Swing by Kleemass |
This post is mostly from the weekly
HERE - see Tuesday - with the signs added at the end. xo
Today we have the Gemini Sun opposing the Sagittarius Moon at 8 degrees - giving us our annual
Full Moon in Sagittarius.
The Moon will trine the North Node (
in Leo) and the Sun will be trining the South Node (
in Aquarius). The Sun is also inconjunct (
rock and hard place) Saturn in Capricorn.
Full Moons brings things to light, to a conclusion or point of fullness. Full Moons are
The Gemini/Aquarius energy will be finishing something up or bringing something to a fullness via conversations, information, communications, choices, decisions. The Sagittarius/Leo energy will be launching us forward (
think of the Sagittarian archer's arrow here) via our beliefs, truth, wisdom, bigger opportunities, travel, stepping outside comfort zones, exploration, education. This would all be a very smooth transition, except for the Sun's inconjunct to Saturn - that obstacle/limit that must be addressed.
With Saturn in play we want to be sure we are taking seriously what we are doing now and taking responsibility for where we are heading with whatever we have going on.
Sagittarius likes shortcuts, but Saturn is not allowing any corner-cutting.
We OPEN OUR MINDS (Full Moon in Sagittarius) to a higher ground with a clearer FOCUS and at the same time welcome the choices and changing attentions of Gemini.
We OPEN OUR HEARTS (North Node in Leo) to the creation of what we are here to bring into the world and at the same time release the detachment and distractions of Aquarius.
With Chiron in Aries we have a Grand Fire Trine formed with the Sagittarius Moon and North Node in Leo. Fire burns away the bullshit - and we have the North and South node in air signs to fan the flames - so that truth/wisdom/whatever we are stretching here (Sag) can HEAL (Chiron). The Moon is conjunct the fixed star Antares connected by astrologers who study the fixed stars to Jupiter (
ruler of this Full Moon and currently retrograde in Scorpio) and Mars (
co-ruler of Scorpio) - speaking of bravery and passion but also possible carelessness creating damage. We might want to pull back a bit from anything that feels too risky now.
The Full Moon's aspects are also forming a Mystic Rectangle. A Mystic Rectangle is two oppositions (Moon/Sun and North Node/South Node) supported by multiple smooth sextiles and trines. Expansion, sudden challenges, too much/too soon, over-the-top emotions whatever this is if it touches our chart - there are multiple beneficial energies helping us make this all work out smoothly.
This is excellent energy for artists and creatives to reach for something else, to work with something/someone foreign, to learn something new, to stretch.We attract what we want and need by optimistically embracing potential now. We don't have to know how this is all going to turn out, we know there will be adventure here - if we embrace what we do with an adventurous heart.
Remember the energies we are working with - we are working with the Leo/Aquarius polarity - something we have talked about alot over the last year.
Leo (
naturally ruled by the Sun) is asking us to step onto the center stage of our own life - to shine. Leo is that noble lion; generous and heart-centered. At the same time Aquarius is asking us to work for the best outcome for everyone, to stay humble.
We are asked to release the idea that for us to win - someone else has to lose. This isn't true. We are asked to release the idea that if someone else looks like they have won, that we have lost. That isn't true either.
And of course, we are working with the Sagittarius/Gemini polarity.
Sagittarius is a fun-loving sign that rules travel, freedom, adventure, legal stuff, higher education, good luck, faith, religion, prayer, optimism, problem solving, truth seekers, boldly going where no man has gone before, the quest -
it also rules carelessness, taking shortcuts, thinking we are right, making assumptions, throwing pink paint on problems and hoping they will go away, overconfidence, impatience and superficial fluff.
Sagittarius is a mutable sign. The mutable signs prepare us for the change into the next season. We put on the sweater. We put away the sweater. We adjust.
Mutable signs are service signs and Sagittarius is in service through the exploration of Truth - this could be legal truth or political truth but its most especially spiritual truth - its highest purpose is enlightenment and expanding what is known.
The lower level energies rule religious wars, legal battles and political bullshit.
A few hours after the Moon is full, Mercury moves home to Gemini (
thru June 12th) - a sign she/he RULES. Information speeds up. Travel, especially local travel, speeds up. People are more talkative. We get more mentally busy. We could be dealing with more sibling and transportation/local environment issues over the next couple weeks. We put our thoughts into words.
With Mercury ruling the Sun and changing signs on the day of the Full Moon it is especially likely for some information to come in this week that brings to light or to some conclusion/culmination our Full Moon agenda and/or our Leo North Node agenda (
that thing our heart wants).
Here is a forecast by sign with my usual caveats.
Check your Sun and Rising Sign - take what is helpful and disregard the rest.
Note that because I am writing this using whole signs and am not looking at your chart , where just because you have Aries rising does NOT actually mean you have Sagittarius ruling your 9th house, although it most likely is - for example - things may never totally connect with your life. I hope something helps though.
