes void at 10:34AM EDT off a harmonic sextile to the Aries Sun. She will be void until 2:29PM EDT when she exits Aquarius, which has been kind of stressful the last couple days, hasn't it, what with Mars and Saturn hanging out there now. "Bye-bye boys". The Moon exhales and slides her tired feet into the dreamy waters of Pisces.

That waning sextile is Aries/Aquarius - so emboldens our independent spirit, harmonizes the new with the unique, encourages us to try something different. Sextiles require a little bit of action to make them work (unlike trines that just kind of glide things into place, but the efforting part actually makes them more opportunistic). With Aries courage may be a prerequisite. Of course, everything seems to require courage right now, doesn't it? The Sun is at the very end of Aries, we know how to do this.

We will channel our great-grandma Daisy and get on with it.

Keep in mind that Void Moon - not the time to start anything brand new or push anything out into the world we need "something to come of", although that sextile should make the void period even more productive than it usually is. We can get alot done. Time gets stretchy.

We do have Saturn inconjunct the North Node and Mercury opposing Juno. So there could be some stressful conversations or information within relationships/commitments/contracts and some responsibilities or limits interfering with our home/family/real estate/home business/family business/mothering situation.

Never completely clear weather ... not quite spring just yet. 

But the Moon into a fellow water sign and Mercury starting to make nice with Venus should more than make up for any upsets.

Do things that make you feel good.

If you need to get something done with a project/financial situation - get on top of that.

xo all

photo by the amazing BirdSophieBlack

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