the enemy of my enemy is my friend

insects by the amazing gollybard
We need wasps.

You may or may not remember the family visit in July that had me running around like a maniac, quickly followed by lying on the ground in a sweaty puddle of overwhelm quickly followed by me running around like a maniac.

One of the things I did to get ready for their visit that was totally unnecessary and pretty much just designed to make myself crazy was - paint the shutters. My shutters have been - black, lilac, mint green and now lemon yellow. Taking them down is precarious business with a two story house especially since we know from previous paintings that wasps (paper wasps) have built elaborate condos and townhouses behind them.

Plus I had been attacked by yellow jackets a few day earlier and was am still suffering from PTSD.

(I am serious as a heart attack and if you do not believe me just buzz in my ear or have your phone set to vibrate go off in my presence and see what I do - I will totally embarrass myself plus I might break your phone or ... nose.)

The back of every shutter (12 total) housed 6-10 wasps. And they were quite pissed. Of course being a law-abiding landlord I had sent them all the legal notifications and was totally clear they could return home and would even have a spiffy new lemon yellow exterior for their trouble. They didn't care.

Paper moths are not usually dangerous - but if you mess with their nests, it's a whole other story. They even send out pheromones that other wasps can pick up for miles that signal "HELP, our house is on fire" and the other wasps will rush over to keep their neighbors from being evicted, probably so they don't have to move in with them.

It was not a good day - for us or the wasps. There were a few casualties, but most of us survived. To cut to the chase (and yes, my friends it was a chase) - we hung some pretend paper bag nests on the lower porch to try and discourage them from building new nests behind the freshly painted first floor shutters, but we thought they would return to the second floor shutters.

They didn't; maybe because rainy weather kept us shutter-less for over a week. I don't know where they went, but it is obvious now, they have moved on. We used to see them all the time around the yard, but we have been pretty wasp-less since mid-summer.

At first this seemed like a good thing. I didn't have to worry about them stinging Olive if she trampled one or dodging them while watering my hanging baskets - but we soon discovered a major drawback to our wasp-less state - MOSQUITOES - we are over-run! And caterpillars and spiders.

On the plus side my shutters look very bright and cheery, just don't stand outside admiring them for more than 30 seconds or you won't be.

There is a business lesson in this, too - the enemy (well, in business I guess we would say rival) - the rival of my rival in my friend. Also eco-systems are fragile (I hope Etsy is listening).  xo all

BIZ Astrology for Tuesday, September 16th - manifesting mud pies

A few things going on today - the Moon moves into mothering, nurturing Cancer late this morning - Gemini's chitchat will go away and we can have some nice emotional grounding. We will want to pull into our shell and go quiet. That's OK (return calls though- today is a great day to make contact with someone important!). The Moon forms a nice trine with Neptune tonight that can make even uncomfortable conversations go well - do the Cancer nurture thing and make the other person all comfy cozy and welcome first. 

Lots of fire with Jupiter in Leo and Mars in Sagittarius, lots of exhilarating energy now and we also have Saturn making us focus. We can see the truth now.

The Virgo Sun's earth coupled with the Cancer Moon's water (think about your own magical mud pies today) makes this a wonderful day for manifesting.

Mercury crosses the North Node of the Moon which can bring people from our past (and past lives if you resonate with that way of thinking) back into our lives - you may not recognize them, but you will recognize them, if you know what I mean.

There are destiny aspects here. We could meet the love of our life now (and yes, maybe that guy from ancient Persia who we cheated out of a camel and now he is back to steal our car). Romantic risks can pay off. We could also meet someone younger who inspires us. We could sign a contract. Our new tribe is starting to form (more about this next month) - the wires keeping us in our chicken coop are all in our head - we can fly right out of there. Lots of clean slates now.

OK back to this manifesting energy today - listen up!

FIRST - with Mercury (and Venus) hitting the North Nodes today we may get some clues about our life direction. Our North Node is the direction our growth lies in this lifetime (our south node is the space we push off from). The house our north node is in is very important. Check your natal chart! This we need to memorize (if I have done your chart email me and I can tell you the house or email me your birthdate, place and time!).

Let's say we have a north node in the first house (or in Aries) - the house of self. Well, in this lifetime we need to focus on developing our own unique identity. Our south node will be in the 7th house (polarity) of partnership (Libra) - this is where we kick off. But if we try to gain our identity from partnership we will feel like we have been thrown into the ocean with anchors on our legs.

If something opens up now (or someone enters our life) connected to that North Node house - consider that a big old GREEN light.

SECOND - In a Tarot deck Mercury is the Magician card - an archetype many makers are familiar with even if they have never heard of him.

The Magician is the alchemist - the great conjurer; the maker of something out of nothing - we channel this energy all the time. I have a post on Mercury HERE that would be good to read now. This is an excellent day for ritual, for lighting a candle and setting the intention for what is truly ours to find us. This is a day where our words will matter.

BIZ Astrology for Monday, September 15th - a logical approach now

Action Mars entered fiery Sagittarius on Saturday - this is a great transit for a fresh, energized new start. If you are normally a risk-taker you may have to dial it back a bit so you don't run off a cliff somewhere, but for the rest of us this energy will get us moving. Doors are opening.

With both today's sun (Virgo) and moon (Gemini) ruled by Mercury - a logical approach is supported now. Do your homework. Stuff comes to light today.

Decisive strategies are favored now. 

The stuff that came up for us in the last few days is in some way the stuff we will be dealing with next summer - how was your weekend anyway?

(the world news was all about Isis - maybe the media shouldn't nickname a group they do not want to be powerful after a powerful female Goddess at a time of rising female energy unless of course, somebody wants a powerful enemy for a never-ending war - Hilary in Iowa, Scotland's bid for independence - this one is in the shadow of Mercury retrograde so will no doubt be back if it fails.)

Mercury squares the North Node in Libra - many have cleared a lot of relationship and personal power gunk over the last few years - the Aries/Libra polarity (what house is Libra in your natal chart?). We are stepping into new waters now. Our story might look the same on the outside (although it probably doesn't), we might be doing something we have done before, but we are not the same people - we can do it differently this time.

Tomorrow Venus meets the Nodes (more on this tomorrow) and we could attract someone from our new tribe (especially someone younger than us or with newer ideas), hear some important news or get a significant contract - this could happen next week, too. We need to be clear on what we value now. What is it time for us to contribute? What have we learned? Where do we really want to go? Mars in Sagittarius (the archer) will get us to our target.

No going backwards to repair stuff right now - don't focus on what isn't working - see what is working and focus on that.

The positive spaces this new energy will focus - ARIES: education, legal matters, long distance travel, publishing, religion, encounters with the exotic TAURUS: loans, taxes, debts, inheritance, fertility, partner's money, sex, GEMINI: partnerships, marriage, intimacy, equality, CANCER: health, work, co-workers, routines, skills of value to others, LEO: children, creative projects, romance, the spotlight, play, VIRGO: home business, renovation, moving, leaving something behind, family, LIBRA: meetings, communications, siblings, open talks, clarity, speaking, teaching, writing, SCORPIO: money that is earned, security, what you value, management of resources SAGITTARIUS: personal identity, goals, your physical energy level, ambition, authority over your own life, CAPRICORN: secrets, stuff that isn't developed yet, stuff that is hidden or forgotten, meditation, spirituality, AQUARIUS: friendships, tribes, public life and image, concrete direction PISCES: career, what you are here to give, authority, destiny

BIZ Astrology for Friday, September 12th - establishing priorities and standing tall in our story

brene brown quote
Today, our practical Virgo Sun meets our practical Taurus Moon and makes a great day for establishing priorities and putting down roots - a solid, practical day. I like things simple, we just need to be sure we are not settling for easy today because it might come back to bite us later. Get stuff done. There is money to be made later from the work we do now.

