Today's Astrology Forecast | Wednesday, June 24, 2020 - something unexpected, the potential for tantrums and turnarounds, all day Void Moon, focus on children/creative projects, have some fun

The Moon in Leo went void while we slept (1:34AM EDT) off a square to Uranus.

A disruption/surprise (maybe good, maybe challenging). Unexpected emotions. If we are taking a risk with something now, the outcome cannot be predicted.

The Moon in Leo (as us) wants attention, and/or someone wants ours!

This is a good aspect for working with creative/future leaning ideas/projects, but direct action, especially putting something/or ourselves into the spotlight could be risky or just premature. Childish displays are possible. A blow to our pride could come out of nowhere.

On the other hand, we could get some unexpected downtime/time to play!

Either way, the Moon will be void until tomorrow - so this would not be the time to launch anything into the world we want something to come of. Practiced, routine work is best. Otherwise we could find ourselves having to do things all over again once the Moon is direct. Play. Work on creative projects. Focus on children. Light romance. The Leo Moon supports bringing some fun into whatever we are doing.

Heads up at 2:47AM EDT tonight, Venus, finishes up her 40 days and 40 night is the wilderness and stations direct.

Financial/relationship issues will start to move forward.

More in the weekly HERE.

xo all

artwork by the amazing borda

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