Building toward the Winter Solstice | Full Moon in Cancer - a spotlight on something painful, the courage to do something new, good news, big, bold words, the emotional stuff that comes up when we push forward with our outer-world goals, coming home to our pack, forgive your ancestors, call your mother

SATURDAY'S Full Moon in Cancer at 0 degrees, this year coming just hours after the Sun's move into Capricorn signals the Winter Solstice (meaning the Sun stands still), means we get a bright night sky on the longest night of the year (north of the equator, switch that around for parts south).

That sounds promising already!

Here's the chart. We have never seen anything like this --->

This chart has been building all week, so let's take a look at the different energies/stories in play.

On WEDNESDAY, the Sagittarius Sun will square wounded healer Chiron (in Pisces) and then moves on to trine Uranus (in Aries) on THURSDAY.

So a spotlight is shining on something painful, a flaw, something that makes us feel vulnerable, something that can't really be "fixed", maybe an ending, maybe something needs to be adjusted, maybe something we have placed "on faith" in - and it is creating tension/stress and the process of putting ourselves back together/moving forward will require we have the courage to do something different. We had the square back in March when Chiron was direct, so it could connect back to last spring.

On FRIDAY, Mercury (in big-picture, bold Sagittarius) conjuncts Jupiter (ruler of Sagittarius) at 9 degrees. This is the big-picture/the forest (Jupiter) and the details/the trees (Mercury) coming together. This could connect back to the end of November when these planets met up during Mercury's retrograde - maybe an idea/conversation/communication from back then gets green-lighted now. An answer/information comes in. Plans are made. There can be clarity/wisdom here BUT keep in mind Jupiter is full of hot air, so things can seem bigger (and better) than they actually are. This energy can bring good news and is in play all week and during the weekend's Solstice and Full Moon.

This could also be about a situation involving a sibling, community issue or transportation situation (all Mercury ruled). A good day for commerce and communication. And with the Moon in multi-tasking and conversational Gemini and answering to Mercury we are likely to be VERY BUSY.

Also on Friday, Venus (in Scorpio) moves into trine (brakes off) with dreamy Neptune (in Pisces) at 13 degrees. This will probably give whatever is happening a touch of magic - a kind of surreal feel. People with planets/points in their natal chart in the middle degrees of the water signs will feel this energy strongest.

On SATURDAY the Sun moves into Capricorn - - as we celebrate the Winter Solstice (Summer Solstice down-under) - kicking off an intense Capricorn season, hold onto your hats for January, folks - which comes crashing in with an eclipse - there are five eclipses in 2019 and SIX in 2020. The Solstice chart (very similar to the chart above) impacts the entire winter. The Winter Solstice carries the energy of Capricorn - traditions, history, our structure, what we need to get us through the winter, our paternal heritage.

At 12:48PM EST the Moon moves into Cancer and opposes that Capricorn Sun giving us the Cancer Full Moon at 0 degrees.

Full Moons are times of culminations and peak energy, of endings and things "coming to light", but with this one at 0 degrees - we have all of Capricorn to plow through AFTER the Full Moon - and impacted by the Winter Solstice (start of a NEW season) there is maybe something starting here, too.

The Cancer Moon is sitting all alone in the Full Moon chart. We, and everyone else, will be feeling very emotional. Although out of sign, an opportunistic sextile to Uranus is again supportive of change and innovation. Opportunities through friends and groups and with the dreams that bring us into connection with other people.

All the energies we talked about this week are in play now.

We have the moon (where we've been, what we know, feminine energy, being) and the sun (where we are trying to go/be, masculine energy, doing) as far apart in the sky as they can be from our earthly perspective during a full moon.

In Cancer/Capricorn - and remember this is where the Nodes of the Moon are now and we will be talking about these energies alot as we move through 2019 - this is the polarity of male/female roles, work and the world vs home and family, how we push ourselves toward meeting new goals vs how we care for ourselves and meet our needs for safety and security, dad vs mom, also money vs love stuff - lots of family patterns and soul group stuff coming to the surface now to be released if we are paying attention.

This release is our gift to ourselves and to the world. It's bigger than anything that jolly, red cloaked fellow can carry in his pack this holiday season.

Cancer rules mothering, motherhood, mothers, vulnerability, nurturing, self-care, home, family, emotions, safety, security, our ancestors, patriotism, country. Cancer energy does not want to be vulnerable - although it almost always benefits from showing its humanity, its vulnerability - it wants to play it safe - there are mother connections to this stuff and how we were mothered and how we mother and nurture ourselves and others. This is about how the sacred mother energy, our matriarchal inheritance, has been erased. This is about home and our roots and the ancestral DNA we get to work with. There are some big energies here. This is the time of the rebalancing of masculine/feminine energies on the planet.

The spaces in our life where we lead (Capricorn) are asking us to be more open-hearted (Cancer) now.

The astrology of these two years (2018-2019) - the bridge years that bring us to the 2020 meet-up of Saturn, Ceres, Jupiter and Pluto in Capricorn (patriarchy, government, inequality, banking, business, authority, hierarchy, competition, power) is about us creating/surviving/thriving through the collapse of the structures/limits that are standing in the way of equality (Age of Aquarius).

People are telling me they can't wait for the patriarchy to collapse forgetting that we are the patriarchy!

If we are awake now, the bad news (which isn't totally bad news) is that we are in an AP class, the good news (which isn't totally good news) is we are grading ourselves now ...

If Saturday's Full Moon (point of fullness, like the moment in our breath when our lungs are full) feels heavy - it is a good time to GIVE SOMETHING AWAY. Clean/clear a space. The new stuff is right outside your door, but if your house is too full to welcome it in, there it will sit!

No matter how cold it is outside - be sure to get out and walk in this one even if it is cloud covered - it is still there. If that isn't possible - soak in a hot bath while you release 2018, then maybe imagine all your cares literally flowing down the drain with the water when you are finished.

Back with a look ahead toward 2019 and beyond. Most of us are ending 2018 very differently than we expected. Let's see how we move forward from this somewhat unexpected space ...

xo all

heads up we still have Mars in Pisces and Mars is still on course to meet Chiron - we are working with the pain and vulnerability a while longer ... keep moving, keep feeling, no pushing

Today's Astrology Forecast for Creatives | doing something different, detaching from the problem, money/resources can only be stretched so far, expecting the unexpected, expecting to be BUSY, taking another look at something from last April, thinking before we speak, double checking the paperwork, slowing down for a minute

fairies by sollenafotagraphie

The Moon makes her monthly waxing inconjunct - this month between Taurus (Moon) and Sagittarius (Sun) at 28 degrees - likely offering some "rock and a hard place" energy between our money/values/self-esteem/resources and our beliefs/hopes/plans for whatever we are wanting to expand.

Maybe the money/resources just isn't there for whatever it is we are wanting to do - who is going to invent that money-growing tree anyway? Musk - forget those self-driving cars and get working on that tree, ok?

Working with "what we already have" (Taurus) challenges our hopes/dreams or maybe a literal Sagittarius issue - travel, higher education, weddings, politics, legal issues, the media, publishing, foreigners, everything outside our comfort zone, exploration, your beliefs and higher thinking.

THE GOOD NEWS - at the same time the Sun is awkwardly aspecting the Taurus Moon (that rock meet hard place thing), the Sun is trining (brakes off) an impulsive and liberating Uranus (retrograde in Aries).

The way through this money/resources/values/self-esteem muddle - do something different. Innovate. Detach a bit from the situation. Give the situation the space to expand in another way. Be yourself. Be independent. With Uranus we can expect the unexpected

This new thing may not be totally new, because Uranus and the Sun had this same meeting last April - so we could be going back over something from that time.

The Moon (after a Void overnight and into the early AM EST) moves into multi-tasking, communicative Gemini at 9:34AM EST. Count on being BUSY for the next couple days even as that waxing inconjunct asks us to slow down and consider our options.

Keep in mind Mercury is in Sagittarius so our Gemini Moon is opposing him/her (Mercury rules Gemini) - think before you speak, double check that email before hitting send, recheck that paperwork you are about to sign off on, double check the address before you set off, call the shop to see if something is in stock before you drive across town, expect difficult sibling situations to be difficult, expect your computer to run slowly, expect your poorly running car to act up, expect your package to show up late, etc. It could be like a mini Mercury retrograde - although I hope not!

Take care driving.

