Mercury into Cancer | time to TALK about what we NEED plus some mid-year advice from Saturn

Y'all Come Back Now by Pandora Selezneva

Mercury moves into Cancer today where he/she will hang his hat until June 29th.

We will be feeling what people are saying now. Our own words will be impacting other people emotionally, too.

Mercury squares Chiron (the Aries point) almost immediately, so it is likely some words/thoughts could be painful right out of the gate. Whatever this is it won't likely be bandaged up by us (or someone else) saying just the right thing - with Chiron the pain is the healing. Thinking about - "why do these words hurt? what is familiar about this?" and then maybe having a good old cry - yes, one of those big, old ugly ones that make everything a fuzzy, black, mascara-y blur - might just be more healing than trying to fix whatever has just been re-wounded with some Betadine. This wound is too old and too deep for that.

The Moon is dark now and in Gemini moving toward the Sun (and tomorrow's New Moon) - so the Moon in Gemini is answering to Mercury and Mercury in Cancer is answering to the Moon.

Words are powerful and emotionally charged now.

(Trump has his natal Mercury in Cancer and prior to his meeting with North Korea's Kim Jong Un, said "I just, my touch, my feel, that's what, that's what I do" when asked about his preparation and how he would know if Kim was serious. His infamous verbal word salads aside - this feeling the words is pretty much how Mercury in Cancer communicates.)

Also today the Moon is trining (brakes off) initiating, assertive Mars - this feels like good energy to get the verbal ball rolling with something. Make an important call - maybe something that requires courage. This would also be a good time to make fresh plans.

For the next couple weeks we could be thinking/talking/writing about Cancerian issues more often - home, family, real estate, renovation, home business, ancestry, the past, mothers, country, safety, security.

With Mercury in Cancer we will need to step back now and then and ask ourselves - "am I feeling the actual situation or am I feeling my thinking about the situation?". 

The difference - especially for the next week of so with all this Neptunian fog and Saturnian potential to feel the pressure - is likely a pretty wide gap.

With Mercury in Cancer words come from the gut. Words are taken personally. They can be soothing or they can be painful.

Since Cancer rules both the mother and the baby, Mercury (communication, ideas, thoughts) in Cancer could be a good time to talk (Mercury) about what we need (Cancer).

At the end of this week Mercury is going to oppose Saturn (in Capricorn) so that is some kind of information/authority/restrictive information that BLOCKS us. Maybe we hear a "no" now or maybe more pressure is piled on. This could also be a home vs work issue. The good news with Mercury in Cancer is that this weekend and into early next week we get a glorious Grand Water Trine when she connects with Jupiter and Neptune - all our water signs have a planetary visitor now and they are all talking nice to each other - BRAKES OFF. Then by the following weekend (around the 23rd-24th) Mercury will oppose Pluto (we know as planets move through Cancer they will be opposing our Cappy planets!) so likely whatever it is we haven't wanted to think about/talk about will be what we have to deal with.

Today is great energy to start thinking about our New Moon intentions for tomorrow's New Moon in Gemini!

xo all

Remember where we are now - Uranus has moved into Taurus officially closing out the Uranus/Pluto square we have been dealing with for around 10 years!

We are moving toward the Saturn/Pluto conjunction - exact in January 2020.

2018 is the year for us to take any corrective measures that need to be taken before we get to that conjunction - the heart of winter. Some roads are already snowed in and closed to us. But other roads - at least one - are still open and we have been gifted with SNOW TIRES!

We have the GIFT of a summer focused around Mars retrograde (and the eclipses!) and Venus retrograde in the fall. This is life giving us some opportunities to get our act together and our shelves stocked before we head into the coldest days of winter. Mars retrograde will be in Aquarius and Capricorn - both signs ruled by Saturn - the key to all of this is our relationship with Saturn.

Right now we could be facing empty shelves from the resources we have squandered. The stuff we have procrastinated about and not wanted to face is reaching its logical point of crisis. Jupiter is diving through the stuff we have pushed down and not wanted to deal with and making it BIGGER. This foundational 'pot-stirring' is causing any structural instability to be impossible to miss.

On the flipside - the spaces and ways we have been doing our Saturn - the responsibilities we have stepped into, the work we have conscientiously performed without an audience, what we have appropriately prioritized and the resources we have managed responsibly will create the opportunities for us to not only survive but thrive!

Did we build our house of brick or straw? This is what we are looking at now. And this isn't about beating ourselves up - we ALL have areas of life we have been using bricks and other areas of life we have tossed together some straw.

There is still time to build the necessary bricks. There truly is. But we need to get to work.

Astrology Forecast for Creatives | Week of June 11th - the times they are a changing, new information comes in, unexpected attractions, official words, feeling what people are saying, just how smart are we anyway

Untitled 478 by ErosTurranos

We continue to have alot happening this week. I was going to write a two week post, but the weeks are just too different and this one has too much going on.

Anytime we have a week with two inner planets changing signs - we know our lives will be changing, too.

Add to that a complicated New Moon in a complicated air sign and all this foggy Neptune (there isn't much solid ground for us at the moment) and things can feel very dicey. We won't have all the answers - this is Gemini season, the season of QUESTIONS - keep this in mind.

TUESDAY - Mercury enters Cancer
WEDNESDAY - New Moon in Gemini (22 degrees) plus Venus enters Leo
THURSDAY - Venus squares Uranus
FRIDAY - Mercury opposes Saturn

On TUESDAY, Mercury moves into Cancer until June 29th and begins answering to the Moon. We are feeling what people are saying. Our words are impacting other people emotionally, too. We could be thinking/talking/writing about Cancerian issues more often - home, family, real estate, renovation, home business, ancestry, mothers, country, safety, security.

With Mercury in Cancer we need to step back now and then and ask ourselves - "am I feeling the situation or am I feeling my thinking about the situation?". The difference - especially for the next week of so with all this Neptunian fog and Saturnian potential for depression - is likely a pretty wide gap.

With Mercury in Cancer words come from the gut. Words are taken personally

They can be soothing or they can be painful.

Cancer is all about family and home and history and patriotism and security - about having our needs met and meeting the needs of others we are close to. It's about vulnerability and how we deal with that.

On WEDNESDAY, Venus - leading the pack this spring/summer - enters fiery Leo. Our Leo house, the space we have intended to SHINE in this lifetime, becomes more attractive. Leo Suns and rising signs are more naturally attractive (ie easy on the eye and able to attract what they want).

We attract what we want and need (Venus) through Leo now - so by standing out, standing up, being passionate, taking center stage - you get the idea. We could, of course, go overboard with all of this. Leo (ruled by the Sun) doesn't really like others blocking the light. Competition can get ugly. We could become downright diva-like. Being in love with being in love fits here, too.

Wanting to be adored will make being ignored all that much harder to handle.

Also Venus in Leo is not so into compromise. I will write a post.

Today's New Moon in Gemini squaring foggy Neptune and between a rock and a hard place with both a retrograde Pluto and Black Moon Lilith and with the Moon's ruler Mercury squaring healing/hurting Chiron is COMPLICATED. Not that a Gemini Moon is ever not complicated, but this one, being a Super Moon so close to the Earth and at a karmic 22 degrees, is quite, yes, let's say it again COMPLICATED. In Gemini we know there will be oodles of communication, information and choices.

We will have to be smart about whatever we have going on now.

New Moons are times when we are literally in the dark. The Moon and Sun are together at the same degree. Then time moves on, the Moon becomes visible, a little more visible everyday. This is called waxing and is the two weeks of the month when things are naturally growing.

Ruled by Mercury and ruler of our 3rd house, Gemini rules our growth through the exchange of information, through contact with our immediate environment, through language. Gemini reigns over: the flow of information, technology, communication, our mental processes, conversations, stories, lies, our local community, our neighbors, our siblings, our transportation.

Gemini is the first air sign of the astrological year - a sign of the mind, the archetype of the "teacher" - the storyteller. If you are a Gemini Sun sign this is basically the way you process life. As soon as you learn something, and you are naturally curious and learn alot of "somethings" - you simply must pass it on. Gemini has more to do with questions than answers because she has been mentally exploring and noticing stuff her entire life.

Gemini is perspective. What we notice becomes what we think about, what we talk about, what we act on. 

What we notice becomes who we are. 

