Saturn Opposite Sun | pressure makes diamonds ... but pressure also creates depression

"People who have a creative side and do not live it out are most disagreeable. They make a mountain out of a molehill, fuss about unnecessary things, are too passionately in love with somebody who is not worth so much attention, and so on. There is a kind of floating charge of energy in them which is not attached to its right object and therefore tends to apply exaggerated dynamism to the wrong situation." ... M.L. von Franz

_ by nairafee

Once a year the Sun and Saturn line up in exact opposition. This happens today at 24 degrees Gemini and Sagittarius.

Our creative heart/life force (Sun) meets a limit (Saturn). Coincidentally (is there such a thing? I guess so ... maybe) Saturn also reaches the exact midpoint of its retrograde journey (retrograde through late August).

If we are encountering delays and obstacles this transit doesn't bring about a conclusion, but it can shine a light on what is limiting us and a light on what we need to do about it. Retrograde Saturn is focused - it creates the defined choices we need to look in a specific direction.

This energy might not feel good. Saturn can be depressing because it is quite literally like a weight pressing down on us.

I am not going to write again about the need to 'step into our responsibility', work hard, do the right thing, yada yada. We know this. And we are just as likely to get off course by stepping into someone else's responsibility, working too hard or neglecting the other muses. Saturn isn't everything and he doesn't run every show as much as he'd like to (although for today he kind of does).

In the Samuri tradition, warriors were expected to hone their skills in calligraphy, poetry and painting. This was to make sure their unlived creativity did not sour and devolve into an unintended/unattended mess.

These days we’re busy cutting creative outlets from our curriculum. They can’t be quantified and take too much effort. When would you ever need to play a clarinet? What use is a pen and ink drawing? Will writing a poem put food on the table?

I think quite a bit about effort these days because my body is tired. For life to be good lately it has to be easy.

We are all so busy that generally speaking our highest ideal is not to have to do anything. We work so we can take time off from working. We do it today to be free tomorrow. Something is very wrong here, but for today I am too tired (and stiff-necked - ugh) to think too long about this.

But maybe I am drifting away from Sun opposite Saturn. Of course, with a natal Sun/Saturn conjunction I do not often encounter Saturnian limits outside myself - I am much more likely to encounter a person/situation ready to hand off their own overloaded bag to me and/or to spend my time figuring out new ways to overburden/limit myself

(and if you are a person who was teacher's pet, got along with authority figures without even trying and gets out of traffic tickets easily I am talking to you, too).

Sigh ...

For now, let's give ourselves a break. We can honor our commitments. We can finish what we started. We can take responsibility for the situation we find ourselves in without judgement. And yes, this could be a good situation, too - it's report card time! We can resolve to move forward in a more responsible manner in whatever area of life we feel this pressure. And remember that 'in a more responsible manner' will have different meanings for different people. There's more info in the weekly HERE.

xo all

This is all part of a Grand Fire Trine encouraging us forward when we work courageously from our heart - it's tied into our Leo North Node, our collective way forward - so yes, there are report cards handed out now, but what we learn from our report card is ultimately what will move those mountains!

Mercury Trine Jupiter, Mercury Square Neptune | words get BIG and slippery ....

2-52 by Sturmideenkind

Today Mercury (mind, ideas, communication, learning, teaching, siblings, local community, transportation) in Gemini is very busy and in typical Gemini fashion going in multiple directions at once.

He/she has a trine (brakes off) with a recently full-steam-ahead Jupiter (in relationship oriented Libra) making this a good time for expanded thinking, big ideas and brainstorming. Jupiter rules our 9th house of higher thinking, higher education, foreign (which means different things to different people) travel and things foreign to us, weddings, legal issues, politics.

We get lucky (Jupiter) when we expand beyond our immediate boundaries.

It's a good time to share information, to think BIGGER, to imagine the possibilities. This is about optimism and lucky breaks - maybe we get good news now or have good news to share!

BIG ideas are floating in the wind to be picked like apples in the autumn. If you think you are never having any good ideas - which is not true, but just something you have convinced yourself of and once you believe it you start seeing it (kind of like when you buy a blue car and never see blue cars and then suddenly they are everywhere) - then you need to get yourself into a position to make use of good ideas. Thoughts are things and they flow to the people in the best position to bring them to life and give them legs.

Quiet the mental chatter, do more stuff you want to do - the more we are doing things we are passionate about the more we will line up with things that enhance that passion - stretch your brain with new ideas, new books, new websites, travel. Make stuff. Put time into what matters to you.

Now, here's where the Gemini propensity to bounce around comes in because immediately after Mercury trines Jupiter (at 13 degrees) he moves to 14 degrees and squares Neptune. And these degrees are so close together they are pretty much happening at the same time.

That square to Neptune really muddles things up. With Neptune, more words can just mean more confusion. Maybe the information we get now blows in and then drifts away like a storm that never happens (which can be good news now that I think about it). Maybe the story we tell reaches the wrong ears. Maybe someone is intentionally misleading us with inflated information. Maybe we are the one doing the misleading. Maybe we are misleading ourselves.

So what do we do now?

Well, first know this is not good energy to make a decision because our thinking (Mercury) is not clear - and yes, this week is a time of decisions for many people AND Neptune is going retrograde at the end of the week (through November), which isn't going to help us. At some point we will have to move forward with our heart (North Node in Leo) and/or our courage (North Node in Leo) - probably still unsure of all the facts.

But for today, if you can avoid making any major decisions push it off a bit. Give Mercury a couple days to move off that square to Neptune (lies, delusion, drifting off course) and that trine to Jupiter (expansion, big picture thinking, rose colored expectations).

It doesn't mean whatever comes up now will drift off course or turn out to be all about nothing but with that possibility on the table it's not the day to bet the farm.

Grab your idea apple if you can reach it (it's Gemini season we are stretchy) - you can totally stand on tippy toes or use your step stool or even that ladder from the garage (Venus is in Taurus so we are working with our existing resources). Write ideas/conversations/thoughts down. Work with it a bit. Feel it out.

Just don't head down to Home Depot and spend thousands of dollars on a cherry picker to reach that perfect looking apple way up top. Leave that apple for someone else - it will either be there for the someone who already owns a cherry picker or the someone willing to fall on his ass. Our asses are cushy, but maybe not that cushy.

Yes, think BIG. Just keep in mind the possibility we are hearing what we want to hear now. Save the big moves (if we are basing them on information that comes in now), choices and life changing decisions for a clearer day.

xo all

Astrology Forecast for Creatives | Week of June 12th - a test, another kite and lots of communication stuff

Downward Spiral by Mrs-White

This is another big week with some connections to that big week two weeks back - can anyone remember two weeks back? Am I the only one with a memory aging in dog years now? I'm serious. WTH.

This week there are alot of aspects with Mercury - so this is about us and how we relate to our local environment - how we communicate, what we say, what we don't say and what all of this saying and not saying actually says about us.

(Remember this weekly update is general and collectively focused - I can't see what your Mercury is doing - he could be out drinking in the pub or in the library studying like he said he was. Transitting Mercury was opposing Kathy Griffin's natal Mercury when she blew up her career. Transitting Mercury opposes Comey's natal Mercury this week. I guess his career is already blown up, but the transit isn't about that anyway. It's really about other people (transitting Mercury) giving their opinion about our opinion (natal Mercury). So what we say engages conversation by others, usually through arguments and tests. When Mercury enters Cancer in 10 days, this is something for me to think about since my natal Mercury is in Capricorn - Cancer's polarity sign. Do you know where your natal Mercury is? It's either in the same sign as your Sun or the sign before or after, since Mercury travels so close to the Sun - something to think about.)