We still have Mars in Pisces (thank God once we get through this he won't be back here for another two years) - losses, endings, nostalgia, regrets. Ceres in Scorpio - loss of beloved pets, distance from beloved daughters/children, grief, despair, loss of control, nostalgia, seasons of life, moving on issues. Chiron finishing up in Pisces. I am going to write a post about all of this before the end of the year, but know if this is hitting your chart it is major, major and Mars still needs to conjunct wounded healer Chiron, which, although possibly bringing things to a pinnacle, will hopefully bring with it some gratitude and understanding and release as we move on from the grief/suffering, if we allow that to happen. As always keep in mind all of life is a transit and all transits are transitory.

Everything changes.

We have a MAJOR new start coming within the first few weeks of the New Year and we are going to need both hands on the wheel in January and our eyes facing forward - we need to be doing whatever it takes NOW (rest, slow down, allow the emotions to come up and out, release, forgive, meditate) to clear some space for that.

xo all

Venus sextile Saturn, Pluto sextile Mars | rewards for hard work, money/love stabilizes, solid commitments, let go, go with the flow, using our imagination/intuition, a Full Moon and the Solstice approaches ...

Freckle flower by thefirebomb

Today's sextiles are in play now and carry us into the beginning of next week.

There are opportunities now (Venus in Scorpio sextile Saturn in Capricorn at 9 degrees) to stabilize a financial/partnership/resources situation. Think quality over quantity. Think rewards for hard work. Long term investing is favored. Disciplined spending and savings pays off. Putting the time and effort into a relationship will pay off. This is good energy to pay down/off debt or to start a savings plan. Relationships launched now could be long-lasting, security-focused or between a younger/older person. Think mentor. With Venus in Scorpio - people will be looking for a commitment.

What do you place enough value on to be able to commit to? Scorpian/Capricorn commitments are not easily untangled. Keep this in mind.

We show love through taking care of our responsibilities and honoring our obligations. Excellent energy for business dealings. Excellent energy for women to work with and step into authority now.

Venus rules love, money, our values, women and our self-esteem.

That sextile to Saturn (and sextiles are subtle) tells us the opportunities come through time and wisdom and doing the responsible thing with our resources/our valuables. There is a bigger picture we can be 'efforting' toward instead of bemoaning what we don't have (and I am not making light of what we don't have - Mars in Pisces has conjuncted Neptune and is heading toward Chiron - we are feeling our losses and they are not light).

The Sun is in Sagittarius. Jupiter is in Sagittarius. The blue skies are up there somewhere.

EXAMPLE for Libra/Libra Rising - Venus 2nd house, Saturn 4th house - this is the subtle (or not so subtle depending on your natal chart) stabilization between your money/resources and your home/roots. What you get out of this is going to depend on what you put in. Increased attention toward home/family can stabilize resources or stabilizing your resources (budget, goals, planning) can improve a home/family situation.

The Pluto/Mars sextile (again another opportunity aspect whose strength will depend on your natal chart) coming through 20 degrees Capricorn/Pisces is building today and exact tomorrow. This isn't a typical Mars sextile where we have to push for the opportunity. Mars is still in Pisces. We still aren't pushing (except me, last night, to remove some guy's elbow that was in my space at the movie theater).

The opportunity - and again this one is a stabilizing/sobering/lasting Capricorny thing - comes through letting Mars in Pisces be Mars in Pisces. Think sacred masculine. Think spiritual warrior. We let go. We use our intuition/imagination. We go with the flow.

EXAMPLE for Scorpio/Scorpio Rising - Mars 5th house, Pluto 3rd house - you are creating (5th house) what you are thinking/communicating about (3rd house). Of course, we all do this all the time, but the sextile between these power players - one personal planet and one outer planet - gives this more power now. Or words/communication with children/ a romantic partner are opportunistic. Use your verbal superpower wisely Scorpio.

In case I don't get back to the weekly tonight - heads up the Moon is in fiery Aries on MONDAY morning and combined with that opportunistic sextile between Mars and Pluto we should be feeling more energetic and ready to go. There can be some tension/frustration/maybe a power play/authority situation as the Moon squares Pluto - just keep focused on your long-term goals and the big picture - remember Saturn is in Capricorn and Jupiter is in Sagittarius - both time and luck are on your side now. Mars in Pisces says 'hold on loosely'. The Moon will trine the Sun in the evening - so the day should get better as we move through it. The Moon will go void at 2:21AM EST off a conjunction to a retrograde Uranus.

Get things done early in the week. We are building toward the Solstice which literally means the "sun stands still" and a Full Moon in Cancer. It is rare to have them both at the same time and then the next New Moon in two weeks is going to be an eclipse!

January is going to take off like a rocket.

For now take some time to recharge, get enough rest and extra sleep, get out in the Sun whenever possible. Going to do a big post on the year ahead as soon as I finish shipping holiday orders.

xo all

Astrology Forecast for Creatives, Friday, December 14th | a whole lot of Pisces lunar action - get responsibilities out of the way early, boundaries are thin, letting go, the cycles of life, emotional compromises, healing, creativity, don't drink and drive

Untitled by Ddenisee

Today's Pisces Moon is very active.

She (as we) is going to first sextile Saturn (2:31AM EST) then conjunct Neptune (11:34AM EST), then conjunct Ceres and finally move into a conjunction with fiery Mars at 9:18PM EST.

Now that I think about it, today kind of feels like the whole week's energy repeated and rolled into one day, doesn't it!

That sextile (opportunity) to sober Saturn while we sleep tells us to tackle our toughest tasks early in the day. Buckle down. Get things done. A focus on your responsibilities and doing what you have to do will pay off.

Just before lunch (EST) as the Moon merges with dreamy Neptune we could find ourselves drifting off course - this might be a good day to pack it in early if we can. This is excellent energy for creativity, healing, spirituality, but not so good for practical doings. Boundaries will be thin, stuff is dissolving. It will be hard to know where our emotions end and another person's begin. One drink at lunch could lead to three. One Netflix episode could lead to a marathon. Stay grounded. Meditate. Listen to soothing music. Pray. We could be caring for someone sick now.

With Mars in Pisces this month, for the first time in two years, things that are hanging on by a thread are more likely to let go - this is designed to be a soft, cushiony landing, but will depend on how hard we are hanging onto what is leaving. People, animals, plants who are very ill, jobs and businesses and houses that people are hanging onto by the skin of their teeth - all kinds of endings are possible now. Know there is right timing here. Allow yourself to hurt/grieve as long as you need to.

Today's boundary-less Pisces Moon elevates whatever we have going on to encompass more than what it looks like is actually happening. Grief about your dying ficus isn't really about your dying ficus. It's about all the other times something you cared for died. All the times you blamed yourself for circumstances and reactions that had nothing to do with you. You are actually healing the Redwoods and the Amazon rainforests with your tears. You are healing your relationship with your mother and the mother.

Today's Moon's trine to Ceres (if you have something near 13 degrees Scorpio you might be feeling this strongest) following yesterday's exact Ceres/Neptune trine, still in play, makes me think of the seasonality of life, the ways we move from one stage to the next through pain and joy, about the ways we are forced to compromise.

The Moon's meeting tonight with fiery Mars (a spiritual warrior in Pisces, but still Mars) speaks of a need to merge with the sacred masculine. Something here about being a woman in a man's world. We could be feeling defensive or feeling the need to defend someone. Watch for angry responses. Avoid dark alleys and risky situations. We are still not pushing. Don't fight for that last open space in the mall parking lot, because, even if you get it, you will be ruminating on the other person's actions all night or your own actions and it will spoil your holiday shopping. There might not be a way to actually win. Know this going into something, even if you decide to go in anyway. Channel Ceres - think compromise.

If we need to be assertive or competitive or get things done tonight this energy will help.

xo all

Note the Moon is void all day tomorrow until she moves into Aries at 7:44PM EST. A good day for reflection until that Aries Moon revs everything up. No big purchases or launches during that void. Sunday has some BIG, bold energy - back tomorrow with that.

Astrology Forecast for Creatives | Week of December 10th - forgiving and asking for forgiveness, saying goodbye, uncomfortable and unexpected information, blue skies are beckoning, rewards for a job well-done

Apis Mellifera by zazielona

Let's jump right into it. 