ARIES/Aries Rising (
Sagittarius 9th house) this Full Moon is happening in your 9th house of travel, higher education, weddings, politics, legal issues, the media, publishing, foreigners, everything outside your comfort zone, exploration, your beliefs and higher thinking. Something within these themes comes to light, a conclusion or a culmination point now. With Chiron in your sign (
and Uranus outta there!) and trining both the Full Moon
and the North Node in Leo - just being yourself should start to feel pretty good right about now Aries. Saturn is inconjuncting the Sun from your 10th house of - your career, your calling, your achievements, your achievement goals, dad, business, authority, responsibility - and Mercury moves into your 3rd house (
communication, choices, information) at the time of the Moon - communications regarding limits, time constraints, structural issues, requirements, security issues at work/with goals and responsibilities could be something you are forced to deal with.
The released brakes can help you gain momentum (and attention!) for your creativity - whatever your North Node in Leo is looking to "birth" - take that stuff seriously now Aries.
TAURUS/Taurus Rising (
Sagittarius 8th house) this Full Moon is happening in your 8th house of other people's resources, other people's values, intimacy, other people's money, spouse's income, loans, debts, taxes, inheritance, sex, reproduction. Something within these themes comes to light, a conclusion or a culmination point now.
Money could flow in or out now. Saturn points out your 9th house limit/responsibility - travel, higher education, relocation, weddings, politics, legal issues, the media, publishing, foreigners, everything outside your comfort zone, exploration, your beliefs and higher thinking via a conversation or more information. With Mercury's move into Gemini (
and trine to Mars in your career house!) at the time of the Full Moon it could be a good time to think/talk about your finances, ask for a raise, raise your prices and create movement toward making more money. Uranus is just starting to get comfortable - in his own uncomfortable way - in your sign Taurus, the sky is going to be the limit for you, you just need to relax your grip!
GEMINI/ Gemini Rising (
Sagittarius 7th house) this Full Moon is happening in your 7th house of partners and partnership (romantic/business). Something within these themes comes to light - likely through a conversation or additional information, a conclusion (ending) or a peak culmination point now. With the Sun in Gemini and Mercury coming home to Gemini on the day of the Full Moon plus the trine to brave and passionate Aries -
the time is ripe for your voice to be heard, especially regarding partnership matters. Saturn points out your 8th house responsibility- a debt, shared resources, intimacy - via some kind of
limit. Partnership imbalances and the stuff that needs to be said out loud - in particular anything started or given wings around the Sagittarius New Moon last December - could be given legs now via a former commitment.
CANCER/Cancer Rising (
Sagittarius 6th house) this Full Moon is happening in your 6th house of day-to-day activities, your routine, work, co-workers, pets and your health. Something within these themes comes to light - likely via a conversation or additional information - a conclusion or a culmination point now. Saturn points out your 7th house responsibility - partners and partnerships. With Mercury moving into your 12th house of secrets, dreams and what is happening behind the scenes - conversations (
especially within partnerships - romantic or business) could revolve around things you have put away (
want to put behind you) or don't want to talk about. Watch you don't shoot yourself in the foot by telling/or withholding too much. Venus in your sign Cancer is trining Jupiter and Neptune this week and we are all heading home to the North Node in your sign lovely Cancer.
If you are thinking you have to do everything on your own - this is going to change BIG TIME.
LEO/Leo Rising (
Sagittarius 5th house) this Full Moon is happening in your 5th house of creative projects, your self-expression, what you give birth to, children, romance and recreation. Something within these themes comes to light - likely via a conversation or additional information - a conclusion or a culmination point now.
The trine to the North Node in your sign offers a way forward that connects with your heart and will make you proud of what you have to show off. Mercury is trining Mars from your 11th house of the collective - your friendships, groups, causes, the internet, the public, the goals that bring you into relationship with other people, your advancement, technology - connecting you via conversations and additional information with what you need within these themes. Saturn points out your 6th house responsibility that can't be bypassed - your daily responsibilities, routine, commitments, health, etc. Uranus has moved into the top of your chart Leo - so much about how the world sees YOU is about to change - and probably more than once!
VIRGO/Virgo Rising (
Sagittarius 4th house) this Full Moon is happening in your 4th house of home, family, your roots, mother, mothering, your ancestry, real estate or a home business. Something within these themes comes to light - likely via a conversation or additional information - a conclusion or a culmination point now. Are you moving or renovating Virgo? Maybe it is time for an important conversation with a female relative that will bring something to a conclusion and turn over a fresh leaf now. Saturn points out the importance of your 5th house responsibility - maybe to a child or creative project.
Mercury moves into your 10th house of career and trines "get it done" Mars - you take action, make the call, write the email, do what you have to do to move things forward in a visible way. The trines to the North and South Node tell us you are ready to release any self-sabotaging tendencies and transform that day-to-day activities, your routine, work, co-workers, pets or health situation BIG TIME.
LIBRA/Libra Rising (
Sagittarius 3rd house) this Full Moon is happening in your 3rd house of communication, information, writing, siblings, transportation or your local neighborhood. Something within these themes comes to light - likely via a conversation or additional information - a conclusion or a culmination point now.