This is a great day to venture into something creative. Celebrate any victories now - this will attract more and bigger reasons to celebrate. This is the space in our story where we stand tall and breathe a little; the place where the hero takes a hot bath and looks at how far he has come (and freaking amazes himself). Every story is hard. Every story is unique. Appreciate ourselves for the strength we have shown so far. We can do this.

The moon makes a square to Jupiter so it is important to stay positive. Mercury has been in this intense cardinal cross and this weekend Mercury opposes Uranus so something unpredictable and exciting could happen. This kind of pushes us to find a new way to handle something; see a new perspective. We can meet new people or a special person now.

When the Moon moves into Gemini this weekend, the winds will pick up. Youthful enthusiasm rules.

(now it is good to be prepared, but if we are the kind of person who has to prepare for every eventuality- well, things may not ever go terribly wrong for us, but they may not ever go terribly right either)

On Saturday night Mars (action) moves into optimistic, expansive Sagittarius thru October 26th and it's been almost a year since we have had Mars in fire. This is mostly a good great thing because this will make everyone a little more optimistic, a little more adventurous, a little more curious about the world.

This will be the push many people need to get moving, make a decision or do something else. Stuck stuff will get unstuck during this transit.

Now the downside (yes this is a planet of contrast, there is always a polarity and it's not always my adorable little locket - warning shameless plug ahead - check out some new necklaces here) is our impulse control might go bye-bye now. We can leap before we look (which sounds nice on a poster - leap and the net will appear, should say 'leap and the adventures will appear', I think). We can be overly trusting.

That smart executive on vacation who wandered into that cave at 3:45 and drowned when the tide came in 10 minutes later because the guide - a distracted and overworked 20 year old scuba instructor with a bad haircut; someone the executive would not have normally trusted his life to, of course - told the executive to leave the cave by 4:00 and hell, it was only 3:55; that trusting guy on an adventure, um, that trusting dead guy on an adventure (and this story is totally made up) was probably a Sagittarius.

Leaping is good during this transit, but there definitely needs to be some looking first - fortune favors the bold, but not the reckless now -

because Saturn is going to join this little Sagittarius party and he will see to it the stuff we put into motion now will stick.

(yes, first we get unstuck then we get stuck again - this is why we need to be following our passion and living from our heart, so if we fall on our asses at least we will have a craft room filled with yarn and pillow inserts to cushion our fall)

It will not be so easy to extricate ourselves from this stuff quickly - we could set something into play that reverberates until Saturn vacates the premises in 2016.

The house Sagittarius sits in our natal chart (print out your natal chart!) will be where this all plays out - this is where we can expand our awareness through the gathering of unfamiliar experience.

We need to be conscious of anything we are creating and signing up for now through the end of October because come December and for the next couple years we will have to live with this.

BIZ Astrology for Thursday, September 11th - ambitious activity

We have a grounded Sun/Saturn sextile today and an action Aries Moon that goes void. Not a great day to start something brand new, but an excellent day for ambitious activity - let's get some $hit done today (and tomorrow) folks!

We might get the feeling that it is now or never; that stuff has to happen NOW. This isn't really true, but we can use this AGITATION to make stuff happen. This is an excellent day to get our creative efforts out there. Concrete stuff is happening. Take a deep breath. Details are wrapping up. Decisions are being made.

This is passionate energy so the stuff that calls to our heart will be easy to NOTICE now. If we don't feel like doing it today, we probably never will ....

(yes, I am feeling the need to CAPITALIZE - don't hate me)

We might over focus now- so let's keep our eye on the big picture. We have Mars moving into Sagittarius in a couple days and that is going to be AMAZINGLY GOOD!

The fly in the ointment -

(why is there always a fly in the damn ointment - why can't we ever remember to put the cap on the damn ointment before the fly gets in there)

Mercury has an inconjunct aspect to Chiron for the next couple days - so even though we are trying to say the right thing we might say the wrong thing or maybe there will just not be a right thing to say - someone is not going to be happy with what we say or maybe we are the one getting upset.

This is the space between the rock and the hard place. We might feel forced to respond before we are ready to answer. There will be some kind of wrap up to this thing next Tuesday, but for now with Mercury in Libra it is best to communicate with collaboration, diplomacy, tact and hospitality.

On Sunday, Mercury will enter his shadow (he will be retrograde most of October) and start asking us "Are you sure? Is this what you really want? Is this where you really fit? Do you still fly with this flock?". Mercury is in Libra - so this will be about our partnerships and relationships. Saturn will make us commit to these partnerships and tribes during the eclipses in October.

Today is a great day to step things up and cement something solid - this will be in the area of our work, health, small pets, organization and routine.

And we have that Virgo Sun shining a light on all the ways we are not organized. Stuffing it in the closet just doesn't work now.

Tonight the Moon moves into Taurus - so it's a great night to ... well, I'll just leave it at that. This is a business blog after all (if you squint and stand at twenty paces). xo all

BIZ Astrology for Wednesday, September 10th - creative action

collage by spiresburn

We have an independent and dynamic Aries Moon pushing us forward today (with Aries we always have to take a second look and make sure we are not pushing into a wall - the Aries ram's gotta ram after all) and in a big old T-Square. Uranus is creating excitement. Opposing Mercury in Libra is creating indecision. Mercury squaring Pluto is asking us to embrace new ideas. 

Things could still look better than they actually are. Mistakes can happen. Attractive Venus opposing kindhearted Neptune today may draw sob stories - we want to be practicing high levels of compassion now, but not be foolish or self-sacrificing.

Since Venus rules the 2nd house of everything money can buy and everything money can't - hold onto our wallet and our values today (that smooth talking guy at the bar needs to go home alone, that broke-ass girlfriend can get a job, those boots you can't afford anyway will not fit right).

This is a good day for solid forward motion - an Aries moon makes us brave, a Virgo sun makes us detail oriented. If we are building our life on the solid ground of what we really want (this can be tricky, so take this part seriously), we cannot lose. We can always fail, but we cannot lose.

We have the grounded Virgo Sun sextiling Saturn in Scorpio (this won't happen again for decades) so our passions are really growing legs now. Creative people are thinking bigger and taking action. This is manifesting energy. That same Neptune / Venus opposition can create real beauty in the world now.

Some people may feel next month's eclipse this week with something important eclipsing out of our life. It's time (this doesn't make it any easier or hurt any less, I know). xo all

BIZ Astrology for Tuesday, September 9th - after the storm

after the storm print by elly mckay

That Pisces full Moon continues until tonight - emotions could be and have been intense. Today is like the fog after a big rainstorm.

Pisces is a water sign so anything that makes us cry now is something to look at. The full moon always shows us what we are holding onto. There is a gift in letting go. Know that any emotional endings now are perfectly timed.

The Hindu Goddess Kali is the Goddess of Autumn and rules endings and beginnings. She represents Mother Nature and is an archetype of Scorpio - she helps things that are ready to die. Call on her if we need strength - she is an ass-kicker and gets things done.

