the astrology of 2025 | general trends and overview of 2025 part II - Saturn and Jupiter, the middle planets, change signs - growth and luck come through our homes and roots, responsibilities that come in before we are ready for them

new moon in capricorn | december 30th, 2024 - serious starts, building on what has gone before, sober plans for the future, creative opportunities and turning points, the tiny things that create big and life-changing results

weekly astrology forecast | december 30th, 2024 to January 5th, 2025 - new energy for our careers and goals, Mars Pluto opposition is back bringing stand offs, power struggles, explosive peaks and endings

weekly astrology forecast | december 23rd, 2024 - December 28th, 2024 - merry christmas week as our first cappy season in 16 years without pluto kicks off!

My internet has been off and on for days, driving us nuts and backing me up. 

We have just entered Capricorn season and celebrated the Winter Solstice for the first time in 16 years without Pluto, so that's DIFFERENT! 

Let's jump right in! 

What is with all these testing squares this week?! I wish this astro looked better for us, but we do have a Moon/Sun sextile on Christmas from Scorpio, so deep, reflective, connecting energy ... and, your chart could look, and feel, better than these collective transits. 

MONDAY - Sun square the Nodes

TUESDAY - Jupiter squares Saturn


THURSDAY - Mercury opposes Jupiter

FRIDAY - Mercury squares Saturn

SATURDAY - Venus squares Uranus

SUNDAY - Chiron stations direct (19)

MONDAY - the Sun in Cappy reaches 2 degrees and squares the North Node in Aries and South Node in Libra giving us a Cardinal T-Square with a Cappy apex. This might signal, for some people, an issue with rules/limits/authority/career that creates a crossroad/pivot point where we are pulling back into something more balanced or collaborative or moving on into something more independent. The best bet here would be to lean toward your Aries house and the more courageous/independent action. 

On TUESDAY - FRIDAY - let's bump all this stuff together as it is surely all connected and I could be bumped offline at any moment. Jupiter retrograde reaches 14 degrees Gemini and squares Saturn in Pisces. This is a repeating aspect and one of the major aspects of 2024. Mercury (news/information) then opposes Jupiter and squares Saturn - more repeats, endings, challenges that push us toward action. 

The Jupiter/Saturn square is the 2nd of three Jupiter/Saturn squares that bridge 2024 and 2025. This is expansion vs contraction. The first square happened back on August 19th, 2024 and the final square will be on June 15th, 2025 when this three-peat will finish up with Jupiter in Cancer and Saturn in Aries, so whatever this ongoing storyline is for all of us, the wrap-up/finish is pulled into and will come through different spaces in our lives.

For now, the square this week connects back to the middle of August.

August 19th was the day of the Democratic National Convention here in the U.S. and part of the big Full Moon in Aquarius, so I would expect to hear some Harris or Democratic party news this week. The August Full Moon was big for all the U.S. politicians and Israel/Netanyahu. 

The Jupiter/Saturn square this time around pulls in Mercury, so is about the NEWS and INFORMATION. Mercury squares can bring tech and transportation events and situations. With Mercury in Sagittarius, we are collectively dealing with things like politics, legal situations, foreign people and situations, travel, publishing. Jupiter/Zeus/the King could speak of news/restrictions about a world leader. Bill Clinton's chart is highlighted now and with the Democratic party having kind of imploded since its high-flying days of the convention, and with the Clintons certainly being the 'old guard' of the disintegrating party, his current health scare could be serious. The Jupiter/Saturn square in June pulls in the Sun/king, so again looks like trouble for leaders, that one maybe even double-trouble. Collectively the Saturn squares with Saturn in confusing Pisces speak of hidden agendas, illness, secrets, past-life unfinished business, stuff we don't see coming or stuff that is done behind our back. Weather/water can impact plans. Addictions and escapes can come to a head/create tension/frustration.