On Monday morning the Moon is in "let's get to work" Capricorn, but the skies are lining up to get us off-track. We'll get up early and attend to our responsibilities. We'll get in early and schmooze with the boss. We'll get our proposal in early. We'll get our orders out early. Whatever we normally do by the end of the day Monday, we'll try to get it done by lunch - which might not happen because the Capricorn Moon is squaring Uranus (surprise) so the stars are stacked against things running smoothly - we'll try anyway, but expect the unexpected. Then at 2:45PM EST (that EDT last week just looked wrong to me, can't commit to it) the Moon goes void for five hours before popping into Aquarius. So, the day could start out going one way and end up in a totally different direction. People will be changing their minds today. It's Gemini season - we'll stay flexible. We'll stretch.

On Tuesday the Aquarius Moon is squaring Venus (in Taurus). Maybe someone is digging in their heels. Maybe it's us. By the time the workday starts on the East Coast, Mercury (in Gemini) is trining (brakes off) Jupiter (in Libra). This is great energy for communication - for broader, more optimistic thinking, to receive/give GOOD news, for partnership opportunities - be out and about! Make the call. Send the email. Good for presentations, planning, traveling and studying.

This is the 3rd trine between these guys since last October - we had one on 10/11 and another on 2/21 - maybe something from those dates expanded our voice in some way? If so, here could be another similar opportunity or more expansion of that same situation.

The fly in the ointment today (yes, same fly that's always dancing in the ointment, hopefully not the same ointment though - that stuff is lethal by now) is that tonight we have Mercury squaring Neptune (art, imagination, escape, delusion, healing, things put away and forgotten, addiction).

This is the square from the Neptune/Mercury transit that started back on March 4th. If you started something back then this is what is called - don't panic - the crisis point for that endeavor/situation. Now, the thing to watch out for here is our tendency, during this 'crisis', to surrender (Neptune) our thinking/ideas/voice (Mercury) to someone else. It's easy to be deluded or lied to now. It's easy to delude or lie to ourselves. Someone could be keeping secrets from us or we could be the one with our lips sealed - either way, it could lead to problems. Even this morning's good energy between Mercury and Jupiter could make this crisis point seem bigger or more over the top than it needs to be. Don't make any drastic moves now or go overboard with anything.

Give major decisions a couple days for things to shake out a bit.

On Wednesday, there are multiple aspects to our Aquarian Moon so this is a good day for community and humanitarian efforts, internet activities and anything new and cutting edge - opportunities come through legal, foreign, travel, higher education, religion, weddings, politics (sextile to Saturn in Sag) and opportunities are available to break out of a rut (sextile to Uranus in Aries), especially emotionally.

Thursday is a big day. The Sun is having its annual opposition to Saturn. Our creative energy meets opposition and limitations. We are tested. This is a good time to take an unbiased (those rose colored glasses from earlier in the week need to be firmly tucked into a drawer now) inventory of where we are now. It could appear that other people or outside circumstances are blocking our way forward. This is the mid-point of Saturn's retrograde transit that started in early April and the half-way point for the path we started on last December. Do we stay on this road, and that might not even be an option, or do we pivot now? It would be good to spend some time alone today sorting this out and allow others this same option. The information is available now to see what Saturn's retrograde (limits, delay, rules) is all about and to make decisions about what to do moving forward. This aspect can be depressing, so the blues today is NORMAL. Our energy could be low now so let's give ourselves (and others) a break.

Another aspect today relates back to the Kite formation pointing to Mars we talked about two weeks ago. Events now will take us back to that May 29th - June 3rd time frame. We have a new Kite with the Sun sextiling (opportunity) the North Node in Leo and trining (brakes off) the South Node in Aquarius.

The point of this Kite is Mercury so the actions, initiative, anger, passion - whatever the Mars focus had us experiencing two weeks ago - is leading to this week's decisions, choices, conversations, sibling issues, local community issues, transportation issues. The Kite will last through next Tuesday when Mercury sextiles Uranus (the unexpected). I'll do a post by sign later in the week about this!

On Friday, Neptune stations retrograde in Pisces. Some of us will feel this more than others. The Moon is also in Pisces on Friday and making multiple aspects. The weekend has some important stuff, too. We'll talk about all this later as we move through it.

All in all the week is a mixed bag. I'll do some dailies. Heads up that the end of the month has some challenges so let's enjoy the good moments as much as we can - I think we came to Planet Earth for those most of all!


Jupiter Direct | Full Moon in Sagittarius - getting real so we can get on with what really matters

El camino by eulalievarenne

We have our annual Full Moon in Sagittarius at 9:09 EDT tomorrow morning (someone reminded me recently we are in daylight savings time and I should be writing EDT instead of EST, it looks weird but just means east coast time in the spring and summer). The Moon is followed, almost exactly one hour later by Jupiter, retrograde since February and ruler of Sagittarius, stationing direct in Libra.

The Sun will be at 18 degrees Gemini, the Moon at 18 degrees Gemini's polarity sign of Sagittarius.

Every month the Full Moon is a time of Sun opposite Moon. This is a time of what we need (Sun) vs what we want (Moon), ego/physical (Sun) vs emotion/intuition (Moon), dad (Sun) vs mom (Moon), work/our place in the spotlight (Sun) vs home/our place out of the spotlight (Moon) although with people posting so many public pics of families and home on Insta and Facebook I may have to rethink this one! - with an opposition there is internal pressure and external pressure. This is why emergency rooms fill up, paintings of wolves howling at Full Moons fill books and luna-tics' screams fill the day/night - really, stop and listen, you'll hear someone!

The Moon (our emotions and instincts) is at its monthly peak. The night sky is lit up. Something comes to light. Something comes to a conclusion

(although with Jupiter not covering completely new territory until autumn, conclusions could take some time to unwind themselves).

The fact that Jupiter, ruler of this Moon, stations direct an hour after the Moon reaches its peak tells us alot. I wrote about Jupiter retrograde HERE.

This Moon takes us back to the Sagittarius New Moon at 19 degrees back in December 2015. HERE is a post about that one. This would be a good read now.

To paraphrase that post - Sagittarius is a fun-loving sign that rules travel, freedom, adventure, legal stuff, higher education, good luck, faith, religion, prayer, optimism, problem solving, truth seekers, boldly going where no man has gone before, the quest  -

it also rules carelessness, taking shortcuts, thinking we are right, making assumptions, throwing pink paint on problems and hoping they will go away, overconfidence, impatience and superficial fluff.

Sagittarius is a mutable sign. The mutable signs prepare us for the change into the next season.

Mutable signs are service signs and Sagittarius is in service through the exploration of Truth - this could be legal truth or political truth but its most especially spiritual truth - its highest purpose is enlightenment and expanding what is known.

The lower level energies rule religious wars, legal battles and political bullshit.

(and if you live in the U.S., unless you are living under a rock you are probably thinking about Comey testifying today - for many months the rock thing may have felt somewhat appealing and believe me I have tried to tuck myself in there, it's just not possible - the pill bugs got there first ... although they do make for incredibly quiet neighbors plus they will almost certainly run away when we show up with the coffeecake for a chat up, so we'll have the cake all for ourselves so there's that, too - of course they are rather creepy looking although hubs insists they are somewhat helpful and related to shrimp (!)

The Moon is conjunct restrictive Saturn. The Sagittarian propensity for saying YES, and the Gemini smorgasbord of options, is forced into a more defined and honest space. See Friday's forecast in the weekly HERE.

None of our stories, lies, beliefs that are no longer needed, options that are just distracting us from what we really need to do - none of these paradigms are moving forward with us. Truth bombs are dropped.

Life is calling bullshit on our bullshit. Ideas, conversations, who we used to be, who we never were - whatever doesn't work anymore has to go. We are done with it. 

From this space we move forward (Jupiter direct) with what is real.

Now remember what Jupiter's retrograde has looked like - he stopped, he moved backward, now he stops, he moves forward - he is covering this ground for the THIRD time. And you know what they say about third times! Are you feeling third time lucky or three strikes you're out?

Also remember he won't be covering new ground until early September and he first walked these degrees last November. Saturn says "you learn patience by practicing patience".