The Moon moves into Aries tonight and things get back on track. If your natal Moon is in Aries (moon's position when you were born) this is a perfect night for some fun play - a sporting event, a bike ride with your stopwatch, a poker game, any kind of competitive play that has no meaning.

If you know someone with an Aries Moon who never gets to play aggressively it is safe to assume he (or she) is very, very angry.

This is more true for men than women. By being born a woman the elements of water and earth are in our physical bodies although this is not always automatic and can require an action to activate it - something like raising a child, tending a garden or growing a business.

Venus in Virgo opposes Neptune today so our projects and relationships are fluid and malleable. We have to balance the fantasy and reality here. Let's not get sidetracked. Things might not be fully developed - we may have a feeling that something has to be done right now that isn't quite ripe. Sit on it until at least tomorrow.

Mercury in Libra forms a challenging position to Pluto that could make us obsess a bit, sending us into an insecure space when it comes time to say what we need to say. Pluto wants us to get to the bottom line. Mercury wants accuracy. Libra wants diplomacy. There's also some secrecy aspects to this placement. Uranus opposing Mercury could upset even the best intended plans.

There's a cosmic adrenal exhaustion warning now - we need to get enough sleep, we need to eat whole healthy foods, we need to move our bodies away from the computer or work bench - we can't stay motivated when we are struggling with burnout and depression. If we have to step back, we can always step back, no one is keeping score - we can be human-kind or the human-race now, I guess - it's up to us.

Full Moon in Pisces - Monday, September 8th - radical compassion with ourselves and others

chalk wall pattern

We have a full moon tonight at 9:38 EST. This is a sensitive, powerful full moon and our 3rd super Moon of the summer! This full moon conjuncts Chiron (wounded healer), trines Saturn and trines Juno.

We could have life changing moments today and tomorrow.

This isn't about setting intentions for what we want (like new moon energy affirmations). This is release energy. So we take that thing we want and release what is blocking us from having it. For example we want excellent health so we release our attention from junk food. We want a strong, focused mind so we release our attention from distractions. Then we have this wonderful Virgo Sun to take the actions that set up the systems to support us to do this. The release is the big huge first step that supports all the baby steps that follow.

It feels like a good time to step out of development issues. This is the time to release any energies that are wounding us. With Mercury squaring Pluto some deep fears can be released. Mercury is in Libra so other people are involved here.

These fears are the self-sabotaging stuff that keeps us stuck and makes us more comfortable playing small.

With Venus opposite Neptune this will highlight projects, money and relationships. There are excellent aspects for physical healing now (releasing the emotional component of an illness).

Pisces and Virgo are opposite signs, but really the opposite sides of the same coin. The balance of these two signs is where we bring God (life, the universe or whatever word you feel most comfortable using here) to earth through our actions of service.

Virgo/Pisces service is about the highest levels of service and compassion - it doesn't take on the burdens of others - compassion holds a higher vibration. It's not about removing the pain or suffering of another person which we literally can't do because the karma (ie energy attraction, cause and effect, our perfectly pre-planned, but not predestined life experiences) - that created it in the first place will just recreate it in another form.

Pisces is the last and final sign - the place where the buck stops - Pisces energy knows this.

Pisces compassion shows patience, lends an ear or a shoulder without the need for recognition - without the need for thanks - knowing the service is its own reward; the work is often invisible. 

It holds open doors and the spaces for others to be strong and courageous and confident. This is the power we hold now - we can see "who is doing without" and know what needs to be said or done. 

There are magical spaces for simple hospitality to create real change now. A stranger isn't really a stranger.

For more about the Full Moon the Mystic Mamas blog has a great post HERE
In my own life this healing is working through a long Saturn transit and since about 1 in 5 people have a difficult Saturn complex (although almost every human being born in patriarchy is subject to this feeling to some degree) on their natal chart, the healing energy now makes me think there is value in writing about it.

The smartest way to handle a Saturn transit (and my natal Saturn squaring my Sun makes me somewhat of an expert on this since my entire life is one long Saturn transit - imagine a stern father looking over your shoulder all the time!) is to know that often limitation has value.

A Saturn complex creates a feeling of things not being OK just as they are - this can give us high standards, drive and ambition, but also the feeling we have something to prove. In a natal chart these will simply be qualities of who we are - like having green eye and blond hair. Saturn's little inside joke is that we better enjoy what we are doing because there are no additional rewards for getting it right or being perfect.

The process is an end in itself and not a means to an end. Ultimately Saturn teaches us to love and value ourselves and not look for validation from outside sources. I think I will have to write a post about this.

For today - stay centered - let's choose our words carefully - they are powerful now and the less we speak today the stronger our words will be tonight when we need them. Get into water. Take a bath. Walk barefoot in that full moon tonight, even if you have cloudy skies, I can assure you the moon is still just as powerful. 

Set your intention to release what isn't working - be advised this is a very strong moon and this 'stuff that isn't working' will release. This may or may not feel good. If there are big things in our lives not working, a release intention at the full moon, can change everything. Let's be brave. Let's do what we came for.

BIZ Astrology for Friday, September 5th - changing where we are by loving what we do (not necessarily doing what we love)

We start the day with the Moon in steady, get the job done, Capricorn. Then she goes void just before lunch (EST) giving us a few hours to work through stuff already in motion. A void moon is a time to hold off on actions where we have high expectations - stuff tends to be unrealistic, stuff tends to be more fluid and hard to nail down.

There is a quincunx (150 degree aspect) this morning between Jupiter and Pluto. A quincunx requires us to make adjustments, which is maybe why the word sounds like a chiropractic term to me.

Maybe our chosen path (and yes, whatever path we are on was chosen by us, maybe consciously, maybe subconsciously or intuitively from the gazillions of little choices we have made over time) is not compatible with our best avenue for growth; maybe it doesn't best create the space for us to give what we are here to give.

The energies that are influencing us now allow us to feel the parts of ourselves that are out of alignment. People did not used to be made so uncomfortable by their lives. It used to be a person sitting in an unsatisfactory space, like a bad job or a bad relationship, was not caused the same amount of pain by that condition that we feel today.  

We have this agitation now - this major potential teasing us forward. 

The last time we had the current Pluto/Uranus square cycle (2012-2015) was during the great depression

(and the Gold Rush, which feels exactly like the internet to me - lots of money to be made, but not everyone will make money. How many people actually made money from mining gold vs selling mining equipment to people mining gold? I will have to research this. This feels like the internet to me, too - of course everyone had an ambitious adventure to tell their grandchildren).

When Pluto and Uranus were conjunct during the 1960's we set off a revolution. That revolution seeded much of what is happening now. The problem then was we were all still oriented toward pushing against what we didn't want which only empowers what we don't want!

Now by creating what we do want and pushing for that - real change can happen. This is not a linear journey though and we have Saturn in the mix making us work for it.

Work doesn't have to look like it used to though. When we work with our heart, work changes.

We've had Jupiter adjusting to Neptune (for the first time in our lives) since mid August and today we have Jupiter in Leo adjusting to Pluto. This creates some shifting sand with our creative work, children and relationships. There is money, authority figures and power involved. In the outer world this could show up as child abuse or child sex slavery in the news over the days and weeks ahead.

The immediate news for today is Venus enters Virgo - we have 25 days to get our asses organized! Venus is considered in 'her fall' in Virgo. She doesn't like it here. Venus wants the high heels that make her legs look long and beautiful, not the practical flats that Virgo knows won't make her feet hurt at the end of the day. It takes collaboration now. We can have form and function, but we need to work for it.