On CHRISTMAS EVE we have a lovely Moon in Libra trining Venus in the early morning hours EST and then a void Moon for the REST OF THE DAY. Best for socializing, drifting, dreaming. CHRISTMAS DAY the Moon moves into deep Scorpio and squares Pluto and Mars early which might speak of some AM tension, but by lunchtime EST Luna moves into a smooth/opportunistic aspect with the Sun. The day could be intense, but also deep and connecting. 

SATURDAY - now, Venus, at 23 degrees Aquarius squares Uranus retrograde in Taurus. This is unexpected circumstances with groups, tech, love, money, women. Squares speak of tension/frustration/the need for some kind of action. People could feel rebellious/will not want to be fenced in. This is the energy of - break-ups, breakdowns, tense breakthroughs. These planets are in mutual reception - Venus in Uranus's sign and Uranus in Venus's sign - so this doesn't look as challenging as it might be - there is good to be had here by doing something different/new/unexpected. 

SUNDAY - Chiron stations direct at 19 degrees Aries. Nineteen has been a hot degree in 2024. Now, as Chiron moves forward - we are moving on from a wounding/hurt/vulnerability. This doesn't mean the wound is healed, but we are learning to live with it/be with it/work with it. Health situations can turn around. Turnarounds and progress can be even more dramatic when Mars himself - ruler of Aries - turns around in February.

xo all - back with the NJ drone stuff, which I have found some interesting info and then we will take this week and next week when I am slow to look deeply into 2025! 

I hope everyone has a wonderful holiday!!! 

the astrology of luigi mangione and brian thompson | the united healthcare ceo murder - intense connections, death, delusion, revolution, asteroids toro, hybris and hidalgo, the past becomes the present and the future reaches back to us to start a conversation, start a fire, speak about things we don't see coming

weekly astrology forecast | december 16th to december 22nd, 2024 - a mixed bag kind of week with the best aspect in astrology tossed in

Full Moon in Gemini | December 15th, 2024 - a message of completion, seeing double, second chances, rain-making, the need to allow things to be revealed and not imagine that we already know, more info and more talk probably won't help, forward movement and a change of direction or change of mind quickly approaching

weekly astrology forecast | december 9th to december 15th, 2024 - full moon in gemini, disagreements, endings, beginnings, mercury stations direct, all roads lead to next week's good luck with love and money

mars retrograde in leo 2024 - 2025 | part IV - changes of heart, life changing re-directions of purpose, power struggles, the king goes home, changing the way we seek attention and appreciation, the birthing pains of the new aquarius world are felt as we go back to go forward

On Friday, December 6th, 2024, Mars stationed retrograde at 6 degrees Leo. Mars has been here for a couple days and will sit at 6 degrees Leo for about another week before beginning to backtrack.

Mars makes the longest and least frequent retrogrades of all the personal planets. 

He will get all the way back to 17 degrees Cancer, when on February 23rd, 2025, Mars will station direct. He (as we) will then REPEAT 17 degrees Cancer to 6 degrees Leo, moving forward this time, until April 18th, when Mars reaches 7 degrees Leo and this whole cycle is over.

People with planets and points near 0-6 degrees of the fixed signs and 17-29 degrees of the cardinal signs will feel this retrograde strongest, but all of us will be impacted. 

Some people will have complete changes of heart and life changing re-directions of PURPOSE during this cycle. 

We've talked about Mars in Cancer's lengthy part of this story HERE, HERE and HERE. Now, let's talk about Mars re-treat into LEO - the December chapter of the Mars retrograde story - and what this might look like. 

Leo is the sign of the King/the ego, ruled by the Sun. The Sun is our life force/what keeps us ALIVE. Mars is about action, our passion, our anger, masculine energy. This retrograde is a big flipping deal. And starting exact on the North Node of Fate of the United States - fate is surely pulling the United States backward before we can move forward.