The Moon is also squaring Neptune (strong in Pisces). This is the energy of the recent Saturn/Neptune square where we were working with dreams vs reality (and truth vs lies). Some of us let go of a dream. Some of us may be getting/living the dream come true now and will have to deal with the reality of that situation. Dreams coming true pushes us into the next thing in similar ways that letting go of dreams does. Life isn't static. There is no finish line. With Neptune involved with this Moon whatever is brought to light or whatever concludes - won't be crystal clear. Neptune dissolves but it also fogs things up.

The good news is Jupiter (expansion, good luck) will have us all moving forward! The flies in the ointment are : Saturn - time, hard work, responsibility, consequences - and Neptune - sacrifice, dissolution, escape, loss. Stuff is dropping away now so we can get real and get on with what really matters.

Losses now lead to something BETTER later if we take things seriously, and honestly, going forward. Gains can stick (Saturn) or drift away (Neptune) depending on whether or not we have honestly earned them. I think they are most likely to be earned if they come now and have some stickiness!

Faith moves mountains. For many people this Moon could likely tie in with the Venus retrograde themes (Jupiter is answering to Venus these days) of love and money.

Last night's Moon was beautiful. I hope you can get out and walk in the Full Moon tonight and tomorrow night. If there is any way to get naked in it - do that (it's not like being naked in the supermarket - or most dressing rooms - with that horrible lighting plus the only ones out there will be the wolves and our fellow lunatics).

xo all

with that conjunction to Saturn we will be able to see Saturn now, too, if the skies are clear - did you catch Jupiter with the Moon in the skies last week?

Venus into Taurus | accepting the best

Blossom by Aaron McPolin

Venus comes home to Taurus this morning. She is Mother Earth now. Ruler of our second house of everything money can buy and everything money can't - love, our values, our self-esteem, our resources.

Taurus Suns and risings get more attractive - both easy on the eye and able to attract what they need. All of us have Taurus ruling some space of our natal chart and the theme of that house gets more attractive, too.

In Taurus, this attraction is based on how we value ourselves and how we value our resources. If we take care of the things we value they grow. The better care we have taken of the things that are important to us the more those things (relationships, resources, money, comfort/health) will expand under this transit.

If we haven't, then this is the time to reinvest in what we already have by tending to it more carefully and lovingly.

How are we caring for our money? Are our books balanced? Sitting down and taking the time (what we really care about is not what we say we care about it is really what we give our time and attention to) to note our income and expenses in a ledger/register is becoming a lost art. Print out our computer bank statements. File them neatly. We can't pretend to tend to our money when we are not even looking at it.

What's in our wallet? HERE is a post about a Feng Shui class I took many years ago about money. Something here might be helpful. I get off track with this stuff all the time, maybe you have, too.

This is an excellent time (through the 4th of July) to take better care of our physical bodies. Self comfort can works miracles now. Let's get outdoors for an hour everyday - yes, rain or shine. Get a massage, take a nightly bath - it's time to invest (time and resources) in ourselves.

Think quality over quantity with purchases now. Don't buy the cheap bra. Don't spend more than you have (remember we are working with existing resources now), but don't skimp either. Better to have 3 great bras than a drawer full of tangled crap.

It's a time when "hands in the dirt" can work miracles beyond a beautiful garden or tasty tomato - although those things are highly valued now, too. Plant a garden.

As for our businesses Venus in Taurus isn't really about launching something brand new. It doesn't mean you can't do that now, of course you can - the moon is waxing! But, this transit is really about working with what you already have. If you have the needed resources to do what you want to do, this transit will be helpful. If you don't, this transit is best spent valuing the resources you have now by giving your time and attention to them.

Think of your business as you would a garden. What needs your time and attention now? What needs to be weeded out so something else can get more sunlight? What needs to be watered? What needs to be transplanted somewhere else?

There is no rush with Taurus. We can take this slow. Here Venus prefers simplicity over the complicated. She practices gratitude for what she already has.

Listen to your body. Does it get tense when you think about doing something? Can you do it another way that doesn't create that stress? Can you slow it down? Can you simplify it somehow?

My body has been stressing out about a presentation I have to give soon and as I am writing this I realize I would be much more comfortable if I prepared some visuals and lengthened the speaking part a little bit and reduced the question and answer time a little bit (since I am afraid no one will have any questions!).

Listening to our body's stress signals and changing what we are doing doesn't have to be some big ginormous thing ... until it does. Let's listen to the pebble so we don't get hit with the rock.

xo all

Astrology Forecast for Creatives | Week of June 5th - pretty much everything shifts

Lillium by Ginebra Siddal

This week really started on Sunday when Mars (action, initiative, anger, passion) moved into Cancer where he will hang his hat until July 20th. Mars is considered in his fall in Cancer.

This is because Mars can't be all Martian - fired up and passionate and out in the world testing his courage, running onto the battlefield thinking only of himself and how good it will feel to swing that sword - when he has these pesky emotional Cancerian things to contend with.

Things like feelings (it's harder to take the instinctive action he needs to take when he has to feel his way through what he is doing instead of just doing it). And home and family and security (harder to be putting himself first when he has a family depending on him and harder to fight most effectively when he needs to stay alive to come home at the end of the day).

This stuff can make Mars like a pot of hot water ready to boil over at any minute. Like the too-young father who wants to be out bar-hopping with his buds - he is trapped.

Collectively we will be more security and safety conscious. We will be more emotional. We could be more focused on home and family. We could be more patriotic. British Prime Minister Theresa May's announcement (following the London violence) that the internet needs to be regulated to prevent terrorism and that British values need to be established as superior is very Mars in Cancer (actions involving safety and patriotism). The murderers actions were at the very end of Mars in Gemini (violence involving transportation). Of course, I don't mean to imply these transits created these situations. This is just one piece of a very large puzzle.

Individually, our natal Cancer houses will experience more initiative, action, passion and anger. Where is Cancer in your natal chart? Wherever it is, Mars is not the usual way you deal with the things ruled by this house (unless of course, you have Mars there natally).

So, buckle up.

On Monday, the Moon is in Scorpio making us all a little moody and maybe a bit defensive. The Moon is trining (brakes off) Mars in the morning. This is good energy to tackle Scorpian and Cancer themes - home, family, real estate, renovations, other people's resources, taxes, research, debts, fertility issues, sex, death, birth. Both Cancer and Scorpio are water signs - sweating early in the day, or being near water could prevent tears (from being too emotional) later. This might sound crazy, but I'm a Cancer Moon with a Scorpio Rising and Neptune on my ascendant, and I think it works. Of course a good cry can be a good thing, too.

On Tuesday, the energy shifts. Venus comes home to Taurus and Mercury comes home to Gemini - I smell a HOME theme this week.

(and yes, I mean I actually smell it - what the hell is that thing growing legs in the back of your refrigerator?!)

Venus is uber comfy in Taurus, a sign she rules. She will be here until July 6th. Our money, relationships, self-esteem, dealings with women - can all benefit. We want beauty and harmony in our surroundings now. I'll write more in the dailies. The only drawbacks to Venus here is we tend to get a little lazy and a little too comfortable - also maybe a little too possessive and jealous since Taurus is a fixed sign and the polarity sign to Scorpio.

Taurus Suns and Taurus rising get more attractive now - both better looking (yes, this is a real thing) and able to attract what they want. Our own natal Taurus houses get more attractive, too! I don't see any challenging aspects with Venus while she is in Taurus - there is a sextile to Mars (opportunity through action or through a man) on the 9th and then a trine (brakes off) with Pluto on the 24th - another good aspect - we'll talk about these as we move through them.

Mercury is also uber comfortable in Gemini, a sign he rules. He is moving super-fast and will only be here for 15 days! This is a good time for improved communications, logic, short and to the point conversations, sibling interactions, short trips. community happenings, thinking on our feet, learning new things. If you have to take a test, try to take it before June 22nd.

Also note on Tuesday morning, the Moon (still in deep, moody and brooding Scorpio), is trining (brakes off) Neptune (in Pisces). This is excellent healing energy - especially good for healing old wounds. This could also be a time someone shows up to help us heal. Or we could be that healing energy for someone else.