SUNDAY - Chiron stations direct, Mercury trines Chiron
TUESDAY - Mercury inconjunct Uranus
WEDNESDAY - Mercury re-enters Sagittarius
SUNDAY - Venus sextile Saturn

Chiron stations direct on SUNDAY after five months retrograde. A painful situation (a very old and very deep pain) is being put in our rearview mirror and the trine (brakes off) with communicative Mercury speaks of information/communications that are healing and helpful. A time for compassion (remember Mars is still on course to meet Chiron later this month), painful endings, forgiveness, intimate conversations. Remember that North Node in Cancer - our vulnerability is our strength now, it is not our weakness.

We start the week on MONDAY with the Moon in goal oriented and industrious Capricorn. This feels like a Monday morning. Get to work early. Then get to work.

At 3:38PM EST, the Moon sextiles (opportunity) Mercury, at the end of his long journey through deep Scorpio. This is good energy for putting our feelings into words, being able to tell what other people are thinking/feeling, good for chitchat, commerce, conversations with women and the public. With Mercury having just trined hurting/healing Chiron, maybe it is contact with the serious "all-business" Capricorn Moon today that will provide some sage wisdom/inner knowing/stability.

The energy then makes a swift right turn, because about an hour later, at 4:27PM EST, the Moon goes void off a square to unpredictable Uranus. Unexpected situations can be emotional. Things can change in the blink of an eye. Freedom beckons us. We are drawn to innovation. People are moody.

With the Moon's move over the South Node (in Capricorn) just before that square - there can be releases, endings, limits dissolved just before that Uranus energy that urges they be crossed.

The Moon enters Aquarius at 6:39PM EST. Our focus might naturally turn to our natal Aquarian house theme or the Aquarius general themes of - our friends, our causes, our groups, the goals that bring us into connection with other people, the future, the internet, group projects, trying new things, unusual anythings, technology - for the next couple days.

On TUESDAY, Mercury (at 28 degrees Scorpio) inconjuncts Uranus (retrograde at 28 degrees Aries). We had this same aspect on December 2nd when Mercury was still moving retrograde, so it could connect back to then. Inconjuncts are the rock and the hard place. 

This is surprising (maybe revealing) and uncomfortable information.

News we don't want to use. This could also play out with unexpected and uncomfortable situations involving siblings, pets, your local environment, your computer or transportation (all Mercurian subjects). How this plays out for you will depend on the themes of your natal Scorpio/Aries houses.

EXAMPLE for Libra/Libra Rising (Mercury 2nd house - your money, values, resources, self-esteem, Uranus 7th house - partners, partnerships) - maybe news from/through a partner shakes up your bottom line or creates a situation where you have to stand up for your values/self-esteem. Maybe the news hit back around December 2nd and now you are dealing with the fallout, in a more pro-active way, since Mercury is direct this time. Inconjuncts are tough because there aren't any really good answers. We just have to deal with it.

(The 2nd house and the 7th house are not so naturally friendly. We have to get to the 8th house - where we merge more deeply with others before we put our self esteem/money on the line with another person. Lending money to friends - usually not a good idea. You get the picture.)

The Moon is in stubborn, detached Aquarius and squares Venus (6PM EST), no impulsive moves with love/finances please, and then moves into a opportunistic sextile with Jupiter at 9:33PM EST.

That's when we get a significant energetic shift - whatever is weighing on us is moving on and we should, too.

On WEDNESDAY, Mercury re-enters Sagittarius.  Mercury - the ruler of our minds, thinking, communication, the process and physical means of getting things from point A to point B, our local environment, our siblings, our pets, our transportation - comes up, again, from the depths of Scorpio and moves back into the "sky's-the-limit" space of Sagittarius.

The scope of information available to us broadens. All the little details we have been immersed in during Mercury's transit through Scorpio fade from view a bit.

It's like we have applied a wide angle lens to our camera. There is more to see (know) but less to specifically look at. Keep in mind Mercury is walking degrees he/she walked before.

We first hit this degree back on October 31st. Then we dove back into Scorpio - into the details, the nitty gritty, the intimacy of things, the bottom line numbers - and here we are, if we did our work - OLDER AND WISER this time.

Stuff that was delayed back then will begin to pick up steam again.

But this time our cards, and everyone else's, are on the table. We know what we didn't know then. We are full steam ahead (just no pushing!).

People will be thinking and talking BIG. Making BIG plans. Using BIG persuasive, language. It's a good time to sell your "whatever it is", but also a good time to be sold a bill of goods. Words and information could mislead us as our focus moves away from those pesky details and onto the larger landscape.

Sag's mutable energy is rather boundless and stretchy. This can be a good thing. Sometimes a very good thing. But it can also have its drawbacks. The fly in the ointment - always a fly in there even as the weather grows frosty. Damn flies.

The Moon goes void at 5:19PM EST off a sextile to Uranus - here is where that unexpected or unusual whatever it is can pay off. Unusual friends, independent moves, doing something different - can all pay off tonight.

At 8:38PM, the Moon moves into dreamy and imaginative Pisces - allowing our focus to shift to Piscean themes (and the theme of our Pisces natal house) for the next couple days - art, music, our imagination, what is hidden or put away or done behind the scenes, secrets, the ethereal realms, hospitals, spirituality, addiction, healing, dreams, endings, how we end things, what we do last.

The Moon is going to make a gazillion aspects from her Piscean perch and I will write about that - AND THE REST OF THE WEEK - in a later post.

Keep in mind that opportunistic (this is a repeat aspect, too) sextile on SUNDAY - which we can feel anytime late in the week and it will carry us into next week - between Venus (our love, money, relationships, self-esteem, resources, values) and Saturn (structure, our goals, time, yada, yada).

Whatever this is will take work and commitment - it could also provide a nice reward for work/commitment previously accomplished - and will be worth it.

xo all

New Moon in Sagittarius | December 7th - the quest, the kick in the pants that gets us moving, information that points us in a new direction, grounding in reality, our beliefs are shaping our future, the seeds go into the ground

It's cold outside, by Luna Lemon

Sagittarius is a mutable sign. The mutable signs prepare us for the change into the next season and this Moon really has her work cut out for her!

New Moons are the time to set new intentions and working with Sagittarius themes (and the themes of your Sagittarius natal house) NOW allow the natural energies to work with us.

As the Moon naturally waxes (grows) over the next two weeks, and really over the next 6 months, so does whatever our intentions set into motion.

Sagittarius is a fun-loving sign (ruled by Jupiter and ruler of our 9th house) that rules travel, freedom, adventure, legal issues, higher education, politics, the media, good luck, faith, religion, weddings, optimism, truth seekers, boldly going where no man has gone before, THE QUEST  -

it also rules carelessness, taking shortcuts, thinking we are right, making assumptions, throwing pink paint on problems and looking at something else, overconfidence, impatience and superficial fluff.

Besides the monthly lunar energy of "new beginnings" this particular Moon has its own relationship with the other players in the heavens based on its position. That is where the real juice of any particular New Moon can be found. We talked about some of the energies in play as we moved through the week.

Let's recap and see what else is happening.

We have the Moon meeting the Sun at 15 degrees Sagittarius. You can see from this chart the Moon and Sun all snuggled in there between Jupiter, who they have already talked to - the expansion, the quest, the skies the limit, the stuff that might be too much or over the top - and Saturn, who they are approaching - the reality, the foundation, authority, limits.

Mercury is DIRECT in Scorpio, he/she has walked these degrees twice before, and won't be totally out of shadow for a couple weeks, but he is still moving DIRECT. Retrograde over. Thank goodness. So, the New Moon chart has a freshly direct Mercury (he stationed direct just hours before the Moon), still moving slowly, but powerfully and with a focused concentration and ability to get to the bottom of things in Scorpio. He/she is sextile the North Node in Cancer - opportunities come through our ability to focus on what matters most, on our roots, on our home/family/nurturing and to not be afraid to be vulnerable.  

News/information/ideas come in now that can point us in a new direction - the direction of our QUEST.

The biggest energy at the Moon, though is Mars, traveling through Pisces this month, meets up with Neptune (ruler of Pisces) at 13 degrees. And those two planets are squaring - tension, frustration, crisis, the obstacle, the kick in the ass - the New Moon energies.

So, the kick in the ass - the stress that gets us moving is coming from our Pisces house and the fresh start is coming from our Sagittarius house.