It's a good time to notice what we are noticing. Of course, we would probably have to stop for a moment to do this and we won't be able to - because we will be so busy!

The next two New Moons after this one - are both eclipses, yes eclipse season is coming hang onto your hats, and are Super Moons, too.

I will write a post about the New Moon this week.

Also don't forget we have Mars conjunct the South Node. See my post HERE on that transit.

On THURSDAY, Venus is going to square Uranus which could set off impulsive attractions - suddenly something over THERE looks/feels very good and we WANT it. Of course, this is a square so there is tension/frustration. Venus is in Leo, so we will want what we want. Venus rules our love, money, values and self-esteem - something unexpected could happen within these themes or with our Leo house theme now. With the Sun and Moon in Gemini - it could also be that we have a couple choices, or with all this foggy Neptune - the appearance of multiple choices - and maybe we could end up choosing poorly. Maybe there aren't any good choices. Maybe all the doors hold booby prizes. It is going to be hard to tell.

This transit could also be the splash of cold water in our face we need right now. Remember we are playing a long game, if something feels extremely urgent or extremely essential right now take some time to think it all through. Imagine a blinking yellow light. Proceed with caution.

On FRIDAY, Mercury (in Cancer) will oppose powerful Saturn (home in Capricorn). Communications will be taken seriously. We could be blocked by someone else's words. This is some kind of outer authority, the rules, the pressure. This could be about official (Saturn) paperwork (Mercury) or a career/home decision or the need to talk (Mercury) like a grown-up (Saturn). This transit can bring negative thinking and depressive thoughts - take this stuff seriously now and use that powerful Neptune to connect with other people.

This is a reality check between our Cancer and Capricorn houses and for some people the more general themes of home vs work.

Once Venus moves into Leo (Wednesday) she will be trining Chiron (in Aries), so there is going to be a flow this week between our love, money, values, self esteem, issues with women or about beauty and our initiative, courage and ability to stand on our own two feet. With Venus in proud Leo - let's not be afraid to say we aren't certain (pretty much impossible to be certain right now anyway) or to speak up about our pain/problems. It could be our weaknesses/sore spots that will attract to us what we actually need.

With multiple aspects/moves by Venus this week we know there will be situations around our money and our relationships. Uranus will bring Venus something unexpected and it will create tension/frustration - which btw is what creates the greatest environment for GROWTH. Neptune will keep things foggy (or us dealing with Neptunian situations - what is hidden or put away or done behind the scenes, secrets, the ethereal realms, imagination, hospitals, spirituality, addiction, healing, illusion, compassion, deception). Saturn assures us stuff will be serious. And all this Gemini/Mercury means we will be busy, there will be lots of communication, information and choices.

I am going to write a few dailies this week and am a bit pushed for time, so am not going to get into the Moons here. The long voids are (not a good time for starts/launches) WEDNESDAY 3:45PM EDT to midnight and FRIDAY from noon until 3:21AM EDT. Back with some daily posts and the big New Moon post, in the meantime this weekly should be a bit of a heads up.

xo all

Pay attention to your dreams, synchronicities and intuition now. Also keep in mind I am writing about aspects on the days when they are exact, but often we feel their biggest impact as the planets are moving into aspect or separating.

Mars Conjunct the South Node | same old fight, moving on from friends who don't have our backs, rubbing salt in the wound, familiar struggles, falling into that same old trap, our old actions and in-actions bite us in the ass

Eaten bubbles by E-BZ

Today we have Mars (at 7 degrees Aquarius) - the actions we take to get what we want, our passion, our initiative, our anger - hitting the South Node (what is ripe for release).

Expect old arguments to flare back up, old goals and actions (and in-actions) to result in consequences now. We might have to lose the battle to win the war. We might have to let go of a goal to free up our hands to reach for something else.

We might find ourselves having a rip-roaring argument with our hubby that feels awfully reminiscent of our childhood battles with our father. There is karma here. Pay attention.

You have the benefit of astrology - so take a breath and think about what is really being stirred up. There will be, or was (although this aspect is exact today it has been building for a couple days and will spend a couple days unwinding) likely an uncanny reminder of having 'gone through this before' with the added realization, if we are lucky and smart, that we can choose differently this time.

Because Mars is preparing to go retrograde in a couple weeks and walking degrees he will walk two more times this is a repeating aspect that will be in play until the end of September.

So we have the repeating pattern of an aspect that is all about repeating patterns!

Whatever situations/issues we are dealing with now will not be the final chapter - be prepared for delays, revisions and possibly a long drawn out battle.

With Mars on the South Node our instinctual drive (Mars) is very strongly and often unconsciously - remember we don't crave what is good for us, we crave what is familiar - influenced by our past.

Where is Aquarius in your natal chart? For many people the theme of the house Aquarius rules will be Mars field of play.

EXAMPLE for Taurus/Taurus Rising (Aquarius 10th house) - Mars is traveling through your 10th house of career, your calling, your achievements, your achievement goals, dad, business, authority, responsibility. An issue, likely within these themes, is activated. Something here is ripe for release - (Mars on the South Node) before the Nodes move into Cancer/Capricorn next fall. Holding on too tightly to something here could actually hasten its speed of departure. Let's say you really need to move on from a job - an action or inaction on your part, challenge at work or argument with authority, for example, could expedite the manner. Mars (as you) will walk back and forth through your 10th house territory - conjuncting the South Node and opposing the North Node (your future). What are you doing, perhaps unconsciously, in regard to 10th house matters that needs to end?

Collectively, Mars in Aquarius pushes for FREEDOM and toward advancement and the future. This summer - through multiple, sustained efforts which could include setbacks and revisions - life is offering us the energetic support to release - and yes, there will be work involved Saturn is still in Capricorn folks - the ties that bind us- whatever is making us feel stuck.

Mars challenges us to find the right level of assertiveness without being a total asshole.

We need to keep our eyes on that North Node in Leo - our creative passion, what makes us feel proud, where we need to shine and take the center stage of our own life - Mars agitating that South Node and opposing the North will be sawing/chopping/shaving away at anything holding us back from what we came to do here.

Next week we have a New Moon in Gemini squaring Neptune - new info will come in, again not everything can be trusted. Hopefully by the time Neptune stations retrograde on the 19th we will get more clarity and stronger sea legs. We also have Mars and Venus opposing each other from the South and North Nodes while t-squaring Jupiter in Scorpio coming soon. Our karma, dharma - whatever this is it will likely relate back to whatever Saturn set in motion back in January. We have Mars set to go retrograde and a heavy duty Full Moon at the end of the month.

I am going to write a June post on Sunday to finish out the month instead of the weekly so we are better able to see around corners.

For this weekend we have the Moon in Aries on FRIDAY hankering for some action, but she will be squaring serious Saturn. Maybe save important negotiations/communications for another day if possible. Not a good first date night! We could want to do something for ourselves but have work or responsibilities that won't allow it. There is a semi-sextile between Mars and Saturn today which tells us if we slow down and do things carefully and proceed one-step-at-a-time there is a very good chance of success with whatever we are starting. On SATURDAY the Moon is uber active - we probably will be, too - and then goes void at 3:00PM EDT. There is a sextile - opportunity - with Mercury early in the day that can be good for commerce, communication and interactions with siblings/the local neighborhood. On SUNDAY the Moon will move into Taurus, the perfect Sunday Moon - garden, cook, relax, recharge your batteries. There could be something testy in the afternoon as the Moon squares Mars.

xo all

Astrology Forecast for Creatives | Week of June 4th - like alice down the rabbit hole, illusions and delusions, what we want and feel like we can't live without

Down the Rabbit Hole by artiste-reveur
Neptune, uber strong at home in Pisces (since 2011 - a BIG part of our "can't tell what is real/true" current reality), will be having his way with us this week as both our Gemini planets - the Sun and Mercury, move in to square him.

This is not the best week to make a big decision or more forward with any important plans.  

Things will not be quite what they appear to be now.

The fog is rolling in. The sands are shifting.

We will need to think twice about what we are saying/communicating. Misunderstandings are likely now. The truthfulness of whatever we are dealing with will be complicated.

We could be lied to or we could be the one spinning a tangled web.

Treat what you hear/read/experience now with a sense of curiosity - ask yourself - "well, isn't that interesting?" - nothing will be quite what it seems.

People, including us, will think they know more than they do. Things can look better, or worse, than they actually are. It would be best to read this post, and everything else you are consuming via language now (especially the news!), with more skepticism than you normally would.