On Wednesday, the Moon is void all day during work hours. This is not a good day to start something you want something to come of. This is not a good day to make a decision. Practiced, routine work is best.

The void ends with the Moon's move into Sagittarius at 6:59PM EST. This might turn our attention to legal issues, education, religion, foreign issues, grandchildren, travel, adventure or politics. The Moon is opposing mental Gemini - take care not to say something you might regret later - this is another good reason not to make any decisions today.

On Thursday, the Sagittarius Moon sextiles (opportunity) Jupiter (expansion) retrograde and preparing to station direct in Libra. This would be a good day for meetings and to be out and about and mixing it up with people. Thursday night the Moon is squaring Neptune (imagination, dreams, healing, addiction, escape) bringing some tension and stress to whatever is happening. We could be pressured to consider other people's feelings/needs and/or overcome some kind of limitation. Hidden issues or hidden agendas could be part of whatever is going on.

Friday is a BIG day. We have Venus sextile Mars - opportunities for men and women to work together or opportunities to take action on a creative project, financial or self-esteem issue. We have the Full Moon in Sagittarius peaking in the morning AND Jupiter stationing direct in Libra.

This Moon is challenging, but since Jupiter rules Sagittarius and so rules this Full Moon the challenges of this Moon are also BIG opportunities. The Moon is sandwiched between Saturn and Black Moon Lilith and squaring Neptune. And the Sun is adjusting to Pluto today. Did I say BIG day? I think I need to say BIGLY here. It's a BIGLY day.

This Full Moon is saying OK girlie girl, enough is enough here. This is your line in the sand. The spaces where we have been scattered or careless or unrooted (Gemini!) - the spaces we have pushed our luck or just been all over the place - those spaces are coming into a razor sharp focus here.

We are going to be pushed through the eye of that needle and we are going to be pushed through NAKED

(yes, due to those Hostess snack cakes that moved from our breadbox onto our hips last winter, we can't even take our favorite pair of Athleta capris with us).

None of our stories, lies, beliefs that are no longer needed, options that are just distracting us from what we really need to do - are going with us.  

Life is calling bullshit on our bullshit. Ideas, conversations, who we used to be, who we never were - whatever doesn't work anymore has to go. We are done with it. The eye of that needle is precise.

(my brother and sister-in-law's baby is due on the 24th but now that I wrote this I wonder if he is going to come closer to this Moon!)

This is VERY positive energy if we are ready to streamline whatever is going on, come clean, get real and truly focus. Are we ready for that? My head is throbbing just typing it. The Moon will then square Chiron and conjunct Saturn - this is about pressure making us into the diamonds we are meant to be. Yippee us.

Post to follow.

I am now going to eat a ridiculously large meal (I think I've lost 5 pounds sweating over this - I know you've lost 5 hours reading it), catch up on American Gods and get to bed early ... xo all

Venus Conjunct Jupiter, Sun Trine Jupiter | going for it, surprises that put us on our best path forward

l' avion by MOTHart

If you had those late degree mutable points or planets hit yesterday I hope you were able to take a deep breath and count to ten! Hold on - the Mars square Chiron energy is fading fast. The great things about transits are they are transitory.

It's also the worst thing - because today has some wonderful aspects!

We have the Sun (in Gemini) trining (brakes off) Jupiter (retrograde in Libra).

This is probably the best solar aspect we could have. Babies born today will have access to an easy confidence and optimism for their entire lives. For the rest of us, today's aspect gives us an easy-breezy confidence, especially within relationships. Financial gains are possible now. This would also be a good time to meet someone new. Be out and about.

Think Jupiter (expansion) with whatever is happening now. Jupiter rules Sagittarius and our 9th house of the higher mind and what is foreign to is. It takes all that local stuff Gemini rules and kicks it up a notch. Let's think a little BIGGER with our plans. Let's speak about more important issues than the latest episode of American idol (is that still on?). Let's move ourselves outside our comfort zone today. Growth can come through study and travel now. Stay open to new experiences this weekend. Take advantage of things that come your way - whatever slides into place, follow up with that.

There won't be anything here that has to be forced.

The Libra Moon is also trining this aspects and it is waxing (growing) - this would be an excellent day to get married (and it's June and a Saturday - I am sure there will be many weddings today!) or start something new! If you have something brewing but are not quite ready to launch, do something today to get this official date stamped into your new enterprise's DNA - register a domain name, slap up a website - you can have a public launch later (on another good date).

We also have Venus meeting up with Uranus (this energy has been and will be around for a few days).

This transit brings unexpected (Uranus) events with love, money and/or women (Venus). Coupled with the Sun trining Jupiter, I am betting many people have had/will have good surprises. With Venus still in fiery Aries, initiative and courage could be required to get the most from this one. Uranus is a wild card and can't be boxed in, so "liberating action" will be hard to resist. This one is trining the North Node of our collective destiny so whatever happens the "unexpected event/surprise/risk taken" will fit in nicely with our clearest path forward. Trust it.

Stay flexible. Stay spontaneous. Be optimistic. Be brave. Be yourself. We really have got this thing.

xo all

(next week multiple planets change signs so lots of fresh energy coming for all of us)

Mars Square Chiron | the rock and the hard place

Anastasia by ankazhuravleva

Today Mars (in Gemini) is squaring Chiron (in Pisces).

Actions (Mars) hurt (Chiron). Choices (Gemini) leave us vulnerable (Pisces). Escape routes are cut off.

If we have taken on too much or moved in too many directions too quickly we will be feeling it now - the rock and the hard place.

The choices in front of us might all look equally BAD and yet the consequences for not choosing could look even worse. If we must choose now - we choose something, we move slowly and carefully, we focus, we get help, we pare whatever actions we are taking down a bit to give ourselves some room to breathe. 

Whatever this is, if we are feeling it, it's going to hurt. We can't make everyone happy here no matter what we do.

And if we find ourselves in this situation maybe the real question to be asking is "why did I get myself into this situation?". Not how. But why. 

The hows will always find us if the whys need answering.

Gemini season is the season of choices. Now is the time when some earlier ones might come back to bite us in the ass. Not because our ass is particularly tasty or nutritious - this is just the way we get the opportunity to look at the why. 

Why can't I say no? Consider (like I did a couple years ago) if an inability to say no, this people pleasing thing we have going on - could be rooted in a need to control how other people see us.

People love to call themselves "people-pleasers" - it sounds so nice. But how about calling ourselves "people-controllers" - it doesn't have quite the same ring to it, does it?

Think about it. Why do I do things to help others that hurt myself? Why do I take on so much?

Why am I in a place where there are no good options? Not how. Why. I know it's Gemini season and shallow is the new deep - but let's go DEEPER.

Sometimes it takes courage to say no (which by the way Oprah says is a complete answer and spellcheck does not correct me when I make it a complete sentence so she must be right). No.

Today's one of those days we might have to lose the battle to win the war. 

We have another aspect today equally tricky and quite similar. Neptune (in Pisces) is squaring Ceres (in Gemini).

This one could be about holding space for someone's vulnerability. What do I mean by holding space? It means not judging. It means being a safe space. It means not crossing a boundary and thinking we have to fix everything. Are we really helping or is our helping hurting? If helping someone else is hurting us there will be tension here. Self-sacrifice is not the way forward now. Remember that North Node in Leo - oxygen mask on our own face first.

Maybe every situation is just an experience we are in some way seeking/wanting. Even the crappy ones. We are just too close to see the big picture.

If we are the one wanting too much from someone else we need to look at what we are really wanting.

It is Gemini season there is always another choice.

Sometimes the best choice could be to lose this battle. Sometimes an early loss is what gets us to the bigger, more important win later - we might need to take it on the chin now so we can retain some resources for another day.

Or we can fight, because maybe all choices involve confrontation anyway - and someone has to win after all, maybe it will be us. Know that the winning probably won't feel quite as good as we thought it would - I think because Chiron will have us feeling the loser's pain somehow. Or the price we have to pay to win will be too high.