If we can not nitpick our way through the month and make ourselves and everyone else nuts, we can get a hell of a lot done now. Focus on organization and production this month.

This is the time when our ancestors brought in the harvest - we need to work now, too.

The Moon drops into Aquarius tonight and hangs out for much of the weekend. This will give us the chance to see things in new and unusual ways. Do something different this weekend! Make our body form new connections to what is familiar. This is a weekend to see where the magic can take us and where we are blocking that. This Aquarius Moon will make some hard squares this weekend - so don't get too critical. When Virgo is not critical, no one is more compassionate - let's use that energy now. Our new tribe is coming - hang on. xo all

BIZ Astrology for Thursday, September 4th - structure creates freedom

Our serious Capricorn Moon conjuncts Pluto and the Sun making a perfect trine - our calling is calling. This can sometimes feel like a scavenger hunt though and often we only get one clue at a time. We have to go through that one thing to get to the next thing and this stuff only makes sense in hindsight and even then only if we are paying attention.  

Pay attention.

Capricorn urges us to resist change and this tactic might produce a better short term outcome (maybe not the best day to quit our day job - of course, I can't see your personal chart!), but our long range plans still need to be about our passion.

Our calling is still calling. This is our programming. This urge isn't going away.

Today's skies are serious and maybe a little depressing - a Capricorn Moon can remind us of our limitations. She likes realistic goals. She's pragmatic. She is also strong and ambitious. This stuff can make us nuts without clear boundaries.

When I have some direction I want to take and I don't commit to a specific action I am never free of it.

The part of me that wants it - the part that doesn't want to "stay where I am" will be nagging me all the time. "Well, are you going to work on it now? How about now? What do you mean it's 10:00 and you are going to bed? You can't go to bed - you need to work on that thing we want!"  

But when I set up some boundaries for the leap - "I am going to work on this thing I want every Monday from 8 to noon" for example - then I am free and don't have to think about it the rest of the time.

Structure creates freedom.

We have Uranus (rebellion) in Aries (initiating action) from  May 2010 until March 2019. Uranus is like our operating system's back up plan. Since change can feel threatening and scary, especially the radical change needed when we have drifted off course, Uranus is set up to come in and get us going in a new direction when we need it. This seldom feels good unless we focus on feeling good - we need to focus on feeling good.

The I Ching Book of Changes speaks of the "arousing shock". Our tendency is to rely on strategies of our ego - we desire, we plot, we plan. This gets us through the day, but when we do this our spiritual development stops and the Universe must use shocking events to bring us back onto our path.

Sometimes when people suddenly appear to "lose it all" or life takes a total turn, often you can find in that person's chart a kind of integrated life - it's as if they decided OK when I am done with this (ie learned or experienced what I came into that experience to learn) move me right on to that.

Of course, the person living this thinks their life has just fallen apart.

Uranus in Aries (2010 to 2019) while Pluto (transformation) is in Capricorn (old solid structures) 2008 to 2023 - can make the entire world feel like it is falling apart. Because it is.

This is the collective "us" deciding we are done with this now move us on to that. What that looks like for the planet depends on our individual courage. We need to be living from our hearts now.
The tendency of human beings is to rely on the strategies of the ego:
to desire, plot and strive.
When we do this, our spiritual development stops,
and the Universe must use shocking events to move us back onto the Path. - See more at:
The tendency of human beings is to rely on the strategies of the ego:
to desire, plot and strive.
When we do this, our spiritual development stops,
and the Universe must use shocking events to move us back onto the Path.
I Ching-Book of Changes, #51 Chen: The Arousing (Shock) - See more at:
The tendency of human beings is to rely on the strategies of the ego:
to desire, plot and strive.
When we do this, our spiritual development stops,
and the Universe must use shocking events to move us back onto the Path.
I Ching-Book of Changes, #51 Chen: The Arousing (Shock) - See more at:

The Virgo Sun is about to make an opposition to Chiron highlighting our wounds and creating confusion. Mercury is in a hard aspect to Saturn which could create some additional mental pressures today. Possible arguments with authority figures. Let's give ourselves permission to not be so burdened by responsibility. Know we are doing the best we can. xo all

BIZ Astrology for Wednesday, September 3rd - stepping into our authority

There are excellent aspects today - other than a Moon square to Mercury that might make us over think/feel stuff - everything is full steam ahead!

The Virgo Sun aligns with Pluto - this is the kind of death/birth aspect we are ready for. If anything is ending today - let it end - it's probably 6 feet in the ground already, we just need to grab a shovel.

There are leadership opportunities now - good money aspects (more like inheritance, insurance, legal - there is a divine justice at work here) especially for earth signs - Capricorns, Taurus and Virgos. Money accumulates easier for charity projects, too, so if we have something in the works to be pitched today that supports the general public or other people, the timing is excellent.

School starts today here in New Jersey - what great aspects for new teachers! 

Anything we need to do that requires stepping into our authority is supported now.

Either we step into our responsibility and become the author of our own lives or we give our authority away - there is no in between place. Fear is a symptom of loss of authority - we can find the places in our life where we have not honored ourselves by the things we are afraid of.

And when we give our authority away, we should be afraid.

The Moon is in Sagittarius until this afternoon when it goes void for a bit then moves into business friendly and grounded Capricorn this evening. Tomorrow the Capricorn Moon will square Uranus and really ramp up our ambition (or maybe bring some surprising news from a boss or authority figure).

No more self-sacrifice. It is challenging to be a caregiver now - the energy isn't so supportive of this, it is up to us to make sure we have other creative outlets, are not over-taxed or unappreciated!

Watch what you are feeding - with a waxing moon it grows. 

BIZ Astrology for Tuesday, September 2nd - conversation matters

This morning the waxing Moon is in boisterous Sagittarius and we have a Grand Trine in fire (changing locations may be in the works for fire signs, Aries, Leo or Sag) - bold adventure is supported now. There is a little glitch this morning that we need to be careful with our words. The Moon's position to Pluto means our words will have staying power - choose them carefully.

Our Sun in Virgo is getting our details and ducks in order. The Moon's trine to Uranus and Aries today is about new opportunities so if something comes a knocking today - maybe this time open the damn door especially if this is an opportunity to learn something non-work related.

The Moon is coming off a square to the Sun and wants us to see bigger - the details of Virgo are important but they are also seductive - with just a little bit more time (and time turns into days and weeks and years) that thing we are working on will be perfect - the seduction of perfection keeps us stuck.

Perfection is fear-based. Ask yourself "what would I need to believe to let this go?" then start an affirmation process through that.

On Friday Venus (who attracts and elicits a response) joins the Sun in Virgo and starts attracting situations and people into our life (where is Virgo in your natal chart?) - you may have felt these energies beginning within the last two weeks.

Venus in Virgo carries her treasures wrapped in rubber bands. She will give us the gift of the stress between what we want and how it will feel if we don't get it. This can really show us what we want! Now, this may create one of those "we get what we want and don't want it anymore" situations, but it can also spur us in to the action that makes stuff happen.Venus doesn't have hobbies - she has passions after all. These passions are how we can make a unique contribution to the world (more about this later in the week).

Maybe the big news for makers and artists is Mercury moves into Libra today for most of the month. Relationship stuff will get clearer. We can find our flock now.

The negative stuff to look out for with our communication guru spending the month in the sign of relationships and balance is wishy washy decision making, or I should say non-making, passive aggressive verbal garbage and superficial chit chat.