A decision is made. Saturn points out the importance of your 4th house responsibility - maybe with a home, family, your roots, mother, mothering, your ancestry, real estate or a home business situation. You know what is most important to you. Target what matters Libra. With your ruling sign Venus at the top of your chart and about to trine Jupiter and Neptune this week - maybe new life is breathed into something you thought was dead in the water. Your talents, skills and resources are going to be put to use, over the next few years,
in a whole new way!
SCORPIO/Scorpio Rising (
Sagittarius 2nd house) this Full Moon is happening in your 2nd house of your money, your values, your resources and self-esteem. Something within these themes comes to light - likely via a conversation or additional information - a conclusion or a culmination point now. Saturn points out the importance of your 3rd house responsibility - some information needs to come out, a conversation needs to be had likely involving an 8th house issue - other people's resources, other people's values, intimacy, other people's money, spouse's income, loans, debts, taxes, inheritance, sex, reproduction. This can't be avoided. Get on top of a budget or money making plan now.
The trine to the North Node in your 10th house of career offers a positive connection between what you do in the world and your bank account, but you need to be willing to release the ways your financial maneuverings, likely based on familial limits and childhood/past life learnings, actually work against you. Your old vision of your career/public image is being blown to dust, but you might not know this yet. Much will be worked through this summer Scorpio as everything
slows down to a simmer.
SAGITTARIUS/Sagittarius Rising (Sagittarius 1st house) - this is YOUR FULL MOON Sagittarius and you only get one every year, so enjoy it. Whatever you have been working on since last December's New Moon in Sagittarius, could come together now! With so much happening in Gemini, your partnership house - this Full Moon tells of a conversation or additional information - a conclusion or a culmination point within a
relationship. Trining the North Node in Leo, your 9th house of - travel, higher education, weddings, relocation, politics, legal issues, the media, publishing, foreigners, everything outside your comfort zone, exploration, your beliefs and higher thinking - something here is rip for forward movement. Saturn will be pointing out the importance of a 2nd house responsibility though, maybe financial.
Maybe your partner is thinking bigger than you are - how is it possible for anyone to think bigger than a Sag? Saturn will get what Saturn wants here, but you might have to be a little more flexible.
CAPRICORN/Capricorn Rising (
Sagittarius 12th house) this Full Moon is happening in your 12th house of what is hidden or put away or done behind the scenes, secrets, the ethereal realms, imagination, hospitals, spirituality, addiction, healing. Something within these themes comes to light - likely via a conversation or additional information - a conclusion or a culmination point now. With other energies converging in your 6th house it could be a health or work issue - something you didn't know about or didn't want others to know about - will come out of the shadows. That trine to the North Node in your 8th house tells us the exposure could actually increase your intimacy with other people or other people's resources.
Let forgiveness and surrender be your buzzwords Cappy! Saturn points out the importance of your 1st house responsibility - to yourself! Mercury's move into your 6th house could make you busy as a bee Gemini, possibly increase your workload or creating an emphasis on getting yourself more and better health information or talking to the right people. With Mars preparing to backtrack over your money house at the same time Uranus is waking up your 5th house of creative projects there could be something you previously put away that should be pulled back out now Cappy, if you want life to "show you the money". Time to re-work and re-imagine it!
AQUARIUS/Aquarius Rising (
Sagittarius 11th house) this Full Moon is happening in your 11th house of the collective - your friendships, groups, causes, the internet, the public, the goals that bring you into relationship with other people, your advancement, technology. Something within these themes comes to light - likely via a conversation or additional information - a conclusion or a culmination point now.
An important collaboration or something done on the internet could come together now! Saturn points out the importance of your 12th house responsibility- some situation that is hidden or put away or done behind the scenes, secrets, the ethereal realms, imagination, hospitals, spirituality, addiction, healing, any self-sabotaging tendency to shove something under the bed
- something here that can't be ignored now. So don't ignore it. The next two and a half months are going to bring two eclipses across your sign Aquarius, I know you don't like change so much, but your beliefs about what is possible for your life are going to be upended water bearer.
PISCES/Pisces Rising (
Sagittarius 10th house) the Full Moon is happening in your
10th house of your career, your calling, your achievements, your achievement goals, dad, business, authority, responsibility. Something within these themes comes to light - likely via a conversation or additional information - a conclusion or a culmination point now. Hopefully a goal from the Sagittarius New Moon in December is reached. Saturn points out the importance of your 11th house responsibility - maybe the goals that bring you into connection with other people or maybe something about your reputation (?) via an authority figure or limited option. With Mercury moving into your 4th house of home and family there could be a family situation that gets energized now. Your career house and home/family are the spaces of greatest growth for you now Pisces. By the time Jupiter, the planet of luck and expansion, moves to the top of your chart next November you will have enough water under these bridges to know precisely what you want and what you need to do!
xo all - make sure you get out and walk in the Full Moon!!
Please excuse any typos here - this day totally got away from me and I am not going to be able to double check the post - not that double - or triple checking - has stopped me from having typos before!