(the Leo portion of this retrograde runs back and forth over Biden's Pluto - very tight, Trump's Pluto, Vance's Sun, King Charles' ascendant, Israel's Moon)

As Mars backs into early Leo, he will get closer and closer to his REPEATING opposition to Pluto in Aquarius. 

We had the first Mars opposite Pluto at the election here in the United States - they were at the end of Capricorn and in a gnarly T-square to Juno. The next opposition - likely, again, to show up as a POWER STRUGGLE - will be on January 3rd from Leo/Aquarius. Mars will be retrograde.

For now, Mars (as us) re-treats in some way. 

For some people this might just show up as making different choices of action during the holiday season. More re-flection/nostalgia. Projects hitting roadblocks and delays and re-visions due to the upcoming holidays or other people's holiday plans, etc, seem almost par for the course this time of year. Some of the energy of Mars journey from Leo - our center stage/life force - to Cancer (home, roots), will be used in just doing the December holidays. 

But there is a bigger story here, because Mars doesn't move from Leo into Cancer during a normal course of events. And, although this retrograde is more about the Mars in Cancer part (Mars is just getting started in Leo when he turns around and he will spend most of the retrograde in Cancer), there is a reason Mars gets into Leo. A reason he/we need to be pulling that Leo part of our life back into the Cancer part of our life. 

The day after Mars stations retrograde, Neptune will station direct. Now Neptune is on a straight course from Pisces (where he has been since 2011) to Aries. 

Neptune's time in Aries will be a sneak-peak of the new Neptune energy because Neptune will return to Pisces at some point, and with the 'sneak-peak' happening with Mars (the ruler of Aries) retrograde - there is almost certainly some kind of pull to the past with this one, too. Recycled imaginings. Recycled dreams. Recycled addictions and mental issues. Stay frosty. Don't over-invest in anything just yet. We have to be careful that the recycled thing-a-ma-jig is actually recycled into something else. Because, in the end, only the NEW stuff is going to survive this harsh winter. Maybe applying lessons we have learned in the past to current circumstances is the best use of these days, and not actually going back to something, if you see what I mean. People's situations and use of this energy will vary.

Mars' retrogrades always creates a certain degree of PRESSURE because Mars, at his best, wants to go-go-go and now there is some reason that he (as we) just can't. Try to build a little leeway into your December calendar. 

Mars in Leo is about heart-centered action (royal action/we go after what we want) - the things we do that get us appreciation and attention and there is something about this 'way of action' that is wanting to be RE-INVENTED now. Leo is the sign of royalty. Kings go back to their roots. Kings go home. Kings turn around. Our Leo house AND our natal Sun placement is where we carry our own crown. The Sun/king doesn't go retrograde. The Sun/king doesn't get to turn around. Mars retrograde in Leo is the closest thing we ever get to a solar re-do. 

Let's say, for example, you are a Leo rising (Leo is the sign on the cusp of your 1st house). This Mars retrograde journey has Mars travel through your 12th Cancer house - past life maternal stories, your maternal inheritance that sometimes you might be blind to because it is behind you/you can't see it, the reasons that are behind the way you mother others/nurture yourself, your story with food and sustenance. Then Mars goes into your first house - your physical body, your heart centered self/maybe your actual physical heart. Then Mars turns around and heads back into your 12th house Cancer - something here was MISSED.

I have a family member who is a Leo rising. 

She is a Taurus Sun and when Jupiter met up with the Sun and Uranus in 2024 they were EXACT on her natal Sun and her MC (top of her chart). She had recently been voted President of her child's school's PTA after several years of being home with him - and having never served on the PTA before. She had also recently sold her parents' old house (her mother had died a couple years before) and received a sizeable inheritance - the house had not been selling. As soon as Jupiter entered Taurus (her Sun sign) a bunch of beneficial - if she stretched for them and she did - things started happening FOR HER. Things started lining up. Her Sun was preparing to meet Jupiter. This unexpected luck would be long-lasting, in some ways forever because 22 degrees Taurus would remain HOT for her (and all of us to a lesser extent), but, most strongly until Jupiter meets the Sun again which won't be until next summer (that one will not really be impacting her). So, she has this kind of 'protection' going on with her Sun for a good long time. So, summer comes and the transiting Sun enters Leo - goes into her first house of herself. 