BUT if we bring our "A" game to the ball field this month indecision can become diplomacy and an ability to accurately see the other person's point of view and allow it to merge with our own to form something totally new. And we will have the ability to manifest productive (we still have that Virgo Sun) collaboration and partnership through right language.

Tomorrow we have the Sun trining Pluto - change is coming folks! xo all

BIZ Astrology for Monday, September 1st - Happy Labor Day

aimee ferre print

The Moon (and our emotions) moves out of the depths of Scorpio and into Sagittarius today (after being void a couple hours around lunchtime EST).

This Scorpio period won't be repeated with these same aspects for a long time. It has been asking us to be sure about what we want to expand our heart into - to look deep. Some memories and emotions may have been triggered over the past weekend that need to be looked at this morning. "Looking at" doesn't mean "holding onto" - we can process this junk right out of our life now if we want to. Our Virgo Sun loves to clean closets after all!

Neptune has cleared the Sun so clearer thinking for decision making - depending on our own chart, some decisions may have to wait for Saturn next month.

We have a T-Square with Neptune and the Sun, Mercury finishing up in Virgo, so lots of stimulation, new ideas and opportunities. Lots of shifting energies in the week ahead. Have some fun this afternoon with that Sagittarius Moon  - think adventure with this one, but remember we are accountable for our actions now.

Mercury moves into Libra tomorrow where he will spend most of the month. This will trigger some excellent aspects for artists and entrepreneurs to communicate, speak, write, sell, sign on the dotted line, pitch proposals, field offers or embark on something with and through other people, especially relationships with women.

Makings and businesses geared to women will also get extra support. Be open to collaboration (see the right side of my blog for the free handouts from a class I taught last year) and maybe a little constructive criticism now (sometimes it is easier for others to see something we have overlooked) - if we are the one giving the criticism let's temper it with praise.

Plus we have Venus moving into Virgo on Friday giving us another great business aspect and more support in these areas - this is a good time for resolving co-worker issues and problems with any small animals in our lives.

Communications with romantic or business partners, agents, attorneys, specialists, clients, competition (rivals not enemies here) and other important relationships will go smoother now.

Mercury will be retrograde for most of next month (October) and we have that organized Virgo sun, so let's use this energy productively now.

Lots of aspects this week for the kids to have a great back to school week and lots of aspects for us to get work done. There are financial and intimacy opportunities all month. Long range business planning is favored now.

October is eclipse season and some of us will get a glimpse (as early as this week, but maybe around the 10th) of what will be 'eclipsed' out of our life next month. This isn't scary stuff - these kind of changes are well-supported. This is the stuff we signed up for.

xo all

BIZ Astrology for Friday August 29th - last holiday weekend of the summer!

peanut oak print

Friday is a nice day (duh!) - the Moon is still in Libra until noon and then goes void - there is a feel good quality to the energy (and, for many of us, having a holiday Monday doesn't hurt!).

With the Sun opposite Neptune in Pisces there is an opportunity for real intimacy this weekend, but if we do not hold firm to our personal values and have boundaries in place for ourselves we can end up sacrificing what is most important to us for someone else.

Let's not let that happen. Situations and ideas can appear better than they are now.

Any big decisions will need a second or third look - time to check in with our heart and also check in with our head. Does this make sense? Once the Sun clears Neptune on Sunday things will be clearer. See if those plans still hold water next week. We will feel a real push then toward the things we are supposed to create.

The best way to work with this Neptune energy is to respect it with our actions - get in the water, get lost in a daydream, work a spiritual practice, write some poetry. Feed him his daily dose of imagination and vastness. This is the last holiday weekend of the summer - let's enjoy it!

This weekend the Moon goes into Scorpio and aligns nicely with Neptune. This is excellent energy for efforts we make behind closed doors.

Saturday night will highlight a square to Jupiter so it feels like some extreme emotional changes. Caution is needed. Check ourselves. No flying off the handle. We may be given an opportunity to work through some feelings like envy or jealousy. Don't stuff it.

Negative emotions (if we don't stuff them with ice cream - clear your freezer now!) give us the opportunity to ask ourselves "what is it I believe that is creating this feeling?" - often it is something like "there isn't enough for me" or "I am not safe" or 'I am not enough".

Then ask ourselves "what would I have to believe to let this belief go?" - so then some opposite belief forms our affirmation. So we start an affirmation practice with something like "I am always safe and supported" or "There is always enough for me."

Affirmations are powerful tools. If practiced regularly they are like exercise - they must work when we actually do them. We don't have to do our affirmation and then take action. The affirmation is the action. Physical changes will work through us once we expose, accept, expand and release the negative belief. Our higher consciousness has already chosen. The Moon is a waxing crescent now and will support our plans to grow.

xo all

BIZ Astrology for Thursday August 28th - appreciating and expanding our relationships

happy letter shop - sunshine print

The Moon is in the balanced and tactful partnership sign of Libra today with friendly aspects to Jupiter in Leo - she is looking to expand our relationships.

What is the best way to do this? Think sandbox etiquette now. Play nice, share, don't bite. With Leo this expansion comes from our generosity and appreciation of others.

With the Sun in Virgo the small details matter - so showing someone they are loved and appreciated with a cup of joe, a grateful email or a kind word goes a long way today.

The Moon squares Pluto at the end of the day so anyone with hurt feelings about being left out (including us) at that time, probably needs a little extra appreciation (even if we feel like wringing their neck) - no coddling though, with our grounded Virgo Sun everyone has the ability to put their own feet on solid ground now.

The Moon opposes Uranus in Aries so this is the emotional test of finding harmony while taking action - how do we find peace in less than peaceful situations .... if an unexpected opportunity comes our way due to an ending or someone leaving today - we should probably grab it.

It we can't get what we want now - let's try something else. Jupiter gets a little testy if what we want are conventional ideas of success that are not part of our life purpose. Our intuition can guide us with this.

Jupiter also reminds us not to ask for too little. Some energies can only be engaged when we over-reach! The Virgo Sun encourages baby steps, but to get Jupiter's attention we need our own enthusiasm and heartfelt exuberance activated!

The Sun is starting its big opposition to Neptune which is kind of a checkpoint for us to see if we are on track. We'll talk about this tomorrow - also see last night's post about Neptune's current long transit.

Mercury is in Virgo which is his home space - but he does create this energy where we pick up every little detail and it can feel like too much. Communicate responsibly now.

xo all

Neptune in Pisces - the power and problems with being unbounded

lupen grainne photograph

The immense power of water - 70% of our human bodies and 70% of our earth's surface! Water changes things gradually over time and also in an instant.

When my mother was very ill with emphysema, sometime during the last few months of her life, she was released from a hospital (one of many hospital stays) but was not ready to come home.

She went into a rehab facility where they primarily worked with adults recuperating from accidents and where they were totally unequipped to help her. Her second day in rehab they wheeled her exhausted, tiny body attached to her oxygen tank into a wheelchair sized shower stall, turned on the water and she had her first actual shower in years.

I arrived just as she was getting back to her room and she looked exactly like our fluffy white cat when she had been caught in a rainstorm - hair plastered to her head, white as a ghost, shivering and totally exhausted. I was very angry and certain they had just given her pneumonia.

I helped her from the wheelchair into her bed where she slept for 16 hours and woke up more clear headed and less frightened than she had been in months and was basically a different person until her death a few months later.