EXAMPLES for a couple signs and you would need to check your natal chart to see what is exact for you or email me and I will check your chart for you -

SCORPIO/Scorpio Rising - Mars/Neptune in Pisces 5th house, Moon/Sun in Sagittarius 2nd house - the fresh start is in your 2nd house of your money, your values and what you really value, your resources and self-esteem. The kick/tension is coming from your 5th house of creative projects, your self-expression, what you give birth to, children, romance and recreation - so maybe you want more money for something here or there are expenses that push you to make more money or get more value from what you already own. The 2nd house (Taurus house) also rules food, so it would be a good time to make a fresh start - that sticks - with diet - the square from your 5th could mean poor eating through recreation/parties/eating out pushes the changes. Maybe challenges with a creative project (5th house) are pushing you to find a new source of income (2nd house). With the house of gambling (5th house) squaring your house of money (2nd house) you might be encouraged to spend BIG on something that isn't such a sure bet. Or invest too much of your self-esteem (2nd house) in a romance situation or a situation with children (both 5th house) or a creative project. Use some caution here. We have that Saturnian sextile indicating the opportunity comes through the long game, through the building of  a stable foundation for that financial dream. There is a reset happening with your money/resources/values/self-esteem - that 5th house square is your kick in the ass that gets the party started. With Jupiter in your 2nd house all year this area of life is expanding for you, lucky Scorpio!

TAURUS/Taurus Rising - Mars/Neptune in Pisces 11th house, Moon/Sun in Sagittarius 8th house - the fresh start is in your 8th house of other people's resources, other people's values, intimacy, other people's money, spouse's income, loans, debts, taxes, inheritance, investments, sex, reproduction, power struggles, life/death issues. The kick/tension is coming from your 11th house of your friendships, groups, causes, the internet, the public, the goals that bring you into relationship with other people, your advancement, technology. So maybe something happening within your group/causes/friendships is getting too intimate or invading some intimate space. Maybe it needs to be more clearly defined or needs a boundary - that Saturn sextile. There could be advancements now with that 8th house financial/intimacy situation. Just don't count your chickens before they are hatched and be sure you are reading and understanding the fine print on any contracts or obligations now. Your New Moon reset is happening in the house of powerful, and irreversible transformation, so changes could come at you fast. With Jupiter in your 8th house all year this area of life is expanding for you, lucky Taurus.

If you want to know where this is happening in your chart email me or leave a comment. For example you could be a Scorpio rising but this New Moon is not happening in your 2nd house - check for 15 degrees, etc.

The challenge here for all of us, because Mars - our fire/energy/ambition/passion - is in watery Pisces, is that the New Moon energy could be diluted. Opportunities wasted or we jump the gun on something that looks better than it actually is. We've talked about this Pisces stuff for the last couple weeks and it is in play for the rest of the month (and for the next six months in relationship to this New Moon chart and your Sagittarius house fresh start) - the whole avoid the pushing/rushing thing. Let stuff flow.

This New Moon is squaring that conjunction. So Mars gets to Neptune - our actions meeting the dream - at the same time the Moon is reaching the Sun in the sign of expansion and "luck". On the surface this looks like a good, maybe great, thing. Like the whole 'leap and the net will appear' thing, but with Neptune and Jupiter both energies that are impossible to pin down - it is hard to know just how big the holes in that net actually are and if we will get all tangled up in it.

Pallas is inconjunct the Mars/Neptune conjunction from her space in partnership/balance focused Libra. An inconjunct is a rock and a hard place. Maybe the dream/escape/addiction - whatever we are doing with the Mars/Neptune - isn't so compatible with our relationship strategies, with whatever we need to keep our relationships with other people in balance.

The good news - Saturn is sextile (opportunity) the Mars/Neptune energies - and he is strong and stable in Capricorn - this can keep our New Moon expectations more grounded in reality.  

Which although it can sound/feel like a drag on the Sagittarius blue skies, can actually aid us in getting what we want here!

The New Moon has some challenges, but, honestly nothing happens without some challenges; some friction to create change! 

And we will see in our own lives it is the problem/the friction/the obstacles we face now that is forcing us to make real this New Moon's offerings.

This Moon has a real Christmas-y, miracles, anything-can-happen feel to it. 

We just need to keep our expectations in check to avoid waking up on Christmas morning that disappointed kid with six pairs of socks in a box where a Barbie dream house should have been.

We could get the Barbie dream house - that Sag New Moon, that Saturn sextile to the squaring energies - but it might not be magically tossed down our chimney and under our tree.

We are going to have to believe in the dream (yes, Virginia, there is a Santa Claus).

And we are going to have to build it. This is going to be work, but that is OK with us, because the building/the work will be part of the quest; part of the fun.

It will be like we look at our watch (if we still wore a watch) and we've put in 8 hours of work, but we didn't notice because the work was fun. 

This energy plays out until the Sagittarius Full Moon next June.

As always, write your New Moon intentions down by hand in script. Use strong ink and a clean sheet of paper. Do this in a quiet, respectful manner in a clean space. Light a candle.

Trust the process. We have cast our spell.

People always say that affirmations "only work if we take action". And this is true, but not in the way some people think because the affirmation is action.

It sets the energy in motion.

Words are not just words.

If done properly, in the right frame of mind, they line us up energetically with the thing we are seeking.

The New Moon is a time of darkness.  

Think seeds in the ground. Our words are our seeds.

We only get 3 fire New Moon a year folks, let's not waste this one! Set your intentions around your Sagittarius house themes and/or general Sagittarius themes. Take action without pushing or rushing. Meditate. Pray. Avoid drugs/alcohol/addictions. Make art. Color.

Seeds go into the ground. Hands get dirty. Muscles get tired. Backs get strengthened.

Mercury is sextile the North Node of Fate so pay attention to news/information that comes in. Conversations can point us in a new direction. Ideas can pop into our head. Books can fall off their shelves and into our laps. Read them.

xo all

Sun Square Neptune | CAUTION, not the time to make a big decision/move, the lifeguard has left the pool area and we are swimming at our own risk, hard to tell what is really real here, excellent energy for prayer, meditation, forgiveness

DSC 4535 by Kallyua

Today's chart is stressing me out just looking at it.

We have the Sun (13 degrees Sagittarius) squaring Neptune (13 degrees Pisces) with Mars moving in for his conjunction. We have Mercury standing very, very still (and powerful) preparing to move direct in Scorpio and the Moon in Scorpio AND Chiron very strong and still and preparing to move direct, too.

This is a giant CAUTION sign blinking at us from the universe.

This is a very strong KEEP YOUR FEET ON THE GROUND.

Unless you are going to just dive in - many people are going to have 'awakening' experiences in December and diving in and almost drowning will certainly wake us up - just know you are diving in at your own risk. There is no lifeguard on duty today. Dad isn't home, either.

There could be overwhelming emotion here - the potential for sadness and confusion. There are whirlpools and rip currents.

This is the dream/fantasy/escape/even "deception" thing squaring (tension/stress) our Sagittarian beliefs/truth/expansion. Are we doing the thing because we really want to do the thing or because we really don't want to do the other thing? What are we avoiding? Truth squares illusion but the truth is stretchy, too.

Something here is not quite knowable. Or there is something we are not wanting to face.

We could be enticed/advised into something that is not such a good idea - especially by ourselves. Remember we are playing a long game and Sagittarius loves her shortcuts.

Give yourself a break today. Don't over promise, because I can guarantee you will not be over-delivering! Don't play the victim/martyr. Don't be a sucker. Stay far away from any power plays or manipulative situations. It will be hard to bear the harsh realities of life now, so let's give ourselves and other people a break.

Slow down. Take a breath.

If we leap now expecting the net to appear, it is almost certain the net will have a hole in it big enough for our ass, yes, even the Thanksgiving turkey and pumpkin pie ass, to fall through.

The Moon is waning - it is a time of release, not a time to be taking on anything more. More is not really more, more is too much.

Be careful with drugs/alcohol. Be careful driving and operating machinery. One drink when driving is probably one drink too many with these skies.

The Moon goes void from 4:53PM EST to 9:49PM EST. Things will feel more solid after the Moon gets into grounded Capricorn.