There are just no easy answers today. Let's just do our best.

If you have planets or points near 28 degrees of the mutable signs - Gemini, Virgo, Sagittarius, Pisces - you will be feeling the Mars/Chiron aspect strongest. If you have planets or points around 14 degrees of these same signs you will be feeling the Neptune/Ceres strongest.

xo all.

unexpected opportunities for love, money and women as Venus meets up with Uranus for the next few days, back later to write about that ....

Venus Trine Saturn | our seriousness attracts - get down to business

hat and houses by ankazhuravleva

June is power packed. Venus's winter/spring retrograde and last month's Venus/Pluto square has finally finished digging through our relationship/money issues. The cards are on the table as they say. 

The Mars/Saturn square "stop and go" frustration is about to be completely in our rearview mirror. And even with things in our rear view mirror being "closer than they appear" - this transit is going bye-bye fast.

Jupiter (in Libra) is about to turn direct (YAY) and Neptune (a little too strong in Pisces) is about to turn retrograde (YAY).

Starting tomorrow Venus (love, money, women, self-esteem, what we value) will be sitting with Uranus (anything can happen) in Aries (initiative, passion, action) for the next few days and then Venus finally moves into Taurus (ruler of our 2nd house of money and self-esteem), a sign she RULES.

We will talk about this more tomorrow because she has a serious aspect with Saturn today that is the first part of her (our) June journey.

Keep in mind alot of people are getting what they deserve now. I am talking here about our "self-esteem" and not some universal judgement that you get this and I get that. Our self-esteem can raise us out of very dark situations. It can also limit us and sabotage us when we get too close to our upper limit. The Venus retrograde period, maybe especially the month of April, showed us what we really value. Our relationships with love and money were tested. We are left with what we really feel we deserve. Want more? Want better? Want to hold on to what you have? Well, the wheel spins again. It is never too late to be happy.

Today, Venus (in Aries) is trining (brakes off) Saturn (retrograde in Sagittarius).

Venus is how we attract what we want. With Saturn easing off the brake pedal - know the way forward with this next spin of the wheel will involve some Saturnian discipline. Saturn rules hard work and time and responsibility. Our progress with that creative goal is going to require PATIENCE. The things we take seriously will be supported. Hard work will pay off.

We need to become the energy of the thing/situation/person we are looking to attract. Like attracts like. Otherwise we just attract that missing piece - someone/situation/thing - to play that missing part (archetype).

When we step into that missing role/responsibility ourselves (do our Saturn!) by doing what we came to do, valuing time, practicing patience, working hard - instead of attracting outer Saturnian influences - ie the stop sign, the authority who says no, the lack of resources that stand in our way, the rules - there will be no space for that outer Saturn to hole up - he will just pass us by and nothing will be standing in our way!

For today - it's the time to be thinking and acting on - what do I need to get serious about to get what I want? Am I really serious about this project? Am I really serious about my money situation? Am I really serious about having more love in my life? Remember we have the North Node in Leo now - the world needs our brave heart to SHOW UP.

Life responds to (ie we become more attractive through) our seriousness today. Grow up. Get down to business. Tie your hair back, sharpen your pencil and get to work.

xo all

(today is also our first quarter Moon and the Moon is in practical Virgo making this a good time to - do the practical thing, organize, practice our skills, be of service to someone else, do not allow a situation's inability to attain perfection - highly over-rated and impossible anyway - to keep us stuck)

Mercury Trine Pluto | Mars Trine North Node and Sextile South Node - words are our superpower

Imagine a Dream by Benjamin Haley

The Moon is void until 12:16PM EST so this could be a good morning to sleep in. Too late for me, I've been wide-eyed since 3 a.m. - yikes!

After its void, the Moon moves into organized Virgo, so good energy for paperwork, day to day issues, taking care of our health, pets and service to others.

With Mars making nice with the Nodes of destiny today, this is another good day to take action. The Aquarius/Leo polarity has us stepping away from 'group think' (usually not the actual group), emotional detachment and anything too trendy. There is support and smoothest sailing for actions toward our heart's calling and the space we are meant to shine - where is Leo is your natal chart? Where is your Sun? What action can you take to step onto the main stage of your own life? How can you be uniquely yourself? The world is calling!

Mercury (in Taurus) is trining (brakes off) Pluto (retrograde in Capricorn). This aspect allows Mercury in Taurus's already thorough communication/thinking/ideas to really go deep. With Pluto retrograde this could involve an old situation.

If something needs to be researched - this is your day. If an important email needs to be written/sent - this is your day (wait for that Virgo Moon after lunch though if you need something to come of it). If you need to be convincing (avoid manipulation - stick with the facts) - this is your day. If you need to communicate with powerful people or step into your own power role via communication - this is your day.

Words are powerful now, so choose them carefully. They really can move mountains.

xo all

Mars Sextile Uranus | unusual actions can pay off ....

the biggest risk by xetobyte

Today Mars (action, initiative) makes nice with "out-of-the-box" Uranus.  

Unexpected actions create opportunity (sextile).

Mars is always testing his courage (ask your Aries friends about this - also check the Aries house in your natal chart to see where you are required to be brave in this lifetime).

Left all to himself, Mars would likely move us from the frying pan into the fire again and again. Life would be exciting and ... probably very short. Even fiery people with lots of Martian energy have other planetary placements to cool things down.

This week, with Mars sitting at the head of the Kite I wrote about HERE - we are all sort of leading with this energy. If something felt a little bit too risky last week, this could be the week when taking action will pay off. This doesn't have to be some gigantic move (although for some it will be).

Others will be taking action, too, that creates opportunities for them. Keep this in mind. Mars is a personal planet - our future is in our own hands with this one.

And remember we still have the Mars/Saturn opposition I've talked about since last week - us pushing against limits or outside energy pushing our limits - we have this opposition every 2 1/2 years and can feel it for a couple weeks. We have one more week to be working with this challenging energy.

Today's sextile could be an opportunity to help us with this. Maybe the answer to whatever is limiting us (or to whatever situation is pushing our limits) can be found "outside-the-box". Try something different. Take a new action.

This is excellent problem solving energy!

Here's a word salad to stir your brain into action today (note this will not replace your green salad lunch) : Mars - initiative, action, anger, fire (take care with fire today, the world doesn't need our explosive anger either), passion, drive, determination, aggression, confidence, young male energy and Uranus - rebellious, unexpected, sudden, the internet, groups, invention, surprise, disruption, liberation, freedom.

Besides that Kite, we also have the Sun sextiling Vesta today - this one is about trusting and honoring ourselves; holding our own lives sacred. There is also opportunity (sextile) here and this aspect fits in nicely with the Kite's energy today.

Today's energy isn't about talking ourselves into something risky, or putting ourselves in danger. Yes, we might meet a handsome nurse at the hospital, but we'll still be in the hospital. We are not all Mars, we have other planetary energies to help us navigate this.

This is about having the courage to test our courage somehow.

It is 'feel the fear and do it anyway' energy. The test isn't about the outcome. With Mars, the test never is. It's about having the courage to take the test in the first place. If we act - we win. Our courage muscles are bigger for next time and we know from the sextiles now (opportunities) if our actions appear to fall flat - there is something opportunistic that comes from facing our fear and moving forward.

Just keep the action within a range that is most likely to avoid hospitalization (unless you really, really want to meet that handsome nurse).

We also have Mercury (communication, conversation, ideas) trining (brakes off) Juno (partnership). This is good energy to have that conversation you need to have with a partner. There is agreement here. This is the energy to come together through our words.

Which brings us back full circle to that handsome nurse ..... good luck! xo all

Grand Fire Trine KITE | up first ... Mars opposes Saturn, limits

waiting for wind by Pis 7li

I didn't get a chance to write a weekly yesterday, but dailies will probably work better this week anyway since we have a rare Kite formation in the skies now. A Kite is a Grand Trine (this one is a Grand Fire Trine) with a planet at the end (Mars). Since Mars is at the top of the Kite (the focal point of all of this) we will track him as the week moves along.