Native American culture would throw a wayward man into the sea and tell him to call back his spirit.

(Hubs and I wanted to do this with his brother David a couple years ago and had serious conversations about how we could do it, without him drowning or us going to jail - I still regret we never had the chance!)

We have all heard the story of Pavlov's dogs (ring a bell?), but the ending to this story is not so well known. When there was a flood in the Russian scientist's laboratory none of his surviving dogs retained any trace of their conditioning.

This is the power of water to create a life changing disruption.

The New Moon this week was the first New Moon since the mid-1800's where the New Moon triggered an opposition to Neptune in Pisces. This opposition will likely show up over the next two weeks in the form of another person (this sometimes shows up as a process).

This can be a good thing or a not so good thing (sometimes this person shows up as someone who is deceptive or addicted or ungrounded). Whatever happens we probably won't be able to miss it.

Neptune is a slow moving outer planet. He rules over the watery realm of our dreams, imagination, intuition, creativity and compassion and inspires us with art, music, poetry and spirituality .

He also rules addiction, distraction, escapism, self-deception, vagueness, obscurity, unrealistic desires, illusion, confusion, intrigue and lies.

He moved into Pisces late in 2011 then sauntered back to Aquarius for a few weeks and has now been steadily in Pisces since February 2012. He will be here until 2025. So, we have Neptune the God of the Sea, governing water and dreams, in the watery, dreamy sign he rules (Pisces).

This is a whole lot of water for us to navigate - we all need scuba masks now!

Check your natal chart to see where Pisces was hanging out when you were born because that house is where you will feel this current transit. In addition, using Pisces house 1, Aquarius house 2, etc we can work our way around the astrological wheel with your Sun sign and see where else he will affect us. This sounds confusing and maybe it is - hit the LET'S CHAT button on the right with your birth date and time and I will work this out for you privately!

This is good information to have. This is the space in our life where we can dive in, but must build boundaries and safety nets so we don't get in over our heads. For example people with their Sun in Aquarius can make money through creative ventures, but just as easily lose it through carelessness or deception. If you are an Aquarius - a person you can make money with creatively or lose money through can enter your life now. This also applies to anyone born with Pisces in their 2nd house.

I have Pisces in my natal 4th house - which rules home among other things - and when Neptune moved into Pisces in February 2012 - hubby's brother (with addiction and mental illness), a walking talking Neptune in Pisces moved into our extra bedroom. I also got back into astrology again, much more intuitively now, after several years away from it which I do from home and since I work at home making jewelry my creativity has greatly increased along with, unfortunately, a distractibility and tendency toward depression I never had before. Boundaries around 4th house issues have become extremely important to me.

When we make time for dreaming, for poetry, for gazing at the moon, Neptune promises us in return he will offer up crisp focus when needed. He always reminds us we are much bigger than our current circumstances.

If anyone wants a personal heads up with this aspect just let me know.

BIZ Astrology for Wednesday August 27th - details, adjustments, release, peace

Today the Moon goes void in Virgo before entering Libra around dinnertime.

Void Moons are not a great time to start something new but they are a wonderful time to put the details into place and practice. Routines will make us feel nurtured and safe now.

Artists know that small details are never really small details.

This is an excellent day to attend to practical stuff. Clean our studio. Organize our paperwork. Eat right and light. Move our body.

We've got Venus in Leo wanting us to experience what we love - she is just moving off that tense square asking us what really makes us happy - when the Moon moves into Libra tonight and relationship spaces in our lives will take center stage.

With the Sun and Neptune starting to make an opposition many people will be feeling a spiritual calling now - with a Virgo Sun this could show up as health or work practices. What are we here to give?

There may be a feeling of unresolved wanting regarding a creative project, relationship, children, fun vs work or financial stuff today so if we feel some tension in those areas just know this is really a timing issue. Other things have to fall into place. This can frustrate us or make us push harder. Today feels like a day for the easier road. Give it time.

Jupiter in Leo is beginning to make a square to Saturn - these are the big boys of the zodiac so there are lots of opportunities coming our way. We will have to choose though. We can't have it all. This aspect is still a little bit in the future for most of us, but it's something to think about. We are grounded in Virgo now, what does our heart want?

Later this week I am going to put up a Neptune in Pisces post - we have this dreamy outer planet in dreamy Pisces from 2011 thru 2025. This is incredibly creative and powerful manifesting energy - magical makers listen up! It can also leave us ungrounded and without boundaries. Now that we are a couple years in and can see (through the haze) where all this might be going for us personally it feels like a good time to talk about it. Knowing the sun and ascendant signs from your natal chart will be helpful.

xo all

BIZ Astrology for Tuesday August 26th - responsibility and self love

ashley goldberg print

We still have the wonderful New Moon in Virgo (mutable earth - steady change) until tonight so use this space to set those intentions - see yesterday's post.

This is the best time of the entire year for universal, energetic support to set intentions and put new processes into place for Virgo matters:

Work attitudes, health, habits, employment, employees, tenants, servants, co-workers, pets, dependents, service given to others, routine matters, clothes, hygiene, aunts, uncles, unconscious mind, high school years, apprenticeships, food, small animals, solar plexus, bowels, productivity, nutrition, tools, analysis, coping with stress, chores, duties, your feelings about employment, work output, self improvement, dedication, devotion, loyalty, faithfulness, discipline, celibacy, bread, magic, harvest, criteria and our skills.

Let's DO THIS! Tomorrow the Moon is void (between signs) so take some action today.

The Moon conjuncts Mercury - so we get a little clarity today, but there could still be some stress around how to proceed. On Friday the Sun will oppose dreamy Neptune and the blindfolds will come off. Let's postpone big decisions until next week if we are undecided.

We have Venus square Saturn and Mars so this could show up as delays and frustrations in our creative life (also romance and money) - this is really about showing us where we need to put in the work (we may not want to hear this if we want to play these last weeks of summer - I hear you!).

Saturn is an aspect of the father/authority figure - the 2nd largest planet; the planet of contraction (Jupiter, the largest planet, is the planet of expansion so we always expand a little more than we contract). Saturn is about boundaries, responsibilities, karma, commitments, self-control - the stuff that defines (meaning = outlines) us.

He sets the rules. This is the aspect where if we quit, we quit (and sometimes we need to quit). This is the aspect that supports those who are not afraid (or too lazy or distracted - shakes fist at Neptune) to put in the work and the time and take responsibility for what we put out there without any guarantees about the outcome.

If we aren't sure what we should be doing and we think we need to be sure before we put in the work this is the universe giving us a little smack upside our head. This is not the way life on planet Earth works. We are living through a transition. A transition that we asked for. Transitions aren't the wobbly spaces between two stable places anymore - the places we work through to get to the other side - the entire space is the transition - there is no other side.

This is not because there isn't a rainbow at the end of our choices, but because the space of making choices is what we are here for - we didn't come for the rainbow!

Venus slamming into this bad-ass boys' club brick wall today shows us if we need some outer source (even our partners) to make us feel good, it's going to be a long day/week. Thin skinned people better grab a sweater, too.

Trust that lots of things are coming together for us - patience (and patience isn't about waiting), adjustments, responsibility is needed now. Virgo is like a cosmic Martha Stewart - she wants it done right and at the end of the day this will be a good thing.

xo all

BIZ Astrology for Monday August 25th - New Moon in Virgo (the small stuff matters now - new beginnings)

my virgo aromatherapy locket by polarity

The astrology wheel is the hero's journey of self discovery. When the sun moved into Virgo this weekend, it is the hero's first encounter with service.