Excellent day for imaginative work, writing, creating, healing, prayer, compassion, forgiveness.

xo all

Today's Astrology Forecast for Creatives | December 4, 2018 - going with the flow, following up, finishing up, words opening old wounds, reaching for solid ground, information that allows us to move on, the cracks are where the light gets in

Water fairy by fly10

We start the day with the Moon in Scorpio sextiling (opportunity) serious Saturn (strong in his home sign of Capricorn). The more disciplined (Saturn) our habits this morning, the better we will be feeling (the Moon). This is good energy for the feminine to be dealing with authority figures or stepping into authority. There is a comfort with established rules/boundaries here.  

The opportunity comes through being responsible and doing what we have to do now. 

By 12:24PM EST, the Moon will be trining (brakes off) Mars (action, initiative, masculine - in Pisces now, so the divine masculine) and then by late afternoon trining Neptune (imagination, illusion, delusion, spirit, escape, addiction, healing).

A good day for all kinds of inspirational projects and activities. Life is flowing.

All the aspects the Moon is making while in Scorpio - through late tomorrow afternoon - are positive aspects, so although there is alot of water in the current chart and our emotions are intense - we can trust our intuition now. We go with the flow (there isn't really a choice anyway). We are in deep emotional waters, but the currents aren't dragging us toward a jagged shipwreck or the open mouth of a whale. This doesn't mean they can't drown us though, so remember to come up for air.

Keep in mind the Moon is in her Balsamic phase, preparing for the New Moon at the end of the week. This is the best time of the lunar month for completing things, following up on stuff we started previously - not so great for launching brand new things (which would be better kicked off after the fiery New Moon and Mercury moving direct, so after the end of this week).

We have Mercury at 27 degrees Scorpio and Chiron at 27 degrees Pisces and the North Node at 27 degrees Cancer - all our water signs occupied at the same degree and forming a Grand Water Trine.

If you are feeling uber emotional right now - this is the reason. The Moon's smooth aspects today should help with his.

What are the themes of your Scorpio, Cancer and Pisces houses? Those energies are working together now. 

Mercury is retrograde, so he/she has already walked 27 degrees Scorpio at the end of October/beginning of November. There is a message here from that timeframe - maybe something we were thinking about/communicating about then.

We could receive some information over the next couple days (and the last couple days) that allows us to finally release something, to begin to move on ...

This energy will be in play for a few days - words/information/ideas can be both painful and healing AND be exactly what is needed to get us moving in a new direction. Speak with compassion now. People will be feeling what they are hearing/reading.

Actually we are all feeling everything right now - and it will be hard to tell our own thoughts and feelings from those of other people!

Words are opening old wounds. Painful issues are being processed.

There is great healing/enlightenment here and the possibility of the physical loss that allows it to come up. The veils are thin - everything is flowing both ways.

And I've said lots of water already, right? Lots and lots of water.

Use that early Saturnian sextile to put some solid ground beneath your feet, before the rest of the day flows the way it wants to go ...

xo all

Remember Jupiter is in Sagittarius and Saturn is in Capricorn - we have both luck and time on our side now - just don't rush anything. Now is the time for finishing up, following up and WAITING. Timing is tricky now, but our intuition is powerful. Rushing and pushing are not such good ideas. We could be more accident prone now. We could be forgetting things and misplacing things. We could agree to things we later regret. Guns could be jumped and we could be tossed out on our asses before we even get started. Can you sense the quiet of the Moon? The things that are unwinding? The lure of Neptune to just go with the flow, to allow, to release? Just breathe.

Today's Astrology Forecast for Creatives | a push away from what is no longer needed, intense emotions, going deeper, intimacy, vulnerability, tears, back into the financial/relationship issues from a new, stronger perch, more SCORPIO

Tender. by Black Proserpine

Some of this week's major aspects are:

SUNDAY - Venus re-enters Scorpio, the Sun squares Mars
MONDAY - Uranus squares the North and South Nodes
TUESDAY - Mercury trines Chiron and North Node
WEDNESDAY - Sun squares Neptune
THURSDAY - Mercury stations direct (!)
FRIDAY - NEW MOON in Sagittarius
SUNDAY - Chiron stations direct

I am going to need to do dailies again, because my Sundays are not my own this month!

On MONDAY morning the Moon (in Libra) is going to oppose Uranus (retrograde in Aries). This speaks of a surprising situation with another person. This could be exciting (good) or shocking (not so good). We could also kind of instinctively (Moon) rebel (Uranus) against anything that has us feeling cornered or restricted.

People's emotions will be unpredictable.

With Uranus squaring the Nodes of Fate now - it might be the best way to deal with a disruptive situation is 1. to do what is most nurturing, especially self-nurturing 2. to allow ourselves to be vulnerable - not in some idiotic way with someone we can't trust, but we don't have to know everything/be solid and perfect - we can let our guard down a little bit and just be ourselves.

It's Uranus's job to force us away from what is no longer needed. Keep that in mind now.

Note - as that South Node moves through Capricorn over the next year, and as Saturn moves through Capricorn and toward Pluto - we are releasing alot of things that used to stabilize us - patriarchy in its own way was stabilizing. This is happening both individually and as a collective. The things we used to count on may not be there and we need to figure out - and this is what the last few years has been about - how to move forward on shifting sands, how to have faith in ourselves and in each other and in life. We will find the people in our lives who we thought were very stable and secure are not as secure/stable as they used to be either.

Mercury is back in Scorpio today and Venus re-entered Scorpio on Sunday. This is alot of water energy and Scorpio water can be stagnant. It's been there for a long time. Intense emotions are likely. Regrets about things we didn't do or the things that didn't go our way. The dark Moon is moving into Scorpio this afternoon, too - after going void from 1:16PM EST to 2:55PM EST.

There is much energy available for healing wounds that are very old and very deep.

Many things are reaching a conclusion now. We are releasing. There are endings. If you need a good cry, have a good cry. Sweating helps, too, if you have access to a sauna or just get some intense exercise. Water is everywhere this week!

Today we have the Moon retracing the steps Venus just made on Friday and then she meets Venus at 0 degrees Scorpio this afternoon. This is excellent energy for real intimacy - relationship/financial.

xo all

Venus opposing Uranus | a conclusion with that financial/partnership situation, something unexpected, cleaning closets and inboxes, whatever we own owns us right back so dumping whatever we are not loving equals greater freedom

discodisco by gleymast

As Venus reaches 29 degrees Libra today she opposes Uranus at 29 degrees Aries.

Venus is still in her retrograde shadow - walking degrees she has walked before - and this is her third and final meeting with the future-leaning, freedom-loving, chaos and disorder providing Uranus.

This time she is strong in her home sign, although keep in mind she will be back in Scorpio on Monday (and a retrograde Mercury will be back in Scorpio tomorrow).

This aspect has been in play for awhile and now reaches an exact opposition. Squaring the North and South Nodes of Fate (Cancer/Capricorn) whatever we have going on is significant, even life-changing!

With Venus and Uranus at the powerful FINAL 29th degrees of the signs they occupy - this feels like the conclusion. They first opposed each other in mid-September and then again on Halloween - there could be a connection between those dates and what is happening now. Keep in mind though, both Venus and Uranus were in different signs then (Scorpio/Taurus), so the story has shifted.

Uranus is fast change and Venus rules our relationships, love, money, our values, resources, women and self-esteem. Something could wrap up now or change quickly on us. Oppositions appear to come from the outside and appear to be "outside" our control.

What houses do Libra and Aries rule in your natal chart?

EXAMPLE for Cancer/Cancer Rising - Venus in your 4th house vs Uranus in your 10th house speaks of a home/family/real estate/ home business situation. There could be an unexpected development or a conclusion regarding your living situation/people who live with you/your physical home/roots/mother possibly coming through authority/a public situation/you stepping into your own authority or greater responsibility. You have been back and forth with this situation. Your confidence is increased. You know your value now. You are making decisions/taking action from this stronger space. As Venus moves back into your 3rd house on Monday (and you may already be feeling this) you will be communicating, making decisions, signing contracts - from this stronger place. If you are doing this right - changes should offer greater freedom and have you leaning into your future. The North Node is in your sign Cancer - what can't you do?!

With the Moon in Virgo and making all kinds of aspects yesterday and today all of us could be stressed and BUSY.

Our focus might be on paperwork, getting organized, cleaning things up, our work, co-workers, our pets and our health. The Moon will be making nice with Pluto this afternoon - an especially good time to dump whatever is cluttering up our lives. Excellent energy to finish something, end an annoying or wasteful habit, cut the unnecessary crap from December's schedule because believe me we are going to be busy.