Women (Venus) vs power (Pluto) could also be a theme - we saw three women shoot themselves in the foot last week with their language - Roseanne Barr, Germaine Greer and Samantha Bee. With Jupiter in Scorpio having so much to do (within the collective) with the #metoo movement - women (mostly) taking out the power structure and Jupiter now retrograde - this is more like women taking themselves out.

If we are kind of in-tune with the Neptune/Pisces energy and can chill out this week and just allow things to flow - step off the hamster wheel for just a little bit - this week's energy could feel almost peaceful.

Our time might be best spent finishing things up - the Moon is waning - and getting ready for next week's New Moon!

This week's major aspects are:

TUESDAY - Sun conjunct Mercury and Venus opposite Pluto
WEDNESDAY - Mercury square Neptune
THURSDAY - Sun square Neptune
FRIDAY - Venus square Eris, Mars conjunct the South Node

MONDAY is another day like last Wednesday - a Void Moon all day and no aspects. This would not be a good day to start something new. If you were thinking of taking a day off this week - this would be it, if you don't want to miss anything.

With Chiron squaring (tension/frustration) Vesta, we could be dealing with hurting/healing around the ways our constant tending to something/someone has allowed other parts of our life to grow weeds (this will be our Cappy vs Aries houses) or the painful realization we are no longer devoted to something/someone and are just "going through the motions".

We associate Vesta with the Vestal Virgins of ancient Rome. Charged from childhood with keeping the sacred hearth of the temple burning, they had the responsibility - via their devotion to the flame -  with keeping their civilization alive. If we have shouldered a responsibility or devoted ourselves to something that is not allowing us to be our own person or move in a direction we want to go, we could be feeling the squeeze of that now as our responsibilities/limits (Capricorn) rub up against the action we need to take for ourselves (Aries).

HERE is a short post on Chiron in Aries.

On TUESDAY the Moon moves into imaginative Pisces at 6:53AM EDT - this will make us more intuitive and compassionate, but also less grounded and realistic over the next couple days.

We have the Sun (in Gemini) meeting up with Mercury while inconjunct (rock and a hard place) a retrograde Jupiter in Scorpio. Within the same hour we have Venus (in Cancer) moving into her exact opposition to Pluto (ruler of Scorpio).

The Sun meeting up with Mercury could bring some important information to light (whether we can totally trust it or not is another matter) or maybe something from the previous Sun/Mercury conjunction - when Mercury was retrograde on April 1st - to a culmination (peak) or conclusion via Gemini  - communications, information, choices, etc. The rock and a hard place with Jupiter, retrograding through whatever is buried in our Scorpio houses is the challenge.

EXAMPLE FOR ARIES/ARIES RISING - The Sun and Mercury are meeting in Aries - your 3rd house of communication, information, writing, siblings, transportation or your local neighborhood. You could get an answer, have a conversation, receive some information - that concludes something connected to the last Mercury/Sun meetup from the end of March/early April. With Jupiter moving backward through your 8th house of the stuff not really talked about - other people's resources, other people's values, intimacy, other people's money, spouse's income, loans, debts, taxes, inheritance, sex, reproduction - there could be something here that is not being said. Maybe this is the problem and you are going to need to keep this in mind (you don't know what you don't know) or maybe some things are better left alone behind door number three (unopened/unsaid). With both the Sun and Mercury moving into a square with illusive Neptune over the next couple days - you are going to have to sift the facts from the fiction. It won't be easy.

Also on Tuesday - and for some people THIS will be the BIG transit of the week - Venus (what we want - love, money, our values, beauty and our self-esteem) will move into an opposition with Pluto (power, compulsion, obsession). This has been building since last week.

Power struggles around what we want and/or with authority are possible now.

Do we really want something or are we just obsessed with the idea of having/keeping it?

EXAMPLE FOR CANCER/CANCER RISING - Venus in your 1st house of yourself opposes Pluto, retrograde in your 7th house of partners/partnerships. This aspect could stir up issues/lessons via insecurities around power imbalances. A partner's (business, romantic, personal) perceived power over you or the feeling that they are essential for your very survival may be activated. Do you really want something from them or are you just obsessed with the idea of having/keeping them/what they have? The way through this is by taking back the power you are projecting onto the other person - stepping into our own Capricorn now. Neptune and Jupiter are in harmony with your sign Cancer - YOU are the one who sets the terms around how you engage with other people. This aspect has the power to transform a relationship and Plutonian transformations are permanent. Or it could be a wake up call via a hurtful encounter with another person that shakes us up to how much we are giving away our own power.

On WEDNESDAY,  Mercury (home in Gemini) moves into her square with Neptune (home in Pisces), so it could be tricky to separate the fantasy from the reality now. Keep that in mind with whatever you have going on.

We could be dealing with Neptunian themes - hospitals, healing, things put away, things from the past, addictions, medications, meditation, spirituality, imagination, etc.

This isn't the time to run with some information that comes in unless you are very, very grounded.

It would be the time to speak with a conservative kind of caution (am I saying what I really intend to say, what I really feel, what I really KNOW to be true?). Listen the same way. Avoid gossip.

Our addictive tendencies could be biting us in the ass right about now.

Today is the last Quarter Moon in Pisces and the skies are quite muddled. Information could be misleading. Choices that look like real solid things could turn out to be just our eyes playing tricks on us in a shadowy room at night and then vanish in the cold light of day.

Sleep on ALL decisions.

THURSDAY is more of Wednesday with another long Void Moon (until 5:26PM EDT when she moves into Aries) and the Sun squaring Neptune, too, tossed in for good measure. Except we won't be measuring anything because nothing will quite be lining up.

The Moon is waning now - what can we finish?

Any connection to Neptune is excellent energy to create, imagine, connect, meditate, heal via water, love, compassion.

As the Moon moves through Aries in the evening and meets up with Chiron (wounded healer) we could be feeling some pain around our ability to be ourselves or take action. This would be a good time for me to write one of those sleep medication warnings around driving and operating heavy machinery - take care with your physical body now and your head in particular tonight. Stay hydrated.

Back in a couple days with Friday and the weekend - we have some powerful energy to finish out the week, too. Plus let's start looking further ahead to a very important summer.

xo all

Jupiter and Venus trine Neptune, Mercury trine Mars | smooth seas may not create skilled sailors but they might make for a nice afternoon in a boat

Splash of Color by thillyLiv

Today, we have Venus in Cancer trining (brakes off) Jupiter, retrograde in Scorpio, at 15 degrees. We also have Mercury in Gemini trining Mars in Aquarius at 5 degrees and tomorrow Venus will perfect a trine to Neptune (in play now) in Pisces, at 16 degrees.

With Venus (love, money, women, beauty. our resources, values and self-esteem) in Cancer (home, family, mom and apple-pie) joining the Jupiter (expansion, luck) and Neptune (imagination, idealism, compassion, forgiveness, spirituality) party and forming a Grand Water Trine we have a beautiful flow of energy for the next couple days.

This is expansion, luck, beauty, love and imagination. This can bring healing and increased intimacy. With Venus in Cancer this is a good time for resolving home, family and real estate issues and healing situations with your mama and your matriarchal inheritance.

Remember our water houses are ALWAYS in trine and working together, but RIGHT NOW, home to the powerful energies of Venus, Jupiter and Neptune all lined up the way they are - they are SUPER dynamic.

All this water means our intuition - and emotions - are greatly magnified now (also actual water issues - flooding, I think we are having the biblical 40 days here, etc).

EXAMPLE for SCORPIO/Scorpio Rising (using whole signs) - this Grand Water Trine involves your 1st house (Jupiter retrograde at 15 degrees) of yourself, your 5th house (Neptune in Pisces at 16 degrees) of creative projects, your self-expression, what you give birth to, children, romance and recreation and your 9th house (Venus in Cancer at 15/16 degrees) of travel, higher education, weddings, politics, legal issues, the media, publishing, foreigners, everything outside your comfort zone, exploration, your beliefs and higher thinking. This is excellent energy for bigger thinking or exploration around a creative project you are personally involved with to create expansion and luck. You could have something fall into place with any of the themes mentioned above. You (1st house) could fall in love (5th house) while traveling (9th house), yadda yadda. You won't have to push (or manipulate dear Scorpio!). This doesn't mean some action won't be required on your part, but it will be a logical next step kind of thing. There is synergy here.