The hero is learning when to help and when helping isn't really helping. Virgo is the modest healer with the critical eye that takes care of the details. Meaningful work and competence are key now.

Virgo knows we are not here to do the work we love - we are here to love the work we do. There is a difference. This is the difference that changes the world. This is the difference that changes us.

Every sign has something to learn from the sign that follows it.

Leo learns from Virgo (and we all have Leo and Virgo in our charts somewhere - its placement will affect how this activates in your own journey) - to do the work. Virgo teaches Leo to let go of the need for the spotlight and recognition and to just focus on the work.

It is no coincidence that Virgo comes in autumn; the time of the harvest - the time we separate the wheat from the chafe.

Virgo's shadow is perfection. Perfection is a ferocious teacher and many people with strong Virgos have the battle scars to prove it. There must be self acceptance here.  

If a Virgo is unhappy with what she sees in the mirror, she will be unhappy with what she sees everywhere else.

Self-esteem is the key to avoiding self-destruction. Despite Virgo's need for careful planning (a well planned job is half done is certainly one of her mantras) she must learn to live in the moment and to live there with compassion (for herself and everyone else).

This is everyone's lesson now.

Today we have a NEW MOON in Virgo and the energies at play are as complex as any Virgo we will ever meet. We are truly laying the groundwork for our new beginning. This is a big week.

We have the Virgo New Moon opposing Neptune in Pisces and the New Moon's ruler (Mercury rules Virgo) sextiling the Mars - Saturn malevolent conjunction (war with physical consequences) in Scorpio we are all dealing with.

Saturn is the foundation builder. And when Saturn is galvanized by Mars he will build them even stronger (bulldozers aren't moving these babies once they're up) AND nothing demands a more concentrated and sustained effort than Mars with Saturn in the depths of Scorpio.

NOW is where we hit the wall.

We either muster the energy to scale the damn thing or we go in another direction - there is no one answer here. There is no right answer either. What is our heart telling us?

We can work harder (with Saturn) sustained by the knowledge our second wind (Mars energy) will be there

or we can release what isn't working for us and begin to move in a new direction.

There is a finality to the energy now. Lots of endings. Lots of old stories being addressed. So what are we going to do?

This isn't about making a big decision today - we've still got this Neptune in Pisces opposition fuzzing things up.
This is about little decisions.

This is about tying our shoes and going for that long, sweaty walk. This is about putting a pitcher of water on our desk and not getting up until the work is done. There is great power in sticking to a schedule now.

The next two weeks are very important.

We are starting a new two year period with this Mars - Saturn cycle about our purpose in the world (and our relationships). We are laying a foundation - we may not be able to see exactly what we are building yet (we will by the end of October), and that's OK, but whatever this new structure is, it is our job to ensure the labor that builds it be practiced and detailed and precise.

Venus in Leo squares Mars - Saturn. This is about a need to evaluate our personal and professional relationships. On Friday the Sun opposes Neptune and relationships may get even more confusing. We need to ground ourselves (the Virgo sun will help us with this, spend some time in it) so we can see people for who they are and not who we want/need them to be. Patience is rewarded now.

We each have it in us to do what we are called to do and we are the only one who can do it. When our belief becomes that we are here to serve the world, that is exactly the space that will open up for us.

Today is the day for excellent energetic support for affirming what we want.

A Virgo New moon is the perfect time to focus on Virgo areas such as : health (diet and exercise; the maintenance of our health), work/job, creating order, relaxing perfectionism and helping others.

Examples of some affirmations:

1. I am easily attracted to foods that are healthy for my body. I establish routines that create total health for me. I easily swallow vitamins (ugh).

2. I easily complete tasks with minimal stress and maximum efficiency. I create routines that give me time to relax. All tendencies to postpone necessary tasks and errands are totally lifted from me. I create financial abundance for myself while adding value to the lives of others.

3. I restore my work space to order on a daily basis. Any resistance to 'cleaning up the mess' is lifted from me. I create order in my home.

4. I am free of critical judgements of myself and others. The compulsion to 'be right' is easily lifted from me. I use positive language.

5. I consciously feel satisfaction from being of service to others in my work.

AFFIRMATION TIPS: get into a happy frame of mind - always make affirmations from a  positive place (both definitions of positive apply here; the one that means certain and the one that means favorable)- write your affirmations down by hand in script, speak them out loud - I always write my affirmations on strips of paper, burn them and release them into moving water - as we release them we release our attention from them also knowing that our intention is known. Know these things are already ours. xo

BIZ Astrology for this Weekend - Getting Clear, Choosing a Tribe, Keeping Our Cool, Getting Some REST

susan newberry designs

Let's take a big picture look - on Sunday we have a New Moon in Virgo and we go from fire to earth. Next week starts our Virgo sun period of the year - work, organization, focus and direction. So big changes ahead for everyone. We have a new 2 year period beginning (which means a 2 year period is ending), a new 12 year period beginning (and yes, this means a 12 year period is ending) and stuff we have been incubating since last November is coming up for our decision. No one gets a pass on this, no one gets a free ride.

(Creatively when we need a change but feel very directionless we can always look to Neptune for her guidance - right now Neptune is in Pisces so anything connected to Pisces can be clarifying. This includes being in or near water, getting extra sleep, drawing, writing, visiting libraries and museums, visiting people who are in the hospital or jail - yes, jail and you can visit me if hubs keeps parking in the grass. I wouldn't visit a jail this weekend though - too much fire right now.)

Today the Moon finishes up in Cancer (not a good day to start something new since the Moon is void most of the day) and moves into Leo around dinnertime. This Moon highlights relationships, projects, we will be reminded of all the irons we have in the fire now. It is easy to be impatient.

This is a lot of relationship energy - new tribes are forming - asking ourselves "Do I still fly with this flock?" is a valid question. Lots of karma has dropped away. As our individual energy changes the way we all fit together changes, too.

With all this Leo tonight and tomorrow if we are excessively prideful or pushy or wanting everything to go our way, especially on Saturday, things will not go smoothly. Pride is a good thing until it isn't. People can be testy now and relationship stuff gets tested a bit. Keep things cool and easy.

There is an urge to jump into new things now, but there is also a need to think first. This weekend's yod points to Uranus so yes we have to be ready to try something new - Uranus loves new, and Uranus doesn't care if we are ready. He always wants us to just jump in, he doesn't care if we land in the sticker bushes or on our neighbor's new cement patio - we might, so take a moment and think first.

My advice for this weekend is play it low key (and PLAY) if we have some big stressful shindig going on - take a step back from it and get some perspective. Breathe. Slow it Down. Make Extra Time - time has sped up, but that means it is also flexible now.

Allow ourselves to feel any emotions that come up, don't let them spill all over other people - we are not allowed to scald anybody with this stuff. Anger is real and natural and can be righteous. It's the nature of boiling water to roll after all. Holding onto this stuff creates inflammation in our bodies - we have to find a way to release it. The goal now is clarity.

BIZ Astrology for Thursday, August 21st - when uncomfortable is the new comfortable

Complicated astrology this week. We have Mars meeting up with Saturn and these guys are not exactly  friendly (think Seinfeld vs Newman, Betty vs Veronica and Edison vs Tesla) so this could show up in our lives as work and career blocks and frustrations. We might feel like we are pushing boulders uphill at times - that's OK - we are building the muscles we will need later.

