Today's Astrology Forecast | Monday, March 30, 2020 - all day void moon, rest, pray, meditate, new goals, new actions, fuzzy facts, bringing everyone to the table

Today's Moon in Gemini goes void at 11:10AM EDT off a square to Neptune. She will be void for the rest of the day.

It's not the best day to start anything brand new, but good for routine actions, errands, projects - time gets stretchy. So do facts. Good for writing projects. Conversations with siblings. Avoid gossip. Avoid fatalistic information/conversations. It is important what we are feeding our minds now. Words are portals - we want to be lining up with the best possible timelines. Meditate. Pray. Any aspect with Neptune strengthens our pipeline to the ethereal realms - your angels/muses/guides/ancestors/everything you need to feel/know now but have forgotten - are standing by. Ask for help.

Mars (our personal ambition, initiative, passion, anger) leaves the sign of his exaltation (Capricorn) for airy Aquarius today. Mars isn't always as effective in Aquarius because everything can't be so easily nailed down through ambitious action, BUT he is out of the sign of the South Node (our past) and into the sign of the future, and gets to use his ray guns and techie stuff, plus we can think before we act now. The only problem might be over-thinking before we act.

With Mars (our warrior, but also our hero) in group-focused Aquarius - expect our actions to be focused on what is best for the group and some outliers (because Aquarius is also the energy that can step away from the group and go her/his own way) to fight against the group if their individual liberties are threatened. Both sides will be right. Keep in mind always, our need to bring EVERYONE TO THE TABLE THIS YEAR - even though, the table is, yes, six different tables at a zoom meeting.

Mercury leaves his shadow today and starts walking new degrees (she/he is still in cloudy Pisces though).

I looked back at the news from the day Mercury went retrograde, link HERE (drag down to that picture of Fauci) - Dr. Fauci is stating the risk to the U.S. is 'very minimal', and now, as Mercury finishes his retrograde journey, Fauci is saying to prepare for hundreds of thousands of deaths. Until Mercury gets out of Pisces - mid-April - I wouldn't take anything he says as "truth". Not because he is lying, but because he doesn't know either.

Stock your house for a couple weeks. Stay home (North Node in Cancer). If you are in a job that is necessary and you must work, stay as safe as possible. Take care of yourself. We are all just doing the best we can. We don't know what we don't know.

Stay hydrated. Get extra sleep. My acupuncturist, who is kind of a miracle worker from China, says to eat three cloves of garlic a day right now. Take some long walks in the fresh air. KNOW you are safe - because remember we are safest when it appears we are most vulnerable now - we have talked about this for more than a year and we are in the home stretch of the North Node in Cancer.

We are building a brand new world. How can we take care of each other without losing ourselves? That will be one of the important questions of our time. The world doesn't need a hero. The world needs 8 billion heroes. We are the heroes of this story.

xo all

photo by the talented la-child and a little more leonard ...


Judy said...

“...We are building a brand new world. How can we take care of each other without losing ourselves? That will be one of the important questions of our time. The world doesn't need a hero. The world needs 8 billion heroes. We are the heroes of this story.” ~Catherine Ivins, ‘Olive Bites Blog’

Hi Cat, Your daily posts always contain such important insights. I share your posts on my Moon and Star Gazers Facebook page. I reposted this quote placing it separately on my page on a background of the Earth. I suddenly thought I should have asked you first, and if it’s not okay I will remove it. Thank you for powerful insightful posts and all you share with us.

Catherine Ivins said...

Hi Judy - You can share anything anytime. Thank you so much for your kind words. xo