There is always the possibility, if we are un-grounded or ignore all boundaries, to take something too far because there isn't anything stopping these energies.

Our addictions, compulsions, lies, illusions, spending could go off the rails. Keep these things in mind.

At the same time we have Mercury, freshly minted in his home sign of Gemini, trining Mars (in Aquarius) - this could be a new idea we can take action on. Our minds should be razor sharp.

We might have to make a fast decision or make a quick move. With Mercury and Mars tag-teaming, we can speak with confidence now. The Venus/Jupiter/Neptune should help soften any pushiness.

All in all this should be good energy for harmony between people! Prayers we collectively make good use of it. Water signs can make us more emotional, so maybe have a box of tissues handy folks.

We have an inconjunct on SATURDAY between Mercury and Saturn - rock and a hard place - so something unresolvable here maybe between information/communication/ideas and authority/security/responsibility/time/limits. With both planets strong in their home signs some things just can't be resolved right now. A heads up that Mercury will be very active next week with news and information and with Neptune and Jupiter uncooperative - facts will be elusive and possibly illusive.

xo all - here's hoping for a lovely weekend for everyone - another rainy one expected here

Another heads up that we have an all-day Void Moon on Monday. Maybe take the day off and save the big moves for TUESDAY.

Another heads up - and all this "heads up" is again making me think of what is happening to our world with so many people walking around looking down at their phones all day and not up at the possibilities - that we are going to be doing alot of backtracking and "cooling our jets" this summer (and busy work that might not amount to much in the end if we are determined to push our way through) with all the retrogrades and eclipses as our old vision of our future morphs ... again.

Mercury into Gemini | fresh information comes in, who do you want to talk to, choices and changing viewpoints, giving life permission to not make any sense for awhile

Consume by bypolar-bear
Mercury (communication, ideas, local life and travel, transportation, sibling issues) moved into his home sign of Gemini last night.

We will feel a difference in the days ahead as information and communications switch from turtle pace to rabbit.

Increased choices, conversations and ideas will start to flow.

We won't put everything to use, Gemini can be rather chatty, so some stuff will just move in and out, but the change in momentum will be noticeable.

Keep in mind with Gemini there are more questions than answers and the information might be unreliable.

But easy, adaptable conversations, suitable for the moment, can pull everything forward now.

With the Sun and Mercury both in Gemini this is an excellent time to catch up on our communications. Who would we like to talk to?

Ask questions. It is best in Gemini season to maybe suspend judgements for awhile (Geminis make the best - and funniest - cynics) and approach situations with curiosity. 

Fresh information and conversations will come in and expand whatever we are dealing with. This can be stimulating if we've grown weary of Taurus's scrutiny and demand for truth.

Gemini energy talks. It listens. It questions. It perceives what isn't said at all. In short, it doesn't miss a trick. With so much to see and so much to do and so much to communicate - there is not a moment to waste on any of those roses we were smelling last month

Gemini (the twins) is the sign of duality - of black and white, of feminine and masculine, of truth and lies. Nothing will be totally one way or the other or quite what is seems now. We will be faced with dilemmas and changing viewpoints. In the end contradictory thoughts and things can come together with this energy.

We all have ideas about how things are supposed to look and work that we've carried since childhood (and before). We have these beliefs and then we, subconsciously, look around for the things that support these beliefs and that's what we notice. Then our beliefs gets reconfirmed and strengthened. Even though these beliefs are no truer than someone else's beliefs that reflect the opposite thing.

With the Sun in Gemini and Mercury home until June 12th, all of us are burning Gemini fuel - we can give ourselves permission to embrace a more wide open receptive state. We can move against the beliefs we've been strengthening since childhood if they no longer suit us. We can give life permission to not make any sense for a while.

If we are confused we are probably doing something right.

See what house holds Gemini in your natal chart - this space will be communicating with you now! What is it saying?

xo all

Today, Mercury - within hours of coming home to Gemini - is going to sextile (opportunity) Chiron in Aries. Talking about what hurts can be healing. 

We could make a connection now between some early traumatic experience and our current behavior/situation.

Chiron is freshly minted in Aries, too, and we haven't had this energetic connection in these signs since the late 1960's/early 1970's.

With Chiron in Aries encouraging us to take a hard look at ourselves, to do things for ourselves and stand on our own two feet - there could be a conversation now or information that comes in that allows us to see how our own survival instincts (or any lack of courage, passion or initiative) that we were smart enough to develop as children and that helped us when we were younger may no longer be something we need to carry. Is this energetic still working for us?

Talk about it. Write it down. Actually read the book that comes to your attention now.

Full Moon in Sagittarius | a higher ground with a clearer focus, what is worth reaching for, opening up, having faith

Swing by Kleemass

This post is mostly from the weekly HERE - see Tuesday - with the signs added at the end. xo

Today we have the Gemini Sun opposing the Sagittarius Moon at 8 degrees - giving us our annual Full Moon in Sagittarius. 

The Moon will trine the North Node (in Leo) and the Sun will be trining the South Node (in Aquarius). The Sun is also inconjunct (rock and hard place) Saturn in Capricorn.

Full Moons brings things to light, to a conclusion or point of fullness. Full Moons are emotional.

The Gemini/Aquarius energy will be finishing something up or bringing something to a fullness via conversations, information, communications, choices, decisions. The Sagittarius/Leo energy will be launching us forward (think of the Sagittarian archer's arrow here) via our beliefs, truth, wisdom, bigger opportunities, travel, stepping outside comfort zones, exploration, education. This would all be a very smooth transition, except for the Sun's inconjunct to Saturn - that obstacle/limit that must be addressed.

With Saturn in play we want to be sure we are taking seriously what we are doing now and taking responsibility for where we are heading with whatever we have going on. Sagittarius likes shortcuts, but Saturn is not allowing any corner-cutting.

We OPEN OUR MINDS (Full Moon in Sagittarius) to a higher ground with a clearer FOCUS and at the same time welcome the choices and changing attentions of Gemini.

We OPEN OUR HEARTS (North Node in Leo) to the creation of what we are here to bring into the world and at the same time release the detachment and distractions of Aquarius.

With Chiron in Aries we have a Grand Fire Trine formed with the Sagittarius Moon and North Node in Leo. Fire burns away the bullshit - and we have the North and South node in air signs to fan the flames - so that truth/wisdom/whatever we are stretching here (Sag) can HEAL (Chiron). The Moon is conjunct the fixed star Antares connected by astrologers who study the fixed stars to Jupiter (ruler of this Full Moon and currently retrograde in Scorpio) and Mars (co-ruler of Scorpio) - speaking of bravery and passion but also possible carelessness creating damage. We might want to pull back a bit from anything that feels too risky now.

The Full Moon's aspects are also forming a Mystic Rectangle. A Mystic Rectangle is two oppositions (Moon/Sun and North Node/South Node) supported by multiple smooth sextiles and trines. Expansion, sudden challenges, too much/too soon, over-the-top emotions whatever this is if it touches our chart - there are multiple beneficial energies helping us make this all work out smoothly.

This is excellent energy for artists and creatives to reach for something else, to work with something/someone foreign, to learn something new, to stretch.We attract what we want and need by optimistically embracing potential now. We don't have to know how this is all going to turn out, we know there will be adventure here - if we embrace what we do with an adventurous heart.

Remember the energies we are working with - we are working with the Leo/Aquarius polarity - something we have talked about alot over the last year.

Leo (naturally ruled by the Sun) is asking us to step onto the center stage of our own life - to shine. Leo is that noble lion; generous and heart-centered. At the same time Aquarius is asking us to work for the best outcome for everyone, to stay humble.

We are asked to release the idea that for us to win - someone else has to lose. This isn't true. We are asked to release the idea that if someone else looks like they have won, that we have lost. That isn't true either.

And of course, we are working with the Sagittarius/Gemini polarity.

Sagittarius is a fun-loving sign that rules travel, freedom, adventure, legal stuff, higher education, good luck, faith, religion, prayer, optimism, problem solving, truth seekers, boldly going where no man has gone before, the quest -

it also rules carelessness, taking shortcuts, thinking we are right, making assumptions, throwing pink paint on problems and hoping they will go away, overconfidence, impatience and superficial fluff.