If we need to discuss some important stuff and especially stuff that has been pushed under the rug with loved ones (or business associates or even clients) Pluto, Mercury and Venus are in a position today to support us in finding the right words to heal things or I should probably write "the right words to help the situation grow in a positive direction".

Using the word 'heal' can be tricky - because when we say 'heal' some people hear 'all better, good as new' when healing is a process that can take us to 'better than new' but we have to get through the inflammation and often that uncomfortable itchy part first.

Doors are closing, other doors are opening (or will be) - since Jupiter changed signs (he changes signs about once a year) last month into sunny Leo he has been highlighting for us the roads to our happiness. So far he has been doing this with his extreme squares to Mars and Scorpio and exposing where things are no longer working for us.

Pluto is very much in play right now - so big dreams (and even real dreams - do you remember last night's dream?), especially career related and dealings with authority figures. Pluto is the planet who says we either work on our stuff or our stuff works on us. Do what has to be done now. Legal stuff, taxes, paperwork, etc.

The Moon is still in Cancer (it's a balsamic moon tomorrow) - it's in a Grand Trine - making a trine to Chiron (the wounded healer) in Pisces and a trine to Mars in Scorpio - this is mostly a positive thing.

It does require adjustments and courage on our part. We want stability and comfort but we have multiple aspects including Uranus in Aries forcing change. Change can be uncomfortable. There is a feeling today that we need to take some kind of action. There could be some hard things unveiled in the next couple weeks, so if we are wanting to sit still - we probably will find things outside our control not allowing us to do this.

I once had a co-worker, who we will just call Cyndy Bennis (because that was her name - no, not really) and she had an obsession with the office temperature -

it was too hot - it was too cold.

The thermostat was, of course, right next to my desk. One day after my gazillionth temperature adjustment. I said: "no flippin' more!"

(or maybe something a little bit stronger, this office was in Jersey)

and Cyndy said: "I'm sorry. But I just don't like to be uncomfortable."

She kind of rocked my world that day because although I would never have voiced this out loud - and groaned when she did - I was making choices that were creating exactly that kind of life!

Today - maybe the best advice would be "don't get too comfortable." There are some money aspects today that could be requiring us to make some adjustments.

BIZ Astrology for Wednesday, August 20th - maybe stay home and water the plants, best hookey day of the week

sugar and bean print co - follow your heart print

We have a new Moon in 5 days, so we are headed into the Balsamic Moon period of the month - HERE is my post on Create and Thrive about that. This is a rest period - so start wrapping things up now.

The Moon moves into sensitive, emotional Cancer this morning - her home base. The Sun is still in his home base of Leo. We have a Moon trine with Neptune later today, so any Cancer tendency for emotional overwhelm followed by withdrawal will not be supported (the withdrawal part anyway). Those emotions are going to come out, probably as tears, lots of water energy today. This is a good thing, I promise. Even with this Moon at the end of her cycle, in her favorite sign of Cancer we will have the emotional strength we need now.

Production and good solid action is still favored with this current Mars/Saturn conjunction so if "hookey" has become more the norm than it should be for anyone lately - you can totally get stuff done today.

We are about to head into Virgo work, work, work season (which yes, feels just like back to school - from the kids' point of view, not the parents!) and will have some tense aspects this weekend.

The tension ramped up when Mars went into Scorpio in July. This is playing out in the world as lines being drawn by everyone over what we will and will not accept. So we have governments telling citizens what they won't accept and citizens telling governments. We have police telling the military and the military telling the police. We have one country telling another country.

(This shows up in small ways too - we just got a 'parking on the grass' violation notice from our town on hubs truck window - for parking next to our driveway - the way we have been doing it for 20 years. Of course we are drawing our own line back through noncompliance - this could end badly for us, maybe not life in prison with no chance of parole kind of badly, but more like a couple weeks in county with a roommate named Ginger who really, really likes my hair - although anyone liking my hair these days would be a good thing, so I guess this will be a win-win either way)

We have lines being drawn in the sand and with Mars the warrior in dark, murky Scorpio bringing up everything that is hidden (until mid-September) and the square between outer planets Uranus and Pluto which began in 2012 - no one wants lines imposed on them - this is all about freedom vs. oppression. We have Uranus and Pluto squaring off again mid December and the last exact aspect is March 2015 - by the end of next March we will see what we are rebuilding.

For today - stuff having to do with property, renovations, real estate, family, relocation, parents is favored for most of us. So business meetings regarding property or real estate are win/win. In the best case this is a good day to stay close to home and nurture who and what needs our loving care - and that includes ourselves. Go with our heart today.

TIP FOR HEARTFELT ACTION  - I believe the most powerful business technique we can nurture is a quiet mind.

I know from my own life when I am unbalanced and "trust my gut" I come from a place of fear (think : knots in your stomach, things we can't stomach, eyes bigger than our stomach) - I always attract exactly the crap I am trying to avoid.

When I am actively quieting my mind on a regular basis and "trust my heart" I come from a place of love (think : heartfelt, heartful, know by heart, change of heart, close to your heart) - things always go smoother. There is a total guarantee of happily ever after with this because this kind of happiness is not circumstance dependent.

I have decided forecasts by sign will probably put me in a strait jacket right now - since as soon as I write one thing I think of 10 more things I want to say about it .... short and sweet is not my writing style - actually I have never been called short (maybe short on patience) or sweet (although they have been found in my desk) either ....

xo all

BIZ Astrology for Tuesday, August 19th - saying YES to Mickey Mouse

itty bitty book co - play more print

I had some unexpected company yesterday and never got the weekly posts I wanted to write done, so will do another general daily post for today and shoot for tomorrow for the outlooks by sign.

Today we've still got the Sun in Leo and the Moon in Gemini - some really good, playful energy here. Lots of ideas and conversations going on. A Gemini Moon does not want to make choices - she chooses everything so although she will not help us make a decision, her position with Pluto today can give us a clearer picture of the spaces we can release.

Later the Moon is Void so it will be easier for our thoughts to come together without too much emotional unbalance. Keep the ideas coming, our whole soul is supporting our intentions now. We don't have to know what we want, we just have to know how we want to feel and all of us have had enough contrast in our lives to know that.

We just had Jupiter and Venus make a big conjunction. We've got Venus square Vesta so we are fundamentally ready to make a big change now.  It is time to understand what doors are opening - everyone has multiple opportunities with this energy.

Yesterday I wrote about putting off decisions if we can now, for situations that are fuzzy - this still applies. It is OK to green light (or red light) stuff we have clarity on. If we are grounded enough to see clearly what is and isn't working, we always have support for choosing our own happiness.

Venus is going to square Mars and Saturn over the next week - so some restriction and doubt could come in for us, possibly some creative blocks and hurdles for makers and artists. Any tendencies we already have in our emotional make up to speedball from joy to despair in 2.2 seconds will show up for us to get a handle on. Our emotions are here to give us clarity on what will really make us happy. We can't stuff them unless we want them to show up later as dis-ease or dysfunction.

We need to keep our bodies moving now to shift this energy out. Get outdoors and walk.

We still have Neptune opposing Mercury - so we could continue to be a bit unfocused. If we are able to focus on what makes us happy - the stuff our heart wants - with all the mixed cosmic weather, we will pass this test.

Life wants to give us Disneyland, why are we settling for a trip to Pittsburgh?

(no offense to Pittsburgh, but I need Mickey)