Kites present lots of opportunity but the energy can be fairly easy to squander - we'll keep our "eye on the prize" by tracking Mars as we move through this one!

There is opportunity here so make the MOST of the things that come up.

We start the week with that opposition between Mars (in Gemini) and Saturn (in Sagittarius) that we talked about last week hitting its exact degree. Saturn is the stop sign. Mars, in multi-tasking Gemini, has multiple choices, but they are choices we are forced (Saturn) to deal with. With Saturn it is always about doing the work and living up to our responsibilities - nothing else really matters to Saturn. 

We have Mars wanting to go wide in "all-over-the-place" Gemini and a retrograde Saturn requiring us (Saturn always wins here) to go deep. 

There is a "what we resist persists" angle to whatever is happening. Mars (anger, energy, initiative) is restricted somehow. Maybe we want to do this thing, but we haven't yet finished this other thing and we have to finish that first. Maybe something is stop and go. Maybe we have to control our impulses (and temper). There are limits.

The only way through this is doing what we have to do, doing our Saturn - trust me on this one - I have this opposition in my natal chart. Saturn always wins. Take responsible (Saturn) action (Mars) with whatever comes up now.

This could also be a finish line (of sorts) where medals are given out for the work we have done and for the work we should have done we see the medals go in other directions ... we could have felt most of this last week or it could play out more this week.

After getting past Saturn (the end is never really the end) Mars will sextile (opportunity) Uranus (unexpected) then trine the South Node in Aquarius and sextile the North Node in Leo, then Venus (the other part of this Kite) trines (brakes off) Saturn, then Mars squares Chiron (ouch) then Venus conjuncts Uranus trining the North Node. This all happens between now and Saturday!

AND then Mars moves into touchy-feely security conscious Cancer and we start feeling every move we make - this can be challenging for action oriented people.

I'll flesh this out more tomorrow. Our annual Memorial Day parade - the one I was sure would be rained out and so didn't prepare for - is back on and I need to clean my house!

Monday, Tuesday and Wednesday - we are taking action - it's all about MARS. There is some outside opposition, some limits, what we resist persists. Wednesday is also about MERCURY - communication, ideas, making connections. Thursday, Friday and Saturday are all about VENUS - love, money, self-esteem, women, cooperation, balance.

And this all ties together (that Kite) as we get ready to fly!

xo all - back, tomorrow, enjoy your day!

New Moon in Gemini | questions, choices and new ideas - changing your mind

the ballad of gemini by sebastien tabuteaud

Strangely enough for a sign that is all about making connections, Gemini, today's New Moon isn't making any!

Gemini is all about the movement of information and ideas. Gemini is about choices and multiple anythings. The expressions "more than one way to skin a cat" and "kill two birds with one stone" make my point here - although in a most ghastly way

(for pete's sake who was doing all this cat skinning, bird stoning anyway - I don't even want to know where these expressions come from - although actually I will probably Google them since I do want to know now that I think about it since it's Gemini season and all and don't blame me if you Google this horror, too!).

There will be more than one thing to talk about now, more than one thing to do, more than one way forward. With no other planets making any aspects this Moon is all Gemini all of the time.

This is the first New Moon since the Nodes moved from Virgo/Pisces into Leo/Aquarius. And the Moon's closing aspect is a sextile (opportunity) to Uranus (anything can happen!).

Change can't be stopped folks! Information (and remember there is a quantity over quality thing happening now - use discretion, check things out) will be coming at us from all sources. We won't be bored for the next month that is certain. If you need a mental health break now and then - take it.

New Moons are times when we are literally in the dark. The Moon and Sun are together at the same degree. Then time moves on, the Moon becomes visible, a little more visible everyday. This is called waxing and is the two weeks of the month when things are naturally growing.

Ruled by Mercury and ruler of our 3rd house, Gemini rules our growth through the exchange of information, through contact with our immediate environment, through language. Gemini reigns over: the flow of information, technology, communication, our mental processes, conversations, stories, lies, our local community, our neighbors, our siblings, our transportation. This is all the stuff getting a do-over now and for the next 30 days and the 6 months through the Gemini Full Moon next winter.

Gemini is the first air sign of the astrological year - a sign of the mind, the archetype of the "teacher" - the storyteller. If you are a Gemini Sun sign this is basically the way you process life. As soon as you learn something, and you are naturally curious and learn alot of "somethings" - you simply must pass it on. Gemini has more to do with questions than answers. She has been mentally exploring and noticing stuff her entire life.

Gemini is perspective. What we notice becomes what we think about, what we talk about, what we act on. 

What we notice becomes who we are. 

It's a good time to notice what we are noticing. Of course, we would probably have to stop for a moment to do this and we won't be able to - because we will be so busy!

Geminis are actually supposed to know a hell of a lot of stuff that will never make them any money (unless they make it into the final rounds of Jeopardy) - this is the sign of curiosity.

Everyone has Gemini somewhere in their natal chart. Here is a little Gemini New Moon forecasting by sign based on Sun and Ascendants. If you know the house Gemini resides in your natal chart, use that, too. Have fun with it, see what fits and toss what doesn't. I am not here to transplant my thoughts into your head. Do your own thinking with this. Just knowing the theme can help you see what ideas can be seeded now. Follow your heart and that North Node in Leo!

It is Gemini season and we have the Sun, Moon and Mars in Gemini now - don't be afraid to change your mind, ask a question, make a new choice, look at fresh perspectives and new ideas, try new things, sign up for a class, teach a class, do something within your local neighborhood, call your sister (or brother or cousin), start that book, start that blog, open your mouth!

Also on Thursday, Venus (in Aries) is squaring Pluto (in Capricorn). We talked about this in the weekly. This aspect suggests power struggles within relationships particularly over love, money and self-esteem issues.

ARIES | ARIES RISING (Gemini 3rd house) - This New Moon is in your 3rd house. Maybe a conversation or new idea gets you thinking in a brand new direction. Venus squaring Pluto is about your career and public image sector. You could be feeling greater pressure to succeed - there could be tension now around some "cost" that you might or might not be willing to pay to get ahead. There could be a power play/manipulation going on here. Maybe there is another option?

TAURUS | TAURUS RISING (Gemini 2nd house) - This New Moon is in your 2nd house of the money you earn. Maybe there is a new conversation about your salary or information regarding your pricing structure that catches your eye (or ear). Maybe you get a new idea for earning more money. Remember our mantra for Gemini season: be flexible, think on your feet. Venus squaring Pluto is about something you don't want to look at regarding a love or money situation. Secrets create compulsions and obsessions - what are you hiding or what is being hidden from you? When something small happens and our reaction is over the top we know there is something underneath trying to be heard.

GEMINI | GEMINI RISING (Gemini 1st house) - This is YOUR New Moon! What new questions, ideas and choices are presenting themselves to you? You have more than one way forward and more than one fresh start to choose from. It's your fresh start energy - use it! Venus squaring Pluto is about your groups, teams or friendships. You could be dealing with power plays, jealousy, compulsion or manipulation. Keep yourself above board - avoid gossip. Keep things honest.

CANCER | CANCER RISING (Gemini 12th house) - This New Moon is in your 12th house of stuff happening behind the scenes. Maybe a new idea, some new information or conversation outside of your attention could develop into something later or it happens now and you hear about it later. Or maybe something or someone 'behind the scenes' needs your attention. Venus squaring Pluto in your career sector could generate competitiveness, manipulation or power plays. Your public image could be scrutinized. Maybe you are dealing with a conflict between your career and your personal relationship - it's the time to look at both sides of the situation. Know the answers are coming. Chances for advancement in your career are good now - just keep everything honest and know you are probably going to have to hustle. 

LEO | LEO RISING (Gemini 11th house)- This New Moon is in your 11th house of groups, friendships and opportunities. Maybe something new and exciting is starting in a public way. There are lots of conversations and communications with others. Venus squaring Pluto indicates some kind of pressure/lust for something that is hard to get. Maybe a work or health issue is challenging or standing in the way of what you really want to do regarding travel, higher education, media, publicity, publishing, legal issues or a higher commitment. Remember that Leo North Node - oxygen mask on your own face first now. What is your heart telling you?