Sagittarius is a mutable sign. The mutable signs prepare us for the change into the next season. We put on the sweater. We put away the sweater. We adjust.

Mutable signs are service signs and Sagittarius is in service through the exploration of Truth - this could be legal truth or political truth but its most especially spiritual truth - its highest purpose is enlightenment and expanding what is known.

The lower level energies rule religious wars, legal battles and political bullshit.

A few hours after the Moon is full, Mercury moves home to Gemini (thru June 12th) - a sign she/he RULES. Information speeds up. Travel, especially local travel, speeds up. People are more talkative. We get more mentally busy. We could be dealing with more sibling and transportation/local environment issues over the next couple weeks. We put our thoughts into words.

With Mercury ruling the Sun and changing signs on the day of the Full Moon it is especially likely for some information to come in this week that brings to light or to some conclusion/culmination our Full Moon agenda and/or our Leo North Node agenda (that thing our heart wants).

Here is a forecast by sign with my usual caveats.

Check your Sun and Rising Sign - take what is helpful and disregard the rest.

Note that because I am writing this using whole signs and am not looking at your chart , where just because you have Aries rising does NOT actually mean you have Sagittarius ruling your 9th house, although it most likely is - for example - things may never totally connect with your life. I hope something helps though.

ARIES/Aries Rising (Sagittarius 9th house) this Full Moon is happening in your 9th house of travel, higher education, weddings, politics, legal issues, the media, publishing, foreigners, everything outside your comfort zone, exploration, your beliefs and higher thinking. Something within these themes comes to light, a conclusion or a culmination point now. With Chiron in your sign (and Uranus outta there!) and trining both the Full Moon and the North Node in Leo - just being yourself should start to feel pretty good right about now Aries. Saturn is inconjuncting the Sun from your 10th house of  - your career, your calling, your achievements, your achievement goals, dad, business, authority, responsibility - and Mercury moves into your 3rd house (communication, choices, information) at the time of the Moon - communications regarding limits, time constraints, structural issues, requirements, security issues at work/with goals and responsibilities could be something you are forced to deal with. The released brakes can help you gain momentum (and attention!) for your creativity - whatever your North Node in Leo is looking to "birth" - take that stuff seriously now Aries.

TAURUS/Taurus Rising (Sagittarius 8th house) this Full Moon is happening in your 8th house of other people's resources, other people's values, intimacy, other people's money, spouse's income, loans, debts, taxes, inheritance, sex, reproduction. Something within these themes comes to light, a conclusion or a culmination point now. Money could flow in or out now. Saturn points out your 9th house limit/responsibility - travel, higher education, relocation, weddings, politics, legal issues, the media, publishing, foreigners, everything outside your comfort zone, exploration, your beliefs and higher thinking via a conversation or more information. With Mercury's move into Gemini (and trine to Mars in your career house!) at the time of the Full Moon it could be a good time to think/talk about your finances, ask for a raise, raise your prices and create movement toward making more money. Uranus is just starting to get comfortable - in his own uncomfortable way - in your sign Taurus, the sky is going to be the limit for you, you just need to relax your grip!

GEMINI/ Gemini Rising (Sagittarius 7th house) this Full Moon is happening in your 7th house of partners and partnership (romantic/business). Something within these themes comes to light - likely through a conversation or additional information, a conclusion (ending) or a peak culmination point now. With the Sun in Gemini and Mercury coming home to Gemini on the day of the Full Moon plus the trine to brave and passionate Aries - the time is ripe for your voice to be heard, especially regarding partnership matters. Saturn points out your 8th house responsibility- a debt, shared resources, intimacy - via some kind of limit. Partnership imbalances and the stuff that needs to be said out loud - in particular anything started or given wings around the Sagittarius New Moon last December - could be given legs now via a former commitment.

CANCER/Cancer Rising (Sagittarius 6th house) this Full Moon is happening in your 6th house of day-to-day activities, your routine, work, co-workers, pets and your health. Something within these themes comes to light - likely via a conversation or additional information - a conclusion or a culmination point now. Saturn points out your 7th house responsibility - partners and partnerships. With Mercury moving into your 12th house of secrets, dreams and what is happening behind the scenes - conversations (especially within partnerships - romantic or business) could revolve around things you have put away (want to put behind you) or don't want to talk about. Watch you don't shoot yourself in the foot by telling/or withholding too much. Venus in your sign Cancer is trining Jupiter and Neptune this week and we are all heading home to the North Node in your sign lovely Cancer. If you are thinking you have to do everything on your own - this is going to change BIG TIME.

LEO/Leo Rising (Sagittarius 5th house) this Full Moon is happening in your 5th house of creative projects, your self-expression, what you give birth to, children, romance and recreation. Something within these themes comes to light - likely via a conversation or additional information - a conclusion or a culmination point now. The trine to the North Node in your sign offers a way forward that connects with your heart and will make you proud of what you have to show off. Mercury is trining Mars from your 11th house of the collective - your friendships, groups, causes, the internet, the public, the goals that bring you into relationship with other people, your advancement, technology - connecting you via conversations and additional information with what you need within these themes. Saturn points out your 6th house responsibility that can't be bypassed - your daily responsibilities, routine, commitments, health, etc. Uranus has moved into the top of your chart Leo - so much about how the world sees YOU is about to change - and probably more than once!

VIRGO/Virgo Rising (Sagittarius 4th house) this Full Moon is happening in your 4th house of home, family, your roots, mother, mothering, your ancestry, real estate or a home business. Something within these themes comes to light - likely via a conversation or additional information - a conclusion or a culmination point now. Are you moving or renovating Virgo? Maybe it is time for an important conversation with a female relative that will bring something to a conclusion and turn over a fresh leaf now. Saturn points out the importance of your 5th house responsibility - maybe to a child or creative project. Mercury moves into your 10th house of career and trines "get it done" Mars - you take action, make the call, write the email, do what you have to do to move things forward in a visible way. The trines to the North and South Node tell us you are ready to release any self-sabotaging tendencies and transform that day-to-day activities, your routine, work, co-workers, pets or health situation BIG TIME.

LIBRA/Libra Rising (Sagittarius 3rd house) this Full Moon is happening in your 3rd house of communication, information, writing, siblings, transportation or your local neighborhood. Something within these themes comes to light - likely via a conversation or additional information - a conclusion or a culmination point now. A decision is made. Saturn points out the importance of your 4th house responsibility - maybe with a home, family, your roots, mother, mothering, your ancestry, real estate or a home business situation. You know what is most important to you. Target what matters Libra. With your ruling sign Venus at the top of your chart and about to trine Jupiter and Neptune this week - maybe new life is breathed into something you thought was dead in the water. Your talents, skills and resources are going to be put to use, over the next few years, in a whole new way!

SCORPIO/Scorpio Rising (Sagittarius 2nd house) this Full Moon is happening in your 2nd house of your money, your values, your resources and self-esteem. Something within these themes comes to light - likely via a conversation or additional information - a conclusion or a culmination point now. Saturn points out the importance of your 3rd house responsibility - some information needs to come out, a conversation needs to be had likely involving an 8th house issue - other people's resources, other people's values, intimacy, other people's money, spouse's income, loans, debts, taxes, inheritance, sex, reproduction. This can't be avoided. Get on top of a budget or money making plan now. The trine to the North Node in your 10th house of career offers a positive connection between what you do in the world and your bank account, but you need to be willing to release the ways your financial maneuverings, likely based on familial limits and childhood/past life learnings, actually work against you. Your old vision of your career/public image is being blown to dust, but you might not know this yet. Much will be worked through this summer Scorpio as everything slows down to a simmer.

SAGITTARIUS/Sagittarius Rising (Sagittarius 1st house) - this is YOUR FULL MOON Sagittarius and you only get one every year, so enjoy it. Whatever you have been working on since last December's New Moon in Sagittarius, could come together now! With so much happening in Gemini, your partnership house - this Full Moon tells of a conversation or additional information - a conclusion or a culmination point within a relationship. Trining the North Node in Leo, your 9th house of - travel, higher education, weddings, relocation, politics, legal issues, the media, publishing, foreigners, everything outside your comfort zone, exploration, your beliefs and higher thinking - something here is rip for forward movement. Saturn will be pointing out the importance of a 2nd house responsibility though, maybe financial. Maybe your partner is thinking bigger than you are - how is it possible for anyone to think bigger than a Sag? Saturn will get what Saturn wants here, but you might have to be a little more flexible.