Now here is where I back up to say this woman was born with a hole in her heart (our hearts are ruled by the Sun/Leo). She did not know about this hole and found this out during the birth of her actual SON several years ago. The doctors told her the hole was too small to worry about and gave her medication to thin her blood (blood I would either give to Leo/Sun since Leo/the Sun rules the heart or Aries/Mars). But now, her SON is 7 years old and she had started to feel a bit more out-of-breath and her intuition (Pisces North Node) and concern for her child (she is an older mom and wants to, of course, be here as long as she possibly can, Cancer 12th house with her Leo Moon in that 12th house, so motherhood being a thing she does 'last/late' and having a connection to her heart - Leo) were pushing her to take greater 'action' - at this point Mars was in Gemini catching up with Jupiter. She found another doctor who would do surgery to close the hole in her heart. 

To cut to the chase here - she has the surgery with Mars in Cancer (making his first pass, setting up the retrograde), the doctor is stunned to find the hole in her heart is more than double the size they were expecting it to be - the Jupiter- expansion/Sun-heart/Uranus-surprise from months before! 

The surgery goes well and now she is dealing with the healing which has had its ups and downs. Mars in Leo - the first house of her physical self and her heart - turning around. So, now Mars (action/blood) is backtracking and her 'heart' story will, too, in some way. Revisions with meds, etc - as it moves back into her 12th house Cancer in 2025. Her SON healed the metaphysical 'hole in her heart' she came in with (that 12th house Cancer/12th house Moon in Leo - royal story around children/motherhood that brought her in with that hole in the first place) and now it is through the SUN's journey that the physical 'hole in her heart' gets healed. And, I will add she had a past royal life where she marries a wealthy man and his daughters - who are around her age - do not accept her. She also has two sisters in this life - and I should say her family is kind of a local 'royalty' now - who had daughters that she helped raise when she was younger. Life is crazy magic folks. We are always in the middle of things as we work and re-work very OLD STORIES. 

Now, not everyone will have a chapter this tangible about the Leo to Cancer journey of late 2024 and early 2025, but we all have SOMETHING. 

Many people will have something BIG. 

I didn't get this up earlier in the week and I want to move onto writing the weekly today, so we will have to finish this up in Part II as we look at the collective and some other things I wanted to get to about this. 

Let me get to the week ahead. Venus will move into an opposition with Mars this week, so stirring things up .... that post is next.

xo all

please excuse any typos or nonsense ..

weekly astrology forecast | December 2nd, 2024 to December 8th, 2024 - new love or money or purchases, the obstacle, a visit with the king, changes of direction and focus, things that feel big, intense attractions, mars turns around and kicks off the beginning of the end of 2024

new moon in sagittarius | december 1st, 2024 - a fiery start that takes us backwards, obstacle right out of the gate, cultivating patience and faith, a need for confidence, genuine guidance available, maybe something about how far we are willing to go for our partner or for a partnership

weekly astrology forecast | november 25th, 2024 to november 30th, 2024 - mercury retrograde begins, new moon in sagittarius, powerful grand fire trine is pulling us into the future, stay optimistic, have courage, get some marshmallows

weekly astrology forecast | November 18th to November 24th, 2024 - healing words, time to unclench tired fists and jaws, following our heart and our passion, 2025 a year loaded with fits and starts in some ways begins this week

