Today's Astrology Forecast | Thursday, September 3, 2020 - practical action, staying flexible, the pressure cooker day 1


The Moon continues her journey through Pisces today - she sextiled Pluto and Saturn while we slept (cooperation, blending the work and the dream, getting along with authority), opposes Mercury at 8:56AM EDT (challenging communications, the details vs the dream/illusion) and goes void off a productive trine to Venus as 10:34AM EDT (good for creative work, social connections) - she will be void until 4:22PM EDT when she moves into fiery Aries. 


During the void - go with the flow, do productive stuff, but nothing we need something to "come of", keep in mind situations that flare up during this time won't amount to much, so don't make a mountain out of a molehill. 

The Moon's move into Aries late this afternoon should energize those who have been worn out by the Pisces Full Moon, but it can also turn up the pressure. Time to get moving, good for independent work. Keep in mind, if we don't want life to feel like a battleground over the next couple months - we need to stay flexible. 


Mercury is trining Saturn while squaring the North/South Nodes. 


Saturn is retrograde so still focused (as us and as authority) on re-working something, old responsibilities. We can't yet move forward/know what will happen. We can't yet release what needs to go/go back and change the past. We have to stay focused on the facts and taking care of the details. The uncrossed t's and undotted i's that are biting us in the ass - we have to focus on those. 


There could be one big thing, and this won't be a totally new thing, but it could be something the Full Moon energy has 'brought to light' - that needs our focus/attention/manning up to deal with this. 


This is Virgo season - take the next solid step. Virgo opposes Pisces (the final sign), so we can't see how this all turns out from here - just do the next practical thing. 

We also have Juno (in Libra) opposing Black Moon Lilith (in Aries) The wife vs the other woman. The commitment to the contract/partnership vs personal freedom/autonomy. Oppositions can bring endings. They show us what we are projecting - the dutiful wife clinging to the contract needs more freedom, the other woman needs some solid ground. Life is a mirror.


Let's use the Mercury/Saturn trine to deal with authority, our responsibilities/goals. The practical stuff that needs our attention. Let's use the Moon/Venus trine to allow ourselves to dream/feel good - somehow we need to combine these energies without looking too far ahead or getting mired in the past.


Use the void to chill out/rest if you need to! 

There is alot of complicated Martian/impulsive/sometimes angry energy coming up, so let's not do foolish stuff. Stay safe and smart. 


We will get through 2020!

xo all

photo by the amazing oprisco

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