VIRGO | VIRGO RISING (Gemini 10th house)- This New Moon is in your 10th house of career. Maybe a conversation, discussion or idea leads to a new job or business opportunity. This is a good time for a new beginning with something related to the public. Take action within the next 2 weeks and stay flexible. The sands are still shifting. Venus squaring Pluto indicates some kind of power play or insecurity regarding other people's resources - partner's money, debts, taxes, inheritance. Maybe a partner's commitment is questioned - remember this transit is opening us up to some intense feelings. Avoid over-reacting.

LIBRA | LIBRA RISING (Gemini 9th house) - This New Moon is in your 9th house of travel, foreign interests, media, publishing, legal issues, higher education, higher commitments, religion. Maybe a conversation, discussion or new idea opens up something in one of these areas. Maybe it's time to plan a trip or take/teach a new class. Venus squaring Pluto in your partnership house can bring up feelings of jealousy, manipulation or power issues. An imbalance within your relationship could come up to be worked through. Keep a cool head - that New Moon offers multiple ways forward. Look at both sides of the story. But wait, you are a Libra I don't have to tell you that!

SCORPIO | SCORPIO RISING (Gemini 8th house)- This New Moon is in your 8th house of other people's money/resources. Maybe a conversation, some information or a new idea offers a new way forward with that debts, tax, inheritance or partner's income issue. Or maybe something is hidden now and comes to light later. Stay flexible. There could be multiple fixes afoot. Venus squaring Pluto could usher in some intense moments regarding work, health, daily routine or pet issues. You could be pushed too far or be the one doing the pushing. Relax.

SAGITTARIUS | SAGITTARIUS RISING (Gemini 7th house) - This New Moon is in your 7th house of partnership. Maybe a new person comes into your life now or even more than one new person! Be out and about communicating and traveling locally. Venus squaring Pluto in your children, creativity, romance and fun sector could result in some kind of power play, manipulation or competition within these themes. Take a deep breath. Talk/think things through. Much can't be seen during a New Moon - you will know what to do when you know what to do.

CAPRICORN | CAPRICORN RISING (Gemini 6th house) - This New Moon is in your 6th house of work, health, pets and your daily routine. Focus on new information, ideas and communications within these themes. New beginnings at work or with a health or daily routine situation will require you to think on your feet, stay flexible and likely multi-task for awhile. Your sign rules the 10th house top of the heap - you've got this thing. Venus squaring Pluto could bring up stress within your family or bring a family situation to a head. You will probably want what you want. You need to stay flexible with this issue, too - everyone has their own ideas and everyone needs to be heard to feel valued. You might have to agree to disagree or wait for the answers to untangle themselves a bit or the right information could come rushing at you all at once. Either way the focus here will be on home and family issues.

AQUARIUS | AQUARIUS RISING (Gemini 5th house) - This New Moon is in your 5th house of creativity, children, romance and fun. Communication, information or new ideas within these themes could be just what the doctor ordered (notice how when writing by sign, I start to sound just like the old Sunday newspaper horoscope section ... or is there still a Sunday newspaper?). Venus squaring Pluto in your communications, mental arena could result in intense conversations, power plays and potential manipulation. Information/situations can be more important than they seems at first. Or conversely stuff that seems important could turn out to be the stuff that pulls you off your game. Pay attention. I know you are going in multiple mental directions at once but try your best to focus.

PISCES | PISCES RISING (Gemini 4th house) - This New Moon is in your 4th house of home and family. Conversations and information about home improvements, moves, family issues and home businesses can move something in a new direction now. It's OK to change your mind. Venus squaring Pluto will bring up financial/resources issues. Your earned income or the money you are spending/saving will be analyzed. Keep everything above board. Avoid power plays and competition. Trust (Pisces rules trust in a higher power!) that life always has your back. Your career/finances have been stressful for some time now - the end of all that is near, dear Pisces!


This is a great time for affirmations for Gemini themes - movement, flexibility, wit, communication, logic, social graces and ease, siblings, local issues, teaching/learning, mental anxiety, areas of life where you are seeing double or doing two things at once, our nervous system, hands, wrists, arms, shoulders and our lungs.

AFFIRMATION TIPS: get into a good frame of mind - always make affirmations from a  positive place (meaning both happy and certain) - write your affirmations down by hand in script, speak them out loud - then release your attention from them knowing that your intention is known.  

Know what you seek is seeking you (Rumi). Know these things are already yours.

xo all

Mars Opposite Saturn | between a rock and a hard place

set me free by ashley mae
This transit is perfecting next Monday.

I was going to write about it later in the week, but in light of the Manchester bombing I thought I would write about it now.

Astrological transits (other than the Moon) have an impact for days (even weeks and months for outer planets transits to our natal planets) before and days after they reach an exact aspect.

There was quite a bit of tense astrology happening late Monday, but it isn't until you look at the chart for the city of Manchester itself you see the biggest challenges. I wish every town and city would employ an astrologer to track each area's transits. This wouldn't be fool-proof, obviously, but it might be helpful at times.

The chart for Manchester for the time of the bombing shows Mars (initiative, action, anger, war) opposing Saturn (structure, authority) in the first house (the city itself). The Mars/Saturn opposition (two malefic planets) is a violent signature. It can show up as bullying, anger, frustration and conflict. Mars squares Chiron (wound that can't be healed) in the 4th house of roots, home and family. Mars was conjunct the asteroid Chaos and square to Neptune. Neptune (loss). rules over events like music concerts (places of escape, places we lose ourselves, music - we have seen a Neptune signature before with nightclub shootings).

And, of course, with something happening "out of the blue" we would look to see what Uranus is doing - Uranus isn't about violence necessarily, but brings something sudden and unexpected. Uranus was conjunct the Moon with the Moon sitting on the IC (4th house cusp - home, roots - extremely important space of a chart). We also see Lilith and Eris (more and more Eris is showing up with a prominent placement in charts involving terrorism) conjunct Uranus and the IC - a "shocking, violent event that hits close to home".

Jupiter is the chart ruler and Jupiter rules religion and what is foreign and is retrograde now, so out of sorts. Venus (women) is opposite Jupiter. The murderer could have been focused on religion or felt foreign to the people he was hurting (Jupiter), maybe wanted to hurt women (Venus), maybe part of a larger structure or just looking to hurt society (Saturn), but it doesn't take astrology to guess at this.
(I wish the media would stop calling murderers 'terrorists' as if they had earned some kind of "title" through their actions the way a geologist or theologist or biologist would - language is power)

Moving forward this Mars/Saturn opposition is going to be building through Monday when it starts to unwind itself.

We have Mars (in Gemini) opposite Saturn (in Sagittarius).

(during the 9/11 attacks in the United States we had Mars in Gemini opposite Pluto in Sagittarius - again two malefic plants in the same signs)

Mars is action, initiative, aggression, anger and war. Gemini is thinking, communicating, fast moving, transportation, the local neighborhood, young people. Saturn rules authority, structure, rules, time. Sagittarius rules religion, anything foreign, higher thinking. The word salads do not look like anything remotely edible. At best I am seeing religious arguments or arguments with authority figures.

At the same time we have Venus (in Aries and answering to Mars) just coming out of that opposition to Jupiter we talked about last week about to make a hard square to Pluto and Jupiter, Neptune and Mercury are forming a Yod this weekend. We'll talk about this later. It is definitely not all bad - we have alot of good energy ahead, too.

Remember it's not that things are getting worse - they are just getting more visible. If you need to back away from the news DO THAT. Oxygen mask on your own face first now. Raising our own energy helps the collective in ways we cannot even imagine.