Tomorrow morning, after an early, short void, the Moon will move into Libra and Mercury will retrograde back into Scorpio. We will be more diplomatic and cooperative. Our thinking will shift from "big-picture" back into the details.

Back tomorrow with more on that.

xo all

Mercury conjunct Jupiter, Mercury conjunct the Sun, Mars sextiles Saturn | magical ideas come knocking, the details join the big picture, news comes in, stable groundwork for our BIG, bodacious dreams

Exhale by Machihuahua

After a short void while we slept the Moon moved into fiery Leo early, early this morning EST. Our emotional focus could turn to children, our creative projects, romance, recreation, the things we take pride in, the drama we didn't save for our mama - for the next couple days.

Mercury (news, information, our thinking, communication, siblings, transportation issues) is UBER busy today, meeting first with expansive Jupiter and then our illuminating Sun.

Mercury's meeting with the Sun (4 degrees Sagittarius) marks the mid-way point of her retrograde journey. Our heart and our mind connect. News comes in that stretches us somehow.

We reach a space of greater clarity regarding whatever this retrograde has been about for us.

Happening at almost the same time Mercury meets Jupiter (strong and home in Sagittarius) and trines that Leo Moon - this could bring us news/clarity/information that makes us feel proud/generous/ready to roar.

Mercury is still retrograde so news probably doesn't bring things to a conclusion, but our next move becomes easier to see/feel.

BIG IDEAS are waiting, maybe for eons - maybe for seconds, for the right person (the person who can make them REAL) to grab hold of them. 

Open your mind. Open your eyes. What do you hear? What do you see? Thoughts are things. Think about what you are thinking about.

With Mercury retrograde this might be something we have previously thought about or connect us back to a person or situation we were previously aligned with. 

With Mars (in mystical Pisces) sextile (opportunity) Saturn (in stable Capricorn) - there is divine right timing with anything birthed now.

This is also good energy for working with authority figures and stepping into our own authority.

Excellent energy to sober up ... like, forever.

Grab that domain name you have been putzing around with in your head. Write that email. Apply for that scholarship. Plan that big trip. MAKE IT REAL.

Vesta (our devotion, our ability to keep the fires burning) is also conjunct the Capricorn South Node and opposing the Cancer North Node. There could be something we have to give up here to get something else. Maybe something we used to be devoted to, but no longer are. This could be the time we can either give it a proper burial or maybe it is the time we level it up. Does it nurture us? Does it strengthen our roots/home base? Does it make us feel safe? The gold here comes from allowing ourselves to be vulnerable - not from adding more bricks to the wall.

The details join the big picture today and things come into focus.

xo all

Jupiter conjunct the Sun, Mars square Mercury | that "luckiest" day of the year thing and this is how we get lucky

Crown-backstage by la-child

This is another important week.

If you have big things happening in your life, this is why. If you have big dreams and nothing appears to be happening with them (it only looks this way), this is why.

We'll talk about the story that is playing out and do some dailies this week.

SATURDAY - Neptune stations direct
MONDAY - Sun conjuncts Jupiter, Mercury squares Mars
TUESDAY - Sun conjuncts Mercury (retrograde), Mercury conjuncts Jupiter, Mars sextiles Saturn
FRIDAY - Venus opposes Uranus
SATURDAY - Mercury retrogrades back into Scorpio, Venus squares North and South Nodes
MONDAY - Venus re-enters Scorpio (this time direct), Sun squares Mars

First, let's back up a couple days.

On Saturday, Neptune stationed direct at 13 degrees Pisces. He is strong and still this week. Remember that finger through a candle flame analogy - planets are strong at station.

Neptune went retrograde back on June 18th and has reworked 16-13 degrees of the sign he rules. He now moves forward for the final time over these degrees (in our lifetimes). A dream/mirage could dissolve now. The rose colored glasses come off. Wet weather, porous boundaries, the need for extra sleep, leaky everything. Neptune rules the 12th and final house - what we do last and the "end of the day" - situations/people "hanging on by a thread" might leave/end/finalize now. If you love someone working a recovery program check in with them - our boundaries are thin now - CONNECT.

The good news is whatever Neptune has been fogging up will start to clear up in the days ahead.

The other good news with Mars in Pisces until the end of the year and answering to imaginative and spiritual, but often foggy, escapist and 'sleepy' Neptune, Mars, as us, (our action, initiative, passion) is aided by a newly direct Neptune.

Mars is making his way to Neptune - he will get there on December 7th (at 13 degrees - yes, Neptune will still be at 13 degrees and Mars will have covered 8 degrees - we are starting to catch up with our dream!) this is just one day after Mercury will station direct.

There is divine perfect timing/fate at play as we make our way forward. This stuff can't be rushed - remember no pushing, but no totally avoiding either! 

We are working on faith here. 

No big moves just yet, but take the logical, grounded action that is required. Yes, we will need extra rest with Mars in Pisces, but we can't ONLY rest. God/the universe has our back, but we won't get very far if we don't also move our legs!  

TODAY is a big energetic. We have Jupiter meeting the Sun at 3 degrees Sagittarius. Jupiter kicks off a new 12 year story AND we get a glimpse at what the next year's transit of Jupiter through Sagittarius (the first chapter) will be about for us.

Now we have time (Saturn) on our side AND we have luck (Jupiter) on our side. That powerful Neptune warns about blind faith, illusion and drifting into la-la land. This much Sagittarius warns about too much of anything. Yes, even those delicious toffee almond milk hot chocolates.

Today's Jupiter/Sun conjunction - that "luckiest day of the year" thing (according to astrologer Susan Miller and others) is a time for optimism and enthusiasm.

The caveat here, is, we also have Mercury (ideas, information, our thinking, communication, sibling issues, transportation) in big-picture Sagittarius - the space of the skies Jupiter and the Sun are meeting up - squaring Mars (our action, initiative, anger) - in that space of the skies Neptune is so strong right now.

And Mercury is retrograde and walking degrees he/she is going to be walking again in December. So, things are still in influx. Our attention could be scattered and we want our attention on that Sun/Jupiter - enthusiasm/optimism - something bold and new. But Mercury is reminding us of something old that needs re-looking, re-viewing, re-working first.

These squares to Mars are tension/frustration, yes, but they also bring us into contact with divine intervention now!

It's not the time to push - especially our ideas/beliefs on other people! With Mars in Neptune we have to go with the flow. We have to have faith and trust that things are falling together even if it looks like they are falling apart.

God/the Universe is moving mountains to get things to line up for all of us. There is divine timing here. Stuff is being shuffled around behind the scenes. She/he has got this thing. Relax. Take a breath.

It's time to read the writing on the wall (and the contract). Pay attention to what grabs your attention and think about what you are thinking about.

MONDAY and TUESDAY are very Mercurial days.

So we will be busy. There will be lots of information coming in. We might be letting go of things - good time to clean things out and you will likely have the urge for greater organization. It's a good time for commerce, for conversations, for writing, for caring for pets, for dealing with work and co-workers. We may be dealing with general Sag themes (or the theme of our natal Sag house could be crazy-active) - legal issues, foreign issues, a foreign person, travel, higher education, media, marketing, wedding, religion, our big-picture beliefs, taking something to a higher level/to the next step. With Pisces all lit up since the weekend issues around healing, addiction, water, wet weather, our imagination, art, hospitals, spirit, stuff from the past, things done behind our back or behind the scenes, secrets, our sabotaging habits, endings - could be in play. The Moon is in home and family oriented Cancer so toss a home/family/home business/real estate situation into the mix.

There is the potential for alot to be going on!

Tuesday is the better day for dealing with authority/a power play situation. With that beautiful sextile between Mars and Saturn - something very opportunistic and long-lasting can get firmed up then. Just keep in mind there are bigger hands on the wheel now AND you still need your feet on the gas.

We'll talk about this tomorrow. I have to go and make the donuts.

For today, for this week, keep your eyes and ears open. TRUST that you are on the right path and you will know what to do when the time is right. No pushing.

Don't be an idiot and stand in front of a moving train, praying for the train to stop.

Follow your intuition. This is how we get lucky now. That is your official play book.

"Hmm, I am thirsty and there is a coffee shop", she thinks to herself as she steps off the tracks, that were so overgrown with weeds she hadn't noticed them - and although she is oblivious, since she is in the Starbucks line ordering a delicious toffee almond milk hot chocolate - the train rumbles past her, leaving her head securely attached to her neck, her arms and legs in their proper places.