CAPRICORN/Capricorn Rising (Sagittarius 12th house) this Full Moon is happening in your 12th house of what is hidden or put away or done behind the scenes, secrets, the ethereal realms, imagination, hospitals, spirituality, addiction, healing. Something within these themes comes to light - likely via a conversation or additional information - a conclusion or a culmination point now. With other energies converging in your 6th house it could be a health or work issue - something you didn't know about or didn't want others to know about - will come out of the shadows. That trine to the North Node in your 8th house tells us the exposure could actually increase your intimacy with other people or other people's resources. Let forgiveness and surrender be your buzzwords Cappy! Saturn points out the importance of your 1st house responsibility - to yourself! Mercury's move into your 6th house could make you busy as a bee Gemini, possibly increase your workload or creating an emphasis on getting yourself more and better health information or talking to the right people. With Mars preparing to backtrack over your money house at the same time Uranus is waking up your 5th house of creative projects there could be something you previously put away that should be pulled back out now Cappy, if you want life to "show you the money". Time to re-work and re-imagine it!

AQUARIUS/Aquarius Rising (Sagittarius 11th house) this Full Moon is happening in your 11th house of the collective - your friendships, groups, causes, the internet, the public, the goals that bring you into relationship with other people, your advancement, technology. Something within these themes comes to light - likely via a conversation or additional information - a conclusion or a culmination point now. An important collaboration or something done on the internet could come together now! Saturn points out the importance of your 12th house responsibility- some situation that is hidden or put away or done behind the scenes, secrets, the ethereal realms, imagination, hospitals, spirituality, addiction, healing, any self-sabotaging tendency to shove something under the bed - something here that can't be ignored now. So don't ignore it. The next two and a half months are going to bring two eclipses across your sign Aquarius, I know you don't like change so much, but your beliefs about what is possible for your life are going to be upended water bearer.

PISCES/Pisces Rising (Sagittarius 10th house) the Full Moon is happening in your 10th house of your career, your calling, your achievements, your achievement goals, dad, business, authority, responsibility. Something within these themes comes to light - likely via a conversation or additional information - a conclusion or a culmination point now. Hopefully a goal from the Sagittarius New Moon in December is reached. Saturn points out the importance of your 11th house responsibility - maybe the goals that bring you into connection with other people or maybe something about your reputation (?) via an authority figure or limited option. With Mercury moving into your 4th house of home and family there could be a family situation that gets energized now. Your career house and home/family are the spaces of greatest growth for you now Pisces. By the time Jupiter, the planet of luck and expansion, moves to the top of your chart next November you will have enough water under these bridges to know precisely what you want and what you need to do!

xo all - make sure you get out and walk in the Full Moon!!

Please excuse any typos here - this day totally got away from me and I am not going to be able to double check the post - not that double - or triple checking - has stopped me from having typos before!

Astrology Forecast for Creatives | Week of May 28th - the power of positivity and focus, opening our mind, following our heart, when that thing in our way is the way, brakes come off all over the place, stop pushing, where luck meets love meets imagination

Archer by vylcans
The big aspects this week are:

TUESDAY - Full Moon in Sagittarius, Mercury moves home to Gemini
FRIDAY - Mercury trines Mars, Venus trines Jupiter
SATURDAY - Venus trines Neptune, Mercury inconjunct Saturn
SUNDAY - Mercury sextiles the Nodes

Here are the Void Moons in the week ahead, since we have some long ones again now that Uranus is in Taurus - Monday 1:25PM EDT - 6:29PM EDT, Wednesday 2:26AM EDT - midnight, Thursday 12:00AM EDT - 5:27AM EDT, Friday 11:37PM EDT - midnight and Saturday 12:00AM EDT – 6:06PM EDT.

On MONDAY - we start the day (Memorial Day in the U.S.) with the Scorpio Moon opposing Mercury in Taurus. Communications could be focused and intent. There could be arguments and misunderstandings. Let's get things done early because the Moon will go void from 1:25PM EDT until 6:39PM EDT when she moves into "big-picture" Sagittarius making us more optimistic over the next couple days. Avoid getting too preachy and over-doing things tonight.

On TUESDAY - at 10:19AM EDT the Gemini Sun will oppose the Sagittarius Moon at 8 degrees - giving us our annual Full Moon in Sagittarius. The Moon will trine the North Node (in Leo) and the Sun will be trining the South Node (in Aquarius). The Sun is also inconjunct (rock and hard place) Saturn in Capricorn.

Full Moons brings things to light or to a conclusion.

The Gemini/Aquarius energy will be finishing something up or bringing something to a fullness via conversations, information, communications, choices, decisions. The Sagittarius/Leo energy will be launching us forward (think of the Sagittarian archer's arrow here) via our beliefs, truth, wisdom, bigger opportunities, travel, stepping outside comfort zones, exploration, education. This could all be rather a smooth transition, except for the Sun's inconjunct to Saturn - that obstacle/limit that must be addressed. With Saturn in play we want to be sure we are taking seriously what we are doing now and taking responsibility for where we are heading with whatever we have going on. Sagittarius likes shortcuts, but Saturn is not allowing any corner-cutting. If Saturn is limiting our choices now, know with the tie-in to the Nodes of Fate, we can trust whatever is happening is unfurling in its own time.

We OPEN OUR MINDS (Full Moon in Sagittarius) to a higher ground with a clearer FOCUS and at the same time welcome the choices and changing attentions of Gemini. 

We OPEN OUR HEARTS (North Node in Leo) to the creation of what we are here to bring into the world and at the same time release the detachment and distractions of Aquarius.

With Chiron in Aries we have a Grand Fire Trine formed with the Sagittarius Moon and North Node in Leo. Fire burns away the bullshit - and we have the North and South node in air signs to fan the flames - so that truth/wisdom/whatever we are stretching here (Sag) can HEAL (Chiron). The Moon is conjunct the fixed star Antares connected by astrologers who study the fixed stars to Jupiter (ruler of this Full Moon and currently retrograde in Scorpio) and Mars (co-ruler of Scorpio) - speaking of bravery and passion but also possible carelessness creating damage. We can certainly pull back a bit from anything that feels too risky now.

The Full Moon's aspects are also forming a Mystic Rectangle. A Mystic Rectangle is two oppositions (Moon/Sun and North Node/South Node) supported by multiple smooth sextiles and trines. Expansion, sudden challenges, too much/too soon, over-the-top emotions whatever this is if it touches our chart - there are multiple beneficial energies helping us make this all work out smoothly.

What to do? Focus.

This is excellent energy for artists and creatives to reach for something else, to work with something/someone foreign, to learn something new, to stretch. 

We attract what we want and need by optimistically embracing potential now. We don't have to know how this is all going to turn out, we know there will be adventure here - if we embrace what we do with an adventurous heart.

Remember the energies we are working with  - we are working with the Leo/Aquarius polarity - something we have talked about alot over the last year.

Leo (naturally ruled by the Sun) is asking us to step onto the center stage of our own life - to shine. Leo is that noble lion; generous and heart-centered. At the same time Aquarius is asking us to work for the best outcome for everyone, to stay humble.

We are asked to release the idea that for us to win - someone else has to lose. This isn't true. We are asked to release the idea that if someone else looks like they have won, that we have lost. That isn't true either.

We are working with the Sagittarius/Gemini polarity.

Sagittarius is a fun-loving sign that rules travel, freedom, adventure, legal stuff, higher education, good luck, faith, religion, prayer, optimism, problem solving, truth seekers, boldly going where no man has gone before, the quest  -

it also rules carelessness, taking shortcuts, thinking we are right, making assumptions, throwing pink paint on problems and hoping they will go away, overconfidence, impatience and superficial fluff.

Sagittarius is a mutable sign. The mutable signs prepare us for the change into the next season. We put on the sweater. We put away the sweater. We adjust.

Mutable signs are service signs and Sagittarius is in service through the exploration of Truth - this could be legal truth or political truth but its most especially spiritual truth - its highest purpose is enlightenment and expanding what is known.

The lower level energies rule religious wars, legal battles and political bullshit.

I will get up a Full Moon post by sign over the next couple days, so we can see what houses this is hitting for all of us!