So use your astrology knowledge to help yourself. Keep the Mars/Saturn energy in mind, but don't dwell on it. Keep a cool head. Stay flexible. Get some exercise. Write something. Keep attuned to your local environment - pay attention to what is happening around you. The Moon is dark - reflect, meditate, send prayers to the people who are hurting now ... xo all

Astrology Forecast for Creatives | Week of May 22nd - sharpen your pencil

pencil girl by cetrobo

The start of Gemini season will mean a busy week for most people. This will probably also be another sensational news week!

Let's jump right in.

On Monday, we'll have the energy to get right down to work with an Aries Moon that has everyone focused on "action, action, action" and "me, me, me'". If you are presenting something to someone now make sure you focus on 'what's in it for them'. If you need a boost of courage, today is the day. The Moon makes nice with Venus early in the day - great energy for a fresh start with women, money, self-esteem, values and beauty issues. Balance, harmony, fairness will prevail.

Then around lunchtime the energy shifts (eat a light lunch, so you don't lose it). There is a whole John Wayne cowboy vibe to the rest of the day - people will be more willing to use force and go their own way to accomplish their goals. The Moon squares Pluto (in Capricorn) which is not such great energy for dealing with authority figures. There is tension around goals, structure and ambitions. Emotions can also be intense. More can be accomplished working alone today, especially in the afternoon. 

On Tuesday, the Moon moves into Taurus (where the Moon is exalted) focusing us in on money issues, purchases, what we value and what we own. In Taurus we want to stop and smell the roses. The Moon is only in Taurus a couple days every month and now that Taurus Sun season is behind us, it is important to use that nurturing energy in some way, so take some time - today and tomorrow - to relax, get outdoors, get your hands in some dirt, cook a nutritious meal, etc. This would also be the perfect day to get a massage.

The Moon is balsamic - it's a natural time for a monthly time out. 

On Wednesday, the Moon is making beautiful music with Neptune - good energy to make art, work with our imagination, healing, romance, spirituality, hospitals - stuff that is hidden and put away. Around noon the Moon trines (brakes off) Pluto - this is the time to work with those authority figures, goals, structures and ambitions. Emotions can still be intense but things will move smoother.

Remember Jupiter is retrograde for another couple weeks - we will have to work for our luck, the golden ticket is probably not going to fall out of that candy bar (so let's not kid ourselves that it's a good idea to eat five of them). And that's OK. It's alot easier to hold onto the stuff we have to earn anyway (plus Gene Wilder has passed on and it would just be us and the Oompa Loompas).

The Moon goes void at 3pm EST so maybe plan an early escape, save this time for routine work or at least don't start anything new in the afternoon - nothing will come of it.

On Thursday the Moon conjuncts the Sun in Gemini. The Gemini New Moon kicks off a two week growth period of choices with a focus on words, sales, meetings, writing, interviews, communications, conversations, local community activities, stuff with siblings and neighbors, our vehicles and electronics. Also the theme of your natal Gemini house.

Also on Thursday, Venus (in Aries) squares Pluto (in Capricorn). This is tension within our relationships - compulsion, power struggles, obsession. This is not the time to be possessive. Trust me on this one. I find Pluto squares usually bring up issues around fear of abandonment and we all get a bit more paranoid.

Try not to channel Glenn Close in that rabbit movie (I forget the name). If you meet someone new now the energy could be a bit like Fatal Attraction (that's it!), so prepare for fireworks, heartbreak and a likely hospitalization that requires stitches #kidding, #notkidding.

This is good energy for focus and powering though problems though. Just check that you are using your most awesome powers for good. No one will be a push-over today. So don't push. Nobody puts baby in a corner either, especially not Gemini. That New Moon in Gemini assures us there are multiple options. Look again. POST TO FOLLOW.

On Friday, Neptune (delusion, illusion) is squaring our Gemini New Moon so I wouldn't make any big decisions right now. The day will be busy with lots of communication and information. Check any impulsive behaviors in the p.m.

On Saturday the Cancer Moon takes over focusing all of us here in the USA on mom and apple pie and the long holiday weekend. There is some tense and important stuff this weekend that connects back to the beginning of this month. We'll talk about it later in the week!

NOTE this weekend with its first quarter Moon in Cancer is an excellent time to plant vegetables and flowers in the ground.

Remember we are in Gemini season now and Gemini rules the 3rd house of our immediate environment. It's a good time to think about how we deal with the stuff that is right in front of us. Do we see danger where there isn't any? Are we off in lalaland and not paying attention to actual snake pits?

Staying in the present moment (plus meditation and clean eating) keeps our instincts sharp. We are going to need them sharper than ever (think about that number two lead pencil we needed to have ready for those fill in the dot exams back in grade school) as we move into June, throughout the rest of the year and in the years ahead.

Gemini season is distracting. Make conscious choices and conscious moves now. We are being prepared for ever shifting grounds and increased uncertainty. Conscious action (and Gemini season) is good practice. We've got this thing.

It can be challenging to start new projects, and have things run smoothly, or move too far ahead with things in Gemini season because so much is in flux. It doesn't mean we can't or shouldn't do these things, definitely keep moving, just know that new information will probably come in that changes our perspective. Stay flexible. And open-minded. And sharpen your pencil.

xo all

Sun into Gemini | going WIDE and seeing double

flowers for a bed by kittysyellowjacket

The Sun moves into Gemini today where he will hang his hat until June 21st (summer solstice).

During Gemini season life gets busy - physically busy and mentally busy.

Do you know which house holds Gemini in your natal chart? A light is shone on that area of your life now. Multi-tasking skills will come in handy.

Gemini is the teacher who never stops learning - it is about the processing of information. Ruled by Mercury and ruler of our 3rd house of communications, thinking, ideas, early childhood education, our neighbors, local community, our siblings, transportation - you will recognize all these themes from when I am writing about Mercury!

Gemini is a mutable air sign (head cold are possible now as we move from earth to air, cue the vitamin C). Geminis are flexible.

The energy goes wide rather than deep. They want to look at, and learn about, and talk about and do - a little of this and that and the other thing.

Geminis are clever and very good with words. They can say one thing to one person and something else to someone else - they are changeable. Geminis can create the perfect blend of imagination, half-truths and logic making them sometimes less than totally truthful, but they are so freakin' fast and so freakin' funny we might not even notice. 

Their symbol is the twins and with Gemini things often come in twos.

My Sun is in my 3rd house (Gemini's house) in Aquarius ruled by Uranus (in my 10th house of career). With my "career" things almost always come in pairs. In my first job doing taxes I worked in two different offices, when I was in banking I managed two totally different departments at the same time, I once had carts in two different malls selling things in two different sizes and I now have two websites and two different jewelry lines both of which carry items that come in two different sizes. I am currently writing two books at the same time (have been for awhile, don't ask) and am renovating a vintage camper which I have in mind to house two different businesses. I could go on and on (but I won't, don't worry, I know you are busy now). This career "things come in pairs" thing hasn't translated into double the money - go figure.

Some of this may be a natural inability on my part to make a normal focused decision (of course my Mercury is also in my 3rd house), but most of it has just kind of happened. Sun in the 3rd house, house ruler in the 10th.

Anyhoo, with the Sun's move into Gemini things will not be quite so black and white as they were in Taurus. It's a time to be curious. Ask questions. Try different things. We've been going deep and now we want to go wide. 

Now that we have the North Node in Leo ruled by the Sun - we can use the Sun's monthly journey, over the next 18 months, to help us focus on our Leo path!

While the Sun is in Gemini is a good time to talk about what we are doing and what we are going to do. It's a good time to advertise. It's a good time to promote what we are doing. It's a good time to try something new focused on where our heart is leaning. It's a good time to read, learn, write and teach about what we love!

Our natal Gemini houses (where is Gemini in your natal chart?) is about to get very busy. Did I say that already?

It would be a good time to get familiar with the notepad on our phone to jot down info on the go - short conversations, notes, ideas, appointments, etc. Gemini is all about WORDS.

The fly in the ointment (yes, the fly is back) is that in Gemini quantity can rule over quality as thoroughness loses out to speed. That's OK for now - we've spent almost half the year bogged down in retrogrades - fast is the new slow. xo all