Unlike that missionary fellow, who although well-meaning, headed into indigenous tribal territory to "push" his beliefs on other people. The story doesn't end so well for him. Or them probably. Since they pushed back.

Don't push. Trust life. Venus is heading toward her final opposition with Uranus, so there are unexpected events coming. There is magic afoot people. Stay optimistic ... but not stupid.

xo all

Full Moon in Gemini | November 23, 2018 - looking before we leap, re-thinking something, taking a breath, something comes to light, to a culmination, to a conclusion ... sort of

At 12:39AM EST on November 23rd, the Gemini Moon meets the Sagittarius Sun at 0 degrees.

Full Moons are about culminations, but with this one coming at the very beginning of Gemini and with Gemini's ruler Mercury traveling retrograde through Sagittarius (the sign of the Sun since Thursday) this doesn't feel much like "culminating" to me.

Add to this the fact that Mercury (ruler of the Full Moon) is debilitated in Sagittarius and Mars, uber uncomfortable in Pisces, is squaring the whole thing.

Also the Sun is conjunct Jupiter, strong in his home sign, and heading toward their exact meeting in a couple days - that luckiest day of the year thing - and Mars is quickly approaching his exact meeting with Neptune - maybe that is the laziest day of the year! And Venus, still opposing Uranus, is moving toward another exact opposition with him (chaos, the unexpected).

Nothing here seems settled. At all.

But still something is culminating, coming to light, reaching a peak energy. It might be when Mercury stations direct on December 6th that we actually get to the finish line though.

Full Moons are always potentially stressful because we have the Sun (this month in Sagittarius) opposing the Moon (this month in Sagittarius's polarity sign of Gemini). Oppositions are exactly what they sound like.

Yes, you can imagine a boxing ring, some sweaty towels and bandages.

This Moon is about choices, decisions, options and endings - although the endings are maybe not really endings quite yet. Gemini is the natural ruler of our collective 3rd house of communication and language. It also rules siblings, neighbors, local travel, early education, transportation - movement. A spotlight is being thrown on a lot of information now. Almost too much to process. With Gemini, truth is shifty and it is hard to tell fact from fiction.

It's a time to speak clearly. This is not a time for babble or childish gossip. Let's not say one thing when we really mean something else - even habits like saying "this isn't bad" when we mean something is good dilute our energy. Just say, "this is good!".

Let's unpack the aspects.

Mars is squaring the Moon and the Sun, so it is likely the Full Moon will be a time of action. We could feel a great push to get something moving or to jump on whatever comes up. We could get mad.

BUT the rest of the Full Moon chart is encouraging patience because we are going to have a much clearer view of everything over the next couple weeks. Mars is also squaring Jupiter, so we are really going to feel the squeeze/pressure/tension that makes us want to make a move/release something. Know the gift of astrology is we can look ahead and backward - Mercury and the Sun are getting closer to Jupiter next week and the Moon will no longer be in opposition, so things will be clearer if we wait a bit. More info is coming in, especially around things we have done before or things already in process.

We are going to feel pressure to do something now via our action/anger/passion, but the timing is still off - the timing is not just now.

It will pay to keep in mind that Mars (our initiative, action, passion) is in watery Pisces. He just spent six months in Aquarius instead of his usual two and he is worn out.

He is half asleep right now!

(and yes, he snores and hogs the covers)

Although a sleepy Mars is probably actually a gift to us because he might keep us from jumping into something too fast, too soon. This is why our urge to escape (go back to bed, have another drink, watch another episode) is so strong right now. Our inner warrior is taking a siesta!

And look at that chart again and notice he is squaring Mercury -  

how are we going to make up our mind/get to the bottom of things/finish this "whatever this is" up! 

We aren't. Take a breath.

With Mars, Neptune (retrograde) and Chiron (retrograde) all in Pisces and being squared by all the Sagittarius energy - we are like batteries being drained!

It can feel depressing, but it is really our energy being drained.

Look at Mercury (our thinking, communications, ideas) - ruler of this Full Moon - could he/she look any more uncomfortable?! Squaring foggy Neptune and moving toward optimistic, but over-the-top Jupiter (who is conjunct that Sun) it is hard to tell fact from fiction now. We could be deluding ourselves or being lied to by someone else who may be deluding themselves!

Our thinking really can't be trusted right now. Keep this in mind.

If we do manage to come to some kind of conclusion/decision right now we can probably be assured it will change a couple times before December 6th when Mercury stations direct.

Jupiter, strong in his home sign of Sagittarius, is conjunct the Sun and opposing the Moon.

Jupiter rules legal issues, foreign issues, travel, higher education, our beliefs and higher thinking, religion, weddings, the media - maybe this is the kind of situation (or the theme of our natal Sagittarius house or, of course Gemini themes - listed a few paragraphs earlier or our Gemini house theme) that is reaching a conclusion/culmination - the Gemini Moon (Gemini always has another trick up his sleeve and is always playing multiple angles) and the retrograde position of the Moon's ruler indicate stuff is still in flux here.

We still have that Grand Trine we talked about the other day between the Sun (although out of sign now), the North Node in Cancer and Chiron in Pisces to help smooth things over - to take the edge off whatever is coming to light/concluding now. Keep in mind that North Node in Cancer - there is strength in vulnerability now.

Rereading this it feels like quite a mishmash, which feels appropriate to this Moon and this time, although not super helpful. I'm sorry. Jupiter is going to square Neptune for most of 2019 - three times exactly - this energy of uncertain optimism is something we will all be working with.

For now - let's take a breath. Let's look before we leap. If something can be pushed off until sometime after December 6th, push it off. Wait. Don't push

Coax it into December. If you can. Try some good cheddar or turkey jerky - it works with Olive.

If you must decide, if something must conclude, if something comes to light that requires action - at least give the information another go-over. Things will be clearer after Neptune stations direct this weekend - that's when the dream (Neptune) can start to move forward via our action (Mars in Pisces answering to Neptune).

Remember every ending has a fresh, new beginning built right into it and ours is going to be AMAZING!

xo all

We are at a collaborative turning point for our collective - we are all in this together. Grateful, generous hearts are needed. Grateful, generous words will open the hearts of others. Sometimes the less we say the more powerful our words are when we use them now. Our words will be remembered so let's make them memorable ... and kind.

Have a Happy Thanksgiving if you are in the USA, a Happy Thursday otherwise - back in a few days ... don't forget to get out and walk in the beautiful Full Moon and if you can't see it, know it is still there working for you!

Sun trine Chiron and North Node, Sun inconjunct Moon | independent work favored, a wild card is tossed into the game, taking the edge off the pain, prioritizing home and family, doing the brave thing, allowing ourselves a place of refuge, go back to bed

cold morning by mrs-pinkeyes

The Moon is waxing (growing) as we head towards Friday's Full Moon in Gemini.

In Aries today, she moves into opposition with Venus (home in Libra) at 10:44AM EST - this indicates more can be accomplished through independent work and interactions with other people could be stressful. Watch any tendency to overspend or overeat now.

Later she inconjuncts (that rock and a hard place) the Sun (at the end of Scorpio) and finally at 5:46PM EST she hooks up with Uranus - her last aspect before the void, so expect the unexpected - and then goes Void for about an hour, until 6:43PM EST, when she moves into Taurus - where she is exalted. 

Today's waxing inconjunct indicates the possibility that something new or unproven (Aries) - maybe connected to an intimacy/financial/hidden issue or maybe just unexpected or chaotic - is tossed into the situation just as we are expecting to finish/close something out - that approaching Full Moon.

The good news - the Scorpio Sun is trining (brakes off) both Chiron and the North Node (in Cancer now and ruled by the Moon).  The energy is available - and yes, it could be emotional - to get us through this smoothly. To move us along on our best path forward.

The trine to Chiron should take the edge off the pain, this will happen naturally - there is alot of Pisces energy right now, please don't over-medicate, drink/drug/distract the pain away.  The trine to the North Node speaks of prioritizing our home base, our family, what makes us feel most stable and secure within ourselves. With the North Node in Cancer, looking to the outside world for validation isn't going to work/feel good. We have to know our own worth. We have to know what we really value - what we are really made of.

We have just been through a bloody Venus retrograde in Scorpio and she is still re-walking those degrees (!) - we know what we most value because it is what we are still feeling connected to.