Full Moon in Taurus | November 15th, 2024 - shocking/#notshocking results and endings, second chances on steroids, for some - painful circumstances create opportunities and for others - old wounds are healed by positive events, lots of changes ahead

weekly astrology forecast | November 11th to 17th, 2024 - women get down to business, no one wants to hear what anyone else is saying, the boys can't win if the girls lose and vice versa, jarring fresh starts and conclusions

the astrology of the united states election | part IV - trump wins fast and big, needs to be careful of his personal safety, can harris still become president without a win, much to come before inauguration day

the astrology of Wednesday, November 6th, 2024 - the sober bird gets the worm, bold words and news that pulls us forward, pay attention

the astrology of the united states election 2024 | part III - jupiter (the united states) can't decide, unexpected changes rock both candidates mid-month

new moon in scorpio | November 1st, 2024 - transformative competition, powerful endings, potent energy for commitments, intense beginnings that bring authority and stability over time

the astrology of the united states 2024 election | part II - kamala harris, juno, hopi, the karma of America's roots and maybe the part where 'kill all the buffalo to kill all the indians' and the trail of tears comes back around to be healed

this weekend's astrology | October 26th-27th, 2024 - a mixed bag, keep things practical, focus on what you can handle, maybe lessen your expectations

the astrology of the united states 2024 election | part I - trump, vance and the united states - the part about the sun god apollo, the son phaeton's wild ride and grandpa zeus the king of the gods

weekly astrology forecast | October 21st to 27th, 2024 - power struggles, secrets can come out, intense feelings and deep conversations, limits create focus

the astrology of the Full Moon in Aries | October 17th, 2024 - the one that's going to hurt, the gods speak through thunder and demand the world be brought back into balance, changes of fortune, keeping the faith

weekly astrology forecast | october 14th to 20th, 2024 - time to keep a cool head, changes of fortune, relationship and contractual tangles and endings, and, for some, deep connections and intimate expansions

Mars into Cancer 2024-2025 | the war comes home - part III - questioning the old bargains, all roads lead to november 3rd plus some U.S. politics

mars in cancer until spring 2025 | the war comes home - part II - checking in on our own knee-jerk reactions so we don't burn ourselves or the house down trying to protect it

weekly astrology forecast | october 7th to 13th, 2024 | some goodies have been delivered but christmas does not come early, rocks and hard places, here is the ending/the death that was postponed, might be the week when all hell breaks loose for about 6 months but probably that is next week

the astrology of the solar eclipse new moon in libra | part II - releasing old relationship contracts, the actions we take to feel safe, the season of the witch comes early

weekly astrology forecast | September 30th to october 6th, 2024 - results, revelations, relationship drama, big final solar eclipse in libra closes a door and opens a window

Solar Eclipse New Moon in Libra | part 1 - big endings, the challenge of finding safety within our relationships, working through the shame of dependency, historical confusion, wet weather, salacious headlines

weekly astrology forecast | september 23rd to 29th, 2024 - the winds blow, the conversations flow, the idea-communication-information evolves, perspective is everything this week

Lunar Eclipse Full Moon in Pisces | a preview of 2025 - 2026, allowing the things that are falling apart or away to fall apart or away ...

weekly astrology forecast | september 16th to 22nd, 2024 - lunar eclipse in pisces that jumps the shark, big fated endings and results, surrender, losses that bring freedom and empowerment

weekly astrology forecast | september 9th to 15th, 2024 - the blessings before the fated changes, love and luck, a beautiful week ahead for many with something for everyone

the astrology of the New Moon in Virgo | September 2, 2024 - fresh starts with our health and daily routine, the sober endings of illusions, self-sabotage and escape, time for a clean sweep

weekly astrology forecast | September 1st - September 8th, 2024 - the changes change, a fresh start geared toward getting healthier and more organized, more surprises or details about an old surprise

weekend astrology forecast | August 23rd - 25th, 2024 - a very healing and very Mercury weekend, a comfortable and comforting start and then expect lots of talk and information and sibling stuff and local community and tech and transport stuff and going here and there

the astrology of the Full Moon in Aquarius | part VI - august 19th, 2024 - sudden endings, headless chickens, results and consequences, tests of faith, not getting everything you want, moving into the future ready or not