At 7:49PM EDT, Mercury moves into Gemini (thru June 12th) - a sign she/he RULES. Information speeds up. Travel, especially local travel, speeds up. People are more talkative. We get more mentally busy. We could be dealing with more sibling and transportation/local environment issues over the next couple weeks. We put our thoughts into words.

With Mercury ruling the Sun and changing signs on the day of the Full Moon it is especially likely for some information to come in this week that brings to light or to some conclusion/culmination our Full Moon agenda and/or our Leo North Node agenda (that thing our heart wants).

On WEDNESDAY - the Moon will square Neptune in the middle of the night and then go void for the ENTIRE DAY. A long void after that Neptune square would NOT be a good time to make an important decision. There could be a fine line between optimism and stupid, wishful thinking and we will be too likely to cross it. Don't start anything. Don't buy anything or buy into anything that requires any kind of commitment now. Observer mode is best today. Kick back. Take a long nap.

On THURSDAY - the Moon enters stable Capricorn concentrating us on Capricorn issues for the next couple days - our goals, responsibilities, work, career. The Moon will trine Uranus early in the day so there could be some ease with Taurus stuff - money matters, our resources and values. We should be able to roll with the changes. Then the Moon moves on to conjunct Saturn at 8:53PM EDT - the energy slows down. Maybe we are getting serious about those Capricorn security/authority issues.

On THURSDAY, FRIDAY AND SATURDAY we have a glorious Grand Water Trine involving Jupiter, Venus and Neptune as Venus joins the Jupiter/Neptune party started last week.

This is a smooth flow of expansion, luck, beauty, love and imagination. This can bring healing and increased intimacy.

There is always the possibility to take something too far here because there isn't much stopping these energies! Our addictions, compulsions could go off the rails and Neptune tends to idealize everything anyway. Keep those things in mind. We will talk about this more later in the week.

Also on FRIDAY, Mercury, freshly minted in her home sign of Gemini, is going to trine Mars (in Aquarius) - this could be a new idea we can take action on. We could have to make a fast decision or make a quick move.

Back later with the Full Moon post and then later in the week with more on that Grand Water Trine and the weekend.

This looks like mostly a mellow week. Keep in mind those LONG Void Moons if you have important events happening or things you are kicking out into the world and need support with (during Void Moons there won't be any!).

xo all

With all the trines this week whatever we have going on shouldn't be some super complicated thing where twenty things have to fall into place for us to get what we want. Our next right step should feel natural. There should be an ease here. If we are pushing we are doing it wrong. The Saturn obstacle/responsibility is going to need to be addressed though.

Jupiter trine Neptune, Pluto trine Mercury | slippery slopes, healing energy, news, what have we been neglecting, meditation, release

untitled by oprisco

Let's start with the Jupiter/Neptune because this is a repeating aspect this year. Astrology is the study of patterns and archetypes, repeating aspects should have our attention.

These two planets are trining each other on December 2, 2017 at 11 degrees, today at 16 degrees (with Neptune exactly on my natal Jupiter and exactly squaring my natal Neptune) and finally on August 19th at 15 degrees.

The brakes are off between our Scorpio (Jupiter) and Pisces (Neptune) natal houses. What are their themes in your natal chart?

In my chart this is happening between my 1st and 4th houses - so this would be my physical body (and I am sick) and my home/family/roots (where I have alot going on and my plumbing is leaking in multiple places - so appropriate, and I wouldn't be surprised if the ancestors of that thousand ant colony that walked into my kitchen last year make an appearance).

Jupiter stretches our boundaries and then Neptune dissolves them. 

This can be a very good thing where we fall right into something WONDERFUL

or something like quicksand and we are very quickly submerged, all depending on what we have going on in our life and how closely this is hitting our planets/points.

This is excellent healing energy. This is excellent "dream come true" energy. We are manifesting through our emotions now.

With Jupiter in Scorpio though we just need to be sure this is a positive dream and not an obsession/addiction because it could be hard to see the difference now. 

We can more easily connect with collective consciousness. This is excellent energy for meditation - to take care of ourselves. With Uranus in Taurus now - our health (especially our self-esteem) really will be our wealth.

Connect with nature. Get into water.

If you have someone in your life prone to addiction, this is tricky energy for that - reach out to them now - connection heals addiction. Our own addictions/escapisms could become more visible.

If we have to push we are moving against the currents today. Let it be. The "no limits" comes through faith now. Trust.

Jupiter and Neptune are going to trine benefic Venus late next week - something with that home/family/security situation is going to slide into place. Is this a good thing?

We might find ourselves getting (once again) what we don't want. 

Trines are closed circuits - the brakes are released, yes, but only between two (or three next week with the Grand Trine) specific points. 

This one is in water (Scorpio/Pisces) so we are dealing with our emotional/intuitive energy. 

If the loop is healthy, with Jupiter/Neptune, it will expand in healthy ways, and we will feel that. 

If it's unhealthy we will feel that, too. The trine allows us the uncomfortable gift of unraveling something and letting it GO.

(I am feeling sick and "full" and so is my home/family right now and this is happening on multiple levels - it is not a coincidence I have been obsessing on and did the 'help a family member when my help wasn't requested' thing I used to do, but thought I had stopped doing and caught this bug doing it - the "savior" complex I use to keep myself separated from other people and create situations where I get to "lose" and get to "avoid" my own stuff at the same time - yippee me - plus I have been needing to move for YEARS - I think this house is sick of me)

Trines remove roadblocks. If the roadblock IS the problem, then great, things improve. Things slide into place. If the roadblock has been holding the problem at bay - things might appear to grow worse, but really it is a closed loop and we can only deal with what is already in here.

While we have the trine energy, working to remove the block - forgiveness, compassion, etc -  is VERY helpful, especially knowing we have that Grand Water Trine with beneficial Venus approaching!

We also have Mercury (in stable Taurus) trining Pluto (in stable Capricorn).

If the Mercury energy is hitting your chart there will be news/communications/decisions made involving goals/career/authority issues. 

There could also be a dealing with a woman or about love, money or beauty themes likely tied to the home, real estate, renovation, family, parent, security issue - look for a turning point.

If something about our material life has been neglected - we don't balance the books and bounce a check now, etc - we will know about it. We are required to deal with this. This is another trine - brakes off - another closed loop. Although it might look like something is coming from outside of us really we are only dealing with what we have already put in here.

And with Venus building toward her opposition to Saturn - exact tomorrow - we can tell alot about our lives, and about ourselves, by what we have, and don't have, going on right now.

xo all

today's energy is powerful manifestation energy - our words and our emotions/intuition connecting us to collective consciousness, to fate - even if you do not meditate regularly today would be a good day for something like this - anything that feels like CLEARING THE SLATE is helpful, too.

Grand Air Trine | use your words

more than wanted by muszka

Today, we have the Sun trining the Moon (Gemini/Libra) and the Sun trining Mars (Gemini/Aquarius) and the Moon trining Mars (Libra/Aquarius). That's alot of released brakes in air signs making this a good time to do what air signs do best -

communicate, ask questions, gather information, think things through, plan, detach, network, be CURIOUS, connect with other people, write it down, listen, send the email, get the word out, WORK THINGS OUT between people using our words.

Air wants to move - the information needs to come out

Get busy!

Trines are so smooth we might not even notice the things that are falling into place, but something is. With Mars involved some action/passion on our part will be required.

Venus is starting to move into her square with Saturn, so this is probably not about us getting everything we want ... at least not just yet. Saturn is presenting a limit, a responsibility, an authority figure - with Venus in Cancer - this could be about a home, family, safety, security, home business, real estate, renovation, parental/mother matter.

Alot of the activity now is connecting us back to whatever it was we committed to in January and what we do with the energy now will help determine what we have to work with in August. Right now Venus and Mars are like two people between a rock and a hard place. Come August they will be brakes off, too. But we have to take some action now, make some decision about WHAT WE WANT so we can make use of the energy that slides into place then.

And yes, there is a whole lot of road between May and August. We will travel it together people!

We have only a few more months with the North Node - our way forward - in heart-centered Leo. If we still don't know what we want it is likely to become very clear to us.

Also keep in mind Mars is walking degrees he (as we) is going to walk again while retrograde and then a third time moving forward. The stuff that we have going on now, the stuff we are DOING, matters because we will be going back over it. I will do a post by sign about Mars upcoming retrograde in Aquarius because it is going to be important.