Mercury is retrograde. And his/her square to Neptune is really fogging things up! Have you noticed it is hard to remember what time/day it is? Time is kind of drifty.

Do what needs to be done today. Take appropriate action. The Aries Moon can require bravery. So, yes, if something feels scary it could be the appropriate thing! But it might just seem scary because we are looking too far ahead. Don't look too far ahead. Mercury is retrograde! 

Once the Moon gets into Taurus this evening she makes all positive aspects tonight and tomorrow - making nice with Mars, Saturn, Neptune and Pluto! Our focus will naturally turn to Taurus themes for the next couple days - being comfortable, our money, our values, our resources, the important stuff that money can buy and the important stuff it can't, the stuff we already have.

xo all

Heads up - the Moon will be void all day on Thanksgiving so plans may get thrown off course. Maybe we cook a turkey and then find out most guests has gone vegan. Or maybe we forgot to defrost it. Maybe some people catch colds and don't show up - take some extra Vitamin C and D, so we aren't those people! Wet weather, plumbing issues, insect/rodent infestations all tend to happen when Pisces is activated as she is now.  Stuff gets released when boundaries thin. We'll need extra sleep now and to allow ourselves, and other people, to feel more emotional. We will need to escape a bit - go to the movies, read a new book, make some art, get into or near water. We need to stay grounded so we don't drift totally off-course AND we need to allow our Neptunian imagination/compassion/spirituality roam, too.

Mars Square Jupiter | avoid taking on too much, stay grounded, tension between the big picture and whatever action we are taking, allow, stop pushing, don't be preachy, being brave with our words and thinking, staying open to BIG possibilities without losing our shirt (unless it's the shirt that shrunk in the dryer and makes us feel like we have eaten too much pre-Thanksgiving pumpkin pie or maybe we HAVE eaten too much pie, either way that shirt, that one, we can lose)

Shirtless, Sheet-less and ... by Erin-boo

I didn't get to the weekly yesterday, so we will work with some dailies!

We start the week with the Moon in fiery, "let's get something started" Aries. Good for taking initiative and being brave, but we'll keep in mind that Aries ruler Mars is in Pisces - encouraging connection and the allowing of what is unfolding rather than any strong pushing for a specific agenda and discouraging Mars natural impulse to just "go it alone".

Mars (and with our Moon in Aries and answering to Mars we could feel this more acutely) squares Jupiter (in Sagittarius). Squares are tension/frustration.

A tired Mars cornered by a powerful (enthusiastic, but also possibly overly optimistic) Jupiter could result in us taking on more than we can handle or over-promising what we can actually do. With Mars in Pisces aggressive actions could seem to come out of nowhere and Jupiter will make things BIGGER - or to seem bigger, it's hard to say with Jupiter - than they would otherwise be.

Our negative Piscean tendencies - addiction, escape, shoving stuff into closets and under furniture - could get exaggerated now.

We might jump to a wrong conclusion and with Mercury retrograde in Sagittarius we are meant to be questioning our beliefs not yet concluding anything mentally - we just don't have all the facts yet.

We are going back and forth with something because it is time to be going back and forth with something. Two steps forward and one step backward is how life actually works. It only feels like a problem if we are pushing and it's not the time to be pushing. With the Moon trining (brakes off) that same retrograde Mercury we could be looking backward with regret about some prior action/inaction. The Sun's trine to Chiron tomorrow will likely help ease the sharp edges off any of that.

Looking ahead this week the major aspects I see are:

MONDAY - Mars squares Jupiter
TUESDAY - Sun trines Chiron
THURSDAY - Sun moves into Sagittarius and trines the Nodes
FRIDAY - Full Moon in Gemini
SATURDAY - Neptune stations direct
SUNDAY/MONDAY - Sun Conjunct Jupiter (and that luckiest day of the year thing)

For today - we have that trine between Mercury and the Moon encouraging courageous conversations/thinking and that square between Mars and Jupiter tempting us to overdo whatever it is we are doing. Warning us about any tendency to wander off-course and make mountains out of molehills and advising us to keep one eye on the rear-view mirror for things can seem to come out of "nowhere" now and are closer than they appear - and also bigger or smaller than they actually are depending on our natural inclination toward optimism or pessimism, so keep all of this in mind.

Our minds are stretchy with Mercury in Sagittarius so this will all surely fit in there somehow. We might have to ditch a few awful middle school memories to clear some space and that's a good thing, too. :)

The best use of today's square - instead of feeling cornered, let's allow ourselves to stay open to BIG POSSIBILITIES. Some things are outside our control now - which is probably the good news.

xo all

Weekend Astrology Forecast for Creatives | more flies with honey, the power of our imagination, the fine print, adventure, the Sunday night blues or inspired ambition

And suddenly it's evening 1X by Michela-Riva

We wake on SATURDAY morning having slept through our monthly Moon/Neptune conjunction. If you had any memorable dreams maybe write them down and give some thought to them. This energy should put us in a relaxed, dreamy state for the early part of the day. It could be hard to know where we begin and other people leave off though. Boundaries will be thin.

By 2: 10PM EST the Moon moves into a sextile (opportunity) with Pluto (at 19 degrees).

This is the energy for eliminating (Pluto) our delusions/illusions (Neptune), for deep/maybe dark (Pluto) magic (Neptune), for transformation/lasting change (Pluto) through compassion (Neptune), for using the power (Pluto) of our imagination (Neptune). Good for meditation, making art, healing. Stay sober. 

This is an opportunity between our Capricorn and Pisces houses. It's like Aquarius has gone to use the restroom and Cappy and Pisces are holding hands under the table.

How can we use this? For example in my chart this is an opportunity between my 3rd house (communication, conversations, siblings, neighborhood, transportation) and my 4th house (5th house if we are talking rulerships - but the Moon will still be in my 4th house) of home, family, property, my roots, mother/motherhood - so communicating about a home/family situation is favored. This energy is swift, but potent.

Also on Saturday - which could factor in or be about something else entirely - we have the Scorpio Sun (25 degrees) opposing Juno (in Taurus). Juno is about our relationships, our commitments and contracts involving partners, our marriages and in Taurus she is focused on stability; on keeping the relationship safe. Also, she is focused on the money, honey and on the relationship's resources. 

Remember Juno is Jupiter's long suffering wife and the part of us that will look the other way to keep our commitments and contracts intact.

So now along comes the Sun shining a bright light/bringing a conclusion (a solar opposition is like a Full Moon to the planet being opposed) to something that the Sun in Scorpio has dug up. The Sun is drilling into the fine print in that relationship contract and comes to Juno with a flashlight in one hand and the thing she (as we) maybe does not really want to look at in the other and she/we can't look away.

On SUNDAY, the Moon, in her final Piscean play, has trined the Sun in Scorpio, while we slept. This would be another good night for a dream analysis if we can remember any. The Moon moves into action-oriented Aries at 7:56AM EST. We'll wake up ready to GO and by mid-afternoon she moves into a nice trine with Jupiter (2:18PM EST), so the afternoon is ripe for any Jupiterian pursuit - an adventure, a focus on the big-picture, higher education, travel, anything/anyone foreign to us, weddings, the media, religion, etc. This aspect brings optimism. 

By late Sunday night, the Aries Moon will be squaring Saturn (in Capricorn), focusing us on our responsibilities - our goals and ambitions. Squares bring tension and stress, but are really the energy we need to get things done and there is no better energy to get things done than a square to Saturn.

We get what we want by following the rules now, yes, and yes, there are obstacles in our path, but an Aries Moon eats obstacles for breakfast! And getting this monthly aspect on a Sunday night instead of a Monday afternoon might make it go down easier.

The flies in the ointment with this one are - we could be dealing with cold emotional responses, fights with dad/authority, feelings of being caged in or lonely - just keep in mind the long-game we are playing. This is just one fast (fight?!) transit.

Avoid physical risks.

Tonight's energy could feel like a let down if the day felt especially good. It's like the guy with the good jokes and the good pot has left the party.

Don't let Sunday night ruin a perfectly good weekend. We know Monday morning is coming. It always comes.

Mercury is retrograde folks, expect delays, having to do things again and not knowing what we don't know. Roll with it.

xo all

Next week we have what astrologer Susan Miller calls the luckiest day of the year - are we ready for that? Yes, we are!