We are going to have seven planets (including Chiron) retrograde at the same time this summer - to say things are NOT going to be full steam ahead would be putting it mildly.

For now, keep your attention on what is working. 

xo all

Jupiter opposite Mercury, Sun trine Mars | is there an answer here somewhere? when mental stuff is making us mental, we know what to do or will by the end of the week or maybe I just think we know what to do, trust seuss

The Wine Box by xBassxHarmingx

Today we have Mercury (communications, information, ideas, the metaphorical trees), at 16 degrees Taurus, opposing Jupiter (expansion, the metaphorical forest, sometimes luck), retrograde at 16 degrees Scorpio.

This could be a time of greater optimism and greater confidence. Maybe we are thinking (Mercury) big (Jupiter). We could feel more social. Our words more enthusiastic (and less practical).

Our ideas bigger and bolder now ...

maybe bigger than our wallets, our resources, the time we have available.

Because remember this is an opposition.

We are looking at the trees, but the forest is pressing in on us, too. Or we are looking at the forest and a tree branch hits us in the eye. We might have misinterpreted something because we have been glossing over the facts and now here they are and we can't not see them. We could have over-promised and now that is biting us in the butt. We could easily over-promise now.

We (or someone else) could be all talk and no action.

Mars in "let's just over-think this whole damn thing" and/or "I know it all" Aquarius won't be much help. Mars could be procrastinating here or just as likely, and just as unwisely, pushing forward ANYWAY.

Reality can be challenging now - we are just a day or two past the first quarter square from that big New Moon and we have moved into Gemini season. Options are in-flux, but to keep looking for more and more information will just make us more a part of a world gone completely mad with data.

We know what we know. What we know is enough.

(I sound a bit like Seuss somehow, don't I?)

It's time to adjust. 

And with Mercury in Taurus - what we own - we could be talking about important stuff now.

Of course, with Jupiter doing his retrograde thing in deep, dark Scorpio - if we have been focused like a laser beam and working on narrowing our sh*t down, the best use of those energies, this could be the time we make a decision, have one of Oprah's "aha" moments. AHA!

The temptation to expand too much or share too much or promise too much or think too much or say too much or SIGN OUR LIFE AWAY would be tempered by Scorpio's narrowing of Jupiter's lens. I hope for your sake, you have been down there with the pen light I suggested weeks ago and not a big old spotlight like I have, not often being one to take my own advice.

The more focused we have been the more this energy will be expansive and helpful. We can see the forest through the trees now.

More good news (or news to make us even more over-the-top) the Gemini Sun is trining (brakes off) Mars (in Aquarius).

Maybe here is the part where we know (Mercury) what we are doing (Mars).

The opposition to Jupiter makes me a bit wary of saying this because I could be exaggerating the importance of the trine and ignoring the opposition!

I don't have any answers because I have been wielding the spotlight folks. I see too much. If that is you, drill down to the stuff at the bottom of the pile. It will be the uncomfortable stuff you don't want to look at. Like the bill you forgot about that is now DUE and covered up with the junk mail. Also Pluto has been sitting on my Mercury for months. It is hard for me to write good news even when the news might be good. Might. Keep this in mind.

Also Mercury is going to trine Pluto (in serious as a heart-attack) Capricorn - so take whatever you are saying/thinking/SIGNING seriously now. 

xo all

The Moon is void today from 10:55AM EDT until midnight ...there is more about today's energies in the weekly HERE - check Wednesday

Astrology Forecast for Creatives | Week of May 21st - information, communications, commitments, dreams get bigger, a slippery slope, the BIG thing with all the strings attached

Hazy Farewell by Natalia Drepina

OK - here we go!

On MONDAY the Leo Moon is void all day until her move into Virgo at 10:03PM EDT. Not a day to start anything or to launch anything into the world you would like "something to come of".

With the Moon in Virgo for the next couple days we will be more detail oriented, cautious, dotting our i's and crossing our t's. Add that to the Sun's move into Gemini yesterday and we know we are likely to be busy. We will be talking to people. We will be running around. Maybe feeling rushed and having to do two things at once. If we feel scattered be sure to drill down into the facts - prioritize.

We could be busy with communications, paperwork, organization, health and pet issues. Within about 30 minutes of entering Virgo, the Moon will trine (brakes off) Uranus, freshly minted in Taurus. This could have us focusing on new ways to make the most practical use of our resources. Uranus will be pushing us to think/work outside the box with whatever we have going on.

Also Pallas moves into Cancer today joining Venus.

Pallas (feminine wisdom, courage, strategy) in Cancer is smart and caring. If something related to family or home needs defending, we will respond. Keep in mind, so will other people, this energy is universally available. Joining Venus (love, money, resources, values, self-esteem, beauty, women) - smart strategies that make us feel safe and secure would move Venusian issues forward now.

On TUESDAY the Moon (in Virgo) will sextile (opportunity) Venus (in Cancer) when we wake up. This should be good energy to get along with other people. The only thing stopping the day from getting started on a good note would be if the Sun in Gemini/Moon in Virgo - both answering to monkey-mind Mercury has had us up all night.

The Moon trines Saturn at 12:19PM EDT - we will feel best if we are working, being responsible and taking care of business today.

Late Tuesday night the Moon moves on to sextile dreamy Neptune (in Pisces). This is good for creative writing, making music or art. Our mind will want to drift and not focus on the details.

On WEDNESDAY the Moon is void from 10:55AM EDT until midnight when she moves into balanced and diplomatic Libra. This would not be a good day to launch anything you want something to come of since the Moon isn't working with any other planet.

Mercury (in stable Taurus) will oppose Jupiter (retrograde in Scorpio). This actually starts Tuesday night. People will be talking about money/resources/intimacy issues. Some of the talk might be over-the-top or we could just really want to have our say. With Jupiter retrograde and drilling down into Scorpio we could be intensively focused on some information/communications. We need to keep our eye on what is right in front of us now. On what we already have/what we already know.

At the end of the week Mercury is going to trine Pluto (retrograde in Capricorn), so it looks like whatever we are dealing with on Wednesday will move forward/get solidified on Friday. Whatever this is, the trine to Capricorn tells us to TAKE IT SERIOUSLY.

Also on Wednesday the Sun (in Gemini) trines (brakes off) Mars (in Aquarius). Here is where we move forward with what we know. We send the email. We have the future-focused conversation. There could be an answer, a result, new information or something REVEALED now that will drive our action.

We could be feeling confident and ambitious - keep that Void Moon in mind though.

On THURSDAY the Libra Moon is part of a Grand Trine along with the Sun (in Gemini) and Mars (in Aquarius). Excellent for ambitious thinking and planning, intellectual curiosity, detachment and calm - especially around communications and information and social engagement. There could be some tense stuff in the late afternoon especially around security/financial issues.

On FRIDAY we have both the Mercury trine Pluto we talked about on Wednesday AND we have a retrograde Jupiter (in Scorpio) trining Neptune - for the second time (of three!).  

This is an aspect of generosity and optimism - it is also the slippery slope your mama warned you about.

This is one of the BIG recurring aspects of 2018 - we had the first one back on December 2nd (and yes, I realize that was 2017!) then today and the final trine will be on August 29th.

Jupiter stretches our boundaries and then Neptune dissolves them. 

This can be a very good thing like we fall right into something wonderful or something like quicksand where we can't escape depending on what we have going on in our life and how closely this is hitting our planets/points.

This is excellent healing energy. This is excellent "dream come true" energy. With Jupiter in Scorpio though we just need to be sure this is a dream and not an obsession/compulsion/addiction because it could be hard to see the difference.

Both healthy and unhealthy stuff could expand now. I would toss a CAUTION yellow light at you with this one. Is whatever is expanding good for you, too?

If the Mercury energy is hitting your chart there will be news/communications/decisions made involving goals/career/authority issues. There could also be a dealing with a woman or about love, money or beauty themes likely tied to the home, real estate, renovation, family, parent, security issue - look for a turning point.

On SATURDAY, Venus (in Cancer) opposes a retrograde Saturn (in Capricorn). Maybe we hear/say a "no", maybe from an authority figure. We could be up against time or financial limits.

What we can and can't have will be clearly defined.

Even if we are able to get what we want now there will be certain responsibilities/commitments that will come along with it. We can't have our cake and eat it, too. But there might still be cake. Maybe chocolate.

I will write some dailies!

xo all